so friends so so so so so hello everyone assalamualaikum welcome to a complete flutter app building tutorial here you will learn how to build an e-commerce app for food delivery and this app would be both for ios and android and this app would also come with a complete back end and why build this app because you want to master flutter framework because you want to master dirt programming language and back-end framework and you also want to get a job well after doing this course you will get much better or master flutter framework and dart programming language if you're new to flutter or if you're coming from another background or another programming language or if you are a fresh college graduate this is the right place for you because this would be a complete app and if you're looking for a job right after finishing this tutorial you will have some things heavy to write on your cv here we'll cover some major features while first we'll learn how to show products based on category then you will learn how to build shopping carts place your order track order after that you'll also learn how to build user profile and pages like sign in and sign up pages and we'll also see how to build user address location from google map and you can also build zone based order for users and the whole app would keep track of user authentication some other major features will cover firebase notification and we'll see how to do payment and payment sdk like paypal and then from the back end you'll also learn how to upload new products and see order details and update order and as well as you'll also see user profile on the back end while in tutorial part 1 we'll have 12 hours and in 12 hours we'll cover a lot of useful ideas first we'll start off by building four complex ui screens and for building those screens we'll be using stack and position widget as well as different slivers we'll cover sliver wrappers and sliver box to adapter and one of the complex ui would be animated page view where we'll see how to scale up scale down and animate the position and right after that we will learn about our app architecture which would be very useful further down the road when you are going to build a new app and here we'll cover api client repository and controllers and we'll also learn what are they and how to build them and we'll see their connection with each other and after learning this concept we'll see how to load them in the dependencies and we make sure that our dependencies will be loaded when our app starts and then we'll go ahead and start working with building models classes with the json map and the list and i know that this is a very scary concept for flutter beginners so here we'll take it slowly and cover things in detail step by step and once we are equipped with these ideas then we'll go ahead and build our first product controller card controller and we'll learn how to process the related data and throughout this first part we'll also cover about responsive layout so that also means that when we run our app on ios or android different devices they would look exactly the same but at the same time they will have proportional size so right after this tutorial part one you'll definitely get better at flutter and dart programming language while in part two we'll have 12 hours and by 12 hours you will finish eight complex ui screen and after this you will really become a hero in flatter front end development and over here you'll learn how to build complex models classes and working with json map and list another major feature would be working with google map and how to interact with google map and save user data and then you'll learn how to build location user and auth controllers and how to process the related data so we'll learn and we'll focus on how to pick up user location based on user tag and then you'll learn how to keep track of user orders and show the user related notification from firebase and you will also learn how to set up paypal payment using paypal sdk and all of them would be also covered in the backend for user management another major feature would be zone based user location and service so by the end of part two you'll really master dart programming language and in tutorial part three we'll have three hours and here we'll take care some of the platform specific issues like notification for both android and ios and we'll also see how to turn this mobile app into web app and this is where the flutter shines okay because flutter once you write code in one platform pretty much you can run it everywhere so you just you just need to know how to build a responsive app and at the end we'll see how to publish this app in the app store well previously this is where we have finished and now it's time to take care of this routing definitely this is not how we do routing or for routing first we'll go to our routing page over here and project folder and over here we have let's see route helper okay so here first we'll define a new route variable for this card page so here we would do static cons string card page now here we'll call it card page okay and we'll create a related method for this so here we do static string to get card page for now it won't take a new parameter but soon it will so here we do card page yeah for now that's all okay and over here we'll define the page okay uh so let's do it let's see right after this you would do get page now name is a cart page and over here we do return cart page okay all right and uh we could let's see if we can assign another transition property to it and here we do transition and transition dot fade in um let's see oh this should be transition okay cool now would come over here to recommended page detail over here so instead of this one we'll use get the two named and here we do route helper dot get cart page okay all right and here we'll save it and as well as we'll come to our another dart ui screen which is the popular food detail over here and from here we do do the same thing so we'll just simply copy this one and put it right over here okay all right and i guess we need to import the library and that's what we did so this is popular for detail okay and we'd also need to come back to this page over here cart page like for this one and over here at the top let's see so this one for main food page okay so we want to go back to the main page uh well let me close this one and dimensions now uh come over here and let's see yes we have a route for this one that's initial route so we'll just go ahead and use it so whatever i copied just now i'll put it here and here we do get initial let's see in a show it should get recognized it didn't but i think we need to import the file and now it's great so over here i'll click on this and now it looks like it's working if i'm over here now i click on this one well now this is the problem because the icon is too small so sometimes it doesn't work okay so let's see would come to our popular food detail i think which is this one and we'll put a log over here we do print and we do tap here and we'll save it okay now let's see looks like it doesn't take that touch event so we do have problem over here so let's restart it now see why it doesn't work so here we had this too now we'll confirm and now let's go over there and it works now come back it works now of course if you tap over here it won't work this was only for this icon circle and it works just fine okay so next we'll take care why this button doesn't work well now the button over here if we go back and come over here it works just fine uh well it's still very small and if we tap outside it doesn't work and if we add more stuff say more than well add one more okay 10. now if you click it doesn't work because over here the size is too small and once you add more stuff most probably displacement happens so that's why it doesn't work now to make sure that it always works i'll first we'll come over here and remove this gesture detector from here okay so i'll simply first remove this one over here okay and over here i'll simply remove this now this is a child inside the position widget now over here we have inside the stack widget we have all these things okay so now we want to make this whole stack widget clickable okay that's what we want to do so we'll just collapse it and then wrap it around gesture detector okay now over here we'll have this on tap event so here we do get dot to named now here we do route helper dot get cart page okay all right now it should work okay so now you click wherever you click it will take you there okay well now if we go ahead and remove everything from the item now let's see okay so now it's gone but you're still able to go there and which doesn't make sense right if you don't have anything over here you shouldn't go there well we can do it easily well we can do a conditional check so based on this one now i find this this this is too long and i find this is quite an annoying this sense syntax so what i'll do i'll just copy this one because this is an instance of this controller so we can just simply replace that one and would achieve the same result now we'll save it and make sure that it works yes it does and if you add more stuff um we see it immediately over here we can go back and come back all right so it works because this is just simply an uh instance of popular product controller anyway so now over here just to do a conditional check just using this one over here we'll copy this one and we'll do if all right if this is then we'll go otherwise we don't do anything okay so now let's save it well first to remove this and submit it okay so now nothing is there now if you click on this it shouldn't work okay and it didn't but if you add one confirm you click anywhere and it goes all right so it works now we'll use the same logic for our recommended food detail so i'll just simply copy this one first and i'll come over here and over here the same thing so i'll remove this one and over here this section okay now over here we do have this stack widget so i'll wrap it around issue detector and here do gesture detector and over here we'll just copy what we had early and i think we need a comma okay and now the error should be gone now once again this is also popular product controller and i will save it now i'll come over here and i can see that i can still go back to this page okay yes and let's see yeah okay so i'll click over here and i'll add more stuff and we should have total four we have and we can go back okay all right so looks like uh it's working as we expected all right now let's click on this next we'll see how to show the items over here now we'll see how to show the quantity over here and we can do it pretty easily all first we'll go to cart page over here and over here we have this get items and if we on mac if we hit command b it will take us to this definition and over here we do get a list of card model and this items in the list are all over here and this card model is also about all of this okay and we are already returning a model remember we earlier we saw that we have this map and map the value is the cart model anyway so here we do have already the value so as we have the value now we can reach or find the quantity inside this okay so i'll come over here now one thing i'll do i'll simplify this one a little bit okay so over here i would do var cart list and instead of doing it like this i'll cut this and put it over here okay and now over here i would do card list dot length okay so later in our app we can in this page in this page we can use this one to access everything about this cart list okay so now we need to find this section and replace this item which is zero so over here now over here we'll do cart list okay let me put uh underscore because that means a private variable so over here okay now okay so over here would access each of the element by index okay and then we do dot and now here we do have the quantity okay all right and most role you need to put this bang operator because while now here not bank operator so in optional can't be assigned to string so that's why i would con convert it to string okay now what we'll do we'll save it and let's see and we can already see the quantity okay so it's working now if we go back to our home page and add a new item over here and we come over here we added we come over here and we see the new item that we added three now add one from over here so anyway so let's add a little more item now we are here now we can say it's perfect so this section is also working as we expected well next we'll see how to click on this buttons and increase or decrease from here now we want to click on them and able to increase or decrease the amount from here as well as if it reaches zero it would be automatically gone from here that's what we want okay well now if we come over to our card controller over here and we do see that we have an add item this method over here and it has two sections one for updating the model or the map actually so because we are updating the map or adding new items in the map so this is what we want so we want to be able to call this add item method from here and then we'll be passing a product model and a number the quantity that we want to increase or decrease well previously when we were in popular food detail or popular recommended food detail things like that like this one and this one so it was easy to access the product model because i could access them from here using this controller okay but from cart page because everything is wrapped here around this cart controller not product controller so we don't really we can't really access the product from here do remember that once again earlier from other pages like for example if we wanted to add one item or decrease one item so from certain page from here we would pass this product model and quantity right now once again those pages they had we were able to access this model somehow but from cart page we can't but now if we are going to do the same operation over here then we need to be able to access the product model okay now how can we do that well now one thing definitely we could do we would come over here and save the product model inside the cart model okay inside this and then because we can access the items using like this or from here like this okay if we have this one we can access the certain cart model and inside the cart model if we have this product model then we'll be able to access that product model using dot operator okay because after all my add item already takes the product model okay so inside this i could save the product model inside the cart model and then from this page we'll use dot operator from this list okay and then we'll be able to access the product model and that one will pass over here like once we remove our add item okay hopefully it makes sense now all we need to do we need to come to our uh cart model first so we'll go there and over here we'll increase a new field and we'll call it product model okay and we'll instantiate an object declare a variable from this one and over here in the constructor we want to be able to receive that okay now over here we'll do the same thing for product we'll do json product okay over here we can write like this but it won't work well now we are passing json right but over here we want to save an object like this one okay but when it comes down to this part it comes as a json okay so we need to convert it so we do product model dot from json and we already have a method over here if we go to product model we see i already have a method for that one which we created early from json we make it to our product uh we make it to an object okay so we can use this this method that's already defined and all we need to do we're gonna pass this json okay because it takes adjacent and json is string and dynamic things like that we learned very early anyway so now with this uh we have a little modification in our cart model so inside we have this product object just like quantity we accessed earlier using dot operator now would be able to access the product object using the dot operator that's what i said early anyway now uh when we create this cart object using this cart model we also need to save it okay so over here uh well this is for updating uh it doesn't matter so here we'll do product product okay now this is the product we are sending to our variable over here or this one okay and this product is being this one now we we need to do the same thing when you first time put items in our map so we'll just simply put it there okay now we'll restart it hot reload and hopefully no error now we'll come to our cart page now over here we'll access first we'll be accessing this method which is called add item so over here we'll use this instance card controller to access that one okay so let's come over here we would do card controller dot add items now it takes product as an object how can we access that we already have a list of objects now over here we'll get an object based on the index and we'll get the product the object we wanted all right and let's see okay because this is optional so we need to say that this is not going to be optional now over here because we are going to remove so simply pass minus one okay all right so here's always when you whenever you click on this button it's it'd be always zero okay i mean sorry not zero it will always reduce okay anyway so now we'll copy this one now we'll simply put it over here all right yeah and in this case instead of minus we'll do plus all right now we'll save it and it looks like we do have a bit of uh error okay so we don't need this plus sorry okay we're good now we'll i'll go to home page i'll come back here now i will see if i can reduce okay well now we do have an error over here let's see what it is so null checker operator used on a null value so let's see okay so let's restart it because we created this model long ago and at that time i mean we created this cart long ago and that at that time the product model was not inserted inside this okay so that's why it's it's find product as a null because they don't have this model inside remember we are following this one from tutorial 1 and over there at that time we didn't have this one right we just inserted early so we need to restart our app and now we'll come over here we'll add items okay and i'll add another two or three items from here okay now i'll come over there now see if i can increase now let's see okay while i click nothing happens well that's first good news if i reduce nothing happens either well that's because over here mostly we are not uh let's see well we are inside get builders so you're supposed to see the update immediately which we did not okay so first let's go ahead and print a log over here and we see what happens so we do print and let's see if we are being tapped or not so here being tapped okay and then i'll restart it and i'll try to click on this while it's being saved now restart it again now yes after restarting we can see that it works now let's come back to our method over here which is add item now at item it doesn't have one thing that tells the flutter framework that the content has been updated so over here we can just simply call update okay now previously it worked with uh product controller let me show you why it worked would be simply just say this one now for add item after adding the item we automatically over here you see from ad item we first call this one and then we call this one at the end so we got the updated value immediately but now inside this cart controller we are calling this method directly okay so here we don't have any update so that's why it's not being updated well it means that node is telling the ui that there is a new content okay now anyway let's restart it now go ahead you can do now you can increase you can decrease you can do whatever you want okay all right now let's come over here would be here and sorry for the noise because i'm in china and it's their festival so people are playing fireworks outside now at some stars from here now i come over here i see my item is still here now i want to do minus okay now it's gone automatically okay so and let's remove this one and see okay so it's gone automatically next we want to able to click on this and go back to the previous page but of course if we click on this nothing happens and let's add a few more item now here i'll add another two i'll go back to this card now what do we want we want to click on this and go back to the page we had early and then we want to come back again and then if we click over here then we will go back to this product for detail and then once again come back that's what we want to do okay well now to do that we need to do a bit of coding uh well first thing you need to know that how we are going to do that now this is a cart page and this car page has to do with this card controller and whatever item we see over here everything is saved inside this items and this items over here i'm using this property and this property all it does makes a list of the cart items over here and it's returns as a list okay so that's all it does and it returns everything from this map but as a list okay so this has the list of the items that's added in the cart right okay that's one thing and this one previously we have accessed over here in cart page uh let's see inside cart page where was it over here okay so now this is a list this is a list of items that we have over here now do remember that if we see once again this one this items over here this also has a product inside that we added early a product object okay so this is a cart and inside this cart each of the item also has a product model as an object okay now if we go back to our earlier one of the page over here say recommended for detail so we come to this this recommended for detail takes a page id well now this is coming from here uh main food page body let me show you so over here whenever you click any of them uh when whenever the click happens as we can see from here that it takes an index right and this index has been passed to this one over here the same is true for this popular food detail okay so every time a click happens we pass the index or a page id and then from the list over here we find that product based on this id from this list so we get an object right product object because this list stores product object if we want to see over here regardless it's a popular recommended food controller the mechanism is same so over here so this has been taken as a product object as you can see so this product is coming from over here and this is over here so over here using from json and product model which is over here so we turn json to our product model and product model is our object okay so that's what we do sorry for this so anyway so this list also has objects inside okay now why i'm talking about this one so as i said earlier whenever we are here so we do have objects from our recommended food detail uh are popular for detail i mean from those controllers from this list okay so we do have objects from here but we don't know once we click on this flutter doesn't know which one is being tapped so we have to know it to know this we need to know the index okay now do remember each of the list stores objects and they store the object in index manner which means that the list could be iterable using index like zero one two three four okay so we'll come back to this uh cart page which is uh this one and over here we do have a container which is this one this container is the image container which is showing either this or this okay so i'll wrap this around gesture detector so what i'll do i'll write the gesture detector and we'll have ontap event and over here we'll do child and we'll pass that container okay as a child now over here once i click on this i have to find first the list which list they are in but that's easy to do and from that list we need to be able to find their index okay so but definitely once i click on this i really don't know which list they are coming from okay so we have to find it manually so while two controllers they have two different lists right so i can use any of them first and then try to find the list okay now to find them in the list we need to pass an object from this list product object okay and it'll find it and give us the index whatever the index is we can find and once we find the index will pass that index to a router and that router will either find the recommended food detail or popular food detail page okay so let's go ahead and do it then we'll understand what's going on so first i'll create a variable over here so we'll call it var popular index okay now this will hold the index from the list so over here i would do uh get dot fine now here we do popular popular food popular product now we can access that list so our list is popular product list okay now once we do that we need to find the index of certain product okay so we do index off let's see there's a property which you just call index of this one so this one takes a item and if that item could be found in this list then it returns okay and saves it in this variable now what item we want to send we want to send one of the items from this cart list okay so now here we do cart list okay and we'll go through the index and we remember in the cart list we have saved our product our product model okay make sure we are telling the compiler that it's not going to be null okay and then we just return so what i'll do i'll put it like this so that it makes more sense and understandable what's going on so i'm taking this list and in this list i'm passing an object okay and this object is coming from the stored item here in this list which in this case stored over here which in this case stored in the list okay hopefully it makes sense so we find we take any of them of course we are taking it based on index okay so if we click the first one it will take the first index which is zero and for the zero index it will find the product object and if it can find it'll return the index from this list and save it over here okay well i know there's a lot of index index index but that's how it has to work over here or if you click on this one which in this case the index would be one so for one index one it will find that first it will find that object from the cart list and then it will pass that object to this index off okay now if index of can find that object from this list it will return the related index from here okay hopefully it makes sense all right well now if it can find the result would be zero or greater than zero if it confined the result is less than zero so we'll do a conditional check over here if pop popular index equal or greater than zero that means it found it okay so over here we would do one thing otherwise would do another thing if it couldn't find that means it's not in this list okay well in that case we'll just copy this one over here and we'll put it right there and over here we'll call it recommended okay rack men dead all right and i will copy this i'll put it over here and i'll put it over here and big r okay and make sure that you import it i think it's auto imported for me so now we are taking this controller and from that controller we find recommended product list which is this one okay and then we try to find it but we know that if we can't find over here it must be here because for now we just have two categories well if you have more categories of course you need to do more check over here more conditional check okay anyway so if it can find this belongs to popular uh product list okay or popular food detail so right now it found in this list so we'll navigate it to uh popular food detail page okay to do that here we just simply do get dot to named now over here we'll call route helper we'll call rot helper and here we want to call a function which is called get popular food and over here all we need to do pass this on this index okay and that's all now the same over here so we do get dot to named okay now route helper get recommended food now over here we want to pass this index and we'll pass this and that's all okay now let's go ahead and restart our app because a lot of changes so and here's we do have a bit of dart code okay now let's go ahead and add a staff so now i'll go back over here i'll add three stops and then maybe i'll come over here and add more okay now i'll go over here now i want to click on this i should go back to this page okay and it happens okay and of course over here you can go back to the cart yes now over here you click on this it takes you this page and you click on this it takes you this page click on this it takes you this page now here's the problem once you click on this where do you want to go of course you want to go back to the cart page right but you don't now we go back to the main page this is the problem that we need to solve look at this so once you click on this i'm i'm going to see this thing right but now close it you want to go back to the cart page where you have everything not the main page but it takes us to the main page okay so next we'll see how to go back to the related cart page to do that we need to pass more arguments to this route over here because we need to keep track of where we are going and from what page we are going back okay well uh let's go ahead and do it now over here because i'm in cart page so when i click on this button so i want to while here once again so i click on this i confirm i come over here so now uh once i click on this this will take me to the popular page right so okay but on this page i came from cart page okay so here i want to put a tag over here okay so just a simple i would say cart page okay because now i'm from here i'm being redirected from earlier cart page okay so that's why we had now of course this is through an error because we don't have anything like this over here so we are passing more parameters so argument so now here i have to take it as a parameter so here i will do page now i need to receive it over here so here we do ampersand page equal page so if you have multiple parameters you pass like this in the route using basically the first one starts with uh the question mark and the next one you go ahead and do this ampersand to pass more parameters now this one is uh this one which is uh related to this one the first round parameter now eventually gets called this one right so over here we also need to catch and pass it to this one so here we do page we call get dot parameters now here we do page okay so whatever being passed to this variable over here uh i think which is this one later on okay this one gets from this one which is dynamic but anyway so now we need to pass it to this one over here to page page and make sure that it's not empty now we need to come to a popular page otherwise we'll still have an error so over here we do final string page so now here we do require the stop page okay now the error should be gone and after that we need to come to this section over here i'll just simply remove it now here we do conditional check it will do page equal card page okay if it's from cart page now let me redirect to you to cart page okay so here we do route helper dot get car page okay otherwise uh we can just simply go ahead and go to our initial route page okay so here we do initial page so we don't need this section all right so let's go ahead and save it now if i click on this uh well looks like we do have a bit of issue so let's come over here here it's fine i guess now this file okay here we need to pass more parameters because here we do have got popular and here this is our home page so this is going from homepage which is over here okay now let's save it okay now let's go over there and uh let's restart everything now here we'll go ahead and click okay now we added force items now here we are going to go back to the previous page and once i go back i should go back to the cart page now i'm in the cart this is correct okay click on this once again here i'm on the cart page now here i do go back to home page but this time if i click on this i should go back to home page because that's the earlier page right perfect so that's what we wanted and this is that's why we need to keep track of the page where we are going from but of course this is just a string you can name it anything you want all right so that's why now over here um we need to make changes in some other places as well okay well so we'll come over here and we do the same for recommended page and the approach is actually exactly same okay and over here i need to do the same thing var page we call that parameters page let's pass it down to this one over here page page now we need to go over there click on this and you want to receive it over here okay so string page so here we do required this dot page okay now there should be gone now would come down over here now what you could do you can simply go ahead and copy part of it and change them quickly so here i'll be here and here if it's from carthage go to cart page otherwise go to initial page okay that's as simple as that one and let's recompile it i think we'll have an error and that's okay because we forgot to update part of the thing now here we are also going from cart page so we need to do cart page and what else route helper route helper homepage body and over here so because this is from homepage okay now let's go ahead and restart let's see if it works or not it should work okay now let's add more stuff to this so definitely we can go back to home page now here let's add stuff to it this is home page once again now let's go ahead and add from desert dessert sorry now we'll go back to our cart page now let's click on this i can view definitely i can go back to our cart page i can view i can go back to the cart page and i can once again go back to the cart page once you go to the home page you click on this and you just go to the home page okay well definitely that part is working pretty well now we'll see how to show our icon over here sorry the menu bar or the bottom bottom navigation bar over here well now this is for cart page right now we have laid out this logic before so you can go ahead and simply copy part of the code from here and here we do know that well i think that should be popular page so here we do have a bottom navigation bar so we'll just simply go ahead and copy this section and i will come over here now here we do have stack right it's a stack and right below it we can put this section because scaffold has body and bottom navigation together right so that's how it works and we might have a couple of errors let's take care of them quickly over here we don't need this section i'll just simply go ahead and remove this one we also don't need this and where else um okay let's go ahead and save it let's see what do we see here ah yes so this is what we see and uh definitely we also don't need this actually we don't need this plus minus button over here so we can just simply go ahead and delete them so now here with the size box and also the same for this one we also don't need the remove button let's save it perfect now of course here we want to see the summation of all of this okay now for this one we need to come to our cart controller which is over here and over here at the bottom we'll create a property and it would be in type and it will return as total amount now over here it wants us to return something so first we'll return zero now over here we'll declare variable and we'll call it total equals 0. now do remember this is our item an item is a map and it has int and cart model cart model is the things that being added and we saw earlier that cart model also has a price and quantity right so we need to get the total price now here what is the total price of this one 36 right 12 multiplied by three now what should be the total price of this one now 24 12 multiplied by two so we'll do basic math over here very basic math so here we do items and we'll go through a for loop for each loop now over here now this forage loop is for map itself and let's see over here well this is another type but we use entries and we also had the other one over here 4h previously we did anyway so now we'll come over here uh let's get organized now over here we'll have total you call the quantity the price multiplied by quantity right so that's what we want so over here we do value because value is the actual cart model which has quantity and which also has price okay now the error should be gone i should be gone here as well we are saying that they they are not going to be null let's see the thing okay it's gone now of course this is just for one item right 24 but if you go to the next item you need to add it to the previous total so that's why here we do this one and after that instead of returning zero we would return total okay now the error over here it looks good so this returns us the total amount and here is the basic math for each item you multiply and you add it to the next round okay so this is more like a forage slope now we would come to the cart page over here uh i guess this is our cart page and now over here instead of saying add to carter will say check out now at the top i believe we do have this one in card items but definitely we don't need this okay now look at this one here we have popular product controller but actually we want access to cart controller okay so here we write card controller now because it's wrapped around get builders so if there is change in the cart controller so this cut controller would be updated automatically and so as our view right so here we'll remove this one we would call a card controller cart let's see what do we have here sorry i made a mistake it should be cart controller okay we'll copy this one now we'll put it right here and then we'll call total amount okay and let's convert it to string now let's save it okay and we see it immediately now if you reduce one item five dollar would be gone so it makes sense now twelve dollar began so it's working but all we need to do we need to add it to another string so over here we'll do this one for now it's a dollar icon you can put it to whatever you want okay so it makes sense now if you remove one item completely it's gone okay it's gone if you go back come back to our cart page it's still there if you remove yeah okay now next thing we want to do is uh over here we want to put a bottom navigation bar so that we can go back to our cart page immediately not from here okay so here of course we need to go back from this page that's okay but what if the user wants to go back to the cart page from the main page okay well for that for that reason we need to add a bottom navigation bar over here and in next section that's what we'll be doing first we need to come to our main page over here main.dart and one thing that we can comment this out because we already defined initial route and it should still work okay and if we go to the route file and we'll see that initial route gets called by well either this or this or this actually that's the same thing because here we're directly calling uh let's see which one uh over here route helper.initial which is this one okay but we can also get we can actually also call this one and it would be the same okay no changes at all okay all right and that's how we should call because we are trying to be consistent how we build the app uh but now we want to build a bottom navigation bar over here so that's why we need to change some of the logic and first we'll go ahead over here and create a new dart file and we'll call it homepage.dart okay and we'll create it as a stateful class over here and we'll call it home page okay and we'll import the necessary packages and the libraries and over here will return scaffold the reason is because we want to have bottom navigation bar and it takes a body now with the body we'll have this one main foot page okay so we'll come over here and we'll just simply go ahead and call this one okay but of course if you go and run it no changes yet because main dot dart is referring to initial and the initial is referring to main food okay but now we don't want to call it from main food we want to call it the main page okay so now let's see our homepage actually so this is our home page so main page which is this one calling this and this in returns calls this one okay now let's restart it of course no change yet just some logical change now here we want to have bottom navigation bar and we want to have i think things like let's see uh well not really this one but anyway so here we want to create a list of variables or pages okay so we do list pages and over here list is more like an array if you're coming from php or java things like that so here it would take list of items or objects okay so here first we can define this pages okay which is this one well for now we only define this page then we can do a container just a dummy data and it will have a child a child would take text let it say next page and we'll wrap it around the center widget okay all right and i'll copy it another two times and next next page and next next next page okay so we'll have four pages now having this list over here the benefit is you can access it using index okay now there's a list i'm accessing the list in the body okay now the list gets me the first item in the list using the index okay so this is a widget okay main food page is a widget we can confirm that it is a widget because we are returning here build it return type is build over here which is widget okay so build method returns widget type so this is what makes this a widget so here we are returning a widget and this is a widget too these are all widgets so we have widgets but of course if you restart no changes but if you change the index you will see there is change immediately so which is this one which is the last one so if we have a list variable we can toggle through the indexes okay and change the pages that's what we learned now of course we want to change this index dynamically so that's why we need to declare a variable and we'll call it selected index equals zero now this one would be here okay so now if we change the value of selected index we'll see the related page okay like that so hopefully it makes sense let's see we need to restore it to get it affected okay now we need to find a way to toggle this selected index and we'll be able to do that very soon now you do it in the bottom navigation bar okay so here bottom navigation bar takes bottom navigation bar and within it it takes a list which is called items now items is a list over here if you hover over on it you'll see it takes a children list of children the type is bottom navigation bar so it takes item text list of children and their type is bottom navigation bar so i'll just simply go ahead and copy them now here it would ask you to have at least uh one of them which is called icon okay so here we need to do i think it's icon yes and over here we do icons dot home okay home outline and it also takes title uh let's see it should be outside here title title is home as well okay now we can add constant modifier there should be gone it's not an error just annoying stuff now we'll have four items in the bottom navigation bar so we copy it four times now if you save it you can already see them but it's hard to see right what's going on so first thing we can change some of the properties while the items are still there and just the color doesn't it's not very obvious so here we do selected label which is the one you select or tap so here we do a colors dot main color okay now if you save it uh before we save it i think we need to uh okay we got the wrong property so here we need to do selected item color actually select item color this one have colors dot main color now save it you can already see our stuff now over here unselected item color the one are not selected would call it over here lose colors dot ember accent so these are the unselected ones okay now here we don't want to show the text okay so i want to hide the text okay well so for that one we do selected labels false so the text should be gone and unselected labels unselected labels phones as well okay uh before we go ahead further let's go ahead and be able to tap on them okay because now we can't tap so this is boring well now bottom narration bar takes a function which is called on tap okay now this enter function okay uh should have a function and we should take index in their parameter okay so first over here we'll go ahead and create a function and we'll call it uh on tap nav okay so here we do int index so this function would call it from here and now they are connected there this function is bound to this one now as they're same it tells you that okay you should have an int as a parameter which we already have so once you click on them index should be over here so for the first one the index should be zero the third one index should be two the second one index should be one so it makes sense right so now once you tap on them it will happen automatically so the tapping thing you don't need to care so flutter will do it for us automatically okay so we'll come over here all we need to do we need to save this index to selected index okay so here we do this one but what we want as we click on them our ui should change right now this value also changes now if we want to trigger ui change we can use state okay so now based on this flutter would know okay there is a change in the variable and value so that could mean that flutter should redraw the ui and if it does then we'd be able to see okay now let's save it click on them and we see that we are already tappable okay we can tap on them but of course the icon color is and icons they are all same so let's change some icons here we do our hive and we'll call it history the name doesn't really matter anymore so here you do shopping cart and here we go cart and here just me and here diagram should be person okay now they change automatically now we do see that we do have other issues now let's see where it happens you click on this it's fine you go to another page now it happens so we are going from this page to this page and it tells you that well you are leaving this page but you are not disposing something in this page so let's go ahead and find this page this page is this one okay now it tells you so whenever you live this page go ahead and call super dispose so well we already overwrote our dispose function last time but we forgot to do this one while at that time actually we just had only one page and it had some nested pages okay so this pages were nested inside the main page but now we have more pages and they're independent so when you go from here to here literally you are leaving the earlier page so it should be garbage collected or removed from memory as you leave okay this is the idea though anyway so you should call this one so now the error is gone now let's see okay so we are pretty good so yeah okay now this is the problem as you tap you see the content change but the button doesn't change to change the button we also need to change the index over here and for that one we have another property which is called current index this index is same as this one so as we are changing the index from this untap function over here we also need to pass it to this one okay this function is just responsible for changing but not assigning to this one okay so now we'll be able to assign it okay now you see you can tap on them and go ahead and change as you want now here we do have another issue it says that you need a layout now it's a complex process over here for the bottom navigation bar okay uh because we are hiding this one um just labels and they're still there but i think it doesn't get any layout because it's being hidden uh one way to solve this you can do selected font size 0.0 and unselected font size 0.0 okay now this solve the issue all right yeah now however you tap the arrow should be gone well now this is a basic bottom navigation bar next we'll see how to turn this one into an amazing beautiful bottom navigation bar using a plugin all right so this app bar is pretty simple sorry the bottom bar or bottom navigation bar so here is one thing we are going to do well we'll go to this website okay so pop that down and dev and over here we have this uh popular bottom navigation bar looks like it does have quite a bit of liking and popularity unfortunately because i'm in china a lot of the images could not be downloaded uh but this plugin is for bottom navigation bar and it does come with a lot of styles so we'll go ahead and install it and see how we can use it in our project okay well to install it you'd come over here and uh you'd copy this section over here okay and if you're following along with me so now we'll come to our uh pub spec dot yml file and over here let's see where is our dependencies so right below it okay dots indicator uh we'll install it okay and once you put it there make sure that you have this alignment otherwise you'll get error and click on public pubget so it will download the dependencies necessary okay all right i'm pretty much done almost now uh just now we worked over here for building this bottom navigation bar and personally actually i would go ahead with this one because this is coming right out from flutter framework it's not a plugin and this code would be persistent it doesn't matter what flutter version we use okay so but this one over here it does come with a lot of styles so some of you or most of you might be interested in using this kind of styles okay so once we go ahead and install we'll see well it comes with almost 20 styles okay you see over here but the one currently we have over here this is only one style of course we can go ahead and style it but different style needs different type of coding so we'll see how to use that one so i want to keep both of them and it's your choice which one you go ahead and use but this idea what we learned here we'll use pretty much there over there we'll see how we are using items which takes a list of children and we'll also see how we are going to use this body okay and from body we switch the pages anyway so i'll come over here and i'll select this two lines over here and i'm on mac android studio so i will hit command shift and backslash okay now with this this line has been comment out because we don't need this now but of course we'll get error now what we'll do we'll come over here remember that we are using persistent bottom number so the first thing we do would go ahead and initialize a persistent tab bar controller so we'll copy this one and come to this part while definitely we need to initialize the variables so here part of it but this should go inside uh our init state method okay so we'll go ahead and create init state override and void in its state okay and we have to write super dot in its state just like we did before for super dispose method so for each state we have to override it now in its state method is the method that we use to initialize the variables before your class really gets into action the related variables or dependencies okay now here the second line i just cut so i'll put it here okay now make sure that you go ahead and import this library it's coming from the plugin itself and over here the problem is that we are using a new flatter version with old flutter version it works so if your flutter version is old it should work if it's not just add this late modifier and you are telling that flutter you're telling plotter that will initialize it later before we use it okay and over here we just initialized it okay now next section is right here so we'll copy from here okay and we'll put below it because eventually for me i might stick with this one okay okay well now it has two sections that i we need to work on so build screen in items but item is the same as this one over here that we worked with so that one and nev uh build screen should be this one okay so you need a list of pages but of course this idea is same but this plugin doesn't work like that it's a little differently so here these are the list of pages so just copy it and put it right below it and copy this one so these are the items which has the bottom navigation bar item but in this case of course this is persistent bottom number so copy it and put it right there okay now this two pages we don't have we have this four so we'll go ahead and copy and put it right to there okay now of course here we have four screens you should have four bar items as well so we'll just go ahead and copy them okay now we'll use some of this icons over here well the second one in our case is archive okay and here we'll write archive every box fail and the third one is let's see if we have cart okay we can go out of the cart fill and here we write cart and here we do me so here we do person okay uh and let's go ahead and restart our app here we are it's already there of course it's very different the one we worked with okay so um this is also good i think this one is let's see style one now if you want a different style just change the number here use style two so you will see it's different okay changes immediately style three okay it's different it is a bar at the top style four five i'll go ahead and show you five so this is cleaner okay yeah and style six is also good i think all right so there are different styles up to i think 19 all right so this is style one and this looks okay uh but in this case uh we could do a change inside this thing okay now the color match is really important so you could go ahead and do the color match on your own so it's up to your choice okay now if you want to change the color you have to come over here and change the color but why i showed you how to use this one because a lot of you might use different styles okay and i think this plugin is useful because it comes with different style okay but just change the color over here okay now for me i'll not use this one okay for now so i'll keep the code here okay i'll keep all this code and just i'll comment this out that's all i would do okay all right and i think this is the one we had early so we'll uncomment this so on mac android studio command shift backslash so this should uncomment what we had early okay all right and we also donate this one as well as this part okay but in future if you want to use them just go ahead and uncomment them okay now of course if you don't want to use this plugin at all so don't forget to come over here and remove this okay and do pop get one more time okay so i'll go ahead and delete it but i'll put the code there okay the code i had earlier okay so it'll take care of rest of the things all right now we'll go ahead and build a splash screen uh the screen that pop up when you first load the app but this screen is quite important because uh first thing is animation and your branding or logo but most importantly you want to load resources uh currently if you come to main dart over here this file you'll see that we are loading over here like this but this is not the correct way to load uh as we progress will change a lot over here so before that we have to go ahead and build a splash screen and from there we'll load resources and we'll have a function over there uh anyway now we'll come to our project folder over here and let's collapse them now over here inside pages we'll make a new folder and we'll call it splash okay now over here inside splash we'll create a new file and we'll call it slash page the dart okay now this page would show or load at first at the beginning before this one gets loaded and this would also do animation now for animation we need to use a stateful widget but of course we can go ahead and do the animation with uh get x but i think we can also learn some of the things that's directly inside flutter framework so this time we'll be using a stateful widget uh just like we did earlier for our home page okay over here we also used stateful widget now if you come to this page uh sorry this one here we'll create a new class uh we do st and then i'll choose the option stateful widget and here i would write a splash page i think uh let me go ahead and change the name the actually the convention is splash screen okay so that's where we'll stick but our pages we do have name with this page so we'll stick to that one all right but if you want you can also go ahead with the home screen or whatever okay uh so here we'll call it splash screen now over here uh let me show you that how it it would work