Transcript for:
Assessment Purposes, Learning Targets, and Appropriate Methods

um hello class it's me again your instructor in assessment in learning one um if you can still recall uh in the last video lesson that i i gave to you um we discussed about the basic concepts and principles of assessing learning so in that particular lesson we're able to define what assessment is and we're able to know different types of assessments assessments that can be used by teachers in assessing students learning so this time around we will move on to another topic and as you can see it is entitled assessment purposes learning targets and appropriate methods so in this lesson we will know the different purposes of assessment and of course we're going to unlock what learning targets are and we're going to also identify the different assessment methods that can be used by the teachers in appropriately assessing the students learning so that are my examples and so it's gonna be a long discussion so i hope that you will listen so so that you can understand the topic uh the topic embedded in this lesson so let us first discuss the first sub topic what is the purpose of assessment or what are the purposes of giving assessment so um knowing the purpose of assessing the students is a very important step that a teacher should do prior to giving assessment the teacher should always should always prioritize in knowing the purpose why he or she conducts a test why he or she conducts assessment so the purpose will serve as the teacher's guide in order to come up with a best or should i say effective and efficient assessment tool or test to be administered to his or her students so basically there are three purposes of assessment first is assessment of learning this refers to the use of assessment to determine learners acquired knowledge and skills from instruction and whether they were able to achieve the curriculum outcomes it is generally summative in each order so take note in the con in the the first bullet assessment of learning the preposition of is underlined so natural purpose ana you see assessment of learning this particular assessment is administered by the teacher to his or her students in order to gauge or to measure how much the students have learned from the topics or from that from a particular unit or from a particular period of time so this is this will measure the amount of learnings of the students from different topics so example of assessment of learning is the summative test like an unfor your dick test kind of major exams weekly test monthly tests so the backing on class is a test competency so this this test really have competencies now more than one competition so the concept of topics young coverage i mean white young coverage because i'm purpose nia is to measure how much students have learned from the instruction or to measure whether the there is an outcome i mean there is mastery of the lessons so the scores obtained by the students from this assessment of learning are both recorded and graded and at the same time this is also one of the basis of grading the students at important through assessment of learning because this represents their knowledge this represents their mastery of the skills they have taken up from a particular period or within a particular period of time [Music] money assessment of learning now second is assessment for learning this refers the use of assessment to the needs of learners in order to modify instruction or learning activities in the classroom it is formative in nature and it is meant to identify gaps in the learning experiences of learners so that they can be assisted in achieving the curriculum outcomes so take note of the preposition for for learning meaning this particular assessment is conducted by the teacher in order for children to learn more about the lessons so for learnings yeah getting a killing a particular of particular type of assessment or purpose of assessment is delicious or how much the students have learned the administration so that act of teacher questioning the class is an example of assessment for your name so as the teacher can tell whether the students have understood what the what he or she is talking about and then that the students were able to answer me correctly i hope entire teacher the students were able to answer me directly or correctly so meaning to say that that's assessment for learning okay so i'm purpose is to modify instruction and learning activities in the classroom okay in the middle of the discussion the questions they're able to they're not able to answer the question meaning i have to explain again i have to modify or to change my way of teaching have to change my strategy or perhaps i have to give more examples more emphasis regarding the concept that i am talking about okay so my purpose assessment for learning meaning you test the children you ask the children so that they will learn more about the lesson when you take note also this assistant for learning can also be administered after the discussion say one to five item test paper and pencil test test the secondary on that particular day same day out of 20 say 20 students so meaning the teacher has totally teach the lesson the teacher has to modify his instruction the teacher has to look for another effective strategy in order to help the learners understand or master the topic that's one example of assessment for learning since this assessment of poor learning doesn't measure the mastery or does it measure the amount of learning acquired by students so the scores obtained from this assessment for learning are recorded but not deleted this should never be a basis for grading the children is of the assessment of learning meaning measurement of learning assessment for learning meaning you assess for students to learn more next we have assessment as learning this refers the use of assessment to help learners become self-regulated it is formative in nature and meant to use assessment tasks results and feedback to help learners practice self-regulation and make adjustments to achieve the curriculum outcomes so this purpose of assessment is to help the students to self-regulate to meditate to reflect on their learnings to reflect on under on on the topics that they are that they are discussing together with a teacher so examples of this assessment as learning and i'm an easy type of questions wherein students reflect foreign students ask themselves mcgregor flexila how much they have learned about the topic but they understand about the topic so cleaning assessment as learning it's more on self-regulation the purpose is for the students to self-regulate to know themselves better to regulate themselves so my purpose assessment as learning so we are now on the second sub topic which talks about the role of classroom assessment in the teaching learning process as a teaching learning process this refers to the activities and that is happening in the classroom during the the delivery of the lesson