Transcript for:
ICT Plus Paper 2023 (November Paper 2)

Hi everyone, Nicholas Paphitis here from sunny Cyprus. A cold Cyprus, but nonetheless a sunny Cyprus. Now, today's video tutorial is another ICT Plus paper. It's a very recent one, 2023 November Paper 2, and it's a request from one of you guys. I've had a look at the question paper and this paper is packed there's so much to do and it involves some of the newer features of the syllabus like creating charts in Excel and adding links in PowerPoint so if you are going to practice this paper then you need to keep an eye on the time because it can slip away from you because there's just so much to do so let's get started with this paper straight away Okay, so the first thing is to make sure you've got all the files in the folder. I've created the folder 2023 November paper 2. I've got all my files here and I've also got a copy of my question paper here, which I'm going to open so we can start this paper. So let's jump over to this screen. And the first thing that we need to do. is first of all check that we've got all these files we do so we've already done that we're going to go to task one which is creating the evidence document so it says open this file here and make sure that your name center number and candidate number will appear on every every page of this document it doesn't say where so i'm just going to put it in the header save this document as evidence in capital letters and followed by your candidate number so it should look something like this okay so i'm going to open up the document let's just bring this over to this side and first step I'm going to double click in the header enter my details click inside here to come out the header and now I'm going to go to file save as make sure I'm saving this as a word document and give it the name every dance click on save there we go my evidence document is set up okay so task two is we can see here it says that you're going to be editing a report about video gaming the company uses a corporate house for all their documents paragraph styles must be created modified and applied as instructed so we're going to be creating we're going to be modifying as well at the same time okay number one using suitable software uh open the file n2302 review.rtf and set the page set up a for landscape orientation two and a half centimeter do not make any changes to these settings so this has already been set up for us okay three stars have already been created again do not make any changes unless these have unless you're instructed to do so save the document in your work area with the name VG review make sure that it is saved in the format of your software that you're using place in your evidence document screenshot to show this file has been saved make sure that there is evidence of the file type okay so number one I don't really have to do anything I'm just going to open up the document NT 302 review which is that one there I just drag this one over here as well good okay and I'm just going to save this so far save as Save it as a Word document and I'm going to save it with capital letters, REGREVIEW. Again, make sure you're using capital letters because that's how it displays it in the question paper. okay and i'm just going to minimize that and now i want to show evidence of that document and its file type so to do that i can use well first of all i'm in dark mode guys i don't want you using dark mode remember i can use the details view so if i go to view and i'm using the details view that's absolutely fine because i can see the extension there and it also says it's a microsoft word document another good view is the content so we can use this one as well Now I've zoomed my screen to 125% to make it easier for you to see the video. But you can see again in content, you can see where I'm with the VG review and it shows that docx. Now I'm going to go and use the details. That one there, I'm going to take a quick screenshot of that and I'm going to make sure I'm going to take a screenshot of my folder as well. There you go. And that I'm going to add now inside my. evidence document under evidence one and paste that there okay so again don't make your screenshots too big but make sure that what you are required to show in the screenshot is clearly visible and easily readable all your screenshots so dark mode here not a good idea but I'm not going to change my settings for this so make sure you're not using that mode it doesn't print very well again I've done something I'm going to click on save go over here and now we're going to go back to the question page okay so the next part is to remove any page breaks from the VG review document that one there so let's jump over to see our word document here it is here now to do this what I need to do is to make sure I'm in the home ribbon I'm going to click on the show hide button here and that's going to reveal all the hidden characters in the document like page breaks paragraph symbols spaces everything as I scroll down I can see here I've got page break remember page breaks are like characters they put a start and an end depending on where you put your insertion point you're going to use backspace or delete accordingly so I've got my insertion point at the end of the page break so I'm going to press backspace that page break is gone let's go down there's another one here on this time I'm going to click at the beginning of that page break right there and I'm going to press delete because I want to delete the page break in front of it okay good i've made a change i'm going to click on save i'm going to remove the show hide button there and go back to my question paper right place in the header of the document automated page numbers so i want automated page numbers left the line place in the footer the text market review by i'm just going to remove that so i can copy that with a colon at the end you and then it wants followed by a space and your name sent a number and candidate number right aligned okay so let's jump over here so in my header section I'm going to double click in here so at the top I want automated page numbers left aligned so as soon as I double click in the header I can see the header and footer ribbon