now this is my the app that i built before now this is the screen that we want to load first okay but here this one would be animated and this one would be animated as well okay and it would become from small to big okay things like that well now this two would be driven by animation okay so that's why we need to go ahead and create some variables for animation so first here we'll create animation variable and while this class is inside flutter package so all we need to do maybe just import it and animation will take value so the value is a double type and here we'll initialize it later so here we do light animation and it's inside this coppertino library so it's imported automatically so this is the first variable we want and just like over here earlier we had this tab bar for animation sorry tab controller for animation we also need a similar controller and that's called animation controller animation controller okay and once again here we'll call it controller now we want to initialize it later now this i think also incites this flutter search source package and we don't need to import it separately it's already inside flutter framework now so these two variables would control our animation well this is the one that would we would apply this one to later over here and this controller just like we saw earlier over here so we need to initialize this controller variable inside the init state method okay so we'll come over here and here we'll create a method so do that override void init state okay now here first thing always we need to do super dot init state override it and then we'll go ahead and initialize the controller variable now here we'll copy this one put it right to there and then we would do the new animation controller this one okay now this sync is in general set to this okay and it also takes other parameters if you hover over on it like duration uh and while the vsync is a required one and duration is optional so we'll go ahead and use duration now here we will do duration duration okay and if you hover over on it so it takes optional parameters here it says second so we'll use seconds okay seconds two seconds all right and let's see we need to come to this end okay now we still have an error over here now it says that if you're going to use vsync which we have and then your screens splash screen state should implement something with is called ticker provider so here we need to go ahead and use this class which is called sticker provider state mixing okay now the error is gone and here let's see okay so it doesn't take double it takes end so if you want to do an animation in general the one inside flatter framework then your stateful class should have this class as well okay then after that you can do animation okay so well that's the initialization for animation controller uh sorry this animation animation controller yes and then once you're done with this then we can use this one for this one to be initialized how you do that here's like this so we do animation you call new curved animation the type of animation we want okay now it takes a parent in parent is the animation controller okay and over here within curve you need to mention that what kind of animation you want how you want it to go like how fast or how slow things like that okay so it comes with curves over here and here we do have some option we'll simply go ahead and use the linear one okay all right so well let me put it like this so that we know what's what's going on okay let's see it asks us to use unnecessary new keyword and over here same and most probably it wants you to use constant uh keyword but this is uh i think flatter uh this android sdk version okay in general older version you don't get this thing okay so if you're following along with me so your sdk versions should be i think um over here between this okay and then you should have this warnings that i get but if you don't use them because they're just warnings so that's okay fine so once again so we created these two variables okay so they depend on each other especially this one animation using this on you do actual animation for animation you should realize a controller variable which is called animation controller and over here you tell flutter that how long the animation should continue for two seconds and the animations the power the juice comes from this class ticker provider state mixing okay and then you want you create the type of animation you want okay so and you mentioned here is the type like linear bounce in so there are a lot of options that you could go ahead and check here you can try one by one but we'll stick with the simplest one over here okay now being said that we're almost done with this page but now here look at this structure over here so here we want them to be in column format okay so first thing here definitely we don't want container we want to scaffold okay scaffold okay because if you have controller just sorry container you'll have black background but with the scaffold the default color is white anyway so it takes body all right now over here within body because we are going to do it in column so here we do column and the children so the first one would be this image okay all right now here we'll see uh we'll use the image so for this one simply would go ahead and do image dot asset now here you mention your image name so our images are in the assets folder i guess assets image logo part one dot png okay now let me check over here uh so here we do have this assets image and here we should have an image which is called logo part one which is this one okay exactly this one all right so this is the first image we are going to use all right and now being said that uh let's come over here uh first we'll do a very simple test and we'll see whether it's working or not so here i'll remove initial route and here i'll just do simple home route just for testing and here we do splash screen we'll call this one okay now i'm over here i'll restart my app and actually i'll also start from here okay so this is what we see right now okay now uh it's way too big so let's limit some of its size here do with say 250 all right okay now it's a little smaller and i want it to be centered okay now it's not centered so here i'll wrap it around center widget okay now so this is centered horizontally but not uh vertically okay so here we want it to come down so for this reason we'll over here use main access alignment and we do main access alignment dot center okay now it came down of course now i do have white background this is not a png image just a jpg even though it is said here png well to overcome these issues here we can work on the background color so we do colors dot white okay now it just looks like your background color well now what do we do we'll just go ahead and copy this one and put it right there on mac so i did command d so it copied and pasted now this one over here we want it to have two so which is image two okay now this image is also once again this one which is this one the best food so if you download it the starter file should have this one okay all right so now this is good of course we did a lot of work our animation but we didn't apply any of them so we want to apply the animation okay well to do that uh all we need to do over here we need to simply wrap this thing around transition animation or skill a skill transition okay so we want to do the animation just for this one not for this one okay so i'll wrap it around transition but in this case i will do scale transition from small it would become bigger okay so here once again uh widget and widget name is scale transition this one okay now it shows error because it has a required argument scale now if you hover over on it scale takes animation okay which is double and we already created animation which is this one okay based on this controller so here i'll just put animation and the problem should be gone so now let's go ahead and run it okay so we were supposed to see that but we didn't see it let's see why um do you have any error over here let's see no are we missing anything okay well now here's the thing actually we are missing another property over here we need to start the animation which we didn't so we'll just simply go ahead and create take an object from this and start okay if you don't want to do like this let me go ahead and show you how to do it another way so here we do controller equal controller dot forward okay this one but this takes more properties so it's a bit annoying so just uh we can go ahead and apply more properties to it and it gets the job done but there is easy way to do it so over here we have two dots and here we'll just simply call forward okay now it would work so that means create an object of this which is controller which all we already have and from that controller use a dot operator and then call forward okay so it might be new to a lot of you for example here let me give you an example so a lot of time if you have var um x and it's coming from any class okay now say your class has your class has uh say i'll write the class over here and say your class has a method for example the method name is new object and it just some does interesting thing okay and maybe after that it returns something okay return x y z whatever okay certain value now traditionally we could do like this and then we would do another variable or another x we don't need to uh re-declare so now we could do like this x equal x dot new object okay like that so ob g okay now x will have a value what is returned from here of course originally it was just an instance of this class but now it would be covered by the new value but if you don't want to do like this this one shortly is done like this new object okay and that's what we did here but of course uh it's not that simple for here but the idea is similar okay hopefully it makes sense and this is a new i mean operator that's in flutter dart framework so it's very convenient you should know that so next time you see this two dots don't freak out it's just creating an instance first and from that instance doing something different based on that instance anyway i'll remove that so here forward which is coming from this animation controller class it starts the animation okay so here we'll go ahead and restart it now we see that it started okay well that's getting interesting now the animation does start but after starting we want to do something we don't want to get stuck over here okay we want to go ahead and do something different and for this one here we'll initialize a new class which is called a timer now timer over here takes a duration and a function duration is more like okay well after being initialized here how long you should wait so that's the duration so we'd go ahead and pass it a time into seconds say three seconds and three seconds later three seconds later do something do what go to a new page so we'll use get dot off okay named make sure that you import get package library at the top which you should have this one okay and then at the same time you call our route route helper okay and then you do something you will go to the initial page so you do get initial okay yeah that's what you want to do and i think it wants to put us a const modifier okay all right so that's what we are doing so here once again i'm initializing stuff over here and after that we'll wait three seconds and three seconds later we'll go to our uh get initialize page which is means our homepage right now let's go ahead and restart it and see what happens and of course it's been three seconds but it doesn't take us anywhere now for going there from here we need to make some changes and as well as we need to set up new route okay well first thing here we'll set up route for our uh splash page so here we'll declare a variable static cons string splash page here we do splash page okay and we'll create a get method for this so here we do static string to get splash page okay and over here we'll pass this one as a variable okay all right now in the list of pages in the routes over here we also need to mention it so here we do get dot page now what do we want to get called we want to get call of this one so splash page we'll put it here and over here eventually we'll call our splash page okay or splash screen the file name okay so in route class or yes sorry in main class over here so we don't need this one we'll have this one so now here we call get splash so this one would call this uh this one over here okay and this has a variable okay now this one would relate to this and get cold from here the splash screen okay so now here uh we can go ahead and start it okay yes beautiful so that's what we wanted okay so three seconds has been gone and we came to our home page and this is what we wanted all right yeah so let's do it one more time beautiful okay all right now uh after being said that we can also move some of this some of this to another file which is a splash page over here we don't want them to be here so when we load we do the animation within that time we can load some resources well to do that over here first we'll create a call load resources okay and of course we need to create the load resources resources okay and what we want we want to well let's see we had this one right over here so we want to cut this one and put it right there okay but we need to import the related libraries okay all right and actually until we risk until we load we also want to await okay so let's put a weight keyword and async modifier okay now from here we are not doing that once we call this class over here and at that time we start loading and in general splash screen or splash page they do the loading resources from the internet okay all right now let's go ahead and restart it one more time all right okay and over here we can also define a type we will call it future void okay yeah uh pretty much like that so let's make sure that we try to load and wait okay so now yes and hopefully we can do this thing no we can't uh that's a problem now let's restart it uh okay once again they're being deleted from memory okay product controller as you see okay yeah now to solve this problem we want to keep them in the memory and it's actually pretty easy now one thing the whites uh get removed the reason is well when you call certain controllers get x controllers before get material lab they generally stay in the memory but now here uh in our splash page so this is getting called after get material app this resources okay so they get deleted okay so it looks like you are not using them so it just get deleted but uh we want to use them so we need to keep them in the memory after the drawing is done what i mean by this okay now the ui drawing is done so you click on them after drawing the ui when it is done this controllers get deleted from memory okay to save memory or phone resources but we want to keep them in the memory well for this one here we'll come over here get material app or wrap it around product controller okay but of course we need get builder here we do get builder we do popular popular product controller okay and here we'll have builder and within builder we don't want to create any instance here because we are not going to use any instance okay that's the first one and then we would also do return now we'll use the get builder nested get builder now here we do this one okay and we'll return here but of course this time we need recommended product controller recommended product controller okay now let's see here this one now here we need to return get material app okay and of course we need another return here so we'll have three returns now the first return because bill wants to return something that's why get builder also wants to return something the second one also wants to return something now let's go ahead and try to use them okay and we are here and everything is perfect uh you can add stuff to it there come back to home page uh add more okay get over here uh come over here click on this on different pages and we still stay in the memory okay now there are many different ways to keep your controllers in memories i'm talking about fluttergettex not other state management packages so this is one of the ways of course you can go ahead and also do another solution which i don't do uh over here if you have this helper class dependencies uh over here you can also set things like that permanent true things like that per permanent true things like this okay so but in our architecture this doesn't work so but most time it should work if you go ahead like this but anyway so in florida get x if you want to keep things in memory this is one of the ways but this get builder should should be called before get material app okay and now actually we can take care of another issue well it's not an issue though like uh the size over here so if you see that right now the size is hard coded so we want to make it dynamic the width right so for that reason we'll come to our utils over here and in the app constants over here we'll declare oh it's sorry not this one over here in dimensions uh we would declare a new variable okay uh let's do it right there right below it splash screen dimensions okay well it could be anything but for now we'll just do it for image okay so splash image or img now screen height well now the images width was 250 so if you divide it by 250 then the proportion is 3.375 okay or we can just stick to 3 8 all right and over here we do double okay now we'll come to this uh splash screen over here this one sorry and we'll import here dimensions dimensions dot uh splash img make sure that you import it so now let's go ahead and run it okay and let's restore it yes now this should work as well yeah okay so that's being dynamic no problem and now the next thing we want to do regarding this page over here uh over here we want to show the history of this shopping cart we have right now okay so once user confirmed on the checkout so we'll show the history over here and but of course that history would be coming from our phone because once user say click over here on the checkout uh we'll save it locally in the phone but of course as well as we'll also save it in the database but first we are taking care of our local device so once user click information over here then confirm it over here then we'll save it in the local device and then if we tap on this we'll be able to see that okay and uh another thing though right now while the card is empty right so instead of showing this we'll show another page saying that your card is empty well that would be for another episode i'll skip that for that thing right now anyway so i want to focus on like if you have items over here and if the user click on this checkout button of course it doesn't work for us yet and then we'll see them as a history over here okay so that's what we want to do well now for this reason we have to first install our local storage which is a shared preferences we'll go ahead and do it first uh to follow along with me you should come over here in your popspec eml file okay and here we'll install a package okay so this one so i'm using version 2.0.11 and then we'll get the pubget so it will install the necessary dependencies well once the dependencies has been installed i mean the packages now we need to come over here in our dependence is this one okay so here we need to load it okay now it should be at the top very beginning because whenever user interacts with this app we would retrieve the information locally okay so it should be initialized first so here we'll create a variable and we'll call it uh shared preferences and here we do shared preferences okay dot get instance all right uh and in general we want to wait for this if it takes time to get initialized now with this we will be able to get an instance of shared preferences and we can use this instance later on for storing and retrieving data but of course we also need to initialize as part of our controller okay now we want to the data is here but you can't use it until you initialize in your state management system so our state management system is get x so here we need to load it so we need to merge it with get x so over here we'll just simply do shared preferences okay yeah all right so this would be loaded now for the app okay so in our controllers we'd be able to use that now over here in the cart repo you have to pass it share references and we need to find get and find it okay now if we go to cart repo we don't have an instance like this so it will throw an error if you see it was empty for a long time so in the cart repo over here uh we'll declare variable we'll call it final and shared preferences and here we'll create an instance okay now let's see hover over on it so well here it says either you do it late or you can initialize it through constructor and we would do using constructor card repo now here we do required this dot share preferences okay now whenever the dependencies get loaded over here we create the instance and we load it with our overall dependencies inside get x state management and then we pass it to the cart repo and cartridge this time should be automatically initialize it and that also means that after that you should be able to use it okay now you have to know one thing that shared preferences they store data in a string format okay that's the only way they do let's go through this idea one more time so here we'll have this card and we'll add items to it we'll come back to home page and maybe we'll add more items so we'll have total six now we'll come to this checkout page and on the checkout page if we click on this button of course it doesn't work now after clicking on this if we come back to our home page and if we click on this we'll be able to see the history now this would be also true if you restart your app okay because it will be stored locally so this is what we want to do okay and as i said earlier that shared preference stores data as string so first we'll go ahead and declare a string and we'll have a list of string and we'll call it cart and first we'll initialize it to empty string of arrays or list okay because we'll have a lot of information saved in this shared preference and they all would be saved as string okay all right now over here when i when we pass the data to this card we have to pass the data from our controller from our card controller so let's go ahead and check so here is our card controller so from here actually we'll send data to this cart report okay just like previously we saw that product controller works with product controller repo okay so this two would work together now we can close this dependencies we don't need this so here we'll create a method okay so we'll call it add to cart list okay and over here it will take a list so the list is cart objects or cart model okay so here we do cart model and right here we'll create a variable let's say a cart list now we need to import it the model we created now here we'll have when we call this function okay we'll pass an argument and that would be a list and over here we'll receive them the parameters as the list okay now from here we want to pass the argument and from here exactly from after adding or removing okay so this whole function does adding or removing or updating right including the removing as you see right after that over here we want to update our list which is over here and as well as we want to add so here we'll call this method which is this one add to cart list okay now here simply we can go ahead and call it and how do you call it so you already see we have a cart repo object so now we'll use this one over here heart repo dot add to cart list okay now here we need to send a list okay as we said that we want to receive a list in the parameter so when you send argument it has to be a list and we already have the list actually this is the list but of course this list we used other places and this is the list that's gets updated automatically all the time because this list eventually connected with our map okay and we know that whatever we do map also gets updated all the time because we have this update method so what we'll do we'll go ahead and simply just pass this one over here okay and that's all now add to cart list would be able to get it over here and we can save it in the shared preferences well now what happens once again every time you add remove things like that and confirm to this add button that also means that we are saving data in shared preferences okay all right so now how to save data and share preferences well first i said that shared preference only accepts string okay it is some methods like if you tap on this using this dot i think uh well we'll see that later maybe not yet well we'll see them later no worries so here we want to take this list and save it in shared preferences okay well once again shared preference just takes string but here i'm sending a list of objects do remember cart model is not a string it's an object right so we need to convert this one to a string well first we'll come over here and we'll make sure that it's empty if it's not and we'll make it empty because this would be get cold a lot of time from here from this function okay so every time we come over here we'll make sure that it's empty and after that we'll take this one okay now this one is a list and list has a method which is called 4-h we can use that one okay now over here uh this is the list and in the list we have this objects now we want to convert this objects to string well for that reason here we will do heart dot add now cart dot add once again accept string but i have this one so i need to convert this one to string and add it to this card okay so here i would do json encode and i will pass this element over here okay whatever the element i have over here so i'll pass this one um sorry let me copy it and pass this on all right and using this now i'm able to convert this object to a string and then i add it to the card okay this card list which which is also string type okay now after that i'm able to add this card in the shared preferences so here i'll copy this one share preferences then i would do dot and here we'll have a method called set string list okay well we also have a set string but we are using set string list because we are passing a list to it okay because this is a list okay now over here we can put a key so we'll call it cart list okay and the value is this one okay and that's all now here the interesting part is once again this one okay so here we can put a simple comment convert objects to string because shared preference only accepts string okay that's all so b c a u all right anyway so each time we call this method from here we are passing a list and first we'll empty the global list we have here and we will use this one to convert and store well i mean we are storing the object that we pass but before that we make sure that we are converting it to a string okay and once it's done here we save it as a list and if it is saved actually here we can print the data okay print um shared preference let's see dot i think it's called get string list okay this is for retrieving and all it does it takes the key and this is our key so here i'll just simply go ahead and save it and but of course you just save it as uh give it as cart list okay now let's restart our app okay now let's come over here let's do add some stuff on it okay now i click on this button immediately this method would get cold and eventually this one would get called and we are expecting to see a list of string okay so now let's go ahead and click on this and after clicking on this we get this error now where it says that it couldn't convert the cart model to incredible object well if it is not possible by shared preference over here on its own then we need to come to this cart model and provide a method to convert this object to an encodable object okay now here would come to our project and we'll come to cart model which is this one and inside the cart model we have a method for converting json to an object okay yeah so from json we convert it to object now from object we want to convert it to json and now we are going to do it for shared preference over here okay so before it goes ahead and encoded it will try to look for a method in our model and if there is then it will use it okay so here i would do map and string dynamic die make okay and the method name is to json okay and here we are returning type of map object okay and we'll get well i mean here we are returning map and map is more like json that's what we saw and before we return like this uh we can simply grab this one and then assign it to the string key okay in our case the key is a string and the value is dynamic okay so here simply will do id well that's the product id and we do this dot id and then we have title or actually name in our case name right and we do this dot name and then we'll have price so we're just doing these things over here now we do price this.price img this dot img on the quantity quantity this dot quantity and what else uh i'll just go ahead all of this is exist and the time like that okay so here is exist this dot is exist okay and this dot sorry time this dot time now this one will uh deal a little later now i'll cut this one and from here we'll just return okay return like this okay now the error should be gone and let's see okay so now we do have a method that converts the object to a map and a map is encodable it's more like json as we saw earlier okay so now we'll come over here and nothing really changes over here in terms of uh this rapport so we'll just go ahead and simply save it okay restart it over here and now let's see i think we can restart our whole app it would be better okay so now let's go ahead and add stuff to it now let's add it to cart now as you see we can see the information that's been saved in shared preferences okay now this has been coming from i'm sorry car prep which is uh this one okay all right all right now now we know how to save and retrieve but of course this is just printing to confirm that we are doing stuff now over here you can add more stuff to it okay all right another three uh so you'll confirm now you see so previously you added one that one as well as this is the new one okay you can add more stuff from here okay confirm here we have eight and here we see this first item and i think the quantity was three the second item quantity is a three now over here the third item quantity is eight total eight over here okay so now all of this here coming from our shared preferences okay now the key shouldn't be hard coded over here so we can put a key in our app constants okay so here we would do a new variable we'll call it static const string it's a cart list okay and here we do cart list uh let's see okay all right now we'd come to cartwrap and here we just simply replace it at constants dot to the cart list okay and here we are printing this one as well okay all right now we'll go ahead and make the opposite method opposite of this one over here we are taking the object and then converting it to json and then we are putting in this list of string so over here we would write a method and the method would return something the method would return a list of object and list of cart object which is a cart model okay now here we'll call it get cart list okay so and it will return here as something cart list okay now for this one uh first we'll go ahead and create a list and the list type would be cart model okay and here we'll call it cart list and we'll initialize it to empty array or empty list actually and here we'd return cart list okay all right and now the error is gone of course you can't return really like this because you'll get nothing okay so let's hit enter and we don't need that much space here okay cool now first thing we need to do here we do have a key right this is the key so from the key we need to get the value okay so first we'll check if this key exists or not okay so here we do shared preference contains okay now contents k is this one we are checking if the key exists okay so we need to wrap it around if statement we do if if it exists then do something well if it exists then get it okay get it and save somewhere so here we'll get it so how to get it well that's pretty easy we do shared preference get string list and over here we would do this key over here so now with this we'll be able to get it but if you get it you need to save it somewhere okay now here we get string remember here we saved a string so if we retrieve it we'll get them as a string now we get the string and save it in this carts which is also a list of string now here you need to add null checker to confirm that it's not null so what's happening here first we check if this key exists if it does then we retrieve every information which is in string form and save it to the cards okay but this method wants you to return something as a list of cart model or list of card objects so now we have our information over here but these are all saved as string now we need to convert it to an object okay an object of list then we are returning well for this reason now first what we will do we will use this cards over here which is local variable remember this is local variable not the global one okay so here we do for each lobe this is a list of strings so we can use for h and here we'll simply look through it and add to it okay so that's why we are looking through it using forage and then we'll add to it so we do add so there is a method called add now over here we are getting string from here so there are strings here and each of the string the items are saved in accessed in elements like this once again let me make an example uh here list object list okay so that it's visible so here object one object two object three i like that okay so each element it's more like a loop that it's going through so each time it iterates over and it refers to a new one okay so pull it make sense just like this and then we'll convert it to an object while before uh then how can we sorry how can we convert it to an object now here cart model have a method if you remember that's called from json here from json actually if you click on this and say this method it takes map and if it has map then then it can convert it to an object cart model object okay so now here the elements over here well they're all string so they are not yet mapped so in flutter we have a method which is called json decode okay this one so and within it you can apply or provide your string and that's what it will do and after this it would become a json i mean x or actual map and from json takes map okay now this would work well here we wrote it like this but a lot of time you'll see they write it like this cards dot forage okay and over here you'll see they're returning like this cart model dot from json okay json decode and element okay all right so this two are exactly same so i'll remove that just shorthand way of writing this thing okay it's a fancy way of writing i would say but they're the same thing okay and even earlier we had this thing so here we could do the same so i'll write the new version of it so it's a cart list for h okay and here you just do add actually and then json encode and then we are sending the element okay all right so this is the shorthand version once again this is the fancy way of doing things so i'll remove that okay now they look all similar anyway so now with this we are able to add items in the local storage and retrieve item from the local storage okay okay now we'll go ahead and try to print this out well let's go ahead and print over here and i'll restart my app so that we start from the scratch okay all right so uh i'll minimize it a little bit so here i'll add the two items and here we see it immediately reflected and so this is item and over here we add more and we see immediately more and more items as you can see from here okay now of course we are printing this one uh now what we do we'll go ahead and just try to call this one okay and try to print from here as well now here i'll do a method uh print print statement i will do inside get card list and then i'll get carts and i'll convert it to string okay and from here simply we'll just go ahead and call get card list okay now i'll restart our app okay uh well i think we should restart from the scratch then we'll get better result so here i am now i'm adding it to it added three and we do have an issue now definitely it does print the information and after that we do have this error over here now if you see come over here so the problem is over here it's saying reporting and from jason cart model okay so now this uh this from jason this problem is happening so let's go to cart model okay so it does when you give it to json object or json it creates an object okay that's okay fine but now over here if you come to two json which we added early over here uh because of this one when we are doing this one so json in code needed a method inside this cart model which is this one but over here actually we are not using two json for our product model okay so it was half and we set it at that time we said that we'll deal with this one so we need to add this one so because originally in the object we have this product model as well but when we just convert it to json object we are not converting this product model to json object so encoding and decoding the whole thing over here gets messed up okay so over here we need to add a new uh section where we want to convert the product itself to json okay now we need to go to our product model over here first and here we do see that we don't have any method related to this one okay so first we want to have a method the method will convert the object into a map or json okay once again uh on the dark side json is pretty much more like map so we'll declare it dynamic uh sorry okay all right now over here we will call it two json method okay and here we'll return stuff okay now with this our error should be gone now here's simply what you want to do uh let's see so we can copy part of the theme from here okay and uh let's see come to this section now over here of course some of the fields might not match so let's see for product itself we don't have any quantity so that's why we get this error now instead of quantity let's see we do have img then we can get location so here we put location and that location as well okay and well i think we can just simply go ahead and copy this section and put it right there and change manually so here we do have created at so created at the fields are correct so all we need to do we need to wrap them around a double quotation okay and over here this one and just get rid of this that's that okay all right so over here same thing yes i do understand it's a lot of coding but that's how you become efficient and professional there is no shortcut you have to practice practice after practice so here let's get rid of this section they start and okay uh let's see now created at it should be capital a and updated at okay and id all right now with this we are good so all we need to do from our cart model we need to call this one okay and then we'd be good to go all right so now let's come over here to cart model and over here we do product okay and this dot product to jason okay all right and uh let's see so it wants a null checker okay so now we are pretty similar what we have here and uh with this section so whatever we are doing we are from json we are converting it to an object and now from here from an object we are converting it to json and the same thing is happening to product itself over here okay hopefully make sense now we'll go ahead and restart it one more time okay and now we'll go ahead and add stuff to it and if we are here in the repo now let's see okay now this time we don't have any error okay because this conversion and the conversion it's working pretty well as we expected okay just to clarify one thing again so if you have object so if you want to convert an object to json first you need to use json in code okay and then you'd be able to convert it to something like json or string okay because they're pretty similar and close but if it's really an object it's better in your model you have this to json method okay you can call it whatever you want but there should be a method inside okay and that helps it okay and the other part is if you want if you if you have a string or a map so first you need to wrap that string or map using json decode okay and then once again call from json method okay and this way you will have uh like let's say from string to object okay and from object to string the opposite so it's quite important so uh if you want to work with flutter and dart a lot of time these two method from json and to json they're very useful and json encode and json decode okay they're quite useful and you should know how to properly use them so in general um if you get data from server or from a storage you should always use dot from json well the model name could be anything okay all right so in the inside the quotation in general you'll expect a map or json okay things like that because server or storage in general uh if you retrieve data from server or from local storage they do give you either string or json format so whatever you get first you wrap it around json decode and then call this method so this is something that you should know even if you don't understand you should try to remember and it'll really help you a lot in the long run and this idea converting from json to object and using json decode it's not only in the dart any kind of server side language of course dart is also server side language it is useful pretty much everywhere the idea and the same goes over here because in general when you want to send data to server or save data to a storage in general you do either using string format or json object okay now of course a server might send you object so in that case you have to decode it or if you're if it does send you json still try to encode it first okay and then save it so this is the basic principle anyway so now after doing this you might still ask that what the hell is going on here i mean we did this both and what's the point okay why we are doing this all right now so here is the thing uh let me tell you that why the big picture now this is our app over here now over here we have total three items i think i already added it in the list okay yes i think i did and now if we come over here if you open it's still there right it doesn't really matter but now let's imagine a scenario where the user might kill that for some reason so let's kill the app okay now sorry not this one over here this one okay so after killing the app uh now user opens that it's gone okay so these two methods actually the pre-work of retrieving and saving data to local storage and from local storage okay but of course we we still need to write another bit of code to work it exactly with this okay so now here after adding when you kill the app the data is totally gone but we want to save the data locally in the phone okay because yet until now everything is uh saved over here in the cart controller uh this item map but this is a memory when the app is killed the memory is gone so you don't say it but you might ask why we did this thing yes it's all now it's in the local storage okay now we can save in the local storage but retrieving the local storage that's true but there is another half of the work that we need to do okay because right now we do get thing from our local storage but this is not the way we want to show it to the ui we still need some processing okay now over here uh the app that i was i'm working on like this one so if you kill it say you kill this app and this app that i already built over here now if you come over here so it's a restarting okay now if you come over here uh well let me add some item to it okay now we see that it's here okay now let's check out okay we checked out now here we do have this item right okay now uh let's go ahead and kill the app okay now let's open it up so we see our item is still there after killing okay so this is the result we want to achieve uh we have done half of the work so we still need to work anyway let's continue well now we'll call this method from car controller and we'll come to our card controller over here and we'll create a new method now this method will call it get card data okay so get part data but this should return a list of part items so here we'll call it the type would be cart model okay now of course we need to return something otherwise we'll get an error okay so for returning something first let us set us an array uh sorry a map over here uh i'm sorry again not a map a list okay so here this list and here we'll call it cart model okay and we'll call it storage items items and we'll set it to null sorry empty array empty map now only for storage and shared preferences okay so this is the only purpose why we use this one okay now here we want to return storage items this one storage items okay now the header should be gone but of course before we go ahead and return we have to put some items in it right and what is this as well so it's a bit confusing let me create another method here and but that would be a very different method here as you see we have kind of method like total items or total amount or get items now these gets us a certain property okay so when you call this you get a property or field only one field right like here you just get this one here you just get this one okay it's more like a function returning function but it does just do one interesting thing and it has a keyword which is called get so anyway you see get that means that that function or properly should return you something okay the only difference is that with normal function like this one it doesn't have this curly braces and it doesn't take any uh parameter over here okay so this is the only difference and it's a shorthand coding i think anyway now there is a opposite one that's called site so here we'll use us use the set keyword and create a method okay so the method type is set just like this one this is get so that means it'll set something but of course we need to give it a name it says set cart so it'll set the cart well now because this is set it is a natural property or the natural way of doing things it accepts something okay so what it will accept here in our case it will accept a list of card model okay that's what it would accept it would accept and set okay so with get you have to return something and with set you have to accept something okay in your parameters so this is the difference but with this kind of method there is no hard-coded rules with getting set there are hard-coded rules like in the function you may return something you may not return you may accept something you may not accept anything okay so but with the set and get things are pretty much hard-coded and they are also convenient so now here we'll accept something and set something so here we want to set like this so we do storage items equal items okay now earlier we have this storage item over here and it takes a list of cart model and we have a list of card model and we set to it okay now from here we need to call set card not really calling actually assigning value so once again it's more like a variable which is like this one remember that earlier we just use this kind of like if you use this you can just print things like that which you do with a variable for example let me give you an example so you can just go ahead and simply call the print total total items right we did it before but of course with the function you can't do like this so with set you what do you do you would pretty much do like this say in this case we'll set it to a list so here we do like this list of something okay like that so now here we exactly will do the same thing so here we want to set something so here we do set card now set to what now set to this one over here get card list okay so in our cart controller we already have a curved apple the object so we can call carter apple and then we'll do this one okay get cart list now get cart list over here returns a list of cart model and that one we set it to set card and set cart sets the items it receives to a new map ah sorry a new list okay all right so that's all it does so now so until now we built this add to cart and get cart list now we can use get card list of course get card list comes after adding item right so first we added then we can get if you can get we can call it from a card controller and if we can call it we can also use the values to set okay all right now before we finish over here this one once again this one gets called over here and set value right we need to do one more thing over here okay now we need to make some changes uh no not changes we need to build this one now here we'll set it here we do items okay uh and we want to put stuff inside it and we do items put if absent things like that okay we this similar thing we have done before and we are going to do again and i'll tell you why very soon but now this is a list storage item right so we can do a for loop so do int i equals zero and length so it gives us the length of this list and then we do i plus plus and i'll create the slope and now we'll go inside this slope now inside the loop we'll call items okay items put if absent now it does take a key now where is this key coming from well just like before we worked at item if you don't know so the key over here it comes from the object okay the object is being sent from here so we use that id and put inside it right so here we're gonna do the same thing but here where is this object coming from this object is this one from this list right this list or this one contains a list of cart model objects so here we do storage items and we'll index through it and we'll get a property which is called product and product has id okay that's all now you might need to use null checker to say that this is not going to be null let's see actually here i think here and we already have a null okay it wants both for product and id but in the old version of sdk you might not need that now here we need to return something well now here you return an object if you see early okay but we already have this object so we don't need to create it so all we need to do we need to retrieve the object from this list so here we would do storage and i and that's all okay and let's see i think we need yes this one okay so let me walk you through this one more time that what's happening here well here we are setting it to this items map because map of course takes key and an object because this is our map right so key and object so now we have a list well the list itself has a lot of objects and it doesn't have keys but we can get the key inside uh the objects okay so we look through it one by one using for loop and index through it and at the same time we set the id as well as the object okay and that's all right so now here we first put it in the storage and then we update okay now you might ask well now this update isn't it going to conflict with this one no well first thing it always checks whether it's going to update or create a new one it only puts inside if it's not there okay if it's there it tries to update it okay but for updating we also have a lot of conditions but that's not the main reason that why it's not going to conflict because this one will only get cold when we start up the app or user kills the app and then restarts the app then we'll call this one okay so when your app starts for the first time definitely this is empty so you can put information from our storage okay so this is our storage once again this is coming from here and here is here and this one is our storage object right so this method will only call first time when we launch our app at that time we'll see if we have information in our storage or not from this method okay well if it is then we'll put it there and if we can put it there then we can get more information and show it to the user that they have done something previously they have some record of their um usage of the app okay if there is nothing that will not show anything okay so that's what it this set property or this set setter actually this is called a setter in java you have this thing if you work with java it's called setter and getter okay now in dart it's pretty much the similar okay so hopefully it makes sense now of course we can go ahead and call this one okay so here we could do things like this uh get dot find here we'll find the card controller okay and we can call get cart data let's then restart our app so i'll restore it one more time and let's see okay so app's been restarted and okay while here we do have a message where it says that the length of card item zero which we put over here uh where it was let's see i think it's over here and said get car data okay now here we do have a log but it is not supposed to zero so i think uh we are messing up somewhere uh let's see so over here okay this is the problem here i need to add this one inside this cart list okay and which i forgot to add okay now it should work but we have to restart our app one more time to get it going okay now here we see that uh the item is one all right so once you restart your app uh the storage is still there and we know that we have items so let's add more items okay so over here now we have this amount of items okay now let's go ahead and check okay all right now let's come over here you see that our itunes are still here even though you restarted the app okay so that's how it works so because of this one even though you restart your app mr means installation so it still works okay now without this one if you don't have this mechanism it just won't work okay let's see let's restart it now and you'll see uh right now if you go ahead and check nothing is there okay it's empty but because of this one you go ahead and check you'll see that you have a lot of information okay so the information oops let's see okay from here actually okay so yeah so it's still here okay now it all happened because of this one all right if you don't have this the information would be gone okay so of course uh this is still not done so next step what we'll do actually we want to show over here but we'll only show over here if the user confirms the checkout button okay and then what we'll do we'll remove the items from here but we'll show them over here as a history okay so over here even until now we are just mocking the data that user has checked out but of course not before we check out we have to do user registration and things a lot of stuff like that okay but this is one of the toughest problem i would say that we overcame because this car controller is bit complex okay the way it works a lot of information but hopefully it makes sense so i would suggest you pause the video and go through it and think about it what's happening if you just keep following with me you might get tired okay take a breath because this is a long video so with this we are almost done with our storage but uh we still need to go ahead and build this ui and show the information and then we'll clear out information from here okay hopefully it makes sense once again to confirm that if we click on this checkout button this information should be gone but they should also be saved okay well for now if we restart our app somehow if the user restarts the information that we added early is still there in our cart right so this is what we have achieved so far and this is something that you should have in your card controller so the next step is that we will mock this uh idea or information once we click on this this should be gone and then this data should be showed up over here okay over here all right so being said that that means that once we click on this button we have to save the same data that the one we have so in our case the set sto shared preferences is helping us to store data in two phases first one before checking out and the second one is after checking out okay all right so that also means that we have to go ahead and make a new method to capture this data so once we click on this button we'll be able to capture this data and here we'll clear them out okay all right well to do that we need to come over here to our cart repo and over here i'll create a new method and i will call it void type and add to cart history list okay so this is a method now basically what it