what's up for 149 subs today we're going to discuss what AI Services you can sell to businesses how much do you charge what are the different price tiers what Solutions you can build for each price tier as well as who are this clients obviously I'll give you the range but we'll also discuss on what does this range depend on I see a lot of Masters right now on YouTube claiming that they make millions billions and trillions of dollars from their a Agency for the most part it's not true I've been running my Agency for a year and a half now I share a lot of results on this channel I am at around5 to $15,000 per month currently since it depends on the month since I run cool emails a lot and I get referrals it's usually 50 to 5050 or 60 to 60 so this is my pure observation on the market maybe you'll find it helpful essentially I look at charging the clients at five different ways you can charge big onetime payment and small retainer small onetime payment and medium retainer no onetime payment and big retainer hourly rate or actually consulting or big onetime payment and big retainer essentially right the dream of every one of us but this is actually the hardest part and I don't think that you need to plan to sell this thing I see the YouTubers that claim that they charge Char $30,000 for the client and they charge like $5 to $8,000 per month which is not super realistic or at least I have no clue how they made it work but I would bet my money that they're just straight upline I forgot to mention one thing when we are talking about making money online you can think about it as an AI agents AI automations or AI software obviously for the software you can charge small subscription big subscription or for onetime payment I'm not a huge fan of the software nor I launched any so I don't have experience that's why we're not going to talk about this specific Niche for the AI agents and AI automations they are like pretty similar again depending on the solution that you actually built okay so let's discuss each one of these price tiers uh and see how much and when do you actually charge essentially for the big one time payment and small retainer this is where my current agency focus on for the onetime payment I would say that we are talking about2 to 15,000 per month which is again one time payment that the business pays you to develop the thing and then you charge thir like $300 to $600 per month to maintain it uh as you can see here I said 3 to six let me explain why put 15 maybe you can charge $50,000 $30,000 but I am talking from my own experience and the biggest onetime charge that I had was $15,000 so that's why I'm saying that this is the cap maybe if I would charge a client like $28,000 I would say okay so it's two to 28,000 but for the not the beginners but again for the guys that know how to build this things they know how to sell I can they probably you know not bad I I would probably say that you need to plan for charging $3 to $6,000 one t payment either a set of automations or an voice AI agent plus like some sort of chat bot and then you charge the monthly retainer so let me explain you why uh it's not made for you only to make money on the monthly basis you need to charge clients monthly since on the back end you spend for the software you spend money on the token so that you need to count it all into how much you're going to charge again depending on the solution so let's say if one business receive 100 inquiries per day so 100 people will talk to the bot or bot will process 100 inquiries and analyze them and do something with them obviously there are more talking involved if compared to let's say business that receed two to three inquiries per day so this is is the things that you can actually expect I have multiple videos on this channel where I go over this the similar solution that we built for our clients obviously I do not like show you exactly the chat Bots or like the agents or the automations but I give you the principles and I give you the wireframe that you can use I share the templates for free in my resource Hub by the way it's first link in the description you can just and go and download all of templates that I have for free you can go watch like let's say this is uh AI for wholesalers essentially we are focusing a lot on the wholesalers and manufacturers that's why this is kind of a similar solution that we built again it depends on the softwares that they use on the back end that they use and the client and how their clients interact with their business but like I I I am giving you the overview on how this solution might look this is another video where I built like 7,000 and this is like the actual thing and I am planning to record another video on this topic about this specific part because it's very interesting one where uh I input the recommendation system into the voice flow that analyze the user input and preferences and output the actual result result of the furniture that fit the specific user and I'm probably recording this another video on this specific bot uh this week again you can go watch the videos but essentially most of the videos on this channel are based on this specific price here based on the solutions that we build for our clients since again I talk only what I know the clients that we build this things for our wholesalers Manufacturer Insurance agencies distribution like companies and Retail again there are probably a few more but these are kind of old school businesses which are are not tax saavy and receive a lot of inquiries and the inquiries usually complex either is again a chatbot either it's a phone call with an existing customer that want to get information about their account or it's just an email of the or already said the email anyway so like either email phone or h a request inside their account because usually let's say wholesalers have an account for their clients that they can log in and order their the products so they want to have