Transcript for:
Understanding Human Motivators in Marketing

all right this is a fun one so we've talked about picking a single in individual to picture in your mind as the person that you are you are helping that you're there to help as your avatar you know and that that perfect embodiment of your target market now we're going to talk about human motivators and how you can use them to propel someone to take action now this is a powerful lesson uh I've I've consumed a lot of marketing materials where they when they teach this type of stuff they make people like swear or promise that they'll never use this for evil because when you understand how humans work what motivates them to change unless you're a good person you could use it for evil and I highly recommend you use it for good for helping people to change in Positive Directions uh you will be rewarded plenty by doing so so there's no need to go Sinister just use be but keep in mind this these are potent ideas that I'm about to share with you they're powerful you need to be very conscious about how you use them and I highly recommend you only use them for good both for yourself and for others now something to pay attention with as I teach this these ideas also apply to yourself so we're talking right now about how to help other people make positive changes in their life and move towards something good and then the process purchase a product right that hopefully is is a good product that actually will help them achieve this dream state now you can also consume this material through the lens of your own life right so as you're seeking to create and um if you're seeking to create change in your own life to step into a dream outcome a different life uh what you're going to learn here will help you motivate yourself will help you direct your actions this is a very powerful lens um so as we go through this keep those things in mind this is this is a powerful lesson this will be helpful for you guys so with that let's dive in so humans are only compelled to take action for two main reasons there's only two things one they're either running away from pain pain or two they are running towards pleasure now it's our job as copywriters to understand both and to combine them so we can Propel people forward toward a better life uh I like this um this diagram the face was kind of an honory guy so I switched it for a happy little Emoji but essentially you're the copywriter right and you are helping these people which is which is like the horse right uh you're helping them and propelling them forward by um helping them run away from Pain um and you are also helping them run towards pleasure right and and this is how you motivate people to move the fastest in their life right um some people respond better to one side versus the other some people respond better to pain other people respond better to a positive thing to move forward to in the future um but generally It's a combination of both that will help you help others change and and make changes in their lives so let's talk about both in Greater detail so the first one running toward pleasure now um let's actually let's go back to the first one which is actually running away from pain now for most humans this is the most powerful motivator people are mostly afraid of loss they are they are worried about risk reversal they are worried about bad things happening to them they're worried about and they are motivated by pain and frustrating things in their life it's a survival mechanism right it's how humans have evolved um to stay alive we run away from Pain oh that hurts that's fire I'm not going to touch that again oh a tiger is chasing me and he's going to eat me that's a little more important than my self-fulfillment right running away from pain is a powerful motivator Tony Robbins um he was a famous guy helped a lot of people change their lives he had a statement this I think is really true and he said that change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change right so as a copywriter you need to understand the things that they're currently going through the pain that is currently in their life and in some ways you're going to help them amplify that or help them understand it a little bit better and you're also going to help them understand that the pain of change is a little less than think it is right but in order to do that you have to understand the pain it you have to understand the pain and frustration they're currently going through right I call this their current state so right now in their life um this person and you are too right you're in a you're in a situation you're in a current state and there are things that are good things that are bad there are things that are painful and frustrating right um You need to understand the pain and frustration that those people are currently experiencing their life so you can agitate and amplify that to then propel them to leave their current state and move towards dream state so some things you can ask yourself is what is painful or frustrating in the current life of my avatar what annoys them what do they fear what do they lie awake at night worrying about how do others negatively perceive them now uh you want to think about these agitators that exist in their life uh the things that they are dissatisfied with they are upset with they they hate or despise or are painful for them things that they're frustrating things that they don't like dealing with you want to understand as many of these as possible uh in the life of your Avatar especially how it relates to whatever problem your product or service solves right what are their pains the better you understand that the better right the the better you'll be able to amplify them and and propel them forward right the other side of the coin is people running toward pleasure so I I refer to this as the dream state people have an idea of some nice version of the future where the problems don't exist and they can enjoy nicer experiences um for someone to change you have to instead of just agit their current state you have to also present them with a compelling