would do it would take information from this global cart over here okay and then just store it separately that's all it would do okay so for now we'll do a for loop and we'll go through it into i equals 0 and i less than cart which is the global one and we would do length and i plus plus so we'll go through it and then we have to declare and the global variable so we do it list string we'll call it card history so this variable information is persistent up to this page and this variable variable information would be persistent up to here until the user log out so it would be still there let's go ahead now all we need to do we need to add the data to this new list that one we declared okay all right so here we do cart history dot add while every list has add method so we are going to use that one okay and over here we'll do cart i so we are going through it and that's all we are adding to it okay all right and now over here we do shared preference set string list so here we'll set up a new key we'll call it cart history list okay and the value should be this one okay but once again we should define this one in our app constant file so we'll go ahead over there and here is our app constant file and right below it uh i'll do a copy and here i'll do cart history list okay and here i'll just simply put this one okay now we'll come back to cart repo so we'll just simply replace it okay so here we do app constants card history list okay now first thing we want to do just go ahead and try to call this method from here okay before when we do removing of this stuff so now let's go ahead and find this file so this is our cart page so over here i'll close this one we don't need home page we also don't need this one we don't need main function we don't need products model and this one as well okay so we'll simply come over here at cart page now it should be at the bottom so this one okay and we already have here so you can first go ahead and print it well no we don't want to print it we just simply want to call this function the one we created okay now we need to call it from here so over here we need to define a new function so similarly here we would create a new function and we'll call it add to history okay and simply we'll do cartriple dot add to history okay now first thing for debugging purpose we want to go through it and we want to see what it prints okay so history list over here i'll do cart i and we are good okay so let's save it uh i think we don't need this section anymore let's find it and delete this print log okay so we see it's over here in popular product controller so we'll just comment it out for now all right so i'm on android studio and i did ctrl shift and f so i can find certain keyword globally okay ctrl shift and f anyway so now it's gone and we can also remove this one we don't need this so on android studio on mac control shift f so let's find this one uh i think we don't need this section okay so this is also over here so just comment this out uh yeah we are good so now if we come to cart page over here now from here we can simply call this method okay add to history list now let's take a look at our cart page okay it's already wrapped around get builder card controller and it has an instance of this controller which is called a card controller so we'll just come over here put it there and then we'll call um add to history okay all right so hopefully we want to see the printed information okay let's resave it now click on this all right here let's see whether we printed information or not uh let's come over here one more time make sure that we are being tapped so here we type tapped okay let's receive it and now here click on this so we do see that we are being tapped but now over here let's see what's going on uh okay this one uh most probably because uh we need to restart app as well as remove everything and add it and then we'll see okay now if you want to remove everything from a certain shared preference instance then here you could just simply call this one let's see so this is just for debugging purpose we can just simply go ahead and call over here shared preference dot remove and the key so app constraints key cardless so this is what we want to remove okay before we go ahead and add anything uh we'll just remove this one only debugging purpose and this time okay so but of course we need to come to home page and try to add some items to the cart like this one okay now let's confirm to it okay so that means it will remove all the old information okay so all right okay and it did it should cut list and now let's uh click on this one okay being tapped yes we see so here these are the latest information that we get so that means that we are successfully able to print information from card repo from here okay so all right so now if we can add to this one that means that we can remove this information right after adding because we don't need them anymore okay all right they only stay until you click the button okay all right so here we have to do things like this let's see come over here and here we'll call a method which is called clear create a method actually it doesn't exist yet so here we do void clear and the first thing you want to do you want to set this one to empty list okay so here you just simply do like this and it would set it to an empty map sorry not a list and after that we also need to uh remove information from here okay now one thing we could do now we know that it will add information okay so right after that over here uh we'll create a method and over here we'll call it a remove card okay remove card now the body is over here void remove card okay now here we'll just simply do the one we had earlier for debugging purpose this one okay so we'll cut this one and we'll put it there okay that's all so now when this gets cold and after adding this we'll simply remove this one okay and over here let's do call update method to let the ui know that these things are gone and do a redraw of the screen so don't show them anymore all right okay now let's save uh now here let's see and if we can tap on this and if they're gone or not okay yes so that means that data that's gone from here but should be saved in this string key okay and that's all but we can prove that it's it's still there so we'll create another method and while that method we are going to create not just to prove that it exists because we will also need to be able to use them later because i said that over here we need to show that data okay but before we show we need to create another method okay before we go ahead and create another method let's make sure that what we are trying to do and it's logical okay so the data is here now you come here the data is here all right now let's restart our app and we'd expect that this data the one we added it should be here okay yes it's still here okay and that also means that this data should also be there of course we can't view it right but that means that so far this logic is working okay now of course if we click on this one this should be gone and add it to this one okay uh add it to yeah this one all right and we can prove that that the earlier data is still here okay uh let's go ahead and prove it well we can actually go ahead and create a new method okay so we'll call it get history list so uh we'll create the method right below it so over here uh it would return part model because it's returning the history so returning the object and here we do get part history story list okay so all it do it'll take this information from here and return from here okay so here once again we do shared preference shared preference dot contains key so we are checking if this exists okay all right so i'll copy it here and put it here well if it exists then do something so if it exists here over here this car history okay now first set it to empty list and then cart history should be shared preference dot get string list okay now over here we get it all right okay and let's see here it wants to put a null operator okay and now right here we'll return now the problem is we can't really return card history because card history has dynamic uh sorry card history is a list of string but here we want to return cart model so that's the problem so what do we need to do we need to convert this information whatever inside here into list of objects the one we previously did for this method actually okay so the idea is pretty much same okay so actually almost same so this is the same thing we need to do over here because we want to return a list of cart model objects so we need to decode this one okay once we decode that would turn into map uh sorry that it turned into map or well map is more like json and from json we can create object and add to it right so that's why first here we do like this we'll create a new variable over here and we'll call it list cart model i'm sorry okay and here we'll call it cart list history okay now here we'll return this one but of course you just can't return an empty list you need to convert them to real object so here we'll take this one whatever inside this and we'll do a forage loop okay and inside the forage we'll get each element and then we'll add to this history okay all right and then we do add just like this one we did exactly the same thing okay so now over here we do cart model okay from jason but before we give it to json we need to encode it because we are getting string so over here we do json sorry we need to decode it json decode and here we have this element okay this one and we are good to go so this one is exactly same as this one okay just a little longer that's all so this is same as actually this method but once again because we have two steps of keeping information on the app so that's why we're repeating that and we are putting them in a different list okay all right so now we want to prove that the thing exists so over here we'll copy this one and for now right after adding over here we'll call this method this one and it returns list of objects so we can get the length right so over here would just simply do print the length of history list is here we do this one that length dot to string okay yeah that's all so now let's save it go ahead and restart our whole app to verify what's going on and we need to add another few another two lines over here uh you see that we are adding a string to our cart list and this string key over here right and we are adding this one but we are also missing another thing if we previously had any information over here we also need to keep that one and then save this new one right so over here we do a check if shared preference dot contains now if this key contains let's see if it contains or not if it does uh let's see over here we need to put app constraints constants if it does then do something so what do you do so here we do cart history equal shared preference uh get a string list and the key is coming from here okay then we need null checker sorry if the key exists there that means that it is not null okay all right so and then we can go ahead and add things to the cart uh from the cart the one is uh temporarily saved here okay and another thing we should also do i think uh set this global card to be an empty array okay so this one so here and make sure that we're safe now over here as you see previously uh well just now we added one over here okay uh okay let's forget what happened and now let's restart and over here it says that we already have one okay and now i'm going to confirm the checkout and let's see what happens so this time we'll go step by step so let's confirm the checkout tab okay the history length is three so that's most probably the previous data was there now once again we do more tests so that it becomes bug free first time over here for just for debugging we'll remove few information actually we do it over here okay before we add we'll remove some information so remove this one this way we'll make sure that we don't have any bug and i'll copy this one and do part history list so first time now we'll remove all of them and start everything from the scratch this oil will know actually what's going on because there is too much information to wrap our head around so let's restart so now if we come over here uh you add it okay now add to the cart all right now uh after adding this time everything has been removed okay now let's comment it out okay all right so one item is there and we see this item and this time history should be empty and once you click on this there should be one in the history right and this should be gone let's go ahead and verify it okay now history length is one okay and this is gone all right now we can add more stuff we'll add two over here okay and more from here so here we added two items but the quantity is five but for now we don't care about the quantity all right so previously in the history we had one right so now we are adding two more items so total history should be three and this should be gone right all right so history length is three okay now do more tests and make sure that we don't have any bugs uh over here you add it and put it there but this time we'll just restart the app okay and uh being said that so after restarting it we'd be able to see that this this information is still here and when i come to check out if i do check out previously you had a three and including this one we will be able to see four from here right and this should be gone so now let's restart it okay now we come here and we see yes we have one after restarting our information is still there do you remember restarting doesn't mean reinstall so don't get confused now previously in the history we have three items okay so if i add this one that would be four but i don't want to add now i want to add more from here okay all right so total it should be five right let's add more information okay now total amount should be five in the history let's confirm it's five yes okay so this part is pretty pretty much working and i know it's been long hours about the card yeah card is a bit annoying it has a lot of information and actually there is more to go now with this uh over here we are pretty much done one more last thing to do but the thing to do we'll do that later so now based on this history list this information over here this one would be able to show information over here right so before we go ahead and show information over here let's take a look at how you want the information to be displayed here and some basic algorithm that how we are going to realize this now if you look at it this is my uh app that we are building and this is where i have already done it but i need to share with you that how it should work as you can see over here we'll have will display the history based on first based on time okay so this time is different than this time and this time is well also different than this even though they look same because they have difference in the seconds but of course we are not displaying the seconds so first we'll separate the items in the history list over here based on time okay so we have to do that and then we'll put this items together based on time so it's one order and in this order we had three items so we see three items and we have a button where we can click one more but for now this button doesn't work we'll make it work later now over here we just had one item so we see one item and over here we see three items but here total four items we are just displaying three but we have four okay so because this if we want to display four of them it be gone okay so this is how we want to display so here in each row we'll just display three three images but the items could be a lot more per per order there could be more and more items so that's what we want to do so here we know that now get card history list will give us the list of items and the orders okay uh we know that and we will have to separate them based on time but now there is a problem though uh while in history list over here whether it's add to cart list or get card list we don't have a time but of course if we go ahead and see card controller in card controller for each of the item in order we do have a time but that also means that this time like for example if we take this one as an order and it is a three items so those three times would be different right because the user may be just browsing the page one minute later they added this one with this and another one minute later they added this one so here the time is quite different right so we can't really depend on this time okay because for each order three items they might have different time and if they have different time we can't display it like this it would create a problem so we need to find a way to display and show i mean to have the same time for each items in one order okay so we need to do it but for now based on this we can't but uh if we come to our cart repo and over here let's see okay so over here this one when we add to cart list we can make a bit of change before we add to cart list over here this one we can edit time okay now this time would be very different than this time okay all right why you see that each time we update something in our cart we send the whole items items we are doing for this certain order if we don't know what i'm telling let's go ahead and come over here and let's create a new item over here so now here uh for now this items over here is empty this item i mean this one okay so if i click on this well it'll put items into this right we know it and we'll see okay so now this has one time over here but what if you want to add more items okay another four okay so but at the same time we also know that this is also being added here right because we see this add to cart we send everything and after sending everything we add things to this one using this forage loop so this is the perfect place where we reassign this time okay because this one gets called for all these items over here okay that also means that this one is valid per item do you remember earlier we saw once you click this this one just gone meaning that we set card to zero right so this is also valid per order and it only exists until we check this one but anyway so once you come over here it always gets cold so there's all these items over here they get updated and their time so over here instead of writing like this we can do the other form okay this one because we need to do some stuff and that function is only valid if you want to return one line but here we need to do some stuff before we return so what do you want to do so here we need to add time to our element over here so we do element dot time as you see we can access time but what time now once again over here when you get called this add to cart list this loops through all of these items remember this one okay so it takes everything from here it takes everything from here from based on this get items right so it takes everything from there from itunes and loops through it okay so what we'll do first over here we'll declare a time okay and we do var time okay now for now here just to do something empty otherwise it gets cranky so now over here we'll get we do that date time okay now and that's all now this one is coming from a package i guess let's see oh it's not it's coming from dart core package okay and we need to convert it to string because here we'll use a string so now here we do time so because we remember each of the element in this list is a cart object a cart model and we can access individual property or fields so we did so now once it comes over here after doing everything once it comes to this one which means this one over here this time field get reset and all of them will have one time okay yes that's how it will work and it works okay let's go ahead and save it and after saving we'll uncomment this one because uh we want to reset this one for all the objects in this cart list so let's save it and make a tiny change let's see now as when it touch this on any of them this should get cold uh from here okay due to update and then uh what we'll do we'll uncomment this one again and we'll see that how it works okay so let's remove this all right now we need to uncomment it otherwise it will get cold again okay now let's save it okay now let's check the time for each item so this is 15 41 and here this is 1541 even though we added them different time but we see the time is same and we can confirm once again okay so uh because we didn't check out so that means that we can go ahead and add more stuff okay so let's start from here okay and uh let's confirm to this one okay now we'll see if we come over here we'll see that each of them each three of them they're having the same time okay so here 16 22 16 22 even the milliseconds they are same which is over here or microseconds i would say and um yeah uh which are we missing anything else not really oh yeah 16 22 yeah like that 16 22 yeah we do have three items 16 22. all right so that means this is how we can per order reset the time because it doesn't really matter so even though user might have added this one one minute ago this was two minutes after and this is three minutes after but it doesn't really matter okay because we want to save as save same time for all of this per order so now this is uh working pretty well okay so this is another concept that we got cleared and i think we don't need this one here we can just restart it so now with this we know that how the time should work and per order they will have unique time okay now let's check out over here okay and it's gone while the length of history is a three okay now let's uh go to main over here this one let's check on this one we come over here it calls the get cart list and we come to set cart and let's find our set card reset card which is over here okay all right uh what do we want to do we want to print this one over here get history card list okay so over here we will see if we can uh print this one or the time so i think we can all we need to do find the right place add to it history card this one okay uh after printing actually oh yes we already have it okay yeah so this is where it's coming from and as well as we can print uh one more information the time for the order is over here we do get cart history list okay and over here say get the first element and then you can do time from it then to string okay and we'll we'll we'll change it like this or actually we can do it in a for loop just for debugging purpose so here we do i and equal zero and i is less than get card history list dot length okay and i plus plus so over here we'll have this message and instead of doing o we can do i so once again this is for debugging purpose and we'll remove them later but anyway right now we know in the history list we have three items so add more items okay now we'll come over here and add more stuff this one uh add two two items or just to go ahead and check out and let's see the time okay now here let's check out okay yes so the length is four and let's see we do get up to length 4. all right sorry about that for loop does work but instead of i you need to use j because i forgot that i was adding i another variable but so they do have the same name so the second i over here was being overshadowed by this one so that's why this loop was not running but anyway as you can see from here i already added another item so we have six items so do remember just now for the first three items we had the same time this is the second item or second order actually so this is the first order this is the second order and this is the i guess third order and fifth order okay so now we can add more stuff and one more time and confirm that it works okay now i'll add four items this time over here from here from here and let's find here okay now over here i'll come over here now after clicking on this i would expect this last four will have the same time 24 right yeah okay there we go so 24 24 24 and these are the earlier and total we have 10. so we know that in history list we have time like this right and that's what we are going to use in our leverage to show items over here okay now go ahead and take a look at our algorithm so just now we know that history list has order it will have different orders and each order will have many items but items could be different but they have the same time right so that's what we just confirmed over here so we'll have many different orders so but uh in each order we'll have different item with the same time okay like this order one just like this order one and they have the or i would say first order actually uh they have the same same time this is the second order different time third order different time fourth order different time and this is the last order different time so that's how it works so get history list gets me things like this now based on that we'll make a map this what this map will do it will try to find for example in the first order and the time it will take okay and that's it'll also take the second order and the time it will save for us and for the third order it'll also take the time okay all right so we'll shrink this down to a map this list but based on order and time okay so because even this is one order but they have one time okay we'll save it in a map and also we'll do based on this map we'll also find for example first order how many times well we do have one time but it was repeated three times so save it okay and then we'll go to the second one and we'll see okay well second order has been has only one item and the time has also just been repeated only once and we'll come over here in our history list we'll continue and we'll check more and we'll see oh well over here this order even though the time is one but it's the same time has been repeated three times and why we are doing like that because based on this we know that how many items has been added in the same order okay so this is the same order and same order has a same time but that's been repeated three times so that means that this order has item quantity all right or it has been item it has three items it has one item it has uh three items so based on the number of times the same time has been repeated we know how many items in certain order okay so we need to know this because if you don't if you don't know this we won't be able to draw this thing okay yes i know this sounds a bit complications but do remember it's actually coming based on this one so over here uh because time is the only unique factor others might not be unique okay so we can easily get access to time and based on time we'll separate them and we'll see if we have in the same order if we have three items sorry three times that means three items okay so over here we have four items and we do have the time has been repeated four times so that means four items okay all right now how it should work and how we go ahead and build this one we'll do a little practice over here and then after practicing we'll exactly copy the same code to our flutter over here and we can use that okay now we do a copy first over here now if we come and look over here from ui actually i want to call this one because they'll give me a list right so this is what we want to call okay now for now we'll create some dummy data over here and here we'll call it this one and this will have some dummy data now the data actually would be coming from here we already produced the data and we'll just simply go ahead and copy one of them and that's good enough for us okay so most will copy let's see yeah up to this point okay even definitely we don't need all of them just some fields just to mimic that what's going on so for now i'll skip this uh everything else over here i'll just keep the time let's see this one we also don't need quantity anything like that because the time is the unique factor okay and all right wrap this okay now here we'll just go ahead and repeat them because we are going to see once we have this one how do you process the data and show this thing over here we need to do a lot of dart coding for this okay so sorry about that okay i will make some tiny changes and only change you do in the order of time okay so maybe this is this was added on the sixth day this is all i did on the seventh day seventh day seventh day all right so the time is the unique factor over here all right okay now this is a list but this is a list which has uh a certain property i mean interesting property so it's a map of list okay so this is a map before we saw how map works and now map over here we do have a key our keys they're all string okay so over here we'll do string and now the time we focus on time so our time is also string okay all right so we created uh let's see line three uh we need one more this okay now the arrow should be gone okay line four it's uh yelling at us and for int okay well now the value over here for int uh even though it's uh uh the the key is a string over here this one and this one but looks like the value is sometimes end sometimes string okay so we'll make it dynamic over here okay and now all these errors should be gone now this is a list of maps before we learn that maps are wrapped around curly braces okay now interesting point about this is we can actually pinpoint the time from this list okay uh we can also do a for loop over here if we want in i equals zero i less than uh get well it's a long name so i'll just copy this one dot length okay and i plus plus and now over here we can do print now we'll do this one and we'll access certain each of them in a loop based on this i iterator now we can print certain properties of it if we want so now let's go ahead and run it okay so you can access the time as you can see from here okay um let's see oh yeah the different time is over here we are doing based on month it doesn't really matter so so this is one thing we could do we can of course access id okay if we want but for now we are just accessing the time okay so uh because over here it's a list of maps so we can access certain field within it okay but this is just for demonstration purpose we don't need this thing now okay earlier i said that based on this data whatever we get from storage local storage we want to make a map okay do remember so this part is exactly this one okay the same idea now based on this data we want to make a map okay so for this reason uh well we don't need this part so over here now this is the code that we're going to write we'll just copy directly later on to our flutter app okay so but here we get a better idea how things work because i have the data that i can see if i come over here my i have to look at this printed data and which is not very convenient anyway so here we'll create a new map and if you see from here the map nam i can call it cart items per order okay so here i would create a new map here i would do map now in this map what i'll have um if you see i'll have order and a time okay well for well now here is our qtb string okay and now the time is a string as well okay that could be one thing or i can save from here as i said early based on this we're going to make a map so in this map we'll save time okay and how many times this time has been repeated that one so that one would be saved as end okay and now we'll call it cart let's see what is the name cart items part order card items per order so we created a map like this okay now we'll go through this for loop and we'll save items in this map okay so here we do four and i equals zero i less than this one dot length l okay and i plus plus now over here we do a check because this is an empty map right now so we'll put stuff inside it once again we'll put the time as a string in this certain time how many times repeated like three times so we have to do that the map in this map we want to save our information so here contains key yes this is the right one okay if this one has key okay now what key the key is coming from here from this list okay and earlier we saw that we can access the list using this i like this okay yeah but of course we need to put it in a conditional statement so here we do if like this okay now here if it contains do something if it doesn't contain do what so if it doesn't contain just put it put inside of this so if this map doesn't have this key it means the time for example first time when we look through this one we are looking through so first time it will point to this one but of course in this map first time this time doesn't exist right okay well so this condition over here this would be false it doesn't contain so here we'll call put if absent remember we used it before in our flutter app over here for a card controller this is the same method uh this one okay put if absent so we'll put well first time we are looking through this list over here and this of course doesn't exist over here right so we can just simply go ahead and put all right so here we'll put this time so we do this one we'll take the time from it and take the time using this i and the certain field okay so we are taking this field over here which is the time so we are putting it but now it does take other property so this is our value sorry this is our key remember this has a key so our time is the key and it also needs a value so what is the value values int int is here one okay so first time when i find this time i'll remember in this map that okay your value is one okay because i found you first time okay and next i'll go through this list again while next time it would point to this one right well it makes sense now in that time this condition is a true because it's already there what is there this time because this is o205 this already we added in earlier iteration and next time i come through it i find it again right so this time is already in this map so how can we increase the time so what we'll do over here we do this one first card items per order now here we just update okay update what update this value okay so here we do this one just let's go ahead and copy this first we need to find the key so this is the key and for this key we are going to update the value okay so value has been added one earlier now here we'll take the value remember here we are not accessing it as one we are accessing as as it as a value of course you can call it anything you want it doesn't really matter so plus plus value because i found it second time okay so i'm increasing over here the value we are saying oh the certain time has been found two times it means in this order at least there are two items that's what it tells us so next time while i go through it again it will find this one and after finding this it will try to check if this time which is this one exists or not it will find it it will oh i see you again so it will increase the value to three okay one two three all right so for loop will continue it'll come over here and it finds the new time oh six well it doesn't contain in this map so it would be over here okay now it will add a value one it means i found you once so next time it goes it'll come over here it'll say oh this is a new time so if it's a new time we'll come over here so hopefully it makes sense it'll continue and save the time all right now what we could do here we can go ahead and print this map okay just let's uh for debugging purpose so let's go ahead and print it okay let's see yes okay so over here you say it's a three three is the key uh sorry the value end all right for time for this time so we have here printed our time which is this one actually the complete time and we found it three times over here in next one oh six which is this one we found it one time and next one is this one which is this three and we found that three times okay hopefully it makes sense all right now over here it's time to take out this into value from this map okay well this would help us in our view which is over here because we need to loop through our history which is this one history list and exit from this list sometimes because i need to redraw and go to a new line and redraw okay so that's why we need to go ahead and save it save the time so now here i'll declare a new function and it would return a list but it will return list of int and we'll car we'll call it cart order time okay so card order time to list because from over here over here we are taking the time and we'll convert it to list because right now this is a map okay all right and once we convert it to list will return so we want to access this map right so that's what we'll do and first we'll do here return okay now this is a map map has a property which is called entries and entries is a property which is called map okay now over here it takes an element so it will point so the first e so it's more like also a for loop you can understand first a will point to this one okay all right if you point to this one okay now for this one this is the key and this is the value so from e we just want the value okay and then we'll convert it to list okay yeah that's all now this could be scary for many people so what i'll do i'll comment it out and i would like this let's take a look uh as easier format card items per order okay entries dot map e over here now from here we'll just get the e dot value okay now before we return we'll convert it to list okay now this is the detail format but the convention the new convention is you can keep it as simple as possible so this is the simplest one okay all right so over here internally the for loop happens over here okay anyway so we'll just remove this this one and we'll stick to the standard one right now okay now over here we'll create a new variable okay and just for testing purpose so here we would call it list int now order times okay now here i'll call this function this is a function actually okay all right now i can print four times okay let's go ahead and print it okay now we can access the time all right it's beautiful okay so this part of the code we can directly copy and put in our dart in the flutter app okay so we don't need to repair that but this gave us a better idea that how we can take information from this list and separate them step by step so first we took this one and then we made a map and based on the map we got some information now this will help us to build this ui because in this ui now we know if my list is this one i know that first time when i run the loop i'll run it three times okay and then i'll run it one time because of this one then i'll run it three times okay now we can repeat this idea for the app okay all right now before i finish this dart section uh i could do another thing actually now of course this part could be would be totally reusable in our dart tab i mean we can just copy and put it there no problem now of course how actually this loop would work now uh let's simulate it so here we do four and let's see hint x equals zero and x is less than so we'll take this one dot length and x plus plus now we'll create internal loop over here and here we do int y equals zero and y is less than let's see we'll take this one this is a list okay and x and over here we do y plus plus now here okay now here we could do some interesting thing here we'd actually access this card guy over here okay now i could say well recipe one recipe two recipe three well maybe this is one again because that was the second order one so maybe three two four it doesn't really matter so this is my order one this is my order two and this is my order three okay now i'm trying to tell you that we would be accessed this one separately and we can break out from the loop because we need to okay so this procedure almost the similar one will repeat in our flutter ui code okay anyway so here i'll write my order is now over here we'll do plus and we'll come over here and we want to access it okay now how are we going to access it this x or y none of them so we'll create a new variable over here where we'll call it save counter and first one is zero now over here we'll use save counter okay and counter equal plus plus so each time we access it actually uh let's see what is the problem good card history list okay enter the string all right okay uh we'll just go ahead and check this one now what's happening over here so we take this map first over here this is the map okay or this one okay we look through it and at the same time now we'll check how many times because i do remember that so this one so this time this time how many times has been repeated so they have now this map and this one they have a one-on-one relationship we know that so this was my list now i had this is my map and this is the map list of time they have one-on-one relationship like this so this time certain time has been repeated three times this one has been repeated one time and this one has been repeated three times okay so that's what we is happening here and we can combine all this information and look through it and then we draw okay anyway so now let's go ahead and run it all right so my order is you see so this is my first order second order third order and this was again okay this is this is and this is well now you're gonna ask me what the heck is this can't i just go and look through it yes you can but now because we combine these three we know what time we have to finish this loop finish the inner loop okay because if you can finish then you can go to the next one and draw okay otherwise you will have no idea when to finish this one because you have no idea when your time finishes when your order finishes because this is the first order this is the first order so now because of this information okay because of this three actually this this and this uh or sorry this would be able to successfully go through the loop and finish the inner loop because here you see this is the inner loop it does finish okay and we could prove it differently here you do inner loop y index okay here we do y to string uh why well i think it's we do we need to y to string okay let's go ahead and run it did we write yes okay index 0 index 1 index 2 that means this is done okay this part inner loop is done that means this is done too this would be done too okay all right so dart code over here is finished so we need to go ahead and start writing our ui and lucky for us this part has been done and we also know how it works so just to repeat it now we'll come over here okay sorry we don't need the postman we need this one i want to keep the background white okay now over here we want to start drawing things over here so we'll come over here and over here we'll create a new page okay i will call it card history okay now we'll create a stateless class okay and we'll call it card now over here instead of a container will return scaffold will have body okay i'm sorry uh now we need to import some of the libraries okay and over here we'll do column and children now let's see uh we also need to import this one now over here uh we need to draw our app bar so simply we'll use a bar over here emperor okay barbara will have title now title take text and here we'll use big text we do have big text right here it takes a text and here we do uh cart history okay all right now let's go ahead and save it and let's see if we can see some result or not uh we don't see anything yet um let's see oh yes because we need to come to our home page which is over here uh and over here this one so we need to update this one third one which is this one okay so here we would just simply call card history okay now let's receive it okay uh let's try to restart okay here we are okay now actually we want to put another icon over here so it is a property which is called i think actions which takes list of children i think we can use that one as well so come over here and here we do actions now here it takes let's see list of widgets okay so let's try to see if we can use an icon button over here icons dot uh shopping cart uh yeah we'll i think we'll go ahead and this one all right and let's see okay now this is the problem they're too much to the end okay now that is the reason that i'm not going to use app bar and a lot of you might ask me why i was not going to use that one okay and this is the reason because i don't have much control on it and so that's why i'll just completely take this out over here okay so i'll come over here inside this column and i'll draw things inside this and i don't want f bar so i'll go ahead and remove this one okay because i want to have complete control so yeah now i'll draw everything inside this column over here now i'll start with the container okay now for container i'll have i'm going to put things in a row okay so here i would do child row and children all right so first one i want to put this text over here now i would do big text and the text is card history all right and let's see yeah and i'll use the color for this one colors dot white okay and for the container itself i'll also use uh background color okay or color so here i would do colors uh well here we use app colors dot main color okay and the container will have width so i want it to take maximum possible width possible okay and uh apart from that we can also apply some padding to it the top padding okay now here we do padding now here we do adding sets only edge instance only top okay and we'll do 45 all right and what else we can change uh okay now here i want an icon okay so here i'll do let's see icon but we do have app icons which we can use app icon all right and here is i can start shopping cart outline that's what we want to use shopping cart outlined this one okay now let's go ahead and save it and see the result okay well that's what we have for now and uh of course this is not the best looking we need to make more changes well we can set up height to it and we'll do height 100 and now let's save it okay well not bad and over here because this is a row we don't want to put things so closely to each other here we can use a property main access alignment main access alignment dot space around this one and actually this is what we want all right now so that's okay now i can itself we can change a little bit so here we do icon color okay i can open a color let's go and see here colors dot main color okay yeah so i think that's pretty much it for now okay so this is the header section that we have and next we'll see how to go ahead and use those i know this design is a little bit different what i had previously okay so this is what i had but you can change the icon color so anyway it doesn't really matter so because in future we want to be able to tap on this over here when i was doing the design i didn't think it like that of tapping but for this tutorial actually we want to take it more further than my original idea so because i want to be able to tap and more information that i want to show over here so this is perfect with this bit of background color okay so here we'll come over here now for the app icon we know that app takes background color which is this one so we'll also use the background color okay so over here would pass background color and we'll do uh up colors dot yellow okay so this is what we'll have for now okay so with this we are done and next we want to show how to use this one okay all right well before we do that actually we can copy our information from our dart code over here let's come over here and this is the information that we want to copy we'll come over here i'm sorry about this one okay now we'll put our dart code right there now we will have error let's see now uh we need some information like okay here we do have a cart list which we don't have and not over here it should be over here actually yes okay now of course cart list we don't have so we need to go ahead and uh call this variable and create this one so i'll copy this one and i'll put it right there okay and uh we'll call it var equal now this is coming from where this should be coming from a cart controller okay so of course in cart control we don't have a method so we'll do we'll go ahead and create a method first okay so we'll come over here and okay below over here we do uh list cart model okay get cart history list okay now over here we do return card repo get card history list okay that's what we want to return and over here we'll call this one okay so now we need to access our cart controller we do get dot find and here we'll access cart controller okay and then we do get okay we need to import the library for get x package otherwise we'll get error okay now once again we'll come over here and you get car history list okay all right uh but now previously we are in dart here we are not so some of this uh notion that we can't use so here we do time as you can see cancel because here actually we are accessing information because here we are accessing information using uh cart model object right previously we didn't have object we had over here we had map and maps individual field you can access by their name but over here we are down to objects anyway now do time sorry that time now let's see what's happening here so most really needs assurance that it's not going to be no once again uh if putting this gets you error you can you may not need to but of course it depends on your sdk version once again uh this part we don't need to change okay now we need to go ahead and build listviewbuilder because we want to show information like in this manner okay first here we'll go ahead and declare uh container okay and within the container we'll have uh left right and top margin and that's what we'll do do margin and we'll do edge insets now here uh we also need the property only okay now here we do top dimensions dot height 20 then we would also do left dimensions dot with 20 by this time we should be pretty familiar how they work and with 20 as well okay and right after that we'll have child over here now as child will have list view actually not really list view builder even the earlier i said that was uh tip of the tongue i guess now here inside list view builder we can have children okay and for children we can use text test or hi there like that okay now let's go ahead and save it now find our simulator and most really we have error yes we do have error here now the problem is list view needs a certain container height so for example if you have this height like that now the error should be gone as you see but now of course we don't want fixed height we want it to be it to have dynamic height and all take all the available space so that's why i'll cut this one and i'll wrap it around expanded widget okay all right so now here we go so right now we are inside expanded widget okay now put it there and refresh it well nothing happened but of course no error as well okay now of course we can put many child like this okay and would be able to see them it's a list view builder while finally enough inside list be builder we can also have for loop well not just in list view in many places we can use actually for loop so here you do say i equal less than 20 and i plus plus and right below it you put whatever widget you need for example hi there this is the widget we want to put and we want to run it 20 times okay even you can run it more many more times as you want and it it becomes scrollable that's the beauty about it and over here you can also do dynamic stuff all right so you see that the indexes are there okay so here so far we'll use uh list view but of course in our case we need more uh widgets and a lot of information change over here now of course here we don't want 100 we want uh items per order from here we'll control it and we'll use the length of it okay all right so now we want to run it as many times uh this one okay and over here actually i'll change the name to list counter not really save counter all right now inside this actually as i said earlier if we take a look so here we'll have a column so this would be a column but now say for example um items per order is six then i'll have six columns one two three okay like that so inside each column will have children okay all right so list view is working as a column for us right it's putting things on the top of each other just like list view builder but here we are not using listviewbuilder because we'll do some complex calculation and data process list view builder does create some problem on the rebuild ui so that's why we'll go ahead with list view list view compiles and render everything at one time but listviewbuilder renders thing on demand that means that if your item is hidden like below this bottom bar they won't be rendered first they would be rendered later but with the list bewilder they're all rendered at a time well they both have advantages and disadvantages for us list people that would do the work anyway so list view builder is going to draw them one by one on the top of each other but inside it will still have a column because the small columns will have their own children okay so here first definitely i'll go ahead with the container okay and once again over here as a child i would do column okay we need container because we want to put kind of bottom margin and things like that and that's why column is very useful okay all right now inside column first we want to show a date like that okay so we do children now for now we do big text over here text 0 5 0 2 2 0 2 1 like that okay now for now we'll have just information like this we'll go ahead and save it and we'll see how it looks okay so here we are and of course we can decorate it more so here we do cross access alignment and the cross access alignment dot start okay all right now it starts like this and over here we are inside this container so each of the date is inside a container so here we can actually set up bottom margin so you do margin and agencies only let's see oh that's the bad part about this editor sometimes it's not that smart once again anyway so against us only and we'll do bottom and here we do dimensions the height 20 okay all right now we do have a little bit a margin anyway i'll put it here okay all right now we have this one and after that actually we want to draw these images okay now as i said that that should be in a row okay so here we'll go ahead and do a row all right now within row we want to draw stuff okay and horizontally all right and for that reason well first thing we want to do actually uh we want to use a special widget which is called a wrap okay because the wrap lets you to draw the same thing again and again uh uncertain direction of course it could be horizontal it could be vertical but in our case we'll use horizontal direction okay so here we do direction access dot horizontal okay now right after it actually it takes children now here you could do children now here hi there you can try again hi there or not hit there we don't want to hit anyone so now here let's go ahead and save it and see the result okay all right you see hi there hi there okay so that's what it does it does draw things horizontally and actually we want to draw our image like this instead of this text we want image now once again now these images are coming from our uh get history list from card record right so it's coming from get history list so these are all dynamic right so we can't really hard code like this so we need to generate the children dynamically and for that reason here we'll use list.generate okay now it creates widgets on demand for you because as you see it's the length now it means we can play around with this length okay we can do whatever we want all right and over here we can also return a function okay and we'll first return like this and here we do i there now what is this length well now length would be using this one now not directly this one over here would be use each of the item from it okay now last time we saw that items per order this stores the number of item each in each order right so in a list so we'll read them one by one so for example if we have this three over here um this if i equals zero it refers to three if i equal one it refers to two if i equal two it refers to three the third one right so we'll get the value and that value is the length all right now let's put this one over here and we'll get uh now let's go ahead and save it and see how it works all right so yeah that's what we have right now okay and uh actually this is based on my um get history list because in my history list actually i have a lot of history and i did some of them for test purpose which could be a little bit different than yours but the overall situation is like this okay so hopefully it makes sense now saying that it also means that this is the first image in the first