let's say a chatbot connected to the website but it it can be only accessed by the clients that are already logged in to their system inside the to their portal inside their website okay so this is um the first and the main price tier for us and for my agency we have small onetime payment and medium retainer again this is kind of an alternative to this and I did charge a few clients as you can see these are kind of the solutions that you can build as either an AI voice things since again there are there's a lot of talk about voice AI assistants right now they are on hype but I do believe that you need to have a very specific use case to actually sell them because they are accurate but the problem is with delay so not all of the customers want to talk to the robots still maybe in a year when the delay will be like 200 millisecond maybe but not for now so you do actually need to have a very specific solution or let's say it's a corporate Weeki so usually these clients like in HVAC LX Professional Services roofin solar cleaning and 100 more these are the service based businesses right you can like call this again like Insurance here is the service based business but what I found is that insurance agencies tend to pay more since the inquiries that they receive are pretty complex so they require more complex solutions for this guys uh the requests are usually simple it's a service request it's a availability request so you usually you know charge less one time for the setup let's say for from $500 to $2,000 and then you charge monthly you charge more monthly let me explain you why because again uh they usually have like different services and usually you need to handle some inquiries manually so let's say when the bot is not able to uh provide a response so you need to like you need to talk to the company and understand okay so what do you guys want to do so when the bot is not able to handle the request so do you want to transfer the um the lead automatically to their agents which is not ideal what I found so for example they the company just want let's say say if it's a a HVAC company that receive a lot of inquiries from their website so you canect a chatbot as well as the voice assistant to their website and when the customer calls the goal is to provide the like to nurture and qualify the leads and provide the general information about the lead capture the details from the lead and send it to the sales te so when the user is not able to to get or provide all the information to the AI instead of transferring this human to their team we handle it ourselves yes it takes time and I have again a few management guys that are managing like the current clients that we have but essentially usually we get like a few a day for let's say one business the for the customers that are not satisfied with the experience of the AI and we we hop on the conversation with them try to get all the details and then manually transfer not manually we trigger the automation from their from our dashboard and send this information to their sales team because again uh we want to provide the best experience for the business for the clients so that's why we charge more so we don't want them to talk to ever talk to the unqualified leads so it's either qualified leads or no leads and if the leads is not yet qualified and want to talk to the human we get the conversation again it depends on the client so you need to talk to them and that's why since you are covering some part manually you can charge a little bit more now so the third one is no onetime payment and big retainer what I found um I think this is more related to the the marketing companies the like the traditional smma but that they maybe they do integrate some sort of a AI agent and let's say a caller Like You on the Facebook ads you get the leads and the AI calls the prospects qualify them and close them maybe like depending on the use case so like I would not say that the the agency that offer the service is an AI automation agency this is essentially a marketing agency that has in their tools set use AI agent so usually these companies do not charge one time so maybe some do maybe some do but again I would not do that I would not charge anything one time uh and I would charge a big crer essentially you would charge like one and a half to $3,000 maybe five depending on the company and then for the one time I said none but you can charge like $100 to $500 it's not about the money usually it's more about the commitments so let's say you need to develop this system so let's say you signed a contract but you still like would love to get some commitment from the business so maybe they will pay you 300 bucks you can tell that this is the money that goes to the training of the AI system and for the fine tuning but essentially obviously you can cover it yourself it usually cost like $40 to $50 but it's more about right about the commitment from the business so that they are committed not just sign the contract you build the thing and they said oh something changed and we no longer want it if you think that the contract will make a difference it won't right so you will not Sue this company so this is a reality and as I say you know it's usually for the leite generation agencies as agencies called outre or the email marketing I have and I still do have a few clients that we run cold Outreach for so this is the essentially the cold Outreach that we use for our agency and we built the whole infrastructure for them we integrated multiple AI agents and automation to their business and we are running it on the back end so we charge them I do want to record one video about this specific client and they're pretty happy and I was actually planning to record even an interview with this client so that you know you guys can see how I acquired this client what they were looking for and what problem I solved for them I think you like it so essentially we charge them I think like 