[Music] [Music] [Music] n gur [Music] I welcome all of you for today's great process of completion samsar please understand you are nothing but a bunch of patterns which you think so sacred for which you are ready to sacrifice anything which you think is very very important in your life whatever you think is you which you constantly protect defend from everything so many times you sacrifice Joy Bliss Power even success just to protect your patterns please listen just because the other guy did not wish you or stand up or receive you or give you the respect which you think you are worthy of just look how many business deals successful carrier opportunities you lost then what are you doing constantly you are protecting something of you or something which you think as you which is actually nothing but a bunch of patterns one of the most I tell you please understand most difficult pain human being will go through is feeling seated at the time of death please understand this Samar the process you are going to do now I'm introducing the process why what so understand the context the most painful death in the human life will be feeling seated when you are leaving the body because when you leave the body the conclusions you arrive about this life is important for you to make the decisions about the next Liv you may ask at the time of death who can cheat me understand when you are in the school your teacher can cheat you when you are in college your friends can cheat you when you are married your spouse husband or wife can cheat cheat you in the business your partner can cheat you in your career your boss can cheat you during the death there is only one person can cheat you that is your patterns for whom you sacrificed your whole life the patterns for which you are are giving up everything they will give up on you you will be searching for your identity your understanding about you I tell you that is the worst hell you not being sure about you you not a able to have a clear remance about you without the confusing interferences about you please understand I'm giving you one example pick up any one of the moment in your life even now you become powerless I can give you various examples where suddenly if somebody who gave you lend you money he stands in front of you and asks you the money back it can be that moment or you are fully drunk and entering the house and your spouse caught you it can be that moment or you did not do your job and your boss is questioning you or you discovered your husband or wife is having another one Affair and you are encountering them you are directly facing them it can be any moment or suddenly somebody has stolen something from you and you are getting to know that reality it can be any moment when you are thrown into powerlessness just see the first thing is your stability about you will be shaken understand you are your understanding about you your concept of you your experience of you that is shaken that is the biggest pain than anything else please listen whatever you think as you when that is shaken when that is questioned when that becomes instable that suffering is the worst hell in human life just try to remember that moment and try to tell yourself you will become stable even that uttering the word you will become stable you will be okay you are all right will not happen fluently in you even that will have so much of self-doubt self hatr confusion instability but the good news is it is nothing but just a bunch of patterns getting rearranged reorganized the best news is you can complete all those patterns and be free from it understand preparation for death is not to have the identity concept about you which is made out of moving patterns moving incompletions do not try to build your building on the water your are incompletions are like water the personality you build up about you the identity you build about you the understanding you have about you if it is bunch of patterns incompletions which can change move any time any way there will be a constant inner shivering in you about you about life about everything around you understand that instability is pain how many of you understand you go through this pain in your life raise your hand completing with that pain is what we are going to do in this process this process is so powerful I want you to go through it authentically the instability you will experience during the time of death will not happen please understand all the reason why you go through that instabil during the death all that reasons are reorganized rearranged and all the possible directly indirectly patterns incompletions which can lead to a very vital pain happenings in your life will be completed today in this process suddenly so many of your pain P what you thought as your identity will lose power over you I tell you if you are habituated every day to drink cup of coffee in the evening 7:00 if you are habituated to have two cigarettes morning 9:00 if you are habituated to have a Frozen depressed irritated mood every day evening 6:00 if you're habituated to have arrogant bulldozing mood morning 10:00 in the office every day by and by you start thinking all this is your identity Your Existence you expect people around you to accept you with this and you even go to the extent of saying that is what is the definition of love if you are loving me means tolerate me with all my Tantrums I come as a package if you are interested in having the benefits of having me have all these tantrums also no problem your wife may tolerate your husband May tolerate your subordinates May tolerate your boss May tolerate some skills you have some special intelligence you have they may need that some special contribution you are doing to their life they may need that so they may tolerate all these tantrum patterns which you identify as you but unfortunately when death comes you won't be tolerate you the patterns which you considered as you and had as a part past at a as had as part of you in your past suddenly whatever you thought as your habit attributes your identity becomes lowed on you neither either you will be able to be stable with that pattern nor you will be able to give up on it so please understand preparation for Life preparation for death both are one and the same preparation for Life preparation for death both are one and the same listen preparation for Life preparation for death both are just completing with the instable powerless incomplete patterns of your being inable powerless incomplete patterns of your being I'll repeat listen instable powerless in incomplete patterns of your being completing those patterns is preparation for Life preparation for death if you are old enough that you need to contemplate and prepare yourself for your graceful exit complete with those patterns if you are young enough that your whole life is in front of you you need to live complete with those patterns whether you are going to live or die completion with these patterns is very important because they do not give you the right stability about you they are so unstable see it is like a throughout your life you believed yourself as something who wakes up in the morning fresh has a cup of tea and enjoys a newspaper and two cigarette then breakfast office where you bulldo you just get things done you are a go-getter you are praised and celebrated for who you are and in the evening depressed agitated irritated but people are ready to tolerate you people who are around you are bearing with you and even having a smile about you but you may be thinking they are celebrating you whatever celebrity is the person who celebrates his own existence not celebrated by others understand others may may not celebrate you but only