hope-filled vision of the future right um it's not enough just to agitate their pain and tell them to buy something you have to show them how they can move forward and experience a better life now a lot of people don't a lot of people are really really well acquainted with the pain and frustration of their life however not everybody actually can even conceptualize a dream state right they have some vague idea but you are going to want to be able to present a rich and Vivid and detailed vision of the future right and you're going to have to take control of that Vision it needs to be compelling and and relevant to them but um it needs to be Vivid and exciting and dynamic and it's up to you to make it so um some good questions you can ask to discover what this pleasure is or this dream state is that your avatar might want to move forward to you could ask yourself and them um if they could wave a magic wand of their life and fix everything what would their life look like like what would that new life look like what enjoyable new experiences would they have how would others perceive them in a positive or different light now that they're this new person living this new life how would they feel about themselves if they made a change and were able to live like this you need to you need to ask yourself what would make that so amazing like why would they even want to move to this wonderful life and sometimes it's obvious um but it's up to you to understand it and to make it Vivid and exciting right you can describe the life of a multi-millionaire traveling the world and enjoying all the finest world has to offer and you can do in a really boring way or you can do it an exciting and dynamic way it's all on how you frame it but it's up to you to look forward get a detailed hope filled compelling version of the future of a of a dream state they could step into if they're able to solve these problems and it's up to you to understand that that's the pleasure that they're moving towards so the more Vivid and dynamic you can be in understanding their pain and pleasure the more powerful you can compel them to act right this is this is key most people have found ways to dull down the pain in their life and they've found ways to dull down the the vision of the future because they want to stay comfortable right again the pain of change is difficult and so sometimes they will actually diminish the pain of their current situation in order to keep them from having to act you see this all the time right you see these skinny guys that make fun of people who are physically strong and call them stupid and stuff like that because it's a lot easier to just flip it in their mind and call someone stupid then to put in the hard work to earn something right so you your prospects will have done this in many many ways for the pain that they're experiencing they will find ways to diminish it or to diminish the Allure of a dream state so the more Vivid you can describe the dream state and the pain the the better you'll be able to spark those emotions those motivating emotions inside of the reader bonus points this gets a lot easier if you make the answers censoring so those questions I asked about you know the dream state or the current frustration if you can put them in terms of sensory information so visual auditory tactile um ol Factory gustatory Etc right those five main senses if you can encode the information and the vision of that dream state inside of those five senses you will make it more Vivid more exciting and more Dynamic just by default so bonus points a little thing to think about so there's another point to keep in mind the higher the importance of the pain and pleasure that you are talking about the more motivating they are right right so many of you have heard of maso's hierarchy of needs he was some old psychologist came with this with this pyramid it's been pretty helpful for me um in helping Elevate the level of conversation the level of pain and pleasure that I I motivate my readers with right so the base you have physiological needs air water food shelter shelter stuff like that right then you have safety uh then love and belonging than esteem and self actualization status is like a version of esteem right it's a pretty high thing up there right so if you sit and talk about the tangible physical whatever benefits of a product or some dream life you can talk about a really boring way down the bottom and it's not going to be that motivating but if you can frame it in terms of status and love and acceptance and self-actualization of being the best version themselves possible typically that's more motivating right so the higher you can and you can't always just come in Swinging with self-actualization you usually have to kind of Notch up step by step and and and kind of take them this hierarchy but the higher up this hierarchy you can connect that change you want to make the more motivating it is right people act out of like this becomes significantly more alluring they you can somehow tie product or services that you're offering or the change that you're in inspiring them if you can connect it to these higher order hierarchy of needs it becomes more impel more impactful and more compelling so again if you the higher up you can Elevate the focus the the greater you can amplify their desire to change but so we've talked about kind of those two main motivators how to amplify them how to understand them how to how to learn about them and from in the terms of your avatar but now that you've got your reader all ready to take action you know we've got we've got the horse all revved up you know you've Amplified the pain you understand his pain you understand the dream state he's going towards the next question is how do you then direct them to solve their problems so you've got them all ready to go where do you point that horse where do you point that reader now and how do you help them understand how to move forward right and that's something I'll be talking about in the next video but right now you understand the two main human motivators and how they connect to getting people to change