at the top I'm going to go to page number and I can choose any one of these this one here I could choose also current position the current position is where my surgeon point is I like using that one because it just keeps me on my toes if I am going to be adding any other ones on a different alignment using current position is always best because it will delete the other alignments that you've got in the header so I've done that one Go to my footer now in my footer it wants placed in the footer the text markup review by so I copied that there it is there followed by a space and then my name. See 7234 my candidate number and it wants this right align so I can just do this by going to home and clicking on the right align. It says make sure that all the margins. or the alignments match the page margins no other text or placeholders are included in the header or footer areas headers and footers are displayed on all pages now i do get i have had a student ask me in the past why do they say this because when you put the the items in the header or the footer they're automatically aligned within the page margins and we can see here that my footer here is in line with the page margin and so is the number here with the left margin so why would it say that this is because some people instead of using the header and footer ribbon to add something like a page number or their name they go and add a text box and if you do add a text box now this is the wrong thing to do i'm just demonstrating this so if i add a text box i could type my details here that say and the rest of it I can move that and then I move my text box let's say if you wanted it to be right or left aligned I put it there so now when I double click over here we can see that this text box with my details this placeholder is not within the page margins so that's why they give you that if you if you're doing the correct way it's not going to be an issue so I'm just going to delete that text box don't need it and good Okay, I've made a change. I'm going to click on Save and then go to the question paper. Number four, select the subheading Video Games. So I want to find the subheading Video Games. Okay, and the following text up to and including the paragraph ending transactions and advertisements. Okay, change the page layout so that only this text is displayed in two columns of equal width with a two centimeter space between them. okay so the first thing i want to do is to find the subheading video games now i could just go through here and i found it here already there's a video games i'm just going to make that quick selection there now i prefer the selection method of using the shift button now some of you that you prefer the click and drag and keep dragging until you find where you have to go which is transactions and gaming i think it is transactions and advertisements okay so that's up to that paragraph You see, it's very hard to do when you're doing it with the drag and drop method. Transactions and advertisements, there it is there. Okay, so what I tend to do just to make it easier is I simply make a small selection here, scroll down, find where I want to go to. which we said is here I'm gonna hold the shift button and now I'm gonna click at the end of that paragraph and that's going to select everything between those two points so much easier rather than having to worry about keeping your mouse on them on your finger on the mouse button okay I want to change this I'm going to go to I want to make it a column so I'm going to go to layout ribbon at the top columns more columns I'm going to choose two columns I'm going to increase the spacing by two it doesn't want a line in between so I'm just going to leave that there and click OK so now I've got that as two columns all right let's move on to a question paper so we've done number four we go to number five create and store the following style basing it on the default normal paragraph now this is so important whether it tells you to do this or not you have to put it on normal take a screenshot to show that you've defined the settings for VG subhead Okay, so we're going to have that title there. I'm just going to get rid of that so I can copy that. okay and make sure that there is evidence that you base this on the default normal paragraph style places in your evidence document okay so i want the font style to be sans serif i'm going to use aerial for sans serif size 20 alignment center bold and italic single no spacing before or after so let's go to our question paper now very very important point guys very important now listen carefully depending on where your insertion point is now i've just finished working with this double paragraph here and i've got this selected now wherever your insertion point is or whatever you've got selected when you create this new style it's going to apply it automatically to whatever paragraph your insertion point is in so if i've got all of this selected it's going to apply to all of this if i just click for example here anywhere in that paragraph there so i'll do it this way i'm going to create the style you're going to see what happens now so what i tell my students is always before you do anything wherever you click just go and see what style is being used and i can see that this paragraph here is vg body and that's where i've got my insertion point and so I'm going to leave that there I'm going to click on this little arrow here to open up the styles and I'm going to create a new style now the new style is going to be called capital V G subhead and it says font style it wants a serif font but i need to base this on normal so first thing i'm going to do because my insertion point was in a paragraph with the vg body style it's basing it on vg body and we don't want that we want to base it on normal like it said a style for following paragraph just leave that like that and we're going to use ariel for the font the sorcery font we're using size 20. then it wants center alignment so i'm going to make that center aligned bold and italic and line spacing single so i'm going to go to format paragraph and i'm just going to make sure that the line spacing here is single and before and after spacing is zero click on ok so