there are three steps for you to start making money by selling products on Amazon and the first step is to find a product to sell and in this video we're going to go in depth I'm going to show you a bunch of different ways that you can actually find a profitable product to sell on Amazon and after I show you how to find the product using these product research methods I'm also going to show you how you can buy the product at a huge discount and then end up selling it on Amazon for an increased price I'm going to show you how you can find manufacturers overse or in the United States that'll be able to make your product extremely affordably after that in this video I'm going to show you how you can list your Amazon product on Amazon's website because Amazon is the number one e-commerce website where people go to buy things online and since so many people are buying things on Amazon you need to create a listing for your Amazon product so that people can see it on I'm going to show you how to create the listing as well as how to make sure that your product shows up at the top of the search results on Amazon cuz that is the secret if you can create a product on Amazon and then when people search for your product it shows up at the top of the search results you can make a ton of money I'm going to talk in depth about this later but the third step that we're going to be talking about throughout this video is how to properly launch your product and this is something that a lot of people don't talk about in this video we're going to go in depth about how you can get as many sales as possible from day one because that is another one of the secrets if you can get a lot of sales from day one selling in your product on Amazon what's going to happen is Amazon's going to put your product at the top of the search results which is going to result in more sales for you but before we get into all that let's talk about why sell on Amazon because there are a lot of different ways to make money online you've probably heard of a ton of these but I'm going to show you throughout this video why I know that creating a product specifically a passion product and selling it on Amazon is the best way to create passive income and throughout this video if anything doesn't make sense don't worry this is a in-depth video I'm going to explain everything so just stay with me but let me explain to you why we want to sell on Amazon and one of the first things that you've probably seen by now is e-commerce is growing like crazy e-commerce is just people buying things online electronic Commerce meaning that anytime someone goes to any website and buys something online that's what e-commerce is and in the us alone last year there was over $1 trillion spent on the internet and it's going to continue to increase every single year so if you're looking to make money selling products online is a futureproof strategy but what a lot of people don't realize is that 50% of all e-commerce sales happen on at least that's in the United States that means for every two times that someone is buying something online one of them someone's going to Amazon so if you know that e-commerce is the future and you know that 50% of all online sales happen on Amazon well then obviously Amazon is the future of making money online and Amazon is actually a $1.9 trillion company that is a huge company and what's really cool about this is they actually allow you to sell products on their website in fact that's how Amazon became so large last year alone there was over $574 billion spent on of that 2third of all those sales come from third party sellers that's people like you and me selling our products on Amazon that means that there was hundreds of billions of dollars that were made by people like you and me selling products on Amazon this is a a huge opportunity and very few people are actually taking advantage of it but there are over 200,000 sellers that make over $100,000 every single year and if you're new to the channel my name is Travis marzani I'm one of them I'm a seven fig Amazon Seller and what I do here on this channel is I teach you exactly how you can do it because and I'll tell you my story but I've had a lot of success with Amazon I've done over $7 million in sales on Amazon and I've made enough money in my life that my purpose what gets me excited is teaching other people how to take advantage of this huge opportunity and I've taught a ton of other people how to do this people like Brent who last year alone did over a million dollars by selling his product seir Pro or AJ who I helped he had zero dollars to spend I helped him start a business and in his first year he did over half a million dollars in sales and we're going to talk more about their stories later in this video and the only reason I bring them up is so that you know that you can do this too this isn't something that you need to be a genius to do a regular person just like you or me can create an Amazon business if you have the right techniques which I'm going to show you the techniques in this video you can create an Amazon business and make make a lot of money and I'm going to show you how I've done over $7 million in sales on Amazon and how you can do it too so before I go any further if you have not yet make sure to like this video because I'm going to be sharing with you a proven system that really works I spent a lot of time on this PowerPoint and on this video so as a thank you make sure to smash that like button and so we're going to go in depth from A to Z on how to sell on Amazon this is a stepbystep video it's going to take you from a beginner all the way to basically an expert by the end of this video I mean I could probably charge $1,000 just for this one video I've seen a lot of people charge a lot of money for videos just like this one but I'm giving it to you for free before we get into the tutorial step by step I want to let you know that the first time you watch this video just sit back relax enjoy the video I've structured this video so that it'll be as easy as possible for you to learn from and understand all the information and at the beginning there might be something that you're not really really sure about but by the end of this video it's all going to make sense now I do recommend to actually take notes on your second time watching this video also if at any point I'm talking too fast which I have a tendency to do you can change the speed to. 5.75 or if there's any parts that are a little bit more boring to you you can increase the speed to 2X and you can do that in the YouTube controls down below there's also time stamps in the description down below so if maybe there's a certain section that you're unsure about and you want to go back to there's time stamps down below or if you want to skip anything feel free to skip whatever you want though I do recommend your first time watching this video to watch it in its entirety because all the pieces to building your business they need to be assembled in a certain order it's it's almost like if you are building a piece of Ikea furniture and you go step one step two and then you jump to step seven the finished product is not going to come out as good uh but in the future if you come back and rewatch this video timestamps are very helpful and what's going to make this video so special that's so much different than all the other videos on Amazon is this one video is going to be everything you need in one place this is a condensed down guide now I do have a free 8h hour Amazon FBA course I'll link to that down below obviously that's much more complete than this video but this video is really meant for the beginner that wants to learn everything in a more condensed down f form and honestly this is one of the most valuable videos that I've ever put out on YouTube I've been teaching Amazon on YouTube now for maybe 6 years I've been selling on e-commerce for 10 years been selling on Amazon for about eight years and all that information all that knowledge I've condensed down into this one video so this is a very valuable video and obviously I'm giving it away for free however if you do like this video please share it with someone and this video is up to date that's another thing is I see right now some of the most popular tutorials about Amazon on YouTube are three or four years old and they're still getting views and they're spreading outdated information this video is up to date and so this is the one video I'd recommend most people start with and throughout this video if you have any questions leave a comment down below I'm going to answer every single one of the comments down below that's another thing a lot of the other Amazon gurus out there the people that are teaching Amazon they're not going to respond to your comments I'm here I genuinely want to help you I want to see succeed right now I'm looking at a wall of pictures of successful students people that I've taught to sell on Amazon and I hope to see your picture up there one day i' I've had a lot of success stories teaching this exact method and that's what fills my life with purpose is watching people like you succeed so let's talk a little bit about the different ways that people sell on Amazon a lot of people when they're starting an online business or they're trying to do entrepreneurship they do it the hard way and the hard way is by themselves a lot of people think that you can create a successful business all by yourself and you know what I'll be honest with you maybe you can but there's a smarter way to do it I'll talk about the smarter way and when as humans we're not meant to be a lone wolf we're meant to be in a tribe we're meant to be in a community we're meant to learn from other people and a lot of people spend hours and hours and hours researching most people right now watching this video I hope you're not one of them but most people get stuck in analysis paralysis and I'll be honest I've been there I've done that I my first Amazon business ever it took me 2 years to launch it I had the idea and I didn't