e [Music] welcome back it is night two and we are going through units 4 through six for the AP World History exam it's coming up y'all I know you're feeling it uh so I don't want to do too much just just get right into it first of all just let you know it is uh 90 minutes Lord willing the creek don't rise uh it I will post this directly afterward on onto the channel in case you need to go back and see it and or whatever check check on some things um also uh I will be um doing shoutouts uh if y'all want to use the um uh Super Chat for that function uh and just to be clear the shout outs have to be submitted before 9:30 p.m. on or before 9:30 p.m. eastern time so you know whatever time zone you're in that's when they have to be submitted I I can't read after that uh there were several of you who submitted after that last night and uh I think I was already on for like over three hours it was uh so it's that's it so you know I love you guys but by 9:30 I'd be happy to do it so I'll be doing those shout outs uh after I'm done with unit four then after I'm done with unit 5 and then there'll be all the rest of them after uh we're done with unit 6 and we'll just go until you know they're all red so uh that's all and I know you guys are uh feeling stressed I've been watching the comments uh Slide by here and um I let's loosen the mood up a little bit so my my daughter she loves reading books we were in the bookstore the other day and she said will you buy me a bookmark and I broke into tears cuz she's 12 years old and she still doesn't know my name is [Laughter] Steve oh my gosh that's that may that that may be the best one that's ever happened okay thank you guys I'm glad to see yall laughing too uh all right well let's go ahead and uh get this party started in unit 4 uh trans Oceanic interconnection so we are in the time period 1450 to 1750 and again we're going to break it down into big ideas for unit 4 we've got seven Big Ideas number one is this new and updated Maritime technology facilitated trans Oceanic trade and the develop of seab based Empires stop for a second when it says Maritime that means seab based okay people having a married time some they're in a boat you so try to remember that because I mean there was one year there was a DBQ prompt about you know Maritime something something I can't remember what it was now and so many students didn't know what Maritime meant it just means C based so there you go now you know hopefully you knew before this but if you don't that's for free um okay so uh Maritime uh Empires so uh first we're going to talk about technology okay this is this is where you know La last night we ended by talking about uh the major land-based Empires uh now those are still around while we're talking the same time period but during that time period new uh seab based Maritime Empires began to rise uh that's going to shift the balance of power significantly in the world and uh the first thing you need to know about them is how they did it why and the first thing is technology and specifically borrowed and updated knowledge and technology so we're talking about Europe here and Europeans began borrowing from classical and Islamic and Asian worlds uh the technology that they had been uh using for a long time so uh a couple just to throw them out uh the astrol uh which you know reckons how far north and south you are from the equator um this is good for sailing uh since you need to know where you are um your Europeans borrowed that from the Greeks uh and the Muslims uh then you had the magnetic compass you know just find out which direction you're sailing that came from the Chinese uh then everybody's favorite the latine sale uh which um came from the Mediterranean Trade Network and and others as well so so those are the kinds of technology that the Europeans borrowed in order to embark on this giant Maritime Empire party but they also developed their own uh you know had their own Innovations in techn ology uh Chief among them was ship design um so we got the um the Portuguese and the Dutch okay you had the the caravel which was from the Portuguese um which was much smaller and you know Nimble more navig navigable was very fast um and uh and had you know pretty big cargo holes holds I got to breathe um and uh and then later you know they updated the the space and got much more Cargo in in the the Carrick um anyway then there was the Dutch and uh their big innovation and ship building was the flout spelled f LT the flout um it had metric buttload of cargo space and it enabled the Dutch VOC or the D Dutch East India Company to positively dominate trade in the Indian Ocean and that leads us to big idea number two European state sponsored exploration led to a rapid expansion of trade and transatlantic contact with the Americas three reasons that states sponsored exploration this is important especially in the early phases of uh European exploration is to emphasize that it was state sponsored okay three reasons that state sponsored this number one wealth building everybody wanted some boom boom so wealth building um they wanted access to the very lucrative Indian Ocean trade uh but at that point Muslims controlled the landbased routes between Europe and Asia and and so you know um uh they weren't able to trade on their own terms secondly third or second reason that uh Europeans um States sponsored exploration was to spread Christianity okay so remember European States tended to tie Christianity very tightly to their political structure and you know thus there was a strong impulse to spread that religion uh especially after the Reconquista in Spain uh Etc third reason European states are doing this is because of competition with other states um I can't remember if we already talked about mercantilism I don't think so I I've done AP Euro I've done AP AP US I know we talked about it then if we didn't talk about it let's talk about it now so mercantilism was the dominant economic system of uh many European States during this time and um you know essentially it just means there's only a limited amount of wealth that can be had in the world because it's measured in things like gold and silver and there's only so much gold and silver and so um that means there was a fierce competition to get a bigger piece of that pie and the bigger piece of the pie you get the smaller piece of the pie somebody else gets and so if if that was going to be the way of global dominance then you know no one can afford to fall behind and you know that also affects the balance of power in Europe as well but we'll get to that later now let's talk about these first Ms in terms of Maritime Empires so the first movers were the Portuguese okay they established what's known as a trading post Empire and this is not like a traditional Empire that you would think of like later with the the British um where you know they go and they live the send people and they live there and settler colonies all that kind of stuff no um the Portuguese by and large uh established a trading post Empire which is basically made up of small strategically located trading posts all around the a African coast and eventually uh all throughout the Indian Ocean so they're not establishing traditional colonies and their goal was to possess a complete Monopoly over the spice trade and um and they they had a good run at it but then comes Spain okay we talked about Portugal now let's get to Spain so the monarchs there Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored uh our boy Christopher Columbus uh in order to find similar routes to get involved in this um Indian Ocean but instead of going around Africa like the uh Portuguese did uh Christopher Columbus sailed West across the Atlantic Ocean um and he was seeking a new water route to facilitate participation in that Asian spice trade now we all know the story he lands in the Caribbean and we'll talk more about that in the next Point uh and you know had no idea that these two giant continents existed um but the effect of that Landing was that it dramatically increased interest in transatlantic sailing once you know he comes back it's like hey well not not really uh Columbus he maintained sort of to the end of his life that no I found southeast Asia that's where I landed uh but other people kind of figured it out and so huge increase in transatlantic sailing so you know the English the Dutch uh the French they all sponsored explorers to sail west in order to find a sea route to Asia turns out they didn't find it you know they should have just gone down to the Panama Canal and gone through that cuz but they didn't cuz they're idiots I guess and I'm just kidding don't the Panama Canal did not exist in case that joke did not land um at that point good old GE geographical jokes everyone loves them all right that leads us to big idea number three the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of animals plants foods and diseases from Europe to the Americas and vice versa as a result of contact Europeans sought to colonize the Americas okay so we're talking about the European Exchange European exchange the Colombian Exchange and it's helpful if you know some of the things that were transferred some of the food some of the diseases Etc that were transferred from the old world or uh uh Europe um to in in afro Eurasia basically to the new worlds um uh which is to say the Americas um and we're not I mean this is not just for poops and Giggles you don't who cares if you know this food went that way and that animal came this the point is that in in exchanging these things whole societies and lives were changed on both sides of the Atlantic so I'll explain that in a moment so from in terms of crops from the Americas into Europe probably the most significant uh food to be exchanged was maze kind of like a corn type of thing then from Europe into the Americas we got things like wheat and rice and so also when enslaved Africans later on um come to the Americas um brought there across the middle passage in order to participate in their coerced labor system they also brought foods like okra that were indigenous to their societies the effect of all this is that uh Afro Eurasian populations uh and and to some extent American populations um indigenous American populations expanded their diets which means they were overall healthier increased their lifespan this is especially in Europe um and that led to a pretty significant population increase over in Europe then there were animals okay so from uh you know the Americas into Europe we got you know the turkey so that's nice uh from Europe to the Americas there was cattle pigs horses uh horses probably the the most significant one because those transformed especially the indigenous cultures of what is today the Southwest United States and some of them abandoned farming for hunting bison on horseback help them in Warfare all that kind of stuff then there was the transfer in the Colombian Exchange of disease and uh by far the most significant here came from Europe into the Americas and that was small poox okay that devastated the population of the Americas is what they came to call the great dying uh you also had things like you know measles and um uh I'm forgetting the other major one um somebody remind me tell me what it is uh uh uh small pox measles um it also starts with it starts with an M why can't I think of it is it malaria maybe it's yeah malaria thank you um there you go uh okay so um so now you understand kind of some of the things that were being exchanged there were many many more things being exchanged um but now let's talk about you know we brief in the last big idea we talked about how uh these European empowers are establishing their Empires over in the around the Indian Ocean in Africa now let's talk about what's happening in the Americas so we'll start with Portugal uh and their colonization of Brazil so there they focus on agriculture specifically on cash crops and even more specifically on sugar cane because they had a tropical climate vast tracks of land and by the way cash crops those are crops that are grown specifically to be exported for you know uh for profit okay so this is not like people growing what they need to survive that subsistence agriculture this is C cropping this is different so initially in order to facilitate that um the Portuguese uh forced the indigenous population into coers labor uh in order to cultivate the sugar cane but remember what I just said about the disease about small poox and the measles and malaria uh many of those people began dying and therefore they replaced indigenous laborers with enslaved African laborers from you know the Congo Kingdom cities on the Swahili Coast Etc uh places in West Africa um and and so you know that was Portugal and then the Spanish they go Hog Wild colonizing the Americas as well and you know there were similar results there but we'll get to those later all right that brings us to big idea number four four out of seven with trans Oceanic contact established European States established Empires by excuse me established Empires fueled by mercantilist economic policy and coerced labor system okay okay so let's start in Europe and Africa so as the Portuguese uh established their trading post Empire around Africa some Africans many Africans uh perceive them as Intruders okay um but some African other African kingdoms grew like more powerful and more wealthy as a result of contact with European Merchants by trading with them uh for certain desired Goods like uh gold uh but probably you know as we go further and further into this period uh more significantly would be enslaved laborers um a good example there would be the Asanti Empire but while you know contact was expanding between Europe and Africa some states adopted more restrictive policies in order to avoid the effects of European culture can't get any better example here than Tokugawa Japan so the Portuguese and the Dutch they they began sending missionaries into Japan uh as a result of this you know increasing desire to dominate the Indian Ocean trade some Japanese did convert um and those new newly converted Japanese Christians uh in a Act of what they considered faithfulness began destroying Buddhist shrines there's a lot more to it but the response from the Japanese was that like for the next 40 years Japan basically kicked the Europeans out they kind of restricted the Dutch to one little Port uh but they kind of went into they Japan needed a little me time to focus on themselves for a while uh and they didn't want any part of this and uh and then let's talk let's keep talking about these new Maritime Empires let's go to the British okay uh British they had their eye on India and they begin by establishing trading posts just through the British East India Company um very similar to the way Portugal uh began uh but in in India Britain soon takes advantage of the growing tension between the Muslims and the Hindus there remember we talked about that last night um and so the British political influence began to grow until the East uh the British East India Company had control of a Pretty stinking large part of the Indian subcontinent um and then later as a result of the uh Indian Rebellion or the SEO Mutiny uh which we'll talk about in The Next Period um control of India would then be passed to the British government proper um and out of the hands of the British uh East India Company then we should talk about Spain so uh Spain and the Americas you know the Aztec and the Inca Empires quickly collapsed when Spain attacked and that's weird because uh the Aztec and the Inca had a lot more people than the Spanish kisad doors that were coming in how did they do it well it's because their population had been ravaged by disease that we just