order first image in the first second order first image in the third order second image in the third order right by this time it should make sense anyway so now of course we don't want to draw a text over here neither the ch child so here first we'll go ahead and draw uh we'll mention it within height for now for now they're all hard coded but we'll change them soon and here we do decoration okay now box decoration now inside this image decoration image and then image again then network image and then uh we'll here mention the image path so for our case constants dot base url plus app const then upload url plus now here is the interesting part okay so how to get this image address so here we remember we have this get card history list so over here we'll loop through it okay now once we look through what index to use so that's very interesting so here we'll use list counter okay and then we do dot img okay now here interestingly well this list counter which is this one over here now it starts with zero right but we need to increase it and the question is how we're going to increase it now over here we increase it here okay because it is going through a loop so the actual outer loop is this one and this is the inner loop just exactly we practiced in few it's a few minutes early in our dark dark pad right so this is the inner loop so over here actually we can increase this list counter but do it conditionally if list counter less than get card history dot length then we will go ahead and increase it okay all right we checked this one to prevent overflow okay which also means that error during runtime so we are checking it otherwise it may increase more than this length and it will get us error now over here we'll simply do minus one why think about the first time it happens first time it starts over here as zero but now when it comes here it becomes one but first time the index should be zero right so we do minus one so this so it keeps the balance hopefully it makes sense okay now let's go ahead and save it here we go our images are there right and yeah it's already working okay now we also need to set up the property here we do boxes fit properly into fit okay all right now we can do a bit of our border radius do border radius dot circular here dimensions dot boiler i think we have the radius now we want radius but we don't have eight we have fifteen so we can divide it by two so we'll get seven point five which is pretty close to eight so that's how we go all right okay so over here now this date and this images they're too close to each other so here we can do a size box okay and we do height and dimensions dot height will do 10 okay all right now it's looking better but now there's this top space over here now it's happening because the list view i'll cut this one okay now here i'll do media query dot remove padding because list view has a padding and if you want to remove that you need to use this one okay now whatever you cut just now put it here okay all right and we also need to mention that the property which is called remove top true then it will remove the top padding okay now it's already looking better now if we come over here inside this wrap now the container itself they're too close to each other right and that's easy to take care here you can just simply go ahead and use margin so you do add in sets okay dot only now here we'll only use the right margin and here we do dimensions dot width now here 10 by two so we can use five all right so yes it's already looking amazing and much better okay now here's a problem here i do have four images and i have here three images now what will happen if you have one more image definitely to cause overflow okay so this is not what we want and as i said earlier at the same time we want to show some extra information over here so given our screen size we can only show three images so we need to do a bit of calculation that how we're going to show three images okay now it would be here okay because this is the container that's showing images now here there could be five items or six items right so we do a conditional check on this one well first i'll cut this one and then here i would do actually you can take this or this it really doesn't matter how take index because it's simpler to use so if index is less than 2 less than or equal to that means 0 1 2 that means three images okay then we'll do this otherwise we'll just show empty container okay well now right after this you will see the images the four images the order last image would be gone okay because we just want to keep first three images so let's save it now you see this is gone everything else stays the same just that one was different okay hopefully it makes sense all right so now this is the first item in our row which is this one now over here we want to put stuff like this definitely okay all right now here we need another container let's go ahead and check it so here we do a container and now let's take a look over here with a height like 80 right so we're gonna go to pretty much like that but if you see over here we do have a bit of extra height because of this and this so it's more than actually 80 but if we are smart actually we can also do hard-coded height for example over here height 100 okay all right now it does create a little bottom overflow so you can go ahead 120 that now the overflow should be gone okay uh now here we are good okay so it means that the parent container this one okay is 120 but once again they're hardcoded now later we'll change them okay all right so well in the column in the row section over here so we can change stuff now here we had this height a sorry container so now over here say you want to do height height 120 just like parent okay now you want to have child so the child would be our column now instead column we want to show this information so here we do children and definitely the first one is small text and the text you will just write total and then we are good okay all right and then we want to show how many items we have over here okay so that's what we want to do well for this one we'll use big text here we'll have text and where's this is coming from pretty easy it's coming from this one dot i okay and to string so as we're looking through it we can access this one and we do access only once right so we'll have no problem and let's see color have colors let's start let's see title color maybe this one now let's save it and take a look okay while we do have a bit of problem so we have this bottom overflow all right we'll take care of that later now here first thing you see this contents are too close to each other so you can separate them let me close this so here we do main axis alignment and main access alignment dot space between so it will push everything to the far apart okay now i'm inside this container over here this is a column now over here we can also use property for main access alignment and we do main access access alignment dot well now space evenly let's go ahead and check it okay now like this okay so over here you also want to add more text plus items okay all right so now here you have one item one item three items and total four items but we can only see three all right yeah okay cool now here you can also do more check actually on this like how many it's based on whether it's one or more than one like that anyway so i'll leave it up to you so now regarding this one that was main access alignment now we will take care of the cross axis alignment and cross access alignment dot start okay so we'll start at the beginning over here i think look at this one the color so we need to take care of the color over here i think we can use the same color as this one so i'll just copy and put it there okay now it looks great well next part is taking care of this one well for this one we will go ahead and draw a container first okay and let's go ahead and do it now container itself will have kind of padding and margin uh first go ahead and do a decoration over here and then we'll do box decoration okay and border radius border radius dot circular on the dimensions dot radius well we want radius of 5 so we don't have five but we can divide it by three then we get it okay now over here we can also use color uh border okay now that was border radius you see it does have border so here we do border now we do border dot all okay and we'll have border width blue is one and it takes color we would use app colors dot main color okay all right now of course we need to put some content otherwise it won't be visible so here we do child and for now we'll use small text text one more okay now let's go ahead and save it and see the result oh yeah well definitely we need to work more on this now inside the container container itself we want to use the padding inside of it okay so let's go ahead and use padding so that they look very different i mean sorry they will have space on the left and right okay so here we do as insets dot symmetric now here we'll use horizontal uh dimensions dot say width 10 and we also use vertical okay and we'll use height dimensions dot height well we want five we don't have five so divided by two okay but now it's already looking better okay all right now here's the thing i think they should all start from the left okay so from the right so cross success alignment let's instead of doing this one let's start from end okay now it looks much better and let's take a look at this one the text color itself so here we want to use color app colors type colors dot main color okay all right let's go ahead and check yes so that's pretty much we wanted and it's already looking great all right now let's see what else and over here i think we do have good space but over here we don't have enough space so let's take care of why not okay so most of all it's from here we don't have enough space and how much space we have we can go ahead and do a color and we'll see okay so it's not taking the complete space over there uh yes it is it is same as this one though yeah uh yes we do have the similar space over here i think we'll go ahead with this one and for now that's it okay all right so now we need to take care of this date over here okay well for showing date actually in general we can think of like this so you can go ahead and use get cards list get get card history list and we can just simply do over here let's see uh list counter i think that's what we can do list counter and then we do time okay and make sure that it's not empty so if you do that here well we do see time okay there we see that now the problem here the there is a problem with that approach as you see first this is not the date format we want and second a lot of unnecessary numbers we don't want to this is something that we don't want uh but anyway so for this reason we need to go ahead and install a plugin let's come over here and install this plugin with this version if you want to follow along with me and that's let's do pop pub get okay and we are good right after that over here first i'll just go ahead and remove this one now the reason is because we need to process this date we can't really use it directly but right now we need to process it inside this for loop but inside this for loop we don't have any space to write any dart code but there is a way to do that inside within your widgets inside widgets and next to other widgets you can do dart code and for that one well we have in flutter this is called immediately invoked function okay we can use that trick now for that one you need to do like this first do this one and then do this one one more and then do this one and after that you will have like this okay and then all you need to do put a comma and once you do that one between these two you need to return a widget okay now here say for example you want to return a widget and a text like that okay all right let's see here we do have a little error okay let us take out this one where is this error coming from though let me do ctrl z let's go back where we were okay we were here so i'll remove this one and then i'll put what i copied just okay i don't know what happened but anyway now it works so yeah so now the this is this special brackets these are called ie which means immediately invoked function ief now with this in dart we can do a lot of data processing thing okay all right so here we do data and data processing and then we can just return that's the beauty of this thing okay now anyway here we want to show the date right all right so we can show the date in a date format so we can use date format format function now the date format we want is like this d mmdd y y y y and then we want hh for hour and minute and then a all right we need to import the library now we need to save this date format remember it's not a string it returns i'm sorry it returns you a date format and will save it in a variable and we'll call it output format okay all right so we want something like this okay now of course i mean this is the format we want and show over here now right here uh here we do another thing we'll take this format and output a string okay so here we'll call it var output update actually this string would be a date now because this is an object i'll put it there this object have a function called format okay this is what we want to use but now here interestingly if you hover over on it it says that it takes a date time object okay and then it returns string well so this returns string that string we can we'll be able to use over here right but now this takes a date time object as you can see so we have to create a datetime object using the date we saw earlier okay the one we have in our data storage using that one we have to create a date time object and give it to it and then it would work so for that one first we need to go ahead and grab that one okay so now to grab that you also need to use date format once again now the format that one has currently in our local storage so that is year month and day and then after that we have hh and mm and ss okay all right now well if you don't believe me that it's like that simply right over here you can call get card history list and the list counter okay yeah let's see and we need to get the time object okay and this one so you see so this is year month date and hour minute seconds so this is what we have currently okay and that's why i wrote it there but anyway so from here actually we need to parse it okay now parse this one so we know that this is the format there but you need to get it and you need to get it using this parsing method okay so once you get it it would return you date time object and over here you can save it so you do date time here we do parse date because this is the format that's stored but of course once we get it from here we are wanting it in this format as well okay and it is there as well so that they too have to match okay so whatever you know the format is there you use that format to take out from this list and convert it to a date time object okay now if you did date why we did date time object because we want to pass it over here okay now anyway one more step over here uh we want to convert this one to a string okay and then create this date time object so here we do var input date so here we do update the time dot parse one more time okay and now whatever we got over here convert it to string and apply to it okay all right now you see this one gets you date time object okay so this data object would be able to use here okay so first line we got a datetime object and uh in second line okay using that date the one we got using that one we get another date time object and then we put it there now definitely this output date we need to use over here now instead of text we can use big text the one we already have and we do text but now we don't need this one we'll just remove this and put it there okay all right now let's save it yes perfect so here's the date we have and here it works okay all right now let's go to other pages come back and we still see okay now let's go ahead and add an order and see how it works with us so this one i'll add over here i'll try to add four items so we know what's going on and i'll use this one and i want to add one more from here okay let's complete the order we have four items come over here now let's see so yes we have total four items but we can only see three now there's another problem actually the problem is this one should be at the top the one the latest order like this is the earliest order right i just made it so it should be at the top so next we'll see how to do that one now we'll go ahead and take care of this uh date issue that they should be at the top right this one well it's pretty easy so all we have to do we need to come at the top over here and well i'll put it in a new line like this and then well this is a list and the list has a property called reversed we'll use that one but once you do reversed it actually is not a list it becomes iterable object iterable object means you can't go through it index by index okay in that case you have to access it using keys but we want a list we don't want keys we want index so you need to convert it to tool list all right now after that let's save it okay now you see the order reversed okay so now it's at the top so now we can do go ahead and add one more item and actually let's add two okay all right let's come over here let's check out let's go to over here like okay so here we are so this is at the top so while it's working out as we expected now let's take care of some of the tiny issues that we had early so now here we don't want hard coded so here we want dynamic so we do height multiplied by 10 okay now over here padding we did have 10 uh we do have 45 right uh anyway let's save it and it's okay over here and we don't have any issues okay uh and what else let's see 120 so here we could do the same dimensions dot height well we can go ahead with 30 and multiply it by 4 and over here we do have padding 45 top padding so here we can do dimensions dot um let's see over here we do have a height 45 this one is okay all right and what else i think this place is a pretty all fine and yeah okay so this one so dimensions dot height well we don't have 80 but we have 20 okay all right and over here we do the same yeah we're pretty good after this and all we need to do we need to check it on a new device which i'll do maybe say iphone 11 and just want to make sure that it's still responsive if not then we'll do the necessary changes okay so let's let it boot up all right here we are and uh well this is a new phone so i don't have any card history over here so i'll add some of the stuff and we'll see how it goes and i'll add more stuff to it let's come over here and well so it's also great looking over here and let's go to home page and let's see okay yeah so we don't have any overflow issues uh you should not have any overflow all right and yeah so that's it well next we'll see how to click on this and reorder our stuff okay so here we want to click on this and go to a certain page i mean the cart page let's simulate this one first so here we are now here i'm going to add stuff and uh we'll add more stuff i'll be here and i'll come over here i'll make the order now the order would be in this history card now as i click on this it will take me to this page okay currently here it doesn't okay well so this is what we want to do and we can check out once again we can also do more stuff over here add more uh and different items we can add to it okay now these two are coming from card history so you have a special message that you can't review but it this is added just now so you can go back and see what happens okay but for this kind of items you can't so this is what we're going to do right now okay and even you can add more stuff to it as you go ahead and do more and more and then you'll come over here and you can check out and once you check out you come over here you see that you added this one and just now you had four items but of course you can go back one more time you can go back here one more time it's fine okay but well now if you go back here you see on the card you have these two items but if you say for example you want to have this 4 then you will have this 4 okay like that sorry so if you're here then you can have 2 so it's all up to you that how many items you want okay so it resets everything so but this sounds like that is going to a lot of work but it is not i promise because we have done most of the work for this so far uh so just rearranging some data and on click we go back to cart page and for cart itself we have done all the work so far so it wouldn't take us a lot of time so let's go ahead now here uh this is where we left last time okay so i'll enlarge it now here this is this item where this says one more okay so this is the button that we are going to use okay now here this is the button we have so i'll just uh let's see okay one more so i'll put it here and i'll cut it okay let me do this one and save it and it's gone okay so this is the button now here i'll definitely use gesture detector to wrap it around okay and here we'll have on tap event okay and then um let's see i think i'm missing semicolon over here and then we'll have here child okay and we'll put what we had early okay now it's back all right uh now let me explain that how it's going to work say i add more items to it and say even this too over here now come over here check out now you come to this page and you'll see that okay you have orders like this so the thing we're going to look for is the unique time uh and based on time for example in our history card list we totally have five five items right but they're grouped by this time over here right they're grouped by this time so uh well now i think we can oh i think yes on iphone you can do it the sliding anyway so they're grouped by time over here so we have to find this unique time okay and based on that we'll do a for loop and we'll try to do a match if we match then it means that we are on certain item once we click okay for example right now we can go over here okay and we can do our uh print log over here we could do print and we could do card say history list and over here what we can print let me see so what do we have up there um well i think we can print even stuff from here okay all right so we don't have to print this one all right and uh let's see two string okay now i'm doing test okay just like that okay now let's uh uh restart it and let's tap on this first one so yeah doing test two so it means it has two items that's what it's giving us remember items per order now doing test three okay so that's how uh we can lock which one we are clicking but of course we want to for now get this time not really the number of items we have per order okay that's not what we want because that's not unique remember only time is unique so we are going to once again time to know where we have clicked okay well now if you see the dart code previously that we have used over here at the top so i'll let me see i think i can collapse some of this we don't need all of this we can wrap this one and it will only keep this the window is small so let me enlarge it so now over here okay so we do have a method where we have this one where it says cart order time to list well while it did it saved how many items per order okay well i think i want to rename this i don't like this name so let's rename it so here we'll rename it to cart items per order just like this so here i'll take this one and cart items per order so instead of small i would do capital line now it makes more sense okay because here we are just getting how many items per order right beautiful now remember previously cart items per order over here now this is a map where we had both this string and end now string was the date the unique date we put as value key over here and the value was this int right so all we did later on we returned a list of time over here i mean the number of items that we had no really time the number of items and we made it as a list and saved it over here right so that's all we did and we did it from this map now we can get more information from this map so earlier we are getting the value which was int now we want to get the key right so if we get the key that means those are the time that's saved here in this map okay now if we can get the time then later on we'd be able to use this time over here to compare it with the original time and then we'd be able to do more stuff okay so first we'll copy this one over here and i'll put it here now i'll rename it over here so cart items per order and here i would say cart order time okay card order time to list okay now over here instead of getting the value we want to get the key and key is our time and that's all we want let's see over here let's train uh we do have okay now we need to change this one because we are returning string okay now the error should be gone so now with this we are able to have the time okay now if we come over here and that's a list right so here i can just put it over here and i can use the same index uh let's see okay so first uh what i need to do i need to declare a variable i'll call it var and order order time so that would be a list and i'll put it there and i get the list because this is a function that returns a list now over here i will use this one okay now simply i can just call here order time okay all right now let's uh go ahead save it restart it and uh over here click on this one so here order time is 1808 1808 that's six o'clock that means 18 right now let's click on this one so 1202 which is 1202 so which also means that now we are able to get our time perfect so now as we are getting the time we can compare this time with our original time in the cart history list which is uh over here um this one get card history list because this also has a time okay so this is the time that we want to compare over here and based on that we'll create a new map because first right now we don't know which one we are being clicked and this all this information over here they are list so that's another problem so two problem first problem we didn't know where we are being tapped but i think right now we can know that we are being tapped over here but we don't know which one being tapped so for that reason we need to compare actually okay and based on that comparison we'll make a map out of it and that would be pretty easy and once we have the map we need to send this map to this item over here this item is a map once we can do that and we are done okay so that's not a lot of work but you have to understand how it works right now we don't have a map but this one only takes a map why once again because if you come over here see this one in this page everything is coming from this items map right so once we go from once we click on this page and go a page like this we have to return a map to this page so now our next target is how to make a map all right so now we have this list of time that's available over here and grouped uh and the time is only for per order right okay great so next one now we'll create a new map first we do map and in this map we'll have int and then we'll have cart model okay and here we'll call it more order and we'll initialize it to empty empty map okay now we need to import it now you may ask why we are doing this one well once again because we are over here okay so here we have items and items is a map map of int and cart okay because we are going to add and give value to it so the two maps they have to have exactly the same type okay so now this is the map now all we need to do we need to extract information from card history list and put inside of this one and before we do that we need to compare with the time okay because card history list has a lot of time we know that over here each each row has a time right all right so now we'll start over here and here we do a comparison so first we do a for loop and we'll start with int zay 0 and there is less than get card history list dot length okay and z plus plus i will come over here now here we do a check if get cart history list i now it has an item over here filled which is called time so you get that time okay and we'll compare if this one is same over here so this one because this also has a time remember that right now here i'll use uh let's see here we are using i as an index so we'll use that one now this sorry over here this should be zay coming from here this one and over here this is i now this i index is once again coming from here because this is the outer loop and outer lip is dominating everything so we are taking the index from here outer loop do remember items per order the length of this one which is this one is the same as the length of this list or this list okay so they have the exactly same amount of length which means which means their index is going to match okay you need to remember that one anyway so now we are over here now we are checking on this so if they match we are going to do something so which means that certain time in this list is matching with the list of this one okay so that means we are on the right order and right item okay so in that case we can take that one out from here and put inside this one okay in this map all right so to put inside a map what we could do uh well uh here is the thing before we go ahead and put let me print the log over here okay now here i would do my order time is okay now here i would do order time which is uh i over here i dot time okay or just simply this one and let's see how it works okay my order is let's see because that's returning us list list of time okay so each of them will have time so i can say my order time is all right now let's save it okay now click on this so my order time is perfect because they have three items and they were added on the same time 1202. now you click on this one now we get the other two all right so that's how we verify that our history list the items being clicked there click on the right one okay then we can grab them okay so now what you do here would click uh add on this so we do more order okay dot put if absent okay all right so now more order as you see it takes an int as a key and cart model as a function okay now here what do we do we'll take just the key uh well we'll take the product id over here or card id now here uh well let's see before we when we go ahead and do it let's see what id we are going to use okay now here this time we'll print the id the cart or product id is which is very important now of course that's coming from get cart history list because this one just has time and this has a time plus everything else so here we do j now here we do id okay to string and we are good all right now let's click on this one so here id two three four and here i did three eight four okay all right so uh over here this one and over here this one all right now let's save it again now let's click on this so for eight two items and here two four eight okay now let's see uh if we just uh print this one okay to string okay let's go ahead and print this one and let's see what happens now here well it says instance of card model and right over here let's do product okay now product might have id inside okay let's go ahead and do it well if it doesn't work like this we can just simply do this one okay let's see had a null checker okay now let's save it now let's click on this so here product id is two three four now let's click on this one product id is eight four okay so you almost get the same thing and let's try a bit of different approach this time so here i'll comment this out and we'll come over here and let's try like this print product info is now here you can print the product info and for this one now we need to do json in code now here is the object now in our case the object is coming from here this is the object so each row represents the object in the list okay i will print it all right now let's save it so come over here now let's click on this one sorry i think this one okay so here we do have product info as you see now id2 and over here product id is 2. now id4 product id is four so which is over here i did three product id is three so we're going to get unique id as well so if you click on this one it's the same thing so now the thing is that if you want to encode here or print information then if you use an object and use json encode so it will help you to print a string okay all right so whatever we click over here for each of them this id is unique okay this one because this id if you remember in the first part exactly coming from our database and this is an id that's unique and increment okay all right so anyway so now we know that we can use underlying this id to have as our maps key maps key because in the map key has to be unique the value could repeat but key has to be unique otherwise it will get error so anyway now we'll remove this section we don't need this all we need to do we need to put in our map so here we do more order dot put if absent over here the key you can use anything you like so you do get card history list i then here we do id okay i'm sorry it's not isj right and let's see uh over here we might need to well convert it no it looks like we don't we just need this one okay now here's the trick here you we want to send a object because here cart model is an object okay now just now we saw that this is an object as well okay all right now here uh there are a few steps for it okay so i'll break it down over here this is the line and uh i'm going to return otherwise we'll get error so here what do we do here we first do cart model okay this one from jason but from json it wants json object okay all right so here we can definitely use json decode all right now it takes a source okay now over here we would use json encode now it wants a string over here okay oh sorry it's once an object so this is our object that's what we put over there so first uh this is an object so we convert it to json decode which means more like a string and once you have json decode which is actually json object sorry j once i'm sorry i get a little messed up so we have this object over here then we give it to jason encode which makes json object like this and then you have to use json decode and from here it takes we have a method which is called from jason okay now you may think that why we just directly don't do it uh it's not gonna work i mean you can try it okay it's just not going to work and it it throws an error okay now it might ask you to add a null checker but we still have an error so json could decode json and particular would solve the problem okay all right so well with this each time the id is absent we can go ahead and put in our map okay and we know that id is unique so wherever you click each time it would be there okay you click over here it would be there all right so once that is done the map would be filled with your product and your card items like that okay now it's time to set it to this card controller which is this one to this one okay to this map items now uh one thing we could do you can simply go ahead and create a setter and set the items okay and now that's what we'll do so previously we had one for setting the storage now we'll create another one setting the cart map itself which is this one okay all right okay so here we'll create a new method and we'll the method would be a setter so we'd start with set the method name is set items okay now it'll take map so definitely end because we are giving it to map so here is the cart model and the name we can say is set items the object names the one we'll receive and then we'll just simply do like this and over here we'll decide it set the items here like this okay first we'll make sure that this is empty okay and then we do set items equal side content items you call set items okay all right so once again we are doing this because uh first make sure it's empty if it's not then set it to empty empty items and then you set whatever you're being sent from here okay now with this after the loop is done we can go ahead and set it okay so for that one simply we use get dot find and over here we do cart controller and here we would call set items to this one okay so this is this new map that we created this one so that's how you set items to a map okay so this is a map this is a map so the if their map you can just simply do equals okay now with this we are done this section all right now it'll just simply add to this items over here but remember earlier we have seen that each time we actually add item this method gets called and this one checks if there is a duplicate id or not and if not then just put in the map like that okay but here and after that we set it to our local cart list remember because this one eventually calls this one and this one after that i think also calls this one and then we set it to the local storage okay so we have to do the same thing over here now for this one well i will copy because over here this doesn't get cold it only gets cold from here okay so i'll create a new method over here and i'll call it void add to cart list okay then over here i'll do this one and simply i'll do update okay if necessary so with this now we'll come over here and we do get dot uh find card controller card controller and here we do uh add to cart list okay like that make sure that we are calling this one yes all right so yes with this now actually simply we can go ahead and check it and we'll see that it works okay all right now let's save our code all right now we'll do we'll simply just click on this one okay now we'll come to our card over here which is this one yes we see these are the items that we had over there once again this too right but now we can go ahead and click this then this would be removed and this would be added in the cart okay now let's go ahead and check it come over here yes three items in fact you can do the stuff you want and they're still there okay so there is no problem with that and you can go ahead and do a checkout over here no problem and we can do that and we did now we come over here we will see that this this is the new one that's been added the image order is a bit different but it makes sense right okay now you can do one more over here and we'll go over there and obviously it's still there okay now if you want you can even add items to it say i want to add this one add to cart and you can now we have four items now actually we can add more to it say i want to add this one this fish so i took card let's come over here now this one we have total five items you check out you come over here and you see yes so total five items beautiful but if you do one more and come over here uh sorry so it's still there okay because we just added anyway isn't it beautiful and this just few lines of dart code but you have to understand the logic how it works so all we did here based on time we found our orders and put it in a map and then we come over here but of course now the problem is you don't want to get stuck over here you click on this actually what you want we want it to take you to a new page okay the cart page directly okay so once i click on this it should take me actually here okay that's what it should do but right now it's not doing it anyway so let's check out and let's see here and this is the item that we added just now beautiful okay so but we can do it simply over here and we already laid out the basic for this one as well so here we do get dot find uh sorry get dot to named route and route helper now here i think we need to import it yes now here we do get cart page okay now get cart page it takes uh it should take parameter let's see get cart page right now doing a route helper okay now let's see get over here okay for now cart page doesn't so what we'll do we'll go ahead and just to save it okay now right now i would expect that after clicking this one it will take me over here and it did okay yes now we can go back and let's see this one now i want to click on this one yes it did and i do have five items and i can do this interesting stuff over here but now here's this problem let's click on this one yes we get this error okay now the error is coming because once i click it doesn't know where to go because just now we are going back from card history not like other pages now i need to restart it to show that what's the problem okay now i think uh yeah they're still here okay now the problem is once i click on this i go that page let's see now i want to view them but here it doesn't have any idea that where we are coming from but for example say i add it from here and i come here and this is the last item i added and this time it knows that where i came from okay it knows that i came from here because i clicked here and i went there it knows that where i came from okay but the problem is if you come over here and now you click on this it doesn't have any idea where we came from now why it doesn't have any idea uh we need to take a look at our cart page over here let's see our pages cart page which is this one okay now if we are on the cart page you'll see that we have some conditional check over here okay so based on that we were either going here or there okay so get popular from here you go to cart page blah blah blah so once i click on this actually i can go back to this get popular food page which is here now get popular food page uh popular product which is this one okay all right so i can go back but right now we don't have any notion that how it works from this page if we come from history page it just doesn't work so we need to add a little more condition and then we'll see that how we go ahead well the reason it doesn't work we have to know it first uh well now if you come to card history page over here and over here we were converting this card model from jason or from this list we found an object and we converting it to cart model okay and we put it over here in this map okay but if you take a look at the cart controller over here you see previously when we created an object using cart model we also explicitly created a product model okay as you can see over here or over here okay well right now we don't have this mechanism okay so we are just converting to json and then decoding from json and then we just go ahead and create an object so over here we are not doing it now because we are not doing it so if you want to click let's say come over here and click any of this all it does while it finds either popular food detail page or let's see the other page is recommended for detail so it it finds one of them and try to goes there and that's okay the problem is when you are here uh let's see our card okay we have constants we don't need a cart page okay so of course we go this page or this page from here right now there's one problem i'm sorry about that so here you see we we do have an uh product instance that we look for okay now if it can find here then it finds the index then we can go ahead all right but now the problem is here because we are not explicitly setting any product index so when it comes over here this card page it tries to look from this list over here this list but it can't find it so it's always returned minus okay now this page only works if you like add stuff and go there like this but i don't want this page to work for history page i mean this logic the reason is because here you may have a lot of orders and one day maybe 100 100 days later or six months later user decides to go for one more okay now by the time the that product certain product might not be here at least in the app okay so if i go ahead and try to look for a match in the app definitely i can't okay now over here the same thing is like i mean yes the product is not in this app anymore i mean over here but it's in the history list and history list is saved in user device okay so anyway from the device we make the order i mean based on the device record not really from over here now the product owner would get the message okay now after that if the product is still there in the in the restaurant then the product owner would send it if it's not then they would manually talk with the this person who made this order okay all right so that's why we don't want to look for in this list because it's coming from history and history could be very old by the time the product might not be there any anymore okay now we can go ahead and check it but that would create a lot of complexity in our app a lot of time in real world if you order a product and the order doesn't exist then the product owner would call you that just cancel the order okay or cancel it from the back back end so that's how it should work so hopefully it makes sense so now here we don't want to look for in the list and we also didn't apply this uh product model explicitly over here so that's why it's not going to work but now how to solve this problem well it's pretty easy so here well now i'll just cut this one for now so there is a bit of condition that we need to check and even after that if we can't find the index that means that actually it's from history page okay so we have to do one more conditional check over here if recommended product index is also less than zero that means that it's filled over here remember over here and it's also failing over here okay so in that case we don't want the user to go to any kind of page okay so if it could found then we'll go over here otherwise we'll just simply show a message over here okay that you need to do certain things all right now let's see over here i think we have this one okay i'll just simply go ahead and copy this part and put it over here okay all right now here it's a history product history product i can we'll just simply write over here product review is not available for history products okay just like that as simple as this one okay all right so now let's go ahead and check it now what we'll do we'll go over there and i'll try to click on this and it would send me is not a product review is not available for history products okay now we won't have this crush anymore okay but at the same time say for example you added uh this one let's see yes now let's go to our cart and this one would work okay but it won't work for the history products all right so hopefully it makes sense of course you can remove this one and you can also remove you can also remove all of them and just to check out and now here we'll see that we have only one item okay so hopefully this logic makes sense that why we don't want to look for in the uh list over here using the product one okay well so far so good so we are pretty happy with this okay all right well soon we'll be doing uh our personal profile center but before that we also need to take care a bit of other issues okay like for example if you don't have any history over here we want to show a message that we don't have any history okay for example another problem is say for example if you come over here we don't want to show you this page we want to show a beautiful message that you don't have anything in your cart okay once we are done with this two sections here and here then we'll go ahead and do our personal profile center well when if we don't have any message over here or first time when user downloads this one here it would be empty and here it would be empty as well so we want to show an image over here and for this reason we'll come over here and check out an image you should have the same image and if you're following along with me over here i will have this empty card image this one so this is the image that we want to show okay now the reason is because in future here we'll check out and you'll send a request to the server but if you have empty card you don't want to show this image right so first you'll show an image if nothing is in the card and will also hide this information okay all right so now for this one here we'll build a new directory and we'll call it base okay now within this directory we'll have some global components or reusable widgets that would be using throughout our app not belong to any kind of special pages it would belong to the whole app okay so anyway here we'll call it no data page dot dart okay all right so now over here we'll build a stateless class we'll do stl uh so we'll have stateless class and here we'll call it no data page all right and over here first thing we want to do we want to import some of the depend libraries let's go ahead and do it and over here we want to have two kinds of parameter that the color would apply to it okay so first one is final string the text we want to show okay so it would be more like this if you come over here so image should be here and the text so we'll give image path and the text okay so that way it would become reusable so here you do text and now here we'll have another string and here we'll call it img path okay after that actually we need to apply this uh parameters over here and here we do this one uh required this text and over here for the image path we can make it optional so here i would do emg path and here we do assets image okay all right and you need to use this dot okay now here if you take a look carefully we want to put things in a column so here we'll just simply return a column first okay and it will have children okay now within children we want to put the image first okay now because we are going to image use the image locally from the device so we use image dot asset not image dot network okay now here the first parameter we'll be using is this image path okay all right and after that we need to give it within height so here we do height and now this time we'll get height a bit differently but it's still dynamic so we'll get it from the context because i have access to the context over here so i can access the size of this device screen okay and then here we do height and here we do 0.22 so i think it would get you around 150. now here i'll just simply go ahead and copy this one and here we do width and here with okay so this will get pretty much like a square size and after that we'll have a bit of spacing below it so here we do sized box sorry for the noise though so here we do height and we can just simply copy this one okay we'll put it right there and we'll have a very little height i think that would be around like 10 pixel things like that so here next will show the text itself now the text is the text that being passed from here all right and here we need to apply style to it and this time we'll be using a different style a bit of different okay now font size itself here we'll use uh uh well now media query of context okay uh here we do size dot height multiplied by 0.0175 so very little font size and then we'll have a color okay now color we'll use from thin context then here it will have a color which is called uh disable disable color okay yeah of course you can get color just using colors dot whatever but we can also get color like this so we're learning new things over here like you can dynamically get your height and width like this from the context as well okay all right so now uh for this time we'll come over to our cart page over here and the cart page here we have this few sections um let's see yeah so we have a header which is this one and this body position is over here and the bottom bar right now i'll just simply go ahead and cut this one over here and here we'll use get builder and here we'll have a card instant card controller and here would return what we just had early okay but now before we go ahead and return we need to do a conditional check to do card controller dot get card i think uh okay it can't recognize the object because here i'm missing card controller okay now here we do get items dot length and if it's greater than zero then we do one thing otherwise we do something different okay otherwise it will show no data sorry for the noise there are many kids over here but you guys are pushing me to record it as much as as early as possible and i'm trying to do that anyway so here your card is empty or actually right next to me there is a dog and a kid and there's some women and they are very noisy anyway because i'm i'm working at office right now so here this is what we have so get items gets you the length of the items that's added in the card right we know it if you don't know what it is go back and check from card controller so now this is what we want to see okay now just go ahead and save it because currently the card is empty now we do have overflow issue and we'll take care of them now the first thing because we are in the column right so while over here column the default position is top left okay so we need to change that one so here we do main access alignment main access alignment dot center okay now for this one because it's a little more than the width we had but we can solve it so here we do cross access alignment cross access alignment dot stretch so it will scratch it regardless whatever you give to it okay okay now it can't stress the text so that's the problem okay so over here we can use a property which is called text align i think it's called text align dot center okay now it will put it in the center so that's what we get perfect but now if you come over here and add an item okay let's come to our cart all that's gone now if you remove it you see it immediately but now this is the problem okay we also need to take care of this one well for this one once again we need to come to cart page and over here we do have this let's see row okay so this is the row that's showing this information so here once again um we would uh cut it and let's see we have a card controller object here so here we do card controller dot get items dot length okay so if it's greater than zero then we'll show the text otherwise would be empty container okay now here i think uh somewhere let's see somewhere here somewhere here okay i'm missing this one now the error is gone now let's check it so that is gone as well okay so perfect now if you go over here or if you come from here say it is the items but you remove all of them then it's gone okay perfect so it's working and that's what you want your user to see so this way the ape this app is more safe the user can't really do random actions over here the only thing they can do go back to home page okay things like that well there are a lot of other things we need to take care but here we do the same thing once again okay we'll remove everything if there is nothing then it will will show that your cart history is empty okay so that's what we'd be doing next i had to go ahead and restart my phone and i also manually deleted all the history okay so i don't have any history right over here so we'll follow the same approach as cart page over here so we'll come to cart history and over here we have these two sections which is container and expanded okay by the way if you want to uh remove this repo so i would suggest put this one over here okay but of course i already did that and then try to go to the cart once once you do that okay add thing to the cart okay and confirm this button and that's supposed to show that's supposed to remove it okay but during the remove you might encounter uh null value so i would suggest after removing uh restart your phone and then you should be good to go like for me right now i don't have anything over here okay cool so just do this make sure that you can call this one and it should be called from here anyway so now we'll come to card history page over here and i'll cut this one and what i'll do i'll go ahead and do first get builder you know here i'll use a card controller instance okay and then i have to return of course i have to find the control controller first so let's find it so we do card controller all right so now we have it now here we do conditional check card controller dot get history list the length is greater than or zero if it is then we show whatever we had otherwise we'll use no data page this one now over here your history or you didn't buy anything so far you didn't buy anything so far now here i want to show a different image so i'll use the image path over here so i'll use assets image empty box dot png you should have the same one if you're following along with me okay yeah and well i will make a break over here because too much information now of course you need to put this return statement okay and now it should we are good now let's restart do a hot reload now come over here and we say this thing okay of course we need to do uh repositioning well we'll do that soon but now if