Transcript for:
Insights from Myron Golden on Business Growth

today's department is the business department and I'm interviewing my business coach my mentor myON golden there are already right now hundreds thousands tens of thousands millions potentially of people in the world who would love to buy what you'd love to sell if they only knew you existed how can I make myself more findable for the millions of people who already want to buy what I already want to sell if you will obsess over solving their problems they will obsess over paying you I'm literally obsessed with solving other entrepreneurs business problems so much so that your obsession has helped hundreds and hundreds of entrepreneurs achieve multiple million dollar not Years days so you do these four moves you will scale your business 128% can you break down those moves real quick sure move number one welcome to the department where we have conversations with people who are killing it in their Department today's department is the Bible business department and I'm interviewing my business coach my mentor somebody that I've uh really looked up to over a year's time and I've learned so much from him myON golden Deca millionaire if they say a lot of interviews sure interview people in the season of their first success when you got here too late for that one when you lose it all yes when you gain it all lose it all and gain it all again yes there's something there oh it's it's a different it's a totally different energy bro and I want to I want to unpack that so I'm so glad uh thank you for letting me come down here and do this uh conversation my pleasure man it's going to be fun so you've been in business for over 30 years 30 something yeah since I was 25 and I'm 62 what's that 37 years how long from starting 30 some odd years ago that you felt like you caught wind and you're like I so I always like to tell people I was an overnight success but it was a 14-year night um it's a long night that was a long night bro it was a long night um but like I got started as an entrepreneur selling insurance and Investments but I didn't know how to sell and so it took me from the time from October of 1985 to April of 1987 before I made my first sale but I was doing a lot of presentations I was just terrible I didn't didn't know I was terrible but I knew if I if I could be terrible and I could keep on going I could eventually be not terrible and So eventually I got to be not terrible and then I eventually got to be okay and then I got to be good and then I got to be the best in our office and then before after I made my first sale it wasn't long I was the top salesperson in our office every month and you would attribute that to the skill of sales that part not the talent the skill and the difference between a talent and a skill is a talent is god-given but a skill is acquirable cuz like that's the season I'm in I would say this last year I never had a fulfillment issue or a product issue or an idea issue it was how I've revealed that product how I've packaged that you know idea and this is why I've invested in your coaching because I think you're a master U salesman but even more so you're a master at teaching it and I think a lot of uh creatives or even I would say I would even say like Christian entrepreneurs because I know a lot of them listen and watch this podcast they think you say the word sales selling it just the theot has been disrupted yeah and and and and and I understand why people have a negative connotation wrapped around the word sales but they don't really feel negatively about the concept of sales they feel negatively about their misperception of what sales is because most people erroneously think sales is talking people into buying something they don't want don't need can't afford and it feels yucky if I'm going to talk you into buying something you don't want don't need and can't afford that feels yucky to me and it feels yucky to you so everybody feels yucky so everybody's yuck out but sales is not convincing somebody to buy something sales is persuading somebody and here's the difference when I convince somebody to do something I am attempting to get someone to do something I desire them to do for my reasons when I persuade somebody I help them make a decision they already desire to make for their own reasons so if I'm selling something to you I'm selling it to you for you if I'm convincing you I'm selling something to you for me that's the difference what was the unlock then like during that time frame we like oh it's it's sales it's a skill I lack it how did you get better at it I got better at it by doing it over and over again when I was bad at it and I kept doing it if if someone wants to become good at something that they're bad at you have to discipline yourself to do it while it's not working long enough to figure out how to make it work work that's good I call that lasting through the learning curve lasting through the learning curve yes do you want to know what I've been how I've been practicing my sales or I would say my persuasion tell do tell through parenting well oh I have a four-year-old daughter at the time of filming this and uh we know what's best for them and I've seen ways that I've asked her questions to do a thing that she knows that she doesn't want to do but we know what is best for her but just simply frame the question in a different way that gives her a way of wanting it and I literally when she says yes I look to my wife I'm like babe I did it you and so uh I I really think there's actually so much value in learning the skill of sales to make you a better human being and it's not just it's not to get what you want it's not like hey I want Ruby Ruby I want you to do this but it's like you said getting people to do the thing that they know they've been wanting to do all along 1,000% and what's really interesting is a person can only be great at sales when they obsess over the solution to somebody else's problem it's good right I obsess obsessed with I'm I'm literally obsessed with solving other entrepreneurs business problems if you will obsess over solving their problems they will obsess over paying you you don't ever you don't even have to think about getting paid that's good and so much so that your obsession has helped hundreds and hundreds of entrepreneur URS achieve multiple million dollar not Years days days which sounds crazy and so and like I don't and I mean it is what it is it is what it is sounds crazy if you're going to tell a liot you don't want to tell one that dumb right right um but but if you think about doing a million dollars in Revenue in a day it sounds like some big ostentatious audacious thing that's almost impossible but it's really not depends on depends on what you're selling what's the price how big is the audience um what is the irresistible offer around that product all of those things come into play and if all like when all of those are hitting on the cylinders oh it's a wrap yeah irresistible offers it's been a buzz where the last few years in business um I don't know first things that come to mind what makes a offer irresistible well the F to me the first thing that makes an offer irresistible is the person already wanted the thing before they ever knew me I existed right people ask me all the time they say my how do I find people to sell my stuff to you're asking the wrong question because there are already right now