you are tuned into the Dr Tina show with Dr Tina Moore for more visit Dr on this episode of the Dr Tina show I'm going to be sharing with you my top 10 ways that you can royally screw yourself when using oek as you know on this podcast I've been doing a whole series about OIC Done Right glp1 Agonist and I've taken deep dives into it I've launched a four-part free video training series I'll link to in the show notes that you guys can watch where I dive even deeper and I've gotten a lot questions I have a decently large platform it's not huge but I got a couple hundred thousand followers across the platforms and I get messages from people all the time I get a lot of questions and I wanted to make sure that I touch on these because I am seeing the same mistakes over and over and over again I'm even seeing it in my patients where people erroneously think they can use a gp1 Agonist like OIC wjo wovi as a monotherapy meaning a standalone therapeutic and the clouds will part and the skies Will Rain Down glorious weight loss and wonderful things and that's just not how it is this is not ideally to be used as a monotherapy standalone and while there's a lot to unpack there and I go deep into it inside of my program my paid program called OIC dun right University what I want to share with you today is the top 10 ways that you can royally screw yourself over when using oek these are very common so let's jump in number one you've heard me say it before or cranking the dose up too high too fast these peptides are not designed to be overdosed on yet that seems to be what the standard protocol is now that's not to say every doctor is doing it that way a lot of smart doctors that I'm hearing from are dosing the patient up to tolerance to where they're getting the results they want and they're not cranking them over the normal escalation pathway of the brand name is a 16 we escalation where they essentially double the dose every month I personally think the starting dose is too high in most cases but these are pre-filled pens and there's not a lot we can do with it unless we go with a compounded version so cranking the dose up too high too fast is a Surefire way to run smack into horrific side effects severe nausea crush your appetite lose weight abruptly end up with OIC face and OIC butt and have a whole host of terrible things happen Downstream to your metabolic Health if you lose all of your muscle mass in the process of starving yourself as you overdose on these peptides or are overdosed on them you will end up with no muscle and then quite literally will gain all the weight back and when you go off of them and now you're left with no muscle and that weight is replaced solely by fat it's a disaster I cannot emphasize this enough that is a complete disaster and a terrible way to do things that will leave folks worse off than when they started number two way to royally screw yourself when using OIC is to try to push through the nasty side effects if you're getting nausea and vomiting your dose too high period so you need to talk to your prescribing practitioner these are prescription only medications you need to talk to the person who is running that prescription and you need to come to an agreement on how you can either back down or figure out what's going on maybe you switch to a different one but you don't need to push through nasty side effects they're completely unnecessary when this is done correctly number three can continuing to eat non nutrient-dense crappy food only less of it you know who you are I'm not pointing any fingers or laying any blame but if you're accustomed to eating a diet of garbage and you simply just choose to eat a smaller portion of that garbage you're still going to be left malnourished and you're still going to be left in a pickle and you're going to end up in scenario number one that I just shared with you so do not starve yourself of the nutrients you need eating less volume of crappy food is not the solution you only have so much room in that stomach bag it's a pouch it's a bag and you only have so much room in there so make sure that what you put in it counts because this is not something you can catch up with later if your appetite is being suppressed and you're on a weight loss Journey now side note if you go back and listen to my other podcast I'm talking about using GOP wagonist at very different doses for very different reasons but in this case we're just going with what the average person is using it for which is usually weight loss type 2 diabetes you can't catch up later you can't just look at your watch at 8:00 at night does anyone even wear a watch anymore you can't do that and decide you didn't get any of your protein macros in for the day and try to stuff those in you just can't do it there's no way you can't catch up you will overstuff yourself you will end up sick you'll be up all night with a stomach ache and that's not a fun place to be so make the foods you eat count and don't just eat a smaller portion of the crappy Foods you're used to eating that is is not going to land you long term on the Success track with these number four trying to continue to crush high fat fried foods and Ultra refined carbohydrates this seems to be the two food groups that get people the worst when it comes to the side effects with these glp1 agonists even those of my patient base who I'm dosing on micro does if they eat something that's fatty and I'm talking generally like the not so healthy fats but if not like a ribeye I'm talking