good afternoon everybody and welcome to the session custom code adaptation for si ps4 HANA this session is about how to handle the custom code while converging yours business with system or ERP system to the new as for Hana software of sa P and I am your speaker for today my name is olga de lenska and i am working in above platform product management okay let's take a short look at the agenda first I will start with the short motivation waters Esfahani is about is a new software of ass ap new product family what does it mean for your custom code was it what is the challenge with bringing your custom code from the traditional ERP world to s for Hana and then we will go to the custom code adaptation process in detail we take a look at it and how is it possible to bring your custom code or s vahana make it runnable which processes does safety offer for you how does every process step look like what the tools are out there for your convenience how to adapt the custom code and make it runnable in the new as for Hana world and in the end you will see summary and outlook the new features and tools okay I think it's nothing new for most almost everybody of you that as for Hana is in u.s. AP digital Co software and it's optimized for sepahan a database it comes alone with new architecture with new data models and it falls the principal one meaning implementing the same functionality only once and to avoid redundancies in in software it comes alone with the new fuel based user interface and offers also both on-premise and cloud deployment models what does it mean for you for a custom code as it's important to understand that Esfahani is a new products family so you cannot do upgrade from your business with system or ERP system to s for Hana but as ap offers the conversion paths from the ERP or business system to s4 Hana and also you can take your custom code to the new Esfahani road this is the most important message here what is the challenge for a custom code if you do the system conversion from your traditional business with software to the s vahana this is on the left hand side how the traditional ASAP business with system looks like you see the ASAP standard code which is of course in the system is there and you have developed since years custom code on top of it and it happened in more or less open source code manner meaning that you could always use everything that you found in the traditional business with system and use it for your custom code developments meaning for example if you found a function module which satisfies your business needs then you can use it in your custom code or for example your call classes methods interfaces you use the data dictionary as ap standard data types and so on and so on of course it was very flexible and convenient for you and for your custom code development since you have found a lot of all regime available as ap standard code there for your convenience but on the other side this led to the tight coupling of your custom code with s AP standard code it was never a problem since s ap always offered the standard compatibility within different s ap business with upgrades also respects and therefore your custom code which worked on the ARP 6 then worked on the next service pack of air P 6 and so on but the situation changes completely if you step into new as for Hana Road in the new s vahana software this is complete new product family and what we have done there we simplified a lot of code we simplified the application logic and we changed also the data models mean that we removed columns from the databases remove the fields we remove the whole databases and so on and so forth of course as a peach right to keep the guaranteed sa P compatibility as far as possible meaning that if you bring your custom quote from the business view to s vahana you could expect that the most part of it will still run as before but of course we tried to keep this external interfaces stable we try to provide the seediest compatibility views for the changes of the data models but nevertheless situation will look mostly like you see here on the screen these green objects on the ref right hand side this will be a custom code which will run as before and these red objects will be parts of your custom code which will not run as before minion either they bring syntax arrows already delivered empty database tables or they run not X expected and so on and this this is clear that such custom code parts as these red objects must be adapted I just show you a couple examples how it could like if you go to the Isfahan I have a couple of custom code reports which I would like which are taken over from the air P road and I would like to start them on their Esfahani 18:09 release and here i would like to call the mb 11 transaction and i execute my report and see the error message the transaction in b11 is obsolete and not available okay I will try another one and here I call the major patron section all three execute this one and I've got the runtime error okay let's take another example would like to list the completed sales orders and execute this report and what I see here I see the empty database table which is presented so these are my custom code reports which were perfect in the ERP Road but they don't rock is expected in the S vahana and therefore they must be adopted okay luckily we haven't not simplified a lot of things in Isfahan ax but we also written down each and every change in the S vahana in so called simplification database simplification database is nothing else as the table in the s vahana which contains so-called simplification items and each simplification item describes the change which we have made in the S vahana software alone which impact how your custom code is influenced by this change and also recommendations provided for you why are dedicated to say P nodes how your custom code can be adapted to this particular change and si P provides also tools which are based on the simplification