launch it for 2 years but that business made me over $100,000 in profit that was profit it was over $360,000 in Revenue over $100,000 in profit and if I would have launched that business one year earlier I would have made an extra $100,000 but I was scared I was nervous I was going to make a mistake and so I waited and I wait but this is a wakeup call and I'm probably going to repeat this throughout this video this is a wakeup call every day that you're waiting to start your Amazon business you are losing money imagine that your goal is to create a $100,000 Amazon business that's making you $100,000 passive income profit I'm going to tell you right now if you really want to do that you're going to be able to do it but if you don't ever start you're never going to be able to do it and every day that you're waiting imagine to yourself that you're losing out on $300 because $300 is about how much money uh if you break up $100,000 in a year per day that's $300 so from now on every time you're waiting to start your Amazon business you're waiting to commit imagine that you're losing $300 so instead of spending hours and hours researching we'll we'll talk about what you can do different we'll talk about how you can take action in this again a lot of people they're doing it the hard way they're making mistakes I don't want you to be one of those people I want you to be one of the people that take action and have success and a lot of people when they start their Amazon business they end up struggling and they end up eventually giving up and I'm here to share with you that there is a better way to sell on Amazon and the better way to sell on Amazon is do what you're already doing right now you're doing it so much better than what most people do the first step is to find a mentor you don't have to even pay this Mentor right now I'm being your Mentor I'm teaching you and that's one of the things on how humans learn humans learn from other humans you don't need to be the first monkey to go out and try to figure something out there's been other people before you that have done this and I'm one of them I've created a lot of successful Amazon businesses throughout this video I'm going to share some of the different ones I recently just a few months ago for fun I ended up launching a product called carnivore electrolytes I really just did this so I could document on my YouTube channel step bystep how to create your own Amazon business and then I launched this product thinking that I was going to be doing three or four sales a day that business is making me over $117,000 per month in Revenue when you break it down to profit is around $88,000 in profit which is over aund it's about $100,000 of profit a year and this blew my mind my entire team you know we were talking about oh well does Amazon still work and all this kind of stuff and I've had a bunch of successful Amazon businesses but I wanted to launch a new business to see how well it would work not even putting that much effort into it it was it's been making about 10 or $8,000 profit per month the next thing that if you want to have success with anything in life especially Entre preneurship or Amazon I highly recommend finding all the knowledge you need in one place a lot of people what they're doing and you might be one of these people a lot of people they watch a little bit of one video they go read a Blog they listen to a podcast they do all these different things and what happens is you end up going in five different directions and you end up I've had so many students that are like I want to start my Amazon business but I also want to do Drop Shipping and I also want to do this I want to do a social media agency all these things what I recommend doing is finding one teacher One Mentor one person to learn from and just put your head down and follow their step-by-step advice and what's going to happen is you're going to get so much farther than most people because most people they're constantly wondering hm is there a better way to do it or oh they get a lot of people get shiny object syndrome they start their Amazon business but then after a month they're like you know what I'm going to go start a social media marketing agency one of the key things is you want to get all your knowledge in one place and that's what this one video is another thing thing if you want to really guarantee success is have a support network have a network of other people that are going to be helping you to have success again we're humans we're tribal creatures we're meant to like live in community with other people and so when you have a goal in this case your goal is to create passive income to make money online surround yourself with other people that are making money online and when you join my free uh Amazon FBA course I'll put a link to that down below we're going to get you into a Facebook group now if you want even a better Community I do have a paid Amazon FBA program and obviously the people that are in the paid Amazon FBA program are a lot more dedicated that program is called the passion product formula I'll put a link to it down below it's not open right now I only open it every once in a while um but if you want to get on the wait list for the next time I open it click on the link down below and now I want to start getting into the tutorial but before I do I do want to let you know that you're starting a legitimate business when you're starting an Amazon business there's going to be some hard work but it's ultimately going to be worth it and honestly if you follow the method step by step that I'm teaching in this video in my opinion it's not going to be that hard like compared to how much you're going to get out of it you're getting a potentially a $100,000 business it's not like it's going to be backbreaking work but it's going to take some mental fortitude it's going to take some mental endurance you're going to have to push through some hard times and eventually you're going to create a cash producing machine a business that is making you passive income while you sleep well well you travel I just spent a month in Bali and during that time my business was making me money while I slept while I traveled well I got a massage I was making money even though I wasn't really working on my business and before we get into the tutorial I want to cover something does Amazon FBA still work and let me share something with you that a lot of Amazon gurus aren't going to tell you it doesn't work the same way it used to it used to be that you could sell any junk product on Amazon and make a ton of money nowadays it takes a little bit more effort a little bit more smarts you need to have an actual method on how to do it does it still work yes I mean there are over 310 million Prime customers worldwide those are people that are paying Amazon in order to be able to buy things from Amazon and get it delivered to their house in a timely manner and when there's customers on a website when there's people buying things that means there's opportunity for you and me to make money anywhere that there's people buying things if you're allowed to sell things of course there's an opportunity but as we'll talk about in this video the opportunity has changed I mentioned AJ before in his first month selling this product cocktail cards he did over $20,000 in profit in his first year he did over $200,000 and that's profit a lot of gurus on the internet they're going to share with you the revenue numbers but they're not going to actually break down all the costs and you do have to pay for the products you're selling on Amazon cuz you're creating a physical product product you do have to pay an Amazon selling fee just to sell on the platform I think it's fully worth it as well as an Amazon FBA Pick and Pack fee the FBA Pick and Pack fee is basically the fee that you have to pay for Amazon to ship your products to your customers and then there's always just other costs with running a business AJ started with $0 he made $244,000 in his first year and we'll talk about throughout this video even if you don't have a lot of money to start not a problem there's ways to get around that and it's what I teach in this video it's what I teach in my program as well and like I said this is a proven system this is just a few of my different successful students a recent example I actually just released a video about is Juliana and I'll link her full story she has like a 10-minute video on my channel she created a sports bra with builtin pads and this is an issue that she saw in her life this is something that she wish existed and she did over $100,000 in sales in her first year Brent as I mentioned before he launched this SE Pro he's done over $1.8 million that number is this is a little outdated he's probably done over $2 million now and he's selling this product SE Pro Mina created an electrolyte company that's doing over $100,000 in sales every single month I think he's doing 20 $30,000 in profit and there's a bunch of other success stories as well and a lot of these people I've had on the channel I let them tell their real honest Story by the way right here this guy over $400,000 in his first year there's so many cool stories and I have a whole playlist I'll link a playlist down below with all those success stories and my goal with this video is to teach you how to make passive income specifically if I could have one goal for you personally it would be to make over $100,000 per year in passive income what does that mean to me I Define passive income as only having to work 4 hours a week and that you could spend the rest of your time doing whatever you want to do and if you want to you can sell it I actually sold my first Passion product business for a deal that was I thought worth over a million dollars at the time that's a long story I it ended up not uh working out quite like that but I was still able to sell my first Passion product business and it's something that you can do as well so let's talk about Amazon FBA and how it works so the quick version is you buy products