like a fried food you know French fries foods you shouldn't be eating in the first place they will report feeling nausea Andor wanting to vomit so there's something about the way the GP ones work in the body I'm guessing it has something to do with the central nausea centers in the brain they are full of glp1 receptors themselves and how dense that bed of receptors is is individual by individual right it's different for each person so some people are going to experience more nausey on these and some people will experience less but but we can't uh aggravate that and certain foods seem to aggravate that so the super fatty high fat foods fried foods and then the ultra refined carbohydrates don't eat that [ __ ] anyway you guys it's terrible for you heed my warning on this one especially if you crush those Foods you're trying to get some cheeseburgers in at night or something it is a recipe for disaster trust me I've been there myself I've seen it happen with people it doesn't go over well number five probably the most important one if you don't want to end up in that brittle metabolic disaster mess of wasteland that I described in number one which is not protecting your muscle by not prioritizing your protein macros and strength training we have to have a talk here this is not negotiable if you want to go on glp1 Agonist and have any semblance of success in the long run you have to protect your muscle at all costs ladies I'm looking at you older you get the harder it is for your body to maintain its muscle mass most women in the United States are already walking into a hip fracture they're walking into Frailty they're walking into sarcopenia and they are walking into a hip fracture if not a fracture somewhere else in their body because of severe osteoporosis because they didn't eat enough protein especially in midlife and they did not prioritize strength training I get it Society has done a number on us I grew up in the generation where it was like be as skinny as human possible because we had Kate Moss as a supermodel and that was what we all that was our goal like look as wafy and malnourished as we could and as skinny as we could I get it we've done some serious damage to ourselves already if you're in my age cohort I'm 50 years old this is middle age we've already done a lot of damage to ourselves we've already been exposed to a lot of terrible Foods in our lifetime we were the generation that got brought up on artificial sweeteners we were the generation brought up with the fake fats and all the nonsense right we got fed all the nonsense that the big food could come up with and it was tested on us before it was you know decided if it was going to make it to the next Generation we already have osteoporosis most women of my age most women of my age are a mess so do not assume because you're losing weight everything is great oh I fit in my high school jeans again yeah well that's a disaster if you're all fat and Bone so you have got to prioritize strength training and you've got to prioritize eating your protein macros and doctors if patients are not complying you pull the prescription away I have no problem doing this if a patient is not compliant I do not provide the prescription anymore it's over that's it until they can be compliant they don't get the carrot so just heed my warning all of you practitioners health professionals general public taking these peptides if you're not prioritizing your muscle mass and getting adequate protein in on the regular you are shooting yourself in the foot quite literally or looking at a hip fracture sped up because we're already looking at hip fractures because we're not taking good care of ourselves as a age cohort number six assuming it's a monotherapy this is not a monotherapy this doesn't do great by itself especially cranked up on high doses we really want a full Orchestra of benefits and that means other peptides bioidentical hormone replacement making sure that we're optimizing certain organ systems of the body we need the whole thing working together in order for these to have the most effect and to be able to keep them at the lowest Doses and have them work remember I've said this before and if you haven't heard me say it before hear me now micro doing and low doses do not work on those who are not metabolically optimized so if you're not walking into this with muscle having been strength training already having been on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy doing all the things already you're probably not a candidate for success with a do that doesn't seem to be wanting to go through people's ears into their brains because I'm getting messages from people saying I have 60 to 80 pounds to lose and I want to try your micro doing strategy and I'm like no that is not reserved for people who have 60 to 80 pounds to lose people who have 60 to 80 pounds to lose are probably looking at more standardized dosing that doesn't mean they have to crank it out into Oblivion but they're looking at definitely more standardized dosing keeping the doses very very low and being able to cycle them and go on and off of them with flexibility is reserved for those who are metabolically sound so if you're not metabolically sound you need to get metabolically sound the cool thing is is glp1 Agonist will help with that they do actually help heal metabolism so I'm not saying don't start it I'm saying once you go on it get your ass in gear and get your [ __ ] together and take this seriously because you have a window