data based on this simplification information there which allows to analyze your custom code and adapted to the new as for Hana world custom code adaptation what you see here is the si ps4 Hana system conversion process maybe you have seen this picture before if you visited any s4 hanukkah system conversion related sessions it consists of two phases preparation phase and realization phase and the tools which you see here are probably the same tools which you know also from the traditional air P upgrades like for example checking the system requirements before doing the upgrade maintains plan as here the tool of of choice and also software update manager will install the new si P Hana database and the is for Hana software and so on the tools are pretty the same but there are also some additional steps like for example its system requirements you will check if your system is Unicode capable because only Unicode systems can be converted to the s4 Hana and so on and also there is an additional step regarding is each X as I check so this is the so-called simplification items check steps which allow us to find out only the simplification items which are relevant for this particular system conversion from air pitot as for but you focus on the custom code and custom code adaptation process consists also of two phases preparation phase in the realization phase and during the preparation phase we recommend to do such kind of some kind of custom code scoping meaning you developed probably a lot of custom code since a long time in your landscape and if you do the system conversion probably you don't want to take the whole custom code to the Esfahani world because we have found out that actually most likely sixty percent of the custom code which you have developed in your landscapes is not executed in productive environment this means if you will take the 100 percent of your custom code and bring it over to the Esfahani you will need to adapt the whole custom code which will you will not even execute on s4 and therefore we recommend really to think about custom code scoping to find out which custom course is really used in your productive environment and then take over only these custom code to the s4 and the next step will be after you decided which custom code is suitable for the s4 hana road then we suggest to do the custom code analysis and compare your custom code using the ASAP tools using the simplification database within us for hana software to check for the Esfahani readiness and after the software update manager was runyan and installed in your city Hana data isn't in us for Hana software then you can go on to the functional adaptation and adapt your the parts of your custom code which are no trunnion as expected and in the end you can do some kind of custom code optimization meaning to do performance tuning and do some code push down and so on this is just briefly the overview about the custom code related adaptation process how it looks like these four steps are very important and I will go to every step in detail and we will talk about all of them the whole process is also well described in our rollout information or they say pee community therefore I recommend you if you deal with the custom code adaptation for us for Hana just visitors this is a big community and treat our blocks its provides good guidance for the customers for custom code in handling ok custom code scoping how to find out which custom code is suitable for the Esfahani which custom code is really productively used in order to fulfill this task we recommend to do the usage dragon of custom code meaning turning on either u / l in your solution manager system and track in production which custom code is really used or we recommend a successor of the you pal as Simone about the transaction is Simone is a Bob called monitory together with as you said G transaction which was the provides the usage stricken of the custom code directly in your ear P system so you can do it directly on air P without using solution manager and collect usage data with a bob called monitor and also use as you see G to aggregate the collected usage data also we offer the newest ap fiora app based on s4 hana 1809 which is capable to detect and used custom code based on the usage data and collected to their transport request which can be then used by the software update manager during the system conversion to delete unused quote prior to the s for Hana conversion okay so as I already said we recommend to monitor the usage of your custom quote with a bob home monitor a babka monitor is available with subpoenaed vivoli 750 but it's also available on all the releases with s TPI add-on you can install it on directly on productive system and turn it on the problem with a bob called monotone the advantage of Apopka monitor with regard to you pal is that Bob Cole monitor monitors not only execution of your custom code but also so-called : business processes which business transactions which URLs and so on initiated the execution of above code meaning such business processes can be tracked also and the problem with the babka monitor was that about commander collected the data only for seven days in the productive system and then the system would overflow with the data that that's why this data was deleted therefore we provided the neutral section suc G which aggregates the collected data of a Bob Cole monitor so you can turn on about Co monitor with its usage G without any problems and executed on the productive system and Asuza G is also available for all the NetWeaver grita or equals 7 all releases and you can install wire s note so you turn on a Bob Cole monitor along with su CG and monitor the execution of your quote in productive system and then after you're ready with dips with this you can analyze the usage data in the nool ASAP Fiore app custom code migration and define a custom quote migration scope based on the collected usage data and then you can remove the