IAS 23: Boring Cost और Qualifying Asset

Aug 2, 2024

IAS 23 Boring Cost का परिचय

Boring Cost की परिभाषा

  • Boring Costs: Interest and other costs incurred in connection with the borrowing of funds.
  • Interest के अलावा अन्य costs भी शामिल होती हैं।
  • Definition: Boring costs are interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with the borrowing of funds.

Examples of Boring Cost

  • Interest Expense: Effective basis पर हो (compound basis).
  • Interest in respect of lease liabilities.
  • Exchange differences और interest cost adjustments arising from foreign currency borrowing.


  • Cost of Equity: Actual और imputed costs.
  • Dividends: Equity shareholders को dividend pay करने की cost.
  • Non-liabilities: जो equity है और liability नहीं है, उससे related cost boring cost नहीं होगी।

Qualifying Asset की परिभाषा

  • Definition: An asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale.
  • Use or Sale: Property, plant, equipment, intangible asset, inventory.
  • Substantial Period of Time: Defined नहीं है, typically three months or more. Judgment पर आधारित है।

Qualifying Assets के उदाहरण

  • Inventory: जो substantial period of time लेती हैं।
  • Power Generation Facilities: खुद बनाना हो तो qualifying asset है।
  • Intangible Assets: Develop करते समय qualifying asset होते हैं।
  • Bearer Plants: Certain conditions को पूरा करने वाले plants।

Exclusions for Qualifying Assets

  • Financial Assets: जैसे cash और investments।
  • Short-Term Inventories: जो large quantities में repetitive basis पर short period में produce होती हैं।
  • Ready for Use Assets: जैसे air conditioners।
  • Fair Value Measured Assets: IS23 apply नहीं होता।

Examples: Identifying Qualifying Assets

  1. Construction of a Bridge: Qualifying asset है, 6 years का project है।
  2. Sophisticated Integrated Circuits: 10,000-12,000 units हर महीने बनती हैं, qualifying asset नहीं है।
  3. Power Plant Under Construction: 10 months, qualifying asset है।
  4. Equipment Purchased: Immediately use हो सकता है, qualifying asset नहीं है।
  5. Special Order Machine: 11 months, qualifying asset है।

Recognition Principles

  • Core Principle: Directly attributable boring cost qualifying asset की cost में शामिल करेंगे, बाकी cost को expense करेंगे।
  • Directly Attributable: Borrowing cost that would have been avoided if the expenditure on the qualifying asset had not been made.

Specific और General Borrowing का Concept

  • Specific Borrowing: Qualifying asset के लिए specific funds borrow करना।
  • General Borrowing: General funds जो multiple purposes के लिए use होते हैं।
  • Borrowing Cost Calculation: Actual borrowing cost से temporary investment income को less कर देना।

Example of Specific Borrowing

  • Loan: 10 million, 15% interest rate, temporarily invested income को less करना।

General Borrowing Rate Calculation

  • Capitalization Rate: Weighted average borrowing cost rate.
  • Example: Loan amounts और interest rates का weighted average लेना।

Prudence Concept

  • Prudence: Check करें कि carrying amount recoverable amount को exceed तो नहीं कर रही।
  • Impairment Loss: IS36 के अनुसार recognize करें।
  • Write-down to NRV: IS2 के अनुसार करें।

Practice Questions

  1. Okada Engineering: Specific borrowing, calculate additions to capital work in progress.
  2. Sahiwal Construction: General borrowing, calculate weighted average borrowing rate और eligible borrowing cost.
  3. Shayan Limited: Specific borrowing के लिए borrowing cost capitalization calculate करें।
  4. Sara Limited: Calculate general weighted average borrowing rate और borrowing cost capitalization।
  5. Googly Industries: दो qualifying assets पर borrowing cost calculate करना।