of opportunity here and you really don't want to have to crank these peptides up any peptide any hormone will eventually have uh receptor insensitivity if you are bombarding the system with it so if you're flooding the cells with a peptide or hormone they will it will cleave off its receptors and you'll have to take more and more and more so we don't want that to happen and we want to be able to keep these as low as humanly possible so we're not walking into nausea land I'll give you a scenario I've heard this multiple times I actually heard it today people are hitting plateaus on the low Doses and I'm like well are they strength training are they prioritizing protein are they on biod dentical hormone replacement no no no well then why are you loading dosing them of course they're going to hit a plateau because there's other work to be done and that other work is absolutely critical and non-negotiable if you want these to work period even if you want them to work at high doses you'll hit a wall if those things are not dialed in so you have to do all the things in order for these to work optimally and using them as a monotherapy I think is a huge mistake taking a a patient especially a patient who's dealing with obesity and type 2 diabetes and simply saying here's your glp1 let's crank you up on the standard dosing good luck fck it's a real travesty I think that's actually an ethical issue like that's a problem because that's not how this is going to work it may work in the short term it's certainly not going to work in the long term and again they may end up very well end up like scenario one that I shared with you when people are just frail lost all their muscle and just totally metabolically devastated so don't use it as a monotherapy guys if you don't know how to do a comprehensive treatment protocol you're going to want to grab my program because I go through it in there the program is for healthc Care Professionals doctors I'm getting great feedback from the doctors in there saying thank you so much this is so informative I'm learning how to treat my patients more holistically I'm learning the language to use with them it really is to make doctors better doctors but it's also open to the general public because I want you guys to be fully educated around what it is that you're taking and this journey you're going on you need to know what all the moving parts are and you need to know how to find a doctor to prescribe this way so there's a whole module dedicated in there to how to find a doctor talk to your doctor um if your doctor's not going to cooperate what to do next there's five different steps in there on how to find someone to work with and people are having good luck if they're proactive you have to be the most potent advocate for your own health and it's going to take some groundw work and it's going to take some research it's not as simple as calling your doctor calling your Pharmacy and saying do you offer micro doing they're not going to have a clue what you're talking about I I literally came up with this concept and I'm not saying I'm the only one doing it cuz there are more people doing it now especially those taking my course hopefully are doing it but I still am hearing from those same doctors that are supposedly doing micro doing and it's still in their head to use it for weight loss and they're still missing some important pieces along the way so heed my warning in that we don't want to be cranking glp1 hoping for the best and wondering what the heck the long game is there has to be a long game on this right I know we all go into it excited and we're like what's going to happen and oh my gosh this is so amazing well that's the short-term treatment plan we have to have a long-term treatment plan and good doctors will have both when they meet you and they do an intake and they figure out what the protocol is going to be that they're going to start you with they have a short-term version and they have a long-term version and there's iterations in the middle those are called treatment plans and they should stick to the treatment plan and so I teach you what the short term is and what the long term is whether you're a patient and you're or just the general public and you're looking to utilize these peptides optimally or you're a physician or a health care professional or maybe you're a strength and conditioning coach or a nutritional therapist and you know you're going to be seeing clients on this or you already are and you want to just be really educated so you can help them the most right like there's no downside to you having more knowledge so I highly encourage you guys check out my program the free four-part video series can be found at Dr that's drty y na OIC uncovered from there you'll be given the opportunity to purchase the program at a discount if you want to buy the program now at full price it's on my website you can just go to Dr store and you'll find all my courses there but that one's the big one it's a great course there's a great community in there everybody's working together and I got some feedback this weekend that made me cry like this is my goal is to have this be the absolute most comprehensive best program out there for the use of glp1 Agonist and this is nothing new to me glp1 Agonist or not I'm giving you my entire clinical brain on how I approach a patient on how I help optimize their metabolism and gp1s are just but one tool in a comprehensive toolkit I teach you the whole toolkit including all the other