2.5k per month and we for the retainer maybe we charge like 600 dollars for to set up everything anyways yeah so this is kind of I would classify that this is a separate business model when you are essentially just a marketing agency with um this tool set of AI automations and AI agents now for the hourly Consulting just forget about it if you watch this video you probably will will never like sell it I I'll be honest I like didn't sell like a lot I think I sold like three or like Consulting we sold a lot of demos and prototypes and you can think on like the demo is that the businesses pay say two three $400 as a Consulting essentially you're building a prototype you're showing them how a can be applied in the business if they like it they continue if they don't they don't so it's kind kind of like a Consulting but with some actual tangible things that they get after spending like a few hundred for like why is said that you need to forget about it because you need to have a brand obviously if you are running the cold. reach like again from my experience sending more than 300,000 emails on selling AI things like you would probably never sell the Consulting because what you say hey we are this business we can consult you on how to create Ai No like usually the Consulting is the inbound traffic when the people in the business are looking for something but they are not sure yet what so they they get a consultant that explain them on how AI can be integrated what are the different business processes that can be automated and then actually hire someone to develop it now and for the big one time and big retainer again probably I would consider big anything above $5,000 as you can see here is 2 to five 2 to 15 like on average if we get like last 10 llies that I have I would say my average one time payment is around 4.5 $5,000 so yeah like I would still consider it big but it's anything above $5,000 and you can charge to to to whatever $1,000 per month honestly I am not like I'm not a qualified expert to talk about this specific thing I do also believe that in order to get this kind of clients you need this is like only inbound traffic to get the inbound traffic you need to have a brand you need to have the reputation and usually these are referrals so when someone refers uh someone to you means that they already kind of have a trust because an auto business is working with you so they know that you're not some random scam agency again uh I like the biggest I think like was $15,000 that I said already right here so we did charge $155,000 but we are still charging them $700 per month again so it's not $2,000 so yeah uh this is a very very specific use case and I'm I don't really think that this is just an agent just a chatbot just a voice assistant or just a simple automation that will automate their client onboarding process this is something that uh would require quite a bit of Integrations with their current systems which are would probably be something like uh like more complex old school systems that would require some sort of code but obviously when a business will pay you that much you can hire an additional developers to help you with this thing but again like don't plan for this don't plan for this for the one time plus big retainer this is a really good one essentially this is just in ordinary smma model but with some help of AI agents and AI automations that you can uh talk about on the sales call obviously this is not the these are not the benefits or the things that would convert uh more clients so if you say hey I'm doing the Facebook ads and by the way we're also using a agents this not something that would convert more prospects since they just care about the results obviously but you should just like still mention it you should explain how everything works and it will help you a lot to if you know how to do that to close more clients because you show better results and you have like better retainers so you retain the customers for more time uh small one time medium retainer or big one time small retainer I would say do with a small one time plus small retainer this is the best uh thing to start like charge five to $2,000 for the solution and then maybe five like you can lower it down to $3 to $600 per okay so these are just my thoughts on how you can start out with like selling the AI Services now what does the price depend on so let's say here I give you the range and here I also give you so I give you the range all the time so I do inclin to believe that the price that you charge depends on two things the value and the company pocket size uh this is a controversial opinion and I never heard that someone actually talk about it maybe it's not ethical I'm not sure uh or they like I'm not sure so I'll explain you what it means essentially for the value it's like the actual value that you provide to the business and you can count this value by essentially you integrated solution so let's say you save an x amount of hours I would not suggest you to reach out to the prospects and to the businesses and say hey hey we can come and save you 30 hours per day or whatever like because this is usually a nonsense since you do not know this business you do not know how they operate if you like maybe if you focus on one specific Niche so let's say if you just work with uh Professional Services but I still like Professional Services it really depends on the on the agencies so like with solar same thing right like uh it depends on the size of the company on and how they like take care of their clients so like I would it's very hard to estimate so like and usually business owners understand it so they will understand that you're bullshitting and will not like take you seriously so I would say that you need to have a sales call you need to understand that their processes obviously like it's not the audit you can call it whatever like it's free obviously then you are presenting your offer and you can say