you add some things like if you come over here okay so it should be gone okay but before that let's go ahead and reposition this one over here okay well first to reposition it uh we'll wrap it around a widget and we'll call it container okay and over here we'll give it height okay now let's uh stay organized so that we know what's going on okay all right so here this is inside this and i think it wants a stack const modifier now here well it is it said unnecessary but if we put some stuff it won't be unnecessary now we want to give it a height now here we would use media query dot off context dot size dot height okay all right so now let's save it you have this overflow issue but we can certainly take care of this we don't need to be so precise about this position so you can just simply take uh this amount of space and put it right there okay now the error is gone okay all right so because we are inside a container so container is a height but actually we'll make sure that it's pretty much centered in the container itself okay all right now let's see if we still need and it says replace its size box and do that and see no problem and over here added const okay very good all right okay now it's great now if you come over here all right uh i had to restart my app and add more data for testing sorry about it now here is the thing if you don't know how to remove this so you can do like this you can come to a cart repo and find this function add to cart list okay and over here you add this section okay all right now over here let's save your code command or control s now after that you will come over here and find okay anyone is okay add stuff and once you click on this we know that this function gets called and then we'll remove everything and we don't we return so we're not going to do anything else over here okay all right so it did now what you'll do we'll comment it out we don't need this code anymore now save it now restart your app and it should be gone okay so if you come over here yes that's gone okay that's fine now let's go ahead and add some information now here come here and the checkout okay fine in future from here will automatically go to other pages so for now it's a static so now if you come over here you see this okay now the problem is let's go ahead and click on this one and we get some issues an error and first error over here it's overflow issue okay now it's pointing to this code over here the one we just added and then if you go down and it points to this one list counter okay now the problem is because of this code the one we added before well the code is okay this is the function that's creating problem i mean this special function sign which is called ie immediately invoked so we can't really use this one because as soon as the app starts while this function gets called immediately and it does cause issues with these things so there are certain changes in the app and this function gets called immediately so in other places changes happens this gets called immediately and this cause an issue okay so i'll cut this one and i'll remove this okay so we can't use this one so over here we'll create a new function uh we'll call it time objects okay so over here we'll take an index and then we'll return a widget okay now we just if you return the widget you have to write here widget okay because big text is a widget okay and we need to do more conditional check over here so here we do if index less than get card history list the one we have and it has to be less than this then we go ahead and do this thing okay this calculation otherwise we don't well now in this case we have to copy this one put it over here so we do initialization and we do initialization with the date time dot now okay and then convert it to string otherwise we'll get error now over here we don't need this one so now this so even if we don't fall in this condition we'll have a default date okay now we'll go ahead and call this one so we need to call it from where let's see i think we were where we were where we were i just forgot where we a little were top i think we were over here actually okay so we'll call it from here and it needs an index so this index is the list counter the one we have been using to keep track of our uh global counter okay all right so here we are checking this list counter which is index over here is less than this one okay now let's save it okay now let's come over here okay now let's come over here let's come over here click on this okay let's click on this now the error is gone okay now you can reduce it you can add more you can do stuff things like that okay and come over here and you can go go back once again all right great now even you can add stuff to it okay now you can add more stuff all right and let's keep adding make the order yes you go to the order page okay all right so you can get one more time no problem okay so this way that's all the bug has been sold okay great so far we are doing great so with this we are done with this cart and cart history page things like that okay well there are other tiny issues that we can take care but now we will not so now we'll go ahead and install back end you have to go ahead and install our backend and for installing backhand first you will come to this link over here and go over there is my other tutorial and over here you will learn how to install the back end follow the bottom end youtube tutorial on this page and that will work you step by step how to install this back end okay so follow the last tutorial on this page okay all right so after this i'll assume that you're able to install the backend on your own okay following the tutorial now after installing backend here we are and if we go to the back end i mean this is the front end of our website for back end and we type in this one we see laravel over here and we can access to back-end back inside of this uh application by typing in admin and if you're installing it on a server on a domain just replace this one with uh your domain name okay all right now over here you type in admin for username and admin again for password okay so this is admin and admin then log in and once you log in you will have a page like this you can learn more about the backend over here and or you can close them okay now you can come over here and open it close it and there are some basic menus you can click on them you can go through them and you can see some of this information some of them are useful some of them are not useful to you directly but they are all useful actually like over here it gives you the basic version that you are using right now as the back end okay and of course over here if you click on this you can definitely go to uh the official website of this backend package because i'm using a package uh from here it might take a bit of time so over here they have every documentation but of course this is their github site okay you can also get to their laravel docs admin this section so over here you will have all this uh documentation about this back end here we have get started model grade and show grid but it might be a bit slow so you need to wait and every everything is well documented so if you have a bit of idea about laravel so this learnable admin panel would be super easy for you okay anyway so don't forget to check out my other tutorial about the back that i have created using this package of course after installing it you need to customize it okay anyway now we'll come over here and first we see over here that we have food and popular food and recommended food so this is the food main food category and this is the sub category and these two categories earlier we have seen in our app in our app over here as popular and recommended food okay this is where we have seen that interestingly this back end is very useful you can change the order as you want like this okay whatever you do don't forget to save it okay all right so you need to click over here and save it okay all right now after installing it so this becomes our url locally so now on our app we have this uh to end points popular and recommended so endpoints are actually um just like a certain item that you want to point to so over here we are pointing this too but we will learn more about endpoints very soon okay now let's check out that whether this works or not so we have this one so this would be popular uh food and we should be recommend belong to this one and this one actually you can know more about over here like this is popular food recommend popular food recommended food and this is exactly you see over here okay so these are the popular food as you can see from here okay yeah so anyway now we'll open up our postman and previously we have used postman now we'll use it to test the apis locally in our local server so i created a new tab and over here i will type in localhost and well i'll do localhost and our eighth num port number is 8000 and then i'll just copy i'll just paste what i copied from here this one so this endpoint you can also access from localhost if you set up it correctly and then this is a get request so you can click send so it means that uh would be able to access our app using this from this local host using this same uri no because you should first try your app and back in everything locally then you you'll take it to the server or production server okay so that's what we are doing so locally from postman we can access them that means that in our app if we set them up correctly we'll be able to access them as well okay now let's go to our app over here now so previously if you downloaded the whole well if you're following along with me previously there was a different name but now we are going to change this so here you need to replace with this localhost so here you do http127 dot zero point zero one and port eight eight thousand okay now you should either do this uh tutorial with me on localhost or on your own server and domain not using my server please don't use my server because i'll shut it down because too many people are using already and my server is loaded and jammed okay so use local server localhost or your own server our own domain okay anyway but the whole installation process if you use it on your local server it's pretty much should be the same as the one i showed you before how to install laravel okay anyway so now we'll restart our app and we'll see that if we can access them from localhost okay so over here this is our uh server url and endpoint so everything is okay no error over here so it means we can access them from here okay all right okay but there's another way to prove that we can do much more than this access from locally well what to do well soon well here we see we do have two categories okay one is popular another is recommended food and which in the server over here you can see the category name or in the food category well soon we'll create a new food category and we'll see how to access them from our app okay now before we going to do that first we have to understand a little bit about our backend okay now i'll open up back-end code in vs code so if you really want to run this locally or on your server make sure that you have the correct settings over here you should have this on but if you are putting on a server you can write the domain name over here and make sure to set up database root and password things like that correctly okay and everything else shouldn't change over here now after that we'll close it and after that actually we'll come over here in our routes folder okay and here in the routes folder i have api folder and then inside api folder i have a i have another folder which is called v1 okay so inside v1 folder we have this api.php which is this one now over here if you normally if you just install laravel you will have api.php inside the router's folder directly i had one and i have deleted that one before okay so i created a new folder api and then inside it i have created v1 and then i have created api.php okay now if you do changes like this and which you should if you make an app like this the one we are building which might have different a lot of apis and different api version so that's why you should have this level okay so once again this is other folder inside api i'm not sure why vs code shows it like this it should be actually down here but anyway now if you do like this then you have to know you have to come to this providers folder and i think rod service providers over here you do need to make a bit of change so over here inside this boot function you need to comment out the old one which we don't need and then you'll create this one okay now in future if you want to create a different version for api then you'll just come over here copy this and change the version name over here like v2 and over here change it to v2 as well so this way your app will have two versions of api uh because if you want to upgrade so older api and newer api so they are in different folders okay so you will create another folder inside v1 and that would you call it v3 or whatever you want it doesn't really matter so once again if you change the structure of your routes folder over here you must come over here and change it now as i said once again previously inside routes folder you will see api.php directly without these two folders in that case you should have these settings this settings in that case you'll not have this okay you have to know that and here once again another thing uh well one more thing that i would like to highlight uh the namespace thing which is very important so here all the controllers are in this namespace here nemsus means that the path that's as simple as that okay so if you open up app http and controllers you will see a lot of controllers let's go ahead and do it so app http and controllers so inside we have some controllers of course you also have some subfolders but for those subfolders you don't need to mention your name space so that this namespace you must follow this convention and of course you don't need to mention it it's already there once you install laravel okay but this section is quite important because this part is referenced from other controllers okay we'll see it very soon anyway now i'll close it now once you have this one over here uh so now we just now we learned a little bit about routes and the structure and the api now inside this if you come over here it's a lot of endpoints actually the routes are the end points so like this is an endpoint popular means popular fruit the one we saw early so this one corresponds to this one over here okay all right and this one corresponds to this one over here so this is called endpoint that's it so it may sound very superficial or some something extraordinary thing but it is not so now over here this popular is a endpoint as well as it's a route okay now for now we'll over here focus on this three or this section okay so we don't want to focus on this one so i'll collapse it so we'll just focus on this three okay now as you see over here you also have a namespace okay now actually this namespace adds to the other one we have seen just now uh let's open it up over app folders and providers and this one okay all right this one as well as this api okay so i'll close others so now here we do have this one so i'll just copy this one over here and i'll come over here okay so what happens let me tell you so once you have this endpoint over here and the base url so what happens actually when it comes to this place over here let's say certainly this one or this one it doesn't really matter which one so what happens first over here uh this gets first this gets this url right base url and then actually it adds this one automatically of course but of course when it adds it's not like this it's more like this okay hopefully you understand it's more like this okay so when it comes to the back end eventually from flutter uh through our uh client api so let me show you um where is our client api api client i think it should be somewhere here uh not here data api so here we do have a get request right so whenever from here it comes to the server and during the time when it comes to the server actually it becomes like this okay because this is an end point once again over here we have endpoint this end point is this one so this one also gets added okay so it's more like this that's all so it's a long url but of course we don't see that okay so when it comes to back end over here it becomes more like this one so what i'll do i'll copy this one okay so over here it becomes like this i want you to understand that what's happening so this long url okay so that also means that go to this website go to this app folder then go to http folders then go to controllers folder then go to api folders then go to v one folders and then if you have this one go and edit this one find this and then find this okay all right so up to this it's everything is a folder okay from here of course this is also a folder if you know how domain works in a server so this is also a folder but anyway for now we'll call this as domain and after that okay from here actually things started to change okay here you see we have namespace okay so after this when it comes to the back end because of this one namespace this is added and then this section is added which is related to this one okay so once that is done we pass up to here up to here okay from the server from flutter app up to here we all pass no problem smooth ride so that's how server request comes over here once again the base url is this one which has this port or some if you have a real domain which doesn't have a port and then it comes to it adds this one because of this namespace okay and then we also have this api v1 which comes from this one over here okay and after that we pass up to here and then it finds products products is with prefix if you know english what is prefix you would know what the meaning so prefix products so it's add products after this and then it says okay then find this one okay all right so it finds this one that's all and when it finds this one it tells you okay i need to find a controller and a related method which is attached so well this finds a controller this one and then a method now where to find this controller once again it finds the controller from the namespace over we have seen there this one as well as we also tell go over there okay so it works in both ways and not just find this endpoint it also finds the controller for you everything okay all right so endpoint is here and after finding endpoint we know that our controller should be inside there and inside this and if we open it up this is what exactly we'll see so we'll come to base url then we'll come to app then we'll come to http that's what exactly we're following then we come to controllers and then we say we come to api then we come to api all right then we come to v1 well yes we do have api v1 okay all right and then it says that find products controller but of course after this after this it first comes over here okay so which is related to this one okay and then it says find this so we find this we find this point this it finds this one okay that's all now this is a controller where to find this controller based on this and this okay so that's how it works and over here we see that we do have api v1 inside this folder okay if you see you can close it so it means the file is gone so we see a product controller okay and that's exactly what we are telling over here okay hopefully it makes sense well it's a lot of information to grasp so this namespace is quite important this map space tells you where the controllers are and the controllers could be controllers could be also subfolders so subfolders are mentioned using this group thing the word group route group okay so hopefully it makes sense uh once again i'll go through it very quickly so this is everything what we get from server okay and after getting this actually this is so far this is no problem we get this and this takes us up to here okay all right and then it says find this one which is a prefix okay and then the endpoint after prefix okay now of course how to find this route folder over here because everything is coming from route okay so you don't need to worry about it laravel knows it and that would be another long story which we don't have time to explain remember every api should be here and your end points are here and then and from end points you find the controller of course the name is here so product controller should be inside this one which once again you mentioned earlier over here okay great and then it says for this controller we have a method which is called get popular okay so we need to find this method now if you come over here we'll have get popular products sorry get popular products get popular products okay hopefully it makes sense i'll close this one and now i'll come over here there's a lot of changes we don't need so just over here okay all right now and so anyway so that's how the endpoint works so when it comes to endpoint uh so over here it finds a food model so this is a model now the models are over here in the models folder over here okay so models are like how you take data and data to data relationship in the database okay so that's what is defined over here and over here we'll see that our table name is in the database which is called foods okay and we have some different methods over here and we'll talk about them later but definitely if you come over here and which is a product controller sorry i close that early so in general for each controller you should have a model and model defines you tells you that where to find data and how to get data it's pretty much like that like for example we do have some information over here and some methods okay now for now here from model we use this method which is built in laravel method where and it has an id id 2 and it takes the first 10 of them get means get me take me take take something so take first hand and get me those records from the database okay and save them in a list and once you do that you go through some process what process as you see over here now while in your backend information in back-end attacks there might be a lot of http or html sorry html entities so get rid of them we don't want to see any extra characters or unnecessary sign or things like that okay so we use this function to get rid of them anyway so over here we doing this using a loop of course this is not a laravel course so i'm not going to go into detail and then we say okay return me data in this list okay this is another array which is we call data so return me all the data over here in this variable okay and over here i have defined some own fields or some variables this is called associative array now we return it as a json response and previously we've seen that this is what is json response okay which is more like a map anyway so that's what we get for popular products and the same process happens for our recommended products okay so hopefully it makes sense actually this one we don't need we had it early just for test so this is how recommended product is accessed from our app over here from flutter and it comes to the back end this is exactly the same way it comes over and then it finds the method which is get recommended products which is over here uh okay now if you see get popular products and get recommended for they're exactly the same the only difference is the food type okay all right so we are right now we're not going to open up our database table and not going to see that we'll see that later so first we'll see just the code so it takes all the food information related to type id 2 and get us first 10 and then we go through the 4-h loop to take out some unnecessary information okay and this is the two fields that we don't need so we don't want to send it to our api over here so we unset them which means i don't need them and then i reorganize based on my needs okay because i want to send some additional information so i make a new array and that array i send using json response method and that's all the same things for get recommended products okay all right anyway so just now earlier i said that we will have more food type very soon and this is what we are going to do so over here we'll create a new food type okay and it's apparent category would be food and the title should be say healthy drinks okay and drink healthy and eat healthy it doesn't really matter now we'll go ahead and submit it now we see that we have a new category okay and usually it should have id4 okay now over here we'll come to our laravel app which is over here now i'll just go ahead and copy this one and here i would say drinks uri okay i'll create a new endpoint from our app and which should have related change as well so over here i'll also have drinks and everything else should stay the same and after that i'll come over here in my api file and over here i'll copy this one let's see ctrl c ctrl v okay so do ctrl c over here and then ctrl v now the end point name is drinks which is this one okay now here i would say get drinks okay now this is the method name inside this controller and this controller could be found over here inside once again app http controllers api v1 okay all right now over here i'll save it first okay and over here i'll come over here and i'll just create a new method and for that one actually i'll copy one of the old one let's see i'm sorry so this one okay over here i'll put it at the end and for the name itself i'll call it get drinks okay now over here the food id or type id is a 4 which is this one if it's 5 here here you will put five and here as well okay now we already created an endpoint okay now what we'll do we'll save it okay and after saving this will try to access this endpoint from our postman okay so instead of saying popular here we'll call it drinks which is uh if you come over here this one okay or this one the same thing now it would be a get method so i'll hit always get and send and we'll see what happens so total size is 0 ide 5 offset 0 products 1 that's because we don't have any products for that but that means that this endpoint works ok it makes sense right but now here you can well of course here is the number of items that's found you can just say 10 over here save it and you come over here and hit you'll see it says 10. so it means that our endpoint works but the only problem is it just can't find any record okay sorry over here it should be four because this two should be related okay anyway so over here when it goes to the database there it can find the type id but it can't find any related records in the database okay so it should make sense that how it works okay anyway uh now what we'll do we'll go to our back end and create some new records and food category base for this one okay now if you come over here we already created the food category okay now for food itself over here we'll come over here and now we'll add a new one we'll click to this one okay and now let's see okay so over here we'll say footages and food category should be healthy drinks and price should be four location china and this is some unnecessary fields and we'll delete them soon okay we don't need them and over here i'll i'll choose say this one and over here you could write best drinks okay now everything else is set up so if you created the field just to go ahead and save it i will see it at the bottom okay now we'll go ahead and create a few more so here we say real juice and categories healthy drinks and the price for location anywhere is okay now just have random fields and i'll i'll choose the second one okay best of best produce let's go ahead and save it and here we are okay all right so we are adding and as we are adding as you see that we do have uh the category is mentioned over here okay so that's a good thing all right now how to go ahead and access this thing in the uh laravel in our flutter app now of course in our flutter app for this two categories or endpoints we have related controllers for this one we don't have and we are not going to use a new one we are not going to create a new one we will old you will use an old one after all we are just doing it for a test well for this reason i will come to controllers uh under sorry repo over here i'll pick this one popular product wrapper over here instead of calling popular product uri i'll just call uh drinks uri everything else stays the same okay so now i'll come over here and i'll just replace it okay and that's all of course if you have really new categories you need to create new controllers okay otherwise you'll mess up in your app but i'm getting the idea so if you really have new control a new food category you'll create a repository and create a new controller and repeat the step okay anyway so now i'll restart my app and we'll see how it goes yes this is what we uploaded and this is what we see now beautiful isn't it so it just works okay of course we uploaded two and we see two of them okay it's beautiful so that's how i'll go ahead and create a new category and show and if you have like for now in our app we have two categories if you really create three categories then one category food item you can put here the other one here the other one below down there it's up to you even you can use one of this menu button over here for showing some information okay but um that's up to you how you're going to use this app but anyway you should have no better idea how to create an endpoint and how to load the data based on category so i will do some further changes now we'll come to back end over here now we just uploaded them right it should be at the top but they are not so let's go ahead and make some necessary change and this time we are going to write some php code now over here if you open this full uh explorer tab now uh i'll close them i don't need them now for now okay so over here i'll come over here and what i'll do i will come to this admin folder the admin folder is actually responsible for showing everything over here in the back end okay so sorry let's come over here inside it you still have controllers and this controllers they follow the same level uh convention okay now over here i do have a foods controller okay now i'll close this now food controller is the controller that's showing everything over here when you see okay including editing including sorry editing including adding a new item everything happens through this page okay and beautiful thing about this back end is that it's so powerful you don't need to write any html it's all uh php okay and if you know a little bit laravel you know this is php and laravel okay anyway so now over here the first thing we want to change uh for this one we want to change the order okay now simply we'll come over here now grid is an object that's created based on this food model okay and this is the food model actually we have seen before for our api this is the same food model okay for api and controller for api controllers and backend controllers we use the same food model and that's logical now based on this food model we create an object and you can access each of the item in your model using this object okay and you can do a lot of stuff we'll see them soon the first thing we want to do over here you have to do grid and model i think it's model and then we'll do latest this is a method then i'll save it and after saving it i'll refresh the browser and you see it changes okay it changed automatically so the order changes okay now if you ever get stuck that what are these things how they work well i do have a tutorial based on these things that how they work you can check out it below from the link you can also come to their official site and here like this grid which is this one over here the same thing that i've used okay so you can come over here and take a look okay but do remember that each field over here they're all coming from database okay from a table anyway so now this section changed very quickly i mean we did it right okay great now well if you come over here in our app a few things you see in the app this is the first which is the last second one over here and the latest one which is this one it's over here but it counts as a second now the problem is say if i imp i'll put a new one and over here create a new food category or drinks category okay delicious juice and category is this one and for china for for doesn't really matter and i will choose the last one over here and really yummy juice okay now over here a little bit different thing i'll just go ahead and copy this one say a lot of times now i'm doing this on there is a reason okay i'll go ahead and submit it okay now i see this one first thing uh well i don't see this thing in my app right i can try to go ahead and reload it but it's not reloading so now we'll see how to go ahead and work on this reloading thing okay if we can reload it will help us with a lot of other things okay all right so now over here we'll come to our app which is this one and this app the file which is called food page body will come over here or let's see no not this one so we'll open up main food page okay over here we have this column so this column uh is inside this scaffold so now i'll cut this column okay and then i'll remove this section okay here i'll use a flutter built-in widget which is called riff refresh indicator okay as you can see from the name that it refreshes your stuff okay now as a child i'll put our column the one i just had earlier i cut and now over here we need to put a method okay on refresh it takes a method that has return type of future of course it doesn't return anything but the type has to be future that's because you may need to wait anyway so now we'll go ahead and put over here a method but the method actually we created early so what we'll do we'll go ahead and copy it so we'll come to our splash folder over here now i'll copy this method over here load resources the whole method i'll come over here and i'll first put it over here copy this okay and after that i will come over here and put this okay that's all now i think uh yes okay we don't need this one okay now what's happening here uh well unfresh takes a method that returns future type void now our load resource is exactly the same one okay now let's go ahead and save it okay of course you won't see any changes but the good news is no error okay now if you pull down you see this arrow icon around arrow icon this is the refresh indicator so once you pull down it will talk to the server which means it will come over here then find this api client and then come over here and then come over here i mean our back end which is actually first it'll come to this api file anyway you understand that how it works so then it'll try to refresh automatically isn't it beautiful yes so with this uh refresh indicator which is a built-in widget inside flatter it's not a plug-in it solves a lot of problem right it's beautiful and easy but yet we're still stuck with stuck with another problem so you see the the last one was this one right but over here it's not the last one of course this has nothing to do with flatter this has to do with how you call your api once again if you come over here and if you see over here i'll just say yummy yummy yummy okay i'll uploa i'll submit it okay now if i come over here for now i don't see any change but when you pull it down it changes automatically right and if you come over here pull it pull down everything else stays the same nothing changes okay but anyway but now we're stuck with one problem the order now this has to do with the api now this part is quite easy and so what i will do i will come over here and find our api folder sorry not api folder actually api folder inside this http folder which is this one uh the product controller okay now over here uh here we would do a little bit of change okay here we need to tag a method which is called order by and over here it takes parameters one is you can pass anything in general it's created at or id and the order type we want descending order which means the latest one first okay now come over here okay i'll now refresh it after refreshing the api the changes i made would also be reflected over here immediately yes that's the beauty thing about laravel and the laravel uh framework that you don't need to recompile because laravel is interpreted uses interpreted language which is php and among all the framework i have used laravel is the best one regardless you may use python node.js for web development laravel is the best one i would say it's easy like same thing if you do in python or in java or in any other language you have to write a lot more code anyway so well this section is really good and after that we learned how to create a new api and load it right so once again if you want to create a new endpoint for your category all you need to do you would come over here make changes and call that of course if you want you may need to create new repositories and controllers all right so that was a test purpose so of course we don't want to use this anyway now we need to make some other changes over here we also want to do the same thing like order by the one we d over here so just copy this one and well this is the test one which we don't need um we'll put it over here which is recommended food now over here we're good and we'll also put it over here okay all right okay so you can change the water you can also do asc which means the old one first now let's go ahead and make sure we are great yes all right that the order changes uh here as well i think you can see that right uh well that's wonderful so with this we are pretty much done but before i wrap up uh i'll do some changes so i'll come over here my api and i'll comment it out for now i don't need this so save it and the same thing i'll do over here okay all right and for my product wrapper of course i need to go back okay i'll save it after saving it i'll just refresh my app and i'll think i'll see the new changes okay beautiful so we got back what we had early wonderful okay all right so well with this we are pretty much done and next we'll see how to work on this personal profile page and we'll draw some flutter ui over here and show our information and build this uh page and the page that we are going to build it should look like this okay and here we'll have a scrollable section uh profile photo for now it would be an icon in this information and this information eventually would read all from database but for now we'll put some static data all right well now to go ahead and do that uh first we need to create over here a folder uh sorry that should be a folder so we'll call it account all right and within it we'll create a new file and we'll call it okay now over here we'll create a stateless class and we'll call it account page so st will create stateless class for you all right now as you see well we'll have f bar at the top so we need scaffold right so do here scaffold okay now it has a property emperor and we'll use ember now have bear has a title for showing the title at the top so here we'll use title but for title we'll use big text so this is the package that we're going to use and over here you need to use the text and for the text we'll use a profile and we'll use a size for it and for now we'll go ahead and use 24 okay now save it of course nothing happens the reason is because over here in our home page we need to change this section right now this is what we see and over here we're going to use account page all right let's make sure you import it all right always go ahead and save it but you might need to restart your app for it to be able to work and after that i think we should be good to go let's hover over on it and we see this one great now of course the amber itself has background color that's what we'll use so here we'll use uh colors dot main color i think we need to import it first let's do it okay here we do main color okay and over here we can also use color for this if we want so here we do colors.white okay and let's save it and good all right so we're done with the app bar and now we go ahead and need to do this one this section now all of this would be in a column okay so that's what we'll do now so the column would be inside a body so here we do b o d y uh let's say this and say this b o d y now here we'll have a column column will have children and now for now this is an icon so here we already have icon uh image which you see this one sorry the icon widget so all we need to do we need to go ahead and call this icon and use this apply give this arguments or apply the parameters to it so here we'll come over here and here we'll call it app icon and this one okay well here it should be icons.person all right let's go ahead and save it okay so it's there and we need more information we can specify background color so do app colors dot main color and then we also need icon color so it would use icon color uh colors dot white and then we'll use icon size well icon size we want to use say 75 now and the size which is the background size we'll use 150 and we say things like that okay all right so that's so far so good uh here we need to center it so first uh we'll wrap it around i think container widget and over here we do double dot finite now it will center itself automatically all right now over here inside this well for the top section actually we can use a bit of margin so here we do margin okay and we'll do add inserts dot only and here we'll use a top margin that would be coming from dimensions dimensions dot let's see do we need to import it i think yes so dimensions are high 20 okay now it looks great okay now about this regarding this size itself let's uh come over here let's see what we have so far do we have size any bigger size yes we do have 45 but we don't have 150 okay now well this one is 50 right 15 so we can multiply it by 10 then we get 115. so we'll come over here so over here we do just simply copy this one and then put it here we do 15 multiplied by 10 i think it would still be the same here we do have 75 now for over here we don't have anything like that 75 well but if we do uh add up this one then we get 75 right so here icon size will do dimensions now i can go ahead and create 45 but i don't 75 but i don't want to create so i'll do just addition so dimensions uh the height to 30 okay so that will get me 75 okay so makes sense hopefully i don't want to go ahead and create 75 a new one so whatever we have we can reuse them so that that section is working pretty well okay now if you take a look over here these things like each of them they are reusable right so we need to create reusable components or widgets so here i'll come over here inside and over here i'll create a new file and here i'll call it account widget over here once again we'll have stateless class and we'll call it account widget okay now let's go ahead and import the library now what are here well first thing uh for each of them we'll have an icon widget which is this on app icon and the text widget okay so that's what we want and we should also have a left padding right so let's go ahead and do the padding first so here to add inserts um only now here we use dimensions die uh okay we need to use left property and dimensions dimension start with okay we need to import the library so here we do with 20 okay all right and apart from that we also need top and bottom so here with the top so dimensions start with 10 and bottom dimensions start with 10 okay so this is the account widget that we're going to build and now from account to page we'll call this account widget and when we call we'll pass this icon and the text but the text itself will also pass in another widget which is big text this one so we'll be passing two widgets to it okay so over here we'll mention the widget's name so here we do uh let's see so app icon app icon app icon and over here we will do big text all right so we'll call it great tags so this tool we need to import all right okay now over here we need to get them here we do this dot f i can this dot big text and now we need to make them required because we are not going to make them optional remove this const all right okay so that's what we have here now this app icon and the text would be in a row okay so let's go ahead and do child with them so here we do row and now we'll have children okay all right now within children we'll use app icon and text so here we do f icon and big text okay all right that's all now for now it's that's all i think it will also have a bit of change later um so now our account widget is ready for now and i think we also need a bit of space between these two but we'll do it a little later so let's go ahead and call this widget here we'll call it account widget which is this one and it takes two parameters as you see all right so now app icon itself we can pass this one will copy this one and pass to it all right uh but now here we don't want well the first one is okay background color is okay and i have icon size is way too big so we can't really pass this one so icon size will use i think size 25 and then the total this this container i think we are going to use 50 okay so here let's see what we have height we have 10 multiplied five okay now icon size would be half of this so we do this one okay now the big text itself over here we need a text widget so which is big text okay over here we need to pass a text text for now i'll use my name okay all right with this we are pretty set up for now and we'll save it and see how it goes uh let's open our phone over here yes we are here now in this part of this code may look a little difficult for you guys because we are using widgets inside widgets which is over here right so we are passing two ejects and putting them in a row so actually it shouldn't be that difficult to understand it's just passing widgets like we passed text widget okay now here we need to use uh with otherwise they're too close to each other now here we do all here we'll say dimensions dot with 20 and okay now it looks better now container itself we can assign color to do colors dot white okay yes now it looks much better and over here uh we can also use a little bit of a border color okay so for that one we are here so we need to use the decoration and here we do box decoration and here uh box shadow okay now box shadow it takes list of box and shadows box shadow now here we'll have first one is offset and offset so we'll put the shadow at the bottom so left and right would be zero and for the bottom one we'll have positive one okay and then we'll also have a color so we'll do the colors dot here gray with opacity 0.2 okay and now if you're going to use decoration we need to move the color inside the decoration otherwise we'll get error okay now we also need to use a blur radius okay now let's use two for now uh let's see okay all right i think that's okay and if necessary we will change them later okay and now we'll come to account page now these two pages are too close these two widgets are too close to each other so i'll just uh come over here and put a text to a size widget okay size box now here we do height and the dimensions height 30 okay yes now this text widget which is this one i mean this account widget we can make it reusable okay now to make it reusable here we need another space so which will put over here and over here we'll use 20. now i'll do just to copy this one few times and we'll see all right our stuffs are there yes so that's what we wanted but of course right now it's not scrollable in future soon we'll see how to make it scrollable okay looks really okay after this now a lot of you might still be confused that what is this widget so this is a text uh this is a widget and it takes widget inside it as a parameters that's all uh if you're more like if you're passing just a text widget inside any other widget so it's like that but it is widgets inside widget and of course this widgets they also take parameters like that so please make sense okay now let's go ahead and change it so over here we we have this one uh so we'll collapse all of them and make a little comment about them so that if we have a lot of stuff we know where to look for them okay so over here the first one is uh profile icon okay and this one is name and this one should be telephone or phone and this one should be email okay this one should be address and this one should be for now messages i think we need more but let's go ahead and take care one by one so with this one now uh we need to change the name phone so over here we'll open it up and uh first we need to change the icon icons to dot phone icon okay all right and we'll also use the background color and here we'll use yellow color let's save it and okay and for now we'll have a static name a static number static phone number and we'll collapse that now we'll go ahead and email and we'll simply pass the icon over here okay and the color should be yellow color all right and over here i'll just put in my email address you can do yours and over here we'll have address i'll do fill in your address and over here we do location on let's see this one there's an icon we got and over here simply let's go ahead and save it and see how it goes first now for the address itself over here we want to use a different color so yellow color once again and now over here for widget this one so we may try to use the one messages okay all right and color now we'll use a color that's different than ours red accent right just like that okay all right so now there is the problem that right now it's not scrollable because if you want to scroll uh it's not scrollable so we need to see how to make it scrollable now we are inside this uh column so only profile icon won't be scrollable other part is scrollable okay well to make this section scrollable including the name uh first i will cut all of them okay now here i'll put another column okay and insert column we'll have children and we'll put all of them okay and now we'll wrap this column around the widget uh that's called single child scroll view single child scroll here now it should be inside expanded widget otherwise it won't scroll so here we do let's see object here expanded widget okay now let's go ahead and save it and see how it's going so far okay but it's still not scrollable and one thing though uh let's see if we try to increase another widget from here we'll just copy this one for now and put it right down there okay let's check it okay so now it's scrollable okay so that's how you'd go ahead and scroll about it so if you have more stuff you can just simply do this one okay all right so with this we are done with this page uh but of course it's still not dynamic which i will see how to get this information from database now as we're done with this actually soon uh we'll build a sign up page and sign in page and once that is done then we can get information from database and we'll update that but definitely of course we also need some buttons over here that buttons would help you that go ahead and fill in your address but that's coming very later so our next step would be build up a sign up page and regarding that we'll also build models and necessary information well now we'll go ahead and build our sign up page first so for that one i will come over here and instead this pages folder i will create another folder i'll call it auth folder and inside this i'll create a new file and i'll call it uh sign up page dot dart okay all right now over here this would be a stateless class so sign up page well if you use get x actually you can create pretty much all the pages as a stateless okay because get x itself has state anyway so while over here let's see we want to return scaffold so let's go ahead and do it and return scaffold and we'll have body b o d y i think we need to import the material library yes okay now over here we'll have a column and insert column we'll have children and inside children well first thing i want to have a container and then inside the container i want to have a circular letter so as a child i do that i do circle over here now here we'll put our apple logo inside it okay and we'll put it as a background image over here so we do background image and then we'll read the image from our local device so we'll not use network image so the image path is ss image logo part1.png and if you want to know what image is this one actually i think it should be this one okay so this is the image that we want to show anyway so now we'll come over here in our home page now for now we'll for now we'll remove this and put our sign up page here but in future of course we'll not put it here it would be used for authentication okay but just for now we'll put it here and that's all make sure you go ahead and import the library otherwise you'll get error okay now let's go ahead and save it and you might need to restart your app this is a big change so let's go ahead and restart our app and then come over here and we see things like this okay all that's at the top and very slow very small okay now that's because circle letter okay now over here we'll use the radius radius okay now we'll use radius 80 okay now we'd see it's a lot bigger okay well now we want to um let's see change the background color because it's a png image and over here this is white so we want to have white color over here so we do background color colors.white okay now let's save it okay now inside the circle overture we do have a bit of color that's because circle letter has a default color which is uh gray but here we want to use white color so if we do that colors dot white that gray color would be overridden i think it is background color yeah now let's save it now you see it's gone okay all right now over here circle over itself we want to center it well many different ways to center it so here what we'll do we'll first say wrap around inside a center widget and we'll see if it works or not yes it does now over here the problem is this top section okay now for that one we want to put something at the top now for that one here actually something we can go ahead and use a size box okay all right size box will use a height and it will come from dimensions dimensions dot well i think first we need to import it so here we do screen height which we already have it and over here we want to put a little bit of height at the top okay now it came down all right uh okay so that's looking good and now the container itself let's give it a height some height so it might be even better so over here we do the same one and in this case it's 25 okay so it becomes the the whole container become a little bigger okay so it came down a little bit okay all right and uh well so far this is okay and next we'll go ahead and over here we'll draw our text box okay all right now let's go ahead and do it and for text box uh first we'll go ahead and draw a container and text box will put it as a child so it is a text field okay all right and text field will have let's see a controller and decoration this to if we use we can do a lot of things okay now we'll go ahead and use a controller but for that one first we need to declare a controller so here we do first would call it email controller okay so here we do text editing controller so we created a controller variable and the type is text editing controller because we want to put text over here okay now over here as a controller we'll just go ahead and use this one all right okay now the error should be gone okay now well let's go ahead and save it and we see things like that okay and you can already type in okay like that okay no problem so that's it now we can go ahead and do the decoration all right now over here i think that's uh input decoration okay all right now it is a few properties that we are going to use it is five properties well first one is the hint text okay and the second one is i think uh prefix icon third one is uh focused border and then we'll have also enabled border and then we'll have border okay so these are the few properties that we are going to use okay all right so first over here we'll deal with this hint text okay now for him text we can directly call him text properly and over here we'll first call it email okay all right so that's done and after that we want to use the prefix icon now for icon you do icons dot email okay all right and let's see okay and we can use the color for this we use uh color type colors dot now we need to import the library first and then we do yellow okay all right