peptides some of which are over the counter so it's really really in-depth and it's really comprehensive and for those of you who like to learn this is for you and if you're a clinician using these peptides or you're wanting to use them safely this is absolutely the program for you I wholeheartedly know that when you walk out of it you will have the tools you need to use these in a way that don't bring on side effects that don't make your patient sick that don't put you at liability or risk there's really an elegant way to do this and I teach you all of that inside of the program so um I will leave that at that all right let's see here number seven we're on to number seven not optimizing your hormones with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that is a huge Pitfall because GP ones are signaling peptide hormones they're not steroid sex hormones but they are still hormones and if you want hormones to work well you have to one be insulin sensitive two have your hormone profile optimized not perfect not perfectly balanced but you have to have some hormones on board if you need them otherwise you're just fighting an uphill battle truly if you need testosterone and you need estrogen and you need progesterone to get your body composition you know optimized getting enough muscle mass on there losing the fat right gp1s ain't going to be it if you're fighting that right so having all of that dialed in is really really helpful and in fact there was a small study that came out recently it was not a big one but it did show that women who were on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or just actually HRT not necessarily bioidentical they were on HRT and they took seacu tide and then the control group was just on S actide no HRT and the group that was on HRT did much better and had better weight loss so it proves what I've been saying and again goes back to how I've been treating patients for decades some of us were not scared off by the crappy data inside that Women's Health Initiative study that came out 20 years ago that told us to be afraid of hormones and take all our patients off some of us actually read the study and realized that there was some garbage points in there and now just recently they've come out and said we looked at the same data set from 20 years ago and we realized that there was some garbage data in there and actually you should have your patients on hormones and in fact it's probably dangerous not to have your patients on hormones to to some degree so some of us were not listening 20 years ago to that terribly done study and we were keeping our patients on hormones all these decades and people were doing beautifully so there's a way to do all of that and again I teach it inside the program all right so number eight oh this is a good one assuming it's not working because you hit a plateau so you're going to crank up the dose and usually land yourself into some of the nasty side effects land when in reality you're still not lifting weights and you're still not eating well I'll just leave that one at that because I think I've already harped on this enough number nine not taking other things into consideration if the glp1 isn't doing what you want it to do there are other factors here there's toxicity there's gut health there's parasites there's your stress load there's lack of muscle mass going in I'm going to say it again there's stress load stress will destroy your metabolism and so there's lots of other factors to take into consideration when they're not working again I talk about all these inside my program because they're that important we need to actually be aware of what these are now it's not a full University program of how to deal with all of those but again I'm just trying to wet your pette and get you guys thinking about some things that need to be checked out I mean there's mold there's you know reactive immune responses to things there's all kinds of reasons why the body will hold on to fat or not have autoimmune disease clear up as much as we want it to or not have some of the impacts that we're looking for if we're using for gp1s outside of diabetes and weight loss there are other walls that we're going to run into and we at least need to be aware of them and number 10 of my top 10 ways to royally screw yourself over when using OIC is assuming this is a quick fix this is not a quick fix you guys in fact it's a slow and low process and that's why I like it because I like to do everything Slow and Low I do not like shocking people's systems into change sometimes we got to pull out the big guns and do some emergency medicine and when I say that I mean sometimes we're doing regenerative things or we're using hormones to try to get people to you know get the needle to move when it comes to glp ones like seacu tide and tepati you cannot go fast because your patients will be miserable or you will be miserable some of the problems we're seeing with the compounded version is that people are not pulling up the correct dose into their syringe and they're injecting too much and they're ending up in a world of hurt so please please don't do that it is a terrible miserable place to be if you get yourself caught into that if you go to the ER there's literally nothing they can do for you they could probably start an IV line of fluids to make sure you're not going to end up dehydrated and they might give you some anti-nausea medication but if your receptors in your nausea centers are flooded with glp1 because you