Transcript for:
Overview of Course Orientation and Structure

Hello, everyone. I thought I would make just a real quick video just to kind of orient you to this course and what you should expect as we go through the modules over the next 10 weeks. So many of you may have already opened up the modules. You may have already looked through them. So that's really good.

And so I just want to kind of go over some key things because I don't want to spend a lot of time in class going over, you know, course expectations, etc. So make sure that you download the syllabus, read through the syllabus, look through the modules. You'll see I will be uploading the PowerPoint for your class on Monday or Wednesday if you're in the Wednesday group.

under module one and then module two, which is the cardiovascular system. I've already uploaded my video lecture as well as PowerPoint and stuff. So I'm just going to orient you really quick to the canvas shell and to this course. So in this course, you're going to be learning about the normal physiologic changes that occurs in older adults.

and some real common pathophysiologic changes that you might see as a result of the normal physiologic changes that occur. I won't be going in depth about disease processes, since you will be getting that content when you enroll in Dr. White's class next quarter. So this quarter, this course is just laying down the foundations of what normal looks like with some pathophysiologic.

And then next quarter, quarter, Dr. White's going to go really in depth on the pathophysiologic changes. So for instance, this quarter, you're going to learn about normal cardiovascular changes and how that could lead to a fib that could lead to congestive heart failure. I'm not going to really go into that.

I'm going to talk briefly about that and why that happens. But that's all I'm going to do pretty much. And then next quarter, when you're in Dr. White's class, she's going to go more in depth about it.

AFib and how that impacts other systems in the body, as well as the physiologic changes that occur in older adult and why older adults are at a higher risk for developing heart failure. Okay, so how is this course laid out? So for every module, you're going to have a video lecture, you must watch these video lectures prior to coming to class.

Almost every module is going to have a video lecture that is either done by me or there are video lecture modules that you may be required to do and most of those almost all of them are about a half hour except for one which is an when you get to the polypharmacy and a module there is one module that's an hour long and then there's another module that's about a half hour um And so most of my lectures, I like cardiovascular is about an hour and a half lecture. So you just want to make sure that you allot. And for most of my video lectures, I put in my Canvas shell how long that lecture is so that you can kind of plan accordingly.

You know, I would highly recommend that you download the PowerPoint as well as I also provided a vocabulary. So you may want to pull that and download that as well, because that might help you when I use certain words and you're kind of like, oh, I haven't learned about that yet or I don't know what that word means. So that might help with the lecture as well. There are in most of the modules are also other videos that you may need to watch. So make sure you do all of this prep work.

prior to coming to class. As far as reading goes, we have the mock book, and you'll find that in the mock book, each of the chapters are not actually very long. What the students found is that sometimes mock didn't give enough of an explanation as to what was going on, and so they really didn't know. So, you know, they would read the chapters, but they didn't really understand because mock doesn't really go really in depth.

So my recommendation is if you just watch my video lecture and you do like those video lecture modules and watch all of the other videos that I might have in each Canvas shell or any additional readings, that's really where you're going to get most of your information. I personally would just use mock as a supplemental meaning. that if there's something that I said in the video lecture and you're like, oh, I didn't really understand what she said there, you can actually go to the mock book and the mock might give you a little bit more information. So, you know, some people like to read a textbook.

And so if that's helpful for you to like skim through the textbook first before listening to my video lecture, you know, obviously, you know. go ahead and do that. For some of the chapters, I've actually included guided reading questions to kind of help guide you like what is the most salient points that you need to get out of each chapter.

But again, you know, what I everyone studies differently, and everyone has different learning needs. So I have tried to provide you with all kinds of resources to help you learn the material in whatever way works the best for you. But don't feel like you have to absolutely read each of those chapters and mock. Okay, the other thing that I'm going to be using this year is what's called Engage IL. And I'm going to see if I can pull it up.

Let's see in it. Um. I'll show it to you when I kind of do a walk through each of the modules.

So Engage IL modules are, there's several of those learning modules that you're going to be doing over the course of these 10 weeks. And for a lot of those modules, I may or may not do a video lecture. Some of the modules, that's all you're going to get are the Engage IL modules. There will be no lectures coming from me.

So what you're going to want to do is you actually need to register for this and then you'll access the modules. And then once you're finished doing the video modules, then you will download a certificate of completion and then you'll upload that into your assignment. What I love about these video lectures is that they have questions that are embedded throughout the video lecture. You do have to work through.

each of the video questions and actually work through the video lecture in order for them to mark that you have completed the requirements before you'll get a certificate. So I will go over that in a minute when I will kind of walk you and give you a tour. I do have some really short knowledge checks in almost all of the modules. They're done in Microsoft. forms, then that way I don't have to worry about an assignment in your Canvas shell, which then just makes grading kind of crazy.

