Transcript for:
God is Calling Us: Sermon Notes

[Applause] [Music] dear God of the Bible God and father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ first and the last beginning and the ending he who was dead and yet is alive never to die again God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Daniel's God Elijah's God Moses god Bishop Charles Harrison Mason's God Hallelujah the god of the Church of God in Christ Our God my God true and living God we call on you and we thank you thank you we love you tonight we praise you for being so good and so kind and we thank you oh God for the word that you have sent thus far and father I stand before you as a vessel to totally dependent upon you and I ask that you would speak again I thank you for this tremendous Men's Ministry I thank you oh God for our presiding Bishop thank you for his support thank you for what he has done for this ministry God we praise you tonight for director Michael b golden Jr man that you have blessed with extraordinary wisdom Charisma and courage we thank you we thank you for our first and second presiding Bishops the presidium of our great church and all who are gathered here tonight now God give me to speak your word with Power Authority and Clarity in the name of Jesus and we give you all the praise and all of the glory in Jesus name amen before you take your seats just once more cuz you you've been doing it all night and you've been doing it good but would you once more give praises to the god of the Bible Hallelujah big praises to the god of the Bible what a mighty God we serve now you might be seated in the presence of the Lord our God is good and worthy to be praised and I thank him tonight for what he has done and for what he is doing I want to praise God tonight for our great leader the presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ Bishop J Drew Shear what a tremendous job he's doing leading us and I personally thank God for him I thank God for our relationship Bishop called me our leader called me the other day and gave me condolences U concerning the passing of my mother and it was an ontime call and I thank you sir so much to the first and second presiding Bishops we thank God for Bishop Jerry Wayne Macklin amen first assistant presiding bishop and to our second assistant presiding Bishop I call him cuz because if you study the woods wooden Wooten Clan if you study the name and you go back for enough I think that they all came from the same Plantation and the dialect changed uh in the pronunciation of it depending upon where the people uh were so you have woodens you have woen you have woods and I thank God for cuz tonight Bishop Lawrence wuen would you praise the Lord for him I love him and I praise God for that mighty man of God and how about our general b let's give them a great big round of applause in particular I want to acknowledge he has too much class to even mention it but when the bishop Daryl Hines was placed over uh the Ministry of the Church of God in Christ on the very Maiden uh men's day service under his leadership the honor was his to do he was so kind to allow Yours Truly to preach that message uh that day in Mason Temple and Bishop Hines I want to thank you sir for your kindness and opening that door uh I I appreciate him there are members on the general board who have played such a mighty role in my life uh Bishop uh Jerry mayard when he used to preach for my pastor the late great James Henry turner He's in heaven now and Bishop um maned at the time Dr Jerry maned and we were so excited to have him down in Rockingham North Carolina I was just a minister driving for him and he prophesied this day uh in my life I couldn't believe it I I said I said that sounds good and uh but God brought his words to pass and we thank you for that sir when God called the late great Bishop Leroy Leo benett Davenport home to be with Jesus and we were between jurisdictional prelates Bishop Anderson of Detroit came and he had a tall quiet preacher with him uh I remember that week because it seemed like that week the preachers uh I don't know maybe everybody was grieving the loss of the bishop but nobody really preached that week and those who did they preached like they didn't believe in preaching and uh Bishop Anderson C Anderson General board member announced that he was not going to preach that official day I was so disappointed he said the young man who has been with me all the time he's going to preach and uh I had I never heard his voice at that time that young man was Bishop Michael Hill and oh my Lord he preached and at the close of the service I ran up to him and I grabbed him and I hugged him much bigger and much stronger much younger than I am now and I I grabbed him and I just thanked him and with tears flowing uh for preaching it did something for me that has been with me ever since thank you Bishop Hill for how the Lord uh used you and um and I want to just thank the Lord for the leadership of our church and and we honor uh mother Lewis in her uh absence tonight and we just praise God for her uh but before I get to to uh the ladies I I I love I love Bishop uh shared uh leer thank you for the phone call that you gave me and assigned me to work with the Men's Ministry uh people I don't know why but I don't know maybe it's it's expected but people uh thought that uh a war would break out some did and thought that we would cannibalize each other but uh when he asked me to work with Bishop golden the first thing I knew of is I knew of the Goldens they're good people and I've had a relationship with Bishop golden uh long before he became a bishop he he he affectionally called me uncle and I'll never forget the first time we met we both laughed and he said you know the church is waiting to see which one of us are going to quit first and we laughed and we decided that uh we for those who are waiting on that we're not going to give them that we're going to take our Eagles and check them at the door and we're going to work to the glory of God and we're going to show the church that black folk can work together without hurting each other without stabbing each other without trying to kill each other amen I made a covenant with him and he made a covenant with with me I said of his to him of his lovely wife and his fine children and he has a tremendous family I said your wife will never point at me nor your sons and nor your children will ever point at me and say that's the man who stabbed my daddy in the back and he made the same commitment to me and Bishop shared I want you to know that I thank you for the honor and the opportunity to work with this tremendous man of God Bishop mik Michael b golden Jr will you give him a great big round of [Applause] applause what you see in US is is real I love him and I thank God for him uh I knew that we were going to have a wonderful flight uh when we made the connector in Atlanta my wife and I was already seated and then his wife and his family got on I said well we're going to be in good shape and