talked about small pox probably Chief among them so the these uh Spaniards came in they destroyed tenos tlon uh and they built their own Capital uh Mexico City and um and as a result of you know Portugal is in Brazil and then Spanish begins uh their conquest of South and Central America there there starts to be some tension between those two states and so they go to the pope and they're both Catholic States and they go to the pope and they work out an agreement called the Treaty of toras um in which they basically divided up the Americas uh Drew you know a line right down the map and Portugal basically uh got everything to the west and um the Spanish got everything to the east um and that would be an example of uh imperialistic tension being resolved by diplomacy instead of War there'd be plenty of War but here's a uh example of diplomacy um so the Spanish they they begin their colonization efforts by uh you know plundering the Americas for gold and silver but they quickly realized this is what you need to keep in your mind they quickly realized that the real wealth lay in agriculture so the Spanish began introducing systems of Agriculture of cash croppy and exporting these Goods um to Europe in the colonies that they hold they had several systems under which they did this the first was the encomenda system this was a coercive labor system and you know the the in this system the Spanish compelled indigenous people to work their Plantation and um it was sort of like the manorial system that we talked about last night in unit one uh from Europe but you like far harsher okay but in the sense that you know it was coerced labor and people were tied to the land then there was the later was the Henda system which was uh kind of there to oh I lost my big idea let's go back to that there we go um the Henda system was a later development they and they paid laborers very low wages and their debts remained very high and you know ultimately it was another form of coerced labor that focused on uh you know land instead of exclusively focusing on the the laborers one of the big things that um Spain was after in the new world was silver so Spanish imperial government transformed the Mida system into uh a system remember the Inca and their maida system the way that they set that up um the Spanish kind of took that over and employed it uh and they turned it into a system of coerced labor so Villages were compelled to send young men to work in dangerous Silver Mines on Imperial projects so almost done with this big idea a huge part of all this colonization comes back to the economic system of mercantilism so you know there's a limited amount of wealth and then within the system a big push is to establish colonies because colonies enrich the Homeland uh not only do they uh you know are source for mineral wealth like silver and gold but they also uh provide agricultural wealth in in terms of cash cropping uh and then let's go back to um well I don't think we have time for that so um yeah let's go on to big idea number five we gota got to go a little faster all right the development of Maritime Empires over time significantly changed the economies and Societies in which they were established Okay so it's not just um it's not just that things were being colonized that that happened but we need to focus on how it changed society and how it changed economies okay so let's start with economies first thing you need to know is the rise of joint stock companies these basically you know it's a sort of a new innovation in how a a company might be um or a corporation might be um funded so in this case groups of individuals invested capital companies uh which would be uh limited liability companies meaning that you know if it failed if the company failed in their um in their uh Mission or you know whatever they were setting out to do um then the people who invested that loss was distributed like you couldn't lose more than you invested that's what it means by uh limited liability so you know the Dutch the French the English they all develop joint stock companies the British East India Company the Dutch East India Company Etc so then there were um uh in terms of societies and economies there were economic disputes over colonization and that caused significant rivalry so for example um there was the uh Moroccan conflict with the Sanai Empire um long story short the Moroccans defeat the invading Portuguese uh as you know they're trying to establish their uh Empire there uh but that left the Moroccans broke okay and in defending against the Portuguese uh and so um they traveled across the Sahara to invade the Sanai Empire and they were successful but it was you know difficult to maintain power across the desert and you know that Empire eventually crumbled then uh there was the Atlantic trade system which established what was known as the Triangular Trade and it was in the shape of a triangle the basic form is that uh you know manufactured goods were traded from Europe to West Africa and then enslaved people were transported to the Americas and then raw Mater they were traded for raw materials like you know sugar and molasses which were transported back to Europe or up to the North American colonies and the whole thing just kept going on and on um also big part of this was the African slave trade which I already mentioned and um and the point here is that uh um the uh that this new contact across the Atlantic Ocean the project of Maritime expansion leads to a huge increase in trade and a huge Boon to the economics of European States who participated um a and then as as this contact is occurring societies change okay so for example religion so you know as religion spreads into new territories typically there were two responses number one was syncretism uh which is for in this example there was like a blending of indigenous religions in the Americas with the Christianity of the Spanish and the Portuguese Etc uh but there was also conflict when religions came into uh contact with one another uh the Sunni Shia divide for example between Muslims which we talked about last night uh between the Ottoman and the Soph ofit Empires and we'll leave that there because we got to go to big idea number six uh and then one more after this so as States imposed their cultural political and economic will on various colonized and enslaved peoples resistance occurred you always got to talk about resistance because that is uh it's not the whole story just to talk about um coerced labor and Etc so uh good example here is the maratha Rebellion here mugal Emperors were Muslim like we mentioned last night uh but India remember their majority Hindu so a group of Hindu Warriors called the maratha uh rebells against what they perceived as an invasion and uh of their beliefs and so ultimately that brought the mugal Empire to an end and it was replaced with the maratha Empire over in the Americas there was also the poblo Revolt so you know the Spanish colonies in uh North America um were subduing the poblo uh the indigenous peoples uh known as the poblo um and so the poblo and the Apache Indians essentially grew tired of the Spanish attempting to force them to convert and so they rose up and killed hundreds of Spaniards and burned their churches um and that's another example of rebellion and that brings us to big idea number seven we're going to get there we're going to get there social categories roles and practices were both maintained and underwent significant change during this period okay so um when it comes to okay so social categories roles and practices uh let's talk about change some that were changed some that were maintained Etc maintained you talk about the Ching Dynasty so this is established in 1644 by the Manu remember they're not CH they're not uh ethnically Han like the majority of the population so they retained some distinctively Chinese institutions like the Civil Service examination um and The Bu The Imperial bureaucracy however they did have pretty strict and restrictive policies against the native Han so you know uh they required government workers to wear their hair in the Manchurian braided queue and if they didn't if you know the Han uh Imperial workers did not do that they were persecuted in some cases they were executed so there was some maintenance there and there was also some persecution uh then there is change in Social systems in social hierarchies and for my money you can't get much better for an example here than the Casta system the Spanish Casta system so and this this occurred in their American colonies so the castus system was basically a an entirely new social hierarchy that organized Society based on Ancestry and race and so I'm not going to go through all the different levels but the point is you know Spanish born you know people Spaniards who were born in Spain and had traveled to them they're sort of like at the top of the Heap and then down at the very bottom were uh African and Native American folks um and so the point is it was a highly stratified society that stratification did not exist before the Spanish got there they came in they imposed it upon the peoples that were there and fundamentally reorganized their society and that is all we need to know for unit four um and again just like I say every night it I I gota keep saying that's all you need to know it's not everything those are the really those are kind of the big and mid ideas um if you need like more detail on that please feel free to go check my uh AP World hler review guide it's it's got much more detail than this and it will help you that is linked in the description but for now I think we need to uh do a few shoutouts remember if you're going to do these uh make sure they're in before 9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time all right let's see what y'all been up to okay number one Allison Thompson I was recently in a horse riding accident where my horse fell on my leg and crushed it but I'm pushing through the pain to get the five I have an ice machine in my testing room that the College Board has been kind enough to allow I was really hoping you could shout out my teacher Mrs Olivia Thatcher and Mrs Connie yako they have been amazing what okay everybody spam the chat with Go Allison this is amazing I you your leg is crushed and you're fighting through the pain and you got accommodations with an ice machine to take this exam that's astonishing okay yeah you you you go get it girl that's amazing all right Sophia Silva please Shout Out Mr Turf and Mr uh pan uh from carts also happy belated Mother's Day heer well thank you uh thie shout out to miss Oliver from Kleen High School literally the best teacher history teacher I've ever had heart CH shout out to Mr Draves from Vieira High School will not chill hey it hey it's little EST says here can you shout out the most Sigma teacher Mr Murphy Ahmed Bala Bala uh oh no message just thank you uh Kai to heavy tank kv2 heavy tank shout out to my AP teacher Mr Sigma Ricks with that skibby RZ Nana shout out for Miss shout out for MCN we love you let's go Gideon jansu jenu shout out to all the sigmas in Mr Danos class especially GDP thank you Gideon I appreciate that Kristen my name is Kristen and can you please shout out Mrs Meers at SVA love her so much she is passionate about teaching and the best AP World teacher I could ask for and she showed us your videos good all around I love it Josh shout out to Mr Co nesset K shout out Mrs fermage uh and Mr harlo for being the best skibbidy teachers also on the identify saqs can we write a top topic sentence or do we have to explain uh no don't have to write a topic sentence for identify but and technically you don't have to explain and identify but explain anyway just to be safe M Pepe all right let me do a few more M Pepe we love you shout out Mrs Brennan and the hill Toppers Nate shout out to Dr Garber and period 4 AP World History Class at Hillsboro High School also thanks I for carrying us an aush last year you the goat oh well you're most welcome uh squid uh no message but thank you mil milk Cricket Shout Out Mr Williams he calls you Daddy heimler Vivian pritchet shout out to Mr Miller for being the best the best Sigma skibby teacher always remember go Cavs all right two more Ace Shout Out Mr Stewart King My Savior Mar uh Maui Le Lon Mr Kennedy from Freedom High School okay it looks like y'all have uh put a lot of these in so um um we will get to them we will get to them uh and I'll pick up there when we come back after what is unit five unit five revolutions baby revolutions y'all feeling good all right big idea number one in unit 5 and we have got six big Ideas new ways of thinking embodied in in the enlightenment created the occasion for reform and Revolution okay so let's talk about the enlightenment uh basically this is a European movement and shifts the Locust of Knowledge from belief to empirical data and you know observation so this is sort of a a second a new iteration of or a development of what occurred in the Scientific Revolution before that uh except whereas the Scientific Revolution applied uh you know empirical data observation scientific experimentation that sort of thing to you know the cosmos and the body and you know all these physical elements of the world uh the Enlightenment thinkers applied that same kind of thought to human societies okay so that means uh like the way in in doing so they undermined divine revelation as a legitimate source of Truth like is a way to understand the world and so is going to be important that you know a few of these kind of more important Enlightenment beliefs uh so just list them off here natural rights from our boy John Lock uh there's a social contract from uh rouso and by the way they th those are not exclusively those don't exclusively belong to those thinkers that that both of them actually talked about both of those ideas the point is just trying to give you some names to associate with those ideas um then this this form of this movement of Enlightenment led to reform movements so a couple here would be the women's suffrage movement uh over in the United States you had the sen K Falls convention in 1848 which called for equal rights for women uh but especially here it's the uh it's women's suffrage the right to vote another Reform movement uh that came out of the Enlightenment was abolitionism uh which means the abolishment of slavery so as a result the slave trade was banned in many states beginning in the early 1800s and then another you know adjacent to this in Russia uh serfdom was abolished in 1861 so that's nice uh and that leads us to unit 5 uh big idea number two the ideas of the Enlightenment combined with Rising nationalism led to various revolutions throughout the world okay so nationalism huge huge concept here so let's let's sit with it for a spell nationalism is essentially a a a a people's sense of belonging to each other based on a Common Language a common religion social Customs territory and often it's like it creates sort of an US versus them like there's a very clear enemy to our own way of being okay so colonialism had a way of generating intense nationalism and the desire to be free of these colonizing Powers not surprisingly now um nationalism is going to kind of and we're going to let that one kind of go into the background because that's going to provide the context for these revolutions that I'm about to mention and we're going to go through them quickly so first of all the American Revolution um the the the document sort of began this uh with the Declaration of Independence and it is like overflowing with Enlightenment thought so when we're talking about these revolutions make sure you've got these two ideas melded together you've got the Enlightenment and you've got um