okay then i've got my lab list and i'm going to start with the appendicular skeleton and what i'm going to try and do with some of these pictures is i'm going to not only point out the name of the bone but we're going to point out some of those surface markings that i'm likely to point to on a practical and we can review a little bit everything in green here the skull the vertebral column the rib cage is all part of the axial skeleton we got all the way through that last time so we're going to pick up where we left off with the upper and lower appendages and and if we start with these upper appendages we're going to include not only the forearm and the arm bones but as as well as this shoulder blade and collar bone what we'll call the clavicle and the scapula and then down here the lower appendages we're going to see the leg and the thigh are going to be attached to the rest of the axial skeleton by way of this hip bone what we're going to call the coxal bone and i've tried to pull these additional bins of bones out here so there's plenty of them you can just kind of grab some at random and take them back to your table whenever we get a chance to get our hands on these things so these are all of the appendicular bones arms and legs and associated bones we'll start with the upper appendages and we'll look at this pectoral girdle i think there is one model over here that shows us this pectoral girdle that would be this one you can see there is part of the humerus bone there's the scapula and the clavicle and a series of ligaments that are holding these bones together remember we said ligaments were bone to bone connections and there is a few of those ligaments in this knee model that made the lab list so we'll talk about a few of those ligaments right at the very end of the lab list but back to introducing some of these bones of the appendicular skeleton we'll start with this pectoral girdle so we're going to include the humerus as well as these bones that attach the humerus to the rest of the body this clavicle and the scapula so we have several clavicles out you should be able to notice uh the clavicle and on your lab list let me just see if i'm remembering this part correctly we not only need to know the clavicle but we have to be aware of either the acromial end or the sternal end is that true am i just making that up sternal end versus the acromial end and if you look closely at this clavicle you'll see that one end is kind of a little bit more flattened you'll have to get your hands on it to see what i'm talking about but one end is a little bit more flattened that's going to be what we call the acromial end you're going to see it's going to articulate it's going to make contact with a certain part of this scapula bone particularly this part of the scapula bone that's called the acromion process so it's it starts to become redundant and it starts to make sense that this acromial end of the clavicle makes contact with the acromion process of this scapula so clavicle is our collarbone there's our shoulder blade bone or the scapula back there the other thing we need to know on the clavicle in addition to just its name uh there's the acromial end and then the other end is this sternal end that articulates with the sternum in particular that manubrium of the the sternum and you can see it's this is a little bit more of a blunted end so whenever you grab i actually made this one of the bones on the the station you'll grab this clavicle bone and when you flip it around you should be able to identify the acromial end versus this clavicle end okay so there's the clavicle i pointed out that collarbone whatever i won't make any tony romo jokes but i'll stop it's too old for that now i guess i'm over that i'm over it i've let it go um anyway back to the bone so we talked about the shoulder blade bone or the clavicle bone the next one on the list is well i was going to talk about the scapula next and then we're going to end up going down the list here just naming the bones based off of their name then we're going to go look at each one in a little bit more detail i had mentioned this clavicle or the collarbone then behind that is this shoulder blade bone that we're going to call the scapula then the arm bone we're going to refer to as the humerus and then when we get down here into the forearm there's going to be two bones in the forearm one is the radius and the other one is the ulna we're going to see pictures of them up close but if i use this skeleton as an example i'm going to lay it over my forearm you can you can see there's two bones here in the forearm one easy way to remember this is that the bone that runs between the elbow and then out to the thumb side of my wrist that's going to be what we're going to call the radius the ulna is going to go from the elbow to the pinky side so in anatomical position from elbow to the thumb is the radius and you can also if you can notice how you can rotate your thumb around you can rotate this radius so two bones in the forearm there's another clue that you'll notice i'm going to leave it sitting over there instead i'm going to come grab a random one from the box you'll see this in the picture too whenever i pull it up but the ulna is an easy to recognize bone because it's one of these things that has a u-shape right there on the bone kind of spelling the first letter of its name this ulna that u shape is made of a couple of different processes that stick out we'll need to know those specific names radius and ulna though are in the forearm once we get to those wrist bones those are the short bones those are all going to be collectively referred to as carpals and i'm going to come over here and grab one of these hand models or i could once again use this skeleton to show you the collection of carpels we don't have to know individual carpal names on here we just need to collectively know the wrist bones all of those short bones as carpal bones metacarpals are going to be the the bones these are long bones in the palm of the hand they're covered up by the pad of the hand the palm of the hand pad of the foot then you've got your individually wrapped digits or phalanges so either phalanges or digits will work for the individually wrapped bones now i said we would go back and look a little bit more detail at each one of those the first one i was trying to point out by holding this clavicle bone up we should be able to tell this more blunted sternal end from the more flattened out acromial end in a two-dimensional picture it might not be obvious so be sure to grab this from the clavicle we're going to go back to the scapula and this is also an easy to to name bone because it's an irregularly shaped well it's a flat bone but it's got a bunch of these irregular processes that stick off of it and there are several things on the scapula that we need to know so let me grab this lab list in addition to scapula we need but need to be able to find the spine of the scapula and if if i flip this scapula over in fact let me just use the skeleton so that you can see what we're talking about i'm going to rotate this around to the back there goes that we're looking at the the posterior side of this scapula and there is a ridge that comes off of this posterior end and if we follow that ridge all the way out there is a flattened process let's see if this still works yes so that flattened process is the acromion process and and then kind of looking at it from the very back side of the scapula this is the posterior side of the scapula you can see that ridge that's kind of raising up and if we follow that ridge all the way out there's that flat acromion process so we're looking at it from several sides we can barely see the acromion process here looking at it directly into the what we call the glenoid cavity this is if i can grab a humerus bone real quick we can see this is where the head of the humerus is going to fit into this scapula it's going to be part of this ball and socket joint so in reality what these processes are doing is they're forming places for these ligaments to attach to it held up this model just a second ago that shows you how many ligaments are attached between this acromial end of the clavicle and that acromion process and then between these greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus and other parts of this scapula so we'll need to know those processes that stick off of the scapula that larger flatter process is this acromion process but then the smaller one that is a little bit more pointy [Applause] i'll grab this one we're going to call this the coracoid process so you have an acromion in a coracoid process together they kind of hold the head of the humerus in place and we saw the head of that humerus kind of articulating with this smooth glenoid cavity all of those are things that are on the list we have to know the spine we have to know this acromion process we have to know that glenoid cavity where the head of the humerus articulates there's that smaller process this coracoid process then there are three fossa that we need to be aware of a fossa is just going to be a shallow depression in a bone and there's three of them we need to be familiar with the names on the lab list tell you where they're located one of them is the supraspinous fossa if we find the spine and we find this little shallow depression in a bone just above the spine this is what we call the supraspinous fossa just to see where we're going later on i know i'm jumping ahead to muscles real quick but we're gonna we're gonna learn muscles called the supraspinatus in the infraspinatus or the subscapularis and these are muscles that are associated with these specific bone markings so again supraspinous fossa is above the spine infraspinous fossa is below the spine and then so again you have to look at the back side of this scapula to see the spine and the fossa above or below that but if we flip it all the way over to the underside this is the subscapularis so the subscapular fossa would be kind of the the interior side instead of posterior this is more anterior side of the bone me holding the scapula from a distance is not helpful so make sure that in lab time you grab and get your hands on this so you can find each of those structures onto the scapula hopefully we've pointed those out and i'm going to move on to the next thing on the list any questions so far about