and the site itself will use default size and that's what we get okay all right so far it's looking great okay so that was our prefix icon okay all right okay and now over here what you do would do uh focused border when you focus on it like when the cursor is there how it should be okay so over here we do focused order focused okay we need this comma focused border okay now for focused border with in input outline border in uh or i think they call it outline input border actually this one okay all right now it is border property so first we do border radius for the radius dot circular now over here we want to use dimensions dot radius 30. okay so that's what we want to use and over here let's go ahead and save it yes we already have the border okay great now we we also want to use border side because we need to we can define the border uh this width things like that so here we do border side okay with 1.0 and then here we'll use color okay and colors.white okay all right so it's pretty much gone actually with this okay all right and so next we'll go ahead and see how to use enable border now for enable border first we'll copy this section okay and here we write enabled border enabled or i'll just paste that and that's as simple as that one okay so over here it's a enabled save it okay yeah so now if you come over here and come over here so it's a focused one and it's enabled one okay now let's take this out save it you see if you don't have enable border you still have this line and this is your focused border which you already did once again if you come here and refresh it so it's right now this is the enable border but we want to put like this okay all right now it's gone okay uh now the the other one is just border over here okay so we'll use the border properly and for that once again we'll copy this one we have to copy from here and right now we'll just for that one we'll just use a border so it's pretty much gone okay all right well now this is inside this uh text container right this is container so for the container actually we can use decoration property okay here we do box decoration okay now for box decoration we'll use uh first over here with color and colors.white and then we'll use the box shadow okay all right this one and it will take a list of shadows so here we do box shadow and here we do blur radius okay blur radius 10 spread radius say seven in general spread radius is uh smaller than blur radius and which makes it nice over here we do offset uh one one so you want it both left to right top and bottom now over here we do color so do colors dot gray with opacity 0.2 okay all right so that's what we have now but uh that's looking a bit strange right okay now here this reason is the margin so let's take your margin over here so here we do a margin now here we do edge inserts dot only and they will do left dimensions dot uh height honey i think and right dimensions dot height 20. okay all right okay well this is already looking great and let's see now our or uh container should take effect of radius okay now over here uh let's set up our border radius actually so okay so here we do border radius circular okay over here let's do dimensions dot radius there okay now it looks much better front page okay now with this we are done with the email section but now we'll have email password phone and name so we want to make it a dynamic uh reusable widget okay so for this one i'll cut this over here okay and i will come over here and inside this widget um i'll create a file and i'll call it app text fill dot dart okay now here we'll create a status widget and we'll call it text field okay and we need to import this dependencies and over here i'll just paste what i copied early and it will throw a lot of error and for this one actually we can just simply copy this to over here and put it there and all the errors should be gone and then you also need this material library okay so yeah but because we want to make it reusable so some of these things like email controller and hint text we should pass down okay all right so to do that well that's why we have error over here as you can see well now first over here would do final uh text editing controller text controller okay and then we'll also have final uh string and text okay and then there is also this icon over here we also want to pass it down okay so here we do final icon data icon okay now over here we all need to do pass this down text controller this dot hint text this dot icon okay now over here we'll just go ahead and add this required keyword okay great doing this this is gone the reason is because you need to call this app text field from here okay sign up page so we'll go ahead and do it so over here we do a text field f text field and it has two parameters as you can see there it takes three over here text controller okay now first one would be our email so we'll pass your email controller and in text is email and over here it will pass icon start email okay i considered email all right now let's go ahead and save it and we say this again all right and here you can type anything okay well that's great and now over here we want to add a box over here so here we do size box and height dimensions dot height 20 okay then we'll put a comma and we also need to come over here okay all right now what do we do and just go ahead and copy them put it three times all right so that's what we see okay and now over here we need to change them so the first one is a password and over here you will have pass password sharp okay let's save it yes and the second one is no email so that should be your phone or name actually so here we do person and we'll save it and the last one so last one should be your phone over here would do phone okay all right so with this actually we are pretty much ready with the signup page okay it's great now just uh before we go ahead we need to copy this one another two times three times actually now here it should be password controller and here it should be a name controller and here it should be phone controller now okay so over here we'll put our logo up logo so just some comments so that you can find them easily now over here your email and over here would do your password now because before we go ahead and do password over here let's change it from email controller to password controller all right and then we'll come over here here we do your name okay so we'll change it to name controller okay and this one over here your phone and we need to change it to phone controller all right so well for now that's basically it so if you come over here oh this is our profile but of course here the sign-in page sign up page but soon what we'll do we'll go ahead and put our other information that we need for example uh three over here you also need to sign up things like that okay and three options things like that well now we want to achieve this result over here the one we see okay so this is what we what we want to achieve uh and uh so for this one uh what i'll do would be here and first i'll do draw a container over here because you see it is border so we need to go ahead and do container to do container sorry container okay now it will have width and height so we do with and which should be from our dimensions file dimensions dot screen width this is what we'll do and get and we'll get half of it and then we'll do height and once again it'll be from dimensions and that screen height okay and i'll take one thirtieth of it okay so it would be pretty much like this and then we want to have a box decoration on the decoration because we want to have border so we'll have decoration over here with the box decoration and then definitely we'll go ahead with border border radius okay and a border radius dot circular and once again over here we do dimensions dot radius 30 which we already have and over here we'll listen color and we'll do add colors dot our main color okay all right so with this we'll get something like this and now what i'll do i'll uh open it and we'll see it over here uh hold on uh i might have done a bit of change so but don't worry it has nothing to do with you guys now okay i'm over here all right okay so here we'll put a child and child should be big text okay all right and the text should be over here we'll say sign up okay and i think we can also set a size for it so we do dimensions dot font size 20 plus font dimensions uh front 20 by 2 which gets us 30 okay because we don't have 30 but we can utilize it uh okay and we can also okay so let's put it there and see how it looks so so far that's what we see over here and let's let's go ahead and restart it one more time and uh okay all right so that's what we see now while it's too small i think the problem is over here it should be screen height okay all right all right now it should be better now this one we need to put the text in the center of this container so we just simply wrap it around center widget because if you want to put any child inside a container in the center then you should wrap that child using center widget and that would do the trick okay and now as always we'll set up a color for this okay to do colors dot white okay so it'll make sense all right so with this we are pretty good and next we want to have a text tag line over here okay now for the tech line once again we'll use size box because we want to have a bit of distance first and then we'll do height dimensions dot height 10 okay all right next would do a tagline over here but that tire line would be clickable now that would be a text well if you want to clickable text well the one way to do using a container the other way we can use rich text okay so let's learn something new so rich text takes the text properly and inside it it also takes another text widget which is called text span okay now within it we'll also need to have another text so the thing happens here rich text takes a text and that text takes a text span as a widget okay now within it you have all right over here have an account already okay just like this now we want it to be clickable and so for that reason over here we need to use a property which is called recognizer okay so it's more like gesture detector but this is for text um well if you're coming from web background you know that on a web background you can click on a link using a href things like that okay so now here this claim this is this is a link in web application right so over here we're doing the same thing because we want to make the text clickable okay so of course you don't use a link property here you use a recognizer and recognizer takes another package from well i'm it's not a package it's a function or constructor from other package it's called tab gesture detector recognizer okay and we need to make an object out of it and inside it there is a another function which is called ontap as you see over here the first one so that's a function so this is a function okay now this function will return something now for now just to return get back so what will happen once we click on this text so let's just let me save it okay and uh okay now text span might have white color so we need to change the color and if to do that we need to use a style over here so we use a style and a text style so text style and here we'll use a color okay now the color because default is a white color so we don't see it so here we'll use colors.gray and we'll use the 500 okay now we'll see it's there now the text is too small so we can set our size over here font size now we'll get it from dimensions the dimensions dot to say font size now we'll use a 20 okay and let's see okay so that's what we have over here so this is clickable but for now of course if you click it it won't work okay because it's getting back so you're not going back anywhere because it doesn't have any previous page to go back okay so but in future we'll see how it works so don't worry about that one so all i did over here i make i made this text clickable using tap gesture recognizer okay all right but of course if you want to get this one you have to come inside text span and that has to be inside rich text okay so hopefully that's how it works now with this this section is done and then we will go ahead and put other stuff now there's this problem if i put other stuff it will throw overflow issue but of course once again in future the sign up page would be a dependent page not over here so now i'll go ahead to our main dot file main.dart file over here and i'll comment this out and for now we'll just focus on the sign up page so we want to set the complete signup page we don't want to have this one because in future when our app work works correctly will not have any kind of bottom below it okay it'll just be an independent page anyway so instead of splash screen over here uh okay let me comment it out as well and uh right here home and over here i'll do sign up page and that's all okay and make sure you import it all right let's see if uh okay it wants us to add a const modifier and let's do it okay now let's save it okay now saving not going to work so you need to restart your app okay now here we are that's gone okay all right now we can just simply focus on our uh app uh the signup page over here and next we want to show uh tag another line over here after a distance okay so here would create a bit of distance and here we do size box one more time okay all right so in this case we'll use screen height and we'll get a very small proportion from the screen so that would be the distance now over here of course you can also do it height no problem but for height we don't have exactly that amount we can make it make it work but this is more straightforward okay so now over here we'll have another rich text uh this time we'll not use this recognizer we'll just use the text over here okay and we'll remove this one we don't need this and over here we'll say uh sign sign up using one of the following methods okay now let's save it and you see this one all right so or we could say use one of the following methods um let's see over here okay the font is it too big so we don't want to get this font size so let's see we have smaller 16 so we'll go ahead with this one now it would put in the center okay because just now it was too big all right now let's see we are getting too much information so here i would say tag line and here we'd say sign up button okay now over here we would say sign up options all right cool now we want to have three uh buttons over here so for that one the three buttons would be in a row so this time we'll use wrap widget for that okay previously we have used it and we know it texts children list of children and will generate three children in a row uh and we'll use lists to generate to do that okay all right now we will create three uh children and over here once again we'll use circle over here to do that circle avatar okay all right now over here inside we'll have image now the images would be coming from here and for that reason i'll declare a list of images over here so here are just a bar sign up images all right so here i'll create a list and inside here i'll have teeth dot png f dot png t means twitter app means facebook g means google now in your asset folder they should be there okay inside this one you should be able to find it i think they're somewhere down like t i think there should be f as well and f so you get the idea anyway so now let's go ahead and work on this so go to the bottom over here we'll have circle avatar now here um we'll have child so no we don't need child actually we need over here is a radius so radius will use say 30. so in that case we can use dimensions dot radius 30 okay now it has it takes the background image that's what we'll use and over here we'll use asset image okay that's that image now the images uh path mostly i mean they're in the assets folder right and then inside image folder after that now we want to make it dynamic so this part i can of course write t dot png now the problem is with this it will show three twitter but i want to change this but dynamically so i'll take it out and put it outside so that i can because we have a list at the top so we can index through it loop through it so here we do uh sign let's say sign up images index all right now it works but they're too close to each other so for that reason although i'll wrap it around padding widget and over here let's use this padding and it works okay all right so while this page is already looking much better okay well now everything else is fine over here and uh now if you come and try to type uh let's see so now here's the problem okay now let's go ahead and toggle our keyboard and to do that on mac you'd do shift command k and if you put your cursor and select shift command k let's see yes it should show up and it did show up but now here we see this overflow issue okay so let's go ahead and fix this one to fix this we need to wrap our column around the single child scroll view and that should be enough okay so all over here do uh widget and here we do single child scroll over here single child scroll view okay all right here we can use the physics property which is this one bouncing let's see bouncing scroll physics okay now let's save it now it's gone okay now if the keyword shows up and you won't get any error and you can also uh do like this move it up and down okay so hopefully it works okay now if you if you're even here typing and you click enter it would come down automatically okay so here we do let's type in something okay you might need to do continue a 8 i think right now you need to use keyword a dot com oh it does have funny sound though okay all right now i'll shut this keyboard down on mac command k well so now if you want to hide the keyboard you'd still do the same shift command k all right now it's gone and here you can do one two three four five six all the validation would do later once we are done with our back end and as well as billing models for those steps okay then we'll do validation well now we'll go ahead and see how to build our signup page well before we go ahead and move on actually let me change the icons that we did over here i think we need to change the icons as well so over here we do see that we have different kind of icons but if you come to this app text field which is over here i don't think we change it so let's go ahead and change it the icon okay so over here simply we'll just use icon okay because we are passing icon now let's save it uh yes okay so that's what we wanted all right great now i'll i'll close this app over here and i'll open the other one the one i already built so this is the signup page that we want to create okay so well for this one we'll come to this auth page over here and over here we'll create a new file and we'll call it sign in page dot dart okay and we're gonna be smart about it and what we'll do we'll just go ahead and completely copy all of it and put it over here okay all right uh definitely we need to change the name you want to call it the sign in page i'll copy and paste over here definitely we donate this section over here so we'll remove that and it'll throw an error which is also good because we can find it easily and remove it so we don't need this section as well now think about it what are the sections we need so definitely we need this app logo we need this your email and password okay so rest this few fields we can just simply go ahead and delete so i'll delete say up to this all right okay that's cool and now over here we do have a bit of different layout but you see that so this is the apple logo which will have no problem now here we have this to text as you see okay so we they are on the uh left so what do you need to do uh well we need to go ahead and create a container okay so here we'd call it welcome section okay so over here we'll create a container and uh container will have margin because we want to left margin over here so here we do engine sets only and over here will do dimensions left die dimensions dot width 20. okay so here that's it and now over here uh they are a column right because they're on the top of each other so here we do uh child and a column and here we'll have children and here will you do now we want to print this text over here which is hello so here simply do text hello all right now this might have a very big font which as you see from here so here i would use the style for this and as i've assigned font for it so here we do text style and over here we do font size okay now let's see in our dimension section we do have a font size but here we do have uh 16 20 and uh 26 but here we'll get it three times which is 60 plus uh dimensions let's see okay by two so that will get us around uh 70 and this is what we want okay so this is simply what we want and over here would have font weight and here we do font weight dot bold okay so that's what we want yeah okay so we didn't save it yet but we'll do it so this section we are done and definitely we're gonna keep this too no problem regarding this too okay now over here we need to have a text okay so uh for this one simply what i would do i'll just say i'll remove this one because we can use this whatever we have the text and over here we'll just simply write sign into your account okay now the thing is that this is a push to the left right okay so now for this one i'll i'll first over here we'll have a row and inside it all have children and i'll put it there okay it'll work we need some adjustment so we'll do that slowly now over here we need this distance and we do have a bit of distance i i would say that and we'll take care of that later and after that what do we need we need a button where it says sign in okay now i think i have removed that button so what i'll do i'll go ahead and copy from here so this is the button that we're looking for so i'll go ahead and copy this and i'll put it say uh right right below it right below it okay so here i'll just say sign in sign in and sign in okay and of course we need this one and then we want to create uh this line over here and uh let's see and after that actually we need a bit of distance so i'll copy this one and i'll put it over here okay all right now this section will have one line and this part is not clickable but this is clickable so rich text is perfect for this now over here i do already have a text so i'll change this one and here i'd say don't now for showing this sign over here you need to splash in this one and then t okay don't have an account like that so that's as simple as that okay and everything else stays the same over here and now how about this one now this should be part of this rich text and we should be as over here children okay so what i will do right after this inside this text pane we'll have children okay and we'll have list of children but in our case it's just only one which is this one okay now to be able to do that what i will do i'll just uh let's say copy this section and put it here and then i need one more bracket okay now over here i'll just simply say create okay well with this this one and this one should be one line and this is one of the biggest advantage of using rich text okay so if you do that then you need a text span and insert text pane you will have another text span as a child or part of the children and then the children would align with the first text pane on the same line okay all right now well this is great and this is also clickable and for this one here we do recognizer okay now here we do tab gesture recognizer okay all right and then we'll get a function which is called on tap and it's just a one line function and now over here we could do get to somewhere okay all right now here from here we'll go go to sign up page because we already have a sign up page okay sign up page and that's as simple as that one okay uh well this routing we can change it later it doesn't really matter but this is just for simulation but now we are done with this section over here the one we see okay and one more thing before i close this and go to our app i think we also need a font weight over here so do font weight and here we do font weight dot bold okay now i will close this one and i'll open up our app now over here in main instead of sign up we'll call sign in okay all right sign in page and you need to import it let's go ahead and do that okay now let's save it and see how it looks okay all right so this is what we have and this is not exactly what we expected but close right so we need to take care of some of the other issues so we'll start from the top now if you come to the top over here uh app logo and welcome okay now here we do have one text but we wanted the other one as well so copy this one and put it right there and sorry i think i should put it outside okay and let me see what was the text there that has signed into your account okay so i'll open this and i will change this one i'd say sign in to your account okay now definitely we don't want so big font size okay so that's what we want and i think we also don't need this one for now okay and i'll go ahead and save it and we see this one okay all right now over here the color itself we can change we'll do colors dot gray 500 okay all right now they should be over here as we talked earlier so we are inside column and we can use cross access alignment because horizontally and we'll start from start okay so they should all be here well now this is happening because this is happening because we don't have any width for our container so we can give it a bit of width let's give it away double that with uh double dot max finite and let's see yes it works now okay so without wait it'll just center it it doesn't know how long we should extend and based on that uh doing the layout okay all right so that's okay and after that over here we'll just uh let's see uh this one i'll copy this and i'll put it right below it okay cool all right now we'll come over here the rich text now we want it to be over there for this one actually we can use expanded widget and inside we'll have a blank container empty white container and it already worked as you see okay and um that's fine and actually now it's too close so what we'll do over here we'll put a size box uh box and over here we do with in dimensions dot with 20 okay so now it would be better and over here now definitely we don't want height 10 we want 20 okay which looks better so it's already working great and what else uh next uh okay this section over here signing is great and don't have an account font size uh let's go ahead with the 20 okay now over here is the same 20 okay and the color most probably would stick to colors dot uh main black color okay which is this one and we want to create a bit of spacing space over here and it's great all right so now what do we hope we click on this we should go to sign up page okay and which we go yes now if you do already have an account over here you can go to sign in page as you see and that's what i told you early that we can do like this okay so it's already working that's great and we do have uh interesting changes that we need to make like if you create over if you let me restore the app and let's see how it's going okay well it's restarted and you can create over here so it's from the left from the right side it shows up and it goes back and shows up like this okay now we're going to change this one a little bit so over here we can set up a transition property and we do transitions dot fade okay now restart your app and this time you want to click on create you see the effect is different it's more like it's popping up from bottom and if you click over here i have already an account so it does come here and it takes you there okay have an account already right so it's more animated if you see okay all right great well next we'll see how to go ahead and build uh our model for this one so that we can receive data from our text field and then we'll be able to send the data back to the server but of course to do that we just not only need to build model we also need to build our controllers our repos and lots of other stuffs all right so now we'll go ahead and understand how this signup form validation authentication and server responsive work and how they are connected together okay all right so we'll come to this link once again okay here we have uh all this uh basic information that we need to understand about our app now here today we'll take a look at a post request but this would be actually our post request for sign up okay and validation so anyway from ui we'll have a form and inside the form uh uh well not inside the form on the same page we'll do form validation so we'll process the form data and that would happen in the same signup form and after that if the validation passes actually we'll send we'll go for uh auth controller and uh auth controller would do a little bit further data processing and then we'll go to author apple from auth controller and then author app would call api client in the api client will have post request okay uh the actual body of the post request from here it will call the ipa client but the actual body of the method is in api client so far we don't have any post request we have get method or get request and after that api client would send the response to the server and where it will make the server endpoint and last time we have seen what is endpoint and server also do a bit of validation and then after validation it would give us a response now response could be two zero zero four one four zero one four zero three or five hundred that's also kind of status so within response we'll have our status okay so either it's uh success or failed and at the same time we'll have we'll send code inside the response okay is it 200 401 or 40403 or 500. so this is called status so inside response will have status status has a code and we'll on the front end in flatter we'll check this uh uh code is that whether it's a 200 or not if it's 200 that means everything winds successfully and we'll save it to the phone using local storage otherwise it will send a message to the user that something went wrong and will try to give a message related messages what went wrong okay all right so this is the basic structure but of course in between we have a lot of other small details that i didn't point it here but this float help us actually what we should do first anyway so for now we have done on the form so now we'll go ahead and do the validation in the same signup page okay all right so let's go ahead and do it so now we'll go to our sign up page actually over here and sign up page uh over here we have this four variables and they are different kind of controllers uh but of course they are being initialized from the same controller and we are giving them value to our text controller using each of these names so we need to create a method and over here in the method we'll grab this controllers and see their value okay and of course that will trigger the method would be triggered from here so first thing we need to do we need to wrap it around a gesture detector okay so out here do option enter and we get gesture detector okay now here we would have ontap method and here from here we'll call a method which is called registration and inside the method we do our first tab which is called validation okay so now we'll come at the very bottom over here right below scaffold uh so what i'll do i'm going to go ahead and collapse this okay so right here i'll write a method and the method type would be void and method name is registration so inside this registration method we'll do validation okay all right now here first we'll grab all the variables and their string okay so these variables the one we already have over here okay so we'll grab them and try to save in a variable okay grab this this this four okay so here i'll declare a name uh sorry variable and type is string and here i'll call it name and name would be from this name controller and then we'll do text we'll just want to get text because controller has other properties and will stream any kind of white space okay all right so now i will copy it four times okay so here i would do phone here i would do email here i would do password okay so now here it would be phone controller and here we'll have email controller and here we'll have password controller okay all right now let's go ahead and call this one okay so that we know that it's being used otherwise in gray so just here all right and that's all now we can let's see what's happening registration we are supposed to inside this scaffold okay we are here and okay to move it to the top okay now anyway we're good let's uh come down over here so here we'll start to do validation one by one okay first we'll check the name okay so name is empty or not okay because it's a string and string has a string variable or string object actually so it is a method which is called empty or property actually as you can see hover over on it properly which is good you can check on this okay all right so if it is empty we'll send a message to the user else if now if you have this phone number okay and we'll see the phone number is empty or not okay the same thing so here we do phone is empty that one and then for email we'll first check if it is empty or not so we do email is empty okay and then we need to do another check else if this email is really email address or not now get x package has a special method i think it's called get utils and which has uh property to check if it is email or not okay so that's it so that's why i love get x package okay so whether it's email or not so we do validation over here and the send a message okay and else if now check the password okay now password is empty or not is empty okay if it is empty then we'll send a message to the user else if well now password is uh we'll see if it is less than six or not okay so password.length if it is less than six okay so we have to have at least six uh characters else would do the actual uh uh what is it post request i mean from here we'll go ahead and call controller method of course we'll create a similar method like registration in our auth controller okay now here we want to show some messages to the user all right if things go wrong if any of them all right now for this one we need to create a custom message box or custom message widget okay and to do that we'll come over here in the base itself over here we'll create a new file and we'll say show custom message dot dart okay now over here we'll create a custom message now over here we'll just simply create a method and that's all and we'll it'll be void type and the method name would be show custom message okay i think i want to call it show custom snack bar because it would pop up as a sniper yes so what i'll do i'll go ahead and rename it and rename over here show custom sniper so there would be a pop-up message now over here so this method would get called from here so here we would give it some parameters so and we'll receive them over here so the first one is string and it is a message okay now others two are optional so here the first one is type bull so is error well in general the error is true because we'll call this on only for validation so default status is that it is error okay and we'll need to set a title and the string title over here is error okay like that now this one we must send so that's why uh it's not around this curly braces of course we can put all of them in curly braces that's okay too but with this it means that you don't need to uh you must send this one okay and for this one you don't need to use any name and for optional parameters which are wrapped around curly braces in general when you wrap your variables around curly braces they are optional parameters so you may send you may not send okay so you should have a default value all right so now over here uh this is what we have and inside it uh okay before we go ahead inside let's import a package so here we do import get once again this is from get get x package and it is a method inside which is called get smack bar okay now as you see it takes a title and a message and we already have title and message so this is the title and this is the message okay after that we can actually use more parameters inside it uh more properties and title text now for title text we'll use big text okay now inside it will use a text and actually sorry and actual title would be sending so title is given to it but it would show from here okay now we need to go ahead and import it and for this one we also want to set up a color for our title so we'll do colors.white and let's go ahead and import it all right and then message and for this one we'll just simply go ahead and use a message and inside message will have message now actually you can just go ahead and stop with this too you don't need to write any of this but when you have further properties like this you continue to do them it means you are customizing them without this this get get.snackbar would perfectly work you don't need this but you want to customize it okay so over here we will style and here we do text style okay and color there should be color for it and let's do colors dot white okay all right let's see uh it might want you to add a const modifier let's see all right okay and we can also set the color for general text so do let's see here we are here we are okay right after it color text and the colors dot white and then we'll do a snack position from where it should show up this is what we do and snack position snack position dot top from top section and background color for the sniper here use colors dot red accent okay because this would be pretty much all error message okay so that's why we need red color okay so with this we are done with this custom show snack bar and every time next we do validation any kind of validation in the flutter framework inside our ui we just call this one okay so that's why we put it in the base directory right so now we would be here so here's the thing so first here would call show custom snack bar i think we need to import it and the first one is name okay so here we would say okay type in your name okay that means it can't be empty type in your name so that's the message and title is uh uh name okay right so we'll just finish it there and now we'll copy this one and put it here type in your phone number phone number okay now this is the same one type in your email address and here we say email now here let's say type in our type in a valid email address so here we do valid email address valid email address okay now here you do type in your password here we do a password okay now here password can't be less than six okay so password cannot be less than six characters uh yes password okay so here we do password but but interestingly if you want to do more validation actually you could go ahead and use get utils it has a lot more features okay not just emails you can even see it's whether it's a number digit or special characters okay otherwise we'll show over here for now we'll say perfect okay all 112. okay so this is what we have now so after this actually we can go ahead and try to do a simple validation but of course that's just on the front end okay so i'll restart our app and simulator which is over here and i'll go ahead and create one and let's see if you click on this and make sure that this is open we'll see if we get here or not okay type in your name okay all right so first one i type my name okay type in your phone number so i did type in your email address okay i'll just go ahead and check type in your valid email address because it knows that it's not an email address okay and let's do a dot com and let's try it type in your password okay so well of course some of this uh suffix could be very long but a dot okay so now here it's fine and over here here you could do password one two three now it can't be less than six characters so one two three four five six uh just go ahead and check it all went well so so far we are good so here we are hitting if things are uh being typed okay all right so with this we are good and next what we saw so after this we need to go ahead and build this auth controller but now here's one thing we are missing in this picture that i didn't write so well there are a lot of other small details that i didn't write so after this validation one is done over here locally we need to send all this information to auth controller okay well how to send that well for that one actually we need to go ahead and create a new model because using this model will combine all all of them in one object and that object will send to auth controller and auth controller would send to other repo so auth repo would convert it to json and then it will send it to api client and api client to send it to server because uh we can only send a json response and json object to server so we need to convert it to json one second but before that we need to uh package all of our data into one object okay put all of them into one object and for this reason we need to go ahead and build a model okay all right so for this one next we'll go ahead and build a model and we'll come over here inside model so here we do signup body dot model sign up body model dot dot so this would be purely dart okay now over here we'll create a class and we'll call it sign up body okay now here it will have some fields the first one is definitely name okay and then we'll have uh say phone and a string will have email and the string will have password okay so definitely these are the four fields that we need to send okay now let's go ahead and build the constructor so in the constructor we'll use all of this that we need let's see okay so here we do required this dot name and required this dot phone required this dot email acquired this dot password okay so with this uh once we send so so far with this if we call it from here from here okay then we'd be able to create an object okay and there would be a sign up object and that object will send to our auth controller so actually here we can create an object and we'll see how it goes okay so here we just simply call sign up body uh sign up body this one okay and sign up body this is object name and we'll create the object call it by calling the constructor okay now over here we need to pass this uh parameters let's see sign up okay yeah this one all right because we need to pass all of them not the first one this way it becomes more easier for us to know what's happening so here we just simply send the name this is the name phone email so that's what we are sending directly from here okay and uh they go to the corresponding field in sign up body okay now after that we can go ahead and print a message with the print signup body dot to string okay all right now let's go ahead and save it and let's try to put some information over here a dot a dot com and password one two three four five six name ahmed and here just a phone number okay let's see and insert some instance of signup body okay perfect so now we already created an object okay with this well now after this actually we need to go ahead and create our auth controller okay so we'll come over here and inside this controllers will create a new file and we'll call it autocontroller and auth controller would have this registration method okay and once again this would be pure dart class so here we do class of controller we'll create the class name and then we'll do extends get x controller okay and we'll do implement service service because we want to use a repo so that's why we need to call service okay all right so that's how mostly they work together all right and after this we also need to create a repo first okay like as you see from here it calls rappo so previously we have seen when we do this one that inside each controllers you should have a repo okay so we need to create and initialize this uh repository so first go ahead and create a repository so inside this uh let's see data repository here we'll create auth repo okay so we do auth repo dot dart okay all right now over here we'll create a class and we'll call it author just like any other repo it doesn't extend anything but it will take two variables one is api client api client just like any other repos and the object is api client okay and here we do final and we also want to create a shared preference object over here because once we get the token from the server we want to save in our app inside so we need shared preferences object okay so we'll call it shared preferences shared preferences okay now we'll go ahead and create the constructor now here we do required this dot api client and required this dot share preferences okay and for now we are good to go with this too all right so now we have this api client uh which uh sorry author f4 and auth controller now we need to inject them in the dependencies okay all right now of course over here the auth controller itself would take this auth wrapper okay so here we'll first create an instance of this final authrapo why we are doing that because authorial will have method we'll call that method from auth controller okay so here we'll call it repo create an object okay and we'll create a constructor for this class author apple required this dot authorical all right and we don't need this okay cool so now we'll go ahead find our dependency class and which is here now we need to inject them in our app okay when we load everything so we'll come over here uh right after it and here we'll call uh our auth wrapper okay so we do get dot lazy lazy put now here we'll call uh let's see what is it author upper right rifle okay and it takes two objects one is api client and shared preferences just like old time we do get dot find okay and here the same thing it would find the object automatically for the controller okay all right and over here we do auth controller let's go ahead and do that so get dot lazy put and here would call auth controller and we need to do get dot find now with this they would be loaded during the loading time and they would be injected in our app as dependency injection and at the same time we'll create a constructor now this will definitely get api client and shared preferences object and this will have authrap object great and after this we can go ahead in our auth controller which is this one and create more classes sorry more methods okay all right and here we want to create some variables and the first one is bull and we'll call it is loading so check if it is loading or not just like all the time when you loaded data from server so the default value is false and we want to also get it so we'll have a get filled so here we do is loading is loading okay all right great now after that we'll go ahead and create a method and method name is registration registration okay now as i said earlier and we saw early we need to pass this this thing over here this object to this method okay so here definitely it will take signup body as an object and its parameters sign up body sign up body okay so that's what it should take all right and once we call this one we immediately set it to true is loading equal true because once we call it means data is being loaded which means we are talking to the server okay all right and now over here we'll call the method the actual registration method uh to the rapple okay of course this is the body because just like any other rep previously we have seen that we always have a corresponding register corresponding method in our wrapper okay just like if you see like say product controller it has a method which is get popular product list and in the repo we also have the same method right so this is exactly what we're going to do so so we want to create uh the repository function of course just the name which will call to the api client and that would be in our author apple but authorized would also go ahead and call a function in our api client so i think it's better first go ahead and call the function in api client and we'll call that from author apple and from auth controller will called authrapo okay so that's how it should work once again here we'll have this post method the post method would get called from author apple and auth controller would call that related registration post method from authrapo okay so let's come over here so for this reason we'll go to our api client and actually create a method okay so post method now let's go to our api client which is over here and just like post get data we'll have here post data okay so here we'll create the poster data and it will get uri like this one so we'll do string uri and over here but of course we are sending data to the server so we need to get data as well so the data type is dynamic because we can would reuse our post data not just for sign up sign in for a lot of other things so the data we are sending that's a dynamic type and we'll call it body okay now over here we'll actually call the http post client or post method from here okay now we'll wrap it around try clause uh syntax and here if things go wrong we'll catch it okay and that should be as e and for now simply just print e to string okay all right now over here uh what do we want to do we want to call this post method okay now this post method would be coming from get req get get x package we are not using http client just like this one uh get method is coming from get x package so over here it's the same thing so we'll have post method and as you see the first one actually so it takes url body and a lot of other information including headers if you come over here one more time so anyway so here first url and body which we already have url in our case should be uri okay all right and body point to this one uri point to that one okay and that's it and as well as we also need to send headers okay now we'll send headers and headers would be coming from our variable that we created long ago which is this one why we need to send headers because we are telling the server hey i'll give you some content and the type is json okay so that's what it's telling the server and that's why you need it and a lot of post requests in future need authorization token so that's why we'll send token as well but previously we have just sent empty token or a token that doesn't really matter okay to this random token but once the user logs in we'll have a token and that's the actual token we'll be using again and again a lot of other requests okay so that's why we need to send these two information in the header but of course first time when we do registration the token is invalid just a random token it doesn't really matter you can send it as anything so this is the information we send to we need to send to the server using this post method okay uri body body is the information that you want to send so this information is coming from our form and this is the data type you want to give to the server like json data okay telling the server that we are going to send you some json data as well as a token but first time the token once again invalid so now if you hover over on it you'll see it sends a future response okay so that's what it sends to us because we want to get a response after submitting to the data either it fails or successful so here we need to save the data in a response object okay respon response response okay yeah now this response once again if you see over here um let's see come over here actually so here it is future type okay but my response doesn't have any future type so here i'll await which means i'm gonna make it as a future and over here we need to add async and after that we want to return this response okay so wherever you see this future thing you need to add a weight for that method okay and for the caller function you you need to also add this async anyway so after this we want to return the response okay return response all right but now this would uh over here because we are returning we need to uh mention the return type so the return type is response once again but we need to wrap it around future because we may need to wait for this response okay future all right and let's see now over here um over here we also need to send something okay otherwise we'll get error because if things go wrong you still need to tell flatter i mean to our ui that things are wrong okay so from here we also need to return so here we do return response response okay now over here for now it does take something so let's let me type in first status e dot tostring okay so now here if things go wrong we're just simply sending one which doesn't really mean anything over here just a random code and we are sending the actual uh response error to our validation or form validation because remember over here if things go wrong from here we'll also check that okay so there is more validation to go so and that checking would be either it's successful in our api client or it it fails like that okay so with this we are pretty much done with the post method the basic post method all we did here call this post method from get x package and we send our url body and header information all right now this response method is once again coming from get x and that's why you should love getting because it's so convenient it gets you so many handy methods so well with this we are good now we need to go ahead in our auth repo and call it from author apple okay alright so we'll come to our authrapo let's see which is over here and over here we'll create a method and we'll call it registration okay just like we have in our controller the similar method uh registration okay now over here will once again pass the signup body and we'll call it signup body okay now over here uh we do have api client object so we'll call api client and over here would send post data this one okay now here we need to send uri as well as the body now the uri should be uh end point okay but we don't have the end point yet so we need to go ahead in our app constants over here and i'll copy one of them endpoints okay i'll post it there and here i'll call it registration registration uri okay now over here i think it should be uh auth and over here we'll say register okay that's as simple as that for now we will not worry about this one okay we'll we'll take care of that later how it works okay all right now now uh if we come to author apple we can just simply do app constants dot let's see i think we need to import it and here we do register uri okay now this body now this body is very interesting because as i said that we need to send the data to the info server and that server should receive json data but now for now it is an object okay so it's not json so when i send it here it has to be json okay so sorry so all you need to do we need to convert it to json okay now for this reason we need to come to our uh signup body which is this one and over here we need to create a method to convert data to json object okay so or to json so over here we'll create a method the the return type would be json which is actually mapped we know that and data data is dynamic the key is a string and the value is dynamic and the method name is to json all right now over here we'll first create an object of map so here we do final map string and dynamic here we'll call a variable create a variable then make and here we'll create a new map object from it map string dynamic okay so here we need to return data okay so whatever we get early from here like let me tell you what's happening so once you come over here create this object so actually this one gets called which is this one and if this gets called this value is automatically assigned to them okay now we can get those values okay and using those values will create a json object and return it okay and would put in this data map object once again map and json they are very similar actually i think they're same in flatter so anyway so now over here you need to convert it to um adjacent now json takes field field is the uh key now here name is fname and over here we'll send it to this dot name from from name uh will which is this one take the value and save it to fname and what is fname is our name which is means first name here we'll have a phone number because you know database will have a field which is called phone number so that's why the name is exactly same as in database and if we take a look at our database actually let's uh take a look over here if we see our users and if we see the columns let's see so show selected okay over here you see well id we are not sending id id is created automatically and fname