uh nationalism both of these combined together into a stew that smelled like Revolution all across the world okay so in the American Revolution there's this growing sense of nationalism due to they were you know British colonies because of the repressive British policies especially of Taxation but there was a lot more than that um and so the American Revolution happens and the Americans uh you know beat the British and you get the United United States of America so you know if if you're here and you live in the United States of America how about everybody High have a bald eagle you know what I'm saying um anyway the American Revolution um America yeah indeed uh the American Revolution then inspires both the French and the Haitian revolution uh along with other Latin American independence movements and all of them were both inspired by nationalism and Enlightenment thought so uh important that you know a couple of the main documents that came out of these revolutions and how they exhibit this Enlightenment thought so in France in the French Revolution you get the Declaration of the rights of man and Citizen and then in the Americas or in this case the Caribbean or uh South America you've got Simone bolivar's letter from Jamaica we're not going to go through the content just so you know those uh those were revolutionary documents that were heavily influenced by the principles of the Enlightenment so the enlightenment nationalism Revolution all right that leads us to big idea number three the Industrial Revolution oh my gosh I did not capitalize Industrial Revolution this is embarrassing let's stop we need to I I need to go hide in the corner ah we push on the Industrial Revolution began in Britain and would eventually transform the world okay so Industrial Revolution big big topic here so at its at its most basic form the Industrial Revolution was a change in how goods for sale were made okay so no longer were Goods being made by hand by Artisans and skilled laborers as a result of the Industrial Revolution goods for sale were being made by machines by unskilled laborers uh and and because of that we get mass production of goods not just you know uh small batches of goods now the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain and it's going to be important for you to know why it began in Great Britain and they there were several factors that great Britain possessed uh that ensured that it would start there first of all proximity to waterways second significant concentration of coal and iron and Timber and they got that Timber from their American colonies um and then uh uh uh urbanization um thanks to the enclosure movement that we talked about last night there was also improved agricultural productivity like um remember again last night how many times did I say remember last night I'm just trying to connect it all for you um agricultural what I say uh agricultural productivity so remember crop rotation uh Technologies like the seed drill Etc they also had legal protection of private property um and access to foreign resources accumulation of capital all this sort of thing and and you got to keep those in mind even if you know you don't have them all stuck there when uh industrialization begins to spread you know first to Europe and then across the world the degree to which these other states possess those factors is the degree to which industrialization is going to take root there so if they have few of them industrialization is going to be very slow to take rote if they have a lot of them it'll be rather quickly now in Great Britain we get the rise of the factory system of manufacturing and um this is where all the goods are being made in factories and initially these were powered by water uh and something called the water frame and then came steam engines this technological innovation um uh steam engines meant that factories could be built anywhere they didn't have to be next to running water and that meant mass production okay and in this phase mass production was um focused on textiles which again that's a word that a lot of students mix up on the exam or they don't know what it means textiles clothes that's just what it means okay now um the big shift in manufacturing in factories rather than in you know more like you know cottage industry homes that sort of thing is that there was a huge shift in the way in the kind of Labor that was done I alluded to this earlier now there was uh the specialization of labor meaning unskilled laborers could do these works like it in in a factory you know a person just stood there and flipped that switch and then they flipped it again and then they flip it again and that's like what they do for 16 hours a day I don't know I'd never worked in a factory so um in the you know 18th century so um but the point is it was it didn't require any skill unlike The Artisans who you know when you wanted a cherry they you know sourced the wood and handcrafted it and you know did every step of the process now as a result of the factory system and this mass production uh people are just unskilled you know you don't need skill to do that and that leads us to big idea number four okay as Western industrialization spread Middle Eastern and Asian countries share in global manufacturing declined so uh the rapid power of or excuse me the rapid development of steam power helps other European uh uh countries dominate World manufacturing so industrialization spreads to Continental Europe again it was slower in some places and quicker in other places um depending on those factors that I mentioned under Great Britain um then it spreads to the United States and Russia and Japan and in the in the United States like thanks to the massive amounts of immigration to Urban centers that was going on during this period they had like all the human capital they needed to uh industrialize and really take advantage of it um over in Russia uh a little slower there but uh one of the results of their efforts of industrialization was the construction of the Trans Siberian railroad which connected the distant parts of uh Russia the huge land mass into a more integrated economic and you know social and political whole um but let's let's talk about Japan for a second and their industrialization so in Japan uh they embraced industrialization kind of defensively okay and they did so to protect its domestic and cultural institutions so they didn't fall prey to Western takeover now we're going to we're going to talk more about this in in following points as to why they thought they needed to do this but essentially Western powers had been diminishing the power of the once Great China for a long time and so the Japanese looked at this and like nuh-uh not over here and so they realized in order to protect themselves from Western intrusion they had to industrialize okay so that process was known as the mai restoration and we're going to come back to that lat later now um as all these states are expanding their output for manufacturing other places their manufacturing output is beginning to diminish okay so this new Arrangement is Shifting where things are made how much of it is made it it is and so there are places where that's diminishing so for example uh in India they previous to to this huge textile exporter uh and so as textile production um flourished in India it's threatening British industrialist and you know what they ain't going to have that so they pressured the British Colonial excuse me the um uh they pressured the British colonial government to impose taxes on Indian textiles uh and that undermine their profitability and Shrink uh their ability to be profitable dirty but we move on to big idea number five the Advent of new technologies fundamentally changed the landscape of manufacturing okay let's talk about uh technology so the first well here's what I tell you there were essentially two industrial revolutions okay you could really umbrella term for both but there were two distinct phases of it the first Industrial Revolution really focused on uh textiles and the you know the main building material was iron uh and the Second Industrial Revolution the the main um Building Material was steel um and there you know there's well we we'll talk more about the differences so um the big difference maybe well one of the big differences it between the two phases is how they were powered okay first Industrial Revolution it was powered mainly by steam okay the steam engine uh which was uh run by coal um so they put those in locomotives they put those in factories uh it was it was pretty significant but then the Second Industrial Revolution was powered by the internal combustion engine which was run by petroleum or oil and that development created a fossil fuel Revolution which um greatly increased the energy available to human beings and Industrial States took Mighty advantage of that now one of the big um developments that occurred during the Industrial Revolution was uh the expansion of railroads okay so I already mentioned Russia and their Trans Siberian Railroad in the United States uh there was a series of transcontinental railroads uh four of them and just like in Russia that th those um railroads that connected the east and west coast basically United the various Regional economies and created a truly National Market uh for goods and again that's also what happened in Russia also railroads were great for consolidating colonial power as the British did in Africa um and uh the poster boy for that was Cecil rhods uh trying to link all the British Holdings via um Railroad and maybe you saw that cartoon uh at some point in your col I hope you did because I don't have it and but anyway SE so roads um then another technology to uh mention is communication technology namely the telegraph second Second Industrial Revolution we also get the telephone Etc but the telegraph was massive and so basically that made communication instantaneous over long distances uh which assisted um Colonial Powers as they began to you know continue taking over everybody's crap and that leads us to the last big idea of this unit big idea number six significant economic shifts during this period included the rise of free market capitalism transnational businesses and increased standards of living okay so by this time Western European states begin abandoning mercantilism and the way I'm saying it it sounds like it happened overnight it it was a long process but eventually replacing it was free market capitalism this was championed by uh Adam Smith in his book uh The Wealth of Nations and essentially what he called for is remember mercantilism was a like heavy-handed government economic system like the government had their the state had their hands all in the economy making the choices making the calls Adam Smith comes and says look no it needs to be you know the state and the economy there needs to be more L Fair relationship there like the government should essentially remove itself from the economy let consumers make their own choices through supply and demand and that means the Invisible Hand of you know the market will lead to Prosperity like if people make economic decisions in their own interest not the state making economic interest in its own interest if people make those decisions in their own interest then Society will flourish and I should say the economy will flourish um then we get transnational corporations um these are essentially companies that uh operate across National boundaries okay so you get things like the Unilever corporation which was a British invent uh VCH Dutch British and Dutch Venture um and they focused on household goods most notably soap they still do um and uh by 1890 uh they had soap factories in Australia and Switzerland and us all of that being made possible by colonization yes uh but also by uh rapid uh developments of communication technology transportation technology um that were able to link them into a larger global economy all this taken together um meant that uh there were increased standards of living okay for some people not all um so the factory system was all about mass production which meant lower price because more could be uh made in you know for for lower prices that meant uh people could then more people could afford those goods uh that led to the rise of the middle class okay a sort of a new phenomenon during industrialization the middle class you know they're exactly what they sound like they weren't the upper class they weren't the working class the lower class they were wealthier than uh the working class and so they could afford to buy some of the conveniences afforded by the um the Industrial Revolution um and uh they they were sort of the white color workers of the day okay uh let's do some more uh shout outs um oh wait oh my gosh there's one more big idea in here and I I don't I didn't put it up here okay sorry oh man it's going great it's going great all right so big idea number seven um in unit five let me just go through it real quick uh it's basically about the spread of industrialization and the reforms that occurred because of it so uh first of all labor unions so you know factory work it was long it was dangerous uh low pay and you know workers gathered themselves as a result into labor unions so that they could bargain uh collectively with their Employers in order to enact reforms and so in many places they successfully won minimum wage laws shorter work days overtime pay 5day Work Week etc etc another um reaction to industrialization uh a thinky thinky reaction was was the rise of Marxism so KL Marx introduced what he called uh Scientific Socialism uh he believed that capitalism and it's uh sort of the the class structure that that uh arose out of it was you know ruining the world so he wrote out his solution um with Frederick Engles in The Communist Manifesto and he says that there are essentially two classes there's the proletariat they're the working class and then there's the bisi those are the people who own the means of production means of production were things like the factories and the the tools and that sort of thing so um so his basic argument is that the um the bis oppressed the proletariat and got rich off the proletariat's back and the proletariat had no way to enrich themselves because they were busy enriching uh the bis with their labor and so the solution according to Marx is um you know sort of a a stepping pathway from socialism to Communism which was basically you know a society defined by equality and without classes okay that is the end of unit five uh and I think we need to go and do some shout outs so let me take a breath get some water and we will do this okay sjs oh that message was deleted by the way these are coming through a couple of moderators before they come to me so if uh there's anything UNT uh in these messages they get they get booted so FYI all right desai's husband hi can you please Shout Out Mr Russell in his ninth period class hello uh Joshua H can you shout out Mr Easley from wghs Sarai can you say hi to Mr Emmons you're bald BFF we love you uh that one person in the comments thank you uh Jack V shout out to Miles Jackson at Holy Innocence uh Oingo uh hi himler I'm Sammy my boyfriend Gavin bastias uh and I love watching your videos while circling your hands around can you sing you would not believe your eyes if 10 million fireflies for his little brother Lorenzo you would not believe your eyes 10 million fire is this what you wanted is this what you wanted I hope so Angel I6 shout out Miss Brown from cvhs we love you bird shout out to Dan Kandi uh Mr lasagna from Jersey love you Steve Sigma skibbidy Bean King I couldn't think of an Oppenheimer joke short enough uh you you made you you got it Aster breedwell shout out to