that you may want to get your hands on it so i'll try and get through these as fast as i can and i'll i'll just make laps when we get into lab time and come around and help point out all these things on the bones so we're moving to number three on the lab list none of those are new handouts it's all the same stuff from last time but but this one that you were holding we didn't get all the way through there's that last page where we have to talk about uh the different types of joints and body movements and the only other thing that i ran out of is the lab the lab list for unit number two it's the same thing we've been going over the last couple of times so if you have that i'm just at number three on that that unit two lab list we're going through the appendicular bones we left off last time when we finished talking about the vertebral column we talked about primary and secondary curvature and then we talked about true and false ribs and then we left it there so so you're just in time we're pointing out the names of the bones and then the specific structures on those bones from the lab list and you'll see around the perimeter of the room i've set up a practice practical so that you can get an idea of how we're going to be asking these things thursday which is the real exam in practical interrupt me if you got questions about anything hopefully you're doing all right possibly i don't know why uh where that origin the origin of the whole funny bone thing comes from but but it is true that funny bone in medial epicondyle so that little medial epicondyle right there that's usually when you hit that little funny bone and what's interesting is there's an ulnar nerve that runs right in that little groove so sometimes if you happen to hit that ulnar nerve you'll feel kind of like this what what it feels like when you hit the funny bone that that kind of shooting pain or needles or numbness or whatever that kind of goes through the rest of your arm a little ulnar nerve right through that medial epicondyle so humerus right off the top of the lip we need to be able to recognize this bone here as the humerus if it's just laying out on its own and and we can see it's the arm bone here on the skeleton recognizing it as the humerus is the first part we need to know the other structures on the humerus there is the head of the humerus i'll try and hold this up i know me standing in the front of the room isn't the best but you can find this large smooth articular surface on this bone which we're going to call the head of the humerus then there are two necks of the humerus uh really where this smooth articular surface stops this is the end of the what's can truly considered the head of the humerus and and there is what's called the anatomical neck really where that smooth articular surface stops that anatomical neck of the humerus begins but you'll notice there are these other structures next to the head of the humerus these these bumps one of them is slightly larger it's called the greater tubercle and then there is a lesser tubercle which is kind of hard to see from this picture but if you hold the humerus up you'll see just to the opposite side of the head there are these two bumps the greater tubercle and lesser tubercle those bumps are going to serve as places for ligaments to attach to again it helps hold this pectoral girdle all together you can see ligaments attached to that greater and lesser tubercle there's a little groove in between the tubercles called the intertubicular groove did that make the lap i think intertabicular groove must have slipped off somehow but that's okay i got plenty to point to there head of the humerus we have to recognize the anatomical neck which can you see that little line right there so that would be the anatomical neck and then the surgical neck is really where the head starts to narrow and taper in so they've just kind of drawn a little circle around this uh what we call the surgical neck so head two next the anatomical neck and then the surgical neck as we go down to the shaft of this humerus there is a structure on the shaft of the humerus called the deltoid tuberosity if you if you start to run your your finger down the diaphysis of this bone you're going to feel a rough patch and again just grab this humerus start to feel down the diaphysis of the bone that rough patch is what we're going to call the deltoid tuberosity a tuberosity is just a rough patch on a bone and that that roughness of the bone makes it easier for muscles to attach to and this tuberosity is a place where the deltoid muscle attaches that shoulder muscle so deltoid tuberosity is on the diaphysis of this humerus bone then as we get to the distal end of this humerus bone we're going to go all the way down to the distal end this uh elbow end and we're going to see several structures that we need to know anywhere where there is a fossa like the olecranon fossa radial fossa or coronoid fossa hard to see on this screen but those are going to be little shallow depressions scooped out regions of bone and we also know any time that we see a process that's going to be a little projection of a bone i i know we haven't yet looked at the ulna bone the ulna bone is the next one on the list but if you can look just for a second on the lab list can you see underneath ulna where it says there are and i'll just show this picture real quick when we get to the ulna i guess this is maybe the only place that we're going to see the ulna we're looking at it face on right here so it's not immediately obvious let me grab that ulna bone once again and show you from the side angle when we look at this ulna from the side we can see each of these little processes that stick up that first process kind of to use the shadow there on the board this first little process is what we're going to call the olecranon process that's the first thing on the list the next one is the coronoid process together the olecranon process and coronoid process are what kind of make up this u-shape that tells us we're looking at the ulna bone now both of those processes the olecranon process and the coronoid process if i can set that down for a second when we when we watch this skeleton and we see how it flexes its arm let me get this thing bent around the right way when it flexes its arm or extends its arm if you look closely what's going on at the elbow here one of those pointy parts of the ulna this coronoid process is actually going into that coronoid fossa it allows you to flex your arm all the way or enable to extend if you're going to extend your arm all the way if you look around the back side of the elbow you'll see that coronoid i just said coronoid process but i stopped myself i'm looking at the back side of the elbow so that's going to be our olecranon process up here this olecranon process when we extend our elbow all the way or extend our arm out that olecranon process has a shallow depression in this humerus bone that it can can kind of fit into a little bit it allows us to once again extend that arm all the way out so this olecranon process the little pointy part on the ulna bone if i can come back here it's going to make its way into this olecranon fossa when you extend the arm all the way out so fossils are shallow depressions of the bone there's one for the olecranon process of the ulna and that shallow depression is on this humerus bone so olecranon fossa if we look at the other side the the opposite side of this distal epiphysis of the humerus we can see this coronoid fossa it's not quite as big as the olecranon fossa but again two shallow depressions uh what what we're talking about this u shape of the ulna that that u itself is actually going to be biting down onto a spec a specialized condyle we said last time condyles are just these smooth articulating surfaces of a bone and we look at the distal end of the humerus these condyles have been modified into one of them that kind of looks like a rounded ball shape it gets the name capitulum then the other condyle has taken on this kind of trough looking shape where it has a groove right down the middle of it that particular condyle is called the trochlea so at the distal end of the humerus we should be able to recognize this rounded capitulum and then this trough looking trochlea the trochlear notch fits right into that trochlea and you can see the coronoid process going into that coronoid fossa you can see the olecranon process going into that olecranon fossa that u-shape is the trochlear notch and it fits right onto the trochlea so the trochlear notch is this part of the ulna bone and the trochlea itself is this modified condyle on the humerus and together they fit together these smooth articulating surfaces of the bone are going to be these condyles so the ulna articulates with the trochlea we're going to see the radius is going to articulate with the capitulum we're almost to the ulna and the radius we're still talking about this distal end of the humerus so those smooth articulating surfaces or the capitulum and the trochlea if we go even further to the outside of these condyles outside of the condyles are going to be what we call epicondyles even further than the condyles and the epicondyles in the humerus there is what we call the medial epicondyle also known as that funny bone and then there's a lateral epicondyle which is a little bony protrusion on the opposite side of the elbow maybe medial condyle is more noteworthy because it's it's commonly remembered as the funny bone and i mentioned that ulnar nerve that runs right through that medial epicondyle so sometimes triggering that can cause pain let's see how we're doing we've pointed out all of the things on the humerus i have pointed out a few of the things on the ulna already so let's look at this ulna bone one of those two forearm bones and you can see how the radius is rotating on top of the ulna uh both of these articulate with the elbow they articulate with the distal end of the humerus but if we follow the radius it's going to make its way at the very distal end towards the thumb whereas the ulna is going to have an attachment point closer to the pinky at the distal end there are some other things that that are worth pointing out i'm just going to jump all the way down to the distal end here to show you a couple of structures that are on both the ulna and the radius that i usually like to point out because it's