Transcript for:
Mental Analysis Evolved L1: The Introduction

hello and welcome to mental analysis evolved all right before we begin i want you to pause this video go fill out the worksheet and come back with a clear head okay are you ready what is mental analysis how would you define it how did you define it on your worksheet one definition is the analysis of our psychological brain we sit here daydreaming and start to create interpretations of what reality is supposed to look like even more staggering is we define our own realities based on these explorations we impulsively create what is the most appealing reality and then view it as if it was a goal within our grasp so we start to justify the road that gets us there we think things like if we can just complete this task we're surely going to be one step closer to our goal we've created multiple problems before even finding an achievable reality we've molded an alternate universe that is so fragile that any misstep shatters a glass road we walk on to get there first problem here is that we've created an irreversible pitfall a nagging voice that sits on our shoulder just waiting for an opportunity tell us how bad we just did or how stupid we were to do something the same voice that makes us feel not good enough to achieve stop and think about it for a second while walking down this glass road you've created for yourself do you stop to realize that every step is a win or do you just keep walking until the road breaks well do we ever take one step forward and congratulate ourselves with endless praise telling ourselves great job or master in disguise this is going to be successful forever and your talents are growing stronger by the minute no we never tell ourselves those things instead we act of taking a step in the right direction is what is exactly supposed to happen and it's no big deal because you deserve the success and anything else is unjustified now take a moment and go back to that same situation you take one misstep on the glass road and it breaks all of a sudden you've created a doomsday scenario thinking to yourself how can this happen why did i make that choice why didn't i study the chart better and i'm a terrible trader i should just give up at this you've created bags and bags of distress that never go away because they compound you see this problem is twofold first problem is that we are preset to fail because no one can simply make every single right choice at all times 24 hours a day seven days a week the second problem is we're creating an only fail situation where making a good choice has no positive benefits no matter how many good choices you make while making one bad decision as huge repercussions on our psychological state this is our psychological mind taking the driver's seat so that's one type of mental analysis the analytics of our psychological brain let's move on to another definition of mental analysis emotional analysis this is the emotions we have that dynamically develop from our moods and are constantly changing emotional analysis falls under the umbrella of evaluating situations and the reactions those situations leave with us those reactions are the collection of decisions we make nobody else makes them for us instead we make them so they're our responsibility and we own them these decisions then evolved into a developed feeling emotions like happiness satisfaction excitement anger frustration these are all subconsciously and impulsively created they are what's left behind based on the decisions we made previously understanding emotional analysis goes one step further as is the controlling of what motivates our mind to leave us with these leftovers this can be a great benefit to us as it gives us the information we seek in order to improve so that's emotional analysis now there's also what i call sentiment analysis this is one of my personal favorites as it's unexploited of within our control it's something we create and gives us a tangible tool that allows analysis at all times sentiment analysis is designed to understand the general feeling and impression that others currently have in the moment this existential analysis allows us to understand how other people are consuming information and then reacting based on their analysis an example would be how do others see the market and how do we use that to exploit bad decisions they may make in order for us to make more money or better trades this type of analysis doesn't focus on acute emotions rather it focuses on the social culture and the consent others have with themselves and the broader decisions influenced by many these types of analysis that we've listed above are all different parts of evaluating the decisions we make with our mind well some are strategic others are impulsive and uncontrollable all these situations they are all able to be learned mastered controlled and used as tools to aid us in day trading now that we've talked about the different types of analysis let's talk about levels of analysis this is also known as psychology world as loa the three types of textbook loa or levels of analysis are biological cognitive sociocultural starting with biological this is the physical aspect of the brain and its chemistry this relates to emotional analysis secondly cognitive this is the brain's ability to process and function this one relates to psychological analysis and lastly sociocultural this is an influence factor that is dictated by the environment and social settings that alter behaviors this relates more to sentiment analysis now with those three identified let's discuss just one today and very briefly at that because the idea behind this video is not to create a term and give it a solution that's not a one video solution rather this first video is meant to be one thing and one thing only it's meant to open your mind to the possibility that there's a different way to look and assess mental analysis in fact if all you get from this video is that you don't understand anything but realize that you're going to learn more about this in the future then congratulations because this video has done its job already with that said let's talk about cognitive level of analysis which is also linked to our first term psychological analysis cognitive function can be divided into tasks for the brain following are some examples of what cognitive functions are attention this is our ability to focus and concentrate on tasks processing this is how we process all data in our minds we input information and then that gets put on a path to its destination the ability to decide what to do with the information that is given memory this is the center for all information in our brain it holds and stores everything in its own place decision making this piece of our mind discovers what it thinks is the most logical solution to events and problems communication this is the way in which we communicate verbally and physically our brain tells us what actions to take in order to communicate any given message now that we've identified some examples of cognitive function we can open our minds