the lord gave us a wonderful wonderful flight uh I want to honor our national first lady the one and only and she's just she's fantastic I thank God for uh first lady Shear what a wonderful wonderful woman first lady Karen Clark she is and um we she's a household name uh in our house and we we love her so much and to First Lady golden we praise the Lord for that woman of God who is standing by by her husband they're doing great work together I've been married 44 years I married my high school sweetheart my mother cried when I got married when we got married my wife did we married at 19 at the time I didn't realize how young 19 was but here's what I knew Bishop Littleton I knew I was in the Holiness Church and in Holiness you had to live right and uh you know I don't know how guys have figured out how to be 30 and 40 and 50 in Holiness and don't need a wife uh I couldn't figure that one out at at 19 I knew if I was going to make it [Applause] if I was going to make it I need to get married and you know what we did we got married twice she's going to get me for telling this I talked into it I said you know we're we we were um Rockingham was not too far from the South Carolina line and you could go down to South Carolina and uh get married on two days notice so we slip down that we looped and went on and got married and then came on back and did what married people [Music] do and I talked into it and then Bishop shared a few few months later we had an official wedding so uh we may have been married longer then what is celebrated but uh I think 44 years later that says we got it right amen she's a wonderful wife and uh mother of my only two children and God has been good to us and I praise the Lord for her I thank God for all of the uh men Ministry the executive team uh to just all of the Saints I thank God for North Carolina 3D ecclesiastical jurisdiction and the and the members of The Upper Room some of them are in the house where are you let us hear you let us see you make a little noise North Carolina 3D we thank you for coming amen and to the Saints who are streaming and watching we certainly do appreciate God for every one of you and yes I I want to thank you for the calls and the letters and the support that I have received the Lord called my mother home last Friday and I was blessed to be there when my mother went home to see Jesus I refer to my mother often as my first evangelist she was the first one to tell me about Jesus Christ she brought us to the Temple Church of God in Christ all that I am and what the Lord has blessed me to do in this church hinged on that day when God touched my mother and brought us to the Holiness Church we were United Methodist I'm glad you got me out of that and uh you know they you know they're in trouble they they' they've they've lost their minds you know they have they've decided that they they're going to ordain practicing homosexuals practicing you you've read it practicing self-avowed homosexuals and I read an article uh yes uh yesterday where they've also uh declared that they're not going to prohibit uh extramarital sex well if they keep going they're not a church I don't know what you call that uh but I thank God for the Church of God in Christ amen my mother got me into this great church and I'll say this then I'll preach the day she went home to be with the Lord I with my mother and I told my mother mama if you're ready to go see Jesus you're ready to go see your mother and to see the Saints who are up there I was just stroking her head and running my hands through her hair and kissing her and tears uh just flowing and I said mama if that's what you want to do you go ahead it's all right if she's got all four of her sons grown and uh uh and uh we we we're we're on our own and and uh it's not life anymore you know the Bible teaches remember you're Creator in the days of your youth before the evil days come that's not morally evil before the human body begins to break down and and it says and you say of life I have no pleasure in them and there's no pleasure in lying in a hospital bed there's no pleasure in that you know sometimes loved one says you know I want my mom I want my my daddy I want my loved one no matter what but you're being selfish at that point amen because you going to after you finish visiting them you're going to the store and going to go get something to eat or whatever but they're in that condition and my mother was a whipper snapper and she she she didn't make a good patient y'all because she was not an invalet she didn't do well with having to be served like that and uh after I talked to her and she realized when I was talking to her that she was hearing from her son the El the oldest her pastor and her bishop and she took me up on that offer and I tell you I'll say this the thing that amazed me so about God and I I just love the god of the Bible he's so he's extraordinary I can't figure out how God can be so powerful that at one wave of his hand the Earth will shake he can bat his eye and the volcano erupts God's able to just make a gesture and uh the Seas Roar and with that kind of power he's yet able to so compassionately and gently reach into a room and take his servant from Earth to glory in the twinkling of an eye and and uh uh I thank God for how the Lord took her home to be with him and uh I want you to keep us in prayer we have to go back my family needs me there we we we're we're going through the homegoing servic this Saturday my mother gave me the assignment I asked her one day I said mom who do you want to do your eulogy she looked at me and you have to understand her cuz you know she Lov her sons son I don't know anybody who's better than you and I'm crying and and then she said can you handle it I'm crying and said well Mom I guess I'll have to so I need your prayer that when that day come uh that I'm able uh to handle it amen and I'm trusting God thank you so much Malachi chapter number four and uh I I hope after I finish this little presentation that you'll still be praying for me you know I found out that the that the word you people say the word is welcome in heaven I'm finding that that's one of the few places that is welcome welcome now certainly doesn't seem to be welcome too much now in the hearts of men and uh even in the church you know people uh sometime call us controversial I don't know why anyone would call me controversial I think I'm the simplest preacher in time I only preach the Bible and I come down on the side of the scriptures period where God is silent I'm silent what God speaks I speak that's it that's all that a preacher is called to do uh I don't mix other philosophies and all these things with the gospel I think that we are to keep the gospel pure I think that the gospel is the solution to the ills of society amen uh we have a people problem in in the world today we uh people are being killed and murdered with guns and stuff and uh but we don't have a gun problem if we had if we collected all the guns in this state and just set these