it's interesting that when we start to name some of these processes of the bones you'll have redundant names on different parts of the bones for example on your lab list i don't know if you've noticed but there are three different styloid processes that you have to know there's a we talked last time about the styloid process in this temporal bone there's this brown temporal bone there's that pointy little styloid process and it was right next to this blunted mastoid process so a reminder from last time we needed to know temporal bone and then some structures on the temporal bone like that styloid process but what's kind of interesting is that there are two more styloid processes on the lab list and they both can be found here in the distal end of the forearm bones notice how the radius over here and the ulna they both have these styloid processes i can just use the skeleton here if you look at the distal ends of both of these bones the radius and ulna have this little pointy like projection called a styloid process and what those styloid processes do again any project projection on a bone is going to be a place for ligaments to attach these bone to bone connections and in addition to those styloid processes they kind of keep the wrist bones together so there is a styloid process of the ulna there's that styloid process of the illness and then there's a styloid process of the radius what is also interesting i'm just going to lift up one of these legs down here at the bottom of the leg we can also see modifications at the ankle where this fibula and this tibia have these processes that stick out and wrap around those ankle bones instead of calling these things styloid processes like we did in the wrist they're going to be called malleoluses so there's a medial and a lateral malleolus but they're going to serve the same function the same purpose as these styloid processes of the wrist anyway we have to recognize although we have to recognize olecranon process this larger blunted process the coronoid process this trochlear notch opposite of this trochlear notch is where you would find the head of the ulna the head of the ulna is where you find the styloid process again head of the ulna right next to the styloid process what else is on here the only other thing i haven't pointed out is the radial notch so on the ulna there is going to be a notch for the radius here i'll i like coming back to the skeleton because it has all of the bones next to one another if you come in you look at how this radius rotates around the ulna you'll see that the ulna is going to have a little groove for the radius the radius is also going to have a groove for the ulna if you can't see where i'm twisting this up here close to the proximal end you've got the head of the radius there's kind of this obvious head and then a little tapered neck to the radius this rounded head to the radius has to rotate and there's a little part of the ulna right next to that coronoid process that's notched out so when you grab this ulna look for this radial notch it's weird because the radial notch is on the ulna and and there is a ulnar notch that's on the radius down here at the distal end if i go down here to the distal end this is where you find the head of the ulna just like the head of the radius needs a little bit of space the head of the ulna also needs a little bit of space for these bones to rotate past one another and so part of the ulna is carved away to create a little ulnar notch it's neck to the it's near the styloid process of the radius here i have grabbed just a random radius bone and it's easy to see this kind of obvious head to the radius bone there's the neck to the radius bone i think this little bump this rough patch on the radius called the radial tuberosity also made the lab list yes and styloid process we already pointed out so that ulnar notch is going to be can you see that little groove or that little notch right in there if you look at that distal end that's where the head of this ulna is just kind of making a little bit of space it's rotating around the distal end of this radius okay so we should be able to recognize ulna and radius and a few of those structures on there as far as carpels go we don't have to know the individual carpal bones maybe this will be our example of short bones recognize those collectively as carpels we'll recognize these bones kind of in the palm of the hand as the metacarpals and then you have the individually wrapped phalanges you could also use the term digits either would be acceptable that takes us all the way out to the the tips of our upper appendages we're ready to transition into the lower appendages all right i'm going to make my way over here and grab some of these bones of the the lower appendages and it starts in fact i've got this whole whole thing connected right here and the first thing that i'm holding on to this hip bone this is what's collectively called a coxal bone we have a whole a little bin of these coxal bones and when you grab one of these things there are several structures that we need to recognize on it so i use the term coxal bones uh some lab list will call these things innominate bones you're welcome to use the term anominate or coxal bones one of the things on the lab list is this allah of the sacrum and it's this little i believe we point out that if you hung out in the lab last time we were looking at vertebral column cervical thoracic lumbar vertebrae we looked at the sacrum and then we looked at the coccyx down there and there were some structures on the sacrum that we needed to know and the allah was one of those structures on the sacrum anyway the other thing was one of the auricular surfaces of the sacrum and that auricular surface is what's currently making contact with this coxal bone it seals together the sacrum and this coxal bone so let's just look at one of these coxal bones there it is on the screen what this well what this started out as is three separate bones and it's now fused into one solid structure and we can still refer to this solid bone as in terms of three different regions at least this superior region is what we call the ilium and there's this crest of the ilium that i don't know did i put structures on there there is the iliac crest that we have to know there so the iliac crest is typically where your belt would go across uh there is this little shallow depression that we can see as part of the ilium this is the iliac fossa and then there's a another structure called the greater sciatic notch and that would be this notch right there in the ilium so that sciatic nerve is going to make its way right through that notch here is that auricular surface that i referred to that rough patch is what seals together with the sacrum and makes that pelvic girdle so ilium is the superior part if you were to actually sit down i'm going to grab this these hip models right here to to show us what i'm talking about if i just were to set this thing down on the table the part of this pelvic girdle that's making contact with the table is the ischium it's in green here and and specifically the part that that you're sitting down on is this rough patch this ischial tuberosity we've said the term tuberosity a few times already and every time we've said tuberosity we said it refers to a rough patch on the bone where muscles attach to this ischial tuberosity is where those gluteal muscles attach to so again if you're sitting down like on bleachers or in a chair you're sitting on this this ischium then anterior to the ischium there is this anterior part of the coxal bone that we refer to as the pubis the the connection of these two pubis portions of the bone are what form that pubic symphysis we can even see a little bit of that fibrocartilage right there that kind of completes this pubic synthesis in addition to knowing those three structures i'm going to grab that lab list there are a couple of other things there well on the ischium there's the ischial tuberosity i pointed out the pubis this anterior region if we had two of those connected by a piece of fibrocartilage this would be our pubic symphysis so we we were able to see that yeah the first two things are what i skipped over if we were to hold one of these bones up one of these coxal bones there is this ball and socket joint where the head of the femur fits into this cup shaped depression is a structure on the lab list called the acetabulum now we're still at number nine i'll correct myself because again i'm from a small town where we might not say everything uh correctly but i pronounce this thing acetabulum because i i think that's how it's pronounced and that's how i spell it most easily i've heard people pronounce it acetabulum and you can say it however you want to say it i don't care as long as you spell it correctly acetabulum acetabulum it refers to this little cup shaped depression on the coxal bone where the head of the femur sits right in there it's going to form this ball and socket joint in addition to the acetabulum this structure on here we have to know the foramen a foramen is a hole in the bone and this hole in the coxal bone is what we call the obturator foramen okay and then number 10 you should be able to compare the pelvises to see the difference between a male and a female pelvis and we've got a couple of them over here i will randomly grab them because i don't know which one i'm grabbing a male or a female looks like both of these are male but let's compare what's going on here if we hold up a male versus a female pelvis like we can see on the screen there are at least three differences that we can point out in a male pelvis it tends to be more narrowed and tall so a more narrow pelvis versus a wider pelvis and females you can see not only is it wider it's more shallow uh if you look at some of the bone markings the ridges on the bones uh the ridges tend to be more prominent in male skeletal system due to the higher levels of testosterone so some of the bone markings are more extreme i'll list two more differences one of the most obvious differences is the angle down here of the pubic symphysis if it's less than 90 degrees this narrow angle it tells you that it's a male and we can see if it's a more shallow angle of 100 degrees or more it is uh likely a female so when i hold these up can everybody tell the differences between the that pubic symphysis looking at that angle