Transcript for:
Essential Networking Commands Overview

today we will see the first part of the basic networking commands in today's session we are going to see the basic networking commands such as ipconfig ipconfig all nslookup ping and Trace root we will now see how to use the commands in the command prompt to use the basic networking commands we are required to go to the command prompt to go to the command prompt just click on the start menu and type c MD if you type CMD the command prompt option is shown under programs the command window is now before us now we can give the command so that this command prompt accepts the commands and gives the result whatever we want the First Command that I am going to use is not a networking command this command is just for increasing the readability of the command prompt the command is c-o-l-o-r color space C the text color is changed now now I'll give you a shortcut help color when you give help and color you can see various color codes that are shown we will go with the color code B it is light Aqua so I will give color space b yeah I think this is fine now for better readability only I've changed this color if you are not aware of the color command so this is a bonus for you just know it now the first command for the day is seeing the ipconfiguration detail to see the IP configuration details we are required to give the command ip config once we give ipconfig and press enter we will get the ipconfiguration details of the computer I have not established the local area network using ethernet cable here I have established the local area network through Wi-Fi LAN adapter so I am getting internet connectivity through my Wi-Fi router now just see what is the ipv4 address of this computer or this interface the IP address of this computer is and if You observe every IP address is always accompanied by a subnet mask we will see about subnet mask elaborately in the subnetting part of the series now for time being just know every IP address is always a company by the subnet mask and this subnet mask only determines who are The Neighbors in our network if this computer wants to contact other computers in our local area network so it can be done easily but if this computer wants to contact a computer which is not in our local area network it needs to hit the router so the router's IP address is please note our computers IP address is and the router the first router our computer hits it is I hope you can correlate this with the scenario which we had seen in the previous lecture default gateway means the IP address of the first router it is hitting this router will be normally in our vicinity only so please note the IP address of the first router it is going to hit is I request you to please make a note of the IP address of this computer and the IP address of the router the first router that we are hitting that is the default gateway so in any packet wants to go to a different network say from this computer if I want to access it is a different network so this computer will send the data or the request to the default gateway that is this route and it becomes the responsibility of that router to forward the data or the request to other routers and ensure that the request has reached the destination so far we have seen the ipconfig details that is the IP protocol so we know this IP stands for Internet Protocol so this is the layer 3 information we are accessing layer 3 means IP address related information now if you want layer to information that is what is the MAC address of this computer that is currently used to know the MAC address of this computer so we are required wire to give ipconfig slash all so this all will give you the MAC address details now this computer is connected to the wireless LAN we are concerned about this wireless LAN adapter only so we will see where is the physical address yes here is the physical address the physical address of this computer is 94 iPhone 39 iPhone E5 iPhone A7 iPhone 4C iPhone 4D so any packet that goes from this computer it uses this address in the layer 2 that is the data link layer it uses this address in layer 3 because this is the IP address so Network layer uses this address and data link layer uses this address so far we have seen ipconfig and ipconfig all now we will see the remaining three commands I think it's good to clear the screen so to clear the screen I am issuing the command CLS CLS clears the screen now we will see the third command that is NS lookup just imagine if you want to access com how will we do that we will open a browser in the address bar of the browser we will give and we will give enter in the data link layer our computer has to put source Mac address and the destination Mac address and in the network layer part it has to put our computer's IP address and the destination computer's IP address but as a user we have given only the name of the computer which we are going to access that is we did not mention the IP address of but our computer actually is in a need of IP address in order to put the IP address in the network layer part but user has given only name of the computer not the IP address how this is resolved so there is a concept in our networking that is domain name servers so whenever any name is given the domain name servers responds the corresponding IP address for the name that is given for example if we give the DNS server that is the domain name server replies with the IP address of if you want to access we will be just giving in the browser but computer needs IP address so DNS comes into the picture and resolves the name into IP addresses now we will ask the DNS server what is the IP address of now we will give the command nslookup nslookup we can ask the DNS server for IP address for the given server suppose if we want to know the IP address of we will just give the name of the server that we want to access so we want to access and it has given the IP address of this server is now we got the IP