ICT Plus Paper 2023 (November Paper 2)

Jun 2, 2024

ICT Plus Paper Tutorial (Nov 2023 Paper 2)

Presenter: Nicholas Paphitis

Key Points and Steps Covered:


  • Nicholas Paphitis from Cyprus
  • Introduction to the ICT Plus Paper 2 for November 2023
  • Emphasis on time management and new syllabus features

Task 1: Setting Up Evidence Document

  1. Open the necessary files and keep them in an organized folder.
  2. Open the Evidence Document and ensure personal details are in the header.
  3. Save the document as "EVIDENCE + candidate number".

Task 2: Editing Report in Word

  • Paragraph Styles: Create, modify, and apply as instructed.
  • File Setup: Open N2302_review.rtf, set landscape orientation, and save as Word document with the name VG_REVIEW.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Remove Page Breaks:
    • Enable Show/Hide to reveal page breaks.
    • Delete page breaks appropriately using Backspace or Delete.
  2. Header and Footer:
    • Insert automated page numbers (left-aligned) in the header.
    • In the footer, insert text “Market review by” followed by personal details (right-aligned).
  3. Text Formatting:
    • Modify specific paragraphs to two columns of equal width with a 2 cm space between them.
  4. Styles Creation:
    • Create a style named VG_subhead based on normal paragraph style. Set specified font and properties.
    • Apply VG_subhead to four subheadings.
  5. Text Movement:
    • Locate and move specific paragraphs to a new position.
  6. Chart Creation:
    • Import data from a CSV file into Excel and create a vertical bar chart for 2022 data.
    • Configure chart properties as specified and insert chart into the Word document.
  7. Editing Styles:
    • Modify the VG_list style to specified properties.
  8. Paragraph Indentation:
    • Indent specific paragraphs by 1.5 cm from both left and right margins.
  9. Spell Check and Consistency:
    • Ensure no spelling errors, consistent spacing, and proper formatting without widows or orphans.

Task 3: Creating Database Reports

Initial Setup

  1. Import Files:
    • Import necessary CSV files into Access and set up fields, data types, and primary keys.
    • Screenshot evidence for field names, data types, and primary keys.
  2. Relationships:
    • Create a one-to-many relationship between specified tables and screenshot this.
  3. Record Modification and Entry:
    • Modify specified records and add new records to the tables.
  4. Generating Queries:
    • Generate queries based on specified criteria.
  5. Reports:
    • Create and format reports based on query results.
    • Ensure proper layout, sorting, and inclusion of specific fields.

Task 4: Presentation

  1. Slide Setup:
    • Create a presentation with specified slides from an outline file.
    • Add a header with personal details on all slides.
  2. Slide Formatting:
    • Change layout for specific slides and insert tables with specified formatting.
    • Adjust column widths and row heights for proper display.
    • Ensure no more than three lines of text wrap in specified columns.
    • Format specified slides with indentation and bullet points.
    • Create hyperlinks within the presentation.
  3. Printing:
    • Print specified slides as handouts in portrait orientation, two slides per page.
  4. Evidence Document:
    • Ensure evidence document has the required details and print it.

Ending Remarks

  • Emphasize the importance of following steps meticulously.
  • Reminder to double-check work for accuracy and consistency.
  • Encourage feedback and corrections from viewers.

Study Tips: Ensure practice with new syllabus features, manage time effectively, and double-check all details.