Understanding Human Motivators in Marketing

Oct 3, 2024

Lecture on Human Motivators in Marketing


  • Focus on picking a single individual as your avatar, representing your target market.
  • Understand and utilize human motivators to propel actions.
  • Ethical use is emphasized — use these strategies for positive change.

Key Motivators

  • Two Main Motivations:
    • Running Away from Pain
    • Running Towards Pleasure
  • Effective copywriting combines both aspects to lead people towards a better life.

Running Away from Pain

  • Primary Human Motivator: Survival mechanism evolved to avoid danger.
  • Tony Robbins: "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change."
  • Understand your avatar's current state:
    • What is painful or frustrating?
    • What do they fear or worry about?
    • How are they negatively perceived?
  • Amplify these pains to encourage movement away from their current state.

Running Toward Pleasure

  • Concept of the Dream State: A vision of a better future without current problems.
  • Present a compelling, hope-filled vision of the future.
  • Questions to define the dream state:
    • What would their ideal life look like?
    • What new experiences would they have?
    • How would others perceive them?
    • How would they feel about themselves?
  • Make the dream state vivid and dynamic.
  • Use sensory information (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) to enhance vividness.

Importance of Pain and Pleasure Levels

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
    • Physiological needs
    • Safety
    • Love and belonging
    • Esteem
    • Self-actualization
  • Higher levels on the hierarchy are more motivating.
  • Frame changes in terms of higher-order needs for greater motivation.


  • Understand and use human motivators to encourage positive change.
  • Next step: Directing the motivated individual towards solving their problems.

This lecture provides a framework for utilizing human motivators responsibly and effectively in marketing to inspire action and positive change.