guns on this altar nobody would ever get shot it's an inanimate object we have a people problem Wicked people in with guns get rid of the guns the Wicked Man will find another way to kill you we have a peaceful problem Bible said in the last days perilous time would come for men shall be lovers of their themselves lovers of lovers of money and lovers of pleasure those The Big Three it mentions other things but that's the anchor these are the anchor lovers of self lovers of money and lovers of pleasure and uh and so the solution to these things I believe is the word of God Malachi chapter number um four and I want to read in your hearing verse 1 through six the way bishop goldan and I uh uh do we work together um in the Men's Ministry and uh and it's an extraordinary partnership uh and I'm standing here before you tonight because he said said to me he said I'm going try to do my best Bishop Goan amen and I enjoy trying to uh impersonate him because people always trying to impersonate me so I found someone whose voice is more tur than mine so golden is got a heavy voice he said now I think you should preach uh in the Men's Conference uh this year and I said mother golden I said me I said no man I I had in mind you no I think you you should do it and he won that argument and Uh I that is why I am uh standing here tonight um it says in verse four remember ye the law of Moses the law of Moses my servant which I commanded unto you in orb for all Israel with the statutes and judgments behold I send unto you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and Dreadful day of the Lord and he shall turn the hearts of the father fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers lest I come and smite the Earth with a curse for your consideration um verse four the first Clause says remember ye the law of Moses my servant the first Clause of verse six The Book of Malachi closes with two appendixes the second appendix says and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to their heart of the of the children to their fathers and the Heart of the fathers to their children I want to preach tonight from this subject men God is calling men this is Men's Conference is it God is calling or men let's turn back to god father preach me tonight in Jesus name amen man God is called thank God for the Men's Ministry of the Church of God in Christ thank God for a leader who has allowed this ministry to continue I don't know how you can have a Ser can be serious about Ministry on a national level or on a local level or jurisdictional level and u do not have a Ministry or something that is catered to men one thing we can't do is we can't ignore our men when men are ignored you find them crawling in your window at night while you're trying to sleep they they'll take your car all kinds of things happen when men are ignored men need to to be preached to and taught the word of God and as never before we need to talk to our men about the value and the necessity of Holiness First Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 8 speaks of men lifting holy hands amen says uh Paul said to Timothy I will therefore that men everywhere everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and without doubting the the uh we talked about the ish Bishop Mike uh Hennings did a tremendous job uh dealing with the ish man uh in the man talk today the um that's the Hebrew word for man one of the Greek words for men is anir and anir is not not mankind that's anthropos anir means male male but Paul was saying speaking of the necessity not simply of males praying but males having holy hands your hands represent your actions we we we need men but we need holy men holy we need to talk to men about the necessity of being holy of being Godly of being righteous and and Brethren I pray that that we uh we we talk to our men about the things that are affecting our men one of the worst things that ever happened to uh the black man in my opinion uh of late has been um the culture uh of Hip Hop and Hip Hop itself see because I remember when black men pulled their pants up I remember when black men didn't walk like monkeys see see this has nothing to do with systemize this and systemize that this is what we do to ourselves you see uh the black woman is the only woman in America that has a genre of music dedicated to calling her a female dog calling her a skeer calling her a chicken head and she danced to that music see you see you see you see what has happened see that you you your pride you got to be stripped of all self- appreciation and pride when you can Groove to insults and there has to be something wrong with a man who could pin and the type of things that are being put out there and sold uh as uh music and entertainment and I guess we've decided in the church that there's just not enough scriptures I'm going to preach to you I'm going to get out the way but there's not just there's not enough scripture the Bible didn't mention it enough because I found out there are certain things that the Bible needs to mention more often uh that maybe maybe had it said it more we would we would we would obey but you know Jesus only said I'm the way the truth and the life one time he said I'm the resurrection and the life one time but he told us at least four times not to put any markings on our bodies at least three or four times there's a Prohibition to being tatted up and we're seeing these things I'm not I'm not talking about people who uh got these things before they got saved I'm I'm talking about since you've been born again and and and and there is there is a Eerie silence and one of the problem with the silence is if the preachers were talking about it from the pulpit perhaps they would know that you're not supposed to do it I guess we have just let me just go on I'm going to make sure y'all don't have any sympathy for me tonight see I you know I I didn't come this far for you to feel sorry for me my mama is in heaven so so uh uh but I guess we've just thrown in the towel and we have decided that we're not going to even visit what Paul said in First Corinthians uh chapter number 11 about men having long hair I guess I guess we have decided you know we just decid we ain't going to preach about it we're not going to say anything about it praise the Lord praise the Lord amen it's it has gotten so bad now that men get get braids how how in the world men get braids braided in and you know good and well it was never the will of God for a man to be walking around doing this he getting the hair that's a that's a girl thing that's a ladies thing and now it has become it's it's a thing now uh in the church and the scripture says if any man seem to be contentious we have no such law neither the Churches of God now let me let me let me help help you with that if any man seem to be quarrelsome If any man seem to argue the point Paul says we have no such law that is we will not tolerate that argument look it up I have that means we won't tolerate you talking back to us telling you to cut your