when you celebrate your existence you are a celebrity I know tons of celebrities where others celebrate their existence and theys don't celebrate their existence understand whatever you think as you as long as it has a instability you can't celebrate your existence celebrity is you who celebrates your own existence now I'll will make you a real celebrity where you will become sure about you you will become clear about you having clarity about you being sure about you is the most beautiful life where you celebrate your existence I tell you early morning I just wake up come and sit in the seat and start talking some spiritual truths I celebrate this existence because whether I have this body or don't have this body I am going to be doing this forever I am so sure even after I leave this body through my dieties I'll be doing this job whoever comes and sits in front of me I'll go on be speaking to them telling them these great truths the same truths sometime maybe same words I am so sure about what I am doing I am very clear what I feel as me and what I am doing as me what I am projecting as me is stable does not have any incompletions or patterns connected to it I'm giving you an example whatever I am feeling as me I'm doing I am so sure about it I'm not I'm not saying every morning you should also come and sit and start giving discourse who will listen that is different but all I am trying to tell you is at least what you feel about you be sure about it what you think as you let it not have any incompletion patterns as part of your bundle what you think as you that bundle should not have something instable incomplete powerless as part of you whether you are going to your business carer office house in every dimension of you you should be so sure about you and tremendous stability stability is perfection stability is completion stability is fulfillment stability is Excellence understand stability is completion stability is perfection stability is excellence in any field the kind of stability you entertain brings Excellence not the number of years you spent on that field the stability you showed brings Excellence now in this session all the incompletions powerless patterns which is stuck inside you as part of you which you think as part of you I'm just going to dry them up or put fire in them so various parts of you we start suddenly feeling that they dis disappearing from you suddenly a load on your heart will be disappearing a big bunch of dirt from your brain will be melting down heavy load on your stomach will just start melting down your liver will feel more free and start breathing please listen when the incompletion starts the first happening in your life is your liver stops freely breathing it's very unfortunate you think only through your nostrils you are breathing which is not right the breathing you do through your nostrils is called Prana the breathing you do through your skin is called Samana the breathing you do through your liver is called vanana the breathing you do through your head the breathing you do through your spine is aana the breathing you do through your head udana any one of these Brea breathing is stop you feel suffocated you don't actually need your nostrils to be pressed or shut to feel suffocated there are many people who are claustrophobic they get into the flight their nostrils are not black but they can't breathe how will you answer because the breathing through the head is Disturbed in this five breathing the breathing through the head is Disturbed the pattern is so powerful that is Disturbed now I tell you I liberate you from all the suffocating patterns about this five breathing and give you a complete complete fresh breath in all these five level I just request you to go through this process sincerely even if you have only two part participants in your city do this process sincerely if you are only one participant have the mirror and do this process let me explain this process please understand the people who are facing this wall means w in my left hand side you are called please can you all raise your hand people are facing this wall you are called Nya batch people are facing this wall raise the hand Ananda batch listen now actually you are going to do completion using other person's eyes as a mirror see first you did completion reliving in your inner your own Inner Space then you did completion using the mirror your own ice reflection now you are going to do completion using the other person's eyes it means the Nya batch you start sharing not just through words literally mono acting your whole life and relive the Ananda bat The Listener the speaker will literally do the mono acting means Express his whole life and relive by sharing the listener has to be just like a wall no sympathy no empathy no consoling you can't say no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh don't suffer you it should not have been done to you this should not have happened to you life is very unfair to you it is unjust to you no you are not a counselor or consoler here you are just providing your eyes for him to complete for her to complete you are a listener you are just a wall with an eye Don't Close Your Eyes you are just a wall with an eye from Ohio I have a question we have two married couples are they supposed to be together no please move the other person because a couple can never share everything with the other person so only two people are there then both of you move to the Mirror talk to the mirror or B you sit as a listener for both sit for one one by one mother and son is okay New York but husband and wife is the only difficulty anyhow listen the speaker will literally share and tell the whole story by reliving in the eyes of the listener and The Listener will just sit like a wall once the speaker finishes then the listener starts sharing then he becomes a speaker you become a listener again when you are a listener sit like a stone wall no talking no responding no sympathy no empathy no support no counseling no consoling you just sit like a wall stary you have to share your story at least with five persons and listen at least five from five persons if you are alone share with the mirror at least five times ready shall we start you will not know the power of this process before you do it do it then you will understand do it then you will understand suddenly so many things which you thought as part of you will melt down will not be there as part of you anymore and there are some people asking in some sentence if there are less than five participant can we share with the same person yes you can share with the same partner again and again and again nothing wrong it's at least five times you have to tell your story and listen to somebody else's story that's all you will see what happens to your Inner Space the kind of a completion happens to your Inner Space end of the process so please start the music during this process is just very funny it just tells you your whole life is nothing but nursery school rhy that's all please start now one thing before the process I want you to take the oath to maintain the confidentiality means here everyone is opening up their whole life let's take a oath we should we will not use misuse abuse any of this information anywhere please raise your hand with Integrity please repeat with Integrity authenticity responsibility and enriching I promise to maintain the confidentiality of the information that is being shared by everyone in this room I'll respect whatever is being shared in the program and will not use misuse abuse the information I receive in any form I will not share any information revealed by others in any form blessings please start the process that [Music]