to exploring this in great depth through this mental analysis evolved course i think it goes without saying that with these cognitive functions every single person has an area they fall short in life or in trading in fact some of my worst moments in day trading can be easily brought back to a shortcoming in one of these areas specific one that comes to mind is a trade a trade where i took a large position that i thought would bring great success only to remember that it was already failing due to bitcoin's recent move not only did my memory fail me in this moment but my decision-making was poor and i didn't process the possible outcomes i also think emotionally my thoughts were shrouded with the fantasy of this successful trade would get me a large increase which would allow me to split these winnings into other multiple trades which would compound my success over the course of a very accelerated time frame uh this idea would surely set me up for a new technique i wanted to try so it took over my cognitive thinking and i got emotionally invested which put me into a bad position needless to say this wasn't a very successful trade for me i looked back and this was clearly a breakdown of my mental analysis and my ability to make clear decisions we started this video with a question of what is your definition of mental analysis i bet now you're starting to realize how deep this idea of mental analysis actually goes it's not the simple idea of being fool-headed or just making killer decisions because you have great energy that day while those last two ideas are a great secondary fact true mental analysis is a long journey it takes a humongous amount of effort things like age get in the way of cognitive functions emotional distress affects our daily lives sleep reduces the effectiveness of our daily energy and so on and so on this isn't a quick and simple talk about what mental analysis is and you're on your own this is an in-depth course on all areas that affect day trading from an analysis standpoint our objective is simple create the most balanced and best versions of ourselves the road ahead however is a long one filled with many roadblocks that we will break through over the coming months we will develop the right mind frame for you we will constantly refine your ability to make better decisions on all aspects of not only day trading but your life we'll identify plateaus and overcome them and we'll craft ourselves once again into the best versions of ourselves as everyone knows day trading is constantly changing it seems as if every new week the unexpected is happening once again and that it's completely unseeable this is the edge that the one percent of people with great mental fortitude identify and see as an opportunity to make money while the rest of day traders are stuck in an area of constant losses or the feeling that everything they do loses money and that they would have always been better off not being a day trader the one percent with the ability to control mental analysis are just that the one percent the reality is that the meta of day trading is always changing the technicals show the formula but the mental reveals the meta the meta defines the terms of use on the technicals and therefore it creates a tough but beautifully crafted balance that only the best traders understand let's go over that one more time the mental analysis reveals the meta meta defines the terms of use on the technicals and the technicals show you where and when to enter a trade tough but beautiful balance isn't it now despite what people perceive technicals aren't that difficult to understand and i've been saying this for a long time technicals are quite easy formula we learn and apply over and over and over another thing i've been saying for a long time is this which i want you to think about for a second the science never fails it's the human beings using the science that fail this should explain to you how simple the technicals actually are the thing about the formula is that if you do it long enough and enough times to master it you no longer need the cheat sheets or have doubts and trades rather you plot the formula and it gives you the exact expected result mental analysis is actually much tougher it requires a ton of hard work from you on a constant basis great amount of focus that can't be broken and constantly needs to be stable so it doesn't run loose if you master these things for long enough you can open the gates and let it run wild in a very controlled way over this course i'm going to put you to the test i'm going to require from you the highest level of focus you're capable of and the utmost amount of devotion to creating your best realized self training the mind will be the biggest hurdle in day trading you'll ever face but here's the good news if you succeed you'll be set up for success in a way that less than one percent of people are capable of maybe for you this means you'll be pulling yourself out of an indescribable rat that you've been stuck in since day one or maybe it means that you'll be solidifying your spot as a day trader whose career is about to hit new heights in either of these or any dream scenarios you'll be a better trader than when you first started so much more that i would assume it's a bigger leap than when i first taught you the technicals in their most advanced form so how are we going to get there well that's actually very simple i'm going to lay it out for you an easy step-by-step course to follow now whether you're willing to do the work or not is where you come in i'm going to tell you right now that you must complete all worksheets you must follow this course step by step and you must take this seriously by giving this course your full attention focus and open-mindedness if you simply watch the videos without accepting the practices well i don't think you're going to do that well you need to be practicing daily in life and trading while trying to evolve your mind frame if you learn one technique do it one time see a great result this doesn't mean you've figured it out and you've gotten it there is no aha moments that will forever change you in this course this is hard work constant effort and a continued battle with your mind the second you let your guard down is the moment you've lost the war this is going to take a large amount of commitment from you you think you can was through these videos and just take what you need from them uh you're not going to do too good here let me make this very clear you are not the exception in fact no one is you're not mentally or focused or more prepared for this you're not in need of a little bit of help or just here for a quick tune-up no reality is that unless you're willing to start from zero and accept it with an open mind stop right now now that i've broken down your expectations stripped away what you thought mental analysis is and turned your ideas into mush we can begin let's put reality back in the driver's seat and start from square one the rebirth there's only one thing left to do before moving on and that is to hit the reset button