hair because in the Bible there is a dis that the the differences between the Sexes is supposed to be vast and since none of us are under the vow of the Nazarite see well I want to be like Samson then are you going to fast like Samson and do all the rest of it see your power is not in your hair your power is in the Holy Ghost and our power is in the name of Jesus and in being obedient if we don't talk about these things sometimes people do what they do not that they mean harm nobody told him any different you you look at our guys you you you look at the NBA and the WNBA you got to look hard to see which is which the guy the GU running down the running down the uh court with a [Applause] bob that's a girl half style nah no more simp everything I'm looking at your faces now I'm beginning to see where I'm a custom is in that negro gets on my neres I know why because I'm [Applause] right I'm with the Bible the Bible is Right Satan wants to feminize the black man have you paid paid attention to the commercials have you paid attention to how they portray us the the the race that gave us one time the Mandingo warrior the race that gave us the strong man the race that gave us men with backbone is now becoming the race where they can get our comedians for money to wear dresses and act like girls oh my and we've become a a matriarchal people matriarchal people and a matriarchal people can never compete with a patriarchal one that white man is going to keep his strength and he's going to teach his boys to be strong and while he's teaching his to be strong we're teaching ours to cry we're teaching ours to be weak thank God for the Men's Ministry men God's calling us Bishop briyan said it earlier when David was dying he told his son act like a man do you not know that the enemy of Israel was told to quit ye like men be strong the Palestinians said that then Paul picked it up talking to the Saints at uh in the New Testament at Corinth he said says quit ye like men be strong there is a look there is a style there is a way praise the Lord there's a spirit that accompanies being a man it's not associated with muscles it's not associated with height it's not associated with how much you can lift whether you're a black belt or a brown belt we that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about an ideology I'm talking about your Spirit I'm talking about being appreciative for what God made you and wanting to be the best man that you can be there was a time when women would clap when a preacher was encouraging men to be [Applause] strong Say Amen amen amen say Amen Again The Book of Malachi um in his context The Glory Days had faded yes sir the prophet hega and Zachariah they were long dead and buried by the time Malachi wrote his book Malachi means my messenger the Temple of uh zerubabel By the time Malachi wrote had lost its luster the honeymoon period was over the glory that was associated with the temple being rebuilt had waned and uh many of the people were disappointed and a bad Spirit got in the house the people began to think that God loved them out of obligation that is is they felt entitled one of the worst things that can happen to a preacher a Christian a man or a woman one of the worst things is a spirit of entitlement entitlement makes you arrogant entitlement makes you smug entitlement makes you conceited when the truth is all all of us in here we're all just people if we don't eat we'll starve if we don't bathe we'll smell if we don't sleep we'll wear out and we're all going to die and they got arrogant because they felt that oh God's got to love us why does he have to love us he's got to love us because we're descendants of Jacob and we're descendants of Isaac and we're descendants of Abraham he's got to love us same mistake they made uh centuries earlier when he W when Jeremiah warned him said now you all think nothing can go wrong because we have the temple the Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lord is these are these as long as we have the temple we can send up a storm we can lie up a storm we can do whatever we want to but nothing will happen because we have the temple the temple got burned down and they were carried into captivity so now here they are zerubbabel's Temple is rebuilt and the people feel that God has to love them the prophet Malachi you know he addressed to people see you got to preach sometime people say you know uh um I'm going to preach about this or preach about that but no you got to deal with the issues of your time you got to deal with you preachers we got to deal with what our members have to deal with at the water cooler at work what people are talking about at the barber shop Malachi said the in chapter 3 the priest lips should offer wisdom have understanding people ought to be able to turn to the preacher about whatever's going on and say man of God what is God saying is there a word from the Lord about this people will was saying God's got to love us Malachi stepped out on the scene and said wait a minute Jacob have I love and Esau have I hated what is what is his point he says both Jacob and Esau was equally related to Abraham these was Isaac's boys Rebecca gave birth to them and before they were even born God made a choice that the Elder would serve the younger he says I I'm not loving you out of obligation I'm I love you out of divine Choice I'm not loving I don't love you because you're that great I love you because I chose to love you now let me tell you something Church of God in Christ God doesn't just love love us because of anything he told Dad Mason God loves us because he chose us but we can't take on a smugness and in arance and just say well because we're the Church of God in Christ we can do whatever we want to do and we're going to still have the glory no no the glory has to be protected the glory has to be honored in your local church you got to protect the glory you can't let people come in and do anything they want in your church and keep the glory can't let anybody preach let any anybody sing that just anything go on and keep the glory no no no no no no no no the glory has to be protected you look around in kabad will be ridden on the walls of your church God says I I love you because I chose to and he talked to them about their dishonoring him and disrespecting in him he said to them he said the a son honors his father and the servant his master he says if I'm your father where is my honor the god of the Bible is our father we should honor him lift him up serve him and know that we're privileged to be in the Lord's church he says if I am your father where is my honor if I'm your master where is my fear he rebuked the priests because the leaders were the main ones Leading the People astray they got to the point where they view the service of God with contempt they called it a weariness we tired of going to the temple we're sick of all of this it's another service this is this is the preacher talk praise the Lord and and they was they were saying it in private but God