Understanding ICT Safety and Organization

Aug 22, 2024

ICT in Technology and Livelihood Education

Opening Prayer

  • Thankful for protection and love.
  • Focus on learning and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

Lesson Information

  • Grade: 7
  • Topic: ICT in Technology and Livelihood Education
  • Curriculum: Modat Tag
  • Week: 2, Day 1

Review of Previous Lesson

  • Discussion on the 10 qualities of successful entrepreneurs in ICT.
  • Examples of successful entrepreneurs in ICT.

Today's Lesson: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Standards in ICT

Activity: Identifying Hazards

  • Roam around the classroom for 3 minutes to list things that can cause injury or harm.
  • Group discussion on findings.

Content Standards

  • Understand OSH standards in ICT environments.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify hazards and risks in ICT environments.
  2. Enumerate the 5S in organizing ICT environments.

Language Practice: Synonyms of Hazard

  • Synonymous words: Threat, peril, danger, risk, accident, harm.
  • Non-synonyms: Protection, safe, convenient, secure.

Definition of Hazard

  • A hazard is anything that could cause harm.
  • Examples of Workplace Hazards:
    • Electrical cords (risk of shock).
    • Improperly stacked boxes (risk of falling).
    • Noisy machinery (risk of hearing damage).

Types of Hazards

  1. Physical Hazards:

    • Cables on the floor.
    • Slippery floors.
  2. Mechanical Hazards:

    • Rotating machine parts.
    • Reciprocating motions.
    • Transverse motions (e.g., computer chassis).
  3. Chemical Hazards:

    • Cleaning chemicals for displays and keyboards.
    • Compressed gas and dust removers.
  4. Electric Shock Hazards:

    • Inside computers and electronic equipment.
    • CRT monitors (high voltage).

5S Methodology for Organizing ICT Environments

  • Originated in Japan as part of the Toyota Production System.
  • 5S Principles:
    1. Sort (Seiri): Remove unnecessary items to reduce hazards.
    2. Set in Order (Seiton): Arrange items for easy access.
    3. Shine (Seiso): Keep workspaces clean and tidy.
    4. Standardize (Seiketsu): Maintain cleanliness consistently.
    5. Sustain (Shitsuke): Commit to maintaining standards over time.

Activity: Identify Hazards

  • Discuss types of hazards from given items:
    1. Inkjet printer - Chemical Hazard.
    2. Running cables - Physical Hazard.
    3. Keyboard cleaning chemicals - Chemical Hazard.
    4. Inside computers - Electric Shock Hazard.
    5. Slippery floor - Physical Hazard.

Situational Analysis Activity

  • Analyze hazards in a scenario:
    • Wet floor in a computer lab during summer vacation (is the risk high?).
    • Addressing hanging wires in a computer shop.

Reflection Questions

  • Identify hazards and apply 5S principles in your analysis.
  • Complete a table of four common hazards in ICT with corresponding 5S practices.

Final Activity

  • Write three steps to organize a computer table using the 5S principles.


  • Importance of understanding and applying OSH standards and the 5S methodology for safety and efficiency in ICT environments.