in bulk at a discounted price now ideally you're you're creating your own unique products but you don't have to you can do wholesale where you buy products with a wholesale discount and then you flip them on Amazon or you can do Retail Arbitrage we'll talk about all these different things later in the video but the basic principle is you buy a product in bulk at a discounted price and then you send your products into the Amazon FBA fulfillment centers and Amazon stores your product and when you get an order someone goes to to buy your product Amazon picks packs and ships out your product to the customer what does this mean well this means that Amazon as I mentioned has over $310 million customers worldwide Prime customers worldwide in the US I think it's like 140 million Prime customers Amazon already has a ton of people that are buying things on their website and then on top of that Amazon's handling all the Fulfillment all the shipping for you so they're doing the marketing they're doing the fulfilling you don't really need to do like I mean you need to create your product you need to do some work upfront but once you've done The Upfront work you don't really need to do a lot of work because Amazon's handling all the hard parts of running your business for you and throughout this video I'm going to answer all the top questions that I get things like how much time do you need to spend on your Amazon business how much money do you need in order to run your Amazon business how you can start your business with Zer as well as how long is this going to take you how long like is it going to take 3 months 6 months how long is it going to take you until you can actually make passive income with Amazon we're going to talk also about how much money you can make and what to do after you've launched your business and the truth is this last question it depends what you want to do some people after they launch their Amazon business they end up just moving to Thailand and living on the beach Willam who I helped to create his passion product which is called Rocket te he moved to Thailand lived off the profit and just chills on a beach he doesn't really work on his business other people people like Brent who did over a million dollars last year with seir proo he works on his business even though and Brent story is Crazy by the way Brent has a full-time job as a first responder helicopter pilot though who knows he might quit that one of these days because he's making so much money with his I think he actually really likes what he does he also has a family he has two beautiful kids he's got a family of four he didn't have a lot of time so if he's able to do it with the limited amount of time he has and he still enjoys working on his business I just want to tell you that this method can work for you as well and so uh before we go any further there are some free gifts I have in the link down below including a checklist a free Amazon FBA course obviously this video is going to be enough as a beginner to get you started but if you want even more free resources click on the link down below to get all your free gifts comes with a checklist Mastermind Facebook group free course bunch of bunch of stuff just Link in the description down below I think it's about time to get into our tutorial so here's the overview of what we're going to be talking about in this tutorial the first step as I mentioned we're going to talk about how to find a product and let's talk a little bit about my story and how I did it so as I mentioned I'm a seven figureure Amazon Seller I've been doing this for over 10 years years and the quick version of my story is after I quit my corporate job I struggled for years trying to find a way to make money online I had my own online business it was making enough to pay the bills but it wasn't giving me that six figures passive income that was my dream when I quit my corporate job I knew that if I could make six figures passive income uh I could live the life of my dreams because I'd be making money but I'd have my freedom I'd have my time and eventually I found Amazon I realized that this was a huge opportunity and I started my first Passion product business and for those people that don't know a passion product is where you find a product that you wish existed in the world you find something that you're passionate about and for me I was passionate about health and nutrition and so I wanted to create a healthy product and so I created a product called performance nut butter and I didn't have a lot of money to start this business so I ended up doing a Kickstarter I raised $155,000 on Kickstarter I then put all my savings cashed out my 401k put everything I had into this business launched it on Amazon and within two months I was making $3,000 in Revenue every single month which when you break that down that's over $10,000 in profit every month by the end of my first year over $360,000 Revenue over $120,000 in profit and I did that while I was traveling I lived in my dream locations I I traveled the world I was only working 4 hours a week and I was still making $100,000 in profit and the next year that number actually increased the next year I made $450,000 Revenue $150,000 in profit and since then I've been consistently making about a hundred thou over $100,000 in passive income living my dream life and that's why again I'm I'm going to say this over and over again I have this YouTube channel is so that you can see what is possible so the next thing that we're going to be talking about throughout this tutorial is how to build a brand that is a secret that most Amazon sellers are oblivious to too it used to be that you didn't even need a brand in order to sell on Amazon nowadays if you want to make a ton of money selling on Amazon I highly recommend you create a brand around your pro product because when you have a brand it's going to make your product seem more valuable than the competitors and that's another part of having a Passion product I want you to sell something premium don't try to compete on price because what happens is if you try to have the cheapest product you're going to have the worst customers and you're going to be competing other people that care less about money than you do instead create the best product and create really good margins that's why I have really good margins around my product is I create a strong brand throughout this video I'm also going to show you how to find a manufacturer that's something that trips up a lot of people they're scared because they have an idea I know I want to create this product but how do I find someone to actually make it it's very easy there are websites that will help you to do it there's a step-by-step method I'm going to show you throughout this video on exactly how you can find your own manufacturer after that I'm going to show you how to create your listing this is something I talked about a little bit earlier show you how to create a listing that's going to make you money on Amazon most people most beginners mess this up they they don't do it properly which makes it so Amazon never shows anybody the listing which means nobody ever buys we're also going to talk in depth about how you can launch your product on Amazon when I say launch what I mean is how do you get as many sales as possible from day one how do you get a a bunch of people to buy your product right away when you do that it lets Amazon know this is a winning product and Amazon wants to make money Amazon makes money by selling your product so the more it can sell your product the better but it's only going to sell your product if it knows that it's a winning product so I'm going to teach you how to trick the algorithm how to trick Amazon into promoting your product for free for you so let's get into first how to find a product and as we get into that let's talk about the different Amazon FBA business models because there's not just one way to sell on Amazon as I mentioned there are four different ways we have Retail Arbitrage wholesale private label and creating a passion product now there are pros and cons to each of these honestly look I'm a little bit biased because I've had so much success creating passion products but you can make money doing any of these probably I'd say wholesale and private label are a little bit outdated and I'll explain why in just a second but if you want to dip your toes in with Retail Arbitrage wholesale or private label if you want to just test out Amazon that might be a good option so let's talk about what all these different things are so Retail Arbitrage is where you buy items on a discount you buy them for a discounted price you then flip them on Amazon for an increased price and you keep all the profit the next way of selling on Amazon is the wholesale method and this is where you buy items with a wholesale discount and you flip them on Amazon for their retail price after that is private label and you find a winning product and you create your own private label of that so you find existing products that are already being sold on Amazon you slap your own brand on it your own label and you sell that product on Amazon the last one that I recommend is creating your own product I call this creating a passion product and the cool thing about this is if you create a passion product create your own product you can sell it on both Amazon and on Shopify and you need no or low cash to start you can do a Kickstarter or crowdfund Campaign which is something I'll talk about later in this video there's also no competition when you create your own product you're not competing against other people when you're wholesaling products like I mentioned here other people can do that same thing when you're doing Retail Arbitrage other people can do that same thing even when you're private labeling other people can private label the same product when you create your own product if you do it correctly you own the market and I'll talk more about that later in this video so now that you know about the different ways to sell on