These are not required, but I highly encourage you to do it because one of the points that you get for this course is participation points. It's worth 10% of your grade. So I'm looking at who are actually, you know, participating and doing these knowledge checks is a way of participating. I'm also looking at how much effort that you're putting into these forms, because some of them are multiple choice.

Some of them are short answers. And so, you know, are you really engaged in the learning? So, again, they're very short.

None of them are more than 10 questions. And in fact, most of them are only about five questions long. And you can do those at any time.

OK, so you will have one paper to write me at 75. And then you will also have a group presentation that you're going to be doing at the end of quarter, week 10. You're going to be making a video recording of a healthy tips topic. And I will, I've got some healthy tips, topics to choose from. And we will do that on the first day of class. So. you might want to start kind of thinking about who you might want to be in a group with.

And then you will pick a healthy tips topic. And then that's what you're going to be working on. So week 10, you're going to do a video of your presentation, and then we're going to upload it into a discussion board. And then, then other of your peers in your courses are going to do a peer review of your presentation. So I will go over that a little bit more.

in class. But those are two, you know, big, you know, sort of big projects that are going to be due in addition to, you know, your readings and exams. Okay.

So in class, as we mentioned during your orientation, we use COLDS experiential learning, again, which means you've got to do that prep work. So SBCTC, which is the, you know, who governs community colleges in the state of Washington, has outlined a guideline for every one credit. You should be spending two to three hours outside of class preparing. So for a two credit class.

you know that can be you know anywhere from four to six hours that you should be spending prepping for your class work so what I will be doing is once you've done all of the prep work watch the videos and all that what what we will be doing almost every single week is working on the case study and we're going to work through that case study so that you can learn you and apply the knowledge that you learned in the video lecture into a case scenario. I'll also have some multiple choice questions, some short response questions. And so you will get a pretty good feel for what your exams are going to look like, as well as what your final exam is going to look like.

So your final exam is going to be pretty much similar to what we're going to be doing every week. And so what you will find is that you know, you're going to need to understand the concepts within each of the modules. Memorization, my recommendation is do not use flashcards.

Flashcards is not going to help you in this course. You have to understand concepts. So if you're not understanding something while we're in class, it's going to be really important that you ask questions.

And if you're still not understanding it and you need additional help. And then please make an appointment with me so that we can, you know, so that I can go over it because it's going to be really critical that you understand concepts. So memorization is not going to be helpful.

So, again, most of your exams can be taken in exam soft. And as I mentioned, all of your exams are going to be case study based with questions that relate to the case study. And so.

The case studies on the exam will most likely be done on a different topic than the one you did in class. So be sure to understand the concepts for each module. OK, so I will start each class answering questions, clarifying anything that you may not have understood in the lecture video or anything that seems a little muddy to you. I'll probably even start the class with just a few questions just to kind of get your.

brain moving. And then we'll go right into the case study. So pretty much the whole two hours is going to be spent working in groups, going over the case study, and then coming back together as a class to go over the case study and then answer and review the questions that pertain to that case study and going over the answers. I will be pulling from content that is taught either as your prereq from one of your other classes or classes that you're taking this quarter. So for instance, I am going to take a lot of physical assessment concepts from your N144 class, as well as a lot of concepts from Professor Engel's class.

And so we all have been working together. And so I, you know, I know what's being taught in those classes. So you know, we're going to be applying sometimes my information may come even before that. before that content is even covered in any of your other classes. So at least you're going to hear it.

And then when they talk about it, it might, again, help. And it might also help you ask some questions for it. You're also going to find that in the case study, I may go over concepts that you're going to feel like, oh, my God, am I supposed to know that information?

And some of it is no. I'm giving you that information so that you can hear it and not necessarily do you have to know it. And so I will tell you when those times are, you know, where, you know, like you don't have to know it. I just, you know, am telling you about it so that, again, when you learn more about these concepts, either in Dr. White's class or in your MedSearch1 or MedSearch2 class, or if you see it in clinical. especially winter quarter, it's not going to be so foreign to you.

You're going to go, oh yeah, I remember hearing about that. I remember learning about that. So again, You know, the way that you gain knowledge is to have information that is scaffolded over time, because the more you hear it, then that muscle memory in your brain tends to retain it versus just hearing it one time and then expecting to know it.

