God is Calling Us: Sermon Notes

Jul 22, 2024

God is Calling Us: Sermon Notes

Opening Prayer

  • Invocate God of the Bible, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Daniel, Elijah, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason.
  • Express gratitude and seek guidance from God for the Men's Ministry and leaders in the Church of God in Christ.

Acknowledgements and Gratitude

  • Thank God for Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard, first and second presiding bishops, and other church leaders.
  • Special mention of Director Michael B. Golden, Jr. for his wisdom, charisma, and courage.
  • Acknowledge past leaders and their roles in personal and church history.

Personal Account and Relationship

  • Personal feelings about leadership, faith, and relationships within the church.
  • Acknowledge personal grief and the support received upon the passing of the speaker's mother.
  • Mention of the speaker's marriage and commitment to family.

Key Themes

God's Calling to Men

  • Call to men to return to holiness and godliness; importance of lifting holy hands and living righteously.
  • Critique of modern cultural influences on men, including the hip-hop culture and societal trends that feminize men.
  • Specific mentions: men wearing long hair, tattoos, modern dress codes in churches.

Importance of Preaching the Bible

  • Elevation of scripture as the central theme: preach and live by the Bible alone, without mixing other philosophies.
  • Emphasis on the need for churches to look and act like churches, not like secular entities.
  • Encouragement for preachers to teach Biblical worldviews to their congregations.

Men's Roles in Families and Society

  • Urgency for men to take leadership roles in their families and communities in accordance with Biblical principles.
  • Discussion of the importance of godly behavior particularly within marriage and family life.

Critique of Modern Trends in Worship

  • Criticism of modern trends that turn churches into secular spaces, removal of Christian symbols like the cross.
  • Call for preachers to set examples through their dress and demeanor.

Practical Aspects of Preaching and Church Leadership

  • Reinforcement that organized religion is of God and that church leaders should be men of integrity who can handle the responsibilities that come with their roles.

Call to Action

  • Men are called to reject cultural patterns that lead to unholy behavior and to embrace Biblical principles in all areas of life.
  • Encourage men to be examples of godly living in a secular world.


  • Acknowledge the overwhelming goodness and provision of God.
  • Call for complete submission to God's will and a return to Biblical principles to experience true peace and divine favor.
  • An urging to lead by example and to protect the glory of God in their lives and communities.

Final Offering

  • Encourage generous giving to support the Men's Ministry, emphasizing the importance of supporting church initiatives financially.

Closing Prayer

  • Pray for strength, guidance, and the ability to live lives that are examples of holiness, honoring God in every aspect.