Sampling in Research Methodology

Jul 16, 2024

Sampling in Research Methodology

Introduction to Sampling

  • Population: The entire group being studied, e.g., all college students in India.
  • Sample: A subset of the population selected for the study.
  • Purpose: To draw conclusions about the entire population based on the sample.

Types of Sampling

Probability Sampling

  1. Simple Random Sampling
    • Sample is selected randomly from the population.
    • Example: Lucky Draw.
  2. Systematic Random Sampling
    • List all individuals and select every nth individual.
    • Example: From 8,000 students, select every 10th student.
  3. Stratified Random Sampling
    • Population divided into homogenous subgroups (strata).
    • Random samples are taken from each group.
  4. Cluster Sampling
    • Divide population into clusters, select clusters randomly, then study all individuals within chosen clusters.
    • Example: Select a few schools randomly within a city and survey all students in those schools.
  5. Multistage Random Sampling
    • Combines several sampling methods. For example, first use cluster sampling, then simple or systematic sampling within chosen clusters.

Non-Probability Sampling

  1. Quota Sampling
    • Samples are taken according to a fixed quota to ensure proper representation of certain segments.
    • Example: 51% females and 49% males in a study based on gender proportion in the population.
  2. Judgmental (Purposive) Sampling
    • Researcher uses their judgment to select the sample based on knowledge and experience.
    • Example: Selecting people known to easily become angry for a stress-related study.
  3. Convenience Sampling
    • Sample is chosen based on ease of access and availability.
    • Example: Surveying people readily available to the researcher.

Sampling Error

  • Definition: Difference between the result obtained from the sample and the actual result in the population.
  • Factors Affecting Sampling Error
    • Smaller sample sizes tend to have higher sampling errors.
    • Increasing sample size generally reduces sampling error.


  • Understand the different types of sampling to choose the appropriate method for research studies.
  • Recognize the implications of sampling error and how to minimize it.
  • Review previous years' questions for better preparation for exams.

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