is the name uh or just first name you can add uh l name which is last name phone number email and things like that okay so these are the uh fields that are being related directly one-on-one relationship over here okay so they have to be exactly same because eventually this is what you want to send to the server and some will think hey fname or the name has to be this one so they have to have same name okay all right but over over here even though just a name but in the database we have fname because in future you can also create something called lname which is last name fname means first name anyway so the next one is data email okay so here we do this dot email and here we do data password and this dot pass word okay all right so now with this we are done converting our object to json okay all right so all we need to do we need to come to this author apple and over here we need to call sign up body.json okay so with this the data would be converted to json okay now if the data is converted to json that also means that we can send it to the server so from here we are calling our api client okay now arthropo this method should get called from auth controller right yes so over here we'll call this one okay so we'll call author apple dot register a registration and we're simply sending the sign up body okay now we saw earlier that author apple okay we can close this one we don't need we don't need this either so what's repo well now author actually should send you a response okay so over here you need to define the response type once again it's just same as our post method future response response okay now over here we need to return it and await and let's see add async okay so once again api client would return so that returned object is saved in over here so we are returning from here directly and the return type is a response so over here in auth controller we'll take it as a response as well so here whatever is returned we'll save it to response object response response response okay all right now here once again i think we need to do a weight and a sync all right great and after that we need to check our response type so here we do response response status code so if it is 200 from the server the one we get that means actually we have done something great otherwise it's wrong error and it failed okay so we want to handle that all right if we get 200 that means uh everything went smoothly successfully and that also means the server has given us a token now the token would be inside response response body and we'll have a token uh once again if we come over here we see that server endpoint server do validation and then we'd get response response would be our status actually status would combine 200 and our token okay if it is 200 then we'll save it otherwise it will show error message but for now this server endpoint and validation will put it in the back burner and we'll see this section a little later okay now we'll come over here so from here we think that everything went smoothly so we want to save the token locally okay so here um we'll save it in our local uh storage which is uh our shared preference and for that one we would go ahead and create a method first okay so we'd create a method in our other wrapper which is this one so over here we'll call a method and method type would be method name is save user token and here token is a string and what is token token is verification string from server that tells you okay you are authenticated so if user's information is found on the server server sends you some secret id and you should save it but of course when you first do a registration there is nothing like that so after first you do registration based on your email id and password server will create a token and now that token would be returned as a response and the first time when you get the response from the server you should save it locally next time when you use you log in you should use that token from your device and send it back to the server and confirm with the server that there is a token like this i'm sending you and can you find the token if you can find that means the user is authenticated so that's how the token works anyway so first time when you register we get a token and token would be returned over here within our response now we'll go ahead and save it so here we'll just simply call the api client ap api client dot token and we'll save it remember before in our api client we have this token variable okay so now would be able to save that okay and we also said late which means we initialize it later okay anyway so we would update this token variable from here this is the actual token not the dummy token and after that we'll call api clan dot update header update header but of course this method doesn't exist so we'll go ahead and create one in our api client which is over here now because uh we have updated our token so we also need to update our header like this one but now we'll do it in a method okay so we'll call it void update header because we'll call this section from outside of our api client okay now over here we'll get the token string token and what we'll do we'll just simply go ahead and hold this one okay so the header will be updated automatically after the user uh right do the registration so next time when user logs in the information would be saved in the token okay and especially the token okay so next time when you do a post request the header is automated there because you already updated it and in the header we have the tokens updated token would be sent with the post request after registration during login or if you want to do like update method a delete method like updating your cart sending more orders things like that okay so now over here we'll call it so here we'll call api client dot update header now here we are sending the token okay all right all right so that's uh well now we are saving it the token over here okay over here as well as when we update it the headers in the header section we are also saving it but we also need to save it locally now for that one here we need to save it to our local storage okay now in the local storage if you let's see okay let's go to this one over here we do have a token right so we just want to update this token so from here we just simply call return await and let's see share preference share preference dot set string and over here we want to have this app constants dot token this one and the value is token okay now with this uh let's see so here first you save in this and as always in the storage with the storage the benefited it would be saved for a long time because when you kill the app this information would be all gone from memory okay so we have to understand this one so hopefully it makes sense now after this one would come to our auth controller over here or just simply called authrapo and then save token okay and we just simply pass the token now of course we need to get that token and where are we getting it from well we are getting it from this response okay so every response has a body so here we do response and within it we'll have a body okay response object has a lot of properties you see status code status bytes has error headers is okay obs reactive okay but we are going to use the body body will have all the information in an array and one of them should be token okay now we'll save that but of course server would put things in token okay this variable in the server side there would be also a variable which is called token server would generate the token and put that token in a token variable and then it would put this token variable inside a response object okay json response and on flutter we can save it and get it all right so status quo 200 we take the token and we save it so first we call this user save user token method it sets in the memory as well as in the local storage in everywhere okay all right okay so that's a saving token but there is more things need to do now what if if you fail and what if uh well now over here this token is one response from the server that we save so that means it's the correct one okay and over here we also need to know that there is a correct response so from here we need to return a response okay so to return a response uh while we would return two information one is the token as well as our status code as a true as a boolean okay now for that reason first we need to go ahead and create a model and in the model we'll save that this to object so that we can use it later if you don't create an object you have to use the scattered variables i mean a lot of extra variables with the model the benefit is you can save it globally and then you call the model and you can use dot operator to get the related field so that's what will come over here which is models object models folder sorry and over here we'll create response model okay uh we can just simply go ahead and create more variables and save the information but that's not the right way of doing just like what we did over here with authrap we converted it to jason you might have asked me hey you can also save this information like this name name stuff like that okay yeah and it would it still work okay but that's not what you want to send okay i mean we need a bit more modification because if you create a lot of extra variables and you do json in code and things like that and you can send it but that's not the correct way of doing so every time you have response or object that you send and receive you should convert them to an object things like that and of course when it necessary you decode the object to json anyway so we'll come over here and we'll create a class and we'll call it response model okay and here we'll have a property which is boolean and it is a success and here we'll have another property which is string property or fill they are the same thing okay now here we'll create the constructor now here we do this dot is a response and this dot message all right like that so over here now uh with this will create the object and actually you can also do like this the the one we did early okay now if you do this you need to tag this required required okay just like we did before required okay let's see uh so in that case we also need to change the name things like that okay and over here you need to change it okay so this would be same as the one we created earlier our response body object okay so it's the same thing okay so now this one and this one they're same okay but let's do it differently so that we learn more things all right okay now over here now while we are doing like this there's a reason why we are not doing like this you can do it different way but what's the reason let me tell you now over here we want to return this one as i'm properly so here we do string get message okay here message okay and this you do get is success sorry is success okay because we want to create a public field now get is a public field so we need to have a private variable in private variables they start with underscore but if you have private variables you can't use the curly braces okay so that's why you have to do like this because we want to use them outside of this model but for this one we didn't use them anywhere we just send information to it and that's all we don't have any getter like this one okay so once again the main reason we are doing like this because we are creating private variables private variables cannot be wrapped around curly braces okay well that makes sense because we are going to call them so now anyway we'll come over here now here is the magic so now we'll use our response model object christmas model to create an object and return it okay so that's what it will do so over here first we'll come over here and here we'll instantiate light response model object response model and response model okay now before we use it we need to initialize it if this doesn't fall in this condition it'll get fall in this condition either it will get initialized and we'll initialize it based on our status response model okay so now we are going to create the object so now here first one is boolean so here we'll save it as a true means everything worked correctly now here the string the string is our this token so so with this in future we can just create a resonance model object and we'll be able to access them okay so yeah that's all and if things went wrong we'll still come over here and we'll set it to false okay now here we'll just simply set uh status text so server will give us a text if things go wrong okay and we'll show the text so that would be the our that would be our error message okay and after the regardless of what happens you want to set it to false it means the post record has been done regardless return us wrong thing or the right thing okay and right after that you just want to return response model okay response model this is the object so that over here we can use it okay all right so now one more thing we need to call do is update method because our front end would be reactive which means response and react and change so we need to tell the front end hey there is a new change in our app regardless error or the right way okay now we'll come over here and take it so we created this one and we also created uh auth controller so over here what do we do we'll go ahead and uh create and auth controller instance and then we'll call the method okay so or the other way we could do we'll come over here uh let's see which one we have we do have a scaffold so we'll come over here and find this off controller because remember when we did the dependency loading we already loaded uh loaded this one let's see okay we have already loaded it okay now if we did then we can just simply go ahead and find it so here we do var auth controller here we do get dot find now here we do auth controller okay yeah that's simply as simple as that one and after that what we'll do would be here in this method so we created the signup object signup body now we do auth controller dot register okay because it has a registration method we'll call that one so that would call a method in our repo which is this one and from rapple we'll go ahead to our api client post method okay which is this one and then it will talk to the server and get us a response response would be here returned and if it does then i'll get a response from here and that response would be returned in a response model so what i could do over here so here i would do then t h e and then and i'll grab the response okay and i'll call it status and now over here i'll do some interesting things so i'll check this one if status okay if status is a success is a success let's see if it is is success because status is a response model uh let's see our registration over here at controller oh yes we didn't set up the type of it so it is a feature type and this type is response model okay feature means we need to wait now we'll come over here sign up and now over here if we hover over on it so now status is object of response model and it has is success property which is this one okay so if it is success which means it's true perfect okay all right so then what we can do we could do actually print a message success registration okay all right all right else over here uh we'll do custom message let's see here show custom so custom sniper now here we could send a message so here we just simply do status dot message okay so that is the wrong message the one we get from the server okay all right so well with this we are done with the front end and now we'll go ahead and check how it looks like in back end and after that we'll check our information in poster postman and then we'll check it on our app now first we'll go ahead and take a look at the back end and we'll see how it works now if you come to the back end over here and if you open it up this is what we did last time and i'll remove that and last time we are doing up to here actually now if you click over here it will open up new sections and here we also have uh more information so this is another group and this first group was for uh products requests and things like that okay so let's uh get products okay now here uh registration and login okay so here i do have another route group and it prefixed with auth and namespace is auth so that means that uh inside this folder i have another auth folder and inside that auth folder i'll have a controller method customer controller method uh controller actually customer auth controller and then i'll have a over here register endpoint now this endpoint would be the end point that we created early over here let's see where is it at constants and this one okay so this would eventually point to this one over here and we have added extra name space over here and of course we also have prefix so this namespace is telling you that it should be in the auth folder okay so now anyway i'll save it and i'll do command b on mac to open up my explorer section over here http controllers api v1 and auth and inside out i do have customer auth controller which is this one and then i'll find this register method so i'll open it up and over here i do see that we have login method and we'll see that later now we have register method and over here we get the information our request which also means that we get over here uh this information okay over here so we go through them and we do a validation and over here after doing validation if it fails then we return validation error 403 and if it passes then we go ahead and create an object okay using models create method and then we create a token and using this create token method and then we save it in token variable and we return it and they're just a random string that we'll use later actually so you can just skip this part you can put anything over here random but in future we'll see if we do phone verification or not okay and we're also returning his phone verified zero because we didn't really verify it if we verify we'll verify it here and change it to one but for now we are not doing any of this and sorry and then we return 200 okay if we come if you can come up to here definitely we can return 200 okay all right so now here a few things to know that now if you know what is laravel and how to create a record in database based on your model so this is what we are doing every model has a create method so you can create record in database and you have to submit the related fields with the information now these are the information coming from here which is also from flyer front end so we create and then create a token and save it to the database we also save the token to the database but here create to create token method does it automatically for you so you don't need to worry about it how it works internally now i have created a tutorial before how it works how to create token using laravel passport laravel password is a package so you can check out that tutorial i'll put a link below in the video description you should definitely check that out because a lot of time creating token and authentication is a big problem for a lot of beginner developers so you should really learn that and over here while this just create and gets you the token and it also saves now this is a random string just uh it doesn't really matter but in our case we are saving customer information so i wrote customer auth uh a restaurant customer or things like that okay once again don't forget to check out the video how to create uh authentication using laravel password but for you guys i've already done it so you don't need to worry about it but you should learn it because that's another really long tutorial like two hours so you should check that out um uh yes so so this is what will happen if we can hit this end point okay uh and if you do encounter error doing this you can definitely come over here this is the link and uh during my work i have encountered some issues and i've listed there and how to solve them i put it there so the first error i found that was like jwt that is used for authentication now laravel passport it uses this one internally for creating token so that could be a problem and if you do get error like this where it says that client access or access client not found then you need to ring run this command to activate laravel password okay so this is the error i found when i was doing it in local tests locally in my computer on a different device because when you change your device this password doesn't really work you have to reactivate in every device anyway so uh yeah that's it so now what we'll do we'll go ahead and open up our postman over here and we'll create a post request okay now this time we'll create a post request and here it would be local host 8000 port and api version one and this is inside auth folder and register folder okay now over here we need to send some data or first what kind of data we are sending because right now we are doing the test on uh laravel sorry postman and we need to mention our data type like here we do that content type is application json so that's what we need to mention so here we do here we write content type um i think we should go to header actually this one not this this content type and here we'll set it to application json which which means we are getting you json data now over here in the body uh we'll use raw data which means pure jason so over here we'll send a name name to ahmed and over here we'll do email and email say uh be at well just info at i think i'm missing one quotation over here and now over here uh phone say one two three four five six seven eight uh and then we can also do our password here password is one two three four five six all right and let's see so here we do have uh headers uh okay it's not transfer i think it should be content type this one okay now it should be colorful because in postman if you set the content type to json the body section the raw data becomes colorful which tells you that this is correct okay now here if i put it over here we get a failed validation report which is a good news and bad news good news is that we can hit our end point because this is uh coming from here failed validation check if you don't if you really don't if you're not sure that it's coming from here let's change this message save it and hit it one more time so it says that yeah so what we updated we get so that means first thing that yes uh we are able to hit our end point that's working saying that that means that all these things over here they're all correct okay all right so now we get error now we don't know what errors so definitely they're coming from here so actually i have an error method that i created uh let's see well i've created a file for error handling so i'll put that file over here so that file all it does it has a helper method it has a method inside this class called helper class error processor so you send all this information over here and it loops through it so it's in this class helper class and helper class is in app central logic so if we open it up um we'll see there is a folder central logic and inside this we have helper and this helper class has a method which is error processor is a static method so you can access it globally and over here we send everything what we get like this whole validation and our object everything send over here and we look through it and it finds if that if we are missing something or not okay so it should be in your uh package as well i just didn't use it before so i'm going to use it now now i'll save it and i'll hit end point again here's a code the message fname is not given yeah of course because here we are sending name we are not sending fname because this is the data that would be eventually saved to our database now before we have seen our database that in our database if we find the user um let's say here id fname and email okay all right so this is the record i created early so don't worry about that one so over here we need to send the correct field okay uh so that's why it was causing error so once again this is a beautiful message a method that helps you to go through your each of this field for validation okay anyway so now we know that our problem was over here with this one so what we'll do we'll change it and hit it one more time okay so which means that we get a token and this one and this one okay which means that if we get a token that means our request has been successful that also means that we are able to successfully insert our information over here so if you come over here and refresh it you should see a new record well let's see nope we don't see that but we are supposed to see that so not sure why let's refresh it so let's try to send it one more time and see what happens so email and phone is taken now it could be the problem that this is not getting updated so i'll close it and i'll open it again one more time it should work i think the record is there but because uh it might not update immediately my mysql workbench so let's open it up it's not reopening though so let's see where it is where is our guy bicycle workbench well if it doesn't work no problem actually i want to finish this thing so what i'll do i'll come over here because our database is saved locally in our computer so over here i will try to access our database and we'll confirm that it is the record is there so would in our terminal would type in this one and it would ask you to show you the uh let's see maybe i typed in the wrong password uh oops sorry okay so here we can first write show databases so it will show you all the databases and we want to use shopping shopping db all right so now here we can get everything like select everything from users okay all right so if we did that now here we do see that uh we do have this one okay so we created now my second workbench maybe it uh slow or either i don't know i just need to somehow restart it but if i'm going to restart i need to shut down my computer and which i don't want to okay so which means that it's working and our password is saved there it's also working we know it from here because it says it's already been used so here we could do a different thing so here i will come over here and change the phone number to say random phone number and now over here instead of doing this i would do a aaa now we'll see that it will return us a token right and if it does we'll see it over here and we would be able to see the user information over here as well okay so let's go ahead and hit the end point yes it worked we get a token and first i would do clear method well on clear doesn't work here so it doesn't matter so here i'll get all the information once again now here we would be able to see that okay this is the new guy that we have registered so that means that we can hit our endpoint from postman okay right perfect now this is the time to hit the endpoint from our app so here is our app and first thing we'll do we'll uh over here uh from within this post data over here we'll print our information okay we'll see what we get from here so here we do print body to string okay so whatever we get we'll print that okay and uh at the same time we'll see what response we get from here so here we do print response dot to string okay so that's what we'll do okay all right now let's go ahead and first restart our app okay now we'll go ahead and create a new account over here so over here we'll do email a dot a dot com password one two three four five six name ahmed i think we need to change this password thing uh obscure text true we'll do it later for number one two three four five six okay let's see we know we already have this phone number in our database i think but anyway so here yes this is what we printed over here and now the instance is this one which is the response and then it says registration success registration but of course success registration is uh let's see it is where it's coming from it's coming from here now let's check our database so over here oh well just now we created using a at and this phone number and if we see we don't have a at a dot com we have a at and okay this phone number is unique one two three four five six because this is one two three four five five six so great well if we did that that also means that here we can um here we can do like this so this one one more time and you'd be able to see what we did just now yes this guy perfect okay now let's hit it one more time uh and see what response we get okay and here this one okay and error for beaten okay so this is the correct one this time and of course you don't want to show this custom message over here actually you want to show the custom message here okay so well this is something we got okay so the message is forbidden which means that you can't really work on this but that means that user has been taken but we need to work on that message but the good news is we are successfully able to register from our app right so that's beautiful well a few few more things to take care as you hit it you need to show a message that it's working or loading okay things like that and we also need to work on this obscure button okay ahead and restarted my workbench and then i see these records they're all created there so maybe it was stuck somewhere it didn't get refreshed so we'll try it one more time and we'll see how it goes so over here this time we do and phone number is maybe a bit longer sorry that's the password and over here just a random phone number let's go ahead and sign up all went perfect and that's all we get okay now over here let's go ahead and try to refresh it yes we see that uh this is what we just created just now this one let me make sure confirm yes so this is the guy and this is okay i think this one yeah this one right so this is the guy so that's how you work with uh this mysql workbench so either do this one it will show you all the records or refresh okay but just now it was not working anyway so you can also do mysql query practice over here and this is what we did just now in the comment line okay all right well anyway so uh that's great uh so it means our recordings uh our post request is working and this is our basically first post request and after that other post request would be pretty easy i know it took us a lot of time but now here's the thing each time you hit it you need to wait but a lot of things are happening in the back end so we need to set up a new variable which actually we already did so this one is loading so whatever it happens uh it comes here actually we need to set it to loading false right so after this thing so now we need to get this variable using this field over here in signup method so now for this one actually um first what we'll do okay we'll collapse this one now the scaffold over here inside this one okay so we'll wrap this single child scroll body using up controller actually okay now for if we do that we need to remove it from here because to restart my computer because i was running out of space anyway so now uh we'll cut this one over here and we'll wrap it around get builder so here that's what we'll do get builder and here we'll use auth controller and then we'll have builder property and within it will create auto controller instance from this controller okay and after that we'll just simply return and do like this okay all right and now the purpose of this one is that we become reactive which means that once we click on this this would be hidden now hidden would be based on this condition which is is loading when this method gets hit this becomes true and if it becomes true we can show our loading icon okay so that's what we want to do and when it becomes false the icon would be gone so for that reason right now over here we do up controller controller dot is loading okay all right so if it is false which is the default state once again well we don't need this so default it is false as you can see so if it is false then we show the form otherwise we show circular progress indicator okay all right let's see okay now seeing that one we can actually from here we can remove this and we can pass an up controller to it auth controller auth controller so we'll come to the method over here the place where it's reporting error so here we'll pass out controller okay and after this actually you can just simply remove this we don't need this one anymore okay all right let's save it okay and we did that let's go ahead and do a test okay dot com dot com password one two three four five six and here name aaa and phone number one two three four five six seven eight doesn't matter our point here we want to see the circular progress indicator and uh looks like we don't see this yet um now let's go ahead and come over here take a look or it might be happening too fast because we are in localhost okay all right so let's see over here okay so you're supposed to see this one and we can print a log from here actually if we are getting this one or not so to do that actually okay so here is the thing let's do it like this so we will not put it here actually we want to create a custom uh loader okay so here we'll create a new class inside this and we'll call it uh custom loader custom loader.dart okay and over here we'll create a stateless class and we'll call it custom loader okay over here we'll have container and a container will have pretty much uh height say 100 and widths with say 100 now of course what we could do we could go ahead and import our dimensions file dimensions dot now we need to import it first okay now dimensions dot height all 20 so divided by so and we want to get a square like so we'll use the same width and height and after that we'll have a decoration we'll do box decoration and here border radius uh border radius dot circular now here we would use uh so this one divided by two which gets a half okay and then we also use a color for this so it is f colors dot main color okay all right and we want to put everything in the center so that's why here we do alignment alignment dot center okay all right now we want to put a child over here and child would be our circular progress indicator and now inside it it itself should be colors.white okay all right and let's see what do we have here color colors do i okay so this should be a child not color sorry about that okay now we'll know if this point hits or not so here just simply we can call print and i'm using the i'm printing loading state here we'll just simply find get dot find controller and from here all get is loading uh let's see dot is well i think we need to import some packages first import get and now there is loading okay so if it's hit here we'll see that it's uh true we need to convert it to string okay otherwise we do no way we nee we can know about it okay now here we'll just simply call custom custom loader custom loader let's go ahead and import the class yes look right now okay now if we hit it and over here we'll see it's true okay because over here let's see so over here uh well so it is true it will not fall to this condition it will fall to this condition let's add this and if it falls to this condition will print true on the console over here okay so okay well now we should go ahead and hit it and after this we should be able to see if we are able to print this one or not okay let's go ahead and do it and it looks like we still don't hit our message well now there's a reason why because you need to call this update actually two times first one right after this okay so right after this one okay so we know immediately that this state changed because once you return from here it's already false again so it always falls to this first condition so that was the reason why we couldn't see this see this so i'll save it one more time so now let's hear well once again the information is gone and here and let's say whatever you want okay now let's see yes so we saw that one and over here we also see that it's loading state is a true so that means it's working so we can remove that one now okay all right so we want to push it to the center so here we'll wrap it around sender widget okay all right now save it of course this information is gone from here okay now over here one two three four five six seven here this one okay say whatever all right so now let's see what happens yes and because this has been already registered in the back end now if we have say d whatever now not now try it and see what we see so yes it worked and registration success and we can also come to back end and here we don't have this one yet a at so what we'll do just to refresh it and we'll say okay so with this we also see this information okay great well now after this we'll go ahead and see how to log in okay so we've come a long way and definitely we are really dangerous and after that let's take care some of the issues from back end that we are facing well first thing we'll hide this two sections over here which is password and remember token because we don't need to see them and for this one i will come to our user controller controller and which lives inside app and means inside controllers user controller this one okay all right so over here definitely we don't need this too so we'll just remove that okay now if you come over here and refresh it you'll see it's gone okay now in the issue this time that is zero zero z we don't need that one okay so now we need to import a different uh i think uh what is a time method or a part of this packages now here while you can find it in their documentation as well okay but i've already uh worked on this so if you come over here there are a few links so that might help you if you work with this back end which this few things okay this this and this one okay all right so over here i do have uh that i worked before a date format so for this one uh what we could do either we could use this option or this option so this is using a controller or namespace okay so here first we'll import this one okay now this belongs to back and laravel anyway so i'll come over here and find this user controller that model okay now let's uh go ahead uh over here sorry not this one okay so let's go ahead and find the model so we know that models they're in the models directory inside over here okay so so user model which is this one okay now over here we'll simply use this one okay and then we also need to say use date time format over here okay and this should solve the problem okay all right so let's go ahead and check yes now we'll come over here and refresh it we see the format changed okay now over here this email verified or not okay now if you see our back end uh my mysql my sql workbench okay so over here we have this table right inside the schema so this is our shopping dv table and over here we have this user a user has columns which is this one now if you take a look at timestamp but for now they're all null because we are not really verifying so for your information now we can take care of this a little bit different way we can send yes no like that okay so for this one we'll come to this user controller over here and this is the related uh field now of course if you watched my other tutorial which i told you earlier you know that grid is for showing the information in a grid column based like that anyway so sorry now over here using this eloquent which is uh actually an eloquent but now here we create a model and we pass the model object to this grid okay all right so this is another point if you know what is eloquent in uh larabel okay now over here uh so using this elephant we created an a model and use that model we create a grid object and we use those uh use this grid object to access each of the field in our database table okay so these are the fields in our database tool exactly okay uh all of them all right uh anyway now of course you can also instead of uh doing like this like this you can directly access the field if you come over here in their documentation like over here like this okay so you can just simply do this uh many different ways like over here describe is a field in the database table but over here you can just simply go ahead use describe instead of column describe okay like release that created these are all the filled in the database table but using this great object that you could also access them um as a method so let's go ahead and check it so instead of saying column like this i could do like this let's see grid okay and id that's all so id becomes a method okay it's more like laravel it is variable larval eloquent uh model where you have a relationship and you can get to access the methods and fields so let's save it and we'll see that if we come over here the id is still there it doesn't change but if you want to change the name of id over here you can also define i think user id okay like that so let's go ahead and save it so now here you see user id and i think that's more readable all right so now we'll come over here and now uh what where i'm saying this thing so that means that over here this email verified actually we can also access like this so here we can access it like a method so email verified add okay now over here it has another method you can access every uh field has a method in this back end every field in the database so which is called display and it takes a function anonymous function and it takes a parameter okay now parameter you can call it anything okay now then it returns so here it means it should you should return return something okay now over here this verified this parameter points to the value of this fill okay so for a certain row if we are using this row over here or if we are pointing at this row so email verified would point this value over here which is this one okay so this parameter points to uh the certain value in a row okay so what happens when you run create grid object so it goes through a loop for all the records in the database one by one so for all these records it goes one by one okay so it runs in a loop even though yes we don't see the loop okay so in a loop it goes row by row so now for certain method it points to the value okay if you use display function so anyway now over here would see if verified exist then we'll say yes otherwise we'll say no now interestingly this is more like flatter ternary operator which we have seen many times ternary operator and laravel we still have the same thing now so laravel is also getting updated as the time does it's a beautiful framework that i strongly suggest to learn laravel there are a lot of out there golang is also beautiful but not as easy as laravel you can also learn node.js i think that's also great anyway so now let's go ahead and save it so if it's null then no if it's verified which means there is a value then we'll say yes okay and now let's go ahead and run it over here refresh it so here it says no no no okay now here's a bit of problem uh because we have two nodes right okay now that's because uh let's see let us come over here because of this one okay so comment this out we don't need this one now now let's go ahead and check it verify that no but of course verified add is it refers to a time so here we can set a name for it verified very fine okay so instead of showing this filled as a name now we are showing a custom name okay because over here we are setting default value to null null means it doesn't exist okay so in that case we say no all right so now over here let's refresh it uh i think i didn't save it i need to save it now let's refresh it yes so here they are not verified email okay so in future we'll see we'll verify the email anyway so that's how the back end work but once again all these solutions actually you can come here for this laravel admin package okay they are all there basic usage column examples they have tons of examples that you would understand that how it works and they are all english but of course they have a chinese version and so i strongly suggest to use this one i do use for a lot of my uh projects anyway so now let's get over here now if you see in our admin panel we are missing name that's because in our database record the field is fname and over here this is just name okay so that's why it's pointing or it can't find so we'll just simply change to fname okay and it would be able to get it okay all right so now let's refresh it and here we go okay all right so this was my name all the time that i worked with anyway so now this is getting better and better next we'll come to flutter section over here and actually i want to make a bit of change because the other day i showed it to my friend and my friend has a bit of suggestion my friend was saying that instead of 30 actually i can do 50 and it would look much better and actually i think it would so let's go ahead and change them all right uh so all of this turns to 15. now you let's save it and i think it's better and as well as over here instead of that seven will have one three and one one okay now let's save it i think it is better okay it's uh good looking if you come over here it's the same okay because we are using the same app text field both for our sign up page and sign in page so i think this is much better so if you're following along i think you can change it to this one okay now the other thing actually we wanted to change early like this uh password field over here okay now it should be obscured but which is not okay now over here we are using a same custom widget for showing this this or all the other text field right so there is no way to directly set it uh because if you want to set it you have to set inside this one so text field has a property which is called obscure text now if you put it to true what will happen whatever you put that would be obscured okay like you see they're all obscured so that's the problem so now we need to handle this thing a bit smartly so we need to set up a boolean over here okay so that's what we'll do the final uh over here we do uh bull is obscure is scared okay all right now it will have a default value so over here we'll set a default value is this dot is obscure obscure and here is obscure so here we'll say false all right so this is the default value let's see what's going on over here okay now it should solve the problem because we defined as const but this is not const so final is more like const so now over here we have this value okay now we'll check about it so is obscure is obscure if it's true if it's true then we'll set it to true otherwise we'll set it to false okay now if it is false that means we'll show the information okay now let's go ahead and check it now here you see um yes so now they are not obscured okay so how does it help us yes it does so what do we need to do once again uh here this is the ternary operator exactly the one we used inside our larval okay so if you're familiar with laravel flutter should be easy if you're familiar with flutter laravel should be easy as well okay so they work pretty much a lot of time the idea is same actually but anyway so now let's get back here so over here um when we uh call this text widget from that place actually we need to send this parameter okay so now let's go ahead and find uh i think over here we are doing password okay right so over here we'll just simply send a is ob secure okay so over here we'll say obscure true all right let's see is obscure okay right now it would work now only for password it is true that means it will set it to let's see a a now here a a yes it's obscure but this is not obscure okay so hopefully it makes sense now if we come to our the other page which is uh let's take a look uh pages over here page and sign in page so over here we also have password to do control f password i will try to find it yes right over here all set is obscure so here for this one we also set it to true now let's come over here we said email and password so they're obscured all right now it's looking better right thing with this design okay now well just now earlier we did a lot of registration but it's time to log in okay now for login actually we'd use pretty much the same approach the one we used for uh this uh signing sign up page okay or for that one first what we need to do we need to come over here and we'll just copy this one uh and uh just change the end point okay so registration so here it's a login uri okay now over here would say login and of course in the back end we have a related uh endpoint which we'll see later now let's come over here and this is our sign-in page so over here just like exactly what we did for sign up page we'll do over here now of course we don't need this to so what we'll do we'll come to this uh let's find our sign up page sign up pages here and over here we have this method so which is we call the registration now we'll copy this one and put it right there right at the top instead of registration we'll call it login okay now over here we don't need this to name controller and i think we need to import the library first as well uh so for phone and email we'll skip name and email we'll name and phone we'll skip them okay and everything else stays the same okay it saves us a lot of time and over here this is the thing okay so of course we are not sending a signup body because we just did it for sign up page but not really for a sign-in page okay uh well for sign-in page we'll do it a bit differently but definitely we don't need any of this okay so we can get rid of this one and over here instead of calling at controller.registration we would call login okay and over here we'll pass our string which is a string email and string password okay oh sorry we don't need to initialize it here as an object we can just directly grab email and password so these two are coming from here now of course in authrapo in auth controller we don't have any of this so first thing first i'll find authraph over here and i'll create a method that's called registration okay so here we'll call registration uh sorry login i'm sorry now here we do this uh so here we'll need to grab this string email and stream password okay so this is what we'll send from auth controller okay now of course here we have a signup body that converted things to json now if you take a look at json uh well you cannot access that because it doesn't have but json is more like this because we have worked with jason pretty much many times by this time now which is string most of the time string is key so in our case we are using email and then it will have a value and the value is coming from this one okay and actually that makes it assign a body because over here the post data if you take a look post data all at once uh over here a body and body which has a dynamic type okay now it could be map or anything so anyway so over here uh let's come to auth wrap over here now here all we need to do tag the password field okay now we could do here password the one who is sending okay now of course if you want you can also create a sign in body just like this one and do exactly like that but it has only two fields so we can skip this one anyway so now with this we are done with this author report and the post method doesn't change we are going to exactly send the same we're going to exactly call it the same post method and over here we need to use it to login uri okay all right uh so that's great now over here save user token and we want to create another field another method actually and it would be future type which actually i think i missed it last time feature void which i didn't do let's see so we needed bull because it returns bull at the end okay future bull function string string which is the type of set string anyway so now here we do future void okay now we'll create a method we'll call it save user number and password okay this is what you want to save in your mobile mobile device or in your application string password okay now this is what we want to save over here now let's do try class okay because we do we might be doing a lot so here if it goes wrong we would catch things and here we'll have e as an error simply we can say throw e okay through error now here we'll save it to our local storage okay now for this one we'll simply copy this one first over here okay and we'll copy it twice but we need to create fields so here we'd say phone and here we say password now phone would use the number to save and the password would use the password to save now we are using a weight okay all right but definitely we need to come over here and create this two keys uh just like we did for token so i'll copy it a few times two times and over here we do phone and here we do password and for now they are empty nothing okay so whatever we get with this that one will save so as we do registration and if we can successfully do register uh sorry as we do login and if we can successfully do login then i will go ahead and save our user information okay now we'll come to auth controller over here and in auth controller we'll pretty much have the same method let's see we'll come over here and we'll put it there and in this case we don't need any of this let's see how's the body what is here uh okay it should be inside the class am i doing something wrong let me see okay uh first we should have this one this refers to this class end of this end of this class and then i should put it here okay now this is the method and over here i don't need any of this and over here is the same we don't need any of this okay we'll just say void and we just remove this one now from here we'll call it so here we'll call authrapo dots user number and password and that's what we send okay now with this uh from our device from ui we'll be able to call this directly when we need that okay uh anyway now in our auth controller we also need a method which we'll call the uh login okay all right so login method and over here we'll have a string email and a string password okay and over here the method is login and over here we'll just simply pass email and password and this is already we worked so the login method is over here if you see carefully okay this one this is the login method which takes email and password and then we convert it to json so this is auto converting to json manually okay anyway so over here we'll pass it we call it and that's all we do so over here nothing else change only these two things changes okay all right uh because once we log in we also need to save the user information okay we save the user information first time i mean user token actually that's what i'm talking uh when the user sign up for the first time we save it and after that user may quit okay or log out so we'll remove information and once the user login so we'll also save the token but now how does it work actually so when you make a login request learnable framework in the backend will try to find the token for this email and a password if it finds it'll send you 200 okay that means the token is correct because email is unique for each user right so that's how laravel would know that okay for this certain email and password there is there is a token i mean if your registration was successful then it would send us the token back and then we can save the token just uh that's what we are doing over here all right okay so with this over here login section is pretty much done now we need to come over here and the arrow should be gone okay all right so just like uh for our signup page over here we need to do the same thing over here we need to wrap it around get builder so that's what we'll do get builder over here we'll have auth controller auth controller okay over here we'll have builder and i create our controller object and we'll just simply return okay now over here uh just like the old time we need to okay let's go ahead and take care of this error first let's go to it directly over here we have auth control oh it's one it wants you to do return okay let's see an error is gone okay but here we do have a method which is called sign into or sign in okay so yes so over here we need to wrap this one around gesture detectors so that we can call login method okay so that's what we'll do so just go ahead and write gesture detector and over here we do untap okay now over here we'll call login as we do we'll pass the controller object okay all right great and uh or let's see do we have any other error or issues so over here we need to have this return statement okay with this we are great and so for doing good uh everything else looks great okay now the only thing if it logs in if you're if your login is successful you can uh go somewhere okay so either go to the front end or go somewhere so over here if login is successful what we'll do to get the to