my hello and welcome to this webinar about credit management in dynamics 365 for finance operations or finance at school these days my name is finn and um i'm the presenter for today from x academy the webinar is about 45 minutes and luck has it that the webinar is called top new features for spring 2020 there's so many things in this webinar uh in these features that 45 minutes is not enough for all the features and it's certainly not enough to go into the details thanks for joining i hope you stay around for the full 45 minutes and we've got some special things for you extra resources and some offers at the end before we actually get started i'd like you to give a few thoughts about a poll that we're going to do i really like to know how many of you have been working with the credit management credit limits in dynamics 365 and who would also know about the sales water holes so i'm going to pull a poll up for you and i hope you'll spend just 10 seconds to answer this please in the meantime i will just continue with uh the presentation and uh during the webinar i'll keep an eye on um on the chat we also got with me today i've got allison and annie i'll help to see if we can actually answer some of the questions in here so please give us your questions about the topics in here i can't promise you we're going to answer that we are a lot of people today but we will try to do our best and all the things that we cover plus quite a few more are covered in a new on-demand course for creative management coming out in just about a week so uh alison could you please bring out the poll and then we'll see how many people would be answering those short questions in here and in the meantime i'll just move on with the presentation so the title of this is credit management dynamic 365 finance operations top new features for sprint switches 20 actually some of these ones were brought around in 2019 and to be honest i don't think all the features up yet they do work as they were planned but more about that that's wrong in this the promise was we'll do credit limits we'll have a look at broken rules and risk assessments we'll have a look at the functionality for hold and release orders sales orders that would be and then important how to set up and enable credit management this is inspiration it's certainly not going to be in depth our course on demand course is stipulated to be 20 hours for getting into all the functionality that does include quizzes and practices and other things as well but um there's a lot in here let's get going first i'd like to see the business failure according to microsoft docs credit management overall would proactively like that work suggests credit control acceptances and so on to make sure that we control our risk we have had some of this before but if we go through feature management and we enable credit management which was actually coming around in 2019 but a lot of features were only added just uh this april during public release if we activate this and you read the text which is on the right hand side of all the features in feature management you can see the creator management will allow you to manage the credit limits we've been able to do that before but now it's really on steroids there's so many new things with credit limits in here that it's um it's a one that we could actually do without before there's not much now we've got lots of things manual automatic and so on we also block customer orders based on rules well we've been able to do some of this before but not quite to the extent that we could do now there's a lot more things about blocking orders and release them and release them automatically depending on what's been going on and even when they've been released automatically the original document that we try to do can be updated as part of the release so we don't have to sort of okay the order has been released and we need to go back and then we do the picking list or we'll release for the warehouse so lots of things in there being added and in docs where there's a lot of good documentation about this not all the things that should be in there but there's a lot of good documentation and at the end of this webinar along with all the resources i'll show we can find more and will be in the presentation which will be distributed after this webinar as usual the credit management capabilities will include and note the world because i guess that's sort of over time the management of risk scores that's the trouble guy right now and then suggested credit limits configuration of blocking rules dynamic release of credit hold salesforce as mentioned and the credit limit management as well and also keeping the track of the credit limits that have been done when and so on now this looks good and it actually works fine just about all of it the key capabilities in there is to manage the credit limit management that's at least how i see it that's one of the two key capabilities before there's some really stupid mistakes that we could do in credit limit forever if we didn't stay at the credit limit the sky was the limit kind of unless we remember to switch on mandatory credit not so anymore now unlimited credit must be selected proactively the other big key capability to me is that we could put the orders on hold that depending on nine or rather seven plus two rows the sales orders could be put on hold as part of that process or as part of somebody editing some information on the sales order the credit limit management works everywhere with the invoicing pipeline free text invoicing and so on the credit management on salesforce of course only works on the sales force now what are the new features in here first i'd like to show you and i do have an awful lot of slides and as mentioned yes that will be distributed after the webinar i'd like to give you some heads up and then i'll show you some screenshots and after that we'll get to the live dynamics 365. sooner for later with the new features we've got additional credit information on the customer page before i think we had seven or whatever feels some