[Music] hi people welcome to my channel Amara Carver and in this video lecture I'm going to talk about sampling and different types of sampling used in research methodology but before we talk about what is a sample it's important to understand it with the help of example so there's a girl called Mira now this girl Mira she is extremely excited to research on how stress impacts examination in the life of college students in India now she wants a research on this topic she needs to talk to each and every student of India who is in the college is it practically possible I don't think so so this girl Mira has to choose a few students on which she is going to research and then on the basis of the research is going to develop of finding she is going to draw a conclusion and this conclusion can be generalized on all the college students of India now entire college students of India they are known as population in research methodology but since we cannot research on the population we take help of a sample what a sample sample is a group of people chosen from the population on which the research is conducted and the results produced by the sample is generalized on the population so this is known as sampling now there are various ways in which Mira can choose the sample and now in the next section of this video I am going to talk about different types of sampling so when it comes to sampling there are basically two kinds of sampling one is probability sampling and one is nonprobability sampling what is probability sampling let's first understand probability sampling is when the researcher chooses sample randomly from the population so in 10 standard you must remember that there was a chapter called probability in probability chapter there was randomization there were a lot of questions asked on if a dice is thrown randomly what is the probability that one is going to appear so 1 by 6 is the probability so probability is very much connected to randomization randomly ok so probability sampling deals with choosing sample randomly from the population now there are different types of probability sampling we are going to look at them one by one the first kind of probability sampling is simple random sampling now what a simple random sampling the most easiest type of sampling agar Majak Jaipur K sorry schools key research Kearney or dignity 10th standard k students Jo hang on cut stress level kitna now being from Jaipur I know that there are in total 55 schools now it's not possible for me to go to each school and then collect the data from all the 55 schools so what I do is that I decide to go by simple random sampling in sorry schools k jo students a ok list Malaika T mu and then from that list randomly I select a few students on which handy I'll be conducting my research that is simple random sampling if you take our example from your life then lucky-draw Omkar there that is a perfect example of simple random sampling a pledget dowdy and randomly ethnic which loboko to scalia the second type of probability sampling is systematic random sampling now what is this in this I am going to make a list of all the nth class students from all the 55 schools and then I am going to choose every Emmett person every NH student for example I choose every tenth student I made a list of all the students I listed all the students alphabetically of suppose there are 8,000 students in Jaipur Warren ten standard now from that 8,000 students I choose every tenth student 10th 20th thirtieth 40th si Kirk M&A could students go select earlier okay so many alphabetical list Vinay are on May was less May every n it term I selected 10th then 28 student thirtieth student 48 student so this is what is known as systematic random sampling the next kind of probability sampling is stratified random sampling what a stratified random sampling in this I'm going to divide these 8,000 students in homogeneous groups so I'm going to make suppose it be groups out of these 8,000 students and from each group I'm randomly going to select a few students and on those students I'm going to conduct my research this is stratified random sampling then next we have cluster sampling cluster sampling means you choose a naturally existing cluster and then you do your research so rather than choosing students from 55 schools I randomly choose five schools and I started doing research on these fight schools and then I'm going to generalize it on all the schools of Jaipur and v is multistage random sampling multi-state sampling is when I randomly choose clusters and from those clusters I randomly to students so when it charged schools Lee a randomly and then schools can disseminate randomly students pick curry this is multistage it is involving two-stage first I am doing cluster and then class Turkey and Aram again doing sampling I'm choosing a few students from that school also that is why it is known as multistage sampling so now we move on to the second type of sampling which is nonprobability sampling till now we have discussed different types of probability sampling now it's time to look at what is non-probability sampling and looking at different types of nonprobability sampling so nonprobability sampling from the word itself you can understand it is when you choose a sample deliberately and not randomly randomly choose nehru up apnea knowledge and experience k basis pay deliberately aapke you know go cockney research malaria who that is nonprobability sampling there are three main types of nonprobability sampling first is quota sampling now quota we all know in civics we must have heard this term quota is a percentage which is reserved for a particular section of society for example 51 percent female quota that means 51 percent seats are reserved for females so demographically Yokota's hey wassup say observe sampling key groups Co larae what that is called quota sampling for example if 51% females are there in India then you are going to take 51 females in your research soweth nahin is your low get females Cudney females here so rather than randomly choosing males and females for a research you are deliberately choosing 51 females and 49 Mills this is quota sampling the next is judgmental sampling what is judgmental sampling it's evident from the term itself when you're becoming judgmental when you are using your knowledge your past experience to select the sample that is judgmental sampling so agar module of Tai Chi marry research make kylo up here whose research Kelly was my participate karna Kelly I'm deliberately going to choose them for example if I'm researching on the effect anger has on my health I'm deliberately going to choose certain people I know who become angry in their day to day life very easily so this is judgmental sampling and the third type of nonprobability sampling is convenient sampling convenience that means I choose sample which is readily available Ramudu conveniently available mmm logo pay Research Coletivo rather than going out and choosing people from different different places from different different backgrounds so conveniently to LACMA Jamil gray I can choose them and I can do my research this is convenience sampling okay so these are the three main types of nonprobability sampling that you must remember if you're preparing for UGC net paper one before I in this video I would also like to talk about what is sampling error now let's first understand sampling error sampling error basically means that the result that you have taken out by researching on a sample the first from the result of the population that means that up major research career sample Cooper who see a result nickel ki ahead voters eyes population TK Smith true hold nahin kurta I will give you a very simple example suppose I want to research on who is more happy people who are in job or people who are doing their own business I take a sample of 200 people 100 of them harren job in hundred of them are doing their own business when I research on these 200 people I analyze their happiness level I figure out that people who are in jobs are more happy now this is a result which I have taken out from my sample when I use it on the population I might find that it differs dunja me generally are good up taking it occupying gay kid you look businessman they're more happy than people who are in john now there's a difference in what my results shows when it comes to sample and what actually it is when it comes to population this is known as sampling error or in cabo tide sampling error is maximum when you take a small sample size apne be slow copay research curie the horses they up the findings incorrect hope because there is a chance that vole oak horse at a job curio but they are more happy maybe if you take two hundred people who are in job you might find out that no most of the people who are in jobs they are unhappy now dick Nash jota sample size ova o nevada a error hanukkah transition so sampling error decreases with the sample size so the sample size at nakum di to sampling error sada hoga and agar apni sample size bajalia a the sampling error come over so they are not directly proportional but they are indirectly proportional so now that we've looked at sampling main types of sampling and what a sampling error it's time to look at previous your papers and figure out if there are questions which are asked from this particular section there were a lot of students who kept on asking me that mam please tell us some previous your questions with the topic you are covering so that we can have a glimpse on what kind of questions we can expect or in the paper so this is what kind of questions you can expect from the section that a sampling and types of sampling so that's it for this video lecture we are going to meet very soon in the next video lecture also if you have not subscribed to this channel do it now because I post videos every Saturday to help UTC net has parents in their exam preparation apart from that if you have any suggestion any doubts you can put that in the comment section below you can also follow me on various social media platforms and you can also share this videos with your friends so that they also get benefitted with these video lectures so that's it for this video lecture we'll meet soon in the next video lecture till the time we meet next happy learning keep loving literature and stay tuned to our potaka revoir calm [Music]