i've done all of this i'm not going to take my screenshot yet because i haven't actually created this yet so i'm going to click on ok and look because my insertion point was in that paragraph it automatically applied that formatting the vg subhead to that paragraph so i just need to make sure i click back and put that back to vg body okay that's extremely important for you guys okay the next step is i want to show evidence so i'm going to just open this again just bring that down over here on the right hand side there and i'm going to go to i'm not going to click on any of these because if i do it's going to apply this style to whatever i'm wherever i am in that document wherever my searching point is and i'm just going to click on the little drop down arrow next to this one modify and now i'm going to take a screenshot of that and it says i need to show start over here i need to show that it's based on normal so we can see this screenshot here it's got i'll just highlight these you know i'm not going to add them highlighted but it shows here the style based on normal and it shows here everything that i've done in this section here okay so that's what they're looking for so i'm just going to go to my evidence document which is you can need to close that dialog box and now I can open my evidence document there it is and go step number five and paste that in there and that's really big um but that's okay what you want to make sure with this screenshot is that this writing down here this small writing here is visible in your printout okay that's extremely important so everything has to be visible okay i'm just going to click on save and go down to there and now we're going to go back to our question paper because we've done that okay so I've completed that taken the screenshot I've done that make sure that there is evidence that you based this on the default or I've done that places in the evidence document on that number six identify the four subheadings in the document and apply the VG subhead to each one so I want four subheadings so here we go I'm gonna that one I'm just gonna use control to select multiple selections that one Oh look at that eSports that's a bit tricky that one there isn't that's three there should be one more there it is mobile devices and I'm going to add the VG sub head to that okay that that's okay now I can see that subheading is just sitting there on its own everything's up here leave that alone we'll see what it looks like at the end fix it at the end if needed okay so if we go to our question paper so we've done number six locate and move the paragraph aggressive competition between and it ends with the video game industry so that it appears as a new paragraph immediately after the paragraph ending gamer Controls the action. So the first thing I want to do is in my document is find that paragraph aggressive competition To make it easy for me. I'm just going to press ctrl F on my keyboard and I'm just going to type the word press c and i should there it is it's found it for me so again i'm going to do the same as before i'm going to select the first part and all the way up to I don't want to do that. So I'm just going to select a little bit there. And I want to go up to the video game industry. So I'm going to hold shift up to that point there. Now I want to move this. I'm not going to click and drag this. That's just a waste of time. Let's just close this fine section. I'm going to press control X to cut that. And then I'm going to find the area where it says gamer controls the action at the end of the paragraph. so i could use again there it is it's in the top one i could use the control f again i'm going to press enter and control v to paste now can you see i've got an extra space here from when i pressed enter that's not keeping everything consistent so i'm just going to delete so if i go away if i click here and just press delete there there you go that's going to move that paragraph up and i've got consistent spacing now of everything Okay, let's go to our question paper. Number eight, using the data in the file N2302players.csv, create a vertical bar chart to show the worldwide distribution of online game players for the year 2022 only. So this is where the newer components of the syllabus come in, the syllabus up to 2025, but also up to 2028 because it's not going to change. so here we want to create the chart and we want to do some changes on the properties of this chart so let's begin with that now so I want to open n2302 so going to my question paper here I'm just gonna do a quick save so in here just click on save so don't lose anything open my folder and I'm going to open up n2302 players okay that's gonna open up in Excel and I can see my data and I'm just gonna select all of these double click between two columns so that I can see all of the data so you expand all the columns to show everything this one's a bit big so I can reduce that one okay so I need to create a chart to show the players for only 2022, which is this one here. Now, I can automatically see now that these headings here, these are numbers and these are going to cause problems. They're very, very sneaky. If I was just to create a chart like this, a vertical chart like this, insert and I create a vertical chart, you can see automatically that region is seen as a category here and the values 2018 2020 22 are seen as values and they're plotted and that's because they are charts so we don't want that now there's a number of ways to combat this so if I was to select this and hold the control button and this to select and create the chart that will cause me the issues and they've done this on purpose and it's added the region again as a category so the one way to do this is to ignore that one and just choose the data here and do insert and click on that and that's perfect that's my vertical bar chart I don't have the title but if you want to use my particular method what I would do is so that you can create any chart they throw at you, always get rid of that top left corner. So I'm just going to click on that and press delete. I don't need the title region because that's just saying these are the regions. Now I can select all of this. You can now, of