Amazon let's start with the first step and that is for you to find a product and before I go any further if you have not yet left a comment leave a comment down below with what your goal is why do you want to start an Amazon FBA business maybe your goal like mine was is to make $100,000 in passive income maybe it's to spend more time with your family there was a study done and people that write down their goals are 43% more likely to actually hit their goals so leave it in the comment down below what your goal is and also this is a way for me to see how many people actually make it this far in the video you're already doing better than most people most people they start a video like this they don't even make it 10 20 minutes into the video now at this point make a commitment to make it through the rest of the video as I mentioned you can always do it at 2x you can always come back to this video later but I'd recommend trying to get this done in one sitting that way all the information is in your brain so the most important thing to remember when trying to find a product to sell on Amazon is that Amazon is a search engine people go to Amazon to search for things that they want to buy and the secret to finding a product is to figure out what people are searching for and sell them that now even more specifically if you can find something that a lot of people are searching for but no one is selling a product for you can create the product and sell them that's what I did with carnivore electrolytes that's what I do with performance Not Butter rocket te cocktail cards all these companies you'll see there's a pattern of how I've had success is I find what people are searching for on Amazon and I sell it to them and I'm going to show you how to do that there are three main ways of finding a product to sell on Amazon and before I show you those three different ways let me give you a checklist a criteria of what you're looking for in a winning product the first thing is we're going to want a product that's going to have high sales that has the ability to make a lot of money and I'm going to show you how you can find that in just a couple minutes here next thing is we want low competition meaning there's not a lot of other competing products ideally we want no competition we don't want anyone else selling the product that we're going to try to sell and I I'll show you some examples of that as well in a second we also want a product that's lightweight something that's easy to ship something that's not too heavy because with when you're selling things online when you're shipping things you have to pay more money if it's a heavier product so ideally something that's under a pound but uh there's flexibility on this I mean I know a lot of people that sell heavier products and they still have success and with all these rules I'm going to go over all these different rules here with all these rules with all these criteria sometimes by breaking the rules you'll actually end up having more success but generally speaking if you're a beginner if you're new to this I would follow these rules I like to sell products that are brandable now if you're selling a toilet plunger for instance that's not very brandable no one needs to buy Joe's toilet plungers as opposed to like carnivore electrolytes that that's a brainable product performance was brandable uh rocket te very brandable like we're creating a premium brand so you want something that people would be willing to pay more for a premium brand and ideally they'd be willing to share it on social media we're also going to look for products where there's room for improvement that you can make your product better than the competition and I'll talk later in this video about what that looks like we also want something that's unique we want something that's different we we want some kind of differentiator because if you're selling the same exact product as everyone else you're not going to have success it's just it's not how this works uh ideally something that's consumable this is not a requirement uh some of my products have been non-consumable and some have been consumable obviously carnivore electrolytes it's a it's a electrolyte supplement that once people drink it all once they consume it all they need to buy more and more and more and this is a really easy way to have a lot of success and my sales and I'll show you my sales later with carnivore electrolytes they're going up every month why because people buy it they run out and they need to buy it again and again and again uh there's more to it than that as well it's also viral my this is a kind of product I mean carnivore electrolytes is medium viral but ideally if you can find a product that is easy to share that people want to talk about and I will say that carnivore electrolytes is one of those products that people that are in the carnivore Community they might share it with each other is it viral no probably not um and again you don't need all these criteria I'm just giving you some ideas of things to be thinking about another thing is trending upwards you can look using Google Trends on whether things are becoming more popular over time or less popular and right now the carnivore diet is trending upwards um other things maybe are trending downwards and for instance I wouldn't sell do you remember fidget Spinners fidget Spinners were very viral but if you try to sell fidget Spinners now it would be a bad decision because it's trending downwards and the last thing and I've mentioned this before is premium you want to sell a product product that is premium now there is a lot more criteria this is like the basic ones I have an Amazon FBA program where we go in depth I actually have in that program a scorecard that includes everything that I look at in a product and it allows you to score how good an idea is there's a link to that down below if you're interested and I also go into more in depth about all this stuff in my free Amazon FBA course so just to clear it up I have a paid Amazon FBA program I'll talk about that at the end of the video if you're interested in that and I also have a free Amazon FBA program obviously the paid program comes with a lot more you get one-on-one coaching weekly Q&A calls there's a lot more information in that but look again my main goal is to help you to have success and so I have the free Amazon FBA program for people that are not quite ready for the paid program and yeah uh in fact I'm giving a free checklist down below so when you sign up for the free program there is a free checklist so now I want to share with you guys some of the different methods for selling on Amazon and I'm going to start with the best seller method I'm going to show you guys live as I do this you can actually find out how much any product on Amazon is selling let me show you guys the bestseller method so if you click on the bestselling product tab right here you can see what products are the best selling products on Amazon let's look at this little handheld mini fan and we can find out how much this product is making there's a couple different ways to do this but one of the ways to do it is to scroll down to the bottom here go into the bestselling rank number it's rank number six in home and kitchen so we're going to take that we're going to copy that we're going to go to the free jungle Scout sales estimator tool we're going to put in the marketplace we're going to put in the category which was home in kitchen and we'll put in the rank number and we're going to click calculate so that means that this product right here is selling over 82,000 units per month and when we multiply that by the $17.99 let's do a quick math here was it like 82 2,000 so it's a little bit more than that it's over $1.4 million per month this product is making and so one of the first ways that you can find a product is by using the bestseller rank method another way you can figure out how much any product on Amazon is making is by using this extension by helium 10 and I'll be talking about helium 10 later and this is actually a free extension you can use the xray tool and we can see that depending on the color this product is making about $1.7 million according to helium T So jungle Scout set around 1.5 helium ton sent about 1.7 these numbers aren't always perfect I recommend checking both and to see like which one is more accurate the last way that you can check to see how much any product on Amazon is making is called the 999 technique what you do is you add 999 of the product to your cart and Amazon will change the quantity in your cart to whatever amount they have in stock so for instance they only have 500 in stock it'll change it to that and then if you come back the next day and do the same thing it might change it to 490 and the next day it might change it to 480 and then you would be able to know that they're selling 10 units per month however that technique is a little bit flawed especially if they have more than 999 in inventory or if they're adding inventory but that is a method sometimes that if you can't use jungle Scout or helium 10 you can always use that method instead so the first product research method that I mentioned is just go to the best sellers Tab and click around and we can go to different categories here on the Le hand side for instance Grocery and Gourmet is a category that I really enjoy selling in and I came here and I saw that look at the number one product is Celsius which is a caffeine drink this also is a caffeine product I think even this has some caffeine in it as well and so by looking at the bestselling products I realized that people really like caffeine and that's how I came up with the idea for Rocket tea and Rocket tea is a product that I partnered on with willum and it is the highest caffeine tea in the world and it's doing really well obviously it's a consumable product the next method you can use to find a product is called the autocomplete method and as you start typing things in Amazon will autocomplete the most popular Search terms and I