useful and well some other things as well now we've got really a lot of things we also got workflow a workflow that could be controlling the approval of the credit limit changes and other things to the three new workflows we also got the possibility of having temporary credit limits and include insurance and guarantees in the credit limit control not just on the individual customer account but also on true blood and then we could assign automatic credit limits that might be a feature that you don't really know to use initially it works fine it's really kind of clever that given some conditions you would automatically assign credit limits so you don't have to think about what to do with danish canadian spanish or whatever kind of customers if they are in a country or whatever it would be you automatically assign some credit cards the customer credit groups easy to mix up with some credit management groups and i'll get back to that later on customer credit groups would allow you to control the credit limits across multiple customers across multiple legal entities or companies if you like you could use a global address book or you could leave that one alone and then we got the risk assessment based on customers like custom history or paying place or owing you a lot of money um whatever it would be that's a tricky thing and that part you're not gonna have much time to look into today for the sales of the wholes they are based on one to nine rules well seven plus two if you would ask me i'll get back to later on why i kind of insist on saying seven plus nine we can use risk as a filter in these rules in here so if we've got a risk assessment that this customer this group of customers or all customers meeting these criteria would be like this then we'll block the order or whatever continues this form once the orders are being blocked we could of course on individual order on a global global troll legal entities involved you could manage and release the orders on hold remember this could also happen automatically the first big topic is the credit limit management credit limit management before there was not much that we could do about it but first what's the terminology in here what is the credit limit but the credit limit is basically being used to stop you from updating on the customer to do confirmations to do shipments or whatever level you like to do so in order to take the most advantage of this you'll need to be able to set up this control at different steps we've been able to do that before but now we could do a lot more so basically the credit limit is just preventing you from throwing good money after bad so to speak and the customer master record the customer what has changed a lot so first i like to list some of the things that has been added trying to group them into more or less logical steps and then i'm going to show this screen the custom master record so when we are on the tab credit and collection that's much more there are new options under general general was a field group that was in here before there are also some new field groups one called total credit limit in this we have credit limit in our company currency uh monetary standard as i unfortunately still say once in a while the accounting currency and then also in the customer currency that is new some of the things that we have done until these new features have been so even though we invoiced the customer in danish corona swedish corona swiss francs whatever even the accounting currency of u.s dollars the credit limit was stated in u.s dollars not so anymore we got both we've got the credit limit in our accounts in currency and we got it in a customer currency and that means we also now got a new purpose for our exchange phase so for exchange rates we now got a new possibility in the parameters which one to use for this we've got new options about temporary credit limits and also for including insurance and guarantees so as you'll see on the screen in just a few hours when we calculate the credit limit available on an individual custom master record we got the credit limit itself all right we can override it by assigning a temporary credit limit and we could also include insurance and guarantees multiple insurances and guarantees and then set up a percentage how much is then covered if we got insurance up to 1 billion and we get 50 or whatever it is and we say well we increase the credit limit by 50 of the insurance you know the currency so we calculate the total credit limit it is the stated credit limit temporary or not plus insurance and guarantee multiplied with the percentage when we set this up sounds a little bit tricky just looking at this but once you see the screen it's fairly easy to understand the calculation at least but the inner workings takes a little bit of explanation can set up expiration dates in the temporary credit limit it would make sense to set up an expiration date when we set up temporary credit limits that cannot overlap we would also normally set up the expression date we would like to keena keep an eye on the date of the last change and maybe we'd also like to keep an eye on when to review the credit limit when we would like to review it and maybe change it to something well reliable but i think over time the customer could qualify for this credit limit but maybe uh maybe not i'll put something in the notes it's just a note field that'll be something about the status of the customer risk and more so as you could see quite a lot of extra things in here the action plane also has small the action plane and i tend to forget to have a look at when new things come now but actually there are some new things being added up here on that and also some new statistics when we have a look on the fact boxes there are two new fact boxes on the right hand side some of them or one of there's only two the credit statistics take some setup in the parameters uh the content is configured well actually it's more like how do you calculate the content you can't switch on and off the fields as such but you can set up something about how