foreign [Music] telekinesis in two minutes let's start what is telekinesis [Music] telekinesis or psychokinesis is defined as the ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical mean this is everything from moving or levitating objects to the classic bending of spoon exercise one PSI wheel [Music] and place it in the front of you [Music] sit in a comfortable position [Music] relax yourself focus on your shoulders straighten your back release all muscles of your body take a deep breath inhale from your nose let your chest and stomach expand fully from Air hold it for 12 seconds then release it from mouth [Music] now take your both hands to the wheel that you make [Music] hit the object for some minutes and feel that is a part of your body now focus on this part of paper foreign ergy in your hands moving clockwise or anti-clockwise that energy will move the paper left or right by using it clockwise or anti-clockwise also focus at one spot of the paper will make it spin with the power of your mind it will start spinning that was exercise one make your mind calm and relax and keep practicing subscribe for exercise too don't forget to like share and comment