course, select that. Let's just do that as well. Insert, and that will work perfectly. You can see, absolutely fine. But I want you to learn how to create charts. So I'm going to select this chart like this. I'm going to create a chart insert now I've got a video tutorial only on charts make sure you watch that so I'm going to have a link to that in the description at the bottom so make sure you learn chance because this comes up quite a lot and there are a lot of marks on chart creations so I've got my charts here but it's got for all the years or three years I'm going to right click on this chart right there i'm going to say select data and now in this window here i don't want 2020 and 18 so i'm just going to remove that tick and remove that tick and click ok and there we go i now have the chart that i want and if i did want let's say for 2018 and 2022 then i could just right click select data and just choose 2018 2022 and look at that it's just so much easier when you learn how to create charts properly so i don't need that i'm going to click on ok the next thing that wants me to do is to change the chart title so i'm i'm not going to keep going backwards and forwards on the question paper so i don't get you guys dizzy so it wants a particular chart title so i'm going to click in here i've copied the title and i'm going to paste that there it wants a category axis title called region so I want to add my category axis titles so clicking on my chart will put this plus sign next to it clicking on that I can go to my axis titles click on that ticket and now I've got my my y axis and my x axis title my category axis title should be region With a capital start, it doesn't want anything to do with the value axis title, so I can delete that one by selecting and pressing delete. Then it says display only the data values along the top of each bar. So on the top of each one of these columns or bars, I want to add the data. So I'm going to click on the plus sign. And here it's got data labels. I can click on the arrow and I only want the outside end. So I want it on the top of each bar. I don't want it inside or a call out. I just want it on the top. okay that's great click over here get rid of that plus sign do not display a legend so this here is my legend at the bottom the 2022 part here so again I'm going to click on the plus sign and remove the legend great and then it wants me to format the value axis title let's have a look at this part in the paper so it wants me to put back the value axis I just say it's for the minimum value zero maximum 1500 and increments of 300 so we're now going to go to my chart i'm going to click one time on the values so i get this border going around the values then i'm going to place my mouse on top of that one on top of the border right click and i should be able to see format axes and then from here let's just get rid of that i'm going to set the minimum to zero the maximum to 1500 and the major to 300. So we can see on the left hand side where the Y values are, the Y axis, we can see the minimum value is zero, the maximum is 1500 and the implementation is 300, which is what it asks us to do. So let's move on. Now, the next step is it says insert the chart after the paragraph ending game players in 2022. make sure that the chart and all data fits within the column width all data labels are displayed in full with no overlap there is a six point space after the chart so let's go and do that one now so with my chart selected so basically if i just click on the chart we see the sizing tab so i'm going to press ctrl c on my keyboard and then i'm going to go to my document and i'm going to find where it says online game plays 2022 the last paragraph here it is here okay so i'm just going to click here and press enter after that i'm going to control v to paste my chart it's actually fitted it in perfect for me within the column here and it's within the margins so that's absolutely fantastic but if you needed to change it at all you can click on it and change the sizing now it says it wants a six point space after the chart i can already see there's a little space here so the subheading esports is not um stuck to the chart but just to make sure i'm going to click on the esports subheading here go to paragraph and just say before i'm going to add six points now i don't think i'm going to see a difference because there's already quite a gap there anyway and there you go i mean i've added the the six point space i can see there's a little space here so that was absolutely fine all right let's go back to the question paper Number 12 done. Now the style named VG list has already been created, stored and applied to the five list items in the report. Modify the VG list style so only the following formatting is applied. So basically I need to modify a style which has already been created. This one here. placing your evidence document screenshots of the style settings for the VG list style to show that you've changed these make sure that the screenshots show all the changes made to this style okay so I'm just going to follow through these here so let's just go back to my paper I'm going to go find that list here it is there we go we've got the list here okay modify the VGA list also it says okay so these are the five items I don't need to select them but you know why not we're going to change them anyway I'm going to click on my in the home ribbon go to the styles I'm going to modify the VG list so click on the little arrow here modify that and I'm just going to change what it says so font style it says sans serif so I'm going to change the font style to aerial it wants size 10 we want a left aligned to margin so I want these to be left aligned they are left alive italic with numbered list ie 1 2 3 so for the numbered list I'm going to go to format I'm going to go to numbering I'm going to choose a number sequence here just once 1 2 3 and it's actually got one a stop of a point after the number so that's the one there click on OK uh line spacing is single so i need to format the paragraph as well so single line spacing is already there and no points after no points before so i'm just going to change that one to zero and click on ok now um this is where i'm going to take my screenshot so i can just click on ok and then just just to be sure go to here and click on modify again and i'm going to simply take my screenshot and that's going to be my evidence okay let's just minimize that for now we can see click OK here we can see this list now has already changed all right so I'm gonna go to my evidence document so I don't forget to add this in so this is it's actually great this evidence document they actually tell you which screenshot you have to add where so this is for number 13 so I'm just going to move this down to the next page So it's together with the picture. And I know that my next evidence is going to be question 16. So I'm just going to click on save there. And I'm going to close that. I'm also going to save my document. OK, back to the question paper. OK, it says format the paragraph that starts a mobile gaming is expected. So that is indented. 