Transcript for:
Free Lead Scraping from Apollo IO

Today I'm gonna show you how you can scrape unlimited leads from Apollo for free. Yes, you read the title correct. I built out a brand new custom plugin all with AI. I'm gonna walk you step by step on how- how it works and how you could install the exact same plugin that I built and how you can start getting basically unlimited leads from Apollo for free.

If you see my other videos, there's no need to install anything or run any programs or run any scripts. This is about as beginner friendly as it gets. Real quick before we get into it, if you want to know how AI and automations can help your business, make sure to book a free 15 minute call with me down in the description below.

We can talk about everything from web scraping to coding to scrapers and automa- and I can help you build a custom solution for your business. Anyway, enough yapping, let's get into the plugin. So just kind of going over the reasons why you would want an Apollo IO scraper.

Apollo IO has around 300 million leads that you can use to contact for whatever kind of email marketing or cold calling that you might be doing. And they have a couple of different plans here for you to get started, including this free plan which we're going to be sticking with in this video. And you see what's great about the free plan, you get up to 10,000 email credits per account, which is insane.

But the only downside to this is we only get 120 export credits per year for these emails. So you'll be able to see 10,000 emails, but you can only export 120 of them, which is really limiting. So unless you want to pay for the upgraded plans or pay to export credits.

We need to build a tool in order to export this information ourselves. So that's where my plugin comes in. Now, I'm going to show you guys this on a brand new account and walk you through step-by-step exactly how you can get this to work.

You're gonna need to make a new free Apollo account with your work email credentials. This cannot be a Google account or a Yahoo account. This must be a business work account.

So that can be your name at So I just made this Apollo account. And what you're going to want to do in order to get this to work is come on over to the search field here. And how this is going to work is we're going to want to make lists of the people that we want to scrape.

Making a list will allow us to. bulk enrich the contacts and then we can run it through the web scraper to get all that information and put it in a CSV file. So real quick, I'll just make a list here. I'll look for job titles of managers.

I'll check employee size of maybe one to 10 location I'll stick with in the United States. I'll check the industry keywords and I'll go with accounting, make it simple. And then lastly, what we want to do in order to get the highest quality leads from Apollo is come down to this email stack.

status box here, click on it and make sure we're checked on the verified box here. And that'll ensure that the contacts that we're pulling from are all verified people. So I'll come over to total here and you'll see, we have roughly 4,000 contacts in this particular list right now that we can message.

And like I said before, now we're going to want to make our list so we can come up here, click on the whole page, and then we're going to save this to a new list called accountants. And I'll just save it from here. And we're going to want to save as many contacts. as we can from this search here.

So I'll continue to add a couple more people to our list. And you'll notice when we're on the fifth page here, if I try to go to the next page, it'll tell us you're limited to a version of Apollo viewing up to five pages only. And obviously we wanna see more than the first five pages of contacts. So the way to get around this and the method that I've been using is what we can do is actually go back to the first page here.

And if we refresh the page, we should get a list of a bunch of different contacts. And you can even notice that the amount of total people that are in this search right here went down. So you can just keep refreshing the page, waiting for it to go down and adding these people to a list.

If for some reason you're getting the same contacts again, you can come into this net new unsaved contact section here and just kind of play around with it and create lists of as many contacts as you would like. Now there are a couple limitations to doing this method. The first is that Apollo might give you a temporary ban if you add over 2 to 3,000 contacts in a list in any given session. Also as far as making lists goes, you are only going to be able to save up to 2,500 leads in a lead list. That's just because it's the maximum amount of pages Apollo lets you scroll through when you're viewing your list in their Apollo list viewer here.

And as you can see, as I'm adding people to this list and I'm refreshing the pages, the total amount of people is going down. So it's correctly adding all the people and then showing us only new people to add to our list, which is exactly what we want. But in just a couple seconds, I threw together this list of accountants that has 368 contacts.

I'll click into the list and then we're going to want to. do something very critical in order to get this scraper to work. And that is to come on over to this table layout here.

You'll probably be on the default layout to start off with. So it'll look something. like this we're gonna want to instead make a new layout here in the table layout section and then we're gonna want to add in some more information so if we come to the contact section here we can add a little bit more information about our lead like for instance the email and the contact city the contact state and the country and you can even add in other things like the stage owner list engagement, last activity created.

Honestly, those don't give you any good information, but if you want them, you can add them. There's also some other information about the account you can add, but I'm going to skip this for now. Now we have our new table view of our lead list here, and you'll notice we have this email column here. which is where the emails of our lead are going to be displayed.

I'm going to move this all the way to the top here. I'm going to put it after the title here. We'll click on next and I'm going to make a new table layout name. I'm going to call this one email scraper.

You can set it to private or public, whatever works for you, create new layout. And now it'll take us to our new table view, which has all of the information we need, like the name, title. email company employees phone numbers industries keyword cities state and country I have this new plug-in installed up here which is called the Apollo easy scrape and this is the plug-in that I'm gonna show you guys how to install that will scrape all the leads for you so you can see it says you found a list, a total of 368 contacts on 15 different pages, and then gives you a time in between pages and then a button to scrape the list. So it's real simple.