hundreds thousands tens of thousands millions potentially of people in the world who would love to buy what you'd love to sell if they only knew you existed so while you're asking how do I find people to sell my stuff to as an entrepreneur you could be asking a better question and getting a better answer and a better solution and that better question is this how can I make myself more findable for the millions of people who already want want to buy what I already want to sell do you think people believe in a weird way they no one wants to buy what I have to sell well I believe there are some people who believe that but that belief can't serve them right right yeah I mean by the way if somebody believes that they made it up now I believe there are millions of people who wouldd love to buy what i' love to sell if they only knew I existed but guess what I made that up and in fact anything we tell oursel about a future outcome we made it up go ahead if you're going to make up outcomes about the future it to me it just makes more sense to make up outcomes that serve you than it does outcomes that don't serve you it makes more sense to make up outcomes that give you the ability to serve people than it does to make up outcomes that Rob you of the ability to serve people that's great cuz you're making it up anyway you're using the exact same amount of energy to to conjure up an empowering story as you do a disempowering story so why would you conjure up a disempowering story that's that's counter productive on way too many levels to count which is what we do when we worry that's what that's literally the definition of worry like you I call worry wasting present energy on a future outcome that's undesirable to me so good and you said yes I I was listening a lot yes that you're giving the energy to something that you could be using that energy to make that favorable outcome at 100 100% worrying about something not working makes it not work because worrying about it robs you of the energy that could make it work but you wasted it on worrying about it not working by the way if you're focused like if what is worry it's like you see an unfavorable outcome later so clearly that it creates a physical reaction in your body now right so if I'm if I can see that unfavorable outcome in the future in my mind right now it requires the same amount of emotional energy to deal with it as it would if it were happening right now but it's not happening right now so all of that energy is wasted so like if you have a limiting belief which is self-made but sometimes is a blind spot MH how how would you help people with their self-awareness to know that number one they even have it it's a limiting belief and then address it so a couple things first of all all limiting beliefs are not self-made okay some of them are programmed by what I call the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism so if you think about the fact that none of us were born believing anything so anything that you believe every belief you have was either adapted or adopted right so you had an experience that caused you to conclude that XYZ but what if the conclusion was based on the limited amount of awareness that you have for instance let's say you're four years old you burn your hands on the stove so you think I don't ever want to go in the kitchen again because when you go in the kitchen your hand hurts M well that's an erroneous conclusion but it's one you bought into there are so many things like that in people's lives they they think the problem is one thing they think the problem is the thing they Associated the situation with MH but the actual cause is something completely different and you can still go in the kitchen just don't put your hand on the stove right right and so people worry about things that don't even have the ability to harm them because they've Mis Associated a cause with an effect that's that's good in my in my my case in business it's actually been a good thing that happened in my past that is making it hard to break down those beliefs and that is when I first stepped out like 2015 in entrepreneurship I started doing family photo shoots I was charging like 150 bucks an hour for some fresh photos and one I did I did some photos for keep it fresh keep it fresh I did some photos for her family and she handed me $450 check and I said oh no no no no like it's only $150 and she said Omar this is what you're work worth and it was a seed of people telling me what I was worth and and that happened through a series of years in in my entrepreneurial Journey that I've allowed people to dictate my price so like you could see as you've been coaching me I have a price problem but it's because I have a hard time believing somebody wants to pay the price I come up with you know what I'm saying I do and so fascinating I know it was it was a it was good circumstances I had a client that like every time uh they had fire month it was like a local you know retainer I was making their YouTube videos and all that stuff blew up their I blew up their business okay organically number one brand in online when it came to lash extensions M and I was like hey uh or the the the owner was always upping my pay because the results were going crazy I never asked him to do it though MH but you're not going to fight that right you're just going to say okay yeah right but what it is caused you to come to a conclusion other people know what you're worth more than you do exactly yeah um but I'm working on it no doubt I see you working on it and what's really interesting is like for me when it comes to pricing I usually like to start with something seemingly ridiculous and I'm willing to land on something Sublime so I go from the ridiculous to the sublime right I remember when I first started doing one-on-one coaching I decided I'm going to charge $2,000 an hour now some people say well nobody's going to pay that cool then I don't have to do the coaching yeah right so I I think I think the one of the problems is people are so attached to hopefulness to a specific outcome they feel like if they don't get that then somehow that devalues them as a person and I've always looked at if somebody doesn't want to pay the price that I charge then they don't think they're worth it it's not that they don't think I'm worth it that's good so it's a very different perspective and by the way is my way right no but it's a way that it's not necessarily right but it serves me at a higher level than me thinking I'm not worth it because they didn't want to pay what I charge so I remember after I raised my price to $5,000 an hour there was an entrepreneur who had bought one of my uh $30,000 masterminds and he learned how to do this skill that I teach in this $30,000 Mastermind and he had a million dooll day he was the first client of mine to have a million dollar day he calls me and we're briefing he's like myON do you do one-on-one coaching I said yeah how much is it it's 5,000 an hour he says okay cool I just sent you $40,000 in PayPal one8 hours now most people will be so excited by that they're like oh my goodness M I just made $40,000 for coaching I was like the very first thought in my mind and I know you're going to think this is crazy I got to raise my prices I don't want ever want somebody to just just send me $40,000 and now I'm obligated to them for 8 hours so that literally before that call was over and I did the