heard them and you can tell that they had uh began to view the worship with contempt by what they began to allow Church of God in Christ Men's Ministry saints of God do we really love the Lord does what we allow and who we allow to take place in our services say that we love the Lord the preachers stood back and allowed them to bring the M the lame despised and poisonous animals and offer them to God on the Altar and Malachi said there's not a one of you who will shut down the Altar for not that is not one of you spoke up preachers and said this is [Music] wrong not one preacher said we know that the sacrifice is supposed to be spotless we know that there's supposed to be nothing wrong with what we offer to to God and yet we look the other way and pretend not to notice where are those tonight men who seek to protect the glory and the honor it disgusts me to see the preacher preach God's word and jeans with holes in them [Applause] you you you you you ought to be held in contempt of pull pit go to court go to court before the judge like that no lawyer no lawyer would ever practice law before the bench without a tie in a hood dressed like he's on his way to the ouse no no they protect the Dignity of the court I than the Dignity of preaching ought to be protected I mean cuz I've never read where the Bible says how can they he without a judge I've never read why the Bible says how can they here without a courtroom but I've read where the Bible says how can they hear without a preacher the most powerful necessary thing on earth is the preaching of the gospel and yet preachers now preachers we're leading the charge we are doing all we can to make our churches as modern that is that is nothing wrong being modern cuz we have the the some of the modern things but when you go to the point to where you are secular secular means Godless the the Old Testament word was profane secular in many churches today there's no crosses and in the whole church you sitting there and serve you look for a cross you can't find one no cross and we get up and we say you know well we don't want to be churching why you don't want to be churching in your church [Applause] the NBA is trying to be athletic football players act like they're playing football every other profession and every other genre people try to be who and what they are but in the church it's as though we're ashamed of being a church we're ashamed of worshiping the Lord and we're ashamed of looking like and sounding like a church sh I'm going to tell you all something and the Baptists there they they understand me I just preached for a Baptist preach it the other day I don't want to be a Baptist and apparently they don't want to be Holiness so we ought to stop trying to turn our churches into those churches and I don't want to be an independent church no no no no no cuz I don't believe in that I believe that organized religion is of God and Theon I believe it because Paul submitted to organize religion I believe it's of God I believe that uh absolute power corrupts absolutely I answer to that man we were talking and I thank God for him and we we we communicate we don't broadcast all the time but I said to my leader I said I I'm honored that you are my leader and I submit to to your leadership and uh and and and and and he knows that 100% and I thank God for a leader that we can submit to and I thank God for a leader who is big enough to let God's truth be preached he preached the truth we preach the truth the people need to hear the truth the truth let's let's not let's not just run and just run and try to be like the world let's not get to the point where we allow anything in the in God's house uh in the name of trying to draw people let me tell you something we're bleeding we're losing Millennials we're losing young folk by the dozens but let me tell you why we're not losing them because we're not worldly enough we're losing them because we're too worldly they are looking for somebody who will be who and what they claim to be if we if we hold up Christ Jesus said if I be lifted up I'll draw all men unto me the Bible declares that God's truth endureth to all generations if we preach to them the truth of God they'll come in we want them to get Sav saved see when you get a Salvation that still lets you be worthy when you get a Salvation that still let you cuss and go to the club and oh my still allows you to do what you were doing before we wed it down it won't mean anything I'm almost done Malachi said to the preachers cursed be the deceiver who have in his possession a male but he offers to God a defile thing he said you could do better but you won't and you act like what you're doing is the best that you can do when you know you can do better God says curse be the deceiver the lord gave he even gave his original thoughts for Levi he said I wanted the priesthood to be holy that's why I established it and I set it up and the priest let God down men of God you know many of us we love and embrace the Privileges of leadership but we try to shun from the examples and the responsibilities of leadership there's a price that you have to pay to be God's preacher there's a price that has to be paid to be God's man Bible says let every man that Nam the name of Christ depart from iniquity once we name his name he may he'll bless you but then at the same time you you got to know that you don't exist just to be blessed he has blessed us so that we can be a blessing and the greatest blessing is to win people to Christ and to show people Holiness and to teach them of the ways of the Lord are you all with me he he said I tell you something else he did he got on those preachers he said listen I've been watching you I've been watching you you priest he said I'm not even going to pay attention to all these tears because you have dealt treacherously with the wife of your youth I'm preaching better than you are saying amen you've dealt treacherously with the wife of your youth you've put her away you've divorced her you've heard her you've cheated on her and then you you divorced her and you covered it up like it wasn't anything now her heart is broken she's destroyed others are destroyed and there you go still waving your hands and preaching and prophesying let me tell you something men God pays attention to how we treat our wives God pays attention to how we walk God is paying attention and uh in the eyes of man you can do what you want many times and get away and steal will appear to get promoted but every one of us have got to stand before a holy God someday and don't get all caught up with the hearing now don't get all caught up with this praise the Lord how long are we going to be here anyway that's right 70 years 80 years or n 90 years 100 years but when we leave here we're going to Forever and and let me tell you something you don't want to live in time where it will curse you in eternity we are living to live again that used to be the Holiness message but now we're living to get a promotion now we're living for the spotlight