over here it's much more narrow this would be the male and over here would be the female now if i take these things we're just looking at it like we just did if i take it and flip it this way now you're i'm looking at each of you through this little hole of the pelvis this rim this if i can get the coxal bone out of the way this rim this interior hole of the pelvis is what we call the true pelvis in females there is a much larger true pelvis this inner circle because this has to serve as a birth canal in males the true pelvis this inner circle is much more narrow it doesn't have to serve as a birth canal so that's what this line is trying to indicate this inner rim is what we consider the true pelvis and in males it is much more narrow than it would be in females so a wider true pelvis should be four differences and you know on the lab list i'm just going to have these things out where you'll have to tell which one is male and which one is female so those would be good clues unless i put some kind of lecture question in there that might be good to know for lecture two there it is looking from underneath you can just see a much larger true pelvis and females versus a much more narrow true pelvis and males all right now to the lower appendages we'll start we just talked about those coxal bones so we'll jump down to this thigh bone the femur then we'll go down to the what we call the kneecap bone or the patella then we'll talk about these two bones of the leg and you can use this a couple of different ways i remember there's two bones there in the leg one of them is a little bone can everybody see how one of those bones is little and the other one is big uh tall like a tower sometimes people remember this tibia bone because it's it's the tower-like bone in the leg the tall one uh versus the little bone in the leg that little bone is the fibula tibia and fibula sound alike but fibula here is the only one with an l tibia doesn't have an l so that l tells me in my brain lateral bone it's it's the little bone and it's on the lateral side of the leg the lateral side comes into play in just a second so remember fibula is the little bone and it's also on the lateral side tibia that's like the big tower bone i guess you just have to remember tibia is going to be medial even though that might not be obvious you if you can always remember little bone is lateral then by default the tibia is going to be medial okay and then when we get down into the ankle we're just going to refer to those ankle bones as the tarsals the bones covered up by the pad of the foot are the metatarsals and then the individual toes we'll refer to as phalanges or digits again but we'll start with this femur bone because there are some structures we need to see obvious on the femur is the head and then you can see this narrowed neck just underneath the head of the femur there are those larger protrusions called trochanters there is the larger greater trochanter and then the lesser trochanter which is just a smaller protrusion in addition to those trochanters we have to know the medial and lateral condyle as well as the medial and lateral epicondyle and then a structure called the linea aspera i'm going to grab a femur so i had one out here this one's good so i'm going to grab this femur and i think i even have one of those femurs just as one of the stations on the practical and when we grab this thing we can obviously recognize the head and the neck of the femur right near the head and the neck is where you find those trochanters a greater and a lesser trochanter but as we make our way down the diaphysis of this bone if you put your hand along the not the anterior side but the posterior side of this femur maybe come grab the posterior side of this femur in the skeleton you'll feel a ridge on this bone that ridge going down the diaphysis of this femur is the linea aspera so that's on the lab list and as we make our way all the way down to the distal end we can see these smooth patches of a bone and by now when we see a smooth patch of a bone we're thinking a condyle [Music] grab my lab list we have to know medial and lateral condyle and one way that we can always tell medial from lateral condyle on here is the head tells you which side is medial it's always pointing medially so if we go back down here this must be the medial condyle same side as the head and then opposite side of the head this is the lateral condyle so use the head as a reference point to tell you medial or lateral condyle and then if this i guess evelyn i'm going to make you the though you're on the the whatever not under the bus i'm just using you as an example can you see those those are the smooth condyles but if we go just to the outside there's this little protrusion of bone that barely sticks out on either side of those condyles those little protrusions of bones are the epicondyles they're not as obvious here in the distal end of the femur but again lateral epicondyle is opposite of the head medial epicondyle is on the same side as the head so that's everything for the femur let's move on to the tibia and i'm just going to use these i'll hold this whole thing up we're thinking of these two bones here in the leg and again one of them is is tall like a tower that's the tibia and the other little bone here uh on the lateral side is our fibula let me catch up with the slides pretty good picture there if we go all the way down to the distal end of these two bones we can see those protrusions those little bumps that instead of calling these styloid processes and the ankle they're referred to as malleolus they serve the same purpose as those styloid processes they keep the ankle bones together in fact this medial malleolus and lateral malleolus are going to sit down right on top of that talus bone i can't remember if talus bone was ever on our list or not but as we make our way down here into the ankle this first bone kind of on top of the ankle is the talus bone i'll show it to you from the other angle here's that talus bone and those those medial malleolus the medial malleolus and lateral malleolus sit on either side of this talus here's a picture of what i'm talking about so this is the tibia this would be the medial malleolus uh there is the fibula it's lateral so that would be the lateral malleolus and you can see all of these ligaments these bone-to-bone connections that hold these bones together the talus is kind of covered up there and we can see exposed this heel bone the calcaneus bone there it is let's see i'm going to go back to the tibia real quick we have to be aware not only uh that that tall bone is the tibia we need to see the medial and lateral condyles on the tibia so let me grab a tibia and if we find this tibia and we start to search search around the tibia there is one spot right here at the proximal end of this tibia where we find these two smooth articulating surfaces of a bone smooth articulating surfaces tell us condyles but we don't have a head on this one how are we going to figure out medial from lateral condyle on the tibia there's a clue there well not on this that would be the ulna but there is a clue on the tibia so up there at the very top of the tibia we you know if i were to take that bone from the screen and fold it down so that you could look at the top side of the tibia you'd see those condyles one is medial the other one is lateral right now it's kind of hard to see at the very top of this bone but if we come down to the distal end there's the medial malleolus there's not a head on this thing but the medial malleolus tells you which side is medial so if we go back up here this would be the medial condyle on the same side as the medial malleolus so the opposite condyle would be the lateral malleolus so there's always a clue that tells you medial from lateral condyle this medial malleolus medial condyle so we saw medial and lateral condyle medial malleolus was what told us medial from lateral the only other thing on the tibia is the tibial tuberosity and once again a tuberosity is this rough patch on the bone for the tibia it's right on the proximal end of the tibia this tibial tuberosity serves as a place for the patellar ligament to attach that should be something that you remember because we're about to see that when we come over here and grab these knee models this shows us some bone to bone connections and i think there are at least four ligaments that we have to be aware of we put down on the lab the board last time a ligament is a bone to bone connection um so right now if i peel this thing back we can see the patella and the patella is connected to the tibia by way of this patellar ligament and that patellar ligament is attached to this rough patch on the tibia that we call the tibial tuberosity so on this model we could also point to tibial tuberosity anterior side of the tibia that rough patch where that patellar ligament attaches to okay as far as the fibula goes that is this little bone on the lateral side of the leg and i currently don't have one set out for the practice practical which means it has an even better chance of showing up on the real practical there are in this bin of tibias uh they're mixed tibias and fibulas are all in that middle bin right there obviously this is much skinnier than this tibia so you shouldn't confuse tibia from fibula but this fibula is lateral we should be able to point out that lateral malleolus at the end of this fibula [Applause] what else do we need to know there so you've got lateral malleolus opposite from the lateral malleolus is the head of the fibula the head of the fibula and the the lateral malleolus they look kind of the same the head is going to be a little bit more blunted not quite as pointy as this lateral malleolus you'll you'll see kind of like the styloid process there's a much more of a projection down here at the distal end of this bone recognizing it as the fibula will be the first thing you'll have to do so yeah so malleolus is just it's kind of like in the the humerus whatever and the humerus we're calling these things tubercles the greater and lesser tubercle and then when we got down here to the femur we were calling these bumps instead of tubercles we were calling them trochanters but they're functionally the same they serve as these rough patches for ligaments and muscles to connect bones together so i think by usi by using the terms trochanter you