eight hours but we did it over an8 week time period so it wasn't painful and he's like a brilliant entrepreneur so it was fun yeah I just didn't like the idea of it sure and I love that you you feel it though acknowledge it and realize like okay because I have those moments too CU I'm just throwing out offers and people say yes I'm like all right and then I start like yeah yeah and I'm like never never ever no more and so I raised my price to $25,000 an hour and just like people paid me at 2,000 and people paid me at 5,000 people paid me at 25,000 and then I started selling VIP days and it was 8 hours for $200,000 and I realized that $200,000 for all the stuff I was giving them was way too little and I know there are people who are watching this who going to think this man is some kind of out his mind and that's okay I want them to think that that's fine I'm okay with y'all thinking that um but for me I realized for8 hours of my life and I'm only getting $200,000 that doesn't and it's not because I'm greedy I would just rather be doing something else sure and so in October of last year I told the people who were in an event that I was doing if you desire to get a VIP day for me for $200,000 this will be the last time you will ever be able to get it at that price because the next time I offer it it's going to be 300,000 400,000 500,000 it's going to be something but it's not going to be 200 200,000 so the next time I offered it I offered at 350,000 but then I've got a $350,000 VIP day but I'm only charging $25,000 an hour it didn't match up oh so I got to make this match what can I do oh you know what I'll do I'll raise the price of my hourly coaching to 40,000 yeah now it makes sense so the whole this whole way of thinking may be like so ridiculous to some people um we sold um 18 VIP days at 200,000 um and so far since we rais the price to um 350,000 we sold nine more it doesn't and some people be thinking well why would somebody pay you that much money for for8 hours well they're not paying me for the time they're paying me for the transformation that happens in that time and the transformation that happens is worth more to them than the $350,000 they're paying me so good does that make sense it makes to me it makes sense I can imagine people being like still like 350k for a day but it's it's what you take it's literally the things the unlocks cuz it honestly it could be one thing one that's usually what they're coming they're probably coming for what is the one thing I feel the ceiling yes and you and you because you're brilliant you can see that you know what's really interesting when it comes to Transformations the people who need it the most seem to want it the least and the people who want it the most need it the least that's why it's easier for me to help somebody get unstuck at 50 ,000 or 100,000 they're at 50,000 a month they're at 100,000 a month they're at 250,000 a month it's easier for me to get that person unstuck than it is for somebody for me to get somebody unstuck who's stuck at 5,000 a month yeah because the person who's stuck at 5,000 a month has a becoming problem the person who's stuck at 50,000 100,000 250,000 they just they just have an awareness problem and all you have to do is show them something they're not aware of and when you show them the thing they're not aware of it's just the floodgates open which is why like if you look at um um these two guys that St taught stock options trading they came into our coaching program they were stuck at 10,000 a month we showed them we like unlocked the four moves and they're like okay got it the next month they did $60,000 in Revenue the next month after that they did 101 the next month after that they did 50,000 and by the way I'm not saying to the people who are watching your this video right now you're going to go from wherever you are at a 60,000 a month or 101,000 I don't know you from the man on the moon and I don't know what your business is this is just a particular thing that happened for these people and what works for one person is not necessarily going to work for everybody does that make sense right so no it's really good so you have this all your your your Brilliance in business has come all through or much of it through scripture and all of it all of it all of it every ounce yes well I came to Christ when I was 16 I had never read a book in my life at 16 years old that was not a comic book or a karate book the only kind of books I read were karate books and comic books and the best books were comic books that were karate comic books those were the best right funny I'm very I know it's funny but I'm very serious right and and it was another teenager that led me to Christ and here's what he said to me a couple weeks in I I was I'm terrible at reading I'm not a good reader my brain moves at 452 mil an hour my M my eyes about 55 and so I feel like my eyes are attempting to catch up with my brain while I'm reading a book and so it requires now if I listen to binaural beats while I'm reading it like synchronizes what's binaural beats binaural beats are like they're like tones that when you listen to them they synchronize both sides of your brain so that it helps you focus better so like FM is an app brain FM have you ever heard of that no I mean that could be the unlock people get off this podcast so yeah like there's an app that I have on my phone like they have tones that help you relax so I listen to binaural beats when I take a nap and I take a nap almost every day on a biohacking mat which is a different conversation for a different day um when I'm reading I'm studying I listen to binaural beats when I'm reading I listen to binaural beats when I'm studying um and the only ones I use are I mean they have they have free binaural beats on YouTube there are YouTube channels that are but B would that be like Loi hip hop no it's I I don't I don't know what even makes I don't know why they call it binaur be I just know that this thing helped you read the Bible it helps no no I didn't no not read the Bible this is it's what I do to read now there was I didn't no I don't even think anybody knew about it when I was I was 16 bro that was like back in the 70s okay BL yeah that part and so but he said you need to start reading the Bible and I was not a good reader and I'm like the Bible that big thick book like thick as a phone book has two columns little bitty words no pictures I got to start reading that I was horrified I was literally horrified but I wasn't playing with God and I said okay I'm going to read this Bible I started reading it and I noticed it was like I didn't I didn't think in these terms then but it was like code so in computer programming there's there's a snippet of code called if then goto statements right so you have these if then if then goto so if then goto means if this happens then go to this right I noticed the Bible had all of these conditional promises in it if you do this you can expect this come on and I said I'm going to find out so I said I'm going to do this and sure enough just like it said it Happ like what and then it said well if you do this you can expect this I'm gonna find out that worked too if you do this you can just this is amazing right and I'm like I'm like a teenager I'm like you mean to tell me this book has secrets for me to do better financially I'm I'm as a teenager I discovered this this book has secrets for me to help me