Transcript for:
Interview Strategies for Lowe's Success

one of the easiest ways to differentiate yourself as the person that a company should hire is ask great questions at the end of your interview and the reason is most people don't do a good job here they don't ask grade questions and when you actually do you can definitely impress the hiring manager and extract great information and this is no different at lows at Low's if you want to give yourself an advantage the last thing you need to do on this playlist here is you need to ask great questions at the end of your interview to the person interviewing you and we're going to cover that today now this is video four of a four-part series on how to get a job with Lowe's and if it's the first video you're seeing make sure you go to the playlist and watch the rest of the videos they're very instructive and should help you have a massive Advantage when it comes to Landing a job with lows but make sure you stay to the end of this video because the last question is probably the most important and right after that I'm going to give you an interview hack that is going to help you secure the job in 6 minutes all right with that being said let's get into the video now the first question that I want you to ask during your Lowe's interview is what does this person need to accomplish in the first 90 days in order for you to consider the H to be a success this is a great question because it frames the entire uh interview uh moving forward about success right like what do I need to do to be successful here and it allows them to articulate what are the most important things um which is great right so they might say well if we hire you one of the things we're going to want you to do is blank and them referencing you uh is good right when they start talking about you as an employee well that is a a great thing it's also really important to like listen to this and understand like do they have a good plan do they know what success looks like or do they not when I'm listening to someone answer this question as a candidate and they have a really concise uh wellth thought out success plan for what a person needs to accomplish I feel good about that when they can't articulate it and they're like oh um I I don't know I I guess you know they just you know learn about working here that's uninspiring and it also makes me concerned like what kind of leader is this person going to be if in an interview they can't explain to me what success looks like either way it's a great question for you because it positions you as someone who is Forward Thinking and is concerned and motivated uh by succeeding early in a role which is a great thing um and it also extracts great information the next question is what does onboarding and training look like for someone who joins your team this is another great question because it allows you to understand like do they have a good plan for this person um and again if they're able to articulate it in a thorough manner that's great I feel good about that when they're not I'm I feel concerned about the plan they have for me um are they going to be a good leader is this going to be a good experience right retention starts at onboarding so they should have a good onboarding plan if they're hoping to retain their employees but if they don't do a good job at this historically this person's probably going to struggle to answer this question either way as a candidate I want to know this information um but again it's also a question that makes you look highly professional Prof and success oriented because you're asking about onboarding about starting about learning because you're asking because you want to ramp up and be a successful employee that's the impression it gives so it's a great question to ask in your interview the next question is how would you describe your team's culture this is a really great question to ask because it gives you insight into like what the environment is going to be like I think it's also really important uh to see how the hiring manager reacts to this do they have passion around their team's culture uh do have enthusiasm around their team's culture or rather are they uninspired here that's important to me I want to know about the environment I'm coming in so this is a great question to ask another really good question to ask is what initially attracted you to Lowe's and what keeps you here as an employee this is an opportunity for them to talk about themselves it's an opportunity for them to to share you know what they love about working here and what's passionate this should be a layup for them if they enjoy their job but if they don't enjoy their job it might be hard for them to answer answer that's important to me I want that information another thing that's really good here is when you ask this question what attracted you to the organization this is great information that you can put in a thank you email if you want to send them a thank you email after the interview um having this information that you can reference is really powerful you know you could say something along the lines of hey Ben thank you so much for taking the time to interview me today I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to connect I also really enjoyed when you mentioned blank this is when you mentioned mention their answer uh and how that was what initially attracted you to Lowe's I found that to be really inspiring and made it so I'm even more interested in pursuing this opportunity if you have any questions please feel free to reach out I'm very excited about next step thanks Ben that is an easy thank you email that is Meaningful because you're actually referencing what they said in the interview the next question is what are some of the skills and behaviors of the most effective members of your team this is a great question because it gets them thinking about the most effective members of their team the best employees and then talking about what skills characteristics behaviors do they exhibit when they do this you can listen smile nod and you know then at the end when they're done talking you can reinforce that you also exhibit some of those behaviors or characteristics for example if they go well the thing that probably um separates the best employees on my team is those who take initiative you know and they they answer the question you can go oh you know that was that was really helpful thank you for sharing that you know I think one of the things you mentioned really resonated with me and was about taking initiative I think that's one of the things that I've been able to do in previous roles that have also allowed me to succeed I know that my manager is busy so understanding the things that need to get done and being able to do that without always being directed I think that's really allowed me um me to be successful in past roles something like that it it basically helps you understand what are they looking for like what is really important to them and then it allows you to reinforce that you are that person now the next question I want you to ask is a closing question and you ask this at the very end of your interview and it goes do you have any questions or concerns about my ability to do the job you're asking this for two reasons one if they don't have any uh concerns you want to reinforce your interest in the role so they go no I think you'd be a great employee you go oh great well thank you so much um you know I I'm really interested in the role and I'm very interested in next steps and it's just letting him know oh you have no concerns good well I'm also still very interested in your role every hiring manager wants to hire someone who wants their role so it's a good thing to do that um the other thing that could happen and the second reason you asked this question is they could go well yeah I do have some concern you know we didn't really talk about your DIY experience in the interview and I'm just not sure you have that kind of background whatever the concern is this is your opportunity to counter it in a uh polite and accepting way so you want to make sure you're not off uh defensive if you're defensive that kind of ruins the the entirety of asking this question it's it's not going to help you but you can go you know what thank you so much I I appreciate you sharing that with me um and I totally under your understand your con your concern uh I don't think I did as good of a job as I could in the interview actually articulating my experience working um and doing DIY projects it's actually a passion of mine in fact some of the DIY projects I've done at my house are and you can go through and actually mention some of them and that gives you the opportunity again to non-defensively counter their concern and set yourself up for Success if you don't ask this question you'll never get an opportunity to actually address their doubts about you as an employee but if you do ask it well this gives you the opportunity to like fix it um I've had people in the past say well Ben you don't want to bring this up you don't want them to get you know get them thinking negatively the reality is whether or not you ask this question they're going to have your thought you know they're going to have a thought about you as an employee but it's up to you to actually address it and and fix it so uh I'm a huge fan of asking the closing question and I think it can completely set you up for Success now the next thing you want to do is you want to be able to make a really great impression in your interview you also want to close that's why I made this video here this video here is how to get a job in 6 minutes and I want you to go watch this video because it covers the make or break minutes in an interview and shows you how to Ace them so I'm done here but I will see you over there