Mr cook for getting me hooked on heimler's History shout out to you heimler for helping me pass this class and making it tons of fun well thank you Nathan Russ shout out to my study friends Abby Jade Tiffany James Julia and Nicholas we've been keeping each other sane during AP season and we all love you all let's do a few more here Ahmed Bala shout out to Mr Stone period 7 equals the best at MHS aan aare uh no message but thank you uh par or Pare uh shout out to M Mrs uh palon palone at oos Aiden shout out to Mr slins slint Subs the sigma Brady Price shout out to Mrs Bowen from cfa's E and F periods but not b period Brad shout out to Mr contras the the Dizzle dog from laup all right uh a few more here uh Andre volov hey heimler love your videos thank you big thanks for the five you got me in AP Euro last year congrats uh please shout out the AP World goat Mr Dickens Cider at hcrhs Jake F can you say Mr Peterson is number one guy at BHS 43 rag three 4 V3 rag three Canen Shout Out Mr Reyes from whhs also vany Silver Bullet taper sugar the feeling I get when you start streaming and I took a push this year I'm glad to have you around I'm glad uh amri rahan shout out to coach Ethan grum sky from high water or excuse me high tower HS High School Captain dogwater can I do context plus thesis at the end it's easier DBQ uh uh um context is usually best at the beginning uh you can do a thesis at the end um but context needs to come at the beginning uh and then finally for this round Champa rice say what you want about the British but they are pretty good drug dealers the Mr Kelly the goat from cfhs all right I'll pick up on that oh and the good news is uh the time stamps where I'm reading uh I'm at 8:01 p.m. so we got some we got some more to go but just remember if you want these red make sure you get them in by uh 9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time uh and let's get into the last unit for the night all right unit six consequences of industrialization all right unit six big idea number one various ideologies contributed to the growing development of imperialism in the period 17750 to 1900 all right let's talk about ideology so um so ideologies that are driving um this new wave of Empire Building first of all there were cultural ideologies there was the belief in the superiority of the white race and European culture can't get any better example than rer Kipling's poem The White Man's Burden the theme of that poem is that you know other cultures are less developed and backward so it's our duty to colonize them and you know bring them the blessings of Western culture another idea driving this uh wave of imperialism was social Darwinism so biological Darwinism that applied to um you know the the natural world like how species developed uh the strong eat the weak only the fittest survive so social Darwinism was that theory applied to social and political realities the the the the argument is look if strong if if the strong eat the Weak by the laws of nature then why shouldn't strong Nations eat weak Nations okay so clearly you can see why that would impact uh Imperial uh Ventures um but then thirdly there was the desire to spread Christianity so you know part and partial to political expansion and Colonial expansion was the sending of missionaries so those are ideologies there was also nationalist motives there's a growing desire for powerful States to declare themselves as great on the world stage like the way to do that was to build bigger Empires so you get Britain taking over India France not to be outdone starts Gathering up African colonies um then Japan modernizes in the their military in the mai restoration and then they got their big boy Imperial pants on and went and colonized Korea after beating uh China in the Sino Japanese war um so so there's nationalist motives but then there's also economic motives to this new wave of imperialism so again Second Industrial Revolution this meant that industrial Nations uh were you know they they want more colonies during this time for two reasons number one for raw materials and number two for new markets so um so the colonies could provide raw materials for industrial manufacturing but they could also provide people to buy that Manu ufactured stuff uh and you know so it's a win-win that's what they were doing then we go to uh big idea number two Imperial States employed different means of consolidating power in their Empires and expanding their Empires okay we're back to consolidating Power and expanding power so uh a few examples of how this worked first there was uh nonstate to state control of Colonies meaning the state did control The Colony it was controlled by some kind of private entity but then it's transferred to State and that enables the state to expand excuse me expand uh their power so good example here is the Congo the Belgian Congo so this began as a private Colony owned by the Belgian King leop II and his I mean like unrelenting policies of brutality um created this International pressure to transfer that Colony out of leop hold hands under the authority of the Belgian state which it eventually did another example of this was India I mentioned this briefly earlier uh it was originally controlled by the British East India Company but increasing corruption and harsh policies led to the uh India rebellion of 1857 also you may have heard it called the SEO Rebellion or SEO Mutiny um after that the British government took Direct Control of the colony okay so non-state control to State Control another way uh Powers uh Imperial Powers expanded uh their territories or their Empires was by new Imperial Powers replacing old Imperial Powers so those Imperial powers that were ascended in the previous period and you know the beginning of this period like the Spanish and the Portuguese they be their their influence and power begin to wne they begin to lose power in Asia and Southeast Asia uh only to be replaced by new Imperial powers like for example the United States uh who takes over uh the Philippines uh as a result of the Spanish American War the Spanish lose to the Americans and uh they again their power is on the way um also uh played a uh significant role in economic imperialism directed at China um and uh but that was mainly the instrument of Britain and France um you know China was not industrializing very fast uh so the British and the French uh essentially as a result of the Opium Wars uh come in and weaken China uh to the point where China has to sign a bunch of unequal treaties with these powers and then the rest of these you know uh Imperial Powers come over and like hey we would like a slice of that uh China cake too and so China is essentially carved up into uh what's known as economic spheres of influence by European powers in the United States um and uh that that's an example of what we call economic imperialism so these Powers didn't come in and like colonize China China like take over politically Etc they just wanted to control their economy and Grow Rich off of it uh then in Japan you know in addition to Korea they expanded into parts of China southeast Asia some of the Pacific Islands as well Russia uh over the course of this period Uh Russian Zars uh expand into Poland other Eastern European nations as well as parts of the Middle East and China so you know new powers are replacing old Powers that's one way colonialism and imperialism expanded maybe Chief under this heading was the Scramble for Africa so Africa was a highly desirable uh Target for European Imperial Powers because of its abundance of raw materials but the race to claim those colonies caused significant tensions among European States like everybody wanted some of Africa and then they're going to start fighting as a result of it so the result was ovon bismar of Germany calls the Berlin Conference and their Imperial Powers peacefully carved up Africa through diplomacy uh and so no fighting they did not happen to consult any African leaders in that process but regardless they uh they carved Africa up through diplomacy and not through Warfare um now by the beginning of World War I nearly the entire African continent was claimed by these various powers and even though it was divided peacefully sometimes tension over those over maintaining and controlling those colonies and and the desire to expand that did lead to war so for example I believe I mentioned it last night the conflict between France and Britain over modest Sudan and who got to run their uh railroad through it and then another way Empires were expanded was through through the establishment of settler colonies so you know the these Imperial projects were not always about new markets or access to raw materials although I mean they also were about that um some Powers EST Lish settler colonies where their own people migrated and you know established a life there so for example you got the British in New Zealand uh you know these were settler colonies but you know it did cause a war with SE several Wars with the native Maui people um which is similar to the developments as they happened around the world in various uh Imperial projects when it came to the um indigenous peoples um then you got the French in Algeria which was a settler Colony for them that's going to cause problems but come back to that in the next period for now I need to go to big idea number three we got six big Ideas here although that's what I said last unit and there was an extra one it was a bonus y'all it was a it was a bonus so you're welcome all right uh big idea number three this new wave of imperialism during this period led to New Waves of resistance from colonized people so again can't just tell the story of imperialism as powerful states conquering less powerful peoples the story is completed only by considering the way colonized peoples responded to that intrusion and there were two main methods of resistance there was direct resistance and there was um the creation of new States okay so direct resistance uh a good example here is Peru uh indigenous leader named Tupac amaru grew understandably tired of Spanish atrocities in Peru and so he led in a rebellion against Spanish authorities which was violently crushed by the Spanish uh another example of this was India and I already mentioned the Indian rebellion of 1857 the SEO Mutiny um so we'll leave that where it is but also a response uh to these Imperial projects was or a uh effect was the creation of new States so for example there were new Balkan States uh that were created so the Balkans this is south uh Southwest uh Europe um no Southeast Europe sorry um my my my Reckoning is off um so the Balkans had that region had been under ottoman control for a long time but within that lots of diverse ethnicities and remember we're I said nationalism is going into the background because it's kind of defining a lot of what's going on here well now let's bring it back into the foreground under ottoman control these various ethnicities had you know experienc these waves of nationalism and swept these various peoples uh in in their right through their um right through their various uh I think I think I'm close to using up all my words nationalism all the various peoples in their ethnicities inspires them to fight for independence so uh Greece Serbia Bulgaria Etc all those folks in the Balkans um and then uh and then okay let's let's come back to rebellions so uh they're also very important to understand that there are sort of you know political rebellions um nationalistic rebellions but there are also a certain class of rebellions and responses uh that were religiously inspired so the Ghost Dance Movement in the United States um is is one example and you only need to know one example so we'll stick with this one you could also do the kosa cattle killing movement um but let's just talk about the Ghost Dance Movement in the US so you know after a century of the US expanding Westward uh the American government uh displaced lots of various groups of indigenous peoples and that's when a resist a widespread resistance movement arose and so starting in the Northwest uh there was this belief in a prophecy that said that performing this ritual dance called The Ghost Dance would awaken their ancestral dead and would you know who would fight with them to expel these white settlers from their lands that led to a series of Wars between the US and the various indigenous people groups but the US military crushed it but the point is uh there was resistance uh to this and there was religious-based existence resistance to um that uh uh expansion Westward uh and that leads us to big idea number four the growing need for Imperial powers to extract raw materials and increased the food supply transformed the global economy Okay so during this time many people were moved from being subsistance Farmers to cash crop farming okay so again instead of subsistance farming you know growing the food you need to survive now it's being moved to cash crop farming where they were selling crops for export or growing crops for export so things like coffee rubber sugar lots of others um in Uruguay and Argentina uh cattle ranching became a big business to satisfy uh you know European and American desires for beef and so again the the whole point is in Uruguay and Argentina their e their whole economies are being shaped according to the the needs or desires of the market across the sea in Europe okay that's going to be bad for them when we get to decolonization but for now you just need to understand how that's transforming their economy uh another example Peru and Chile began to specialize in guano bird poop uh the export of that which was used for fertilizers um so you know in other words economies Colonial economies are being transformed into to increasingly serve the needs of urban centers in Far Away Imperial hubs and not the needs of the colonial peoples themselves okay um now as a result the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as colonies are not only a source of raw materials but also a market for finished products so um in and in addition to that Colonial economies are weakened due their due to their uh focus on producing cash crops uh and that meant they needed to get food from other places cuz you know you can't eat tobacco or you can't eat sugar cane so they were having to get their food from other places uh and that's also reordering their economies that leads us to big idea number five five out of six we're almost there y'all industrialized States and businesses within those States practice economic imperialism primarily in Asia and Latin America okay let's I mentioned economic imperialism before now let's look at that puppy straight in the face so definition first economic imperialism is a situation in which one country has significant economic power over another country okay so great example here is probably the chief example here is the Opium Wars in China so um I I kind of glazed over it before now let me give you the exam the the explanation so there was a big trade deficit between China and Great Britain and in order to rectify that trade deficit Britain began smuggling in metric buttloads of opium into China okay this highly addictive drug uh and it was beginning to devastate the the Chinese population and Chinese were not so happy about this but Britain looked at it and was like this is great like trade deficit solved but Chinese leaders not so happy uh because their people were getting hooked on these powerful drugs and so they went ahead and just banned it and and even went so far as destroying British opium shipments well what does Britain do when the Chinese destroy their crank they retaliate they they began the Opium Wars to to win the right to export highly addictive drugs that are