get along with my seven my six brothers better this book has secrets that will help me get along with my parents better this book will help me have better relationships with my friends like if you do this then you can expect this to happen and every time I'm talking about I'm 62 I've been doing this since I was 17 every time I started when I was 16 but it was like a month before my 16 17th birthday every time I did what it said it turned out exactly like it said then I realized I didn't realize it in these terms then but I realized as a teenager that the Bible is not a book about religion come on the Bible is a book of principles promises practices precepts patterns prayers and prophecies that give me the ability to make predictions about outcomes in the future so I can know what's going to happen before it happens and I can position myself in the path of prosperity let me define prosperity Prosperity means flow good I can position myself in the path of prosperity so when the flow comes I'm standing there buckets in hand I don't have to go get ready I stay ready so I don't have to get ready and literally I've lived my life like that and every time I learn something since I'm 16 17 years old in order for me to decipher whether or not I believed it was truth I went back and evaluated does this contradict something in the Bible or does this is this confirmed by something in the Bible when I found out it was confirmed I did it when I found out it contradicted I left it alone my life has been extremely blessed beyond measure as a direct result of that that's amazing and and when it comes to business I've heard you talk about Genesis one and and the economic uh pie being a lie oh the economic piie is a lie and this kill this will kill your lack mentality go ahead there's no such thing as an economic pie the economic piie is a farce it's and even more than a farce it's actually and people are going to think oh this guy's ridiculous think what you want I don't I don't need anybody to think anything about me so you're amazing thank you okay thank you but even if you didn't I still I'm going I believe what I believe so here we go if God would have created if economic pie were true God would not have put man in a garden he would have put him in a bakery and see the problem with the economic pie is consumption creates lack in a pie if a pie has nine pieces and I eat one now there are only eight you eat another one now there are only seven so the more each of us get the less there is for anybody else who comes along but God put man in a garden where consumption creates production so if I eat an apple an Apple has five or six seeds in it because I ate the apple I exposed the seeds I can plant those five or six seeds they won't grow five or six more apples they'll grow five or six more trees and in the words of Warren weby one of my favorite quotes of all times any fool can count the number of seeds in an apple but only God can count the number of apples in a seed so good and and if you build your life around the idea that my consumption creates production so when I consume something there's not less for everybody because I consumed it but there's actually more right because life is like a garden so good I actually have the warn where be stack let's the colors let's go when I write sermons it's like part of the part of the last step and just has so much Insight with little so much one wild Insight I found was the prodical son and you know the story where the son comes or where the son comes back home the father sees him from a long way off runs after the son puts his arms around him and then brings him back mhm or whereby connected um in in Deuteronomy there's a law that states that if the if if a son or daughter would disobey their family the elders have the right to Stone that child to death death so the could it be that the father went to go protect his son m from the elders which is a sign of the covering of Jesus's blood good yeah I was like come on here Warren thank you come on here okay there's Warren but let's go let's go back and talk about Solomon my dude my dude so what's interesting about the life of Solomon to me Solomon's life pictures the life of a Believer at any stage in life what do I mean by that at the beginning of Solomon's life he was complet completely yielded to God and blessed beyond measure as a result of that yielding MH in the middle of his life he bought into the lie that the effect was the cause so he thought his Blessing was because he was Solomon and he was wise and he was rich so he Mist he mistak made the mistake that's how I'll say it he made the mistake he mistook that's the word he made the mistake of thinking that the effect him being wise and him being wealthy was the cause of his life being good but it wasn't the cause it was the effect of him being yielded and so he got away from God and he married all these Heathen women and he let them turn their his heart away from God and he built altars to Idols after the god of the universe gave him wisdom beyond measure so Solomon backslid in the middle of his life but at the end of his life he came to his senses at the beginning of his life he wrote the Book of Proverbs at the end of his life he wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes the theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is this if you live your life for Life Under the Sun you've wasted your life and tortured yourself that's the theme of Ecclesiastes in fact when he gets down to the last chapter last couple verses of the Book of Ecclesiastes here's what it says let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man so he came back and so his life when he was young if we can pattern Solomon's life when he was young and resist yielding to the same Temptation he yielded to in the middle after our life is blessed because we've yielded and we can hold fast to the idea that he came back to when he was old Katie bar the door because what happened to Solomon here's here I'm going to give it to you really really quickly because there's a whole lot here I decided to build my business based on King Solomon's business model King Solomon he was the wisest wealthiest man who ever lived if he were alive today the wealth that he had back then would have made him a multi- trillionaire a million is a thousand thousand a billion is a thousand million a trillion is a thousand billion he would have been worth multiple trillions of dollars that's hard to wrap your mind around for an individual to be that right well how did he become this multi- trillionaire and in First Kings chapter 3 it lays out the first part of the story and I'm not going to go into all the details except to say this um Solomon procured some powerful Partnerships he possessed a passion for piety and Purity he had a love for God he patterned the path of his father David he walked in a pattern that had already been established and then he paid a price that was a premium it says he offered a thousand burnt offerings upon the altar and at that point God came to him and said woke him up in the middle of the night he was woke him up in a dream and give it he said Solomon ask what I shall give you you know what that means god woke Solomon up and said hey I've got a blank check up here with your name on how much you want me to make it out for like please wake me up tonight with that one right most of us would have asked for the wrong thing