know we're talking about the hip we're talking about down here in the femur uh when we're using the terms tubercle uh we know we're talking about up here in the humerus so that's why if we're using the terms malleolus we know we're we're talking about the bones that hold the ankles together and if we're talking about styloid processes we're talking about those bones that hold the wrist the carpals together so they function the same the term being different tells us a different region of the body whether it's the wrists or the ankles no problem so i'm looking over the list in addition to the tibia and fibula i'm going to go back to this little picture there because that's the only one that has a picture of the patella maybe the skeleton up here is the best place to show us these examples of the short bones those patella bones i think i might have put one of those out on the practice practical we said tarsals were the bones that are the ankle bones collectively just called tarsals uh it in there are two tarsal bones we need to be aware of this talus uh which is the like we said the bone the the medial malleolus and lateral malleolus bite around and then you've got this large heel bone the calcaneus bone all of the other ones we can just collectively know as tarsals then there are the metatarsals the long bones covered up by the pads of the feet and then we have the individually wrapped phalanges or digits commonly called toes so i think that takes us all the way through the lab list but there is well there's another series of slides i need to jump to real quick and the first the first few pictures of this second group of slides shows those structures on the knee model that we have to see so there's just about eight more things i need to point from the lab list and then we can we just have lecture left the last powerpoint takes us into joints and the first thing we'll talk about is the functional and structural classes of joints but the reason that this is kind of groups together with the skeletal system is because the skeletal system we said it's big one of the big advantages of the skeletal system is it provides protection against you know the the soft delicate internal organs you can think of as like a sheet of armor um and and what's you know what's great about this sheet of armor is that it's solid protection for those internal organs but the downside against this sheet of armor is that it is not very flexible so uh you know if you can't make moves and get away then then it doesn't matter how good your armor is you're likely to be doomed so joints come in here because they provide flexibility in this coat of armor joints give the skeletal system ability to move but what we will see this ability to move comes at a cost the joints are where there are weak parts in the skeletal system whatever my brain works in weird analogies and so i'm going to cut this part out but there were there were these giant cicada bugs you know those bugs that come out of the ground and they live underground for years and when they first come out they actually don't have any wings and they have to crawl to the top of a tree and then they go through their first little molt and they shed their exoskeleton and then this after they molt or shed their exoskeleton they pop out their wings and it takes about 20 minutes for these wings to kind of inflate and then now they can fly around and try and find a potential mate these are insects they have a tough exoskeleton so they've got some protection but what you'll see these cicada bugs when they come out of the ground and they try and crawl up to the top of a tree they're vulnerable to other insects in fact ants it's not uncommon that you'll see these things crawl past an ant mound and ants will try and attack these cicada bugs and kill and eat them if you've seen ants attack these kind of insect warfare what these ants will do is they try and put their stingers right into the joints of these larger bugs because that's where the weak parts are i guess i'm just trying to make the analogy that even in the insect world wherever there are joints those are the weak spots that's where other insects try and attack and we'll see that there are weaknesses in some of our joints in fact the thing that we're going to connect here is that the more movable a joint is the less stable it is there's this trade-off the the greater the range of motion the less stable that joint will be maybe the the largest the joint that gives us the greatest range of motion is this ball and socket joint it's also the least stable the most likely to pop out of place you have other joints like the sutures of the skull these are immovable joints so they they rarely pop out of place they're very stable because they don't have much movement at all so there's always a trade-off between range of motion and stability i'm getting too far into the joints powerpoint already what i wanted to start with at least is going through the parts of this knee model and i have just a few pictures here that show us on the screen the things i'm trying to point to on this knee model what we're looking at is basically the knee model that i'm holding up except the knee model i'm holding up doesn't have any muscles attached to it but you'll notice how the part of this model is just kind of flopping around here if if i pull this flopping structure back you can see the patella in fact if i just go to the next slide it's kind of what we've done we've cut this tendon that went to the quadriceps muscle and we've kind of peeled it back so that we can see the patella same thing that i've done here i've kind of i've cut this would be the tendon that was going up to the quadriceps muscle and we've peeled it back maybe just to take a step back again a bone to bone connection we said was a ligament so this is our patellar ligament between the patella and the tibia but anytime we have a bone to muscle connection a bone to muscle connection is a tendon so this is going to be the tendon of the quadriceps muscle so the part of this model that's cut and i know it's all the same color but if you look close evelyn here's where i'm putting you on the spot again can you see where those fibers get a little bit larger kind of right there as we go up and then down there a little bit smaller you've got to look close but that as those fibers get larger this part is representing the tendon of the quadriceps muscle and then beneath that this part of the model is the muscle to bone connection which is the tendon of the quadriceps quadriceps muscle tendon of the quadriceps then we've got the patella itself beneath the patella it's just patellar ligament from the patella down to the tibial tuberosity okay so that's the anterior part of this knee model let me peel that patella back so that we can see on either side of the patella there are these ligaments again bone to bone connection you'll notice that one of these ligaments is going from the the distal end of the femur down to this little bone the fibula on the lateral side this ligament goes by a couple of different names i think they're both on the lab list you can either call this little ligament the fibular ligament or it's also called the lateral collateral ligament again fibula is on the lateral side so fibular ligament or lateral collateral ligament is fined there is a ligament between the femur and the tibia so over here on this side between the femur and the tibia this is going to be our tibial ligament or medial collateral ligament tibia is always on the medial side so that's one way to remember that now look what happens if i peel this i'm going to try and peel the kneecap back you've got your tibial ligament and fibular ligament on either side if i if i try and bend this knee all the way back what it reveals in the center of this knee model there are two more ligaments right on the kind of the middle portion of this knee that's where we see our anterior and our posterior cruciate ligaments if i peel this if i kind of flex the knee and you look at it from the anterior side there's two ligaments in there the one that is more anterior if you look at the model from the front that is our anterior cruciate ligament and the one that is is more posterior is the posterior cruciate ligament it's more along the popliteal region uh that posterior cruciate ligament but both of those are the ligaments kind of right in the middle of this knee joint and i have when i had that thing peeled back you'll notice that these articulating condyles are sitting on tops of additional cushions these cushions are pads of fibrocartilage that get given the name meniscus of the knee we have to know which one is the lateral and which one is the medial meniscus here we are i've peeled back that ligament so that we can see the here would be the condyles of the femur uh these would be the condyles of the tibia but we can't really see the condyles of the tibia because they have these uh meniscus that sit on top of them the lateral meniscus is always on the side of the fibula because that tells us lateral so i like that l in fibula it always tells us lateral side lateral meniscus uh so then the the opposite side would be the medial meniscus looking at it from the side this again is just a side view that shows we've got the patella above the patella is going to be what we call the quad the what i say tendon of the quadriceps muscle there's the quadriceps muscle here's the tendon that attaches that quadriceps muscle to to the patella beneath the patella it's just the patellar ligament we've got a bone to bone connection in the middle of the knee we've got bone to bone connections there is the anterior cruciate ligament it attaches more anteriorly and then the posterior cruciate ligament that attaches more posteriorly i just wanted to show that from a few different angles so that should be everything from the lab list in terms of this knee model so now that we've made it through all of those lab list items i'm going to catch up with the rest of the slides from the lecture it's types of joints structural classes of joints and then body movements let's see how we're doing on time not bad only an hour everybody doing okay so far all right let's fuel up we're doing good so far and there's only one sketch that we have to put on the board so there isn't a whole lot of things that we have to draw is it okay if i get rid of our to-do list i'm just