teaching is done by the teacher learning is done by the students of teaching and learning process the teaching and the learning process so first role of classroom assessment is formative teachers conduct assessment because they want to acquire information in the current status and level of learners knowledge and skills of or competencies so formative considering formative one role of of classroom assessment is formatting because the very purpose of of assessment as formatting is really to help learners acquire knowledge uh learn a new skill learn a new concept so manga steps on the teacher knees of course to know first the level of the students and then after after knowing all these things and the teachers can now design a plan or now design a lesson design some strategies or device some strategies or use some strategies in order to help learners learn a new skill or learn the competencies mana formativsi akai it helps the learners form new knowledge through the teacher and through the lesson when i four motif another diagnostic teachers use assessment to identify specific learners weakness or difficulties that may affect their achievement of the learning outcomes so another role of classroom assessment is to diagnose diagnose or detect the student's strength and weaknesses so katong strengths are students maintain is sustained and weaknesses you will help them overcome these weaknesses through through scaffolding through teaching through helping them know the skills that they are weak points you know weak points you facilitate them in order to overcome all these weaknesses when i say diagnostic evaluative because teachers conduct assessment to measure learners performance or achievement for the purposes of making judgment or grading in particular so another role of classroom assessment is to evaluate evaluate to evaluate the teachers i mean the student's performance and then this the the result of this evaluation will serve as the teachers the teachers [Music] basis in in crafting the grace or giving the grades for the students ebal what you'd see as since it it has the ability to to judge or to should i say to a place what kind of students this particular people or this particular class has okay another is facilitative classroom assessment may affect student learning on the part of the teachers assessment for learning provides information and teachers learning and achievement that teachers can use to improve instruction and the learning experiences of learners so facilitating in the in the sense that through assessment the teacher the teacher is able to get information from the students so what should i do what should i what should i employ what technique should i do in order to help my students uh easily learn the topic so facilitative shaking in order to facilitate teaching and learning process on the side of the learners assessment as learning allows them to monitor evaluate and improve their own learning strategies so facilitated happens because through assessment as learning the students can somehow reflect monitor and evaluate their own learnings their own learning strategies motivational assessment can serve as a mechanism for learners to be motivated and engage in learning and achievement in the classroom so how does classroom assessment motivate students for example they would they would really do their best or give give it their best scores will be graded i mean will will serve as one of the basis for their grades so motivation i'll say because it helps a student study harder or practice harder in order to achieve or to score high during the test so motivational by nature it motivates the students to improve their performance so much more today now third sub topic is about learning targets so what are learning targets so before knowing or discussing about learning targets let's have first to unlock those terms goals standards and educational objectives okay this will serve as uh the basis in crafting learning targets okay goals goals are general statements about desired learner outcomes in a given year or during the duration of a program music goals the book occasional goals eating goals can never be achieved also meeting the teacher and students because goals are broad general statements about the desired learning outcomes of learners so examples of goals uh example is kanangsabiyat program bachelor in elementary education so goals there is [Music] three years okay broadening goals okay from goals we have standards standards are specific statements about what learners should know and are capable of doing at a particular grade level subject or course so from the goals into standards okay now from the standards gimbal puts into educational objectives are specific statements of learner performance at the end of an instructional unit so opening educational objectives goals are chop chop into standards then standards are also chop chop into educational objectives so for you to know more about educational objectives i have here shown to you the bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives in the cognitive domain but there are three domains of learning cognitive effective and psychomotor cognitive has something to do with the mental aspect of the child developing how a child thinks how a child should i say use the mental aspect use his or her mind effective it talks about the feelings the students she said commodore it talks about skills and actions yeah it's about that so we have we are going to focus here or what we are going to focus here are the objectives in the cognitive domain meaning these objectives are intended to help children or students develop their cognitive aspect recognition so by level nisha first column you see there the cognitive level description second column third column the illustrative verbs take note take note of these verbs because these verbs kinema words can address will be used by you in crafting your lesson plan the background lesson plan the the part one of lesson plan is objective first level is the knowledge level so first promancilla meaning this particular level is the most achievable level samanhabata dalit it's just a simple recall or recognition of learned materials like concepts events fast ideas and procedures so it's just a matter of memorization it's just a matter of recalling something so illocity verbs defines recalls names enumerates and labels so if you're the teacher and then at the end of the lesson you just let your students define a particular concept like define matter an objective define defined verb defined noun defined pronoun that's that only belongs to knowledge level so sample objectives enumerate the six levels of expertise in the bloom's taxonomy at the end of the 50-minute period of discussion the students are able to a our number one objective define culture be uh tell the importance of culture seeking tahai see give some examples of actions relevant to culture and i can die it's not so challenging on the side of the learners second level level