it's been calculated you can also have a fat box with insurance and guarantees in the action plane you set up the insurance and guarantees and then on the fact boxes you could see those i'd like to show you the many things that has happened on the custom master record this is a customer happens to be xcademy they don't have much credit uh in this i'd like to show you what has changed on the tab i traded and collection on the action plane on action tab and on the related information pin on the right hand side so stay tuned for a lot of things happening in very short time on the fast tab called credit and collections we got a lot of new fields i framed the ones which are new and then i had to point out there's actually one already existing but it was in the group which is by and large new so we did have credit limit before we had some of the other fields as well let's see how many new things happening one of the big things well small thing that brings big joy to me at least is that if you don't say the credit limit the credit limit is zero it was not like that before now we have to force unlimited credit limit as you can see with the slider or yes no box over here you can still write creative management so the customer is not included and then an awful lot of other things the most important thing right now to me is the total credit limit for this customer the credit limit states it is zero a customer's currency if it was different from the accounting currency in u.s manufacturing where it is us dollars it would then be calculated using an exchange rate type that we select in the parameters so yet another purpose for exchange rate types we then got calculated fields in here for insurances and currencies and those insurances and currencies we set up in the um credit management action tab where in the related information i can have one or multiple insurers and currencies that would then add up to an amount maybe 100 maybe 50 maybe for each it would be different so under insurance and guarantees you got a list of the insurance and guarantees including dates and some other kind of markers and a percentage which i would think is important so that being summarized will then bring in an amount into the insurance and currencies which will then be added on top of the credit limit being sort of a normal credit limit or any temporary credit limits assigned temporary credit limits needs to be going through kind of like a channel and that's some of the setup we'll see later on that we will need to set up a number sequence for this kind of journal-like experience whether you go through the menu or if you hit the credit limit distance up here we can adjust both the sort of a permanent credit limit or the temporary credit limits this would be the tool and it's exactly the same one whether you address it from in here with the customer or if you select it from the menu in fact it is so much the same that even if i start from in here on a customer it forgets which customer it goes about so basically i start from scratch creating similar to a journal like experience will have and then i create the lines that is the credit limit adjustment lines afterwards depending on a parameter i can edit the credit limit directly or of course if the parameter doesn't allow me i can't and then i have to go through a credit limited adjustment up here temporary credit limits always go through the credit limited distance that's the only place where i can do that and once i've done it then i can see the temporary credit limit software in the action tab in the related information but wait there's more we also got the related information on the right-hand side as usual there is new fact box credit statistics and this has been calculated based on what we set up in the parenthesis so when i set up things in the parameters it has been reflected over here with some of the text which has been displayed and of course then the actual transactions created limit and so on it's been calculated based on my setup in the parameters and there is a refresh button so if i'm having a look at that and just before i start backing up the customers tree or whatever will happen then refresh your screen and then it's nice and easy to go and once again exactly more i mentioned two new fact boxes and one is sort of it's well it's so far down i couldn't actually have it in the screenshot if it was supposed to be readable so i just brought it up and then insurance and guarantees and this would just show a short list of the things that i have on my action tab under related information in the insurance and currency so basically it's a short list so i don't have to look it up on the credit management action tab and in the insurance and guarantees there's a lot of other things in here you don't have to put everything to use immediately the things about the credit limit are the easiest ones then we got information boxes and other things too and there which of course is easy so then we've got the things about status and other things too which is perhaps with risk calculations and so on so is the credit management crew please note that the credit management group is not the same as the customer critic group the customer credit group which will come banks in just a second is the one that allows you to group customers in the same on different legal entities and calculate the credit limit in total for those not based on the individual but on the group level credit limit to start simple and then move on to do some of the other things and the most tricky things and actually in my experience not working perfectly well yet is the risk assessment the risk scores i'll come back to them the customer credit groups are for shared credit limits so what do you mean by share credit limits well first a warning there are two groups that sounds almost the same to me a lot of this is failing you and once in a while i have to admit i mix it up i mix it up ah by the way it's not like that so customer credit credit crew is one thing that's used for shared credit limits and the credit management crew is used for