unused quote urine as for Hana conversion automatically with software update manager okay let's take briefly look how about call monitor looks like alone with su surgeon I have here inner peace system no therapy system and therefore have its toll here the above call monitor as STP I at owned and therefore I call a Bob Cole monitor like SDF s Simone and what you see here the above cool monitor is active and collects the usage data and here I can anytime initiates the data collection or stop it by pressing the activate button or I can click to display data and I can browse the data collected so far and take a look on the collected data here for example the results of a bob community are presented here here's here here this request entry points like initiated business processes which initiated the execution of a bob code here see which program name was caught which object was called how many times and so on and here you can navigate for example here you can show the cult request or for example here : requests for this one so drill down techniques are also here or for example you can see the show the time evaluation because this request was called seven time a 1:21 times and you see this time distributions along the Year certain timeframe along there these days okay this is the collected usage data and what I can also here see here can display the call graph for example if I'm interested in the entry point it has already said these entry points are : business protests which are not available in you pal and it's good bit resection or a mode function call which initiated the execution of a pop court or for example bad job update tasks and so on and I'm interested in the transaction and I see here all the requests which were executed by the transactions so from here for example Sousa ji was called or SSA sixteen was caught and here again I can navigate and drill down to the results okay this is just Shutt overview about about call monitor and if you go to the S usage a transaction you will see here that this transaction looks pretty simple it is also active the aggregation was scheduled and you can also activate the activated and you can anytime create the snapshot of the usage data collected by a Bob Cole monitor so far and here you have the possibility to manage snapshots here I can take a look how many snapshots have been created in this system so far ok and you can download the snapshots to file upload for file export and import via RFC and and so on so this is just the aggregation of the usage data you can't browse the aggregated usage data here but the task of this transaction is the aggravation okay so far to a Bob Cole monitor and su CG and how to do the custom code scope and we will see later on in the app okay after you have done the custom code scope in then you can go on with custom code analysis and compare your custom code using the new subfloor app which offer for you for custom code analysis and this if your app will use the information which is stored in the simplification database and use as the foundation the remote about the scope it infrastructure to check your custom code against the Esfahani simplification and find out the incompatibilities new custom code which must be corrected and technical structure for custom course analysis is already set is the above test cockpit above this cockpit is our traditional Quality Assurance tool and starting with ASAP netweaver 751 we started to offer so-called remote ATC remote ATC analysis meaning that you can set up one central ATC system in your landscape and connected YRC to your development systems and check for statical quality assurance your development systems using these central check systems using their central check system and the advantage is that you always execute the same check the same check variant code inspector check parent must be maintained only once on the central check system and is the same checks are used to check the whole landscape independent of the software releases on which are these development systems and these check logics is the cuted is executed centrally and also this remote ATC infrastructure is fully integrated into development meaning that if developer or their for example check system a is developing on the older release he can he or she can benefit from this central ATC infrastructure and used in use checks which are provided on the central check system all kinds of custom codes are supported for IDC checks including modification and enhancements and we use this remote ATC infrastructure to check also your custom code for s4 Hana readiness for this purpose you must download the simplification database from a CPM sub service marketplace on to Central Texas and then the HTC will use simplification database the information provided here there and ATC checks for s4 Hana and will check your custom code for as for Hana regions remotely in your development systems you can find more information about again in the ACP community and which as Mohan irradiance checks are provided we cover both simplification use cases and say P Hana use cases since some customers do the S vahana and subhanim aggression at one step and therefore the bus checks are provided simplification use cases like the functionality which is not available anymore in s for hana road or for example data model changes or data type changes all these things are covered by their with the esfahan related checks and additionally s AP hana chicks check for for example usage of database vendor specifics like for example usage in your custom quote of the native SQL of database vendor which will not rock on sa p hana database all for example chicken for such things like database operations on porn cluster tables were removed in Isfahan abroad or for example such things like select or open cursor statements without ordered by and there is a new check variant code inspector check variant as for Hana readiness remote and which includes both as for Hana and s AP Hana