Transcript for:
What Men Think a High-Value Woman Is

all right ladies today I want to dive into a topic  that I believe is important to every woman that   wants to be in a relationship and that is what  do men think a high value woman is now before   you start attacking me in the comments like oh  is smile you know why do men decide our value   when I say high value I don't mean your value  as a human being okay I mean your value as a   partner in the eyes of a man and this is not  something that you show in a resume you know   or a list of achievements instead is something  that a man needs to Sense on his own it's more   about the unspoken things how you carry yourself  you know the energy that you exude and The Vibes   that you send into the world telling a man your  worth doesn't really work okay he needs to feel   it so all those Instagram posts that you see  about you know selfworth a lot of the times   it's just a lot of talk okay it's it's like  trying to describe the taste of chocolate to   someone who's never had it he needs to experience  it and learn by himself if you go about announcing   your worth it only makes you look desperate  for attention and that's not the effect that   you want to have so that being said you know I'm  going to talk about the seven qualities that most   men consider high value in a woman so let's begin  so what does it mean to know your worth okay it's   about knowing your strengths okay being proud of  what makes you different and what you bring to   the table and I've seen this scenario unfold many  times a lot of women think that they know their   Worth right until they are faced with rejection  and suddenly your confidence completely crumbles   but think about this if you had a piece of gold  in your hand and you were to give it to a man   would you need to explain to him like oh listen  this is gold you know a precious metal on Earth   no like you wouldn't have to explain anything  right if the man were to say that he didn't want   the gold you will think well this guy is clearly  blind you know so I'm taking this gold to someone   else that knows better now ladies I will say  that some sometimes though like the confidence   and selfworth comes from accomplishing difficult  goals and let me show you a picture of me 4 years   ago this is what it looked like four years ago  okay now did I love myself back then yeah but   do I feel more confident now that I've been you  know working out for a few years you know gain   25 lbs of muscle and I'm quite successful in my  coaching field I don't want to sound cocky okay   but it definitely helps okay because standing  in front of the mirror and saying affirmations   like yeah I'm great I'm awesome can work to  a certain extent but when you go out there   and you prove it to yourself I promise you it  will influence tremendously your self-image and self-worth all right beautiful for a second point  one thing I want you to understand about us men   is that intrinsically we want things that are out  of our reach okay things that we have to work hard   for pay attention to the movies and videos that  we watch okay it's always the guy you know the   hero climbing a mountain fighting the villain  Mission Impossible right all difficult tasks   where he succeeds at the end so when you make him  wait for a kiss you make him wait to be intimate   you have strong boundaries and don't tolerate  inconsistency in his eyes he will perceive you   as a high value woman and even if he decides to  walk away at least you will keep your dignity and   by the way think about this for women as well okay  for all of you when you walk into a store have you   noticed that usually the most expensive items are  always kept behind the glass you know like the   Louis Vuitton bag or whatever like only items on  discount are always displayed openly right up at   the front of the store begging to be bought so  don't give away too much quickly this is human   psychology okay but also don't try to fake being  busy build an exciting life for yourself and you   see that when a man is not the center of your  world he will seek your attention constantly L I know that it can be tempting to talk about  your boundaries okay but you're only inviting   him to test them if you do this instead  of spelling out your boundaries show them   through your actions you know to high value  men actions resonate much deeper than words   okay if a boundary is truly important to you  show it rather than just talking about it for   example if you're on a date and something makes  you uncomfortable instead of launching into you   know a ver verble explanation of all of your  boundaries and why this is important for you   subtly show that it's a nogo Zone okay it could  be a changeing body language you know or you you   give him a look or you change the conversation  trust me a man who respects you will pick up   on these cues okay like it's happened to me  some women have given me a look that I'm like   I get it I'm not going there anymore you know so  actions are Universal and they speak a language   that everybody understands so by showing  your boundaries you're not just talking   the talk but walking the walk and this is where  I always talk about the power of saying no okay   don't hesitate to say know when a man asks for  something that maybe compromises your values or   makes you uncomfortable it's not a rejection okay  it's a declaration of your boundaries for example   I'll give you another one if you say that you  don't like kissing on a first date and then you   end up kissing him on the first dat through your  actions you just show him that you don't really   stick to your boundaries so everything that you  say from there on he will not really believe you from a man's perspective when a woman  is willing to end a relationship it speaks   volumes about her selfworth I can tell you that  one thing that can make any man respect you is   the knowledge that he can lose you if a man takes  you for granted then he probably feels like you'll   always be there no matter how he treats you and  if something ever happens and you think about you   know giving a guy a second chance at least wait  a few months where he feels that he completely   lost you like he needs to feel that emotion of  loss I see that so many women get cheated on or   disrespected and they forgive the guy two days  later I just think that he's confused you know   but he always comes back let me let me stop you  right there he's not confused and he doesn't love   you okay the only reason he keeps coming back is  because he hasn't been able to replace you yet but   he's trying okay every time that he disappears  do you think that he's just you know meditating   or like reflecting on the relationship he's not  he's trying to replace you with another woman and   one day he'll find someone else and when that day  comes you're going to feel so much guilt and shame   that you didn't close the door okay and that's  where I don't want you to get here's a fact I   know to be true chasing a man reduces A Woman's  Worth and value in his eyes okay if a man pulls   away your response shouldn't be to chase after him  but to stand firm in your ground chasing someone   sends the message that your self-worth depends  on their validation you know you don't need to   react to a man pulling away but desperately  pursuing him instead focus on the facts and   be willing to move on if the situation calls  for it also a high value woman doesn't offer   excuses for a man's behavior you know he not like  oh he's going through a lot Ismael you know he's   not sure about the relationship he has trust  issues from the past I hear so many of these   excuses in my coaching sessions and even if any  of them are true you know what a high value woman   does she tells that man listen I think you need  to go work in yourself and figure things out it   was nice getting to know you you don't say you  know come back when you're ready I'll be waiting   for you none of that stuff man like if he's ever  ready he will be the one having to convince you   that he's ready you know and he better shows a lot  of proof through his actions right we're not here   just like coming and try to convince you with  his words remember pursuing is masculine energy   a high value woman stays in her feminine energy  by sitting back and letting him present his case   while he's the right man for you all right ladies  haven't come this far like I said last time in my   video I will start leaving a question or a quote  at the end of each video so you can spend you know   some time reflecting on it so here's the question  that I want you to think about today do you need   to work on yourself to become more valuable  or are you more valuable by simply thinking   that you are thank you for subscribing and leaving  your likes and wonderful comments it really helps   my channel to grow so other women like yourself  can learn about love intimacy and relationships   because like I always say for your relationships  to change you need to change have a beautiful day