in this video tutorial we're going to review how to make a noun plural the plural form of the noun is usually spelled different from the singular form we have mainly three rules how to make a noun which is singular to plural the first rule is when a noun ends in the bowel to make a plural we add an S for instance libro to make a plural we add an S libros mesa to make a plural we are an S mrs. the second rule when a noun ends in consonant we are es to make a plural for example papel to make a plural we are yes Papa less suited and in consonant D to make a plural we are es ciudades and the last rule when a noun ends in Z the Z change to see and then we are yes for instance lapiz and in Z the Z change to see and then we are ears lapis lapis --is nerese Maris's loose loses that's the way we make a noun plural from singular to plural in Spanish and like English the articles before plural nouns and adjectives that describe pronouncements also be plural so we have to make sure the agreement is in the article in the noun and also in the adjective Norah tiene una s-- plural farda's plural nuevas plural works agreement