Transcript for:
Cranial Nerves Examination

[Music] hi I'm David I'm one of the medical students can I just confirm your name and date of birth Yousef Smith 1st of January 1993 hi Yousef I'd like to perform a cranial nerves examination today it's going to involve me Examining some of the nerves in your face would that be okay sure do you have any pain anywhere no okay I'm just going to start by taking a look can you just look straight ahead for me have you noticed any changes in your sense of smell no I'm going to take a closer look at your eyes now can you just look straight ahead for me do you normally wear glasses or contact lenses no okay can you cover your right eye for me can you read down to the lowest line that you're able to t v h x u a h t y o v u a x t excellent now if you can cover your other eye and just read down to the lowest line that you're able to TV I'm now just going to shine a light into your eye if you can just keep looking ahead for me okay youf I'd like you to have a look at the wall and then I'm going to get you to look at this pen as well so can you start by looking at the wall for me and I'll look at this pen and look at the wall and the pen good I'm now going to test your color vision it's going to involve me asking you to read some numbers and some plates I'm going to show you can you start by just covering your right eye for me and can you tell me what number you can see 12 okay great perfect how about now eight and 29 good five and three good okay I'd like you to keep an eye on my nose and try and keep your head still I'm going to be wiggling my fingers I want you to point at the side where you can see my fingers wiggling okay good okay I would like you to look at my nose um and try and keep your head still can you stop by just covering your right eye for me I'm going to wiggle my finger I want you to say yes when you can see it wiggling okay yes yes yes yes good now if you can cover the other eyle me I'm going to wiggle my finger again I want you to say yes when you can see it wiggling yes yes yes yes so I would like you to look at my nose try and keep your head still can you cover your right eye for me okay I'd like you to keep your eyes on this red pin and I want you to tell me when it disappears when it reappears for you in your vision okay disappeared reappeared disappeared reappeared disappeared reappeared disappeared reappeared at this point I would perform fundoscopy so if you can keep your eyes on my finger try and keep your head still let me know if you see double at any point or if there's any pain okay can you just look straight ahead for me I'd like you to keep your eyes on my nose I'm going to cover and uncover your eyes but you just keep fixing on my nose okay I'm going to test the sensation in your face just using this wisp of cotton it's going to feel like this can you feel that yeah okay if you can just close your eyes for me and just say yes when you can feel me touching okay yes yes did that feel the same on both sides y good yes yes is that the same on both sides yeah yes yes was that the same on both sides y good I'm going to try the same just using this pin it's going to feel sharp can you feel that sharp y good okay if you do the same just close your eyes for me and just tell me when you can feel as sharp yeah Y is that the same on both sides yep yep y good yep y same on both sides y good I'm going to test the muscles in your face so if you can just clench your jaw for me I'm just going to feel on either side and just relax and clench good now if you can just open your mouth I'm just going to push upwards good if you can let your mouth hang Loosely open for me I'm just going to place my finger on your chin and I'm going to tap gently okay you can just look to the left for me have you noticed any change in your sense of taste or hearing no okay I'm just going to take a closer look at your face okay so if you can ra raise your eyebrows for me good and scrunch up your eyes tight tight tight don't let me open them good don't let me open them good great and just open your eyes for me and puff out your cheeks good and show me your teeth smile good and can you just purse your lips for me I'm going to test your hearing now I'm going to whisper a number in your ear I want you to tell me what the number is 3 34 26 26 so I'm going to place this tuning fork just behind your ear can you hear it yeah tell me when it stops no can you hear it yeah I'm now going to place this tuning fork in the middle of your forhead can you hear it in the middle in the left left or on the right middle I'm now going to test your balance I'd like you to put your hands out straight in front of you like this and close your eyes and just march on the spot for me good that's great you can open your eyes have you noticed any change in your voice or difficulty swallowing no okay I'd like you just to open your mouth for me just say ah ah can you just turn to the side and cough for me can you take a small sip of water for me just going to test the strength in your shoulders now so if you can shrug your shoulders out for me and just keep them up good just relax now if you can turn your cheek towards my hand good and try the same on the other side good and can you open your mouth for me good and can you stick out your tongue good if you just push your tongue towards your cheek okay and stop me from pushing it good try the same on the other side good that concludes the examination thank you very much today I performed a cranial nerves examination on Yousef a 30-year-old male on General inspection there were no Stigmata of neurological disease there were no abnormalities noted on examination of cranial nerves 1 through 12 these findings are consistent with a normal cranial nerves examination to complete my assessment I'd perform an upper and lower limb neurological examination check out the geeku Medics collection of over 1,000 osy stations you can practice with friends using our group study mode or chat with our 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