1.5 centimeters from both left hand and right hand margins that's number 14. so i want the ones a mobile game is is expected okay here it is so this is the power so it wants the paragraph now one way to select the paragraph is three clicks in the paragraph one two three that will select the paragraph and just so you know where the paragraph is you can use the show high buttons we can see where that paragraph break is here so i'm just going to select that paragraph and I want to indent this so I'm going to go to my paragraph then I'm going to go to left I'm going to increase that to 1.5 and the right to 1.5 you're going to want to border around this as well let's just click on that so that's that indented it doesn't say anything about borders but if it did ask for a border then you would simply select your paragraph go to your borders here go to borders and shading and then from here you can just add your border choose the line that it wants the thickness and just add that and that will give you a border around that so that will probably be something that they could ask you to do they have done in the past but not in this case um let's go to number the next one okay so that's it um spell check and proofread the document make sure that the list is not split over two columns there are no widows orphans there are no black pages original styles are maintained all stars are applied consistently spacing is consistent between all items so if I go to my document I can see I've got some spelling mistakes here so I'm just going to right click on those and correct those with the first choice it gives me the grammatical mistakes like commas and this set the other you don't really need to worry about too much you can change them no one's going to call you out on them though it's a spelling mistakes that you want to have a look out for look for any widows or orphans consistent spacing so if you've got like a space in which looks like this And we can see that the spacing from here to here is that big, whereas for this one is smaller. That's where we're looking at. That's not consistent. So we want to make sure our spacing is consistent. no widows or orphans now this you could move down to the next page you don't have to the reason you don't have to is because it's quite a big paragraph we don't only have one line which is going over to the next page or one word we've got like three four lines there so we could just leave that one there's no need to bring all of this paragraph down by pressing enter the list is intact so all well and good no no questions on tables in this one you okay so we've finished with this now the last thing that we need to do is print so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go to file print i'm going to print this on paper and if you don't have a printer at home or you or you just don't want to waste your printing that's fine print to a pdf printer it's going to look exactly the same and it's just going to make sure that you're practicing your printing skills so i'm just going to click on print and then from here i'm going to just call this a word document so i know what it is i'm printing click on save And that's it. It's safe. So now I've finished. I believe I have totally finished with that part. I'm going to task three database so I can close my Word document and we can start working with the database. Okay, so let's start with the database. It says here you're now going to prepare some reports. Make sure that all currency values display the same currency symbol. It doesn't say which symbol, so that's okay. Same currency symbol and I'll set to two decimal places. Well, if it's currency, it's going to be two decimal places anyway. Examine the file n2302vgames.csv and identify the most appropriate field to set as a primary key. Close this file. Using database software, import the file this. and use these field names and data types and at the bottom it says set the identified field as the primary key save the data now what's important to understand here guys is something we've been seeing with this new syllabus the way you have to spend a little bit of time and just analyze the data and understand it a bit before you start importing or working with it and the same goes for when you're doing paper 3 with the excel file you need to analyze that spreadsheet understand it what is it about what are the different fields you've got and the different types of data what do they represent so now they're actually forcing you to do that by having to identify the field which is going to be a primary key so i'm going to open up the file n2302 v games this one here Okay, now what's important is I don't mess this data up. Now, the fact that it's a CSV file, even if I format this or do whatever I want, and I try to save it, it's not going to save the formatting. But at the end of the day, I just want to make sure I do not disturb the data. I don't change the data because I'm going to be importing this data to create the table in the database. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to click here, double click between two columns so I can see all of the data, nothing being chopped off. Okay, now the idea is I have to decide which one of these is going to be used as the primary key field. So I've got things like game title, rank, game code, so on and so forth. And I can see if I scroll down, let me fill. all the way down I've got like 500 there you go 500 rows I'm not going to go through this that way and in this case it's kind of easy you just reading the titles it says game code but I'm not gonna go with the name because the exam board does have a tendency of throwing these little tricks or these spanners in your thinking so what I'm gonna do is this I'm going to select all of this data Okay. And I'm going to use conditional formatting to identify all the ones where there are duplicates. So if I choose from home and I go to conditional formatting. manage rules i'm going to create a new rule and i'm going to choose this one here format only unique or duplicate values so i'm going to format all the ones with the duplicate and the column which has no formatting at all means it has no duplicates so that has to be the primary key so i'm just going to format anything which is a duplicate with a fuel color which is on this orangey color here Click OK. OK. OK. There we go. So everything highlighted is a duplicate. So I can see here in the game, I've got a duplicate here. These two duplicates, all these orange ones. So the game title cannot be the primary key field. and looking at these all of these columns have got a duplicate somewhere the only one that doesn't is this one and if i go all the way down you're going to see none of these codes are highlighted orange and that definitely means all of these values here are unique so my game code is going to be the primary key field so all i have to do now is just close this without saving do not save you and now I can proceed with importing that file so I'm gonna right-click new database Microsoft Access database we're going to give it a name I'm just going to double click to open it here it is opened up on my other screen there it is there now if you do get a new table which is created in here whatever you can just close that you just want a blank slate I'm gonna go to external data source from file text file I'm going to go to my desktop where I've got my files there it is there and I've got my folder here and I want this one here n2302v game so I'm going to double click on that now I want to import this source file as a new table so I'm going to click on OK here I just double check and make sure that what I'm importing is readable Okay, we don't get any weird characters which are not readable. If you do, make sure you ask for help. It probably means your data file is corrupt. It's delimited with characters like a comma or a tab. Well, it's actually commas. Next, we want the first row to be the field names because we can see this first row. It's actually the field names, they're not data. And the symbol which is separating all the fields is a comma. go to next and this is where I'm going to set up my my data types now I could do this one by one from here but it's easier to click on the advanced because the advanced looks the same as the question paper so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna drag my question paper it's not gonna work is it now I just I just switch between the two so if I just go over here So I want, if I just look here very carefully, game title text, rank is a number, zero decimal places. So that's going to be an integer. text text this is a number again zero decimal places so I'm going to make that a long integer as well these are text this is a number three decimal places and it has to display three decimal places so I'm going to keep my eye out on that and this one here is price so it's going to be currency two decimal places that's going to happen by default because it's a currency data type okay so I'm just going to jump back over here and start working this so the game title is text that's okay the rank is a number so this is a long integer I'm gonna leave it as a long integer if I have a look at what's in the right these are actually small numbers I could get away with just an integer field but to play it safe I'm going to leave long integer if you don't know the difference if you set something as an integer it can only hold numbers within the range of round about plus or minus 32,000 something so if you put the larger number it won't allow you get an error but if you use a long integer it will allow for very very big numbers so as you're not required to distinguish between those two we're just going to leave it as long integer to play it safe okay then the game code is text the platform is text release year is a number zero decimal places so that I'm going to leave that as a long integer as well we can see that the release year is actually four figures so that's okay the genre here is text the game publisher is text so that's good now global sales it wants a number three decimal places so i'm just going to make that leave that as a double because i'm going to have decimal places and later on i have to remember to make sure that it displays three decimal places and price instead of a double i'm going to use currency because this is going to attach the the symbol as well So I'm going to click on OK here. I'm done with that. Go to next. My primary key field, we identified this already. I'm not going to create a new one. We said the primary key field is the game code. We identified that when we analyzed the CSV. And then I'm just going to go to next. and finish I'm just going to leave that default name and close okay so here's my table if I open this first of all I notice I only get one table which is great if you get two tables generated it probably means one is the one that's holding the errors that means you imported with errors so you need to delete both of them and start again okay so um next step I'm going to go to my home go to the design view and I'm just going to go through these again and I'm going to make any changes I need to So looking over on my question paper, the release year and the rank, these are zero decimal places. So the only one I really need to change is this one here, global sales. I want to make global sales to be three decimal places. So that's a number. It says down here in the properties, it's a double. I need to make the decimal places. three but that's