named okay now over here route to helper okay and i think we need to import the library over here let's do that and then get initial route which is our home page okay all right if your login is successful then you can do that all right now let's see come to our back end over here now for back and looks like uh we do have some of this email and things like that but what i'll do okay i'll go ahead and remove them ah and let me remove this we don't need this and you can ignore that as well okay now we'll come to our app over here and first thing we do let's refresh it okay and we'll sign up with new information okay and okay now this one we should do the same for sign up page okay all right so if we are successful uh okay let's go ahead and do it first over here let's see how it goes okay password is one two three four five six name is a hmed and phone number one two three four five six okay let's go ahead and do sign up well it says forbidden okay now we don't know why most probably the user information still exists now i'll verify it over here that whether it exists or not okay we need to verify it that why it still exists even after deleting it okay but definitely this is not a problem with your post request this is a backend problem okay so let's open up uh our postman um let's wait for it and over here okay i think this is what we had early and over here we do for this one headers content type and body okay well now we'll just do what we did there phone number is also one two three four five six let's make sure that yeah same now let's go ahead and make the post request i think we don't need this okay yeah now we see that okay so it exists now the reason is because over here if you come over here um i think uh this is the table okay it's if not this one let's see okay it still stores the user id as you can see over here okay so if you refresh your database you have to refresh for all of them okay so now over here uh let's try our app first instead of uh this postman okay now we'll click on this yes looks like it worked okay but it didn't take us to anywhere right but now using the same credential we should be able to log in okay all right so we'll come over here now we know that after logging in we have saved user information because from this auth controller we know that we have saved this user token and things like that so that means that if i go ahead and sign up now i should be able to retrieve this token okay or even before signing up i should be able to retrieve this token uh let's find a suitable place uh to retrieve this token now over here once i call this one actually over here i'll try to get this token okay now uh for this one actually we need to create a method uh where we can get user token okay so in authrap over here we'll create a method so let's go ahead and create a method and uh method uh the return type should be string and we'll get user token okay get user token and over here would return from shared preferences sharedpreferences.getstring now the key is if cons app consts let's see not phone it should be token though all right now if if it doesn't exist okay then we'll return none okay all right now let's see if we can use a weight and a sync yes now over here we have this get user so now what we'll do because we just want to confirm that we are retrieving the token okay so when you hit the login method over here now first i want to see in my device i have or not but this is just for um just purely for debugging test okay uh let's see get user token that's all okay now over here i can do print a method uh string first say getting token okay all right so this is token for our device and this should be from our uh back end okay so now here we could also say print back end token all right and then all over here we'll just simply do print dot to string okay and if we get it actually we need to print it so we need to wrap it around the print method okay and make sure that will convert it to string okay now let's go ahead and reset restart it so we know that if we restart the token or local storage is still there right now over here i'll do a all right and the password was one two three four five six and at the same time if our login is successful we have seen over here that we go to our home page okay and tap on this but you'll see if i click on this um yes it did print our token or this one as an object and the backend information and the token from back end okay this is the token from our user device and our responding corresponding information but now after clicking on it it didn't move because if you come over here main page here home page is our sign-in page so over here you are already in sign-in page okay sorry the home page so that's why it doesn't have any change uh well okay we need to change it before that i think i'm missing another part uh let's come down to this section over here now over here actually we should do this uh custom loader just like we did for our signup page so here we do auth controller uh dot is loading okay if it's false then we show this page otherwise we go ahead and show our custom loader the one we created custom loader okay all right let's go ahead and import it okay now let's save it and click it one more time over here and we'll see that our custom motor works as well yes you see that there was this loader now okay no problem uh but definitely the sign is working but this is not how you want to see it okay now what do we want to do uh we need to move it from our home page because this is already in home page so uh i'll what i'll do i'll skip this one over here and i'll just keep this too okay and previously i had this uh word here const if you had it i think you should remove it otherwise you will get error because these are dynamic this is not scon us const const work like this okay so this could be const but this these are variables okay so you can't use const otherwise you'll get error okay uh let me remove that even though it's saying you should use const but it's not always smart um anyway so now let's go ahead and check it okay well now this is our normal pages that are working but definitely this is not our sign up page okay now here we could do one thing instead of loading this uh signup page over here we can load this sign-in page and for that one we need to come our homepage our home page and here instead of sign up we import sign in let's import it okay all right now let's go ahead and restart it and you click on this it takes you sign in page now here is the thing uh if we now go to our sign-in page after logging in we don't want to go to this home page because uh this is already part of home page so it won't do anything so here we do cart page okay uh get cart page okay because the cart page is not part of this navigation navigation items and the tabs are all part of our home page so here i'll uh reload it and now yeah i'll do and we'll see that it works and it will take us to a new page but here's one thing we can also do some error like extra password information and we'll see what happens so unauthorized okay so it means that it's talking to the server it's not letting you to go anywhere okay so because you have this wrong password now unauthorized is coming from laravel not from flutter a lot of back-end remember we have used this uh alarmable passport for maintaining our token so here let's go ahead with the correct one yes now it means it works okay if the authentication fall fails it doesn't go anywhere otherwise it takes you to that the page where you want to go but once again this is not the ideal way of doing so i'll get rid of this one uh okay so after sign in yes we will usually go to initial page but now this is not how we start so this logic is so far okay okay and over here uh come to our main page so here we don't want to have any of this so we'll go back to our usual uh the black uh white container okay so child text oh history page history page okay all right now we'll save it you might need to reload your phone to work it okay so now how to load our sign-in page okay now here's the thing we do have here you see uh we'll have one card history page now here if you come over here you can increase things and add to the cart now if you go to cart page over here before you check out here is the thing you have to check whether the user has logged in or not okay so all we need to do we need to go to our cart page over here okay and in the cart page uh well so let's see once we tap on this button we say it's tapped and added to the history right this is the section where we do a check whether the user has logged in or not if the user hasn't logged in will ask the user to go to the uh sign-in page okay now here we need to do a check we'll see if user logged in okay if user logged in if user has logged in but of course we don't have a method like that we need to go ahead and create one now once again in general for simple authentication you'd use a token to do that well with the token we can do much more complex authentication but the one we're going to do it works pretty much for simple app like ours so uh you know we are using token just like we saw the example if the token is found we go to the pages or screen we want to go if the token is not found in the database then we just uh say unauthorized okay so token is our friend over here now over here we need to come to let's see sign up model we don't need that home page we don't need that main page we don't need that sign-in page will still keep there splash controller we don't need that author for yes we need now let's come to auth repo over here now over here we'll create a new method okay uh well i'll just go ahead and simply copy this one um and over here will return bool okay bull user logged in okay user logged logged in okay now here we don't want to return a string okay we want to return a token i mean token is also a string let's see what happens here so we also don't need this i guess or a value of okay so not this one so we also need to change because get string gets us a tr string so over here we need to use contains key now this one returns a bool okay now here we create a bull uh a method that returns a bull boolean type and with whether it's a true or false boolean means true or false right so now if it can find this token okay then uh we'll say yes uh the user has logged in okay contains key in the shared preferences now let's get over here to our shared preference contains key now here we do have a token that is uh a default one but now in this case we can't use this one because this is also could be found okay uh and if it is found it will return true but this is not the actual token so we'll just save it so no now we'll keep it empty empty if there is a token from the database we saved it otherwise it would still be empty okay now during login we remember that from uh auth controller over here we have uh saved it right so if we can save it would be there otherwise it would be null anyway so now let me take out this information we don't need them unnecessary okay this will keep clean all right great so now we created this mat method over here uh author apple so we need to go ahead to our auth controller and call the similar one uh so here we'll just simply go ahead and call this method and i'll just copy this one and come over here and then of course we don't call this one would called author apple dot user logged in okay now from cart page we'll call this one okay now to be able to call this one over here um i'll remo we'll remove that one now so okay i think we can keep that so here we'll create a conditional state statement here we do get dot find we're going to find out controller as controller and then i think we need to import the library and now over here we do uh user logged in okay now we need to do this in if statement if user has logged in we do this one okay all right else we go to somewhere else and where we go we go to our homepage right now sorry our yeah we go to our initial sign-in page now over here we can just simply go ahead and call the sign-in page to sign in page get the two sign-in page right but we don't want to do it like this because we have a route uh class and file over here so over here we'll create a new section a new string i'll copy it and now here would say sign in and here we'll have sign in okay all right and we'll create over here similar one so get sign in okay sign in page okay now we need to create a get page method over here i will do it right over here right after this okay and over here uh sign in page all right and let's see if we can do a bit of animation if it works or not transition uh transition transition dot fade okay all right so that's it now after this uh let's save it and uh okay we also need to change over here because this is the sign-in page so we want to call sign in okay now let's uh come to our uh signing page and over here that's everything is okay um cart page okay so this is the place where you want to change now in the user logged in so we'll add to cart history otherwise we'll go to our initial sign-in page okay so here we do get to named all right now over here you do route helper dot get initial okay all right so no not initial that should be signing page okay so if the user is logged in you didn't go there all right uh and uh let's come to our okay for now we don't need app constraint we don't need this one we don't need well we don't need this one as well let's go ahead and check our main.dart and let's make sure this is the correct settings make sure that you remove const and we go to splash screen and everything so what i'll do i'll save it okay now over here i'll stop the app and i'll restart everything because i have done some tests so it might have saved some pre-recorded data so what i'll do i'll go ahead and reinstall everything okay so when you stop the app hopefully it would reinstall everything okay to do a new build okay and we are here on the card page all right so let's load it and now over here um so user logged in that's fine okay so we are getting ready there yes fine now let's see okay we still have some information anyway so it's added and now uh let's see if we are where we are going okay so let's click on this wow so for me i was logged in because i did some tests so for you it should take you to the sign-in page now what i'll do one more time i'll go ahead and delete the app okay so every information will be gone from here and well this is the problem with local storage a lot of time debugging becomes annoying sometimes so you need to remove everything and sometimes you need to remove the app if it doesn't work like that way so let's reinstall it one more time hopefully this time yes because the app is removed so everything would be gone from here okay all right so let's wait for it okay we are done over here app is loading so far is good okay cool now let's come over here now let's add this thing now add to the cart let's come over here now this time i'm sure that i'm not logged in because it's reinstalled so it'll take me to the sign up page okay sign in page all right so that's working now from here you can also go to your signup page if you don't have an account but i already have an account so over here i'll use this one now here the password was one two three four five six now let's sign in yes okay now if you go ahead and place this order the order we had early okay it's still saved there it'll okay the card is empty because you already checked out right okay cool now of course you can do more orders so let's go ahead and add do remember this stage if it doesn't work install your app and remove everything okay uh and let's come over here let's do it okay now let's check out okay perfect now if you see our car history we have this thing so it's working the user has logged in okay now if user has logged in so here we do have an option actually let's go to our profile page over here account page actually so we want to change this things here we do have our name this is message and this is logout so this is our account page and over here this one should be messages let's save it yes it changed and over here we should have log out so here we do log out and here uh we can also change the icon log out okay all right this one okay so if we click on this button we should be able to log out right but for logging out first we need to our come to our auth rep over here and here we need to create a new method okay so now this method would clear everything from the storage the information okay and then we can go ahead and call this let's create a new method and okay we'll call it over here we'll call it boo clear shared ratio so we want to remove all the data and after it's done we'll return true okay now over here we'll use the shared preference object and here we do remove okay remove okay now here we do have constraints tab constants dot token so remove the token over here and we will repeat the step so here we do remove once again now this time type constraints uh say password or remove that one shared preference dot remove because once user logs out you shouldn't keep any of this information okay so here we do phone right okay but i think we need to work on this section because previously we thought we are going to use we need to login using phone but right now we are doing email so we need to change over here but the logic is almost the same all right so you remove and make sure from api client dot token decided to empty because that also stores now over here there's api client dot update header because in the header we also set a token so remove all this information and then return okay okay so now this is in uh author apple while the same one should be in auth controller so we'll just simply call bull clear data pair shared data now here we do return author apple dot clear shared data all right okay cool so now we'll come to our account page over here so we need to wrap it around we'll wrap this around gesture detector so i'll cut this one and do a gesture detector and here we do untap okay and it will take child so here i'll just put this one and it'll get cold okay now from here you need to call that method okay so what i'll do i'll come over here and to get the find and i'll find a controller okay so before that we need to import this libraries and also the gen x package let's do it important package yet so let's come over here yeah so over here we'd call clear shared data okay that's as simple as that one okay all right now after clearing it what it should do it should take you to home page okay or we can also take you to sign in page doesn't really matter so for now okay before we clear we need to do a check okay we do if we get dot find auth controller okay that user logged in okay if user logged in only in that case we do this otherwise we don't want to okay only in this case okay so otherwise we do nothing actually because user didn't log in okay so now here and then here we do get dot to uh i've named this one and here we do route helper get initial get initial and i also think that we need to clear our card because this is just shared data this user information like token and password and for that reason would come to our uh cart repo while we do have card controller and this is a card wrap over here and here we'll create a method clear card history okay all right now definitely first we'll call this one and then here we'll create a similar statement like this but here we do card history list okay all right save it and from a cartridge rifle you will call it quite clear okay and we'll call the method from here dot clear card history okay all right and after that we might need to run update to let the ui know that things had been updated okay all right so yeah so let's save it and after that we come to account page so before we go ahead and do it here we could do find cart controller okay clear first we'll call this clear method and then you can find cart controller clear card history okay well we can do more fancy thing you can just wait a little bit like a second you'll load animation and things like that then go to initial page but of course right now let's go ahead and save it okay let's click log out well now i think i'm already logged out okay because the token is null but here initial page is still the home page because if you see the route helper over here initial page is home page and home page has four tabs so you don't see any change at all but if you do want after uh let's come over here cart page here you can go to uh get sign in page okay yeah you can do that one if you logged in and logged out okay after logging out but of course uh this time we need to let's see uh let's do everything yes we do have some garbage from our previous test now anyway let's come over here and now it will check if we are logged in or not okay so we are not logged in so it asks us to do this one and we do password okay now we'll sign in yes and of course we'll see that our information is still there but it's okay now we can add more data okay and we'll come over here let's see if we have anything in our history we don't have history okay all right so first we'll come over here and we'll check out okay all right so let's go ahead and check out now we'll have history right and you can add stuff to it now you check out one more time you come over here and you see you have this okay now we'll go to our center over here profile center and now we'll log out and after logging out we'll see okay this would be gone and even if you add say right now these things you don't need to go to for signing for checking out but you see it's still there right but now if you go out this information would be gone and this information will be gonna go again after logging out okay so let's do it all right so now here well that's because if you come to our uh card history page which is this one and over here it gets data from card history and if you click on this one this is the method and here this is it this is what causing problem because this is a global variable if you see so it's still in the memory actually it's gone from our local storage but we see it from memory so what we could do we could come over here and um right after this one we do card history okay that's empty let's set it to empty array or empty list now let's save it okay now let's restart our app okay and it's gone but we need to simulate it one more time okay now let's first log out but if you log out now uh you won't see anything only thing you can do here printout okay so here click on this yes you logged out okay now you come over here oops sorry okay so now let's go ahead and do this thing and we can add more information let's come over here like this it works okay now let's go ahead and check out because we logged out so let's go ahead and log in we signed in okay now if we go to our cart and let's check out yes and then if you see car history it's there we can do one more check out yes so we have two images uh two orders okay great now i'll come over here this time i would expect every record would be gone because they should clear everything and it did after clearing it would also take me to sign in page okay all right so they confirm i added but i don't want to check out so a lot of information is in the local history and a lot of them are in the local memory i mean in the memory of this app so once i come over here i would see this history and local memory information would be gone log out okay perfect all right now here is one thing you can only sign into your account which you can a then one two three four five six okay log in now if you come here yes that's gone so it's working and if you see over here we had the temporary storage that's also gone okay perfect okay well with this we are doing pretty good next we'll see how to read this information from database okay well uh to read this information from database uh we need to see our database first and how it looks like so first we'll go ahead and check our user column our user table actually this is our user table and it has this field name phone number email status email verified password order count and things like that so we're gonna use uh some of them but not all of them for now okay all right so definitely we'll see our name and phone number and email address and uh i think for now we'll also do order account but this will have a default value and we'll also take care of the id as well so we'll put everything there well so now based on this we first going to create a model okay all right so i will come over here and over here like inside our model so here we would create a model and we'll call it user model dot dart okay so for now we don't need this so over here we'll create a class and we'll call it user model okay over here will some will have some fill in id string well here we'll call it name even though in the database it's fname so here we'll call it name and string email uh well string phone on the int order account okay order account like that okay now once we have this one we need to go ahead and create the constructor so that's what we'll do use our mod user model and here uh we'll use all of this let's go ahead and stay organized okay so here i'll copy all of this and now i'll put it there now here we do required the okay this dot okay now we'll copy all of this from here and i'll put this one by one so that it becomes quicker and i'm running out of time because we can only upload 12 hours each time okay all right so with this let's see what else we need over here oh yes it's happening because of this one you can't have this so remove that and over here as well otherwise i would want you to give it a default value now it's gone now here we'll create another uh factory model uh factory user factory user model and here we'll create from json method okay from json so once again there's a special type of constructor where you can do a lot of extra thing here you can't here you can initialize or not initialize that's all and here the type is dynamic now the object will call it json now this one would be using as we got data from database because from database we'll have json data i mean uh json will get response json response from our database right from our backend so that would be in this variable and the data type would receive this is the data type okay and this is the method method data type and the variable name is json okay and over here you need to do return factory okay now here we do user model okay yeah and that's all now here you need to return now why this is special type of constructor because you see here it's more like a function before we return you can do whatever you want okay but for now we don't need to all right so here we have user model now this is the json data we'll get so we need to convert it json data to object okay uh so here will be id and the json id so this this would be coming from database and here uh name json fname because from database we are gonna get fname uh once again let's see so this is what we'll get database okay but in flutter app inside we'll save it to name variable okay all right and over here the email is the same thing here we'll get uh email and here we'll get phone number so here we'll have phone and then order account json order account okay now let's check our order count order count is let's see let's check that so this is order count this is int and this order underscores count so here we need to do count so when you convert from json to object so for json the fields have to match the field in your database okay anyway so with this we are done working on this user model okay now this is done but this would be a get request from database okay so we need to create a controller and a repo so now we'll go ahead and do it okay because after we come to let's see over here uh once we come to this page once we land to this page over here we'll check if the user has logged in or not and if the user logged in we'll make a get request to the database now just like previous you have seen to make any kind of get request you need user rep you need a repo and a controller just like we did for our products uh like over here popular product that we made a repo and a controller right so do the same thing so first here we would create a repository and here we would call it user repo dart so we'll create a class and we'll call it user repo and here we'll have a variable that will pass from our dependency so that would be api client just like other repos here we do api client okay now here we'll have a constructor user repo required this dot api client okay now we need to import it all right okay now over here we'll have only one method that we'll call it uh get user info okay and then over here from api client we'll use uh api client we'll use get data okay because it's a get request so here we use get data and we'll pass the uri now the uri would be coming from our app constant class so let's go ahead and create a constant in our app constant class over here okay now let's see uh so over here user and auth endpoint so over here we'll create a static const string user info okay now here our endpoint would be api v1 customer info okay so we'll have an endpoint and we'll see how it works in the back end anyway so now over here and all it wants is app constants dot user info okay that's what it wants okay over here it will return data so we do return and because we are talking the back end we need to wait so we need this one then you need async okay now over here this would be a future response which also means waiting so here we do future response because now over here the data i want to return let's see response well i can just simply go ahead and import gatex package again package all right okay so with this we are done with the rapple because uh get x has get data we have seen in our api client and that return response type okay future response type so now it's great so now with this we are done with our uh repo and well let me see we'll go ahead and close the card controller card history card repo home page and uh also this one okay and author will keep it because we need it soon now we'll come over here and over here we'll create a file and you'll call it user controller dot okay now this one let's see for convenience what i'll do i'll go ahead and i think i'll copy from here okay and i'll come over here i'll paste it and i need to put one more uh bracket and over here first thing you want to do you need to import get x package okay well that's first thing and over here we don't want auth repo we'll call it user controller okay now here it would be user repo so here's the same thing user repo and over here we'll just go ahead and change it okay now here it would be user repo and let's go ahead and import the package okay so it saves us time because i'm really running out of time and everything else stays the same okay so let's uh import imported now here this wouldn't be a registration method it would be get user info and because the get request so we are not passing anything and let me replace everything else over here this one user repo and user repo has a method get user info all right so which would eventually call this one and it has the uri right i think i need to post here u r i okay get user info uri um it's same thing over here uh okay let's come over here yeah the error is gone great all right now over here let's use and replace author airport well actually we don't need this one we can simply remove this one and what else yeah so that stays the same pretty much let's see well here uh we are going to get response over here so that's the response object and that would have some information okay now that information would be uh json response information right so now over here of course this will this time it will not have any token it will have the information like this information say use a name for number email including event status things like that and order account okay so this this is the information will have so once we get it from the database we'll save it save where save this in user model uh this one okay so we'll make an object out of it from the json data we'll call this one and we'll return it as an object okay so we'll come over here and instead of this one over here we'll first send successful because it we successful i think i'm going to do inspiring error replace it successfully okay fine now because we remember last time this takes a string and a boolean so over here we are doing this one and apart from this over here we can save it in user model object well for this one we first need to create a variable which we'll call user model okay so here we'll come over here and here we do light user model uh user model okay now we need to go ahead and import it all right so whatever the data we got we'll save it to the user model and once we save it and we'll return it user model so that in our front end we can use it okay so here we do this one user model and we know this is a getter and it would return user model okay all right so now we'll save information in this variable so this is what we'll do over here okay now we'll do like this and here we do user model from json okay now from server we get json data once again now the json data in the response body okay response dot body okay all right so we convert it to um json from json we convert it to an object and then after that we save it to this variable and once we do that in front end we can get it like this okay so that's pretty simple as this and if it is wrong okay then we'll see that uh over here we have this error message or whatever response we get okay so response body will have this uh all the json response okay it is a little bit different than auth controller because in auth controller we just wanted to take a one field from the json response okay that's why it's a token just accessing one field but in the controller we get everything from it okay so that's why it makes sense all right now before we go ahead actually we can test that we can get user info uh from our database okay and we can test it with postman but even before that we need to go ahead and check our back end okay now if you come over here this is our back end and let's open up the explorer section now over here um back-end api now in this section well we have a lot of information but the most important one we want this time is this one prefix customer middle lawyer or api and among them first we'll focus on this one okay so this is the end point we want but do remember that this is guard using a middleware which is called auth api middle lawyer that means that once the user logs in laravel backend knows what user has logged in they know the user information you might have 100 different users okay they're logging in from different devices and laravel would know everyone okay so this is using this uh middle layer and the middleware name is auth api so we already guard that because we are going to do some sensitive operation for example we want to get user information update profile and firebase token and a lot of things okay now this is guard using this one it makes sure that each user is traded differently and uniquely and information doesn't match up this also goes with security now this tells you that okay you need to go ahead and find this endpoint and we did which is related to this one over here our constant so api view on customer info so that's what we have so if you see api v1 and prefix is this customer and the endpoint is info which eventually calls a controller which is called customer controller now customer controller by this time you should know that it should be still inside this api v1 let's go ahead and find it uh so we don't need this section now admin section central logic so api v1 and here we have this customer controller which is this one okay not customer auth controller all right so now over here you have a method which is called info now info come over here and we'll see this method info and info does make a request to the database for this user now which user it knows based on this object now this object somehow connects with uh laravel password which has to do with authentication and as well as this auth middle lawyer okay so it's more complex process which we don't need to know all you know once a user logs in when you make a subsequent request and if you make those requests through this middle layer laravel will make sure that it's just getting those in some information or related information to that user okay now actually we don't need any of this actually we can return just to get the user information and put it in this object and return it okay yes all right so that's what we will do and we'll save it but do remember that because i'm already logged in so once you log in to the back end when you make a request user token is also sent do remember that earlier we have seen that when you in author apple earth controller over here when you log in your token has been saved okay and now the token has been saved in your header as well okay so next time after saving this token when you make a request to the database the token is also sent along with other information regardless it's a get request or post request so the header is always sent okay so that's what we have to know now here's one thing so what i'll do i'll go ahead and simulate this thing first in our uh well what we'll do first we'll go ahead and log out so what you need to do you need to log in again but if we log in actually we want to get the token so here this is login method in our controller so here we do my token is now here we'll just uh print what do we get from here from this response object okay now we'll print it now over here we'll save it first and now here we do a dot a dot com and here one two three four five six now we'll sign in um oops i think i'm missing this m now let's go ahead and do it and it printed this token so now this is the token that is valid when user is logged in okay now we'll come to our postman over here and over here we'll do localhost and 8000 and then api v1 and then here we do customer and here info okay all right so now here first thing we need to do authorization over here we need to send the bearer token and over here we'll save it okay if you don't have it one just to put the one you copied from here and at the same time you need to send this header information it should be accepted type and here we do application json okay and uh let's see for body we don't need because it's a get request so if this successful what would happen uh would be able to see the information some of this information in our uh postman over here so let's make this request yes and it worked you see it gave us some information okay so that means that our endpoint is working and when the user logged in this api it does work okay that it works and it printed some information okay so that that's how it works now anyway so that means that we should be able to make this get request sorry get user information request from our uh page where we have this account page okay so from here we'll be able to make that request okay well first we need to go ahead in our api client over here and just now we saw that if we make a get request we sometimes need to send the headers as well as our some other information okay so now what we'll do over here over here we'll set some more information but first thing we'll see if we can send the header so here we do we'll send the headers as a string and a string uh the type string string and we'll call it headers okay all right but now this headers could be empty sometimes okay not all the get request will have okay so that's why we set it to empty now headers over here as you see the value the this the key is a string and the value is string as well and the same over here okay so now as you send the headers the token would be sent automatically okay now over here you want to update this one so over here you want to say headers and here we do headers if header is empty it's nothing we'll send from here well with this our get data can send headers if necessary okay all right next thing we need to do we need to come over here in our account page and inside this account page actually we need to do a bit more uh checking okay so we'll come to this account page over here and first over here we'll create a boolean variable and we'll call it the user logged in and here we'll do get dot find controller and then here user logged in okay user logged in and it will return boolean so you can check this one user if user has already logged in then we can go ahead and do get dot find and over here we do user controller user controller okay now here you do let's see we need to import it okay and here we do get user info okay that's all all right now we'll come over here and uh first thing we want to do okay anyway i'll cut this one and then i'll wrap it around get builder okay and here you do user controller user controller okay and builder and user controller okay now here we'll just simply return whatever it is okay all right and now over here well even inside this we can do more check okay now over here i'll cut this one one more time and here we'll check whether the user has logged in or not okay so i'll use this boolean variable over here user logged in if it is true so then i'll put this one otherwise i would do con container and here we would do a child and we do center then child then we do text and then here we'll say you must login okay you must log in all right for now we'll keep this one but future will change it very soon okay so user has logged in we'll fall back to this condition okay but we must wait because if you see user has a loading okay if it is a true that means it has started it is false that means the condition has returned okay now let's check it over here so i'll come over here and here we do one more conditional check okay now we do it inside this bracket okay because you already have one question mark so here you need to do user controller user controller uh dot is loading is loading well if it is true then show this one okay otherwise you would show custom custom loader oh eight year yes that's that's as simple as this one well so if you want to mod if you want to put more information uh i mean more conditional check inside one so you need to use this brackets okay hopefully it makes sense now of course here we can return like this because is it too much all right so hopefully it makes sense now we are almost ready uh next thing we need to do we need to go to our dependencies and uh let's see what do we what problem we have uh why it's being cranky did i delete anything just let me do a quick check uh user apple as they're all being cranky okay let me go there let's see if we have any problem over here or not nope we don't have any problem let me open it up one more time uh let's check it would it say uh to okay now this is about this get data so over here it says that ah right okay well now it's being cranky because of this reason because here i put them more parameters but with this it becomes compulsory so we can make them optional so here we'll put it like this and the arrow should be gone let me remove that and now if you come over here yeah all this error is gone okay so when you wrap things around this curly braces they become optional okay and what we'll do we'll come over here in our dependency controller uh let's see where it is helper class okay now here we need to register two things one is our uh user repo okay so just i'll put it right below it okay so actually what i could do i can just go ahead and copy this one and over here i'll put it as a user repo and user repo just taking uh this api client let's go ahead and import the library and i'll put it right below it as well okay now over here what we'll do uh instead of auth controller here we'll say user controller and here we do user repo okay now let's import it yes everything should be good now well after this we could go ahead and well after this we could go ahead and run our app and let's see everything should work correctly and we also worked on our let's see we don't need this uh user product controller we don't need this user controller of controller and constraints and things like that so just focus on this one yes so if the user is here at the same time actually uh we just simply print a message over here it's a user has logged in okay that's all okay all right so if user has logged in we'll fall back to this category okay yes pretty much like that yeah okay cool well after everything now we'll go ahead and save our information here and let's restart our app so it'll start from scratch and if we come over here we know that we are logged in now we'll come over here and it says the user has logged in so it means working uh well if it's working then what we'll do here we do have some information that we can change okay so i'll remove this one now we do have some hard-coded name hardcore information so here we'll change them change using this one okay so we'll use this one if the user has logged in and then here we do user model and then we can access name okay so i'll copy up to this and over here we'll do that this one dot phone okay and over here sn email and i think uh well address is still empty messages still empty yeah that's all go ahead and save it and we'll do that and looks like we do have our information over here and let's go ahead and restart our app one more time and let's see how it goes and okay we do have error now this is happening because of this one because we set it to load too early which you copied from auth controller and we also don't need this one over here we need this one at the bottom now over here you need this so once we have 200 and then you can say is as loading called true okay which means it has loaded successfully okay all right and of course even if you save it now it might react so let's go ahead and save it restart it all right so i'm restarting my app over here and after restarting i do have this thing okay now let's take a look at the log over here now if i am over here so it says you must log in so once again i need to repeat and yeah i'll add stuff quickly and i'll check out and it asked me to sign in which i'll do okay here one two three four five six sign in okay it takes me to sign in page now if you come over here and it does work now if you log out and sign in again so let's see one two three four five six sign in come over here and it works as well okay now what if we go and create a new account after logging out to create one over here password one two three four five six name d1 phone number two three four five six let's sign up yes well now after signing up it doesn't go anywhere though so for this reason we need to restart and we'll fix that soon don't worry so now here i am now here if you see we do have this problem and it says internal error and if you look out at the top over here it says that uh route is not defined now where is this message coming from i think this is uh coming from somewhere i put a log let's see in our user repo not api client this is the get data over here uh so this should be in let's see almost probably from here because i put a log for testing so test okay uh plus okay let's check it yeah over here as you can see now of course this is purely a debugging error message and it's html format but flutter can print that okay cool now here's telling you that you don't have this route is not defined blah blah blah now in general this happens if you have a problem with your uh headers or your post or get requests especially if your headers has some problem and but if you go ahead and check it like over here you'll not get any problem because here actually we are sending the headers and this key okay which is token but here actually we were not um because you see that over here our user wrapper uses api client okay now over here api client we do have now previously we have saved the token but not through this api client not in the constructor okay because for each of the repo when they get called and each time you visit a certain controller or certain page and if that page has related controller and repo then from that repo the api client gets call and for that api clients gets initialized so here's the problem this token if you see there is a token and this token updates the header okay and after updating header now we are also sending in our get request you see well if it is empty then it will take it from here which is also empty i mean it is empty then we'll send it from here if it is not empty then we'll send it from here because that's what the double quotation means it means that if it is empty do this if it is not empty do this one anyway so over here when you do get request which we did just now there was a get request and we are supposed to send headers but no headers send token right which is this one eventually which is this one right so here it says token now here this token is null okay as you see so that's why it gets internal error now it does work with when you do this uh registration first time it works because uh at that time first time registration we don't need to send any uh token that's because when you're registering server of course sorry so server of course it doesn't need any token because you're a new user so you don't have any token but for the subsequent request for the same user we need token but here we are sending a token which is empty okay so here we have to work on the token all right so now how to work with this one now here first we need to come over here in our api client we need to send share preferences and here we do get dot find now if we go over here which is this one over here we also need require this dot shared preferences but of course in that case we need to declare it first we do here light shared preferences shared preferences okay now we just simply put it there okay now why we are doing shared preferences because we know that in our shared preferences first time when you do a registration or first time when user logs in we save a token right now we can get that one get string okay here we get it app constants and here you do the token okay so this this is a valid token why because this is coming on get stream which is saved internally okay because just now we had this one app constants dot token so but it's not saved internally which could be saved in the memory but it gets lost when you uh walk through the app okay so that that's what was causing the problem now if you go ahead and rerun it uh well let's restart okay now let's come over here yes the problem solved and this is the user that we registered just now okay and this is the related information we got from our database okay now let's work on this if we if you log out um we want to go to the sign in page okay because right now we are not going to the sign-in page let me check this account page over here and i think we have this option command f log out oh yeah it does take us to the sign-in page let's go there yes it takes us to the sign-in page but now if you want to create a new account after this we should also go somewhere right okay so right now let's go to this sign up page which is this one over here so over here if we can successfully sign up actually we'll go to a new page here when i would say get dot off named over here route helper get initial which will take us to the home page okay all right now we load it now let's go ahead and declare register another user okay and this time everything should work as we expected and just random numbers let's sign up yes it takes us to the home page which is beautiful now if you come over here this user has no history over here if you click on this yes this is what we just adjusted okay and um registered so isn't it beautiful yes so let's go ahead and open it with our this one and one two three four five six all right so if we come over here we see that this is the information well this is what we see now and let me start it with my other phone this is my other simulator this is pro max now over here i'll go ahead and start this one as well and it may take a bit of time and let me find this one so here it is so i have two different simulator but over here i didn't log in did i no i didn't now here's one thing that we need to change as well so for this one we need to come to our um account page over here and let me collapse this one first right over here okay so right now it says that over here simply we could go ahead and show a container okay now container would be the child so let's go ahead and do it and this container over here and inside container will have width so here we will do double dot max finite and here we do height now for height itself uh we do dimensions so would uh call back this file and here we do height okay and we'll multiply that by uh five so we'll get 100 and then we'll give it a margin bit of margin over here okay so margin so here we do agencies only okay and your left the dimensions the uh with 20 right dimensions start with tiny okay all right and after that we'll have decoration and with the box decoration and image an image decoration decoration image then i would do image asset image and now here we do the image name is this one sign in to continue dot png so here we do assets image assign into contact png okay now that's what we'll have let's save it and see the result uh yes it's way too small all right so now here we could do a bit of different operation here we could do fit we do box with dot cover okay now in that case the image height i think we need to do a bit more all right all right okay all right so so that's what we get and we do have space everywhere now here we can also do border radius so do border radius.circular dimensions dot radius 20. okay all right now here we want to put this let's see this one okay uh inside a column okay so now i'll do control here i'll cut this one and here i'll do column and the children okay and the first one is this one so let's save it all right now for column itself uh here you could do this one so let's go ahead and set the property here main access alignment manager's alignment dot center so let's put it in the center okay and as a child we can put here right below it now for this one i'll just copy this one okay now here will not have any of these things just to remove this one okay everything else would stay the same now here we do have say just five and we'll have a child over here child would be big text here with the text sign in okay sign and now here we do color colors dot white okay now this will have a background color um now this will have a color now the color itself actually we need to set inside decoration otherwise we'll get error you do have colors dot main color let's remove this and let's see all right now this one we can center inside it okay now here we can also assign the uh size so here we want to do dimensions dot font size let's see we do have 20 okay all right okay so with this it looks great but now over here we need to wrap this one around gesture detector that's what we'll do so we get over here gesture detector now here we'll have on tap okay now we do get that named and here we do route helper dot sign-in page okay so that's what we want to do if the user is not logged in okay so if you click over here it will take you to the sign-in page okay so let's click on this yes it did all right now over here if you come this time uh let's do a at a dot com here we do one two three four five six let's sign in okay we do get sign in okay and everything is fine if you log out it takes you to the this page okay all right okay now over here we were running this one on this device because there are two different devices okay all right now let's save it okay now let's see log out sign in now here i'll do your password one two three four five six sign in yes we did okay all right so now it does work okay well now another thing you need to take care uh you should come to a client over here sorry api client um this one you need to set it to the correct one otherwise you will get error okay uh if if it is not found then we set it to no uh mt token okay otherwise you will get crush but this would be always found once the user registered okay but for a new device it would be empty so in that case for any kind of get request you wanna set it to null and after user logs in there would be this one okay all right hopefully it makes sense well with this we're pretty much done in this section and i think next section will be more exciting because in next section we'll take a look at firebase thing and payment and we'll also do google map and much more things to go so stay tuned