Transcript for:
Understanding ICT Safety and Organization

[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we have our discussion let us have a short prayer first dear Lord and father of all thank you for today thank you for ways in which you provide for us all for your protection and love we thank you help us to focus our hearts and Minds now on what we are about to learn Inspire Us by your Holy Spirit as we listen and write guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us we ask all this in the name of Jesus Amen good day grade seven students today we will continue our discussion about ICT in technology and livelihood education subject this is our lesson for quarter 1 week two day one in modat tag curriculum we will start with a review can anyone remind us of what we discussed last week what are the 10 different qualities of successful entrepreneurs in ICT give an example of successful entrepreneurs in ICT our lesson for today is all about occupational safety and health OS standards in ICT now let's do a short activity roam inside and outside the classroom for a few minutes and list down at least three things that can cause injury or harm I will give you three minutes to roam around [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] great let's hear some of the items you listed who would like to share how did you find the activity what are the areas on the school campus that you visited what are the three things you have listed that can cause injury or harm content standards demonstrate and understanding of the occupational safety and health OS standards in ICT environments learning competencies discuss the occupational safety and health standards in ICT environments learning objectives by the end of this lesson you should be able to First identify the hazards and risks in ICT environments and enumerate the 5s in organizing ICT environments let's do some language practice related to our lesson from the pool of words below group the words that are synonymous with Hazard we have threat peril danger risk protection safe convenient accident secure and harm let's check your answers the words that are synonymous with Hazard are threat Peril danger risk accident and harm excellent look at the picture below can anyone tell me what they see what hazards or risks are present in this image now let's discuss what Hazard is a hazard is anything that could hurt you or anybody here are some examples of workplace hazards Freight electrical cords could result in electrical shock boxes stacked precariously they could fall on anybody and noisy Machinery could result in damage to hearing can you think of any other examples a risky is the possibility that a hazard will harm anybody one physical hazards cables running across the floor slippery floor two mechanical hazards includes rotating machine parts reciprocating motions and transverse motions example computer chassis three chemical hazards display cleaning chemicals keyboard cleaning chemicals compressed gas dirt and dust removers and many cleaning solvents four electric shock hazard inside computers and electronic equipment five CRT or cathod tube monitor high voltage Hazard open CRT monitors now let's talk about the 5S methodology for organizing ICT environments the 5S methodology originating in Japan is a system for organizing workspaces to improve efficiency safety and cleanliness developed as part of the Toyota production system this approach emphasizes maintaining order and discipline ensuring that workplaces are well organized clean and conducive to productivity ity widely adopted across various Industries 5S is considered a fundamental component of lean manufacturing and continuous Improvement practices in Japan the 5S stands for sort said in order shine standardize and sustain Seri or sort sorting or putting things in order remove or discard what is not needed so that there are fewer hazards and less clutter to interfere with work only keep what is needed Sean or set in order orderliness or proper Arrangement place things in such a way that they can be easily reached whenever they are needed there must be a place for everything and everything must be in its place sio or shine clean or cleanliness keep workplace and things clean and Polished no trash or dirt in the workplace siketu or standardize standardize or Purity maintain cleanliness after cleaning consistently Perpetual cleaning such cleaning is part of everyone's work shiuk or sustain sustaining or discipline and commitment maintain standards and keep the facility in safe and efficient order day after day year after year answer this on a one quter sheet of paper what are the types of Hazards indicated in the following items one inkjet printer two running cables on the floor three keyboard cleaning chemicals four inside computers and electronic equipment five slippery floor [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he let's check your answers key to correction one chemical hazard two physical hazard three chemical Hazard four electric shock hazard five physical hazard now let's look at these image and identify which 5S principles are being applied let's continue with the next set of images can you identify the appropriate 5S principles here here's another set let's move on to a situational analysis I will give you 3 minutes to write your answer on your tle notebook the wet floor in a computer laboratory is a hazard however no one is using the laboratory because the Learners are on summer vacation do you think the risk is high why [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he next suppose you are the owner of a computer shop and you notice that the wires are hanging Loosely how would you resolve this problem let's discuss your analyses what hazards did you identify how would you apply the 5S principles in this situation complete the table below by writing four common hazards in ICT and the 5s in organizing ICT environments [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] let's discuss your analyses what hazards did you identify how would you apply the 5S principles in this situation complete the table below by writing four common hazards in ICT and the 5s in organizing ICT environments [Music] [Music] [Music] C [Music] [Music] [Music] he for your activity write at least three steps on how to organize the computer table below using the 5S [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he finally let's reflect on today's lesson thank you for your participation today remember understanding and applying OS standards in the 5S methodology is crucial in maintaining a safe and efficient ICT environment