Transcript for:
Hypophosphatemia by Professor D

hi guys it's me Professor D and welcome back to my YouTube channel on this video I'm going to be covering hypophosphatinia if you haven't seen hyperphosphatemia already that's fine you don't have to go in order but just keep all of your flu and electrolytes together so if you're watching hypophosphatemia after that watch hyper or phosphatimia if you watch hypothereumi after that watch hyperlutremia and so on and so forth all right guys before we get started please go ahead like this video now so that you don't forget you know you're gonna love this video this is going to be a very short video very to the point don't forget I have audio lessons available for you on my website Nexus be sure to check those out and also almost daily you guys can watch recovering different uh nursing content and questions on my other social media platforms such as Tick Tock Instagram and Facebook so let's get started guys hypophosphatemia that is a phosphorus level of less than 2.4 remember your normal range for phosphorus is 2.4 to 4.4 if it's less than 2.4 a patient has hypo phosphateemia so let's take a look hypophosphatemia that's a low serum phosphate it results from decreased intestinal absorption increase urine excretion or from extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid so these are all the ways that the patient can lose that phosphate it may not be getting absorbed in the GI tract the way it's supposed to patient may be getting rid of it too much through the urine through urinary excretion or that shift okay so acute manifestations what are those signs and symptoms of hypophosphatemia it includes CNS depression muscle weakness pain respiratory failure and heart failure notice guys you kind of see opposite of hyperphosphatemia remember when the patient has hyperphosphatine that they had those signs and symptoms of uh hypo calcimia right remember I told you about how calcium phosphorus have an inverse relationship well same thing here these signs and symptoms you kind of see of what hypercalcemia right chronic hypophosphatemia Alters bone metabolism resulting in rickets and Malaysia why um osteomalacia I want you guys to think about this for a moment one second guys one moment okay there we go sorry about that guys so if you guys can recall in the last video when I was talking about hyper phosphatemia I explained how uh the uh uh phosphate what it would do was pull um calcium out of the bloodstream and that calcium had to go somewhere so it would Lodge in the bones tissues things like that well hypophosphatemia not having enough of a phosphate it has the opposite effect instead of pulling that calcium out of the blood where you think it's pulling calcium out of the bones right and that's why you'll see the patient will have um altered bone metabolism and we'll see patients will have things such as rickets and osteomalacia that's very important to understand guys if you get a question about hypophosphatemia it's going to only be on a couple things this is going to be one of them make sure you know it managing mild phosphorus deficiency involves increasing oral intake of dairy products why I just told you with hypophosphatemia the calcium is being taken out of the bone so we want the patient to get um a higher intake of calcium so this is great for them to get dairy products or phosphorus supplements phosphate supplements symptomatic hypophosphatemia can be deadly okay it can be fatal and it usually admires admires it usually requires IV administration of sodium phosphate or here we go potassium phosphate yep frequent monitoring and Nest is necessary during IV therapy and that makes sense guys you know anything we give intravenously um the absorption time is the shortest and let's say we gave something Sub-Q or sublingual or or um I am right it goes into the bloodstream immediately so you have definitely have to monitor that patient frequently one last thing I want to go over guys are um the pauses and the clinical manifestations for hypophosphatemia now on this side that was on the last video when I went over hyperphosphatemia make sure you guys review this if you haven't done so already but for this video we're going to focus on hypo phosphatim and let me think that's a little bit larger for you so um some causes I'm not going to go over all of them but and I don't know why I don't have this highlight but this one's important malnutrition or vitamin D deficiency remember guys you need Vitamin D to absorb what calcium and we know that calcium and phosphorus have a very close relationship right with hypophosphatemia that calcium is being removed from the bone so a cause can be the patient not having enough vitamin D because we know we need Vitamin D for calcium absorption guys do you see how it all connects parental nutrition chronic alcoholism and by the way chronic alcoholism it doesn't only cause hypophosphatemia it caused many um fluent electrolyte deficiencies what else phosphate binding antacids so that makes sense if the patient's taking a whole lot of phosphate binding antacid of course it can cause hypo phosphatemia hyperparathyroidism remember guys the parathyroid glands those four nodules that sit right there on that thyroid gland the parathyroid glands are responsible for what calcium to be more specific calcium in the blood so if a patient has hyper parathyroidism they're going to have high calcium wear in the blood well what does that have to do with phosphate because if all that calcium in the blood where is it not in the bones what is high per phosphatemia it takes calcium out of the blood and into the bones do you see how it all connects let's go to signs and symptoms for hyper um phosphatemia hypophosphatemia excuse me hypophosphatema I keep talking too fast muscle weakness so those signs that we see in hyper calcinia we've seen hypophosphatemia remember um in the other video when I was talking about hypophos um excuse me I was talking about hyperphosphatemia and then hyperphosphatemia patient has signs and symptoms of hypocalcemia now it's the opposite now that we're talking about hypophosphatemia patients going to have signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia so they're going to have muscle weakness respiratory muscle weakness seizures osteomalacia that's very important rickets I don't know why I didn't highlight rickets but rickets they may experience some rhabdom my life rhabdo myolysis which is also a medical emergency you suspect that patient has a rhabdo you have to call a physician right away or the health care provider but guys this is your hypophosphatemia in a nutshell literally what you need to know about hypophosphatemia right here that's it please let me know what you guys thought about this video um I have lots of fluid electrolytes to go next video I'll be covering magnesium magnesium and balance probably going over hyper and hypomagnesemia please let me know in the comment section what you thought about this video if there's anything you'd like me to cover that I haven't done so already if you haven't already like this video please do so now before the end of this video don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I have audio lessons available on my website Nexus nursing thank you so much for watching this video and you guys catch me on the next video