give me two of these and three of those one in green four in blue right Solomon didn't say that Solomon said you have given me a job to do that's bigger than me I don't know how to fulfill this purpose you've given me people to serve I don't know how to serve these people I don't know how to be a king I don't know how to go out I don't know how to come in I'm like a little child so Solomon's insufficiency and his inability made him aware of the prayer to pray and here's I'm I'm going to I'm going to put it in modern day vernacular I'm not going to say exactly what he said but this is what it me what he said meant he said dear Lord give me the wisdom to do the thing you put me on this Earth to do in a way that pleases you and serves the people you put me here to serve if every human being on Earth would make that their prayer and that make that their heart's desire it would literally solve every social problem in the world in that moment so good because Solomon realized when he was young his life his the purpose for his life was twofold yield to God serve people and as long as that was his Focus here's what God said I'm going to give you what you asked for but because you didn't ask for long life for yourself because you didn't ask for great riches for yourself because you didn't ask for the life of your enemies for yourself I'm going to give you what you ask for a wise and an understanding heart to discern judgment but I'm going to give you as a bonus what you didn't ask for I'm going to give you a long life I'm going to give you great riches I'm going to give you great wisdom but I'm also going to give you the life of your enemies in your hand Solomon had there was peace in Israel for Solomon's entire rain it's wild the scripture says when Solomon was King silver was as stones in Israel what well watch this God gave Solomon this wisdom you go to chapter four that was in chapter three right you go to chapter four one of the first things we see is Solomon started putting out content it says and Solomon wrote 3,000 Proverbs and his songs were a th5 I like you're you want to be an author you want to be a speaker you want to be a coach you want to have an agent you want to be an influencer you want to build a YouTube channel you want to build an Instagram follow have you created 3,000 posts have you created a thousand videos come on right people everybody once microwave this drive-thru that shortcut this but Solomon put in the work right and in the content that he created he didn't do anything elaborate he wrote about trees insects animals fish Birds yeah he taught uncommon lessons from Common Place things and then we fast forward we get all the way over to First Kings chapter 10 and 2 Chronicles chapter 9 here's what we see Solomon's business model consisted of this he was a consultant to his contemporaries other kings and queens all in fact all of the kings and queens of the earth came to him and paid him to learn his wisdom in fact in First Kings chapter 10 it tells us that the Queen of Sheba paid him 120 Talons of gold I've done the math on this it's about $253 million one client and that was just the gold it didn't include the precious stones it didn't include The Furs it didn't include the precious ointments just the gold 253 million right and it says she came back and paid him that every year they came back and paid him a rate year by year imagine every King on Earth coming and paying you 253 million yeah so he consulted people who were in the same business he was in they were kings and queens he consulted with them so that they could run their Kingdom as smoothly as he was running his and he charged them a lot of money to do it God gave Solomon the wisdom because Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings a burnt offering is a picture of total sacrifice God you can have everything that's mine I'm yours you have everything well God gave Solomon wisdom but he gave Solomon the wisdom not to give his wisdom away but to sell it all of the kings and queens of the earth not only did they come to him Solomon and pay him to learn his wisdom they sent the people from Their Kingdoms to Solomon to learn the wisdom and they paid him they came back and paid him a rate year by year everybody who came paid Solomon was first a consultant to his contemporaries secondly he was a communicator to crowds because Solomon doesn't just like none of us right now have time to consult every human being on Earth one-on-one Solomon communicated crowds I believe Solomon was doing seminars thousands of years before there was ever thought of a Tony Robbins or Russell Brunson or myON golden or an Omar Solomon was doing seminars thousands of years ago over in the ancient world in Ancient Ephesus in Jerusalem in I mean in Israel in in Turkey in um in Greece they the they have these Big Stone coliseums that they built thousands of years ago that seat tens of thousands of people and they're still standing the architecture back then was like our architecture is trash compared to the ancient architure we just got the sphere in Vegas have you seen that no it's like literally an LED sphere that you could see all over the city and they project whatever they want on it and then inside it's a it's 360 LED no that's crazy but he would put himself in a position where he would only have to communicate one message and everybody gets it and everybody gets it and everybody gets it that's the point and God gave him the wisdom to sell that and then the last thing he was the king of continuity cash flow they didn't pay him once they paid him every year see people who pay pay attention people who pay a lot pay a lot of attention people who pay a little pay a little of attention because Jesus said the heart follows the pocketbook book where your treasure is there will your heart be also right fire he lays out the framework the framework's all there and all I did so all I did I saw all this stuff Solomon's doing I said when was this like where you feel like you were on this tip you're like wow this this Revelation probably late 2017 I'm like I think I found something I'm going to do and right before 2017 what were you like selling doing were you doing coaching still I was but at a very low level okay on a very small scale very small scale I mean 2015 I had I had had prior to that like a $36,000 coaching program but I hadn't sold many of them MH and my clients weren't having massive success I I understood it I I had knowledge of it but I didn't understand how to make it rinsable and repeatable like I do now does that make sense and so so once we got that piece figured out and we like Prin principles are God's automation there you go they don't care if you're Omar or myON if you're a man or a woman if you're tall or short if they're black white chartreuse if you're Indian if you're um Arabian if it the principles don't care all principles always work the same for everybody the problem is not that the principles don't work for the people the problem is the people don't work the principles principles are God automation automation yeah you like that didn't you no yeah when you when I first heard you say that I was like yep I'm going to figure out my way of saying that uh but it's true and I I've experienced that with the tithe honestly 1000 you know I I started tithing on a $250 paycheck is when I learned how to tithe and then I started buying and reselling $50 a week uh a week yeah