not enough and as I said I do these tutorials so you can learn if you don't know this if I leave that as three and run this now so I saved that we can see that some of these have got three some of them have got two and the reason is this is four point six one zero it cuts off the zero but the question paper says it has to display three so I'm going to go back and although I've made it decimal places three I'm also going to change the format to fixed By making it fixed, no matter if it's got a zero at the end or not, it's going to have three decimal places. So I'm going to click on Save and Preview. And now you can see my global sales. All of these have got three decimal places. I think I've done all of that my price is currency and it's got everything there which is great the next thing is I need to save my data so I'm just gonna click on save placing your evidence document a screenshot showing the field names data types and primary key used in the table okay so very important guys when you're taking your screenshot from here you need to take a screenshot that shows the name of your table as well so because I'm really comfortable with what I'm doing and I know I've done this correctly I might even take a bigger screenshot and this isn't going to make any difference at all so if I add a new one and I can take my properties down here as well because I've got that global sales number selected that one there and it shows the properties here field size format and decimal places so that's fixed you're not going to get any marks for that but it doesn't hurt so all you really need is just this top part here make sure you've got that name at the top displayed okay so I'm gonna go to my and this is step 16 this is great I love the fact that on this paper they've actually given you the steps for the evidence and just to make that bit smaller not too small there you go Justin because now I can see like in case I've missed any screenshots I know which question I've missed okay so my next screenshot is going to be step 17 so I'm gonna click on save I'm on question 17 now so let's go to that so i can just close that one now that's saved and let's go to 17. import the file n2302 platforms.csv as a new table in your database use the field names and data types as provided so it's probably all going to be text or there might be some we'll just leave it as is set platform as the primary key and then placing your evidence document a screenshot showing the field names data types and primary key used okay so let's go back So I'm going to go to here, external data, new source, file, text file, browse. We're looking for N2302 platforms, that one there. And again, we import into a new table, click OK, check everything looks, everything's readable. Next, first row contains field names. It's a comma separated. Next, field names. Now, I don't need to do anything because it says leave them as is. But if I just have a quick look. yeah they're all all text except for produce which is a long integer and if I have a look at this it's actually a data yes that's fine but I don't need to make any changes because it says just leave it as it is personally I like to double-check go to next primary key it's going to be the platform that's what it said and that's it next and finish and again I'm looking for one table to be generated there it is which means everything looks good and that symbol looks good as well if I open this up I can see my data has imported properly actually that's the wrong one it's this one platforms there it is okay so everything looks good let's close it now a rule in access is if you're not using something like a table or query or report close it okay let's move on so ah Now, there you go. I need to take a screenshot of that as well, don't I? So let's just open that up. And I'm going to go to design view. And I'm just going to take a screenshot. Remember, take a screenshot of that file name as well. And we're going to go put that in number 17. So my next screenshot evidence is going to be the next question 18. I love that they've given you this. I'll just do a quick save on my evidence. Minimize that. Now we can move on. So I can close that, finish with it. Now, question 18. Create a one-to-many relationship between platform in the platforms table and platform in the games table. okay that's simple enough we're going to go to our database tools we're going to click on relationships now if you're using uh the 365 version of access you you get these things in the relationships now you don't want to delete these you can delete them but just leave them alone um i'm just going to scroll down so they're not visible i'm going to right click in here show table and i'm going to add my two tables i'm just going to expand this you So I can see all the fields there you go and I want to link platform in this table with platform in this one So I'm just gonna click on this one and drag it and drop it on top of this one Double check the table that it gives you this is not what we're going to use for the screenshot guys because it says the word Create which means we haven't created it yet. So you won't get a mark for that. Make sure that it's choosing the right ones It's a one-to-many relationship create There we go. Now for my screenshot with this create now you can use this screen evidence but you have to make sure that your table is displaying all the fields otherwise if it's not and it's like this there's no way of proving that this line here connects to the platform field okay so you need to make sure this is expanded if you know what you're doing it you're more comfortable I always suggest double click on this line so select it once and then double click on it it will open up the relationship place it underneath and then take a screenshot together with that tab at the top and that shows both both ways of showing evidence that you've created that screenshot that relationship and it's really important to try and get all the marks you can so that's number 18 okay so that's done I can close my relationships okay I'm gonna save that and I can close that and notice whenever I finish something in access I close what I'd be working on let's move on Okay, in the games table, locate