I typed in the letter be and I saw that Bine was very popular like what is berberine so I clicked on it and I saw that there's all these berberine supplements being sold now I don't want to compete with all these other berberine supplements but here is the secret you can take this term burine and you can use this tool called helium 10 this is my secret weapon if you pay attention to any part of the video pay attention to this because this is how you find a product to sell on Amazon so I I went here and I went to the magnet tool the magnet tool allows you to figure out exactly what people are searching for in Amazon and and how many people per month are searching for something so I'm going to put the word berberine in here and click on get keywords and we can see that over 220,000 people per month are searching exactly for berberine but as I mentioned we don't want to sell another berberine supplement but what we can do is it shows us a bunch of related terms and we're going to click on magnet IQ score and the magnet IQ score is basically how good of an opportunity helium 10 thinks different keywords are so we're going to click on that and we're going to go down this list and try to find a product that we could actually sell on Amazon and boom I found this product berberine tea over 1,200 people per month are searching for this but when we go to Amazon and search for berberine tea there's no tea there's berberine supplements there's dandelion tea and turmeric tea and all these other teas but no berberine tea so this is actually a real product that I'm going to be releasing in the next couple months and I'm going to show you live on this YouTube channel how I do it my goal is actually to launch this product in 24 hours of my time or less so make sure if you're not yet subscribed to subscribe for that but let me show you another way that you can actually find a product to sell on Amazon and that's just using the magnet tool so we talked about the keyword completion let's put in carnivore diet and this is how I found my real product carnivore electrolytes and over 11,000 people per month are searching for carnivore diet but we wanted to find a supplement a product that we can sell so what I did is I sorted this list by the magnet IQ score and and I kept scrolling down and I kept looking for opportunities and right around here I found that over 3600 people per month were searching exactly for carnivore electrolytes and when I searched on Amazon before I launched my product there wasn't really any products targeting the carnivore diet there was a lot of electrolytes out there but a lot of them had sugar artificial flavors artificial sweeteners things like that all things that were not allowed on the carnivore diet so I made a product that when you search for carnivore electrolytes it's obviously the winner because it's specifically even called that and all the branding all the marketing is specifically targeted at that so that's the basics of how you can find our product on Amazon and I actually have the hookup with helium 10 I have a huge discount there's a link down below I negotiated a deal with them and you guys can use my coupon code Travis 10 to get 10% off for life or 20% off for 6 months if you want to use that link down below and I go into way more depth about how to find a product on Amazon obviously in my paid program but also in my free Amazon FBA program and once this video gets a th000 likes I'm actually going to be doing an even more in-depth product research tutorial very soon so again if you have not yet liked this video smash that like button the next step we want to do when creating a product to sell on Amazon is make a brand and this is very easy to do and this is going to 10x your profits and the first step to doing this is to get a logo you can go to websites like Fiverr or upwork 99 designs my favorite one and what I recommend if you're starting an Amazon brand is to go to fbac creatives decom this is who does all our branding in creatives I'm I'm a personal owner in this business as well and I have a coupon code for FBA creatives as well that'll get you 50% off I'll put that in the description down below but one of the big things here is you want to create a brand you want to create a logo you want to create packaging that seems premium why why do you want to create a brand more profit i' I've said this a number of times now but when you have a premium brand you're going to make more money you're also going to have more loyalty and one thing actually talking about more profit you know when you see someone with a shirt with a fancy brand on it that they paid more money than the exact same shirt without that brand on it that's why brands are so important especially you know nowadays uh private labeling boring private labeling is dead and what I mean by that is taking a product and just slapping a boring label on it what you need to do instead is create a quality brand for your product so let me give you a very quick overview of how to Brand this is going to be just just the tip of the iceberg but it's going to show you how easy it is first off you want to come up with a name something that is memorable something that people see as a premium that they want to buy then you're going to create packaging for your brand uh as well as I already mentioned a logo there's another big part of the packaging obviously and colors you want to pick colors for your product that convey what your brand message is and I go into depth in the free program and in the paid program talking about why blue shows like calmness and health and red is a really good product if you're trying to do like a consumable product where people are going to eat it over and over again that's why rocket te has red and carnivore electrolytes has red red also really pops especially if you do like a black and red on Amazon there's a lot of details to this there's also an entire formula called Primal branding and it's a book that I highly recommend you check out it's also something I talk about in depth in the paid and the free program but this is a step-by-step procedure you can use to create a brand that people will be fans of that they'll want to buy that they'll that will Primal in a primal way will trigger them to want to buy more of your products so now that we have our brand we want to find a manufacturer and let me show you how easy it is to find a manufacturer I'll do this live with you guys right now all you have to do is go to a website called and this is specifically if you're looking to find a manufacturer overseas we're going to click on manufacturers and we're going to type in whatever we're looking for a manufacturer to to make and in this case let's use cocktail cards as an example and again this is a company that I helped AJ start it's a cocktail recipe flash cards we'll be talking about it later as I mentioned he did over half a million dollars in sales in his first year and so this will list out different manufacturers and there's a couple different things that we want to look for one of the first is are they verified we want to make sure we do verified suppliers trade Assurance is also a bonus but it's not something that you necessarily need and verified supplier means that someone from Alibaba or a third party inspector went to the manufacturer and verified that they're actually a legitimate manufacturer and we can see wow this one has 21 years they're a PR member as well 170 staff 250 staff uh this you can as you scroll down you see there's all these different options for manufacturers that could make flash cards now they have pre-made flash cards but they can also do custom stuff and so let's click on this one right here and if you want you can chat now or you can send an inquiry and what I recommend doing is just sending a message telling them what you're looking to do and here you can just tell them exactly what you're looking to do I'm looking to create create a set of 100 flash cards that will be 4X 6 in and each one will have its own graphic and then you could say some other things like I'm curious about your minimum order quantity there there's a bunch of questions that you can get into and I I'll talk about all that in a minute that's how easy it is all you have to do is click Send inquiry now and they'll get back to you and they'll give you information so now let me give you some tips on how to find a manufacturer you're always going to want to ask them what their mq is andq stands for minimum order quantity now there's Sly ways to do this you could say hey we're looking to do a production run of 10,000 units even if you're not and then once you get further along you can say all right we want to do a test run first what is your mq on this specific unit and maybe you even negotiate on the pricing for the higher priced item I would only communicate directly through Alibaba if you're using that I'll talk about some other ways to find manufacturers in just a second using thomasnet Google things like that always check the small print in any kind of contracts that you're signing and make sure you choose the correct payment method you can do credit card but a lot of times you're going to have to pay an extra fee or PayPal uh as well probably an extra fee you can pay directly through Alibaba and that's going to save you just in case there's any issues or you can do a wire transfer which is usually going to be the cheapest but if it's your first time ever doing it I wouldn't do that just because it's a little bit scarier and I highly recommend with your manufacturer to build some Rapport have some conversations back and forth have a fun time talking to them get to know them a little bit and you're going to also want to make sure on the flip side that you negotiate and get the best price that you can and one of the ways to do this is I would contact multiple manufacturers and have them compete against each other if if one has slightly higher quality but the other one has a better price let the one that has the higher quality know that hey I can get this product