making them lots of money into China I mean this is such a fascinating story to me I wish we could I wish we weren't reviewing for an exam right now because we we love oh I would love to talk about this well we can't we got to keep going um so um the reason to so the point to remember here the reason why the British were able to so easily whip the Chinese in the Opium Wars is because of their Superior industrial capacity that's the thing to remember during this time time period is that those Nations those states that are industrialized they're the ones who have the power now those who had did not like China the once Great China now they're getting knocked around and made subservient to these industrial Powers so the result of the Opium Wars is that the British forced China to open various trading ports to them and you know unequal treaties and forced a free trade agreement and Free Trade Agreement and they British essentially took them over economically but not politically it's economic imperialism so um so we won't go into the spheres of influence we already talked about that now um in in many cases Imperial Powers organized the economies of their various Holdings to give themselves a distinct economic Advantage right so there's us investment in Mexico and Cuba so significant an investment into industrial into industrializing these places why would they do that they they built railroads they Industries like meat packing and guano extraction why would the US invest so much money in Industries in those places well in order to grow Wealthy on the manufacturer and export of those goods okay so again reorganizing economies to serve uh Imperial powers and that leads us to what I hope is the final big idea of unit 9 various environmental and economic factors contributed to patterns of migration between 175 1900 okay so as a result of industrialization and the beginnings of globalization massive migrations occurred during this period so why were people moving well for several reasons Chief among them for work okay and that meant uh we saw the development of new labor systems so slavery is being replaced by other labor systems like uh uh indentured servitude the idea here is that the the worker agrees to work for a number of years in order to pay for their passage to the new place and then you were free you could go do whatever you wanted um but some stayed in their new country after their indenture was complete and in that way there was a kind of uh cultural diffusion occurring um like for example there's a a clear Indian cultural influence in places like Trinidad and Fiji and maius that because Indian entered servants went there stayed there and developed you know uh uh a sort of ethnic Enclave that preserved their society and their cultural heritage uh another labor system uh was the Asian uh was Asian contract laborers so when the British abolished the slave trade in 1806 their first attempt at a replacement was to bring in Chinese and Indian workers who could work for extremely low wages and so you know I mean while they weren't technically slaves in name they weren't actually that far from that reality in they weren't far from that condition in reality then another labor labor system was the establishment of penal colonies so for example Australia um was a British penal colony uh British sent convicts there for hard labor uh and they got things done like building railroads and that sort of thing another reason people migrated is because of um of bad conditions where they lived so for example in India there's lots of poverty during this period and that leads to mass migration out of India um the British kind of facilitate this they offer opportunities for endangered servitude in maius and other places uh and eventually other Colonial Powers offer them similar deals as well then there's Ireland um a lot of people migrated from Ireland many of them to the United States during this period most of them uh immigrated because they were hungry so you know starting in 1845 there was a blight on their potato crops and that destroyed massive amounts of uh basically the chief source of food for the Irish lower classes the potato and fun fact the potato came over from as a result of the Colombian Exchange from the Americas so that again that one's for free I'll just let you have it um anyway as a result of this Great Potato Famine uh millions of Irish immigrated to America where they worked in factories they helped build railroads etc etc so people are migrating because things are bad at home but also they need work so in most cases many immigrant many immigrants during this period settled in large cities uh which further developed or further contributed to the development of urbanization the growth of cities and when they settled they created their ethnic enclaves so you know that's where the places in the city the little pocket of the city where their own language and culture was reflected and preserved um and often influenced the surrounding uh uh society and then also you need to know how did they move okay we've seen why but how well mainly by taking advantage of newish Transportation Technologies like railroads and steamboats um which facilitated their movement to their homes but excuse me to their new receiving societies but also back to their uh home societies as well and then we need to talk about finally how were these migrants received uh not great as a basic rule not great in many cases they face discrimination uh you know because immigrants were willing to take low wage jobs that had the effect of keeping wages low and so nativists people who were you know sort of looking out for the interests of native born people and various societies uh nativists and labor union ions they were not happy about this and so in some cases that led to racist legislation being passed like for example the white Australia policy you know they wanted to make sure that uh they keep uh Australia British which is to say white uh also the Chinese Exclusion Act passed by the United States government which uh although Chinese immigrants were crucial in the building of the Transcontinental railroads um uh nativists essentially got the Chinese Exclusion Act passed which limited to almost nothing the amount of Chinese uh immigrants that could come in uh to the United States for like a decade so that's just a taste of how they were received in general not good and that's it y'all that's uh that's all the content we have to go through um I'm going to get to these shoutouts but uh before I do if you are not staying for those uh see me do my best to say all these um and potentially say very uh ridiculous things like skibbidy um just want to say thanks for coming and uh doing the same thing tomorrow night same place same time and uh I sure would love it if if you came um and uh yeah I'll see you guys tomorrow so with that I'm going to drink a little bit of water and we're going to get to some of these shoutouts remember those shout outs have to be in by 10:30 nope nope I went take all the words out of that sentence I just said I'm going to put all new words in them all the super chats have to be in by 9:30 so when I'm reading them and it says a little time on it I'm going to stop at 9:30 because uh you know we got to get some sleep and you know I love you guys so all right let's see what we got here but I got to stand up tired of sitting down TI sitting down y'all okay all right shout out to the goat Coach Joe Brandon for being a great AP World History teacher squid wait did I say that was that was NN squid shout out to my goat Miss Newman Bren Hower thank you Jai sing shout out Miss pantoro best AP World History teacher ever ji thank you very much and miss panoro uh well done gamer Raven shout out to uh Mrs dck from Troy High School Mars One shout out to Mr Batman of Century High Idaho we love him he makes a lot of people's days so much better and he has a fantastic camel impression I love it okay now I got to sit down but we're going to get comfortable we're going to get comfortable all right let's do this all right um James H shout out to Mr Kovac at SS M Pepe we love you Mrs Brennan and the hill Toppers Hayden Katie hello he please shout out Mrs Cosgrove's 2A class we love you watch you all the time well thank you just Prestige say shout out to miss Mrs Roth's child from nchs thank you for an amazing year PS if you are hearing this Mrs Roth's child can we have extra credit clouds shout out Miss Pierce from Roswell High School for being a sigma W teacher es Essa SJ s uh shout out to Mr Dennis and Mr aaman for from duckberry high school also SK also say skibby toilet Riz it is my pleasure Mr guine Pig shout out to Mr Miller again his mustache has magical powers so he would obviously win the Gladiator duel procs Shout Out Mr Peters at gab on skibbidy Duke tennis Maya Gomez can you shout out Sherry because she's smart just uh just m mcvet uh my name is name is B can you please Shout Out Mr Chan from Silver Creek he is very passionate about history and an overall amazing teacher Khloe Caputo shout out Wyoming Seminary again it's not a real Seminary by the way it's a college prep school that's not even in Wyoming okay that clears it up thank you uh thank you for the stream Mr hler you're welcome just a monkey with internet access uh no message but thank you rmhs quad shout out to amazing teacher Mr Bergeron uh he makes AP World swag he makes AP World swagnificent Jonas smooth shout out to Dr waram sirish Shout out to Mrs Ryan at OS he's the best AP World teacher ever from sirish and Lexi flipflop shout out to Mrs shook from Maui High School cool man yes shout out to Mr Beacher from CHS also haha Gonzaga in last place skib Ohio Champa rice and by the way if you know what time about that you sent your uh Super Chat in uh I'll just let you know every once in a while where I am TimeWise I'm reading the one submitted at 8:02 p.m. FYI uh I don't know what a good name is thank you not bird shout out to my Sensei Mrs Heather Goodwin D bio I don't think I said that right but thank you not bird very very generous of you slushie shout out to my Sigma teacher Mrs Austin Wright maxer Wright maxer Richard excuse me Ricardo Suarez shout out to my students at the Suarez Empire and all their hard work this year ashab train don't stop Ash pressure makes diamonds Ricardo sounds like you're one of the good ones cat shout out to Mr call eat your Champa rice and prep your astrolabes for this exam bread for 5 shout out to miss canella second period from cchs uh joelan oh message retracted Ali L are you a colonial power CU you took my heart it's a good one Duke Denzel Dennis hi can you shout out Miss St hillair uh AKA Phantom tax GBE 84 heer please tell Mr Easley's classes at Walnut Grove Walnut Grove High School that we F cook this exam like a walk full of Champa rice it's time to schwack this exam y'all that was fun Jack Vander beats can you say can can you say Mr bur from P high is my sunshine Maxwell NG shout out skibby rizzler Miss oconor from division Bren Hower can you shout out Mrs Seager from svsd my AP World History hero Flo thank you might be guess might be guys I don't know uh the town mobile group chat says hi and thanks um you carried us through world we got A's and hopefully fives on the exam see you next year for a push yes you will Adam shout shout out my friends Dean Sarah Gabby Kendall ugs Andre volov hey heimler please shout out on my boys wish them good oh hold on hold on I just had one disappear from me did that uh did that one get moderated I don't want to skip one if uh okay we'll move on hopefully come back to that one um FM Nick shout out to the sigma Mr Brooks at Pleasant Valley High School Galaxy Master thank you Danny shout out to Danny you're going to slay this test Pooky Jay King can you shout out my teacher Miss hold on gosh this is uh sorry guys this is uh jumping all around on me um hold on we might be having technical difficulties just hold on let me let me go check and see what's going on here uh love you guys be right back be right back for e okay we back we back we back sorry about that uh I think what happened is uh get out of there I think what happened is uh my moderators caught something just before I said it somebody somebody was trying to get me to say something dirty on the internet but uh I didn't do it they caught it oh they caught it all right let me try to find out where I was all right um I think I was on Danny all right shout out to Danny you're goingon to slay this test spooky Jay King can you shout out my teacher Miss justy suana skib Alpha thanks so much for the help Pooky you're welcome Alia hi from Alia Jamie Lily Brie Emma and Miss Abby hey guys nebula shout out to pratique from the Gupta Florence from K Aronson from the sway Dynasty amog from the mugal daras from Congo and Alvaro from Inca got a diverse crowd tonight all right Bean King when you hit 1 million Subs you should do a one-hour choma rice analysis do it or I will mail you beans oh that would be terrible but I love it I love I love the analysis I don't want the beans uh Big Nate G shout out to Mr Meer the goat thanks for all the videos heimler I'll never forget that Americans became the geopolitical equivalent of a loot llama I'm I'm glad that's stuck that's great uh God help me I do love fortnite even as bad as I am uh mads hey P can you shout out Mr Jensen and Mr St and Mew Pooky I'm not meing oh I love you guys I I already did it it's all over the internet I can't I love you you know uh all right I'm reading from 8:03 pm. right now I got to go faster all right taper sugar can you shout out baby grank first period class best Hugh Janice oh see what you did there okay uh Sam mashy uh can you shout out Dar Ben and Brendan Brendan from George high from George School best AP history teachers thanks heimler ivb shout out to Jaffa defar and Java defy uh Center aspect are camel Saddles your favorite Maritime Tech obviously uh aren't they everyone's Riley Aaron shout out to my king Mr O Joel no Joe n 2107 shout out to Mr Smith from Waller High Catholic High School Planet hipster thank you Nicholas theodoropoulos theodoropoulos shout out seier and Nicholas from Mr skibs a push I don't know what I'm doing with life uh shout out to the amazing Dr Lloyd at BTW ke shout out to the goat Miss rice from westside taco MIB shout out you and Miss Z just just mcvet justtin mcvet uh can you say Mr Chan from Creek is a Skippy Sigma Amanda hey Haim shout out to miss house and her second period class mcil MCM can you wish me and my best skibby friend Finn good luck on our exam also your videos have been really helpful to me and so many others well thank you good luck Shane J Lee thanks for your videos himler shout out to my sussy sigmas Nadia Kaden Ian and most importantly Vincent Daly the most sussy Sigma Anna Martinez shout out to Mrs RS sixth period class we may not get the college credit but we'll definitely go D1 for yapping Ryan Garcia shout out to my AP World teacher Miss hilmy and my former APUSH teacher Mr Todd also gunpowder is goated Kish shout out Mrs Balo from fa she is so Sigma Holden Norris hey himler can you please shout out the most skibby Sigma teacher ever Mr Turner from TCS and wish TCS good luck on our exam good luck y'all Jonathan kek shout out to my students at aquinus high school you guys got this Tuxedo in a grocery store level extra on those saqs I would love to know what that means it sounds good uh but yeah Mr kex class you guys go get this Orosi shout out to miss uh terl best AP World skibby teach aan our hour ER sorry shout out to Mr Haynes and Mr Anil South County High polar power shout out to Mrs Brown thank you so much Western Front Productions shout out M sh shout out Dr Regal uh and heimler for making me do so good in class also shout