That doesn't work very well. So muscle memory is the key. So again, I will, you know, let you know, that's something that you need to know.

for my class, or if it's just one of those things that I'm going to tell you about, because you're going to hear about it again later. Okay. So again, I can't emphasize enough. If you're struggling with exams or any content from the lecture or in-class activities, you need to make sure that you make an appointment with me so that we can go over that. I can meet either via Zoom or I can meet during office hours.

The problem is, is that I, on Mondays, I am booked. all from nine o'clock in the morning to six o'clock at night, sometimes before, sometimes after. Tuesdays, I'm doing clinicals all day. Wednesday, I have some time usually.

And then Thursday, I'm in clinicals all day. And so Friday is another day. And I know that you guys are kind of your schedules are just kind of weird because you're all over the place.

So so don't, you know, feel like you have to come to my office if that doesn't work. for you, then we can definitely do it by Zoom. So make sure that you reach out to me. If anybody in this class has any accommodations from Disability Services, make sure that you touch base with me so that, you know, we can figure out the best way to meet those accommodations.

Disability Services usually sends me an email stating that a student has disability accommodations, but... You know, sometimes it just gets lost or they forget to send it. So I just want to make sure that if you do have disability accommodations that you, you know, that we make sure that we, you know, accommodate whatever your learning needs are to help you be successful.

Again, so what's the theme here? What is the key to success in this course? You got to do the prep work before coming to class.

You got to ask questions and you got to get help from me if you're struggling with concepts. Again, do not make flashcards to study. It's not going to work.

Let's see. Again, I already talked about your final. Some other things that you will find in my Canvas modules are provided you with lots and lots of tools like the CATS ADL or the IADL or the frailty assessment tool or the depression assessment for geriatric patients or an anxiety tool or fall risk assessment tool. There's lots and lots of tools that are in your canvas shell. I don't need you to memorize details of those tools, but what you might be asked in class is, class or on an exam is you may be given a case scenario where I may ask, you know, what additional assessment tools might be helpful in helping you figure out what's going on with this patient.

So you kind of have to know like, what's, what's the difference between a CATS ADL versus an IADL, you know, should I do a frailty assessment on this patient? Should I do a fall risk assessment? Like, you know, what assessment should I use to kind of help me gather more data?

So, again, you don't have to know details. You just need to know what those tools are measuring or assessing for. OK, that one might be OK to put on a, you know, as a flash card.

So, and then again, this course is really geared towards normal, but. And I will be putting an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention, more so than on management, okay, other than from a health promotion disease prevention standpoint. Okay, so I'm going to open up one of my Canvas courses so that I can just kind of go through it with you so that you can kind of get oriented to the Canvas course.

Okay. Let me see. Okay, so here's the Canvas course.

So you will see under module zero, I do have your syllabus. uploaded. Please, if you notice any discrepancy from what's in the syllabus and what's on your canvas, please make sure you bring that to my attention. I tried to catch all of the changes that I made. But if for some reason something's like, oh, wait, your syllabus and your canvas isn't matching, please reach out to me.

The other thing that I have created is course at a glance calendar. And again, I really tried. Let me see if I can get this to.

pop up so that we can preview it. I really try to include each week the module that and what topic we're going to do and then what assignment is due for each of those week and when you would expect to see an exam. So again, this is pretty accurate.

But you know, I'm a human, I can make mistakes. So make sure you know that you're double checking, but I've double checked it a couple times. So this should be okay.

And so you'll see that your first exam will be during week six, and it's going to cover modules two through four. I've also included things like, you know, bring your drug book. We do have three Monday or Wednesday non-class days. So the first one will be on Columbus Day.

So 1014. So because our Monday class isn't going to have a class, our Wednesday group is not going to have a class as well. So there will be no class on 1014 for the Monday group, 1016 for the Wednesday group. So but you still have a module that you need to do. So this would be a really great time to, you know, use that time to get caught up.

During this week, there is a video lecture that I will be doing on GIGU and Reno. And then there is an Engage IL video lecture module for you to complete on nutrition in the older adult. And you can see here that I've got some test your knowledge.

Now, I don't have a test your knowledge for every system because some of these Engage ILs have really good questions embedded throughout. So, um... And those are, you know, sufficient.

But I may add some. So just, you know, kind of keep your eyes out for those knowledge assessments. If you find them really helpful, let me know. And I'll even, you know, I'll I'll add those to the modules that I don't have them currently. So you have a holiday here.

Eleven, eleven. is another holiday in 1113. And then 1125 and 1127 is Thanksgiving weekend. I think this one is a non-student day because we do a community luncheon that day. So the whole college is pretty much shuts down. So again, you're still going to have, you know, class stuff, but in this week, I'm pretty sure I don't have a video lecture.