other things clothing social holds risk assessments and other things too so the credit management group is used for scoring scoring risk and the customer credit group is used for sharing credit limits but how does it actually work this with the sharing credit limits not quite as you might think there's no summarization of the credit limits you have a total credit limit for the crew and then you've got individual credit limits on the customers and you have to pass each of those when you want to do some updates what is the sequence now well first of all the groups are being created with one or several customers wouldn't make much sense to do it on one but with multiple same legal entity across legal entities whether without the global anticipate the credit limit check is done in two steps first for the group and then second for the individual customer an example the customer is a member of a group customer has a credit limit of 10 000. the group in which the customer is a member has a credit limit of five thousand to create new sales order for this customer it has a value of seven thousand well within the individual customers credit limit but above the group's credit limit i know it's slightly inventive example but still is a good illustration but will i'll be able to update and the answer is no the crew will be will do the control of the credit limit on the group first it's not gonna pass because the order is seven thousand and the group has five thousand doesn't matter if the customer says hey hey i got plenty of credit limit but never gets for that because it's been rejected on the group level and the sales service going to be put on hold there could be several reasons for the sales order going on hold and although it will be visible on the sales floor we don't have time to see that today it's on our on demand course being released uh soon eighth of june but that's the way it actually works so group first if it passes the group critic limit control then it moves on to the customer and then it checks again both steps must pass otherwise the cell sort of would unhook now this could be a good time actually to adjust the credit limits you get it just to create a limit on the groups and you could do it on the customers permanently or temporary how do you do that the adjustment of the critical limits permanently with temporary single customer a credit group manually automatic if you do it directly on a customer and directly in the credit limit field remember the temporary credit limit cannot be done directly in the cradle in fields has to go through this journal live experience if you want to edit the credit limit on the customer uh it's what requires that the parameters allow manual editing is allowing you to do that temporary can only be done by a channel it's not quite like the general experience that we know that you have to create a general name before you can use it and so on but it must have been on the sequence so when i got a list of some of the things you have to go through when you're using this you have to set up a number sequence and some of the other things of course as well the tool on the customer and the tool on the credit limit adjustment fund and credit management uh credit limit adjustments and credit limit adjustments tool is exactly the same so it doesn't really matter if you get it through the customers or if you do it off this so directly on the customer from the menu using the acrylic adjustments tool and you do it like in a journal create a header which would then get a number sequence and you do the lines and the lines can then be entered manually but generated from existing customers from credit groups or automatically in here so the automatic thing would allow you to set up a background process batch job which would then update based on some conditions some of this i'm sure you'd like to apply workflow and yes we got three workflows in here in order to do those magic things in here you could do this based on the risk group if you got a lot of customers going through all these various customers in here could be tedious so why not instead set this up to be automatic set up some rules for risk assessment based on customers always sort of paying because got a very long payment term customer has a large balance is always over 80 percent of credit limit or whatever kind of rules you set up all of that you consider and then you could automatically change the credence okay so if the customer goes from like using 60 of his credit limit and then goes up to 90 percent of the cradle image which could happen these days especially then you might want to adjust the crit in it what is required in order to use this in the parameters you would need to be able to set up things so custom fast type you can find things in the user customer credit group for share credit limits so you need to create the customer credit groups if you want to use those and then in the parameters there's some setup that you have to do whether you want to do it in the create dimension if you want to do it in a constant syllable then you got the four fast types in here if you go straight to uh things about credit management it might be easy to overview there's not so many things in there but it's the same thing to set up so for fast tabs on the section about the credits when there's only three when you navigate directly to the module um three sections that is then we've got four fast tabs in there where you can set up the various things about credit holes what actually means and what are the checkpoints like do you want to control when you do the sales order confirmation what about the performance and so on as well i had a couple of questions over here in the in the chat some of the ones um might answer later on i think we're interested things about the powerpoint presentation that problem presentation will be distributed not right after the webinar but it'll be on our shared document server you'll get an email with the link and so on some of you already use this in there the other ones will be created and then you've got access now