checks which is dedicated check variant to check your custom code for s for Hana readiness with each and every as for Hana release we provide also dedicated as for Hana check variants like for example for the Isfahan a convulsion to 1809 and there is eighteen or nineteen dictated check event or 1909 there is dedicated 1909 check mare and so you can use in between different Esfahani releases also then you check variance to to check your quote for the s for Hana readiness okay just to mention the whole analysis of Isfahan our findings can be also educated executed directly in above this cockpit if you know about this cockpit tool then there are also a few scheduled HEC Iran in your landscape then there are some things which will help you also to analyze your quote for Isfahan originates like for example statistics view which will deliver its results with different grouping possibility like for example grouping it by application component or simplified referenced objects and so on and we also provide dedicated simplification information from the simplification database in ATC result lists which allow you to understand what is the impact of your custom code what is what does this particular it is you find in relate to to which SS for Hana change and also double-click navigation from ATC result of the correspondent source code objects are provided and and so on and so forth it's just to mention that this analysis you can do with traditional ATC transaction in Sapa but we recommend to use the CPP or AB custom code migration which was delivered with Esfahani 1809 and superior custom code migration allows you to do both to do custom code scoping based on the usage data and afterwards to analyze your custom code for s4 Hana readiness technically this custom code migration app is based on a TV remote infrastructure so you have underneath the same remote ATC with the same checks but on top you have the convenient filtering capabilities you have graphical representation and you can focus your efforts on only scoped custom code meaning and the custom code which is really used and this app allows to to to do this scope in there okay so finalizing this you have different custom code analysis or Asians you can do a custom code analysis based on the central ATC check system sub as we recommend to take this about the 752 and this is like doing the central ATC check system with remote ATC and you can analyze as for hanifi engines you see you will get the simplification information in ATC result and so on but if you take the sub Europe custom code migration provided with Esfahani 1809 then you will get such benefits like you can scope you custom code meaning you can focus only on used custom code and beyond this the app will deliver you also information which parts of custom code can be adapted in automatically because also for custom code adaptation of your income pay bill ities in your custom code we provide also dedicated quick fixes beyond this you can also use this if your app custom code migration in sub cloud from within asipi cloud from a pop environment we delivered it with a CP cloud from above environment 18 19 or 8 in August and this means that these custom code for your app will run in the cloud in above environment and it will connect why are obscene cloud connector 2 and premise landscape and the advantage is you don't need to set up the central check system in your landscape and you can use this cloud solution or to to check your custom code and you have the whole benefits of their custom code migration app as on-premise ok now I have talked a lot and now it's time for the demo to show you this sappy up custom code migration so I'm here on my favorite lunch pit and I configured the custom code emigration app for use it's called custom code migration just click here and you can create different custom code migration projects for different as for Hana releases within the same app and I will create the new one just pressing this plus button and I will give it a name and here I can choose the target release will take us for Hana 1809 and here you can provide if you want to use the loan material number of s4 Hana if you choose this option then you will get more findings then if you use the classical material number of 18 characters and you have here the option to choose the material number or not here very important I provide here the RFC destination to the earpiece system where I collected my usage data and here press go and like I feel that here the ERP destination to the year RFC destination to the air P system we are above call monitor was running and along with su surgery so I added the usage data to this custom code migration project and what you see here the same snapshots which has showed you in the GUI in a Bob Cole monitor and su CG in ERP system are also here I can choose this one this snapshot and apply it to my custom code migration project so in this way I can add collected usage data with a Bob Cole monitor and aggregated with su CG to my custom code migration project and if you use you pal and collect your usage data in solution manager you can just define the RFC destination to your solution manager system and upload the collected UPL data also here in the app this is also supported so if you use you PL just feel free to upload your collected data here but of course the prerequisite is the solution manual 7 - ok press apply and to see this source of this data is about coal monitor and then I press here the Save button and I see here if I press refresh button something happens here the loading of usage data the app loads my usage data here and I can just press refresh from time to time and see what happens here ok now my project is ready for scoping the usage data was loaded and you see her from 19:00 objects' which I use in this example only 13 objects are scoped meaning only these certain objects are really used in my productive environment therefore this is recommendation of based on the above