okay so my tithe was like you know 100 bucks a month 100 bucks a month and and yeah and I started buying things and reselling it and I actually was so I I I was so uh amazed at how much it was working I like incorrectly tithed so so I would I don't know I guess you could do that cuz you just suck at math or something but I would buy a pair of Jordans resell them for double triple the price and tithe off the price I didn't take the cost of the Jordan out you you tossed you you tithed off the price you sold it for instead of the profit that's funny but uh but it broke obviously it breaks something off of you oh and money doesn't isn't my master you know and money isn't your master and it's also not finite mhm right right there's no lack nothing's missing what the only and when something seems to be missing the only thing that's missing is your awareness right see people think they lack access to abundance you don't lack access to abundance you lack awareness of the access you have to the abundance that that broke my brain really okay go ahead people think okay I told the story about these guys they had this thing where they taught people options their business was doing 10,000 a month they oh my business there's something wrong with my business there's nothing wrong with your business there's something wrong with your awareness the only thing that's missing right now is your awareness of these four things you do these four things your business has to scale and when businesses scale they don't scale over a very long period of time incrementally that's not how it works in nature Everything grows by multiplication nothing grows by addition yep so when they when when I when they became aware of what they weren't aware of the next month their business did 60,000 the next month it did 101 the next month it did so they didn't lack the ability to do the things they just lack awareness of the things to do and so many people who are watching this interview right now you think something's missing that's why people go out and they try to get get get get get because they think something's missing I never try to get anything because I know nothing's missing so I realize that there's more than enough for everybody to have more than enough and there'd still be more than enough left over so if I show up and serve serving is like sewing a seed and if you sew a seed you reap a harvest MH that's how it works if you don't a seed sorry BB no Harvest for you right it's a principle it just does what it does uh there's a story in Genesis about Abraham or Abram serei and Hagar so God tells Abram you're going to have a son and he believes God he tells thei they're old they're like 65 6 years old when he tells them this well here comes he's 85 years old he still didn't have a son or 80 years old he still didn't have a son so um his wife comes to him and says you know we're getting old and um we haven't had a child yet I know God's going to you know he can do what he can do but since you know instead of waiting why don't you just go in there and you know sleep with my pretty little handmaid and have a baby with her and we'll raise him like he's our own and is she she said uh Abram said are you sure baby okay and right cuz they were people just like we're people and he did he went and slept with his handmaid with his and she had got pregnant she had a baby his name was ishmail Hagar was his mother and then about 13 years later Sarah has a baby she sees ishmail mocking her son Isaac probably could have been mocking her could have been mocking AB probably mocking Isaac cuz Mama and their boys there's something there I don't know what it is that's a thing right and she said went to Abram and said this handmade son will not be air with my son you kick them out of our house I don't want them here anymore abr's heart was broken this was his son he had vested years of his life in this boy and God came to him and said Abram you listen to your wife once listen to her again send them away sometimes the thing that's that will make you laugh today will make you cry tomorrow anyway that's a different story for a different day so he gives him a loaf of bread and a bottle of water and sends them out into the desert they ran out of water Hagar puts ishmail under a bush this is in Genesis chapter 21 a bush about a bow shot away so let's call that a 100 yards and then she goes away from him and lifts up her voice and weeps and then the angel of the Lord comes to her and says so Hagar what you crying about I mean doesn't that sound like such a ridiculous question what athy Hagar want to watch my son fear not for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is so while you're over here crying he's over there praying why because his father taught him had to pray and guess what happened God ha heard the voice of the lad where he was and fear not because I'm going to make your son a great nation you know what it says right after that it says and Hagar lifted up up her eyes and saw a well of water what does that tell you about the well of water it was already there she didn't lack access to water she lacked awareness of her access to water I like to say she couldn't see The Well of water in front of her eyes because of the water that was welling up in her eyes and that's exactly what we happens to us we're so zoned in on what's missing that we cannot see what there wow that was a bar that's so good um you have a book called boss moves I do and it's I love how you use it I'm learning how you use this book to help people and and then how you repackage it to help people in different ways sure uh but in this book you you talk about four moves four moves and if you make one of these four or all four if you make all these four you'll scale your business, 180% in four moves not might scale your business I I know it sounds ridiculous but it's it's math math is math like math does what math does 2 * 2 ain't going to be six tomorrow CU it's four today right right so you do these four moves you will scale your business, 180% it doesn't matter where you're at can you break down those moves real quick sure move number one lead generation move number two move number two lead conversion move number three customer Ascension move number four customer retention what does that mean lead generation is number one the number one reason your business business is not growing is because you don't have anybody to sell stuff to so you have to generate a lead what is a lead a lead is a person who's leaning in and willing to listen to your offer that's a lead if you don't not generating any leads you don't have anybody to present an offer too if your business is doing $10,000 a month and you're generating 100 leads and converting 10 of those leads on a $1,000 offer if you double the number of leads and everything else in your business stays the same you literally just doubled your business from 10,000 a month to 20,000 a month and you only made one move one move one move move number two lead conversion convert means to change something into something it wasn't before so a lead is a lead but a customer is a person who used to be a lead but now they've bought something so you have some kind of lead conversion mechanism maybe it's a webinar maybe it's a challenge maybe it's a summit maybe it's a live event maybe it's a video sales letter maybe it's a long form sales letter maybe it's a short form sales letter maybe it's an