Comprehensive Flutter App Development Guide

Aug 20, 2024

Complete Flutter App Building Tutorial Notes


  • Welcome to a complete Flutter app building tutorial.
  • Goal: Build an e-commerce app for food delivery for both iOS and Android with a complete backend.
  • Outcomes:
    • Master the Flutter framework and Dart programming language.
    • Better job prospects after completing the course.

Major Features to Cover

  1. Product Categories: Show products based on categories.
  2. Shopping Cart: Build shopping carts, place and track orders.
  3. User Profiles: Create user profile pages including sign-in and sign-up features.
  4. Location Services: Integrate Google Maps for user address locations.
  5. Order Management: Zone-based order tracking and user authentication.
  6. Notifications: Implement Firebase notifications.
  7. Payments: Setup payment SDKs (e.g., PayPal).
  8. Backend Operations: Upload new products and manage order details.

Tutorial Structure

Part 1 (12 hours)

  • Build complex UI screens using Stack, Positioned widgets, and Slivers (SliverAppBar, SliverList).
  • Learn app architecture including API client, repositories, and controllers.
  • Work with models and JSON mapping.

Part 2 (12 hours)

  • Build more complex UI screens (8 screens).
  • Work with Google Maps and user location.
  • Track user orders and show notifications from Firebase.
  • Implement PayPal payment integration.

Part 3 (3 hours)

  • Address platform-specific issues (e.g., notifications for Android/iOS).
  • Convert the mobile app into a web app.
  • Learn how to publish the app on the App Store.

Routing Implementation

  • Define new routes in the routing page.
  • Create methods for obtaining routes.
  • Assign transitions to routes (e.g., fade-in transition).

UI Building and State Management

  • Use GetX for state management.
  • Implement responsive layouts for different devices.
  • Use GetBuilder for reactive UI updates based on state.

Backend Setup

  • Utilize Laravel for backend development.
  • Configure API endpoints for product management.
  • Create a database structure (e.g., users, products).

User Authentication

  • Implement authentication for users.
  • Save user tokens for session management.
  • Handle registration, login, and logout operations.


  • This tutorial covers a comprehensive approach to building a Flutter app with a robust backend.
  • Focus on mastering the Flutter framework, state management, and backend integration for a complete e-commerce solution.