called monitor collected usage data how many objects should I take to my new s for Hana Road and present again refresh sometimes the analysis also finished so ATC was also running behind the app and also was analyzing my custom code for as for Hana readiness so and now I can do so called scoping I just go to this scope button and we see here the graphical representation of the scope information you see here for example this blue rectangle means that this data this custom code is in scope I request entry point meaning it was really executed by : business process and collected by a Bob Cole monitor there are also this green one this is in school by reference meaning that of course we can measure this static data by about with a Bob Cole monitor but this static data which is also referenced will be also taken over and edit to the scope and here I can go for example to scope and reports and take a look at my business processes which initiated this data collection the same usage information is also here or I can for example go to this call packages and decide and adjust my earth scope manually and here you see I have here 12 objects of each in which are scoped currently and here I can navigate and for example if I apply here some settings and sort my collected usage data by with last used and groupid with last used also with this settings then I will see here for example this this report was lastly used in 2017 and I can leave it behind I will not take it over to the s4 HANA I will delete it from my scope so in this way I can just manually adjust the scope and beyond these for example there are also some objects which are not in scope like for example new developments because if you do new developments on the system then it's not possible that you have usage data for these new developments and therefore you can add these new developments manually to the scope and here I will go and just adhere this program to the scope okay at this object to the scope and actually I expect to have here in this cope only this one but I see here that this class class was also added automatically because the program reference is the class and also this object was automatically taken over and added to the scope so after I'm finished with the scope definition I can go back and here press this button safe scope as transport request if I do this then the transport requests will be created and this transport request contains all the custom code objects which are added to the scope based on the usage data and also adjust it manually and you can this transport request will go also to this the data which are its we have here a little problem with the name safe scoped response request actually to the transporter of case will be edit the custom code which is not used so in the later release we will rename this button and actually the custom code which is not used will be added to the scope and to the transport request and this transport request you can add to the software update manager and the software update manager will delete unused code not scoped code from the system before doing the system upgrade OS for Hana so so far to the scoping after the scoping is done we can go to the analysis and here you have different graphical represent the ladies to see your custom code findings to see your custom ATC results in graphical way and you can view by check title or object name package and so on and actually if I press here analyse findings then I will get all the findings which custom code migration app detected all the incompatibilities of my custom code are listed now here and here I have different filters which allows me to focus on different types of findings for example I can group the findings by check title or simplification item category and so on interests they're interested in to focus on the findings which are in scope so they they find it's the custom code which will its scope which will go to the as for Hana and based on the usage information which is also used and also what is interesting as the quickfix availability availability because for almost 60 percent of findings we provide the quick fixes which allow you to quick to fix your custom quote in semi-automatic way to adapt it to s for Hana and now I will focus only on the findings which have no prefixes and you see I have only two which I need to adjust manually because all other findings will be later on fixed with quick fixes which are provided in above development tools so so far two custom quote migration app and after this damn I just encourage you to join our s AP usability testing and I've just heard from the colleagues they have empty slots for usability testing of this custom code migration app for Thursday and this allows you to test to play around with the custom code migration app and to provide directly feedback to our product teams to our development teams which develop the custom code migration app so I just encourage you to to book the free floss for Thursday if you have time and participate at the CP usability testing ok you can find it usability test Center in the whole 8 ok after you have done the custom code analysis and installed in u.s. for Hana software then you can adapt your custom code of course you need to adjust modification with SP ddin't espero and our recommendation is to set so much as ap code as you can back to standard but actual adaptation takes place in above development tools and eclipse and as I already mentioned we provide a dedicated quick fixes based on the quick fix eclipse technology which allow you to fix the findings in your custom in semi-automatic way above development tools in Eclipse integrate about this cockpit it's provided in the context menu run as a Baptist cockpit with and the results are shown in ATC problems you and also you will see in the results the simplification information from the simplification database you can navigate to the dedicated ASAP nodes and so on and regarding the custom code adaptation in above