but if I get nothing else praise God I want to see Jesus and I want to see him in peace and all I want to hear him say to me one day is well done th good and faithful servant somebody shout amen told them preachers you mistreated your wife and God saw it and he h he said I made one Adam for one Eve and he said this that if a man has a problem of being faithful to the wife of his youth read it he said check your spirit see that's that's a spiritual thing we want to blame her but it's a spiritual thing and see God God is a keeper but the the it's the spirit of a thing the spirit has to be right he prophesied in chapter three and said I'm sending my messenger now he's beginning to be futuristic in his prophecies but he also had to deal with the fact that because they had lost their excitement for the for the Lord they stopped giving they stopped tithing they sto giving and God said through the prophet Malachi bring ye all the tie into the storehouse some preachers said that tithing is not for the day that's a lie tithing went out with the law that's a lie tithing predates the law the law didn't come until Moses 400 years before Moses arrived Abraham tithe Jacob tithe and anything that didn't come in with the law the fulfilling of the law doesn't uh alleviate or get rid of the tithe is for the today Jesus said uh that to he rebuked the Pharisees and told them you pay tithe of ani and of of me and C but you omit the weightier matters of the law he said this you should have done and not to left the other undone but see when your heart ain't right you don't want to give and you know what you know what I thank God for Bishop Hines tonight he did a tremendous job and I love the way he did it and uh and you know what to address our heart problem the preachers we got to watch it because we we're becoming experts at what I call pretty talk and many times when you get up to raise the offering now you got to almost have a clever story or something uh or something so you got to promise the moon to get $5 and uh and you know and we we take things out of context to get people to give well listen let me tell you something the liberal soul will be made fat we give to this because this is worth giving to a a Ministry like this that that addresses men this is worth supporting and uh sometimes you got to let giving be its own re reward and God will remember you and bless you real good so he said bring the tithe into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now here with sayith the Lord if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive I'm almost done so we come to chapter number four and he begins to speak of a futuristic date a date that praise God praise God we don't want to be on the wrong side of God when this day comes he talks of the great he says in chapter 4 verse1 for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven and all the proud yay and all that do wickedly yeah shall be stubble you're going to burn Hollywood you're going to burn all you move is Stars y'all watching me tonight you're going to burn burn everybody who serves every anyone other than the god of the Bible you're going to burn that's why you got to get right with God He Loves Us he loves us and he's opened the door for everyone of us to avoid this time that's coming he said there's going to be stubble for them uh but the righteous are going to be blessed aren't you glad you're saved tonight aren't you glad tonight that you're righteous he says but unto them that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall God has something wonderful for the believer I thank God for the future that we have and yet the prophet then begins to uh he goes back to Moses and he says to the people in verse number four remember my law I want to say to the members here tonight remember the word of God go back to reading your Bibles praise the Lord let's go back let's go back to God's word we're in a day now where and I thank God for modern technology but I I do think that that uh that when you pre if you're the speaker youall to at least have your Bible so thank God for the Bible being on the computer thank God for the Bible being on the smartphone thank God for all that I I have all that but I want to tell you something and I'm right on this with AI and the things that are going on they've already done it in China they are altering stuff they are changing things they can change what's on your phone while you sleep at night while it's being updated but they can't change your books they can't change the investment that you've made in your ministry and I want to say to you invest in your ministry read the word of God the Bible is still the number one seller of all times selling 100 million copies a year the Bible even though the Bible says thou shall not steal it's the most stolen Book Of All Times praise the Lord the most read book of all times the Bible God's word is the most powerful thing that there is thank God for other disciplines but they can't compete with the word of God thank God for other maxims other sayings but nothing is as powerful as the word of God the word of God will heal your body and soul and I'll tell you something else the word of God will heal your mind there is a peace that passive all understanding God said Thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he has have trusted in thee when life life gets hard trust God when life gets tough trust God now I'm I'm almost home Mr uh sound man if you bring me up on the monitor a little bit I'll preach and and get out of here yes yes let me tell you praise God you see there's a difference between believing God and trusting God when we believe God we acknowledge He's Able when we believe God we we say to him what we want when we believe God we go to him in prayer but trusting God is when you wait and you're content with God's decision because sometimes he gives us what we want and sometimes he doesn't the attitude of the believer ought to be the lord giveth and the lord taketh away but whether he's giving or taking blessed be the name of the Lord and sometimes you got to bless him through through tears sometimes you got to bless him through heartache sometimes you got to bless him through heartbreak but you ought to bless him anyhow because he knows what's best for us and he does what's best for us and I want to say to the saints of God read your Bible a a Barner study was done the other day that shows that uh right at 6% of Christians today have a Biblical worldview if that stud if that survey is correct we're in in trouble and I believe that one of the reasons why we don't have the biblical worldview as we ought is that we're not preaching the Bible sometimes we read a scripture and never revisit the revisit the text sometimes we get up and we're topical but we're not telling people what God Said our people need to know the word of God the Muslim knows the Quran the Jehovah's Witness knows Watchtower material we're scared to see the black Hebrews coming because they know what they know we know how we