out to B and C period but C period is better uh all right it's 9 it's past 9:30 now so please yeah don't uh don't submit any uh more Super chats unless you you just nope that's not what I meant to put up unless you just are feeling generous uh but um but yeah no more I won't I can't read after 9:30 um see if I can Loop this so it stays up there oh it is looped okay no it's not all right whatever uh okay let's keep going so super chats are cut off I mean I can't actually turn them off but they're I can't read them after 9:30 so uh let's just keep going um Western Front Productions shout out to Dr regalato and heimler for making me do so good in this class also shout out to B andc perod but C perod is better I think I already said that one uh Aon Rogers please Shout Out Mr Irwin he's the goat thank you Aon Olivia Medina no message but thank you whoosh wish hi Mr har can you please shout out bwolf qu quo sorry uh if I got that wrong uh I'm sure I got that wrong thank you for all you do Brad shout out to Mr contas the Dizzle dog from lrop high again he's adored and so skibbidy Santi G shout out to AP World History third period at neille North High School flower power shout out to Walker from BHS who loves heimler Bo melanon shout out to Mr Libby third period is better than fourth Dez cashews Shout Out Mr Ponder Bryant Thomas Bubba and Michael Joe shout out to Miss Buchanan the queen of coffee Evan Ste SCE Shout Out Mr no Mrs G from eastem high school Isabella mccab shout out to Big Spring High School and my lovely teacher Miss hetrick sunty 1 please tell Henry Graham that is that this Dono wasn't a waste of course not of course it wasn't a wayte I just read it and by the way we're at uh I'm reading 805 super chats right now how are there so many at this time this is crazy I think it'll jump when we get a little further along James call please shout out Dr Reynolds AB Abdullah Jafar can you please shout out Mrs Young from fphs dog lover shout out to Mr lvon from shs Adam TC 27 can you shout out Mr de for being a w Sig RZ w w sigar Riz AP World teacher uh aen Shout Out Mr Hernandez from goodness getting hiccups uh Shout Out Mr Hernandez from Memorial High School uh Kio edits shout out Mrs Sylvester from tchs I Love Her reactive Realms shout out uh is it Dr Chris at un un Academy of Florida turkey dinner Shout Out Mr Thurman and Mr Young the biggest bird Joel B shout out to the goat coach clenet from Parkview Freda Garcia shout out to Mr miners second period purple potato 64 please shout out my goat AP World teacher Mrs tboli as well as my goats uh pryl anodo Davian Chang jayen sang Noah o Aran Ira Wilson Wang Anthony cha Chavez Arthur and Arthur thank you getting a five for you Bryce G Shout Out Mr Crowley best AP world class in North Dakota Delilah Collins shout out Miss Baker from shs I literally love her arton rosten rostand rande I think uh shout out Mrs Sheridan from whs sorry BTW Jude Moore Shout Out Mr Waldman at mbhs in his first and second periods Victoria shout out to my glorious greeneyed Queen Dr McCarter she thinks young Stalin is hot do you agree I mean I'll defer to her on that one Isaiah a look into the camera and say in a dramatic voice Mr quas you are an absolute Sigma with W RZ on fleek no skib Drew shout out to Mr non and Camp the goat heimler is King Alex please say happy birthday Eric uh Dominguez from hphs New York City Char shout out to miss Daniel I love you you're the best GG man of zad storm you are the are you the best AP world because you're heimler or are you heimler because you're the best at AP World I don't know it's a conundrum figure that one out uh but I I I'm not the best come on come on fit uh Shout Out Mr roach and Miss Hutchinson amdg William Anton Shout Out Mr whizzing from seahome high school and his two cats Isabelle shout out to miss Tomlinson at Pompano Pompano Beach High Juan Diego de Laura thank you Planet hipster shout out Miss Murphy and priest at Hala in New York L Sarai Ry Sarai Ry please shout out coach drag period 3 Shish sarer shout out to my history teacher at sbhs Mr Collins Moy hi heimler you have saved me so many times but could you please say that my AP World History teacher Mr Hen Hendrick always says it's flubdub thank you Andrew hello skibby Sigma heimler hello please shout out to miss Slaughter from PHS again we are big heimler fans also please endorse sniffing orange peels uh I love you guys I don't know if I can endorse that I don't know Myers shout out our Sigma Alpha teacher Mr Sparks Colonel Sanders shout out to Porter the goat by the way can you look at the camera and ask Porter to get a tattoo this says ain't scared of AP uh Jesse tune hii can you shout out Mr Durban at chhs I love you Harper shout out Mrs suz's class in Miami stay lit we love you a yellow one may you please shout out all of lbs's staff and students and wish all of us a five for the AP World History exam lbss is truly the most Sigma School of all time love to hear that toaster pancake shout out to my number one financial adviser and world history teacher Mr Rowan from udhs he didn't advise me about shouting him out so best $5 spin that one pyro shout out to the best AP World teacher in New York Mr Bernardi he's he's hair his hair struggled just like you he's the best Sarai hello good sir please shout out coach drag and wish me good luck for the exam tell me I'm not cooked you're not you're not cooked that's it That Awkward Panda shout out to Mr Kelly at HCC PHS manpro 107 please shout out the goat AP World History teacher Mr sheal Rema Nanda shout out dror Hood at North Cross Nome NL Shout Out Mr terer myuki at rambam Misa M MVA M missa I don't think I said that right uh but I love you Alex C shout out my teacher Mr G full name Nick uh Connor Giblin shout out happy birthday again to Angie baru Bara Bara uh Alvin Chen Hi H thanks for making your videos and shout out to my skibby Sigma Ohio rizzler friends Ryan and Ethan thanks for making AP World more fun you're welcome uh pavina p shout out Mrs Miss Manu thank you heimler you're welcome all right we are now I'm now reading from 810 so if you know where you put yours in that gives you some idea of where I am uh Cara Pand please shout out please shout out Miss Nagi in her ninth period class we watch your review videos all the time well thank you very much I'm I'm glad I'm glad Cara thank you Ria Ria Jose can you shout out rii C AP Jonah Burke and Riri who are so cooked for the test PS We Love You heimler aan din can you shout out to skibidi spilus per eight class Riley Willis Mr Miller has a cooler mustache than you blue Galaxy can you shout out the goat miss miss me zater Pard you helped me survive the Wall-E h not going to go there uh Matthew heininger shout out to Mr Clemens you're number one fan he plays your videos every day please say Matt isn't scared of the test the test is scared of Matt ocl Rosario Shout Out Mr reier reier you are such a sigma teacher that one person in the comments shout out to Mr sento he's the ultimate Sigma for recommending heimler and being awesome you're Al also your skib thank you for saving my grades thank you uh T shout out to Miss K casings uh class second period class kdhs visible plus please Shout Out Mr Kaufman and his seventh period Maria can you give tame Al Alexa and Maria a shout out Georgia say that Georgia has more Aura than Alexa nxg pew pew hey hi can you shout out my guy yvon from nhss for putting me onto your videos uh abdil Emily shout out Mrs Goldberg and Mr Guthrie for being amazing AP World teachers Andrew rahana shout out Andrew and Casey from basis Poria Sarai Ry please mention my dog p p he peed when he saw you because he was so excited hash not cooked love it kylo wo fellow coach drag fans how cooked are we your boy Banner shout out to to the goat Michael AP History pre- Court uh the greatest AP World teacher there is and fourth period let's go Mets Mage Z Ethan De Jesus here thank you for making AP World History less stressful hope your day is well shout out to my w Ohio Riz friends Alvin and Ryan well thank you Dez cashews shout out to Mr Ponder's third period a floofy noob hey heimler our whole class class is watching your videos to review for the AP exam thank you so much for the help you're welcome uh shout out the king shout out the king Mr aguar uh Caesar Barona Shout Out Mr Lila and his favorite class first period Amelia M shout out to the goat Mr does wild wolf can you shout out Mr acrian from tip get to hyper weeb in a second all right can you give a shout out hyper weeb can you give a shout out to Mr TOA Alice Zoo shout out to miss alsop can you clap twice say one port policy and unequal treaties each time one port policy unequal treaties put hands apart open a westernization factive zero shout out to Mr Portwood especially his very intelligent 7th hour sweet potato 777 shout out to my boy danu Kim the son of ibben batuta Bella hello CH hello Champa Rai Sovereign leader please shout out your second in command Mr dookie Duos Duos and help him defeat his Ops Kurt and fiorella Tilly Smith shout out to miss Fay from B bhbl for making uh AP World possible for me and to Renee Tolen for being such a good teacher XOXO Tilly Lydia Chung please shout out Morse and huffnagle best AP World teachers at cpps also please say happy birthday to prita uh bahara her birthday is on the day of the exam well happy birthday um pong shout out to Mr Jeff gepner actually Jeffrey uh the coffee lover and number one teacher aldri Cole Hunter my skibby Barbarian King I hope and pray that you unlock your secret Ohio Riz brain and get a five on the exam we love you pooky bear Nicki Minaj so to oh shout out to Mr mcgoran from mhsb the skidy Ohio King Sprite 2 shout out for Angie Barcia it's her birthday today and I know she's tuned in also shout out best teacher Mr gink gusinsky JK yayan Dear Mr Baker congratulations on giving birth way to diversifying your diet you will never replace me egg from chicken see you later big guy squid toast shout out to my goat Austin H for being such a sigma CA D CAD Lumas no message but thank you montis montat shout out to my Queen Miss Wilson from a from hphs also manifest for me and my friends Ray Tessa and Cecilia to get a fives t on skibidi I love choa rice it is so Sigma Andre Andrea uh ar ar jna ar Jonas sorry shout out heimler second block cind shout out Miss riffkin from wths She's the goat rizzler I'm at 816 now reading these by the way uh Andre k retracted okay neighborhood swishers shout out to Mr Northrup he helped me find Persia and it's the skib skiest of sigmas kylo wo say help if you're cooked smoing one can you say Hi to Miss Ross at Bel and Belfast Area High School Liam hav shout out to the goat Miss Weller from e thank you for making learning history fun and could you please convince her not to leave next year oh that's hard Lilia or Le Lila Rivera please wish Sydney a happy birthday to survive AP gagandeep Carr shout out to miss Gavin and Murphy from UPA Chloe propes shout out coach ARS from jchs he's a very he is very skibbidy and retiring this year from Isabelle and Khloe sorry for sleeping so much Braden luer shout out to Mrs Meyers at CHS awesome sauce girl you saved me this year can you shout out Mrs devau Lex not clickbait I was just cooked before this stream but I wasn't just cooked before the stream but boiled baked Sula stewed microwaved as well thank you so much for the review you're welcome winja ninja shout out to Cole barbaria from Mr Dennis's AP World History Logan scooer shout out Charles Robinson he's Sigma and skibby Aiden please shout out Miss Franklin from Hayfield kylo wow on skibbidy Coach drag the goat steel Supremacy shout out my glorious bald King Dr Brennan Doyle from Summit High School the main reason we all getting a five we up Megan Brown shout out to my AP Jags at cvhs in Arizona don't let this test intimidate you proud of you no matter what a uh then there's a bunch of letters for a name shout out to suin n Sophie San Martin Miss Ray's seventh period is goated she's the best teacher rhyda Shout Out Mr rutz from cvhs he's the goat Andre k himler I love you please Shout Out Mr Neil from Research Triangle high school and say we're all going to cook on the exam thanks I love you so much Ellen Farah oh there it is okay Ellen Farah are you me are you a Mee Master like the mustache like the mustache Sigma Mr Miller no I'm sorry I'm not uh Gabby vongs Shout Out Mr Wilson gonna hashtag gonna pass Max farell thanks Mr Salsbury for being the best rizzler of all time hot mama Shout Out Mr Ops for getting us our brain cows milked Alton Quinn Shout Out Mr Jensen rizm and glorious Pope Colleen desent Shout Out Mr Rosio from KHS ashot cooked Kayla Den shout out to my skibby Sigma rizzler the goat and the alpha Mr Scott my king and best WAP teacher ever and Mr heimler you've reached UNCC status or Unk I don't know but thank you uh mitsuri shout out to miss Daniel from mlec Isabelle Sykes Shout Out Mr Maynard and thank you for all your help heimler you're welcome bar Cobb shout out the goat Mr cheeky does from wshs Camila G we love you skibby heimler so to Sigma oh shout out to Sigma Mr mcgoran Maria shout out to De Cook's best students Maria Audrey Alexa Audrey Solen lissy Eliza and Carolina God bless our savior Patty cook and tame Hassan Gabriella Rosa our bundle of joy Squire Marquez bald beard King Marquez bald beard King cvad Lumas please Shout Out Mr Schmidt and Mr Peterson Mrs Peterson Mrs Peterson big chungus shout outs to Goat Mr sha and Alejandro in Guatemala uh smoochi hypothetically if you were in a competition where you and a friend went against your entire world class in random trivia over all of world history how would you prepare the day before handwriting note cards it's the only way Daniel Cuts please can you please say that Daniel and Emerson are so Sigma and have so much aura yes I can W babytron hi himler can you tell my Champa rice can you tell my Champa rice descendant friend Samuel Kim La cresenta resident I'm very proud of for doing so well in this class this year that he doesn't need to cry over a bad DBQ grade zero I can and thank you that was very uh generous of you cman 19 can you shout out Mr perie in a second period class at cbhs we will miss him you're my hero Scott K thank you o great heimler for carrying us through AP History classes shout out tour Drew Drummond guns Viller and gangster baby at Wald Lake Northern thank you Scott very generous of you Derpy Nate faragut High School peeps lock in Evan and Cullen JoJo baf Fernand Fernandez JoJo baf Fernandez okay uh say uh jojaba Jo jojaba finna get a five H Butler all right by the way I'm reading now at the time stamp 8:25 these are some at at 825 it's really hard to believe kind of let just under halfway done Shout Out Mr Gutierrez for being an awesome Sigma AP World teacher manifest with me Brooklyn Jameson will get a five Muhammad Shout Out Mr sutz The Goat in I prep or L prep and Allan Zang or is it Jung Riley H Mrs Campbell equals the best teacher ever on my mama also Kai sinat I don't know what that word is I I've seen it a couple times now I don't know if I'm saying right even saying it right oh and thank you so much I'm uh monkey man shout outs to mcnolty from JHS you're really helping me a lot my favorite bald guy you Tate shout out to the Glorious Miss peon true lover of akar duplex cool boy please Shout Out Mr duban best teacher for giving us a test tomorrow do domic Evans shout out big Dom he is a world history genius Ryan liot thank you Kaden uh Chisum shout out Samuel and Colorado Springs skibby Sigma cool master 1615 Mye King heimler please shout out the best AP World teacher Mr Brown from Fred high school and tell him you toand and you reap what you sow uh an tuber that is quite a gift thank you my goodness Mr heer Buu please