development tools in Eclipse we offer quick fixes to minimize your adaptation efforts for such and we started to offer the fixes with s for Hana agent online so you will find all the things all that we'd fix is already there in Esfahani agent o9 and corresponding edit about development those release three Punk point zero and we provide quick fixes for such known issues like for example missing order by clause or for example for material number adjustments and amount field lengths extensions or for data model changes for example the cone V buck table was eliminated BCG table was changed and so on and in order to speed up your work we also provide the must enable quick fixes or meaning that you can execute these quick fixes in your Bob development tools new tips for your whole custom code packages in one shot the gain there is information about it in this AP community and now I will show you the more how it looks like with custom quote adaptation with ABAB development tools in Eclipse so I have here the above development tools in Eclipse and the package with my custom code which I just brought over to the s vahana and if you remember this example from the beginning which I try to execute the in billion transaction and I the resection b11 was obsolete and I've tried all sold execute another one and I have got run time error we will try to analyze this report and just execute run as a Baptist cockpit with and here I will apply the s for Hana readiness check variant from ATC and it will check for 18 or nine release and I will get this result here see hold also error corresponding error marker and in above development tools editor here that this functionality is not available and I can also navigate here to the corresponding s AP node directly from the above development tools in Eclipse and here on support lunch prod I will see here the information about what happened with my MBA 11 transaction and we see here that the transaction were actually they committed and were replaced by the transaction me girl already since release 4.6 but actually in the air s vahana this in be transection of already committed so I need to use this single screen transaction me go okay just go there and replace it from me go and done with it we'll just analyze the second fire engine and also navigate to the corresponding s AP node and recess AP node it will tell me that actually the maintain of article her here while the transaction major P is not available anymore here can read it here and this maintains of article her he must be and through the section W my therapy which are richer in the functionality so I need to replace this one with W okay save activate and just recheck this ATC problem list okay it's empty now and if I now execute this report and start the in B 11 transaction you see the meego transaction starts the new one and execute it again and I will try to start W match your patron section and you see the article her here stats as well so in this way you can just apply the quick fixes to custom code now I would like to check the whole custom code package for s for Honda readiness so take some time and ATC is running and checking the custom code and here I have a long list with 241 arrows and a lot of different findings and here for example step into tools do this one I see here this select has no order by Clause and here I will apply the quick fix control one shortcut and it offers me the possibility to add the order by and to sort the table mara with with order by clause so this would be fine but if I do it with each and every finding of this long list it will take a lot of time to adopt the tool to apply the three fixes for every finding and therefore I'll just mark the whole finance list and use the context menu recommended quick fixes in this way I will make use of the mass enabled quick fixes and apply the quick fixes at one shot and here this visit says me that 239 of 288 selected findings can be adapted to a quick fixes and you see here these findings you can also group by object and see your custom objects in which custom objects which problems happen and if you go to the next screen here transport requests okay here you see for each and every custom code object the quick fix proposal meaning on the left side you see the editors how your custom code looks like and the proposed quick tips on the is in their factored source on the right hand side and here you see for example here select from the conf which doesn't store sales conditions anymore must be replaced with this API usage and select from the BCG table must be also replaced through there calling the function getting the Allegiant ledger and calling another function and so on here for example this one is missing order by statement and here you see a lot of quick fixes proposed for their SD module simplifications like for example for the elimination with elimination of the table V bug the status fields were just brought over moved over to other tables for sales documents for deliveries or for billion documents to different tables like we buck and I keep KP and VB are key and so on so such things and I can go through and take a look at each and every proposal of the quick fix and if I am satisfied with this proposal I can press finish button and all quick fixes will be applied at once for my ATC findings list and what you see here then ATC is Ryan again if you see in this status line and shaken my custom code after applying the quick fixes so after applying the quick fixes the code was corrected the cause was saved and also activated and ATC is running again in checking my custom code okay take some time and hopefully the results will appear now yes and we see here from this long findings list I have only 63 arrows left which I need to adopt manually for which there are no quick fixes available okay in this way you can use the quick fixes to adapt your custom code in semi-automatic way in above development tools in Eclipse and in the end after your radio with a