a lot of details and some of the questions i won't be able to answer what you can find and i'll of course make sure on the questions that can be found in our on-demand course if you want to know more some of the things can be found on docs as well when we get closer to the end i'll make sure that you know where to look for more information about this some of all the details in there about the cradle limits and credit rating and other things too and you could use that for the automatic critter limit process there's lots of details with the automatic credit limit process and i'm not going to those today but rest assured that i could do a lot of things i might show you some so one screenshots the big topics is the credit limit another one to me is the sales sort of hold and release i know you've got risk assessments as well but as mentioned one it's a real big topic and two as far as i can see it doesn't really calculate just correct these things i hope it does before we release our on demand course on creative management on the 8th of june otherwise so well i'm still going to release it but then i have com come back and correct it cells that hold and release can be at the five steps in the order and um what is placed on hold is the blocking rules are triggered and then you can release it from the global list of orders manually or automatically i really like the thing about being able to release automation even better like the possibility of dynamic 365 to pick up where it left say that i actually wanted to release to the warehouse salesforce and hey we're stopped by the credit limit control and then later on maybe the customer has a higher credit limit the customer places use or whatever happens will have a temporary credit limited sign that basically means that the holds being lifted that can happen automatically being mitigated as it's called and what about my uh releases sort of a white house that could happen automatically afterwards so dynamics 365 is part of sort of lifting the ban on the sales order lifting the hold but then process what i asked her to do in the first place which i wasn't allowed to do because it was put on hold this also could be on hold as part of the process that's seven of the rules and then i've got two more to explain so as part of the process in here nobody says you have to do all of this that's what you set up in the parameters so in this you could set up when i do the confirmation whether do a performer would like to do this and that's actually a thing called crazy grace days not crazy days but grace days which would give sort of a leeway between the updates so if the sales order is released from hold then it's not going to be blocked by the next step if the next step happens within two or three days you have to think carefully when you use that but there is a possibility of some sort of putting the salesforce along and leave it even though it violates some rules later on let's let's carry on with that the sales orders are placed on hold there are nine rules for that or as i mentioned seven plus two and i keep on saying seven plus two i'll come back to in one minute why when you set up the rules it can be done by the customer by the credit group by all and actually it's not just blocking but it also is also dump lock so you can set up the block and rules and then you could override say hey if the order is really the simple one uh less than a thousand goes to whatever don't block it i know it should be blocked by the other rules but don't exclusions as it's called so that means customer group whatever or is um not being blocked so you set up the rules that if you ship to denmark you're gonna block but not if it's less than 10 000. then we're going to do it no matter what orders can be released without posting so basically the order is released and the update is not happening the one you try to do or it's been released and then posted in one process like the packing slip or whatever happens in here so we got the five steps in here the blocking rules we need to have a look at those i mentioned gravestones already basically stop it from being blocked later on by the next process even though it should i'll leave it alone because it's already being released and now i am a bit curious about my internet connection because right now it doesn't seem that i'm moving anywhere okay came back the blocking rules i mentioned those quite a lot better get to those so when you do a sales transaction confirmation [Music] picking list or whatever then blocking rules are the ones that make the decision whether or not you can do this and then you could go you've got the exclusions which will override the broken rules and allow the sales order to be processed no matter what so credit management set up credit management setup blocks and rules you've got the broken rules here seven rules now we got to it seven rules will place the sales order on created hold due to the customer group or whatever and then we've got two rules that if you edit the sales world and you change the payment terms in cash discount or call settlement terms these days but if you edit some of those the sales order might be put on hold not necessarily right there's a lot of details in here but for the last two in this with the payment terms and cash discounts you've got things called ranking if you're within the same sort of payment terms if you change from 10 days to 14 days it's still sort of the same thing if the customer persuades you to give six percent of cash discounts that are five still within the same thing so it's okay but if it's ten percent instead of five the order's been blocked if it's 90 days instead of 10 the order has been blocked based on the ranking so let's just have a look at that so the nine rules are seven plus two so you got the first seven in here i'm not going into details with all of these you can read more about those or see them on demand but these are the ones that will prevent you from doing the updating if the credit limit is being used the credit limited spot and the account status is set up or whatever