Instagram live maybe it's a YouTube live maybe it's a LinkedIn live maybe it's an Amazon live if you're an Amazon influencer there's so many different ways conversion mechanisms but of the number of leads you generate a certain number of them convert into sales so we go from lead generation to lead conversion well if we're going to lead conversion the next move can't be about leads because they're no longer a lead so you convert the leads into a sale with a core product offer right so if like your core product if you sell insurance is Insurance your core product if you have a plumbing business is Plumbing your core product if you sell in uh real estate is a house right so your core product offer is your core product offer what would be a good core product offer for like an online entrepreneur a book A Book Like boss moves book is one of our core product offers so boss moves book though it's 179 page book that we sell for $30 plus $10 shipping and handling now one of the reasons I do this I don't know if I should tell you this but I already started now so I'll tell you okay one of the reasons I sell my book for $30 plus $9.99 shipping in Handley it's because everybody else does free plus shipping right everybody else is giving their book away for free and all you do is pay shipping so I make people so I don't do a free plus shipping offer I do a premium book plus shipping offer so I charge $30 for the book $10 shipping and handling so I even charge a premium for the shipping Handley so they pay $40 why would somebody pay you $40 for a paperback book because the content in the book is exactly what you would pay me if you hired me to coach you for two hours I would teach you those four moves right and I would coach you on those four moves so you can pay me $80,000 and I'll coach you or you can pay $40,000 and read the book I mean $40 $30 plus attendant shipping and handling and read the book and I don't care I'll do either one I'm I'm okay either way I would rather sell you the book why because then you have a little outlay and a massive return and now you're going to come back for more right right um if you pay me the 40,000 I'll take the 40,000 still help you get the return but and I'll even give you a book for free right uh but I don't really like one-on-one coaching so I'd rather you read the book so I can sit on the floor and play with my granddaughter go to the golf golf course and play golf or hang out with my wife or something practice my guitar something other than having a one-on-one coaching session which is highly efficient okay so that's move move number two customer I mean lead conversion and you convert a lead to a core product offer so a book um a ticket to a challenge a ticket to a Master Class um a course for $1,000 or $2,000 could be a core product offer okay all those are core product offers anywhere from you know $40 up to 2,000 and then you maximize profitability with a premium value offer a premium value offer is something that costs 10 20 30 40 50 times as much as your core product and it doesn't necessarily get them a different result it just gets them a result faster that's good right it's not that they're getting more for the money it's that they're getting the same thing faster or they might be getting more faster but when I say more I'm not talking about more deliverables I'm talking about more of a result in a shorter period of time because when it comes to like making offers more valuable putting more stuff in it doesn't make it more valuable it makes it less valuable because now I've got all these obstacles I've got to go through to get the result and the thing that I really desire is the result your product only exists in my mind as a bridge to get me to the result that I desired to have before I knew your product exist existed so when I'm presenting products to people my product is just a bridge so when I'm talking to a potential client I only talk to them about their problem and my solution to their problem and this is the bridge that I've created to help you get across that Chasm right so that's a premium value offer so a premium value offer because you're probably going to ask me what's a good premium value offer it depends so it depends on who you are where you are what your comfort level is with selling how how what is the sense of certainty that you can help people produce result because my motto is I never want to charge anybody a price that I can't get them a 10x return in 12 months M right so if I can't get you a 10x return in 12 months I don't want to sell it to you okay so I have a um I have a $25,000 offer it's a a two-day live training that my daughter and I do together it's $25,000 um I have a um $27,000 offer and that's a great offer I got $55,000 offer which is King Solomon's Court the one you're in it's $555,000 a year it's not $555,000 I'm sorry it's $555,000 per year yeah that's different and then I've got a VIP day plus that's $350,000 for the day plus all the bonuses so those are my my pre and then I have what I call King Solomon's royal family that's a million dollars and with that you get four VIP days instead of one so that's the million dooll offer so the million dooll offer is the highest offer I have right now but those are premium value offers well what does that do that gives you abil that gives you the ability to maximize profitability in a very very short period of time and serve people at a very deep level serve people at such a deep and high level the results it's it's just I'm just I'll just say I got my 2x return on my investment in your program in under 45 days in under 45 days you made more than two times what it cost you to be in the program and so now you're just riding the gravy that's that's why I'm in Tampa right now that's awesome bro that's so good no yeah and I mean I'm excited I I I honestly feel the wind at my back to uh really map out you know the an irresistible offer to be given at the end of a challenge and um I might be overthinking I am overthinking at this point I just need to do it um but what you teach is is real and I think it's so helpful I'll put a link to his book please grab his book I I consumed it on the airplane ride back from your live event um and it it's also what was so enlightening is I'm like I'm learning you at at different angles right and the angle I I learned from you by by listening to that book is like dang I watched your YouTube videos where you broke some of this down dang I saw at the conference you were breaking down some of this down it's the same stuff in a different platform and it just shows it like if if I would put this the stamp or label of like Mastery that's Mastery you know um the ability to do it in every room me me be able to ask you a question and you communicate that answer in a way that is so digestible because you've thought about this question because you've been asked it a lot a lot of times and life has asked me before any other person did and I had to figure it out for myON before I ever figured it out for Omar yeah right and so yeah the boss moves uh is is real and I think as he was talking through it I can imagine your brain are is like okay which part do I need to fix and you know just I would say also go on myn's YouTube channel where he breaks down why businesses are stuck because you kind of you talk about a great Leen uh offer to get to increase your leads and things like that um it's two-part series it's