feel we talk about a hooking a Messi but you got to know what you believe and I believe as never before every one of us ought to be able to sit on our hands with no emotion no no hollering nothing and just be able to tell people how we know that we've been born again and washed in the blood of the lamb and how we know that someday Jesus is coming again and that we're going to be caught up to meet him in the the middle of the air somebody shout something to God he said to them remember the law remember the law go back to the word of God and I say to us today the Lord is calling us back to the word of the Lord and then he said to them H I'm going to send you somebody I'm going to send uh Elijah and I notice he mentions two men here remember the law of Moses and then I'm going to send Elijah Moses and Elijah the same two who showed up on the Mount of transfiguration who were talking to Jesus Moses and Elijah Moses was the founder of the law and Elijah was the restorer of the law Moses founded it when God gave it to him on Mount Si on Mount HB and then Elijah came back and restored it because in the days of Ahab people were Wicked and a wicked a wicked I'm going to say it a wicked syncretism has creeped into uh Israel and that syncretism is creeping into into our church and that is a mixture of gods a mixture of Faith a mixture of doctrines you don't hear what I'm saying and Elijah stood up and said now you married Jezebel and Jezebel have have influenced you and you got Israel serving all kinds of Gods and there's no power and a Elijah showed up during the rainy season he didn't wait till the dry season he showed up during the rainy season and walked into the courts of Ahab and said Ahab I am Elijah the tishbite and there shall be no due nor rain except by my word and he walked out of that place and went about his business and it did not rain for the space of 3 years and six 6 months and when Elijah God got through using him Israel began to shout and say the Lord is God because Elijah showed them that God don't need any help from B God doesn't need any help from asero God doesn't need any help from all these other gods and I'm here to tell you he's the same God today he don't need help from false God Jesus is a way maker Jesus opened doors and no man closed them Jesus closed doors and no man op them we used to believe that he was the god he was a God who was uh more than enough and now we treat him like he's not enough but I wonder if I have anybody in here tonight who knows that the god of the Bible is still more than enough he's still a Healer he's still a deliverer he's still a company Keeper in a lonely hour and I wonder do I have anybody here tonight who can say since I met Jesus I find all I need in him when sad he makes me glad when I'm down he picks me up when I'm going through he brings me out when I'm troubled he keeps me because he's just good like that and sometimes I get so full I would tell it if I could and sometime I just have to wave my hand because God have been that good and I cannot tell it all do you ever get to the point where you just after you're overflowing like a overflowing cup and you say to the Lord you've been so good Lord I'd explain it if I could but the Lord has been just that good if he's been good to you lift your hand and praise him right [Applause] now Lord the Lord the he's been that good say yeah yeah Lord yeah now I'm 5 minutes from closing he said I'm sending Elijah because you strayed too far I need to have a change in society you need to go back to the old Landmark the children need to go back to the Holiness of their forefathers the children see we're too busy criticizing the way they used to do it we're too busy criticizing the old Saints once said hold on the other said let go criticize them all you want but they had more power than we have today I don't see wheelchairs hanging on the walls I don't see Walkers hanging on the walls I I don't see Miracles like they saw perhaps we could learn something from them maybe they weren't as educated maybe they didn't go to the fancy schools maybe that's why they had more power but because they trusted God they went to kneebone Valley and pray University and he gave them something special Lord touch us again give us that kind of power anoint us come Somebody Pray For Me anoint us with power to be real to make a difference to cause our children to turn back to the old time way to cause our sons to cause our daughters to save our families to move in our households the devil is trying to redefine the Family Two Men Now call them a family two women now we call them a family I'm talking about homosexuals lesbians and all that stuff that ain't no family God defined the family the Supreme Court could make it legal but they can't make it right the Lord have called us to hold up the Blood Stained Banner the Lord have called us to be his voice before he comes and curse us with a curse I wonder is there anybody here who will say Lord here I am send me Lord I'll say what you want me to say Lord I'll do what you want me to do Lord I'll let him talk about me on Facebook they can call me everything but a child of God but as long somebody say as long as I'm in the will of God I don't care what you say God told me fear not man who can destroy your body but after that there is nothing else that he can do but I'll tell you who to fear fear Him who can destroy your body and cast your soul in hell I wonder who will speak for the Lord in these last days say yeah say yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] Lord lift your hands and praise the Lord lift your hands and praise the Lord I'm closing my servant men I haven't asked you to say anything to your neighbor in this sermon at all I wanted to save it until then men tell your neighbor grab another man and say brother the Lord is calling us he's calling us to Holiness he's calling us to be the light of the world he's calling us to lead our households he's calling us to be a voice for the unborn babies he's calling us to cry loud and SP he's calling us to speak peace to speak truth to power whether it's Republican Democrat or whomever we represent the kingdom of God we don't get our marching orders from the world but we get our marching orders from the word of God who will answer the call now I want to tell you you got to be willing to be lied on you got to be willing to be talked about Sean made fun of sat on it's all right I the other day I begin to sing a song that says the words I've been L on cheated talked about mistreated I've been buked I've been scorned talked about sure as your born but long [Laughter] As Long As Long As I Got King Jesus it's all right it's all right yeah [Applause] yeah every man who feels the pool of God from this kind of preaching make your way to this alter or get as close as you can hey hey Lord Oh Lord he didn't call us he didn't call us to be the sugar of the earth he didn't call us to be the darkness of the world but we're called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world