CS50 Week 9: Building Dynamic Web Applications

Jun 13, 2024

CS50 Lecture: Week 9 - Building Dynamic Web Applications 🌐


  • Week 9: Synthesis of web programming knowledge from previous weeks.
  • Languages covered: Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Focus on creating dynamic web applications rather than static websites.

Key Topics

HTTP Server Recap

  • Previous tool: Used for serving web pages in Codespaces on nonstandard ports (80, 443).
  • What it did: Served static content like HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Limitation: Limited to static content. No interactivity.

Dynamic Web Applications

  • Requirement: Need input and output to create interactive experiences (e.g., Google search, Gmail).
  • Modern tool: Flask framework for Python.

Flask Framework

Introduction to Flask

  • What is Flask: A microframework for building web applications in Python.
  • Usage: Simplifies implementation of web apps by using conventions and third-party code.
  • Advantages: Easy to use, lightweight compared to alternatives like Django.

Setting Up Flask

  • Basic commands:
    • flask run: Starts the web server.
    • render_template: Renders HTML templates.
  • File structure:
    • app.py: Main Python file.
    • templates/: Folder for HTML templates.
    • static/: Folder for static files like CSS, JavaScript, images.
    • requirements.txt: Specifies third-party libraries.

Building Your First Flask App: Hello World

  • Step-by-step:
    • Create and move files into the templates folder.
    • Define routes using @app.route.
    • Use Flask functions to handle user input via URL parameters.
    • Render templates dynamically with render_template.

Advanced Flask Features

User Input and Forms

  • Handling Forms: Use request.args for GET and request.form for POST requests to handle form data.
  • Input validation: Ensure fields are not empty and values are expected.

Example: Frosh IMs Registration

  • Purpose: Collect user input for sports registration.
  • Features:
    • Handling GET and POST methods.
    • Validating form inputs.
    • Storing inputs in a dictionary.

Template Inheritance

  • Why: Avoid code duplication in HTML templates.
  • How: Use extends and block tags to create a base layout.

Implementing User Sessions

Introduction to Cookies and Sessions

  • Cookies:
    • Used for maintaining state between the client and server.
    • Headers: Set-Cookie from server, Cookie from client.
  • Sessions: Managed by Flask for storing user state.

Creating Login Feature

  • Steps:
    • Use session variable to store user data.
    • Define routes for login and logout.
    • Implement user input handling with form submissions.

Creating a Simple Store

Bookstore Example

  • Features:
    • Display a catalog of books.
    • Add books to a shopping cart.
    • Use sessions to maintain the shopping cart state.

Implementation Details

  • Routes: Implement /, /cart, and more for managing the store.
  • Database: Using SQLite for storing book data.

Modern Web Functionality

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

  • Purpose: Make web apps more dynamic by fetching data without reloading the page.
  • Example: Autocomplete search for a TV show database.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

  • Usage: A standard format for transmitting data between server and client.
  • Benefit: More standardized and easier to parse.

Final Thoughts

  • Integration: Combining SQL, web development, and Flask to create robust applications.
  • Real-world applications: Concepts covered are foundational for building real-world web applications like Gmail, Amazon, etc.

Wrapping Up

  • Emphasis on modern web development and creating dynamic, interactive applications.
  • Looking forward to final projects using these concepts.

[End of Lecture] 🎉