Introduction to Linear Transformation

Jul 14, 2024

Linear Transformation

Channel Information

  • A new channel has started where videos for the preparation of General Liability, Life Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are being uploaded.
  • Videos for General Aptitude are also available there.

Linear Transportation/Transmission


  • Linear transportation and homomorphism are the same thing.
  • Assume U and V are two vector spaces over field F. In this situation, F(U,V) is called linear transmission or homomorphism.
  • Properties:
    • F(α + β) = F(α) + F(β)
    • F(cα) = cF(α) where α and β come from U and c is a scalar.
  • The image mapping from U to V is called homomorphic image.


  • Questions are asked whether the given mapping is linear transportation or not.
  • Different concepts are explained using various methods.

Kernel and Null Space

  • Kernel: All elements that map to the identity (such as 0).
  • Null Space: It's a subset of the kernel. Its dimension is called nullity.

Rank and Nullity

  • The dimension of the final dimension of a vector space is called rank.
  • Nullity is the dimension of the null space.
  • Final dimension = Rank + Nullity.

Linear Transformation Proof

Example 1: Vector Spaces giving A, B, and C

  • When cα and dβ are taken, it is shown that F(α + β) = F(α) + F(β).
  • If it does not show constants alone, like x², y², then it will not be linear transportation.

Matrix Representation

  • Representing V3R defined by basics such as 100, 010, 001.
  • Converting transformations like 2b+c and 3a-4b into matrices.

Important Formulas

  • T(U + V) = T(U) + T(V)
  • T(cα) = cT(α)

Key Ideas

  • Calculating linear transformation using rank and nullity.
  • Understanding kernel, null space, and their dimensions.
  • Using correct options and methods to save time.
  • The importance of linear transformation from the perspective of various exams.

In the End

  • Watch videos on the new channel for general aptitude.
  • Visit the channel to connect deeply with new concepts.