Quiz for:
CS50 Week 9: Building Dynamic Web Applications

Question 1

What limitation does serving static content have?

Question 2

What purpose do sessions serve in Flask?

Question 3

Which header is sent from the server to set cookies?

Question 4

Which method is used for handling GET requests in Flask forms?

Question 5

Where should HTML templates be placed in a Flask project directory?

Question 6

In the bookstore example, which routes are likely implemented for managing the store?

Question 7

What does the `render_template` function in Flask do?

Question 8

Which Python framework is mentioned for building dynamic web applications?

Question 9

What format is commonly used for transmitting data between server and client in modern web applications?

Question 10

Which file specifies third-party libraries required in a Flask project?

Question 11

What functionality does AJAX provide in web applications?

Question 12

What tags are used in Flask for template inheritance?

Question 13

What nonstandard ports are typically used for serving web pages in Codespaces?

Question 14

Why is input validation important when handling forms in Flask?

Question 15

What is the main Python file typically named in a Flask project?