overdosed on it you can't pull that back you just have to wait for those receptors to get naked again so it's a tough place to be and you can't push this you can't push the weight loss you can't push it you're not going to take it and a week later be 10 PBS lighter in 3 months you're going to start to see some appreciable weight loss if you start losing weight too fast I heard of uh from a colleague today and she said some of her patients had lost I think 20 lbs in 3 months that's too fast for me to be totally honest with you I'm a big lose a pound a week kind of gal so you're looking at four pounds a month that's tops if you want to maintain your muscle mass that is tops and more important than your muscle mass is your strength these peptides do not destroy muscle they actually are regenerative to muscle they induce muscle generation they are healing to the muscle they do not destroy muscle on their own accord the muscle loss is from the chronically low caloric State and the malnourishment and the underfeeding that's what's leading to the muscle loss and so we don't want to speed that up any by going too fast with too high a dose so keep it low and slow guys and just know that the weight coming off needs to preferentially be fat so your strength training you're hitting your protein macros you're doing all the things we don't want to crush the appetite to the point where people don't want to eat the protein either so this is a standalone monotherapy hopefully the other nine points that I made have gotten you to really understand and drive this point home used as a standalone monotherapy especially at high doses thinking this is the end all be all it ain't it you guys and the dosing is also irrelevant everybody says what's the dose Dr Tina that is 9/10 of the equation there's so much more to unpack here so I highly encourage you to check out all my free content on it I've got about 10 hours adding this one will make it close to 11 hours of free content on YouTube on my website my podcast is both on all the podcast players and it's on YouTube if you want to check it out there you can find it at my website at Dr or you can find me on YouTube at drtina and then I've got the four-part video series training that you can check out which is at Dr OIC uncovered and it's a great great bit of information even if you're vement against these go get educated because what you're hearing in the mainstream media all the chirping and click ba it seems to be quieting down lately but you're not hearing all of the truth and in fact you're hearing a lot of misinformation and a lot of lies and it's been a very exciting time in the past few weeks because there is some good data coming out basically just crushing all of those arguments that people are making saying well it causes this and it's doing that actually no that's not what's happening at all and the data is showing that so I am not opposed to these when done right it's when they are cranked up and people are cracked out on them and overdosed and they end up looking like ghosts and bags of Bones and they end up just fat and Bone and they lose all their muscle and then they become a metabolic Wasteland we don't want that so anyway I encourage you guys to check out the content get educated share it with your friends share it with everyone share it with your doctors I have the data to support this it's really not even that hard to look up and inside my program I give you all the data I have a 20 some page document it's a living document my assistant adds to it daily I'm constantly dropping studies into her file and and then she files them away and it's listed by category it's a phenomenal resource inside the program so all the data is there by organ system by impact it's it's a great one so anyway I will leave you with that I hope you guys enjoy this podcast if you do definitely please um headset your favorite podcast player and rate review subscribe if you're on YouTube please follow me check the Bell down below and get subscribe so you're notified when I release a video I really am trying to grow my YouTube and when you guys give me reviews and you leave comments below and you do all the things it helps other people see this and I don't think these peptides should be vilified the way that they are it's not the peptide's fault that people are managing them and dosing them wrong and that patients aren't being compliant all the time so let's get the truth out there I'll see you guys next time thanks for listening to the Dr Tina show please be sure to follow me on Instagram at Dr Tina that's d rty y na a and drtina 2.0 as well as visit my website at Dr this is a resident media production produced by Drake Peterson and mixed by Chris mcone the theme song is by John the guilt as always you can email the show at podcast at Dr and if you like this episode please rate review And subscribe on your favorite podcast app see you next week this podcast is for General informational purposes only it does not constitute the practices of medicine nursing or other professional health care services including the giving of medical advice I am a doctor but I am not your doctor no doctor patient relationship is formed the use of this information and the materials linked to this podcast is at the user's own risk the content on this podcast is intended not to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice from any medical condition they have and they should seek the assistance of their Health Care Professionals for any such conditions