functional deputation of your custom code we recommend to do custom code optimization please keep in mind that with s vahana we deliver not only the new simplified applications we deliver also the new technology stack meaning in about platform we also have also happened a lot of things and therefore we recommend to optimize your code for s AP Hana database like using different code put down techniques like cities use em DPS and so on to use to apply the performance union using the SQL monitor to tune your critical s quail's also recommend to use the new capabilities like embedded analytics meaning executing reporting directly embedded on your transactional data also recommend to decouple your custom codes from the s AP standard code in order to prepare for the future for the cloud use modern above language and also worshiped with Isfahan a 1909 release the first unmanaged scenario for about restful programming model which is the future for Sofia or a based application so please keep in mind we also deliver the new technologies tech and not only the new applications with s vahana also in above platform has happened a lot of things so ask well monitor allows you to tune the performance of critical as quails it's already available with netweaver 7.3 distribution of the performance or for you quails and answers to the questions what the most expensive and most stupidly executed test files and and so on and so forth okay what is the most important key takes away from this session as for Hannah is a new completely new product family and the custom code must be adapted to use to eat those changes which has taught in the simplification database we recommend to start us vahana journey today it returned on the usage analysis with a pop call monitor and aggregated the collected ibaka monitored data with us usage a transaction the remoted this infrastructure is essential and very important for all static checks on your Bob custom code including s vahana readiness and the news of Europe custom code migration guides you through the custom code adaptation process beginning with scoping based on the usage date and you can also adjust this code manually and suppose you to removing the unused custom code supports your at analysis of your custom code for s vahana and in the end it about development tools with Marty must enable quick fix is the way to adapt to your custom code for s vahana in the semi-automatic way and almost 60% of your findings can be adapted using the above development tools which must enabled quick fixes so we recommend to optimize your custom code using the new above platform use using the new above platform stack for s for Hana using code push down techniques using performance unit and start to use about press for programming model what is the future we plan to offer the effort in summation capabilities in the app witches which have often asked by the customer with customers how much F what does it mean for me to this find to adapt all these findings and we plan to over this effort estimation capabilities in the app also we plan to offer the analysis of source code complexity and integrate the modification data to detect the candidates which in the custom code which can be set back to the standard we also plan to integrate SQL M SQL monitor for performance analysis into the app and so far they self your app custom code migration supports as for Hana conversion projects but they also plan to support the Greenfeld projects as well using this app regarding the quick fixes for s for Hana we plan to offer additional quick fixes for further as for Hana findings and also quick fixes for non source code artifacts like for example for Datak objects and also for code modernization like for example new above the scale syntax or usage of the released api's and so on what can you do today in your business with landscape if you want to get your custom code prepared for as for Hana but you haven't started the journey yet you should again and again I repeated switch on the above call monitor and USS you see G on your productive system or alternatively if you have no possibility to turn it on then use u / L along with solution manager by the way you can also use solution manager 7/2 and use a Simone in your productive system solution manager is capable of gauging this is Simone data into solution manager database we recommend to create the new code Isfahan already meaning setting up the remote ATC with Esfahani readiness check and do really do this chicken yolk of your custom code for s for Hana readiness prior to as for Hana conversion already in your development systems and gain the practical skills in above development tools in Eclipse and new and learned in your so-called must-have s for Hana technologies what you could do you could start to adapt your code in your development system partly for example you can convert your system to Unicode oh and you can Sepahan related is HTC findings for example if you're you're already on the ASAP hana database then you can fix such issues like no order by clause in selects and you can apply optimize performance critical SQL which you found in SQL monitor as well and you can also estimate estimate custom quote adaptation efforts in your air P landscape like setting up remote ATC and running regular s4 hana checks and see how much of findings will you get for the S vahanam okay and I encourage you to visit our sa p community for Bob testing analyzes because all the things which I told you all the demos which I showed you today are also provided there as blogs indicated for each and every topic areas in which I talk to you to you today is also composed as blogs provided to know asap community and our ACP colleagues development colleagues from ATC team and Sakura custom code migrations are very responsive and can answer every equation and if you have any further questions you can also email me directly and ask ok so thank you very much for your attention thank you [Applause] [Music]