is comprehension comprehension is understanding the meaning of alert material including interpretation explanation and literal translation so higher non-comprehension because it's more than just memorizing the concept it's understanding the concept so adding a second level the students are required to interpret a particular concept meaning in slang qualifying they can define a particular concept using their own words using their own interpretation my comprehension level unless their knowledge level columns are yellow numerous meaning so illustrative verbs under comprehensions are explains describes summarizes discusses and translates when all these verbs are used by teachers in giving the exam the teacher is measuring the comprehension level of the students that falls under comprehension level so the master and teacher how much can you comprehend a particular topic so example explain each of the six levels of expertise in the bloom's taxonomy of objectives in the cognitive domain let's go back to number one knowledge sample objective that only falls under knowledge there is a comprehension if i explain ankara level sublimes so do you see another difference knowledge it's just you know enumerating something recalling something while comprehension students are asked or required to explain a particular concept third level is the application application is the use of abstract ideas or principles or methods for specific concrete situations so application is a bit higher than comprehension because comprehension you're just going to explain or interpret a particular concept or skill under application the students are required to apply what they have understood what they have comprehended into real-life situations let me apply okay so under okay the illustrative verbs and their applications are applies demonstrates loses illustrates and uses example demonstrate how to use bloom's taxonomy of objectives in formulating objectives so there is application but [Music] the bloom's taxonomy so there is application okay uh fourth level is analysis separation of a concept or idea into constituent parts or elements and an understanding of the nature and association among the elements so fourth level higher than application is the analysis analysis means the students are required to break the whole concept into parts of mustache application so illustrative verbs and in our compares contrasts categorizes classifies and circulates so meaning you have to compare you have to compare this one to this one this one to that one that's analysis that is analysis sample objectives compare and contrast the six levels of expertise in the bloom's taxonomy of objectives in the cognitive domain so karon if i will ask you to okay you differentiate knowledge from comprehension so musa refined comparing and contrasting when you compare you're getting the similar similarities of the two aspects when you contrast you you're getting the differences between these two aspects that falls under analysis level 5 is the sentences construction of elements or parts from different sources to form a more complex or novel structure analysis meaning breaking the hole into parts analysis putting the parts in order to form one whole meaning [Music] so illustrative examples or illustrative verbs anemia composes constructs creates designs and integrates example of sample objectives for example objectives uh compose learning targets using the bloom's taxonomy when you compose you synthesize the last level is the evaluation making judgment or ideas are methods of ideas or methods based on sound and established criteria so in here in the last level of the bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives in the cognitive domain evaluation the students are asked to judge to appraise to conclude a particular concept so higher levels yeah so evaluate example is evaluate the congruence between learning targets and assessment methods so and task which do you think is uh an an example which do you think is better this one or this one then you justify your answer that's evaluation and that falls under the sixth level of the cognitive domain under bloom's taxonomy okay bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives yeah now give to see again anderson and a great wall catwall so nicely improved so the the start level paramila according to anderson the highest the highest level of the cognitive uh of the educational objectives in the community domain should be create meaning he has reached the highest level in the cognitive domain actually is the highest cognitive level okay create meaning combining parts to make a hole okay so examples illustrative verbs produce develop formulate device prepare descent [Music] okay so when i say example evaluate again judging the value of information or data so simple verbs says measure estimate evaluate critique and judge so simple objective critique the latest film that you have watched use the critic guidelines and format this uh format discussion in the class okay so evaluate so that that falls under evaluating or evaluate analyze breaking down information into parts so analyze calculate examine test compare differentiate organize and classify actually i need not to explain it further explain it again so it's just a matter of readings apply [Music] it's a matter of reading okay so we have here knowledge dimensions in the revised looms taxonomy of educational objectives so knowledge they mentioned that talks about here okay so factual see if it tells the facts or piece of information one needs to know in a discipline actually discipline here class refers to subject or course they don't discipline that is discipline discipline could also mean subject or the course itself so simple question under factual knowledge what is the capital city of the philippines so you will answer manila vanilla city so that's factual it only tells facts okay answer one single answer conceptual if it does the concepts generalizations principles theories and models that one needs to know in a discipline so simple questions what makes the philippines the pearl of the orient seas [Music] so the students will have to justify the question you have to will have to to explain the the answer of this question that is conceptual okay procedural sia if it tells the processes steps techniques methodologies or specific skills needed in performing a special task that one needs to know and be able to do in the discipline so simple questions how do we develop items for an achievement test so this question requires the students to answer through giving the steps it requires procedures when i'm procedural for how do you cook that requires the students to numerate the procedures enumerate the steps metacognitive this type of knowledge makes the discipline relevant to one's life it makes one understand the value of learning on one's life meaning you relate the question to yourself meaning you are asked to give your thoughts to give your opinions regarding the particular concept