going to put a list of functional classes of joints and then structural classes of joints it's currently up on the slide but it won't stay there for long so let's just put it on the board so that we can reference it we'll say three functional classes of joints everybody still good we're almost done with lecture we need a break at all we do all right we ready to get back into this just about i think everybody's back good news i think we've gotten all the way through the lab list so you may all really be ready to maybe get your hands on some of these bones and trying to find everything from the lab list we can break into groups and do all of that i just have to get through one last little bit of lecture and we'll start with functional types of joints first this first one um [Music] well to list these things out the term syn arthroses are just referring to joints that are immovable examples of these joints are going to be like the sutures of the skulls or the teeth sockets these are joints that are bone to bone connections where they're not intended to move so synovial joints are immovable joints we'll see some examples of those amphiarthroses are kind of in between they're slightly movable so an example of an amphiarthrosis would be like this pubic symphysis typically when you're just sitting there writing notes it's not moving but in the event of childbirth or something like this then this is joint that can move slightly so slightly movable as amphiarthroses and then we're going to compare that to diarthroses like your shoulder or your elbow or your wrists or your fingers these are all freely movable joints so diarthroses just means freely movable you get in the lecture handout i feel like there's matching sections where we have to match the functional classes of joints to their description either immovable slightly movable or freely movable once we have those functions down we're going to compare those to the three structural classes what what is the structural component that holds these bones together if the structural component is some types of fibers that it's a fibrous joint if the connective structure is some type of cartilage then it's a cartilaginous joint we're about to see examples of those the pubic symphysis i was just using that's an example of one of these cartilaginous joints we're going to see the sutures of the skull those are held together by tight little collagen fibers that's an example of one of these fibrous joints and then synovial joints are going to be the ones that we're going to try and draw they are unique because of their presence of a synovial membrane a synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid and this is the fluid that lubricates the movement of those freely movable joints can you can you say sure the functional classes of the yes so the functional classes are there's only three one class is syn arthroses which means immovable examples would be the sutures of the skull so that's a bone to bone connection where those bones don't move it's an immovable joint a slightly movable joint and an ampy arthrosis would be like the pubic symphysis it typically doesn't move but in some circumstances i gave childbirth as an example where where that bone to bone connection can move slightly and then diarthroses would be freely movable joints and these joints are lined with the synovial membrane that's going to secrete synovial fluid and allow the movements there to take place so the wrist the tips of the fingers the knees the elbows the shoulders these are all diarthroses they're freely movable joints no problem now we're going to talk about what is the actual structural component that latches the two bones together if the structural components are fibers it's a fibrous joint if the structural component is a piece of cartilage like it is in this pubic symphysis it's a cartilaginous joint and if it's some type of synovial membrane that holds these things together which i don't currently have a model of i can use my elbow as an example of this we'll see those freely movable joints being aligned with the synovial membrane we're going to have to sketch that so we're already lined up to do so and i think you have this sketch that i'm going to do already in your lecture handout we just have to label it how you were just talking about the matching but the synovial joint it just says joint cavity presence are bones joined by fibrous tissues so if we're talking about bones joined by fibrous tissue it sounds like we're describing a fibrous joint what was the other one that you said um synovial joints it just says joint cavity so if there's a joint cavity present that's going to be describing one of these synovial joints and that's where we're going so here are some examples of those for example we'll start with examples of these fibrous joints there's not going to be any joint cavity at all most of these are totally immovable examples are going to include the sutures of the skull that i just pointed out or was just using as a verbal example syndesmosis this is going to be a a joint in the ankle and then gomphoses these are teeth sockets so let's look at sutures first this functionally would be a syn arthrosis it's an immovable joint structurally it's held together by fibers so it would be a fibrous joint structurally functionally it would be immovable synarthroses so we said sutures of the skull are immovable fibrous joints this is the syndesmosis this ankle connection and we just looked at this earlier we said this is the medial malleolus and there's the lateral malleolus we've got this ligament that connects two bones and when you're sitting there writing notes or listening to the lecture this is an immovable joint the tibia and the fibula are not moving but if you were to try and run out of the building very quickly and run down the stairs sometimes running up and down those stairs can cause this this bone to bone connection to move slightly so sometimes this one falls under the category of slightly movable when you're just sitting there writing notes it is not moving so it's technically classified as an immovable joint but again held together by fiber so it's an example of a fibrous structural joint another fibrous structural joint is these gomphoses gomphoses is just a tooth socket this peg in socket bone to bone connection there's the periodontal ligament that's the fibers that holds these things together gomfo seeds is an immovable joint held together by fibers so we've seen sutures we've seen syndesmoses that ankle joint and we've seen gomphoses the tooth sockets the next structural group are cartilaginous joints and we said these are are any bone to bone connection that's held together by a piece of cartilage i used the example of this pubic symphysis which qualifies i could have also used the other part of this model where we can see these two vertebrae where these two vertebrae meet there is a piece of cartilage in between where these two vertebrae meet so this intervertebral disc of fibrocartilage is also acting as a synthesis cartilaginous joint we can even consider the costal cartilage of the ribs that attach those true ribs to the sternum that's a bone to bone connection held together by a piece of hyaline cartilage so synchondrosis that first part of it tells us an immovable joint and then the second half tells us what is actually holding those two bones together a piece of cartilage so synchondrosis i already mentioned symphyses the intervertebral discs and that pubic symphysis both are examples of these symphyses bone to bone connections held together by cartilage that are slightly movable then the last one is a synovial joint i can get out of the way synovial joints are freely movable joints uh and these bones if they're going to freely be moving past one another they have to have certain adaptations and what we have on the screen is a typical synovial joint i'm going to try and come over here and label the same thing that we have on the board i just want to point out some key parts to it and and mentioned that that all synovial joints are going to have these main parts but some synovial joints have become highly modified for example the ones that we just looked at earlier this knee model is a synovial joint that has become highly modified to support a lot of the body weight so this particular joint have these additional pads that we called meniscus that's an example of an adaptation to a specialized synovial joint not all synovial joints have to bear body weight so we don't see meniscus in all of them this is an example of a synovial joint like the ones that you would find in between the tips of your fingers so in my basic sketch of a synovial joint i'm going to try and label all of the things that are on your diagram on the lab list you should see in your diagram uh well i'm going to draw we were drawing a long bone last time and what i'm trying to do here is i'm just trying to draw two ends of a long bone let's label this bone one and we'll label this bone two and we were drawn part to the long bone last time so let me take a second just to put some things on there that you might remember from last time uh when we were talking about long bones we said the ends of long bones were covered in this articular cartilage i think we were putting that in blue so articular cartilage we've got on the list and then we also saw that uh to the outside of these long bones connecting that articular cartilage and then running along the the diaphysis of the bone there was that outer layer of connective tissue around bone what do we call that periosteum that's right so this is periosteum and if we wanted to go even further we could have put that in the diaphysis is where you find that medullary cavity and that medullary cavity we said was lined with an endosteum anyway we don't have to get that far into it uh we're thinking of this bone to bone connection so let's add to that uh i'm going to grab a new color and we're going to draw but what's connecting these two bones is the pr presence of this synovial membrane so from the articular cartilage of one bone to the articular cartilage of the other let's draw our synovial membrane uh this synovial membrane is what secretes synovial fluid so maybe out to this side i'm just going to label this as our synovial cavity so synovial cavity cavity with synovial fluid that synovial fluid is secreted by this synovial membrane