It's mainly going to be on the Engage IL video lectures for you to do. And then the very last week, which is module 10, is going to be our health information tip presentation, and then some peer review that you're going to need to do. And we'll talk more about class for this. Oh, wait, there is no class this week.

Sorry. So no class this week, because this is on Thanksgiving weekend. So week 11, which is 12-2 and 12-4.

What I was planning on doing was saving that week to do a review for your final exam. Your final exam is a cumulative final exam. So it's going to cover weeks one through 10, including what is in your health promotion videos.

I'm going to pull some questions from those videos. So, you know, make sure that you know what's in the videos. So. So review for your final exam.

I was going to do that the week of 12-2 and 12-4. And then the following week, somewhere between 12-9 and 12-12 will be your final exam. And so that schedule has not come out yet.

So we'll need to figure out when we're going to be doing finals because we try to space them out so that you guys don't get overwhelmed with a bunch of exams. Okay, so another thing that I've included, which I highly, highly recommend that you download, and you'll probably get this in some other courses, but common medications to know and common labs to know. This is a really good thing, especially as we work through our case studies, because I am going to have medications and labs on them. And so to be able to just go look it up really quick, to be just a real quick, okay, so what does this medication do?

And we'll be helpful. So I personally would have you, I would recommend downloading these and bringing these to class every week. Okay, so I'm going to go to module one.

So this is, oops, I don't want to, oh yeah, we'll go here. So I will post your PowerPoint later in the week. Again, there's some articles to read. You know, there's some other, you know, some assessment tools, again, that you should be looking at. I do have a couple of real short videos.

I really encourage you to watch the What Matters one because we're going to be using that throughout the quarter. You may want to download some of these to kind of help you. And so here, here's a test your knowledge. And I think this one actually takes us to straight to the quiz on canvas.

And then the process of aging module. So this one's not going to be due if you're a Monday group until the 27th. Or is this?

Yeah. OK, so here you're going to go to engage registration. Let's see. I'm actually going to take you. So I'm just going to click on this module and you can see.

So what you will do is so once you register, which is a really simple registration, you will see over here. where you can access the module. And then once you're finished with the module, you'll need to do an evaluation because it's after the evaluation that you will get your certificate.

Okay, and they won't let you do the evaluation if you did not completely go through the modules. So it gives you here, it tells you that it takes about 30 minutes to do this module. Anybody who needs continuing education, These do offer continuing education. What I really like here is that they do have some handouts where you can actually print the slides that they are using for this, for these modules.

They also provide you with some resources and references. And again, continuing education, if any of you guys need continuing education. And then here's some, you know, the learning objectives for that. And so again, once you click on and once you're finished with the module, this is where you want to go here to click on the evaluation so that you can do the evaluation.

We all imagine our golden years to be joyful, filled with family, and to have a relaxing and full retirement. That is the module. for this particular one, but all of your Engage IL, this is where you will find it. And as you can see, it's truly a video lecture with questions throughout. Okay, so you want to do that one.

I'm going to stop sharing and then reshare because sometimes when I move from screen to screen, it doesn't show. Okay, so I'm going to go back here and I'm going to take you to module two. So this is where we're going to start working on the systems. So here's the cardiovascular system. You'll see the objectives.

Again, some readings to do. Here is my lecture. Again, it's about an hour and a half. I include my PowerPoint. I include a vocabulary list.

And there's some reading that you might want to look at. for sure read about orthostatic hypotension assessment in the older adult, because this is very common and it's an assessment that we should do on every patient all of the time in our older adult. I have some other ones, again, just look at it. You don't really have to know, you know, it's just, you know, what's in there. The frailty assessment tool is another one important to know, kind of like, you know, what does this assessment tool do?

And then here is a test your knowledge. You can either click on the link and it'll take you straight to the word. For some of you that like to do your assessments on your phone or, you know, if you're out doing something and you just want to do a real quick assessment, I gave you a QR code so that you can access it there.

OK, so this is pretty much how every one of my systems is going to be set up. And then I will, in class, I will provide you with the case study that we're going to be using to apply the knowledge that you learn in each of the modules. Okay, so I hope that kind of gives you an introduction to this course and what to expect.

I know a lot of... preparing for a lot of people. It's a mental, like you just kind of need to know, okay, so how's this course set up? How does it fit into the workload of all of my other classes?

And so, you know, hopefully this will kind of give you an idea before we actually start class on Monday. So again, just kind of go through the modules. And then if you have any questions, concerns, you know, make sure, you know, you bring it up in class next Monday. we will begin week one.

So okay, that is it. So I'll see you guys all next Monday and really look forward to beginning this journey with you guys. So see you next week.