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Understanding Race Car Dynamics and Handling

  • Tyres, vehicle dynamics and handling make up a massive part of the performance of any race car. We're here today at Highlands Motorsport Park and I've got Blake from University of Canterbury Motorsport to talk a little bit about the approach to vehicle dynamics they take when designing their cars. Hey Blake so we've got your cars behind you here, what's the general approach you're taking when you're going to design one of these cars, what sort of parameters are you starting with and what sort of outputs are you looking for when you're starting from first principles? - So what we look for at the start is our extremities, so we're looking for track, wheel base, what kind of, where we want our tyres, where we want our positioning. Centre of gravity is a consideration. Once you have those parameters, you look at the track that you're running. So for a Formula Student competition, it's a lot of tight corners, some open straights but the key is really high lateral acceleration cornering. So from that point we move into the car, look at roll centres and you start looking at your stiffnesses so your roll stiffness, spring stiffness and from there you can kind of start developing some geometries, working with your camber, caster, king pin inclination and it's kind of like a combined effort between the chassis team, the powertrain team and packaging all that within the one group. - The thing I guess with this competition is the rules are so open, you've got an enormous array of parameters to choose from and there's lots of different directions you can go. So how much of that is based on building on previous experience, 'cause you guys build a new car each year right, so how much is built on previous experience versus say starting with a blank sheet of paper each time? - I think a huge part is the transfer of knowledge. There's no way that you can design a car in 3 months without that prior experience. You're definitely building upon previous years, there's no point redeveloping the wheel, the guys before have done it, done a fantastic job, it's all about learning off those mistakes. Some years we see issues, some years we see ways we can improve the car and it's just about taking note of those and making use of those learnings. - Yeah great so what's the general suspension layout on one of these cars, what are some of the considerations you make? I can see both of these examples are double A arms so what are the decisions you're going through when you're layout out the suspension and deciding where to put the suspension arms, where to put the dampers and how to select your components? - Yeah so I mean the double A arm is a pretty standard geometry for the Formula Student competition. It allows a lot of freedom, it's a very reliable setup. Once you have your rim size selected and you can know your constraints, it does allow for a bit of freedom with where we're putting components. Certainly with the 4WD electric vehicle that we have here, we have a lot more limitations so with that motor mount in there we have to be really clear of interferences and our clearances between A arms and the moving components through the range of motion. So from that it limits you to a range of values that you can use so there's only so much that we can play with and it's just about optimising those and finding the sweet spot really. - And what is the damper system you're using on these cars? I can see here this car looks like, I can't see any coil springs on there whereas this one has different style of damper and it's got some coil springs on it so what's going on there with the dampers you've got fitted to the car? - Yep sweet so we have the Ohlins spring shocks over here and we have our air shocks on this car and the air shocks was a bit of a change for us. It was something that's been thought about for a while, we kind of wanted a shock that was a lot lighter, weight's a serious consideration for us and so with the air shocks we were able to drop quite a lot of that weight and it still allowed us that baseline performance that we needed. The spring shocks are really reliable, quite a linear force whereas the air shocks are a lot more progressive. And it also provides us with a bit more adjustability so we've got a lot more high and low speed compression and rebound adjustability. While these do have that adjustability, we've just got a little bit more freedom there and the weight consideration was definitely part of that. - And what, as a damper like this, what's it originally designed for, is it designed exclusively for something like a Formula Student car or is it based on something else individually? - Yeah so these are actually mountain bike shocks, downhill bike shocks and we've kind of, we've selected ones that we think are going to be capable. We do run them at a high PSI, certainly at the higher end, not something you'd probably, well not what you'd run on a mountain bike but we've found that they actually perform quite well and they're quite well suited due to the light weight of the vehicle and the fact that we have 4 of them. But in saying that, they are at their higher end. - And looking at the cars I can see a little bit of instrumentation on them, I can see some damper pots, I had a look at the pedal box before, looks like you've got brake travel. What sort of instrumentation