shout out Miss Curtis and Mr Cate from River City Science Academy thank you skibbidy out and tuber very generous I appreciate it good luck Jordan Velasquez uh shout out my Sigma World teacher Mr Dugan and LeBron isn't the goat hot take uh Brian Lou please shout out my teacher uh please shout out my teacher Miss fov and my homies Rio K Karina c inis c and Max H Uno shout out to Mrs Stanton and Mr Moore from lshs Tenny Monroe thank you CL best AP World teacher ever Dominic Evans shout out Mrs petriolo Mrs P petriolo uh and her second period Dan what's the difference between the Colombian Exchange and the triangular trade uh uh watch my video on that but it's they're they're related but Colombian Exchange created the conditions for the Triangular Trade Josh uh Shout Out Mr Cashwell and Mr Ray from CHS to to toak whatever uh can you shout out Mr Del Campo from elamine oh high your so skibby Ohio amelo shout out Miss kulan and Veronica best AP World teacher and Shout out emelo and Sophia for class Treasurer oh Emilio and Sophia for class Treasurer love you pooky pineapple Vibes shout out to miss Margaret buer for being the S the best AP World teacher hash bigkahuna Dina Shout Out Mr Beal for somehow tying everything in his life to AP World History you both you two both have helped second period with last minut is studying vex salumed vex salid shout out to cook Sophia coronell shout out to miss p and her favorite peasants soie Ash 6 please Shout Out Mr Lundquist Lundy land from uh gbhs Mr Creepy chicken shout out our skibbidy teacher Mr kazerooni Ryan liot thanks for helping me and my friends through the year shout out to my teacher Mr Jack mcof okay um Kumi himler you're the best Shout Out Mr Kojima over Fears Shout out to miss glance front table got to shut up uh lumu please Shout Out Mr gasi or gachi uh he's been a very good teacher and really prepped me to get a five love to hear that Kenneth lamb please Shout Out Mr Jen he is the most awesome sauce teacher the best teacher I've ever had the best in Zo West uh Hamza eie Shout Out Mr cading always references you Liam Rock to my glorious Scandinavian King Reb Boyd thank you for helping us get fives this year Sheek hell is very proud of you am am Israel K I believe that's how you pronounce it uh if not I just made a fool out of myself Kyle oduber uh I have my AP test on Wednesday wish me luck Jackie shout out to my Sigma best friends Madison sof Gabby Clara Laya they helped me through every AP World related breakdown I had real ones for real Snickers by Brian shout out to Caffrey from unale high school and Brian Brian and Brian give me luck for a five uh kyria kyriakos shout out Mrs oconor from division she's Sigma Shan B you're my teacher's Idol and admirer shout out to Mrs holsappel from LHS and her R1 class please hit her up well Sean thanks for letting me know and Miss holapp hello bean King is that the Rob from Portal 2 next to the globe thank straight it is yes love portal too JJ can you shout out Mr Guerrero from BHS in that fourth period slays and we will Phantom tax on Wednesday Annette please shout out Miss Hernandez from SMA fourth period Matthew lend dski Shout Out Mr Young from wws Nicole mavilla can you please Shout Out Mr laly from mast at FIU Miami the most Ohio teacher ever Duke Dennis Kai Senate senat kenot I don't know Drake Kendrick Sophia [Music] Aiden tro shout out to coach Watson for being a big W 444 Roger Shout Out Mr babenko from Wakefield High Camila G can you shout out Mr mcgoran from Mercy High School Joel D Shout Out Mr Dominguez Jack the Frog MC shout out for Mr Adair Gizzy Gladiator shout out Miss Mr uh romines romines uh miss most Sigma skib history teacher big preppy shout out Miss Nal from or nadell from Brooklyn technical Alex uh something something something shout out Miss peon peonies first hour rice pudding my teacher cried because you called him bald so I just wanted to say that Mr uh cucker Stein is a great teacher he's the best I don't mean to make anybody cry meta shout out to Mr C for first period AP World Class aov Von bismar thank you sir uh Marina Diaz shout out to Dr regg from ptsc period is C period is the best class please drop the lowest grades Victoria can you shout out Mr Dimitri from cvhs for telling us that AP stands for answer the prompt it does Bailey can you please Shout Out Mr harzer and tell him the spam is gross also please pray for me RJ Lucy Kenzie to get a five consider yourself prayed up ariv shout out to bakas ADI yuvan and Santos Santos these thugs introduced me to you and they've been skid MERS since Ohio lock in Oscar Rios Luca Luca donic is better than Jason Tatum fiorella Salazar Mr Michael caho Andrew leaport Shout Out Mr Andrew Terry my AP History teacher love that guy Stitch and stripe Shout Out Mr lugan luenberger from MCHS you're the best searing ever please Shout Out Mr Garrison from PDS and tell George to lock in for a five thank you so much hler you carried me to a 99 on my midterm wow nice Ella Hudson shout out Mr Kibler best teacher ever Sergio Morales shout out to the most giib teacher Mr uh casares dour AP World History Class at grp Carson West thank you kavish shout out Benji we is a sigma is a skib sigma rizzler Olivia B barar barar shout out to Mr Mish from Gilbert Heim scope Shout Out Mr Lamont from and her eighth okay U Miss it's MX I'm not sure I I don't know what that is um but Lamont Lamont and her eighth period class I feel like I should know what that is it's escaping me right now hm shout out to Mr McQueen again approaching 50 years of teaching he has achieved a pass rate of almost 90% in this class on the AP World exam that's amazing y Rossell my friend Nick has five APS can you say Nick Muno GL D Dava davu debob thank you hler for your wisdom you are clutching up thank you shout out Mrs Quinn Wilson from Queen Technical High School in New York she is a w teacher and we are making it out of AP World chat ET shout out to coach Hein at Coach O Hearn at C rhs smoochi by the way my teacher made an announcement Google classroom for all our AP World Humanities classes about the shout out I asked for you to give last night okay that's great thanks SMI Christine keer please Shout Out Mr Johnson and the crazy globers thank you so much himler I ierf shout out Miss Decker at ghs she stole my Ohio Grimace Shake but she's still a sigma for real Lista louita your mama so big she worldwide peuse Shout Out Mr Bolan thank you for a wonderful year waye thank you Mr n n nyer in neoc City Academy yasel Ahmad AB Abdul Dulas leg hurts wish him recovery I I sorry for that pronunciation but get get well soon uh Sebastian DEA Harris Harris thank you for milking my brain cows you're welcome uh shout out to miss Christensen thir hour Fort Zumwalt South High School hoping for a solid honking for on the exam I'm with you all right I'm reading from 8:36 right now everyone who how is that possible there must be a big jump in time at some point we're only at 8:36 but there you go Western Productions come on shout out to Dr regalato and heimler you're both the goat soggy rat hoping to get a five can you shout out Mr Benji at wnhs best teacher ever St golden strawberry shout out Ms denal no denal denat I don't know how to say that I'm sorry uh we love you uh Kyle oduber Shout Out Mr carbello best teacher ever Prince jaad shout out to the most skibby skibby teacher coach Wes Mattis it's nugget fam please give Miss wolf my AP teacher she is amazing also say she is the goat she teaches three AP History classes next year she says it'll be four wow uh Lun lunera fish my APM teacher left at the start of fourth quarter and we were forced to self-learn she's not a history teacher but please shout out Miss weeks who has worked so hard for all of us to succeed Miss weeks that is a high compliment well done Udo shout out to miss to my goat Miss wheeler Lyn inan shout out my teacher Mr Harter from l lands down he's one of the best teachers I've ever had and I really appreciate him Mariano P shout out for our AP teacher his name is Miss yenes her name is Miss yanis excuse me uh Nicole moova mavilla hi this is Richard Ramirez can you please shout out Miss Dustin best AP World teacher from Alonzo Tracy morning High School in Florida ivb say happy birthday Eric Dominguez happy birthday starmo shout out Mr Armstrong at shs Duke Denzel message retracted Isabelle McCrea shout out to my lovely teacher Miss hetrick from Big Spring High School ash choa rice # Mongols of Steel Julia gray shout out Miss Ren grape goddess and best teacher Abe caval Cavalieri shout out Miss Garcia from bille Sam is wow Shout Out Mr raposo he thinks you're skibbidy Luca Z let's go rangers I'm cooked for this either way Stacy dinal West Sena East Whoppers you got this Naomi Martinez thank you Sydney Gordon can you please Shout Out Mr at or Moren at Green Hope High School Ethan Harrington shout out to Mr Olsen from cast High School Haley Torres shout out Miss nadasi uh and Mr Alonzo from terara banana granny Mr heimler shout out Miss Mrs tilsner from Mount Horeb and Champa rice Sage can you shout out my teacher Mr Rowl like towel oh you telling me how to say it thank you uh barath aragat Senpai hey Mr schaer M sh out to my glorious King Mr Bremer from slhs go Blue raah all right I'm reading at 8:42 now these are submitted at 8:42 Arnav Jane shout out to Mr Korn and Mr and Dr Christian these goated biote teachers taught us all that taught us that the mitochondria is more than just the PowerHouse of the cell Owens Odyssey shout out to Mr Hess from V VMA Avery Shout Out Mr Woodcock that is his name let's go first block AP AP World History and some of third Block hler Please manifest our fives we are counting on you you got it baritone 782 Shout Out Mr Lis and Mr and Dr Colette from AHS best AP World teachers in the world tier shout out Miss to miss sharp from gsmst she shows us your videos and you are the best thank you Colin shout out super T Sigma M Mrs Pierce Joshua Brown Shout Out Mr schaer and tell n to lock in NJ it's Jordy pory Dr Lloyd is the best and fourth period is his fave all right water break I'm about to start reading at uh 8:43 y'all y'all did it tonight y'all did it tonight than I'm glad you guys are some of you guys are still around uh but yeah let me um let me go fill this water back up and we'll be right back e okay we full that's the last water break we're going to power through I'm going to do this okay hopefully I aren't still submitting them you know I love you but goodness gracious it's 10:15 where I am I should have been in bed an hour ago uh you think I'm kidding I'm not I love going to bed early all right Ethan rinda shout out to skibby Sigma Mr Walker from shs OG pineapple 618 we love you shout out Mr Kojima from eshs Anna Hamilton Shout Out Mr dalren he's the best AP World teacher thank you heer for getting us through the year West Poe is the best school Alicia Michelle shout out to my dope teacher Miss devau as well as my amazing friends AAA Gabby they call you Daddy heimler too it's great rml tell my good friend my good old friend Chloe happy birthday derp happy birthday uh Lily L Shout Out My Savior Mrs Bullock on skibbidy icy cool ppic thank you Jacob R Roden tell my glorious King to my glorious King Reb Boyd thank you for everything you've done this year we love you stay rzy Jacob thank you uh Rowan Craig shout out to the goat Mr K from Singapore American we love you heimler and K hey from uh Hey to Singapore it's amazing uh Alex Williams shout out to Mr Reinhardt for being such a sigma teacher Oscar Rios Astros are beating the Dodgers in the World Series Ziller spiter uh thanks for saving my AP test Please shout out Miss Dustin my skibbidy Alpha Riz teacher at Alonzo Morning uh much love from Ohio Paula Nas nil nilki uh Elizabeth picazo hi to Lord Baron's fourth period scooter 4K shout out to Mr acrian at tvhs Molina Shout Out Mr Shaw the skibus rizzler in all Ohio Emma B Mr Aqua aqual Aquino if you see this Zama and I are cooked Justin Blanco shout out to one of the best teachers ever Mr troter from Oxford High School in Michigan mental Shout Out Mr Corbett he is the best AP World teacher Naomi Martinez my glorious King heimler shout out Sigma skibidi sparos the best history teacher gold Shout Out Mr Fenderson first period from K klhs bugs thanks BB heimler shout out to my teacher Mrs Utterback she's embarrassed but still has a fat crush on you how flattering uh kayen shout out to Campbell and for him to ask for her number also Carson needs to hit a cut you're awesome heimler uh Carlos nanho nuran nanho thank you shout out to miss Chipman SZ my name is Sam shout out the best AP World teacher in all the world in all of world history Miss Walter Billy shout out Miss Williams from Pinewood Finn privie shout out Miss jamshed's class of skibbidy sigmas suana shout out to Mr toe from Franklin High he never apologized to us for the amount of work he gave us though and he laughed at us he's cool though s sanul eight Shout Shout Out Mr LAX for being the best AP World teacher he so Sigma skibby Phantom tax Riz Western Front Productions heimler stream your fortnite games that is tempting Ethan machall mitchels shout out Miss sheal uh the number one AP World teacher banana granny shout out Iman from no shout out Iman my R six Siege goat Sigma skibbidy Brendan Carlson shout out teacher Miss dorier she great fourth period Celestia thank you heimler for all you do you're welcome I'm an adult doing AP exams while starting my career you're part of the reason I'll graduate college early go OLS well good on you good luck faad Ismail hey heer you carried AP World this year shout out miss Ryan's AP world class from Huntsville Alabama she would be overjoyed Trinity shout out Miss Wright go Tigers Aaron beos shout out to uh stifter Sigma sophomore class uh we're so skiy with our Riz that we're going to cook on our AP test fives all day Vance I'm at uh 850 right now Vance shout out 2024 Mr McCarthy's class at uh conet coot oh gosh I I don't know how to say that con Connetquot High School sorry uh Matthew white shout out to the best US history teacher Dr Scott uh suer Yasin Salo our to our Sig to our skibby Sigma Riz AP World teacher Miss uh bavage she made us take your tests all year and we all said yes heimler and Unison as we inhaled your knowledge and expertise we're all cooked for the test help well yasen sounds like you've been well prepared maybe you're not as cooked as you thought you were Luke shout out M caraway's AP World History Class Evelyn Martinez shout out to Miss Rose B from ghs She's literally my fave and call that test room domain expansion malevolent kitchen cuz I'm going to cook on the exam I love it South Park Cliffs my name is the Eggman Eggman gang rise up Patrick Champa Campa can you shout out my skib Sigma Ohio friend Haley she just got a 100 on our practice DBQ can we all celebrate by going to the Tik Tock Riz party uh Seb gaming 420 shout out to the goat Mr Michael Spradlin from Cave Spring High School in Rowan Oak Virginia love you Daddy heimler uh Ryan fam Shout Out Mr Bartlett from stala Kum High School buunis Shout Out Mr Schaefer period two for getting everyone fives fave teacher this year Val hi I really like your vids himley hi I really like your vids ha Chan please do the worm H not at 10:20 at night I can't can't do it loap hey heimler please can you evaluate the extent to which the zah affected Duce dennises Duke Dennis's Legacy in K kisat Ohio skibby R Sigma thanks Miss wine Shanks AP World History that was a workout to say that Snickers Brian shout out to Caffrey from unale high school she put us on and Brian Brian and Brian and pray for my five Mark barreras shout out to the best dressed history teacher ever Mr agir thank you for poting up with my yapping jaxter coulston how did Napoleon