and we got the power I God can do anything I God I'm getting ready to pray can do anything let me tell you something about it he's got the power he's got the power he's got the power he's got the power help God can do anything can I get a witness how God can do anything one more thing he healed the sick and he raised the dead 10,000 hungry souls he F he's got the power he's got the power he's got the power he's got the power I God can do anything yes he can our God can do anything oh Lord Oh Lord lift your hands to him father in Jesus name father father father father We Men tonight ladies I'm not leaving you out but it's a man's comt We Men tonight we man tonight we come before you to answer the call we come before you to say yes to your will yes to your word and yes to your way in the name of Jesus we see what's going on culturally we see what's going on in society and you called us to be lights you called us to be rocks you didn't call us to be the sponge of the world but the light of the world you didn't call us to soak up the world Hallelujah but to be Godly examples and father as the preachers as the men of God as the priests of God as your Apostles as your preachers and Prophets evangelists pastors teachers as we stand on the altar we ask you oh God to use us we repent for negligence we repent for smugness we repent oh God for what we said and we repent for what we didn't say and we present ourselves to you and we say to you here we are here we are Lord we're yours here we are Lord we're yes God use us use me Lord use my hands use my voice Use Me Lord use my mind in the name name of Jesus we denounce every God we denounce everyone but you we pledge to you we're in Covenant with you we give our hearts to you you said in your word thou shall have no other God besides me you're our God you're our God and we're going to study your word and live your word and preach your word word and stand on your word hallelujah we're going to strive to turn the hearts of our children back to their Godly forefathers the hearts of our children back to the ways of Holiness in every meeting in all that we do in all that we do in our church services Hallelujah on every level Local District jurisdictional National we turn to you we look to you we call on you and father we're privileged to be saved today to be preachers to be in your kingdom in Jesus name in Jesus name we accept we accept we accept our call we accept our responsibility the responsibility of being lights in this Dark World the responsibility of being saved and showing the world that there's a better way we accept it in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord husbands treat your wives right wives love your husbands children oh obey your parents fathers provoke not your sons to wrath Church get right Saints call on him call on him call on him call on him call on him call on him [Applause] [Music] Glory Glory I'm finished Glory let the Lord see your hands let him see your hands let him see your hands we're yours Lord we're yours Lord we're yours Lord we're going to serve you [Music] [Applause] only in the name of Jesus I speak healing I feel something I felt a weakness to my right I feel I speak healing in the house of God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus somebody hadn't said anything to anybody but God's healing you right now in the name of Jesus the son of of righteousness is arising on somebody right now and he has healing in his wings claim yours in Jesus name thank God Amen you can go to your seats praising the Lord hallelujah Jesus Hallelujah Jesus Hallelujah Jesus Hallelujah Jesus he's a mighty God he's a mighty God thank you sir thank you man of God listen to me before we dismiss ourselves hallelujah we're getting ready to go [Music] home I'm going to give an offering and let me tell you what this offering is for and I don't have any prayer to talk for you we want to make sure that we meet every obligation we want to make sure that this Men's Ministry guys I'm talking to our men that our ministry is second to none thank you for what you have done but I'm going to give another offering I don't even know mother whether it's a seed or not I'm just going to give it cuz every offering that I give I don't give with me and in mind not every offering do I give thinking that it's going to come back to me the the cause is worth it and by the way pastors a cause driven church is much stronger than a need driven church cuz you ain't going to never run out of causes glory to God we have a cause tonight I'm going to give a $500 offering and here's what I want you guys have been Brothers you've been fantastic you've been awesome you've been awesome you've been great but I I I hear the Lord asking me to ask you to do this and if you don't believe God is talking to me I don't want you to do it and I and I certainly don't want you to do it because you have a title or you feel obligated I want to talk to those who see that this is a spiritual moment and we're doing something for God if you believe and you're able and God has blessed you and you will give a $100 gift in this after offering to the Lord for this kind of Ministry for this work Hallelujah I want you to bring it and put it in my hand right now if you will do it if you will do it and then if you're giving thank you Bishop H if you giving praise the Lord and this is the the $100 uh on your phone thank you man of God thank thank you leader thank you look at these men of God look at this hallelujah oh my God thank you Jesus thank you so thank you so much thank you so much yes sir thank you so much thank you go thank you sir thank you my God today look at God's people thank you yes sir look at God thank you sir thank you mighty man of God yes sir yes sir to God be the glory put it in my right hand praise the Lord thank you thank you thank you glory to God thank you sir oh yes sir than yes sir thank you I'm sorry thank you thank you praise God he's a mighty God thank you thank you sir praise God thank you sir you finished with your time can I have yes sir you certainly can Glory Glory thank you thank you sir praise God we believe in God praise God thank you man of God thank you so much my friend thank you sir thank you praise God thank you sir praise God thank you thank you so much look at God's people thank you thank you man of God thank you sir praise God thank you Bishop pul thank you mighty man of God thank you thank you sir preacher we love praise God thank you God is so good thank you thank you so much he's a mighty God he's a mighty God thank you thank you oh this work is a worthy work that we're doing in the Men's Ministry thank you so much praise God thank you so much thank you coach thank you thank you praise God this is my offering praise the Lord thank you so much thank you thank you yes sir praise God you all are so generous tonight you're so generous tonight praise the Lord praise the Lord and God God is going to bless you for you see the worth of this type of ministry praise God hallelujah praise God