and logging system have you got in the cars? - So we run quite a few, there's a lot of linear potentiometers in the car just recording travel and with the shocks we want to know what sort of loads are going through our tyres and using those shocks we're able to determine that. With our brake we have, and our accelerators as well, it's all electrically controlled so we need to know where that pedal's at. In terms of other electronics in there, we also have the GPS, a 6 axis gimble and all that stuff is useful for interpreting stuff after track days. - And as far as logging, how do you guys managed that? Have you guys got something that manages the data like a data engineer or a race engineer or how do you deal with that when you're running the car on track? - Yeah so we always have software engineers on hand, they're always out there with the computers plugging in, just interpreting data as we go. That live track feedback and it's a really important component of testing. It's certainly an iterative process, there's always software updates, there's always software changes and it's definitely having all that recording equipment in there allows us just to be able to validate what we're doing. - The other thing about, I guess it's really interesting about developing these sorts of cars, it's happening in a university environment, you guys have got access to a lot of really high level of equipment and presumably processing and computer power. How do you use your simulation, how does that feed into your design, can you talk us through that proccess? - Yeah well we're very fortunate to be in the university environment and have the resources we have available. Obviously validation's a huge component, it's something that's often quite overlooked. When you're considering the static events of the Formula Student competition, validation in the design process is vital. It's incredibly important and we're using a lot of Ansys, a lot of MATLAB, a lot of Solidworks, a lot of stuff depending on where we're going, there's a lot of electrical software that's being utilised. A new development for us has been utilising the Adams Car software. So what we've been doing is creating a full dynamic model of the vehicle in Adams and that allows us to validate what we're doing in the suspension side of things so being able to validate suspensions geometries is really important. It's something that goes back to first principles and it's really hard to come to a suspension geometry that provides all the responses that we want but then also provide an improved lap time and it's really hard to justify that. So having a computer model that we can put those inputs into and then validate that through MATLAB and also on track data as well is a really important process. - And when you're building these virtual models of the cars, is this something that you're able to set the car up virtually and be pretty confident that that setup you've got in the computer, once you're happy with it you can take it to the track and it's generally going to work pretty well straight off the bat in the real car? - Yeah I mean in an ideal world it's always what we want. In reality there's always going to be issues and it's just about ironing those out and making sure that you have good procedures in place to pick up those things. Having those validations as well is really important. Being sure of what we're doing is actually realistic in the real world, it's easy to have a computer model that gives you the perfect answer but if that answer's not actually reliable or not relevant to what we're doing here then it's useless to us so it's really important to validate things after we've put them on the car as well. With suspension that's a little bit hard bit with some of the other things it's a lot easier. With some aero we're testing in wind tunnels and stuff a lot so validating those Ansys flow simulations in the wind tunnel is really important for us to justify what we're doing is the right path. - Got you, and one of the things that's quite striking when you see one of these cars is how tiny the wheels and tyres are. So from what I understand, there is a pretty wide range of options, I think tyre companies are making these tyres for Formula Student events. How wide are the options that you can choose from and what sort of things are feeding into the decision when you're going to design a car as far as size and width and compound and brand and stuff like that? - Yeah well there's a huge amount that comes into them, obviously the tyres are a very crucial part of the car. There's not point having a fabulously powered car if it can't put the power down to the ground. In terms of tyre range, it is extensive, there's a lot, there's a lot of considerations that come into it, even just the simple path of designing your own rims or purchasing rims. There's a few things that come into it, without going too far into depth, like the frontal area is one, how it fits, packaging with our aero. Also packaging internally with, in terms of these we've got planetary gear boxes within those rims and you've got to fit an upright and your suspension pickups around that so having clearance is definitely a consideration, airflow, everything needs to be cool through there so there's a lot that you have to consider. I think it's just coming down to finding that optimum for you car and where your design goals are. - And with the tyres, I understand