Transcript for:
Recruiting Pipeline Overview

good morning killer Williams and welcome back to the kab command mc66 day challenge 2.0 and today is day 11 so for the first week and a half or so of this challenge we've been very focused on our recruits applet and specifically the recruit management tab today we're going to stay inside the recruits applet we're going to move into the recruiting pipeline Tab and we're going to talk about phases and stages so very similar to how our agents have their opportunity pipelines our leaders have their recruiting pipelines and similar to agents that pipeline consists of phases for leaders it's four instead of five and you can see the five phases listed across the top of our pipeline screen here we've got active recruit appointment cultivate and committed and similar to the agents on the command side inside command MC each one of these four phases has state stages that are available inside of each so you can see under active recruit we've got two stages already set up under appointment a couple of more cultivate a couple of more and then committed we have a couple of more so each one of the phases has its own set of stages now we can create custom stages we'll cover that tomorrow uh but just as a heads up if you're kind of wondering well what stages should go where and when should recruits be dropped where you can always hover over this little tool tip the I icon here next to the phase you can see for active recruit this is when they've expressed interest in KW or have been referred to leadership this is when we're working to get to the recruit to agree to an appointment then you can see when we've got the initial appointment set and then held and then you can see we're either going to go from this phase to committed if they're willing to sign paperwork or cultivate if we're going to continue to Foster that relationship and then of course cultivate hey an offer was made they didn't commit this is where we continue to work with them and of course committed pretty self-explanatory this is where we transition the recruit into the company and essentially they go from recruit to associate which is pretty exciting as well so um these are again the four phases the stages within each uh in a couple of days we're going to cover smart views so at the top here is our Smart View dropdown if you want to search for a specific recruit in your pipeline you can use this Search tool right so I could search for one particular recruit recruit and then I would have the number one show up ideally in one of these four phases as long as they can be found and then I could go into the phase and see which stage they were in I can also filter for recruits we'll show that in a couple of days as well uh finally when you have multiple recruits in these stages sometimes it can be a little difficult to see what order they're in we can actually reorder those recruits by clicking on the sort by and you can see we can do first name last name last contacted projected join date or potential company dollar finally here's our edit stages button we're going to dive into that tomorrow the ability to start creating and reordering custom stages and kind of making your pipeline the way that you see fit uh but that's the basics we're going to begin from here to create some custom stages we're going to add some checklists we're going to drop recruits in we're going to create some smart views stay tuned for all of that but the recruiting pipeline one of the most powerful tools our leaders have in order to work their recruiting based business and change the lives of agents that join Keller Williams as Associates that's it for today guys hope you're having a fantastic day and as always I look forward to speaking with you again real soon