Types of Governments
Main Types
- Autocracies
- Oligarchies
- Democracies
Detailed Overview
- One ruler at the top.
- Examples: King, Queen, Dictator
- Key characteristic: Complete control by one person.
- Small group holds power.
- Rest of the population usually doesn't have a say.
- Internal dynamics:
- Sometimes the ruling group agrees.
- Sometimes the ruling group disagrees, leading to confusion about leadership and decision-making.
- Everyone gets a say.
- Means of voicing opinion: Usually through votes.
- Key characteristic: Power rests with the people.
- Not everyone is a member of the government, but everyone can influence decisions.
- Autocracy: One ruler (King, Queen, Dictator) with complete control.
- Oligarchy: Small ruling group, mixed agreement, and disagreement within the group.
- Democracy: Power with the people, decisions influenced by voting.
These are the three main types of governments.