you guys have got access to some tyre model or some tyre information that you can build your own tyre models from, can you just talk us a little bit through how that process works with how they gather that data and how a tyre model is actually useful for you in a simulation? - Yeah so we get our tyre data from the tyre data consortium and that's something that we can put into Adams, so into our vehicle dynamics software and having that in there is crucial, what we're looking at with these vehicle dynamic models is suspension, we're looking at performance on the track but it's irrelevant if you can't put that power down like I was saying before and with those tyres, your slip angle is a huge consideration, under certain lateral accelerations. It's something that's really hard to model, you've got a highly non linear scenario and to model that by hand is damn near impossible so having those models in place and being able to put, effectively the data from the tyres we have on the car into those computer models is incredibly important. - And from what I understand, the way they test the tyres is essentially a large ram on a big treadmill essentially going down and loading it from side to side and all the different pressures and vertical loads and stuff. How do you guys turn that raw data into something useful that you can put into a simulation, are you doing the modelling yourself as far as the curve fitting and stuff or is that something that's taken care of for you? - Yeah a lot of that has been done in house through some UCM boys. There's been a lot of time and thought go into those. It's definitely a pretty intensive process doing all those curve fittings. It's a huge process, there's a lot of variables, a lot of unknowns and I mean that process is something that it's on the leading edge. So the boys have been pretty well hooked into that and put some serious hours into figuring it all out and validating what we're doing and comparing data to other resources as well. But that interpretation, a lot of that interpretation's done through MATLAB. - And one of the really striking differences I see when I look at these two cars is you've got the combustion car which is obviously just rear wheel drive. This car has got an electric motor on all 4 wheels so one of the things that's become pretty popular in recent years is torque vectoring as a strategy. Is that something you guys make use of in this and what is torque vectoring, how can it help you? - Torque vectoring is huge, especially for a 4WD vehicle. It's something that really sets them apart so in a high level way, torque vectoring is effectively making the most use of that vertical force on your tyre. So when you're coming around a corner, the outside tyres are going to be more highly loaded than the inside tyres so that means that we can deliver a higher torque to those tyres, utilising that additional grip and dropping that off on the inside tyres so that we don't have tyre slip and tyre wear. So it's about measuring our vertical loads on those tyres throughout the track and delivering torque to those tyres based on that. And also based on slip angle, steering wheel angle and it's something that we've been working on for a while and it's something that we haven't quite got right yet, it's an incredibly complex process. We have been developing some basic models so we've got an open loop system with steering wheel angle. So based on the steering wheel angle we're loading up our outside tyres more than our inside tyres. And that's just based on a bias. And there's been a bit of work done as well, just improving that process for future years. Definitely iterative. It's had its kinks and it's something we've been working out for a while but when we get it right it will certainly be pretty huge. - And what sort of driver feedback, I don't know if you've been in the position of being able to turn it off and turn it on and back to back it, what is the driver's feedback, what does it feel like in the car, how much does it improve the performance for them? - Yeah it's a weird feeling, it's like riding an e bike. It's powering you out in funny places. But it's something that can be hugely beneficial and I think once the drivers really start to get used to it, get some hours in the vehicle, then it can be quite powerful. It's just about changing your driving style slightly, knowing when that power's going to kick in, how it's going to pull you. Knowing if it's going to oversteer you a little bit more than in other situations so it's definitely something that you want to have your drivers in early with and keeping them on board through the process and definitely driver feedback like you were saying is important. Sometimes you're going to overdo it and they're going to tell you that and that's important because you need to know that for the track. You need to know when something's actually been having a detrimental effect. It is iterative. - Great well that was a really great rundown of the vehicle dynamics of the cars, thanks very much Blake, that was really interesting. - Awesome cheers. - Cheers mate. If you liked that video make sure you give it a thumbs up and if you're not already a subscriber, make sure you're subscribed. We're constantly releasing new videos. And if you like free stuff,  we've got a great deal for you. Click the link in the description of this video to claim your free spot to our next live lesson.