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Zmysły Ludzkie: Rola i Funkcje

Heavily underrated The human nose according to the estimates of scientists at the University of New York. can recognize up to a billion fragrance compositions. Spicy taste is not a taste at all, just as taste is not what we call taste when eating our favorite dishes , it seems that the topic of the senses must be finally put in order and try to figure it out somehow The extent to which the smell affects our life is amazing . it is clear that the smell that the criminal leaves at the crime scene may be evidence in the case, and forensic osmology specialists are able to collect and secure the odor trace, and then compare it with the smell of the suspect . Unfortunately, not our but dog's noses are detectors at that time. Let us imagine what bad luck and what nickname a criminal will get in prison, who carefully planned the crime, did not leave a hair or a fingerprint, but fell in because he could feel it. There are more examples of how important smells have in our lives : child by smell , we also judge the attractiveness of our potential partner by the smell (although we do not realize it. the different system of histocompatibility between two people and the information about it is passed through the smell method , i.e. the more we differ chemically, the more attractive we see ourselves , therefore the term, to feel chemistry towards someone, takes on a new, very specific dimension. today on the three senses of taste, smell and touch - the sense and the organ We talked about my eyesight here. And our earlier reflections on the sense of hearing can be found in this card. In a moment we will deal with the senses one by one and I will tell you a lot of different curiosities about them, but I would like you to always see two things on the horizon related to each of them. The role of a given sense and the location of receptors that receive stimuli . Taste: the role of this sense is to assess the suitability of a food. If something is, for example, too bitter or too acidic, as the classic used to say: know that something is happening ... So this is our evolutionary adaptation to survive since biblical times, the cup of bitterness symbolizes, among others, venom or poison The second function of the sense of taste is improved digestive efficiency. The stimulation of the taste receptors accelerates the secretion of digestive enzymes and increases peristalsis , i.e. the movements of the muscles of the digestive tract that move food. So what are taste receptors and what is the actual organ of taste? On our tongue there are characteristic appendages of various shapes called taste warts. On these nipples we find taste buds - and they are the proper organ of the sense of taste. And our cups are made of taste cells - that is, the right taste receptors, and because we are talking about sensitivity to chemicals, the taste cells are chemoreceptors. Once again, on the tongue there are nipples made of taste buds, i.e. organs of taste, and these are made of taste cells, or taste receptors Well, and how many tastes we are able to recognize, in fact, quite a little sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami (the taste of glutamate - i.e. one of the amino acids present, among others, in meat ) some food products Well, the spicy taste is not a taste at all because there are no special chemoreceptors that perceive it You will ask what is it not the taste but it bakes like hell . a substance present in most spicy foods called capsaicin which irritates and precisely the pain receptors It's as if someone was sitting in our mouth and pouring a stick on the tongue and palate - the pain receptors are going crazy and we are enjoying the spicy taste of the dishes 1912 the American chemist Wilbur Scoville even introduced a scale of spiciness based on the presence of capsaicin Remember, spicy it is not a taste it is a solid spanking for the mouth. Sense . Let's start with the role of the sense of smell . So, the same as we met with taste. Exactly and we come to the topic of the taste of the dishes, which is mostly a smell. Remember that we recognize 5 tastes, and the richness of dishes in the world's cuisines is stunning.Therefore , to distinguish grandma's beloved dumplings from a dumplings made from entomological potting mix , the sense of smell is essential . why the gas that we use to prepare dishes on the cookers has such a characteristic irritating smell After all, we all know well from chemistry lessons that natural gas is odorless Well, tetrahydrothiophene is added to it, which is a highly flammable substance and gives this very smell We say that natural gas then it is subject to odorization. A beautiful word, and when you read that odorization is performed in odorization plants, then the proper organ of the sense of smell is…. The olfactory epithelium with an area of ​​about 4 cm2 and located in the upper part of the nasal cavity . And the olfactory receptors are olfactory cells located in this epithelium . And we slowly come to the sense of touch . These receptors are either specialized sensory bodies or free nerve endings are in the skin and together they form the organ of touch So these scattered receptors are one organ sometimes the skin is called the organ of touch And what is the function? First of all, the protective pain and temperature sensing receptors inform about the danger and trigger an unconditional reflex to avoid damage to the body. Thank you for another lesson together - thank you for all the support I get from you in the comments and e-mails. Stay healthy and see until next time.