over here for a dollar less can you match their price and often times they will so here's some other tips Google trade shows even jungle Scout jungle Scout has a a tool called the supplier database and I do have the hookup with jungle Scout as well there's a link to that and jungle Scout and helium 10 they have a lot of very similar things a lot of very similar tools uh but jungle Scout does have that supplier database which is really nice and let me quickly show you guys and some of these other options for it's similar to Alibaba but it's all manufacturers pretty much in the United States and let's use the example of Electro let's say I was looking for a manufacturer for um carnivore electrolytes it has a bunch of different categories and we're looking for like electrolyte beverages here I'll click on that and you can see here it comes up with a bunch of different potential manufacturers people that could do exactly what we're looking for so I could contact all of them but another way if you're finding looking for a manufacturer in the United States I would just go with electrolyte manufacturer and just type that into Google and you can see private label supplements USA we manufacture supplements low moq supplement manufacturing uh there's 15 electrolyte manufacturers in 2024 there's just so many people to choose from so it's not hard to find a manufacturer obviously I have tutorials on YouTube right here for free that go into way more depth I go into more depth in my coaching program and in my free Amazon FBA program as well but once you get your product manufactured you're going to want to get it shipped either into the United States if it's already in the United States get it shipped either to your house or into the Amazon warehouse and there's if you're going from overseas there's two real options there's air shipping and C shipping and air shipping you can use DHL FedEx things like that it's going to be a lot faster but it's going to be more expensive and that makes sense right obviously if you're if you're shipping something via plane it's more expensive on the other hand if you do c shipping if you've ever seen like a freight liner here with all these different things what do they shipping they're shipping things usually from overseas and this is going to be slower obviously a boat's a lot slower than a plane uh but it does save you a lot of money in the long run so sometimes this is a better often times this is a better option so air shipping DHL FedEx with C shipping there's a lot of different options actually Alibaba has uh you can look at for Freight forwarders you can Google this Alibaba has options as well and so at this point the next step we've manufactured our well we found a product we created a brand we manufactured it and the next thing we have to do is create a listing and there are a couple different secrets you can use to make it so when you list your product on Amazon you're going to make as much money as possible and one of the first ones is to find keywords to find things that people are searching for in Amazon that when they search for it they're going to find your products for instance with cocktail cards people are literally searching cocktail cards cocktail cards recipes bartending flash cards like all these different things and when they would search for that they'd find our product cocktail cards and want to buy the product and another big thing when selling a product on Amazon is the photography like when people are searching on Amazon the main image is the first thing they see and so you can do premium photography I also even just recommend doing 3D renders fbac creatives decom can help you out with this as well and these are some of the different 3D renders that I've used on some of my products and they look almost like real images and and in fact they're a little bit better cuz you can get exactly the lighting that you want and so here's an example of this is the carnivore electrolytes listing page here's cocktail cards you got all these little side images and your job when creating a listing is to make your product look premium and make it because people can't hold it in their hand so that when people are searching online they know what it's going to be like to own your product the next thing is the bullet points on an Amazon listing you've probably seen this before on the side there's all these little bullet points you want to make sure that things that people might search for on Amazon are in here but you're also going to sell the benefits of your product in these bullet points you're also going to do a description and there's some there's some Secrets some hacks on how to do this you can use A+ content which basically just means you can add images to your description and then there are the reviews and a product on Amazon a lot of times people decide whether or not they want to buy a product based on the reviews you really want to get as many fstar reviews as possible that's like one of the big secrets to success so now that we've gone over how to create a listing for your product let's talk about how to launch your product on Amazon and as I mentioned when launching your products reviews are critical you want to get as many sales for your product from day one as possible but you also want to get as many five-star reviews within the first couple of weeks as you possibly can so one of the ways to do this is to build hype and to create what I call a launch group and this is where you get a group of people that when you launch your product they're all going to be ready to buy and this is very easy to do using social media you can use your friends and your family but be careful you want to make sure that you've never shared an internet connection with any of the people that are buying your product or leaving a review though honestly I know people that have done this before and it's not not the end of the world but you probably should be careful you're also going to send out emails the day that you launch your product to everybody that's in your launch group letting them know it's time to go buy my product send direct messages just let everybody know that has the potential to want to buy your product that it's launch day you can also use things like PPC which stands for for payperclick and this is a more advanced strategy something I talk about in depth in the free program and the paid program you can also work with influencers and this is something I've done a lot in the past is send out free product to influencers and ask them on the day that you launch your product to talk about it on their social media so let me give you an example of how all of this works in with a real person and I've talked throughout this video about AJ and AJ and I created this company called cocktail cards and in AJ's first month as I've mentioned over $50,000 in sales $20,000 in profit in his first year over $600,000 in sales $244,000 in profit so we came up with this idea I knew that AJ was a bartender we used helium 10 to figure out that a lot of people were searching for cocktail recipe cards we then he went on Tik Tok he created a Tik Tok to promote this idea to get a launch group to get a following and then he created a product launch group as I mentioned and he did a Kickstarter so this is the key he didn't have any money to start this business but he raised over $100,000 in pre-sales before he spent any money on this product he raised over $100,000 in pre-sales this is something I talk about in depth in my Amazon FBA program on how to do I talk about it a little bit in the free program but way more in the in the paid program and so even if you don't have money that don't let that stop you he then manufactured the product this is actually a picture of his real product I'm pretty sure I don't think this is just stock image and then he created his Amazon listing and boom in his first month or over $50,000 in sales $20,000 in profit so I'm going to in just a minute here I want to share with you a little bit more about my Amazon FBA program as well as how you can guarantee success when selling on Amazon but before I do that I want to go over some quick answers to some questions I get all the time how much time do you need how much money do you need how to start with Z how long will it take like all these things that I get all the time and if you do have a question leave a comment down below and I'm going to Rapid Fire through these so pay attention because even if you don't think you're curious about these I bet you once you know the answer it's going to be helpful so how much time do you need really depends I'd say if you're doing it one day a week two to four hours a week uh is all you really need I I'd say you really only need 24 hours of time to launch an Amazon business now those 24 hours is going to take place over you know a few months uh in fact berberine tea the product I talked about earlier I'm going to be showing you on this channel how I was able to launch that product in just 24 hours hours of my time we had a timer we counted it within 24 hours of actual working time the product was made and created and ready to be launched on Amazon uh we're going to be launching that soon the big thing about how much time it takes is the more money you have the less time it's going to take the less money you have the more time it's going to take and what I mean by this is AJ for instance he put in some time he put in some Sweat Equity he basically worked hard on the marketing because he didn't have any money to spend however now when I'm starting a business I'll Outsource a lot of the stuff I'll hire vas to do a lot of the work and my big question to you is how are you going to spend your spare time most people spend their spare time playing video games watching TV and that's fun that's great but could you spend two hours a week working on a business that's going to make you a 100K I hope so and again I can't promise it's going to make you 100K but you know if if you put the work in you'll get rewarded how much money do you need $ Z