okay so based on our convers ation I understand that we can save you you know 20 hours per week by doing that and you can like replace this fire one person usually businesses do not fire people uh because of that they just you know put them to a different task but you can like save them this one person salary and based on this information let's say if they potentially can fire one people that they pay like $330,000 per month for or if they are sayot like right now there a lot of companies that are Outsourcing their um customer support even the bigger companies to third party countries um and where they pay let's say like uh300 $500 per month so essentially and they maybe not like no like3 to $500 these are not serious companies I would say like thousand to $1,500 uh for like two agents that they pay to um to qualify and nurture the leads so thus pay yearly 12 to $15,000 so if you come and say Hey you do not need to pay them anymore we'll just develop the the automated system that will do the same thing but for like2 to $3,000 not per month just one time payment and we will charge you $300 per month something like that and I think you can like you can find a lot of success with this strategy or you say let's say you integrate the solution uh which is not possible to do by hand and these are very specific Solutions um I'm I'm not going to go deep into this topic but let's say it's the lead qualification based on certain like APO I like APO is just the database or like Zoom info so essentially when the lead comes in you can automatically qualify them and research this Prospect and like which is not able to do by hand it means that even if you hire an additional stuff for like ,000 per month they will not be able to do that since you need to have a lot of experience and you need to have like different connections to the softwares so essentially you are introducing a new technical solution which would not be possible without like AI or some sort of an Automation and this is very hard to measure you would need to like depend a lot on the business and what they like when you present it and when you hop on the sales call and on the Discovery call you can kind of get a sense of how much they could pay for it and that's why I provide you the ranges so that you can get an idea on what are the prices that does make sense so that you don't say that it will cost like $20,000 or or something now for the company pocket size I do believe that you need to change the prices and charge the companies based on their size so let's say if you develop the same exact solution again I um like for some reason I never heard that someone actually talk about this on YouTube in the smma space let's say if you build the same exact thing for two companies so one company has 10 employees and another one has 200 employees so why would you charge the same amount like they would get the same benefit but essentially uh you can charge let's say the first company you can charge like $1,500 and the third the second one you can charge $5,000 the amount of money that they invest um it's not like let's say for the company that has 10 employees if you are actually developing something um something unique like lead nurturing system or a onboarding system the value is the good and obviously it's very hard to measure it in dollars but I would say let's say yeah sure like they can pay $55,000 for it the same system uh you can charge like $5,000 on the be with working with a bigger company and you can say yeah using it does make sense since obviously the bigger company will have more uh employees to own board or more leads to qualify yeah sure like this makes sense but I'm even saying that even if the process on the back end is exactly the same if they have like kind of exactly the same systems and you exactly the same volume of either leads or prospects maybe let's say this is like the same exact number of prospects but the order value for the second company is higher that's why they make more and that's why it's a bigger company but when you introduce an automation it doesn't really matter what type like what is the client size right either they're planning to spend like a $1,000 with a company or $100,000 for company yeah like obviously I'm exaggerating since $100,000 client it's it's not the client that you would want to timate but still I'm saying that the information that you need to capture from this client and nurture him is exactly the same but I would charge the second company more since they have they can essentially afford bigger service right even if it's the same okay this is uh just my opinion guys again I have a lot of videos on YouTube a lot of videos coming uh in by the way this is just one proof thanks for watching till the end um this is like the actual conversation that I have with had with one of the clients and they sent us this is I think 40% of the uh prepaid thing to for the solution that we're going to build for them it's three $3,000 whatever so the whole solution is7 to $8,000 whatever like I'm just just showing that first I'm a real deal when I say that I am a real um a real business a real agency I do mean it uh I do not use stri because I was blocked a while ago uh I was planning to use um lemon squeezy or whatever but they were acquired by Stripes so I'm I'm kind of sad uh so right now we're just receiving the a transfers but essentially yeah so as you can see this is the solution that for like in this kind of range and we would charge this client probably I'm planning from 500 to like $900 depending on the final thing so this is the prepa prepayment so we are charging the one time obviously um usually it's 30 to 40% then in the middle we charge another uh you know whatever like 30 to 40% and then when we finish they they pay like the remaining amount and then we're starting to to charge the retainers um okay guys so thanks for watching I guess um subscribe if you like this video or don't subscribe peace