so much money over due and it's been more for 60 days or whatever those will put a sort of hold and then we got the changes on your order so if you change the payment term or if you change the cash discount depending on the ranking and what's the ranking then well the two asterisks these two stars over here is then being replaced by either the payment terms of the cash discount right so the sales sort of could also have to be put on hold if the payment term or cash discount uh on the order does not match the default ones on the customer then you could rank them say it's similar so don't block but they're different so the sales of the guy has changed outside these authorities outside the ranks if it's higher if it's lower it's okay if you change the credit limit the payment turn from 10 days to 5 days it's fine if you change it from 10 days to 90 days it's not fine so change it to a higher rank as it is in the setup we'll block the broken rules the first seven they're inside the blocking rules the other two set up somewhere else and i'll show you where of course they got a separate screen each of the other ones with the ranking so in the broken rules you'll find the seven ones in there and as you can see there are so many different combinations but still some of it will look similar to when we set up like posting profiles or imagery posting and oh posting it's not calling make sure posting anymore but posting the table group all and then overall the rule type over here could then be either blocking or exclusion and remember the exclusion is the one that says okay if it meets these criteria i override and say it doesn't matter if it was blocked if it meets the exclusion criteria in here then you're not going to be blocked even if it's blocked by some of these rules in here so for each of these seven criteria in here i could then set up for one group brawl and then of course specify which ones i've got in here be careful about which group this would be over here then i've got the credit management group just to mention in this i've got the risk group and the risk group is then used for the assessment based on uh country and other things too block or exclude and then use an operator over here and say okay if the customer is or customers in this group is overdue with 20 days then block or whatever it could be overdue account status change of payment like the longer the terminal payment the more we're likely to block and then see things about credit limit expired or overdue amounts and other things too the last two rules set up on separate screens the rank payment terms or the payment turned where you rank them you can see there's a rank in here with zero one two so say that the customer has payment terms of 10 days to be populated into the sales order and then the sales cloud frankly one of the good days and changes this to net 30 days it's still within the same rank so this is not going to block the wire if the sales clock is too friendly that day it changes it from one of the ones who rank one to rank two flatmate 45 days the sales order is put on hold similar thing with the other one with the settlement discounts or cash discounts as i still call those if it's changed from within one rank like five percent if payable within 10 days after invoice date it's rank one if it's changed from this to two percent ten days it's outside its rank and then it's gonna be clocked what do you need to set this up i mentioned already so just a quick recap time is ready so it'll also make sure that i have a quick look into some of the questions in there hopefully i answered both of these ones in here and um just a quick look into some of the setup and some of the details we won't have a look at things we've set up for the fact boxes as i showed you checkpoints where orders are going to be controlled in the order to invoice process confirmation picking list release to warehouse packing and invoicing and so on the grace dates and so on there's quite a lot of things in here to set up some control things and some is basically just information 20 hours that's what we calculated it would take to go through all the details of the credit management the new and the old things as well but the old things there's not much as for the risk force you have to wait or well you can go have a look and i've got a couple of places we can go have a look one of my colleagues in uh in the business sting banggarden has done really excellent uh linkedin post about the risk course and yeah and he's one of the two guys which is actually mentioned this doesn't cooperate right so when i saw that it was not calculating right i was not alone in the world but if you want to know about it it's in the presentation we can see what the risk scoring actually does in here that you can see the risk scores is measuring the risk associated with the customer and then you could change the credit limit based on that microsoft helps with some predefined risk ads huge but you know the customers so you would need to set this up quite a lot so that was kind of lover's guide to this and if you want to read more about this steam has it done and you can click this link when you receive the apartment presentation you can search for steam already now he's doing a lot of good posts in his blog about credit management three parts so fun one of them is about risk scores or you can read some of this when you do the setup in there i have done in some uh more or less uh operational order important things to set up and less important things this is this is my categorization and within the important ones i've done the most important ones at the top left parameters set up customer credit uh groups where you set up the limits credit management workflows which is not really required as such there are three different ones the blocking rules if you want to use sort of hole seven plus two and then you could set up crit management group which could be used for various purposes count status which could also be used for dramatic block and other things too the scrolling group and the risk classification