as I mentioned AJ did it with 0 normally I recommend $1,500 to $10 ,000 I've had students like Mina he started with $1,500 he's now doing over $100,000 a month in sales and it really depends but as I mentioned you can start with $0 and if you are curious about how much money it's going to cost you to start I do have a video that goes in depth breaking that down helping you analyze that I'll put that in the description as well yeah how to start with $0 Kickstarter Indiegogo these are crowdfunding websites they allow you to pre-sell your product before you spend any money on it and so it also allows you to test your idea raise some money create some buzz it also leads to a better story so doing a Kickstarter if you're tight on cash or an Indiegogo is a good way to go AJ did this uh he's been featured on all kinds of TV shows and and part of what made AJ's story so compelling is that he did do in Indiegogo that he started from the bottom now he's here so how long will it take I generally tell people 3 to six months it does take a little while to get The Branding done to get the manufacturing done to ship it into Amazon like all those things take some time so if you're looking to make a million dollars tomorrow probably not your business but if you're looking to create a long-term passive income business the Amazon FBA model is really amazing so how much money can you make there really is no limit I've worked with people that made over $250 million on Amazon and an Amazon business is just a business it's like any business there's no cap and one of the big things about the way that I teach to sell on Amazon is you're not creating an Amazon business you're creating a business that happens to sell on Amazon you can that's a starting point you can sell your product in retail stores on your own website you can use Tik Tock shop and all these different methods so Amazon right now is the easiest way to make money but if you really want a billion dooll company or a hundred million doll company then you're probably going to eventually sell off Amazon as well what do you do after the launch you can grow your business you can use PPC or Shopify you can do all this stuff but what I recommend doing is just going and enjoying life that's personally what I did but you know if you're the kind of person that really wants to you want that $100 million business then you can grow your business I do have a playlist of all the most common frequently asked questions and I'll leave that down below but now I want to talk about how you can guarantee success when selling on Amazon and I've been teaching this for about well I've been teaching e-commerce for eight years had to sell on Amazon I think for about like six years or something like that I've seen a lot of people succeed I've seen a lot of people fail and I've seen the factors that guarantees that people have success and if you can follow these three things I can pretty much guarantee you will have success and my goal for you is that you're making an extra $10,000 profit per month in the next 6 months and it that's not easy like I'm not I'm not trying to say that you're going to easily be able to do that but if you follow the principles that I'm going to be talking about here I believe that you can do it and my question for you is obviously I have this goal for you to make an extra $10,000 profit per month which is $100,000 profit per year but what if you launched an Amazon business and you only made an extra $11,000 profit per month would it be worth it would you do it the thing is if you can if you can make an extra th000 per month in profit and you repeat that formula you can make an extra 2,000 3,000 4,000 and you'll get to that 10,000 eventually but yeah it's so easy to make an extra thousand profit per month on Amazon if you follow the method and if you follow the rules that I'm going to be talking about and pretty soon uh at the end of this video I'll talk about how you can beta test the latest version of my Amazon FBA course but first off let's talk about the steps you need to do in in order to guarantee success the first is to follow a plan winners people that succeed they follow a plan you look at an Olympic Athlete they had a plan on how they were going to get there you know maybe back in the day it was just pure athleticism nowadays if you want to compete at the highest levels you need a plan and if you want to guarantee success I highly recommend having a plan and finding someone that's already done it this is where you know we talked about this earlier find a mentor find someone that's already done it they can give you that plan and guys I'm f fully aware that I have an Amazon FBA program that I have a plan that I could that I can be your mentor and I want to say this right now even if you don't choose me even if you don't choose Amazon FBA whatever you do when trying to make money online find someone that's already done what you want find someone that's already taught a lot of people to do exactly what you're trying to do and find someone that has a plan and I've got all those for you guys we we have a step-by-step method obviously I have my Amazon FBA the paid program and the free program but yeah in general I mean same thing I I follow the same thing with surfing I found a mentor for I learned how to surf and I found a coach a mentor that knew how to surve I paid him money and that's another big thing I don't know if I get into that here yeah I kind of do in the commit I'll I'll talk about that in a second but I paid him money telling him hey I want to commit to learning how to surf next thing is find a group of other people of peers that know how or that have the same goal as you and so what I mean by this is entrepreneurship is lonely I'm going to tell you right now it's lonely it's hard you watching this video right now my question to you and I'd love if you leave a comment about this how many friends do you have in entrepreneurship most the new most beginners trying to start an Amazon business have zero friends that are also doing this when I really started to have success selling on Amazon with e-commerce with all that stuff is when I started to surround myself with other people that had the same goals and same Ambitions as me and we have uh in my in the Amazon FBA program the passion product formula the paid program we have an entire Community we have a Facebook group we have a whole community of other people that have exactly the same goals as you we also set you up into a mastermind with other people that have the same goals as you when when you have a goal you really want to reinforce that goal you really want to make sure that everyone around you has the same thinking as much as possible again even when I was learning to surf I tried to hang out with other people that were surfing and I I met up with other Friends next up is commit a lot of people don't commit and I watched a TED Talk and I'll I'll see if I can link it down below a TED talk about the difference between entrepreneurs people that want to be entrepreneurs but never actually do it and people that actually succeed and that are entrepreneurs and the number one thing the number one thing that he found is that entrepreneurs people that actually do it what they did is they committed and it wasn't until they spent their first $1,000 on their production run or they actually had some money involved they had skin in the game that they crossed that barrier and became an entrepreneur and I did this I've done this multiple times I'll give you some examples I did this by when I first was launching performance in up butter I paid for a Kickstarter video paid a few thousand dollars for a Kickstarter video you don't need to do that i' I've learned how to do Kickstarter videos since then and I'll teach you in my program how to do a Kickstarter video but by spending that money there was no backing out because I'm someone I don't like wasting money I'm assuming you don't like wasting money either when I spend money I want to know that it's going to lead to more money and that's one of the reasons why I do have a a paid program is because I know when people spend the money to join my paid program they're committed that they're they're going they're way more likely to succeed in fact people that join my paid program are 25 times more likely to succeed than people that join my free Amazon FBA program and and that's mindboggling you know my program is very affordable and and if it helps you 25 times more likely to make $100,000 a year it's a no-brainer and I'll give you another example of this when I was learning to surf I prepaid for 10 lessons I told the guy hey I'm going to pay you for 10 lessons and if I don't show up you can keep that money what did that do it made it so I started showing up for the lessons I had wanted to Surf I learned to Surf last year I had wanted to learned to serve for years but I never put my money where my mouth was I never actually committed so if you want to guarantee success commit and the last way to guarantee your success is to actually take action and whatever that means to you maybe it means signing up for helium 10 definitely use my discount code use my link in the description if you're going to do it uh maybe it means signing up for helium 10 maybe it means joining my Amazon FBA program putting your money where your mouth is and actually committing whatever commitment looks like to you commit and and that is part of taking action is making that commitment and then start actually doing the work so let's go over some different approaches that people have here and one approach is the Lone Wolf approach and we kind of talked about this earlier a lot of failures a lot of failures entrepreneurs failed entrepreneurs do this they never ask for help they try to figure out everything on their own they don't talk about their challenges with anyone does that sound like you it sounded like me when I first started I thought I could do it all on my own I didn't need anybody I was arrogant and I was cheap and that's a bad combination