the level will be okay how can i test the level will be the same the price will not okay so for for example okay right here 61.84 is is our level on on on binance okay let's go to xbt real quick b xbt is the same thing as xbt but this is the bitmax chart okay so this is what bitmex uses for their contract so this is like xbt but the contract version so so then we would go here and we would say okay where is this level so we're gonna find the two the actual valley so let's go to the same time stamp here it's 824. let's do this quickly 824 probably right here 824. 61.81 6201 use the price for your exchange but the same level okay so so we're going to go like this and we're going to say okay where's the actual level let's go higher time from here let's try to do this quickly three minute okay we got three minute range right here three minute range where is it on here you know we're going to use this here 6202 versus 6184 so you use your i will use 6184 i don't care what bitmex is i'll use 61.84 this level is not going to hold this is already tested this thing's about to dump it's not tested but this is something else that's happening again technical analysis is not the uh the tone of today this is setting up for a dump right here if this doesn't hold it's gone i wouldn't buy this whole level it's too way too risky i'll actually be quite shocked if this does hold attempting to hold something else so let's see if it does notice i don't have anything on my screen volume nothing yes you use use whatever your if you're using btc you use their chart don't use the price of this don't don't don't just don't you'll cost yourself a lot of money or miss a lot of opportunities okay let's go back to spx here because we're looking at uh spy spx okay so let's talk about gaps gaps in the market traditional stock stuff so this is something that a lot of people talk about about saying like oh there's gaps in the market it makes it hard to trade i don't think this is necessarily coming from you it's something that has been pushed down people's throats and they're like oh we don't understand the gaps well no i mean you're talking about you know the knowledge that i teach and the stuff that i know is known by a handful of people around the world right you know people make sense of what they have to so oh gaps in the market affect it like no not at all i mean i just did this on the fly and it's the exact same stuff we were talking about today and it's like oh you see it like how close was this right like oh look at the four hour hold right like this has nothing to do with gaps the low was four 24 five two so what did it actually hit like how close did the price get hey that that you can you don't get much closer than that you could probably promise you that right so it's just like oh here was target here was retarget right so so it's just like yeah okay is it is it really gaps in the market right are you sure i would just say like this is uh people they i think they try to make sense of something that they try to understand by giving these different terms but really there's an exact and there's everything else that doesn't matter and unless it's the exact thing that's happening it doesn't it's just kind of like people try to make sense of it which is fine you know i applaud people for trying and that's great it's it's nice to uh try these things and you know there's nothing wrong with trying that's how i started i tried to figure it out the only difference is i spent 10 years figuring it out right so like you just i think it's you know windows and i'll call them windows because that's how i know them from windows in the markets i think are again anybody who doesn't know that term windows the same thing as gaps like this they used to call this a window back in like the 40s they would say oh the window in the market right and then they change it to gaps like i have a different meaning for gaps for that reason so why i say gaps is different but that's why because i know them as windows yeah so so i think it's just like okay well yeah no harm in trying to figure things out but it's just you know i always caution people to be careful because you know it's a long journey to actually figuring out this stuff mark some of these like really great levels and and just take like 50 trades it doesn't you don't have to make money because this is what i tell the mentees i tell them this exact sentiment i say this to them i say okay i don't care if you guys make money or not despite what you guys pay to be here i don't care if you guys make money okay let me make that clear i don't care if you make money what i care about is that you don't lose money right now we build blocks to show people how to not lose money so that if i can if i can equip people with every tool to never lose a cent it means that even if they only take one trade a day they will never lose anything and they will only make money even if it's small to start and then over time instead of one trade that's successful a day they take two and three and four and five and then all of a sudden as long as we're not losing money because that's one of the biggest challenges in day trading is just not losing money if you can enter trades and never lose money so we we take the greediest positions if possible we never lose a cent doing it then even if we don't take trades we're not losing money and the small couple trades we do we're just building slowly but the worst thing that can happen is you start losing bank accounts you start losing bankrolls you start getting into losing trades all the time and then you're working against the grind then you're working against the negative impulse you have negative value in your account and you're trying to get it back so you're entering worse and worse positions mentally you're starting to take lower quality positions you're starting to make riskier decisions you're starting to not do the same type of preparation work that needs to to go into these trades so it doesn't matter if you you know 50 at a time is okay man get get it perfected because this is how it goes in day trading okay this is another thing i tell my mentees your income looks like this as a day trader it goes completely flat and your knowledge staircases your knowledge goes like this and it's staircases up and down and up and down and up and down and it staircases to a point where once you hit that point where you're ready to do this as a career you know what happens to your income this your income is not a staircase as a day trader your income doesn't kind of go up over time maybe in some cases it will okay fine some for some people it does do this but this is not how you make a career as a day trader you should expect to make nothing until you understand how to do it and at that moment you're gonna go one of two ways you're gonna go either straight up or you will have taken yourself out of the career because you go straight down in one of these other instances while you're learning how to do it but there comes a point where where people they just they trade and trade and and all the stuff and they learn and they equip and then and then there's nothing to stop them because they just they get it you just get it it's a formula it's a science there's a reason why you know this this stuff is done by very very very powerful people in the world and it's you know the best of the best of us right like there's there's a reason so it's like don't expect to make anything expect to get to this point do what you have to do to get to that point because if you quit you're gone you you won't don't think you're gonna have some 40 or 50k salary a year for for the next five years and all said oh i make five million dollars like just learn how to do it get to this do everything you can to get to this point because once you're there once you get it you just get it and there's nothing there's nothing to it and then you can do charts like i do and it's just like oh this level's so obvious just you know toss a few hundred bucks on it you know i just made 500 while i'm swimming and swimming on my pool right it's like oh i just went for a 500 swim it becomes stupid almost surreal right but just don't take yourself out of the game before you get to that point but that that's the point i guess i would try to communicate is like don't don't fall out before you come to your full potential because there's just the point where it's just like oh you go do nothing but make money that's a formula you just have to learn it right now of course there's a mental game in the you know the procedural game and these other pieces but like if i if i can get a one dollar better entry i'd rather miss a move and take a chance just but just because i know if i reduce my risk then i just there's nothing to lose right like you get in a bad position and all of a sudden it starts creeping up and you're like i gotta close a trade and then it dumps and it's like oh i just lost 10 percent before i could have made 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 or 90. it's like oh that's beautiful we just screw that one up and then it's just like wow fine if i missed the trade i don't care i was too greedy i just looked back and i was like wow i was probably too greedy but fine so i was too greedy but then that's you know a little different even here i would say okay what could be even greedier i would go and i would say like okay well actually you could break the valley right here and move up 62 30 96 so you're pretty close to here i'd go after this level 62-28 maybe a front runner a little bit yeah like that see like i always front run levels by a dollar or two so like it would have been right here right that's the level that got hit so that's the first one that i had marked 62-28 right so you would have been filled right now and you're in a free-roll position so you could take 10 profits if the level breaks you can just exit