Assessment Purposes, Learning Targets, and Appropriate Methods

Jul 19, 2024

Assessment Purposes, Learning Targets, and Appropriate Methods


  • Previous Lesson: Basic concepts and principles of assessing learning.
  • Current Lesson: Assessment purposes, learning targets, and appropriate methods.

Assessment Purposes

1. Assessment of Learning

  • Purpose: Determine learners' acquired knowledge and skills from instruction.
  • Nature: Summative.
  • Examples: Summative tests, major exams, weekly tests, and monthly tests.
  • Outcome: Measures how much students have learned; scores are recorded and graded.

2. Assessment for Learning

  • Purpose: Identify learners' needs to modify instruction or activities.
  • Nature: Formative.
  • Method: Teacher questioning during lessons to gauge understanding.
  • Outcome: Not graded; used to adjust teaching strategies and improve learning experiences.

3. Assessment as Learning

  • Purpose: Help learners become self-regulated and reflective about their learning.
  • Nature: Formative.
  • Examples: Self-assessment questions and reflective tasks.
  • Outcome: Encourages self-regulation and understanding of one's own learning process.

Role of Classroom Assessment in Teaching-Learning Process

  1. Formative: Acquires information on learners' current status, aiding in lesson planning.
  2. Diagnostic: Identifies learners' weaknesses and strengths to tailor instruction.
  3. Evaluative: Measures learners' performances for grading purposes.
  4. Facilitative: Provides information to improve instruction and learning strategies.
  5. Motivational: Encourages learners to engage and improve their performance.

Learning Targets


  • Goals: General statements about desired learner outcomes over a program or year.
  • Standards: Specific statements about what learners should know at a particular grade level or course.
  • Educational Objectives: Specific expected performance at the end of an instructional unit.
  • Learning Targets: Specific student performance outcomes to be achieved in a lesson or a few days, stated from the learner's point of view.

Bloom's Taxonomy (Cognitive Domain)

  1. Knowledge: Recall/recognition (verbs: define, recall, enumerate).
  2. Comprehension: Understand meaning (verbs: explain, describe, summarize).
  3. Application: Use knowledge in concrete situations (verbs: apply, demonstrate).
  4. Analysis: Break down into parts (verbs: compare, contrast, classify).
  5. Synthesis: Combine parts to form a whole (verbs: compose, create).
  6. Evaluation: Make judgments based on criteria (verbs: evaluate, critique).

Updated Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl)

  • Create: Highest level (verbs: produce, develop).
  • Evaluate: (verbs: judge, critique).
  • Analyze: (verbs: compare, classify).
  • Apply: (verbs: use, demonstrate).
  • Understand: (verbs: explain, summarize).
  • Remember: (verbs: recall, list).

Types of Learning Targets

  • Knowledge Target: Factual, conceptual, and procedural information (e.g., explain the role of a conceptual framework in research).
  • Reasoning Target: Application of knowledge in problem-solving and decision-making (e.g., justify research problems).
  • Skills Target: Use of knowledge or reasoning to perform physical skills (e.g., facilitate a group discussion).
  • Product Target: Creating a tangible product (e.g., write a thesis proposal).
  • Affective Target: Development of emotional or affective characteristics (e.g., appreciate ethical issues in research).

Appropriate Assessment Methods

  • Knowledge: Multiple-choice, short answer tests, etc.
  • Reasoning: Problem-solving, essays.
  • Skills: Performance-based tasks, demonstrations.
  • Product: Project-based assessments, portfolios.
  • Affective: Surveys, self-assessment tasks.


  • Questions: Comment on Google Classroom for any clarifications.
  • Activity: Second activity to be uploaded in Google Classroom.


  • Further reading and study materials provided by the instructor.