I'm going to tell you right now I if I could have gone back and slapped myself I would have said hey find a mentor pay them some money and figure out how to do it and look I eventually figured out how to do it it took me four years to find the formula that I'm I'm teaching you guys here and that I teach in my Amazon FBA program the first four to five years of my entrepreneur journey I struggled I had to move back in with my parents I felt like a failure I wish I would have just committed followed a plan found someone that had already done what I was looking to do but I was in a place where I thought I could do everything myself so what happens if you do the Lone Wolf approach you're going to get slow results if any you're not going to be as excited because you don't know if you're going to have success when you follow a plan you can see the light at the end of the tunnel you're going to get more frustration and disappointment if you do the Lone Wolf approach and you're not going to have any accountability and that's a huge thing if you want to guarantee success having accountability is something I highly recommend so let me talk a little bit about the passion product formula approach with the program if you join the passion product formula you can ask for help whenever you're struggling you have a coach you have a Facebook group you have a weekly Q&A call you get some one-on-one sessions it's an amazing program and again there's other people out there selling this exact the exact same program pretty much or a very similar program to what I have I think it's actually even worse for nine times the price I've see people selling it for $8,000 $6,000 $5,000 guys not even close to that price point if you want to know more information about you want to know the price point click on the link down below but we're running some pretty big discounts right now you can also leverage other people's experience when you do the passion product formula we've had a ton of successful students go through they talk about we have lessons specifically where students are teaching them you can also anytime you have any challenges or frustrations you can share it in the Facebook group you can share it on the weekly Q&A call and you're going to have maximum accountability because we have a whole group of people that you can say hey guys I'm looking for a product and then you can check in every week and say oh I found it or I didn't find it so here are the some of the benefits of joining the passion products formula you're going to get faster and better results you're going to have more excitement you're going to have less frustration less stress and more importantly you're going to make less mistakes I've seen so many people that want to save $1,000 they don't want to join the program and so what do they do they end up going in doing it themselves and then they call me a few months later and they say hey I just just made a mistake that cost me $2,000 and I'm like dude if you would have talked to me about this I could have helped you to avoid that mistake instead you wasted $2,000 because you were trying to save you know some money on joining a program so this is what I think you deserve I think you deserve more time I think you deserve more money I I think you deserve to not have to worry about how to pay for your dream life and I know I'm I I want to take a minute here and I I want you to really take a deep breath and think about what would it be like to not have to worry about what you're going to order for dinner that you order the steak you order the lobster you order whatever you want what would it feel like to be able to go on vacation and not have to worry be able to stay at whatever Hotel you want to fly first class if you want to have that kind of money to do whatever you want to do and not have money be the barrier between you and your dream life because that's a reality a lot I'm living it now and it's still crazy it's still hard for me to wrap my head around it I'll be honest with you like I'm still sometimes cheap on certain things I still go to a restaurant and I forget that I can buy anything on the menu um though I've I've gotten a lot better at that like now I actually when I go to a restaurant I actually get what I want where in in the past I used to be like oh my God the steak's too expensive I'll just get the chicken well you're sleeping you could be making money while you're at the beach having fun like literally right after I'm done filming this I'm going to go lay on the beach for a couple hours and I'm going to keep making money I'm going to look at my bank account and there's going to be more money after laying on the beach which is crazy if you want something a business or a product that you love to work on and look that's where I'm at I don't always work on my businesses but when I do I love working on my businesses and you deserve the same thing and I think I can help you to do that so my question to you is will you beta test my Amazon FBA program here's everything that comes with the passion product formula there's 117 step bystep lessons it's actually probably closer to 150 now we just recently added a bunch there's a live weekly Q&A call every single week you can get on and you can join a a coach either myself or one of the coaches and ask them questions you get lifetime access to a private Facebook Mastermind step-by-step checklist to start your Amazon business two free one-on-one coaching sessions with either me or one of my coaches you also get a bunch of bonus courses including my YouTube course if You' ever wanted to start your own YouTube channel begin our Facebook ads course Google ads all these things and the final price I mean look it I know every internet entrepreneur does this this is a bundle like this is $6,000 worth of value the final price if you want to know how much it is it's way cheaper it's it's a amazing deal it's an insane deal uh but instead of telling you right here I want to incentivize you guys to click on the link down below put in your email to get more information and here's the thing we have a double guarantee I will personally refund you your money and pay you $1,000 if you don't make at least $11,000 in your first year of launching a product on top of that we have a 14-day money back guarantee so this is the double guarantee you're going to get double your money back plus you have 14 days to try this out risk-free so that's the big thing there's no reason I've tried to make this look I was someone that was very afraid of moving and like spending money and like moving towards my goals I thought everyone's trying to steal my money everything's a scam and I know there's a lot of people out there that still think this and that's why I have the 14-day money back guarantee is join the program we we have limited spots available join the program and if for any reason you don't love it within your first 14 days send me an email send my team an email we'll give you 100% money back guarantee you know no problem unconditional I don't care on top of that though this is where the double guarantee comes in if you follow the program you launch a product and you don't make at least $1,000 in your first year I'll personally refund you and give you $1,000 out of my own pocket this is a no lose situation you're going to get an education you're going to learn some new skills you're going to finally take the steps and launch your business and you're guaranteed to make a th000 bucks like I really tried to make this the reason I did this is because like I said I was so scared when I first quit my corporate job to join something like this I wanted to make this so that even I someone that was arrogant and cheap would still join this so there's really I I think no reason not to take a a risk on yourself to take take a chance on yourself and so I will say time is a bit of a factor I actually I think I said earlier that we I think we're going to open it up we'll open up I think 50 spots right now we're going to close this within a week so if you're watching this video late you can click on the link down below to get on the wait list but if you're watching it within the first week of it coming out we're have we're going to have 50 spots available and we're going to be closing registration uh next Tuesday at midnight so just a reminder that time is a factor we really are we're going to be closing this in a week There's only 50 spots available we do that because we want a small enough group because if the group gets too big it starts to get a little unruly it's starts to get hard to teach everybody so we want to have a small group and we're we're closing registration next Tuesday at midnight no matter what because we want to help you get started ASAP and again I wish I could I I do have I wish I could give this away for free but people do not value things when they don't pay for them I've seen over and over again as I mentioned i' I've split tested it I have my free Amazon FBA course hundreds of thousands of people have watched it and I have my paid program I've had thousands of people join my paid program I've had way more success stories 25 times more success stories from my paid program than I have from my free program so if you're serious you really want to make a change in your life you really want to make passive income you really want to create an online business then joining the program is a no-brainer there's a refundable deposit like I said I'm looking for 50 people to try out version 5.0 of my Amazon Amazon FBA program there's a link down below to sign up guys I want to add your picture to my wall I want to have you on the channel is a success story I want to know that I was able to help you to create a $100,000 plus passive income business so click on the link down below to sign up time is a factor there's only going to be 50 spots available and then after that we're going to be closing registration closing it next Tuesday no matter what if you're seeing this in the future feel free to get on the wait list for the next time we open it