address of the naso academy server when any packet wants to come out of this computer when user supplies only name DNS comes into action and converts the name or resolves this name into its corresponding IP addresses so far we have seen three commands ipconfig that is to view the IP configuration details ipconfig all that is to know the physical address and other details and the third command is nslookup so it is used to query the DNS server to get the IP address for the given names for the computer names for the computer named the IP address is now resolved by the DNS server now we know the IP address of is now we will check whether our computer is able to reach neso Academy computer to do this just press Ctrl C to come out of this nslookup command so Ctrl C about the current execution and now we will check whether our computer and computer are reachable to do this I am giving the command ping space the IP address of this computer so we can give the name of the computer as well as the IP address of the computer we know the IP address of is this so we will just mark this I'll just copy this IP address and let me paste this IP address here so I am issuing the command ping it means I want to check whether Nissan is reachable from my computer after issuing this command press enter so what this computer does it sends four packets to and if You observe we got four replies from that server that is neso Academy server so this computer has sent four packets and we received four acknowledgments so obviously there is no loss because four packets are sent and we receive four acknowledgments so there is no loss so ping is a very handy command to check whether two computers are reachable or not now we will try to reach some non-existing computers this IP address is not existing in our Network so it is trying to send four packets so it is sending packet number one packet number two now you could see it has not received any acknowledgment for that packet so four packets are sent you could see four packets are sent and no acknowledgment is received so received is equal to zero so how many packets are lost four packets are lost so four packets whatever this computer Ascent has not reached the destination this is the destination so we get 100 loss here so we can also use pin command like this ping you could see we are able to get reply from you could see this is the IP address of that computer and this is an IPv6 address so far we have seen ipconfig ipconfig all nslookup and ping now we will see the trace root command so let me clear the screen first let me know the IP address of how to find the IP address of we will query in slookup we will ask what is IP address of actually the NASA Academy has this website so when I give enter we could notice that neso Academy is having this IP address let me Mark and copy this IP address yes I have copied now let me give Ctrl C I have aborted the operation on NS lookup now let me clear the screen yes I have cleared the screen now I will trace the root how the packet from my computer is reaching the destination computer so we have a command call called Trace root in Windows it is Trace RT when you go for other operating system the command is different now I am concerned about Windows only so I'll issue Trace RT RT stands for root some people will say this like Tracer no problem the command is Trace RT or Tracer whatever you want you can call accordingly you can call the name of the command as per your wish but I will go with Trace root Trace RT after giving Trace RT we have to give the IP address of the computer or the name of the computer we want to trace so I am concerned about tracing the root of we know very well that this is a computer which I am currently working is an end device because this is the last point in the communication and naso Academy server is the end point in the other side so in between my computer and there are many routers intermediary devices available this Trace RT command shows several details about the path that a pack it takes from one device to another so in this case it is going to show several details about the path that is taken by a packet from this computer to naso Academy server now if I press enter you could notice that this is a different network because the IP address of the current computer that I am working is very different and this is the computer that neso Academy is using so I want to trace the root from my computer to this computer so this is belonging to a different network so obviously the packet that is generated from my computer should reach the default gateway that is the first router I have requested you make a note of the default gateway for Trace root command says the first router that it is hitting is and this is the second router third router fourth router we could see the packet from this computer is taking as of now it is 11 routers 12th router it has hit and it has hit 13th and 14th router now the trace route is complete from this computer to it involves 14 hops so this command takes a maximum of 30 Hops and you could see what is the IP address of the intermediary devices or the routers it is hitting first it is hitting this router that is the default gateway from this default gateway it is going to another router with this IP address and flat router is forwarding that packet to this router this this is this and finally we could see the IP address of the is reached so this is IP address of so in 14th hop our packet has reached the destination so Trace root command shows several details like some timings and the IP addresses some names so let us not focus more on this part now let's have a basic idea about this command so trace route shows several details about the path that a packet takes from one computer or one device to another device and that's it guys I hope now you are clear with the basic commands like ipconfig ipconfig all ping Trace root and nslookup I hope this session is informative and thank you for watching [Applause] [Music]