Transcript for:
Beginner Course on Adobe Analytics

[Music] everybody this is Doug welcome to this beginner experience League course on Adobe Analytics focusing on getting up to speed on analysis workspace basic functionality in this video I want to give you a quick rundown of the analytics user interface so we're looking at here and quickly talk about what we'll be covering in this course so the first step really is to even get this far where you are in Adobe Analytics so if you have logged in and you've been given access to analytics you might have come this far where you can see this interface if not you might be in the experience cloud interface and it looks like this and if you're this far well you're home free because you should then have access to click right into analytics from this quick access section or you can always go to the solution switcher these nine dots and then you can select analytics from there and that's really the same thing either way it'll bring you over to Adobe Analytics and if it's your first time in it'll probably drop you into this tab I guess we'll call it a tab at the top this navigation that says reports and it's also known as reports and analytics that is this interface which has folders and some links to some reports etc now I'm gonna go over a few of these other items here but just to kind of give away the ending we're gonna land in workspace also called analysis workspace and it's where we're gonna spend really the rest of this training course because it is likely that you will spend the vast majority of your time as an analyst or a business practitioner or whatever your title is if you are analyzing the data and trying to get the information in order to make data-driven decisions on your site then you'll spend your time mostly in analysis workspace so that's what we're really gonna focus on in this course but I just want to kind of give you a lay of the land here now the truth is whether you are in ports and analytics and you run a quick report here or whether you are in analysis workspace it is all based on the same implementation of the Adobe Analytics code so the numbers will be the same it is just whether you just want to run maybe a quick report when you jump in here or whether you really want to do your stronger analytics in analysis workspace it's all based on the same data now you'll also see some additional menus up here and when you're in your interface the items that you have in your menus will depend on the access that you have been granted now I have an admin menu here but in reality I'm not actually an admin in this company or in this organization if I did this would be a longer list of things here but I have been granted access to a few admin items so you might have a number of items in here as well you may have a longer list if you're an actual admin but again it depends on what you've been granted access to and it's really the same for the tools and the components it will depend on what you have been granted access to but most people will have access to these components because it's really the components that you're going to use over in analysis workspace to build and apply segments and calculated metrics and change the date and make date ranges and all these different things here these will be available for most people the tools however and the admin items those will really depend on what you've been given access to and you can see they are additional things like the data warehouse or activity map report builder etc lastly there's labs here which is really just a prototype hub that hosts multiple experimental features that you can subscribe to use etc but it needs to be enabled for you you can always click in there and see what those experimental features are but to really click in and use them you'll need access there as well now moving along here you'll see this is your organization here the one that I'm logged into is Adobe p.m. but this should have your organization you can also search the interface here again you can go to the solution switcher and switch over to another solution you might have access to or you can go to help and ask questions there that will take you into the documentation or tutorials etc if your company is using the notifications and you might have some notifications there and then of course this is just your account you can click in and see your user name etc so that's really kind of the lay of the land again you'll really probably spend most of your time in workspace and if I click over to that the first thing here to notice is that the top did not change so you'll still have all of those navigation items here at the top in case you need to use any of those and click over to those and then here in workspace this will take you to the new project page and then you can open or create projects from here and we'll talk about that in another video in any case I hope this gives you a quick idea of what you can expect in the Adobe Analytics interface and good luck