so maybe i can just try and represent that with these dotted lines the synovial membrane is secreting this synovial fluid and that's going to be this pocket of lubricating fluid that prevents these bones from grinding together this synovial membrane is a very delicate membrane that isn't isn't really capable of holding these two bones together so you'll notice your list has just to the outside of the synovial membrane kind of running from the periosteum of one bone down to the periosteum of the next hopefully that's a different enough color so just to the outside of that synovial membrane is what we call the fibrous capsule so there's our fibrous capsule it's just to the outside of the synovial membrane together these two things are what we call the articular capsule so the articular capsule it's two things it's the synovial membrane to the inside secreting this synovial fluid filling up that synovial cavity and then just to the outside there's the fibrous capsule there's some collagen fibers there that are giving this some some strength to hold these two bones together again together it's the articular capsule let's see the only other thing that we need to add to that i'll grab this purple color and we've already well we were talking about a few of these from the knee model anywhere where we've got a bone to bone connection i'm going to go to the outside of that articular capsule the the most outside structures on here these are going to be ligaments the bone to bone connections are these ligaments the picture that you have on your your class handout it's not one of the things that you have to label and i'm trying to find a different color here you'll see that on your diagram you have to the outside of ligaments is where you have these muscles so skeletal muscles are the the things on the very outermost layer so that's typical synovial joint the next couple of slides will show us some specialized structures synovial joints since we have these bones that slip past one another they have to have this synovial membrane in between and again that's what makes the synovial fluid that helps prevent grinding of these bones together when we look around the body to some of these synovial joints like this ball and socket joint there's a lot of movement there and there are these additional synovial membranes that prevent muscles or bones from grinding together one additional type of structure is called a bursa a bursa is just a synovial membrane that has produced a little bit of that synovial fluid and it's located in a place that prevent two bones from grinding together this is actually part of the humerus bone and this is part of the scapula and what prevents those two from making contact is this synovial membrane called a bursa here it is you can see the the person in this picture is moving their arm back and forth and no matter how they move their arm around this bursa slips and it it moves positions to prevent any bone from grinding together so bursas are like we said synovial membranes that are located in places that prevent bones from grinding together that little structure is a bursa pad this slide just wants us to know that there is another structure that functions just like a bursa except it's long and thin maybe where a bursa pad would be like a like a little i don't know maybe like a hacky sack of synovial fluid we're talking about this little spherical rounded structure that's filled with synovial fluid that's represented of a bursa pad if we wanted to compare a bursa to a tendon sheath maybe this piece of paper would be more like a tendon sheath it would be a flattened synovial membrane that has produced synovial fluid that wraps around a tendon and it typically prevents that tendon from grinding against a bone so they function the same way bursa pads and tendon sheaths they are only structurally different in that one is kind of a rounded pad where the other one is a elongated sheet like structure again bursa versus tendon sheath so now that we've compared these types of joints we can slip into the different types of body movements so i'll demonstrate up here gliding movement which is what you're doing with your wrist if you're writing notes you can see there's multiple ways you can move around your wrist we'll talk about these angular movements we're going to compare flexion versus extinction extension versus hyperextension we're going to compare abduction versus adduction and then circumduction we've talked about rotation before and then there's a few special movements that we'll put on the list we'll start at the top i think the first one we said we were going to mention is this gliding type of movement so gliding movements like we saw in the carpels of the wrist are where these two bones are just going to slide up past one another or slip over the other bone it looks something like this those short bones there in the wrist are capable you can move your hand front or back or side to side you've got all these ranges of motions in this gliding movement see if i have another i guess i don't have another picture of the gliding types of movements you've got bones just slipping right past the surface of other bones so gliding movements are in the wrist angular movements are going to fall under the category of of flexion versus extension you can see this in the arms or in the legs my my arm and forearm are currently flat at a about 180 degrees as flat as i can possibly get them and if i were to decrease this angle it's currently at 180 degrees flat if we went from 180 degrees to say 100 degrees or even 90 degrees this is flexion we're decreasing this angle um maybe 45 degrees so i'm still flexing this arm extending the arm is increasing that angle so going from 90 out to 100 and then maybe out to 180 as flat as i can get it hyperextension would be past this 180 degrees so i'm not i'm not going to hyper extend my elbow purposely i've done it before and it's painful so again flexion is decreasing the angle increasing that angle is extension and if you go past the maximum range of extension that's hyper extension again we could have used the leg so my my thigh and my leg are currently straight and if i want to so 180 degrees and if i want to decrease that to just 90 degrees i've i've flexed the leg and then that would be extending the leg maybe the other way or the other terms that are not as commonly used are these terms abduction and then adduction genesis i'm going to use you as an example real quick so she's writing notes she's not paying attention and if i were just to come over here and grab her arm and try and run off with her i'm trying to abduct her right i'm pulling her arm away from the midline of your body hopefully i didn't pull too hard there but so but that's fine that that shows you abduction is when somebody's trying to grab the arm is going away from the midline of the body so a b abduction is movement away from the midline we'll talk about these abductor muscles and the the leg and the arms that move appendages away from the midline of the body if instead of going away from the midline because somebody's abducting you if you're going if you're moving these appendages back towards the midline of the body this is adduction adduction so adductor muscles versus abductor muscles and then circumduction is kind of a full 360 degree range of motion so we're going to compare rotation to circumduction and and here's what i can rotate my arm right this is just 180 degrees rotation i can do the same thing with my head i can rotate my head side to side this is rotation just like this is rotation circumduction would be would be the full 360 degree motion so i cannot from this i can't circumduct my forearm or i couldn't circumduct my head that would be spooky if i did so circumduction is the full 360 degree motion versus rotation we're about to see rotation in the next picture this is showing abduction away from the midline and then add duction towards the midline what this lady should be doing with her arm is is the movement like this this 360 degree circumduction motion that is different than rotation like we said rotation is just turning of a bone so you can turn your head side to side or we can turn our forearm from the supinated to the pronated position i think we've used the term supernatant pronate before so that might be a reference they're also using the leg as rotation i can rotate my leg side to side but i can't circumduct my leg so turning of a bone is rotating it i used just a second ago pronation is when the palm is down and supernation is when the palm is up and if evelyn's passing out soup and we've got our ham and hand in the supernated position we could pick up some of that soup supernated pronated you can also see those styloid processes sticking out from either the ulna here or the radius but other special movements are going to include what we can either consider plantar flexion or dorsiflexion and this has to do with pointing your toes imagine we're driving the car and you you quickly pull your foot off of the gas pedal this is what we call dorsiflexion so the foot comes up and off the gas pedal as opposed to plantar flexion plantar flexion is when the toes go down you're slamming on the gas pedal you're slamming on the brakes the toes go down that's plantar flexion dorsiflexion is the toes coming up okay if you've got that down we just got through basketball finals but if you watched a lot of the basketball uh it is not uncommon that you'll see these types of injuries when somebody's trying to drive into the lane they can roll their ankle and there's two ways that you can end up rolling your ankle either an inversion where the sole of the foot is what faces medially here's what an inversion looks like it's more common that the ankle will get rolled so that your your sole of your foot faces immediately all of your weight goes on the lateral side of the foot in an inversion uh e versions are also possible where the sole of the foot points laterally you'd end up bearing all the weight on that medial malleolus the tibia again both can be very problematic but inversion versus e-version two different types of roll in the ankle whether the soul faces medially or laterally protraction versus retraction you can do this with the mandible but you can also think of the tongue this is a movement you can protract your tongue or stick your tongue out at somebody or you can