being a sigma cause him to lose the batt Battle of water Lube by the skibbidy British forces you're going to have to tell me I don't know coner cond Shout Out Mr G from kabad crane last year's block 3 a day class was crazy best of luck boys Felix Teddy John and leaf from this year Dan channy shout out to Mr Boyd from Kingston High School lumu my name is Josh and can you shout out Mr gasi he has been a real help and a great teacher and he's definitely prep me to get a five on the AP World World History exam that's great Nick shout out my best friend mave she is the ultimate AP scholar and has already told her mom about her Undying Love For You zombie guts shout out to M Mrs Shephard 7th hour WAP class Gabby thank you janv Sharma any tips for the exam oh lots of them I made videos on them go check them out uh sin actually for now get some sleep tomorrow that's the best tip sin Shout Out Mr harpole from Gala he's super skibbidy and shout out to his skibbidy students love you heimler Justin buer please Shout Out Mr Olsen and Mrs Moore from Rosemont High School Barat Naruto shaer is so Senpai ah Joanna Joanna uh shout out to Mr meland for making us watch you duke Denzel Dennis hi me and my hi me and my boyfriend friend Adrianne Luna loves you well I love you guys back uh suhana shout out to shout out to Mr toe from Franklin High he's a nerd and laughed at us but he was cool Angelo lucari shout out Mrs Shephard's AP World Class of nhhs Charlie Devo shout out esj baseball Philipe morla shout out Miss shook from MHS stay Rizzy Mory High uh Suk maner Suk maner uh shout shout out to Mr obrien at Warwick Valley High School please so please say uh Mr O'Brien's the best in a sarcastic voice that's what it says I I love you Mr O'Brien um Sonic clever 47 shout out to miss vanan Bosch vanon BOS uh best AP World teacher and I need those bonus points brain splatter uh shout out to Sammy forced him to be here with me lol all right I'm reading from 8:55 right now Ash Veen Court shout out to Mr Dennis the best AP World teacher also baby grank has great skibby Ohio Riz HAF Soul shout out my Sigma teacher Mr n from Indie Turner Richardson shout out to Maynard Mr Maynard he is awesome madx Davis can you tell Miss hunt to look Max uh Chow thank you mango Boba shout out to skib Sigma Riz teacher Miss Sparks Ben dragx hi heimler shout out the goats Mr Bayshore and Coach Lakes Jones from rbhs Carson West shout out to my great AP World teacher Mr mcdot repeat Misty can you wish Tash tassin Abdul and hamdan good luck a can I get a prayer for my for a five on my exam and Shout Out Mr Nelson AKA Lil Nelly from brhs you prayed sploosh sucks Shout Out Mr messers Smith type stuff Simone soers Shout Out Mr schwarzman for s s best teacher ever John Deere 2 3211 tell Noah R he will fail if he doesn't study that awkward Panda shout out to Mr Garrett Kelly at HCC PHS uh one five is the best class one5 is the best class shifukato shifukato uh can you please Shout Out Mr White the most goated AP World teacher and also my friend Jonathan please say you the man John pixel gaming Shout Out Mr Grom the rizzler Patrick Kirby shout out to Mr Irwin's second period class cchs the lunch study group Alex Jude Peter Owen and Sam hope they get a five Jude a poor Jude Liam Lopez uh Shout Out Mr Verma the goat from GS MST Kaden Washington is today's topic about the sigma Wars canny shout out to Mr Graham from PHS and his fifth period Gabby Staten gang where you at marmalade Shout Out Mr strong and his flowing middle part Angie Zach Zach uh I appreciate you himler you've helped me survive this year shout out to miss Henning from lphs she's the sweetest and best teacher ever well big Chow shout out Sigma King Daniel Ki from v v venis and Hamza Caleb Walton Dr deers has skibby toilet Riz and Ohio Sr Deuce could you shout out Mr Mort from CHS and say the Ottoman Empire sucks Constantinople on top oh my Raz this is my first AP test prep thank you my Sigma welcome Jillian W shout out to Mr Ian fried y'all skiest sigmas Alexander volov shout out to Mr kg from Waconia High School ivb the two smart Baldi Java javadifar and him chattah huchi model un Shout Out Mr Sino and Mr Saba best AP World teachers in that order after heimler obviously well thanks um Rachel gur can you say Rachel Carter Anthony Len Ryan are all going to pass our exams with fives we're the best AP group in Miss Copo for real Dao shout out to the best dress history teacher ever Mr a agir thank you for putting up with your third period yappers all right we're getting there I'm reading from 9:01 now y'all uh executioner smow Smo uh shout out to miss miss Terry from Seminary High School Bill Gonzalez shout out to miss Robert's class big Ralph is a sigma John Demag shout out to me for being a sigma Garrett can you shout out Samuel Davis and Nathan uan santi8 hi himler please Shout Out Mr Laz from cfhs for being the best AP World teacher he's the most Sigma skibbidy I've ever had think we're going to need to I need to get a little just the slightest bit more casual here tired of having to put this thing yeah let's get that oh jeez things are breaking things are breaking it's live y'all there we go oh that's so much better oh we just just chill now all right flip key store Shout Out Mr fobian brain cow milk Master Sean Sun can you sing I want it that way from the back street boys uh no no I can't I I can't I'm sorry uh dun Leo 430 Shout Out Mr Graham from payal high school skibbidy um Ethan jappaya Shout Out Mr lingle he's the best teacher ever Cameron Roode say hello to Mr Henley at Mar Island High School Scarlet B shout out the ultimate Sigma Mr Adam Marchand s SJ sjs hi Shout Out Mr Dennis from ducksbury high school please say skib toilet RZ Gojo is my Baka seai Ohio baby grank meow times shout out to David uh Shu from jbhs he's getting me a five he's he's getting me five John Deere 321 one shout out maximilan Wulf gang Nicholas Pearson uh azim shout out Michael essig and Yogi Bear hash loving kisses yaroslav heimler can you say I love Mr MOA while doing an Irish jig I I do love Mr Mora I do uh Bastion cusos Shout Out Mr Haynes and Miss kro from eighth period uh eighth period on top Dez Shout Out Mr fulman and Champa rice is always right Angelina maalot wish Darnell cookman kids well on Wednesday specifically my dear friends Neil and Zaden please plus shout out TN czb sigmas neonic YouTu neonic YT shout out period seven and8 Malin best AP World teacher Rion has negative Aura Tammy Zen thank you God of War gaming Shout Out Mr Dolan from St Rita high school and it's just an emoji uh shout out Mrs Sanders from Winter Park School Christopher barsom thank you so much for everything due to medical issues had to quit school and do it online didn't learn question and next comment cuz doesn't fit oh that's probably com in later uh but I'm sorry to hear that that is tough AI equals future and kit is rizzler and Shu say hello to Addison Bravo bang shout out to the goat Miss Medina and Shout Out Kendrick random person Shout Out Mr Mayor the goat raar uh xylems hi hi what can you shout out Mrs smart at slhs Rion Patel shout out the most Alpha teach known to man miss Malon of crn also rion's Aura is unmatched compared to sha and Mac PR Sigma Christopher barsum I have your review guide and did the unit reviews and mcqs haven't had F frq practice since the fall what's the best way to cram till the test haven't taken a full practice test uh thank you so much God bless you you just answered your own question take the full practice test then take another one if you can that's the best uh Brendan fre sh should Shout Out Mr Cross Northshore Legend J accurate Shout Out Mr sorya from AHS he said he didn't want another shout out or someone else did but I thought it would be funny if I did one too well uh I'm reading from 9:16 at this point Big Chow Eddie Hopson is my favorite student says dan Ki rata Shout Out Mr miners second block class that emoji again uh shout out Mrs Sanders from Winter Park High School Macy uian shout out to alpha wolf Carl Sigma Howell [Music] that was terrible that was a terrible how I'm sorry uh Bravo bang I like it when you milk my brain C poy okay thank you uh ali aan uh no message but thank you Daniel Ramirez uh oh thank you very much thank you shout out to Mr krisman from Venice High School he says you're a Savage and he may well be right he may well be right uh thank you Daniel uh this is the name again with all the letters that I can't pronounce uh Shout Out hch hs's Mr de kinas I think I said that right glurb uh no message but thank you Taylor H shout out Miss maze um these are I'm struggling over here all right shout out Miss Mae the best a world teacher even when there's tornadoes shutting down School ragav Sharma we love you heimler shout out Miss peer Mr peer from American High School Q qu no qwe there it is Shout Out Mr shien from bshs aen mamadov shout out uh is it aen or Eileen aen and lane from Mr Hernandez first period WAP class you're so skibbidy ghost stangs you're the best chrism 1234 shout out to Mr Sue from iths he made AP World fun interesting and overall a skibbidy Time pixel gaming skibbidy Ohio Shout Out Mr grizom the rizzly bear snapshot plays shout out Miss viets vets and Mr aala they are the most skibbidy Sigma rizzler Ohio Alpha Muer ever turn Richardson shout out to Mr Maynard he is awesome I sent it once but I want you to notice me I love it uh gilfred thank you Jordan Velasquez Shout Out Mr Dugan aka Mr Riz James H shout out to Mr Kovac best AP World teacher of SCS and thank you James I appreciate that uh inz AO good godo can you shout out Louisa and Ma our teacher Mr heart reper Cass Clowney can you please shout out uh Dr Sigma cook uh and the Seven is that Dr oh Dr Sigma cook I there we go and the seventh period ridlers gilfred thank you again uh ariela masi shout out to the queen of AP World Miss rigio and her rigio rat Clan or is it rigio VRA our one and only skibby King Mr Ki from ghs octal Optical shout out to the best AP World History teacher Mr Kennedy at FHS he is the biggest Buffalo Bills fan and can't stop yapping about them HL lesser shout out to miss Mains she is my queen lovely n ninako Shout out to our skibbidy Alpha teacher Mr Sparks Elvis shout out to Mr Webb from the skibbidy PHS from your third period as a thank you for everything you've done this year PS mshi stop using AI mshi mokshit stop using AI my sweet little rodents shout out to me my sweet little rodents subscribed love it uh shiv haacks shout out to the best AP World teacher Dr Jennings fourth period at a tech here in Vegas thank you to Mr heimler I'm really confident to Ace this exam Joshi can you shout out Mr uh gig G Jano G Gano uh best AP World teacher rapael cantes Shout Out Mr skibbidy Carl Howard III from BHS gilfred shout out to my friend suav please Sebastian de la de Harris shout out M Miss Christensen she loves your channel as an amazing teacher at Fort Zumwalt Fort Zumwalt South High School thanks for mil cows hi Lucas YT optimal shout out Adam detoy best Sigma rizzler on skibbidy he's a good one uh Joanna nioga um Shout Out Mr no Dr meland for making us watch you Josh time thank you Haley Hess Mrs Dr Elenor High School Justin buer thank you Western Front Productions H thank you you for giving me the first hundreds in AP World in my school I love you wow congrats that's amazing that awkward Panda Shout Out Mr Garrett Kelly and his class uh one5 at HCC PHS Bento hey heimler shout out my goed teacher Monica please and AP World period for at MCHS L'Oreal Hixon shout out Miss whipper from new Hamstead the Shout Out Mr sof giny skidy Ohio Reed and Finn Shout Out Mr tman for bringing so great willow Reid shout out to Mr MAA or maida for the best AP World teacher to ever teach AP world ever and shout out to the period 6 class not period 1 log fish shout out to Sigma Sandberg from Lucas and Logan luxurious lavender shout out to Mr call from obhs this is from Madison Arnold uh Vicks VapoRub Vic V Vic VapoRub shout out to miss welser at Ann Richards first period Brendan Benford all of Mr Garcia's students are going to get fives Josh time shout out to my skibby Sigma skibby toilet Sigma teacher Miss Clark why bar 101 shout out M Miss Swanson and Donovan my study buddy Bryce G shout out to Mr crley best AP World teacher at ND nope uh okay we just go back to this uh Ricky Aras can you please Shout Out Mr Miner second block Veronica s Shout Out Mr Honeycut from twcp high school Hamza eie shout out to Mr K always references your videos veiled domain expansion infinite Han uh Mage shout out to my teacher Mr Howard from DHS Wade Joe Mrs vales from DHS she loves Bad Bunny Angie Zach shout out to miss henig she's the best and sweetest AP World teacher on skibbidy Julia mahany shout out Miss Johnson and Fred at BT em shout out to my amazing AP World students at Cooper City high school oh it's a teacher uh you are all going to do so well in the AP exam you're going to cook and eat up all that Champa rice username Miss Wilson's the best skibby Sigma teacher bchs P3 lovely nanako shout out to our skiy Alpha teacher Mr Sparks uh P shog LOL Shout Out Mr Schiller UCS please period two on top Riley Aaron shout out to my king Mr O he's so skibbidy Veronica s shout out to my besties Emma Ella Diana and Brendon nicknam surf in honor of AP World History for being awesome an awesome study group Macy andan Shout Out Mr skibbidy Carl Howell the thir Carl how Howell the Third from BHS Vivien bacon 51 hold on now we free okay um okay uh uh vidiian bacon 51 can you shout out Mr an Andre from PHS and wish the downfall of downfall of augen and kirat and five for athman rublev shout out my brother he loves your vids trophy stealer shout out Mrs Schmo from sfhs please give extra cred Colonel Sanders shout out to Sigma Porter Alexander volov shout out Pooky kg from whs LS shout out Coach Stone because he's my goat Arana Payton shout out to Mr Kelly at hcps uh5 is best class uh Ansley Kirby shout out Dr uh Sal saliva Pope uh John Paul Prep School Shout Out Mr McCarthy he's an absolute unit om Maxim Sal shouted out shout out to Mr Williams from cast classical Madness shout out to miss wedell from Rockport Fon High School in Texas rfhs who put so much work into us kids and I hope I'll make her proud on my AP test Aaron poles shout out to sagasta ISS the goat Sigma boss Madison blast shout out to Mr schar the skiest rizzler of them all Bean King I wait to do all my graded notes for a unit for a unit in the class beforehand I can write 10 sections of notes in an hour but I can't write five paragraphs for a DBQ yeah uh Marissa Bel matul shout out to miss payan's better class period one hey Mr heimler oh Rowan hey Mr heer can you give us a message of support to miss Riley's AP world class Miss Riley loves you and I love her okay good luck guys Ben Dennis oh my gosh this is the last one BD Dennis can you please say Mrs leaport Lewis is a skibby sigma yeah Mrs leaport Lewis is a skibby sigma oh hold on I got one more coming in uh Taylor H heimler my previous Super Chat that you read aloud actually got mispronounced not surprised but it it is Miss mice not mace can you pretty please read it again well I have no idea where that other one was um but miss mice I'm sorry that I got it wrong and I love you very much and I'm grateful uh for uh for what you do and uh Taylor really wants you to know something and he wants me to say your name right and I just did but I didn't before but whatever it is he wants you to know I hope it's really great so that is all that is all uh thanks guys for sticking around I uh if you're around tomorrow night I'll be doing the same thing same time same place and we're going to go through the very last uh units uh before you go in for that exam so good night and good luck and I will see you here tomorrow