which is the more sophisticated and it doesn't work 100 yeah that's important descriptive that's that's just assignments right it's information and it's nice and so on it doesn't really matter from the functionality as such you would set up coverage types going to insurance types and reasons as well you can assign those but it's not a showstopper it's just information one number sequence four tabs in here and just a quick overview of things that you could do sort of periodically update the risk scores if you have set all this up going through this and make sure that things are being updated update customer balances and with statistics over here you could set it up to be done automatically i think i would do that and then you could do some credit limit adjustments as i mentioned could be done automatically as well so more details i think we've been through all of this i would just show you the additional resources and um so we're coming around to the question and answer session and after that we'll give you an offer a special one for this one coming up after the question and answer session about our on-demand training for one credit management it's big really hopefully you've seen some of the interesting things in here some of the things that we have been waiting for for a long time with creative management not just including this that cyril means zero a lot of the other things with temporary with insurance with groups across legal entities and so on so where can you find more on microsoft docs there are i think it's seven i've got in here some different places for single things in there this is not this is not enough but it's uh it's a good start uh added up to eight not everything is mentioned in there i have to say but it's it's a good start we mentioned some more things in our course but this is a good start if you want to get started right now we're not ready as mentioned it's got a lot of good posts in here three uh parts so far i'm looking forward to see some of the next ones coming around microsoft has a single srirazano tech video with a fast talking program manager and good good information and he does a lot of hands-on things with the credit management so you can see how this with the sales for the whole has actually been done i focused on the business the business benefits and so on instead and then i just have to mention once again we've got the on demand coming in we've got a lot of other things in here the financials have some other things in here and we got the credit management coming around and then we've got some exam focus things coming around so the nba 300 finance we've got the 300 core out we've got the finance come up in june and we got some other ones coming around in june and july so let me just get back to my additional resources see if we got any additional questions in here and then maybe in the meantime let's see if the offer was something that you could actually use for your purpose in there so just have a look in the chat box over here to see about the questions i got a question which says does the credit limit set up on the group level combined with the individual credit limit or just overrule that one well it's both uh it does not combine and it does not overrule but it's using both so so you've got customer being a member of the group first the group credit limit is evaluated we've got five different customers and we evaluate on what their current balance and then we can see how much is now being consumed by the sales so we'd like to update if it passes that cradling control on the group level then we move on to the individual customer and that has to pass as well so the credit limit setup on the group level is being evaluated first and then afterwards if it passes then we'll have a look in the individual credit limit if you want to share a credit limits with one customer to another that's not possible but you can have a group level so if you want to share credit between customers i will set up a group and then i'll have a credit limit on the group and put those two customers in that group and then you could have basically on the individual customers you could then have one credit limit and then on the group you could have a different one so group level is evaluated first and that is basically then being used to kind of share across the members of the group because the controls across the group members the current bars and so on and then looks into what's available and looks into the actual order being updated does this allow us to pass this presentations as mentioned quite often uh legal entities in here with a global address book and i think this was kind of it as usual after the webinar you will receive a mail with a link to a replay and you will also receive a mail with a link to this presentation that i used in here today the links inside the presentation are all clickable so if you want to browse through some of the additional resources in here being hours being microsoft being stings or whatever then directly possible from the presentation so let me just browse through the questions i tried to address the most there was a long list of things especially around the powerpoint about the group level and so on so unless some other questions popping up right now at this variant thank you very much for being in there i hope you saw some really good functionality this was a presentation of the features it was not too much into the details and the functionality unfortunately not too much of business cases if you want to see how it actually works if you want to practice you want to be quest about testing your knowledge or whatever i could recommend to have a look into our on-demand course and take advantage of the very special offer which is popped out to you and just for this one thank you very much for hanging around it was a pleasure hosting this webinar it should have been eight hours long or not 20 hours that's too much but that's our course then so looking forward hopefully to see you at some other webinar thank you very much for today and have a great rest of the day bye you