retract your tongue and pull it back into your mouth this lady is going to do the the pro traction versus retraction example just with the mandible so maybe if you really try and stick your mandible protracted out there to exaggerate like an underbite or something this is protraction of the mandible and then retraction i guess would be pulling it back maybe the tongue is a good example of protraction versus retraction and the mandible another special movement that you can use with the mandible is this example of depression versus elevation you can do this with the shoulder so we can depress the shoulders or elevate the shoulder so this is one type of movement but you can do it with the jaw maybe somebody shows you some picture that's just blows your mind and you you end up with this jaw kind of dropping and your mouth is wide open this is depression of the mandible you're shocked and then you gather yourself or whatever it is elevation of the mandibles just closing the mouth so that might be obvious one of the last ones is opposition so we as primates have opposable thumbs that puts us in a category with possums and and one other mammal here that have opposable thumbs but uh opposition just having opposable thumbs means that you can touch your thumb to the tips of your other fingers opposable thumbs okay we've made it through body movements and there's only six things left to point out and this is the matching section i think the last matching section that we have on the lecture part of the handout it wants us to compare these different types of synovial joints to and give examples of each of these six types there was a review sheet that was produced by one of our groups and it's a really good review sheet it has just some pictures it's additional study items if you want to label them but i just wanted to point out if you grabbed this there's a page on here where it's showing these six types of synovial joints and one of the things that's listed on this they use the term ellipsoid joint this textbook uses the term condyloid but ellipsoid or condyloid are interchangeable just pointing that out in case you're looking at this sheet there are six types of synovial joints all of them are going to allow free range of motion so let's compare these different types the first one plane joints are joints that allow this gliding type of motion so when we were looking at the the short bones in the wrist and we were talking about how these bones just kind of slip past one another you can see this gliding type of motion they allow movement in multiple directions either side front or back so if you're writing notes you can move your wrist around in multiple ways that's our plane joint so the next one on the list is a hinge joint let's see if we go in order hinge joints are the next ones and these sound just like their name tells us it's a hinge so there's really just you know i don't have this side to side motion i've got really just this single plane of movement i can either flex or extend and that's all these hinge joints allow i'm using my elbow as an example because typically these hinge joints are where you have one bone that has this cylindrical shape and the second bone has a trough shape kind of just like this is our trochlea it's part of the humerus that's one of those modified condyles that looks like a trough the other modified condyle right here is the capitulum we're not really worried about the capitulum right now we're thinking of this hinge joint and that's a joint between this trochlea and then right here is the ulna specifically that's the trochlear notch of the ulna biting down right on top of the trochlea so together that makes a hinge joint you can see a cylindrical shape of one bone that's the trochlea the other trough shaped bone is this u shape of the ulna so hinge joints think of the elbow one plane of movement pivot joints in a pivot joint you've got two bones that are connected one bone usually rotates within a ligament or some type of sleeve and there are two that we've seen so far in our introduction of bones one of them i was using in the the forearm we said the radius is able to rotate around the ulna and if we look at how that radius and ulna are connected this is the head of the radius it's next to that u shape of the ulna and and what you really can't make out well you can barely make out you can barely see a little bit of that blue articular cartilage that's on this part of the ulna that's the radial notch we said the ulna has a radial notch and it's a little notch on the ulna that gives room it allows for the head of the radius to rotate so this this head of the radius is going to rotate within this little sleeve i was looking for another picture of it but we when we were talking about cervical vertebrae the first two cervical vertebrae of the neck the first one is an atlas and it rotated around the second vertebrae the axis so the atlas and the axis is another example of one of these pivot joints you've got one bone that can rotate around the other so the atlas rotates around the axis it's what we use when you rotate the head side to side to say no to somebody so when you're rotating your forearm that's another one of these pivot joints okay so we've seen three here is the condyloid joint or sometimes called ellipsoid joint these are going to permit angular movements one example would be maybe the best example would be finding where your uh phalanges attach to the metacarpals so if you're pointing your finger at somebody look at how you can wag that finger around in multiple angular movements so what what's really going on here if we look at these connections there is an oval articular surface of one of these phalanges the proximal into this phalange and another oval shaped depression of your metacarpal bones here's a picture of what we're looking at there's this oval shaped distal end of one of these metacarpals and then you can see there's an oval shaped depression of one of those phalanges together these two uh oval shapes allow the multiple angular movements the kind of wagging around of your hand so ellipsoid joint or condyloid joint the tips of the fingers then that leaves only two more there's a saddle joint which is found in only one place the thumb is where you find these saddle joints if we look closely at these two bone connections one has a concave shape the other one has more of a convex here here are the two shapes of the bone you've got this concave shape that kind of sits down in this convex shape it what also kind of looks like a saddle hence the name saddle joints the thumb is the best place to give an example of this saddle joint and the only other one we have to look at is right here in the shoulder this is the ball and socket joint in comparing all of these joints this ball and socket joint has the greatest range of motion it's the only one that you can do circumduction with and like we said the trade-off is the more range of motion you have the less stable that joint is going to be so ball and socket joints the most freely movable synovial joints so we said they're the least stable they're described like their name uh one rounded end of a bone that looks like a ball fits into a cup shaped depression of another bone the femur that we looked at sitting into this acetabulum is a good example of a ball and socket joint the other ball and socket joint we have is between the humerus and the scapula the head of that humerus sits right there in that glenoid cavity which acts as the the cup the last few slides aren't pointing any structures out it just reminds us that when you have these bone-to-bone connections that are not very stable it is not uncommon that you can have excess stretching of those joints so a sprain is when those ligaments that hold two bones together have been stretched or torn um partial tears can repair themselves slowly but if it's a complete rupture this is only going to be repaired by surgery so sprains again are going to be stretched ligaments cartilage tears we mentioned earlier that cartilage doesn't have direct blood supply and it doesn't have direct nerve supply so it's often not obvious if you've torn cartilage and if you have it very rarely repairs itself like we said because of the lack of blood supply often surgery is required to fix cartilaginous tears we said dislocations occur when when bones are forced out of alignment and this can be common in sports or caused by serious falls we said sprains are when those ligaments are torn or damaged and that's usually followed by inflammation and stiffening of those joints immobilization stiffening of joints is something that can happen in just normal living of life if you're fortunate enough to live long enough then you'll run into what's considered a normal wear and tear of of using your bones what's called osteoarthritis there are many different types of arthritis all of them have to do with bone that is getting damaged because it is grinding together and in osteoarthritis this is just kind of normal wear and tear on the bones i don't know if i have a picture of it here i'm just describing normal wear and tear of the bones this is related to the normal aging process as you use your bones over the course of your life what happens is that articular cartilage wears away eventually the the work of the osteoclast is going to outpace the worst the work of the osteoblast so your bones become a little bit more brittle you lose that articular cartilage bones start to grind together and cause swelling and pain so that's osteoarthritis normal wear and tear on the bones rheumatoid arthritis is is once again going to cause bone on bone grinding together but this is not due to normal wear and tear osteoarthritis which is the normal wear and tear uh form of arthritis is different from this rheumatoid arthritis in rheumatoid arthritis it's an autoimmune disease where your your body's own immune system goes to some of these synovial joints and it sees that articular cartilage and it confuses that articular cartilage as a foreign substance and it tries to remove this articular cartilage and it causes a lot of bones to grind together scar tissue builds up and that can lead to these bones actually fusing together so this is an extreme picture of this rheumatoid arthritis but that is life the last slide of our joints power point so we've made it through all of the power points for the skeletal system