Navigating Family Dynamics and Boundaries

Aug 28, 2024

Lecture Notes: Am I the Bad Apple?

Opening Remarks

  • Discussion about pranks and their consequences.
  • Reminder to send stories to subreddit for feature.
  • Emphasis on diverse experiences shaping perspectives.
  • Encouragement to agree to disagree in comments.

Apple 1: Am I the Bad Apple for Punishing Someone Else's Kids?

  • Context: 19-year-old female with divorced parents, living with mother mostly.
  • Situation: When visiting father's home, responsible for half-siblings (6 and 4 years old).
  • Task: Asked by stepmom to prepare lunch and manage siblings while she was out.
  • Conflict: Little sister hits brother; OP puts sister in timeout for 23 minutes.
  • Reaction: Stepmom angry, argues OP overstepped boundaries.
  • OP's View: Feels justified in disciplining; stepmom left her in charge without clear boundaries.
  • Debate: Whether OP acted reasonably or overstepped.
  • Key Takeaway: Importance of clear communication on parenting roles and boundaries.

Apple 2: Am I the Bad Apple for Telling My Sister to Get Over Her Daughter's Race?

  • Context: 33-year-old female (OP) and her tan-skinned sister (27).
  • Situation: Sisters have children with different skin tones; OP's daughter is darker than sister's lighter-skinned daughter.
  • Conflict: Sister yells at OP’s son for his drawing of the cousins.
  • OP's Response: Reminds sister to accept her daughter’s appearance; sister reacts negatively.
  • Discussion Points: Concerns about projecting insecurities onto children.
  • Key Takeaway: Importance of fostering self-acceptance in children regardless of skin tone.

Apple 3: Am I the Bad Apple for Refusing to Babysit My Nephew?

  • Context: 23-year-old female OP, previously babysits for sister (29) to help her out.
  • Situation: Sister asks OP to babysit nephew for 7 hours, OP feels unappreciated and overwhelmed.
  • Conflict: OP values her free time and has wedding planning commitments.
  • OP's View: Feels entitled to prioritize her own needs and time.
  • Discussion Points: Importance of mutual respect and appreciation in family support.
  • Key Takeaway: Balancing support for family while maintaining personal boundaries.

Apple 4: Am I the Bad Apple for Locking My Family Out of the House?

  • Context: OP owns house, parents live in in-law suite and pay rent.
  • Situation: Sister needs to move in; OP disagrees with baby-proofing and potential daycare business in her home.
  • Conflict: OP decides to change locks and restrict access to her part of the house.
  • Discussion Points: Importance of personal space and boundaries in shared living situations.
  • Key Takeaway: Right to establish boundaries in one's own living space, regardless of family dynamics.


  • Overall Assessment: Four "Good Apples" in the situations discussed.
  • Final Thoughts: Importance of boundaries, communication, and respect in family relationships.
  • Reminders: National epilepsy awareness, National nougat and spinach days.