or problem or issue or topic so example question why is engineering the most suitable course for you the but there is no exact answer there is no factual answer here because it only requires your personal opinions you think beyond thinking you think about thinking okay so finally we're going to define now learning target what is a learning target it is a statement of student performance for a relatively restricted type of learning outcome that will be achieved in a single lesson or a few days and contains both a description of what students should know understand and be able to do at the end of instruction and something about the criteria for judging the level of performance demonstrated so compared with educational goals standards and objectives learning targets are more specific and can lead to more specific instructional and assessment activities so debate from goals goes our chop chop into standards in standards into educational objectives now from educational objectives we have the learning target so the learning tag is the most specific the most specific [Music] task that i'm achieving at the end of discussion at the end of assessment activity okay so it is stated in the learner's point of view so meaning in a state any teacher dropbox in the learner's point of view so example i can differentiate between nouns and verbs so the i here the program i here this denotes the child the students mean the students can differentiate between nouns and verbs at the end of the lesson [Music] okay we have also types of learning targets first type is the knowledge target this refers to factual conceptual and procedural information that learners must learn in a subject or content area so example i can explain the role of conceptual framework in a research so many sampling objectives a learning target belongs to knowledge target simple explanation rules a conceptual framework in a research like getting this is not good one part of thesis is the conceptual framework so some another example is a knowledge target i can define noun or i can enumerate the three types of and the three domains of learning or podiums elementary i can define the three types of matter okay knowledge target reasoning target knowledge based thoughts processes that learners must learn it involves application of knowledge in problem solving decision making and other tasks that require mental skills take the reasoning target so reasoning is my fault and the reasoning target if it requires students of course to reason out to justify a particular a particular issue a particular problem so example i can justify my research problems with a theory take note that shield that the child here is expected to to make justification to reason okay another is the skills target use of knowledge and or reasoning to perform or demonstrate physical skills take note of skills yeah skills okay example i can facilitate a group a focus group discussion with research participants so skills target meaning the measure honey and target annie is for the students to ask something to do something to demonstrate something i'm gonna say skills start here i can cook palabo there [Music] target product there is output use of knowledge reasoning and skills in creating a concrete or tangible product i can write a thesis proposal so what is the product here this is proposal for example i can make a collage so the output or the product there is collage my product target target i'm learning target national target okay refers to the effective characteristics that students can develop and demonstrate because of inception it has something to do with feelings feelings and emotions affect affection i can appreciate the importance of addressing potential ethical issues in the conduct of research the cue there the keyworders appreciate when you appreciate the importance of a particular thing then that belongs to affect target emotions okay so the question here is what is the most appropriate methods of assessment we're going to use if we have these learning targets as a classic and learning targets so we have here a table so take note more checks means better matches so first column is learning targets or our learning targets knowledge reasoning skills and product yeah beginning first group blue selected response meaning type of testing that selected response constructed response short answer meaning students are expected to write something these are constructed responses the students here under this type of test are required to to give the answer to construct the responses or to construct your answers unless you select the responsibility now if your learning target is knowledge or knowledge target for this immense short visit multiple choice [Music] reasoning so the most effective effective way in measuring the reasoning skills of the students is using problem solving [Music] solving the students can solve a problem can reason out can justify their solution and then the students will have to to describe the theme to describe the issue the reason or to give their to give their opinions perspective about the topic so must measure and reasoning skills through problem solving obesity multiple choice multiple choice abcd poly mania naming not a good choice if you wanted to measure the listening skills of your students so the best choice are problem solving and essay skills skills cooking playing basketball tennis dancing so um if you wanted to measure the skills of your students okay problem okay next okay knowledge reasoning skills and find that gap on project based portfolio recitation and observation knowledge target is best measured using portfolio and recitation paricitation reasoning best nia is visitation solicitation you ask question and then the students will listen out we'll give their will give his or her thoughts about about the things that you asked about or you asked to the students skills can be best measured using portfolio portfolio class is a collection of outputs anyway we will know deeper about portfolio in the in the proceeding topics product okay can we can be best measured using project based nato lawyer checks and portfolio teleporting check so these are the appropriate methods of assessment that you can use to assess the learning targets to assess if the students have achieved the learning targets in knowledge reasoning skills and prata i hope that you understand the topic the discussion so if ever you have questions manga citations clouds clouds of doubt accommodation upload a video and then you can comment you can comment in the google classroom your questions that need clarifications okay then i will also upload your second activity second activity in a video separated so your second activity will be uploaded again in the google classroom output don't worry because i gave i will give you an example uh i will serve as your as your reference in crafting your your output okay so i hope that you learned something from a discussion this time so see you in the next lesson goodbye everyone