All you have to do is just type in how long you want it to wait in between each page. Anywhere in between three and five seconds is usually good. This really depends on your internet speed.

I'm going to go with three for this instance here. Once you're on a list and it sees the total amount of contacts and it calculates the amount of pages, all I have to do is hit on scrape and in about a couple seconds here, you'll see it'll go from page to page and record all the information hands free. I'm doing this in real time, no cutting, scraping all the data from each of the pages.

And you can see how fast it goes. We're already on 150, 175, and we'll just keep letting it do its thing until it reaches the end. So it just hit page 15. That took around I don't know, 45, 50 seconds real quick.

You can see we have a massive table here in the extension here with all the information we just captured. And now that we have our total table here, we can then type in our file name. I'm going to name this accountants and then just download CSV file.

I'm going to open up this Excel notebook. You'll see we have our brand new CSV file that we just got from Apollo with all of the good information like the first name, last name, full name, title, email, company. the amount of employees, the phone numbers here, the industry, keywords, cities, state, and countries.

All of the good information literally within seconds from any lead list that you might have on Apollo. If we scroll all the way to the bottom here, you'll notice it might be a little bit more. Yeah, I got 376 lines here.

That's just because of the way Apollo loads the leads dynamically when you're searching through them. Kind of messes it up a little bit, but you have all of the good. raw data right here that you can use.

Let's try this out again. So I'm going to head over to another one here. I have this test list right here.

Once again, if I just come up to the extension here, you'll see it says 299 total contacts on 12 pages. I'll set this to three again and then just scrape the list. So how this scraper works is it basically scrapes everything that's on the table inside of Apollo.

So if you don't include the email in the table view, it won't actually scrape the email. So you're going to want to make sure you have all the relevant information that you need inside of the table view for this scraper to catch. So a couple seconds later, we have our new lead list here. I'll download the CSV and look at that We have another list of all of our contacts here and it will be probably around about two hundred and ninety nine ish leads Yeah It's pretty crazy.

Let's try this with a bigger lead list. So I have another account here, kind of on the old style version of what Apollo looks like. I don't know why they keep changing the UI, but I have this lead sheet here of 1,252 people.

You'll see it has a very similar table view to what we've been working with, 1,252 contacts on 51 pages. And then if I scrape the page, if you're liking what you're seeing so far, make sure to give this video a fat like, it really, really does help me out. Put a lot of time into the scraper and I know you guys are going to love it And I hope you guys get some good business out of it beautiful So about two and a half minutes later, we have our finished lead sheet.

I shall name this one leads and Download CSV. We have our CSV file all ready to go with all of our emails that we just got look at that little bit more than 1252. It does create a couple duplicates, which is just kind of how Apollo works with the way it shows the information. So you're going to want to verify this information. But for the most part, guys, look at all this. We have all of the good information here.

And with all the names segmented out by first, last, full name, employee, phone, industry, keyword, state, state, city, country. I even had some of the other information here, but you can see it isn't really that good of information. On this one.

So now that i've shown you how the apollo easy scraper works I'm going to show you how to install it the scraper works for both mac and PC and it's literally just a few clicks away. So let me show you how you can start scraping unlimited leads. So down in the description below, I'm going to have a link to where you can download this folder here.

It'll be either on my Gumroad or GitHub, and it will be called something like Apollo Easy Scrape. And what you're going to want to do is install it and then extract all the contents inside of it. Inside of the folder here, you'll see four different files here, clip manifest popup and popup JS. This is all we're going to need to get the scraper to work.

You're going to want to use some version of a Chrome browser. I'm using Brave, but you can use Chrome, whichever you prefer. And then you want to come up to this menu up here and click on your extensions. Now, once you're in your extensions dashboard here, there'll be a button over here to load unpacked. We're going to want to click on this button here and then just navigate to the folder where all the files you just downloaded are.

So in this case, I have them in this folder here and then click on select folder. And now once we do that, you'll see. The Apollo easy scraper pops up right here and then all we have to do is come to our plugins tab up here Come down to the Apollo easy scraper. I'll pin this now We have our scraper right in here and you'll see we're not on the url But that's basically the installation process. It's really easy Really simple all it is is just installing an unpacked plugin and then from here All we have to do is head on over to Apollo come to one of our save lists And then we can click on the plugin.

It'll check the contacts find the pages type in how long we want to run on each page for and then scrape the list and then just sit back and then wait for the lead sheet to be made. No more coding, no more messing around with Python. It's all done in this plugin for you.

You see, they literally took like 15, 20 seconds. Pretty insane. Once again, I'll have a link down in the description below to where you can install this plugin.

If you do, make sure to leave a like on this video and share it. If you have any fellow business owners or people who want to get leads, make sure to show them this video and install the plugin too. I appreciate all the love and support from everyone in the community over the last couple weeks of me building all these scrapers.

This video is kind of going to wrap up the Apollo series as in there really isn't much else I can do to improve this. And also once again, if you need any help with any custom AI or automations projects, feel free to book a free 15 minute call with me down in the description below. And also if you want to check out how I built this scraper and how I put it together, make sure you check out this video here where I show you step by step of how I put this scraper together.

You're going to learn how to make a Google Chrome extension, how to scrape pages, and how you can code basically any project with AI. So I'll see you guys over in that video.