phenomenal um something I haven't really heard you but the last move oh yeah yeah did I just skip I was about to just the last move the last move is the customer retention offer and that's called continuity that's where you sell something to somebody once but they pay for it for the rest of their life it's like apple music it's like Netflix it's like Prime video it's it's a membership a newsletter or a software as a service I it can also be like you funding your own offers like all of those are great continuity programs and if you build your business right you can have it's it sounds insane what I'm about to say sounds so insane because it feels kind of surreal to me even when I'm saying it because 10 years ago I was broke right right um after being rich which was made it even less fun um um like you you can have tens of thousands hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars a month coming on autopilot before and even if you don't get out of bid what so good so that's the move number four so what was your next question um would you say that that continuity offer it that's not that wouldn't be a core product offer no no continuity offers a continuity offer exists for the purpose of selling something to someone once and giving them the privilege of paying for it for the rest of their life or until they get done until they're tired of paying for it would would be like another example like not Apple music for like a guy like me a membership site membership site or a paid newsletter for like your video like your video Department I could do a boss moves M newsletter and sell it for $97 a month or $297 a month and give different boss moves just apply the boss moves to different verticals every month yeah so January do it for insurance and then next month do it for real estate and then next month do it for doctor's office and the next month do it for cosmetic surgeons and I like the newsletter joint that's fire newsletter um so something I actually haven't heard you talk about is building culture in with in in your business and I've gotten to know your team a lot of them um and they are phenomenal people and such a heart to to work hard uh spirit of Excellence like how how do you so I actually have a YouTube video on my YouTube channel yeah on Kingdom the a kingdom culture in your business like aing kingdom of God culture in your business and and basically the culture of our business is this God has this cultural emphasis in scripture treat other people like you would treat me so our culture is this treat our clients like you would treat me treat each other like you would treat me myin mhm if you wouldn't say it to me don't say it to them if you wouldn't have this attitude with them don't have if you wouldn't have it with me don't have it with him if you wouldn't talk like that to me don't talk like that to a client right treat other people the way you would treat me and I'm going to treat you the way I would treat God and when you take it to the ultimate extreme when you treat other people who have nothing to offer you like you would treat Christ because you realize I that's exactly what you're doing I love it so good that's the whole emphasis it's about it's about understanding that we are here to do two things two things and two things only primarily not only but primarily yield to God serve people you do those two things you're gonna have a a magnificent life dude so good I appreciate you and something I really I was looking at you guys uh at dinner last night your family and I just those are the things I I I see and illuminate you know investing in you to coach me and um and seeing that you're a family man and that your your whole family is involved and thriving it it really is such a blessing to see and I would say super desirable you know like it's the goal that's the goal right there that the kingdom of God is a family business and if I can if if if I might give an addendum to something you just said if that's okay please when you buy a coaching program from me I promise you you're not investing in me you're investing in yourself through me because and here's here's why that's important because if you understand that when it comes to you and me you'll understand it when it comes to you and your clients and you'll realize that when a client buys something from you they're not investing in you they're investing in themselves right here's why because if you buy something from me my life does not get any better and I don't mean that it gets better because we develop a relationship but the money that you pay me doesn't change my life at all I don't have anything that I want to buy that I can't buy I don't have anywhere I want to go that I can't go I don't have something I want to do that I can't do so when somebody buys something for me it doesn't change my life it changes theirs they're investing in themselves through me good so anyway yeah what last final thing is why would you why do you think people have a hard time investing in themselves themselves that's easy because they bought into their identity what does that mean they bought into all of the things that everybody around them told them they are not their entire lives you're not smart enough you're not good enough you're not tall enough you don't sing good enough you don't look good enough you don't dance good enough you're not smart enough to have a business um you're not likable enough to have friends you're not smart enough to get good grades you're not smart enough to go to college you're not smart enough to build a business um you're not likable enough you're not enough like that's your identity all the things that the world the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism has told you your whole life you're not that's your identity and what most people do they try to make up for their identity by manufacturing what I call a mid dentity what's a myidentity it's all the other stuff I'm not that I try to make you believe I am so that you don't think I'm not the things you told me I'm not and it's not until you embrace your true identity which by the way you can only get from the ultimate true identity which is the I am that I am amen I can only know who I am when I realized the I am that I am gave me my I amness right and I realize I am who he says I am not who they say I'm not I am who he says I am not who I try to prove that I am to prove to them they're wrong about who they said I'm not good when I wrap my mind around that it's a wrap bro so good you heard it early in the episode it's $40,000 to get an hour with you you're welcome TVD fan but if you you know I just want to plug in like you do um a usually a monthly Challenge and so in November of 2023 though but we'll have one in December yes yeah and so I would encourage you to tap into these Super Value valuable um there's different levels and I would encourage you to go to the highest level because it'll allow you to ask him a question and like I said it could be one thing that could change your life and business and uh check out the boss M's book I believe that everybody is one idea away from their first or next Fortune there was a time when Sam Walton was one idea from Walmart Jeff Bezos was one idea from Amazon um Elon Musk was one idea from Tesla and right now you are one idea away from your next or first Fortune whichever the case may be Dr myON golden thank you Omar thank you appreciate you brother