all right you guys let's talk about a scalable offer Suite so what is a scalable offer Suite this is an offer Suite that allows you to serve as many people as possible Without You trading more time for money so for example one-on-one coaching is not scalable but a on to many group program which would be your mid tick signature offer is because when you sign on one-on-one clients that's taking up more time in your calendar more calls have to be booked there's going to be a certain time where you're going to be capped on that that's not scalable but again a one to program is so a scalable offer Suite usually looks something like this you have a free or a low ticket taster menu offer for somebody to just get a taste of your work and then from there if they have a good experience the whole goal is to get them into that mid ticket offer and then into your high ticket offer so this is what this actually would look like in action so your free low ticket taster menu offers these are going to be your Nob brainer low ticket Mini offers that's just meant for somebody to get a taste of your work and when I say low ticket I'm talking anywhere between that $5 to that $47 offer you want this to be such a no-brainer price for someone who wants to see if they're interested in your work and you do not have a lot to lose if you make a purchase that's 27 bucks to see if somebody's going to be a good fit for you but when something starts to get more expensive in that $100 range $200 range it requires more of them to think about like should I invest in this person should I do this but when something's such a no-brainer price and somebody's just trying to see if you're the right person for them having an offer like this that's again then going to be jam-packed with value builds a lot of trust and it's going to be so much easier for that person to then scale into a higher ticket offer which is going going to be your mid tick signature offer so your mid tick signature offer is your monthly reoccurring income offer this is your bread and butter offer and this is what you're going to want to focus most of your time on so again this is your program that's going to be anywhere from 3 months to a year long depending on how long your transformation is this is your one to many program that's going to be priced anywhere from $300 a month all the way to $2,000 a month we'll dig a little bit more into this in a different video to make sure that your current offer is already set up like this or if you don't to have one created I'm going to teach you how to set it up for success and then is your higher ticket offer which is going to be that oneon-one coaching higher tier versus that mid ticket maybe some more access to you or this could be a VIP offer so how to make sure that your current product Suite is set up for Success right now so every offer in your offer Suite has to be made specifically for your dream client only one of the biggest mistakes that I see so many people make all the time is they treat their low ticket offers like entry and beginner offers and if you don't Target entry level or beginning people in everything that you do it's not going to make sense for somebody to go into this beginner level offer than to scale into that mid- ticket offer if your whole ideal client is not for just beginners so you want to make sure that if you're targeting a high caliber kind of client that your low ticket entry level offer is still made for that High Caliber client okay and if it does not currently look like this we're going to have to fix that and we'll talk about that in a different video but again every single offer has to make perfect sense for just your dream client only so again you want to make sure that it makes sense for somebody to come in to your low ticket offer to want to scale to that next thing because it's relevant for them so for example if your low ticket offer is manifesting your ex back in 30 days but your signature offer is on spicing up your relationship over a six-month period that doesn't make sense because those two things are not in alignment one is for one thing that mid ticket offer is for a different thing so we'll get a little bit more into that again in a couple different videos from now but this is the biggest thing again that you want to remember is every single offer should just be made for that dream client only and then of course you want to make sure that your offer Suite is based on reoccurring income so that it is scalable and in the next video we're going to talk about a couple different examples of what other offer Suites could look like just to get your idea just to get your head spinning and making sure that you are on the right track