how to carry out temperature mapping study of a warehouse we will briefly explain the method and procedure for carrying out temperature mapping study of a warehouse this is a summary from our free guide on temperature mapping study the purpose of a mapping study is to measure the temperature and humidity across the entire warehouse this means that we have to record readings of various points simultaneously and record the same continuously the duration for testing a warehouse is a minimum of seven days and a maximum of 14 days in order to record the data we place the data loggers across the entire warehouse at equal distances based on our calculations in an existing warehouse there might be limitations to carry out all the tests in such case you may carry out the tests with the present loads available for a new warehouse we suggest the following sequence of tests number one the first test is an empty test of a warehouse this is for analyzing the readings without any load inside the warehouse we may take the readings for a couple of days without any lows this is possible only in a new warehouse number two there after a loaded test is conducted this is for analyzing the readings under loaded conditions in most cases this is the only test possible in a warehouse we suggest that the warehouse to be loaded to your normal usage pattern if your warehouse is normally loaded to approximately 60% then we will carry out the test under 60% loaded condition however we do not recommend carrying out the test below 50% loaded condition number three if you further want to ensure performance we can also carry out a full load test the warehouse should have 90 to 100 percent load and we will carry out the tests you can also use thumb e loads with its similar thermal properties to load the warehouse to 100% capacity upon completion of the data recording we will download the entire data from the data logger we will upload the entire data into our software for a mapping study which will generate the results temperature and humidity are analyzed separately for medicine storage we recommend a humidity level below 65 percent RH he can carry out the tests either with standard data loggers or with wireless real-time data loggers if we use the wireless real-time data loggers we can monitor the data remotely if there are any deviations we can recommend the corrective actions and the test can be repeated with minimum cost and time implications please download the free complete guide on temperature mapping study from our website piled using our software for further analysis the software prepares the summary graph for all the tests separate graphs are available for each test such as loaded tests empty tests door opening tests startup tests power failure test etc for each of these tests different parameters such as maximum and minimum temperature duration of excursions etc these graphs will form part of every report also the report will include a risk analysis and recommendations a qualification report will include details of all the equipment installed in the asset also the detailed of various functional tests carried out on these components will be part of the report also calibration report of each of those components will be verified and will be incorporated in the report the summary part of the report will indicate the summary of each of the tests for a user the summary part will be sufficient to understand the results of the test if you want to know the details of each of those tests all the details will be available in the subsequent pages the complete qualification and mapping study certifies that the asset is performing as per the required standards during the tests however it doesn't mean that it will ensure the same performance continuously thereafter we will also be indicating the hot and cold points across the entire area based on this we will recommend the positions for placing the temperature and humidity recording instruments for any queries please send an email to Sales en at vacker global comm also please subscribe to our channel for regular updates on similar products and post your comments or queries under the comments section visit our website you