the record with the game code AC105 and mend the details as follows. So here I want to change some details. So rank should be 455, release year 220 and genre action. So let's go to our question paper. I'm going to open the games table and I'm just going to press control F. Now, just to show you how it works, I'm going to be looking up the rank. or actually no the code the game code AC 105 so if I click anywhere in the game code color when I press ctrl F it will give me this one here in current field so it's only going to search in that column where I've actually clicked in which is game code if I clicked anywhere else then I can choose a current document and that will broaden the search to all the columns So I want the whole field, so I want all of this to be found, so it's AC105. And if I press Find Next, there it is. You can see in the game code, that's the one that I want to modify. So I can close that now. I'm just going to expand this so I can, there you go, just read it a bit easier. Okay, so I want the rank of that record to be 455. So this one here should be... 4 by 5 by 5 the release year 2020 so that's the release year so delete what's in there 2020 and the genre here is going to be action instead of simulation action and just click anywhere and as soon as you click away as soon as you type something it's automatically saved now check your data for errors it says and save the data well it's saved automatically so i just close that do you want to save yes i do now it gave me that because i also adjusted that column as well okay so that's number 19 so 20 add the following as a new record in the games table check your data entry for errors save the data now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to do the following so i want to go in the games table so let's go over here open the game set now the one way to do this and probably the way you will do this in this particular examination will be to open the games table go to the scroll to the bottom or just click down here where you've got the status bar down here where I am so you here you can move to the next record go to the previous go to the last record or you can click on this one here with a little that little yellow sun or star and that takes you to the very last record and this is where you will add the next record and that's absolutely fine this is probably this is the way you should do this here just to save time because this is really packed paper but because i want to make sure i'm complete with everything i do these tutorials and show you different things and make sure you know how to do a different question i'm going to create a very quick data entry form to add that information in so as i said you don't have to you can just add the information here i'm not going to i'm going to close that and if you want to skip ahead on this part of the video that's absolutely fine but data entry forms is part of the syllabus so i'm just going to go from here make sure i've got this table selected i'm going to go to create i'm going to choose form wizard make sure I'm choosing the correct table. So it's the games. So I want to make sure I've got games selected. I'm going to add everything and then click on finish. And that's it. It's just so easy, isn't it? It's going to make it so much easier for me to add the entry. Now, the next thing I'm going to do is, especially if you want to design a data entry form, which is going to be useful, user-friendly, I'm going to go to the design view. I'm going to select all of these like that, make them a bit smaller because the boxes don't need to be that big. and in this empty space i'm going to add a few buttons i'm going to add a button from up here from the form design choose the rectangle and then just go to record operations add new record you can just click on finish or you can modify some of these i'm going to put text and finish there's my button okay and then i'm also going to add one more uh let's just do a couple more very quickly so go to next record finish and then do one more go to previous record so these are just random buttons very useful go to previous record next and finish and i can also give a proper title at the top if i wanted to but that's it so if i now go from here i'm going to click on add record and look at that i can just add my information here so the game title is sprinter sprinter the rank is one three four the game cut you see it's so much easier to do this and you know you won't make mistakes and it's easier to edit records as well this is a c4 one night not 149 is he 149 platform is GD in capital letters release year 1999 genre his action game publisher I'm just gonna copy that over and global sales six point two three zero and price is twelve point eight twelve point eight oh okay and that's it if I go to next record so the next so it adds this at the very very last record if I go to next record that's it it's been added so if I close that now yeah I might and go to my games, I want to double check and make sure that has been added. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to click again in the game code, I'm going to press control F, and I'm going to look for AC149, which is the record. I just add it, there it is there. right here. Okay. And just double check that everything is correct. Now, one mistake that I do see students make, they have this table open, they open the form, they add the record, they close the form, and then they look for the record to be in here. They can't find it. The reason they can't find it is because as you've got the table open, it's not going to update automatically. You have to close the table and then open it again. And that record will be there. okay so check your data I've done that let's go to the question so I've added this number 20 number 21 now using fields from both tables produce a tabular report okay now remember guys if you're going to create the report you can create labels you're going to create an extract the first thing you have to do is create a query so this I'm going to be creating a query first and I'm going to show you again the method that I use. I read through this, selects the records where game title includes the text sport, release year is 2000 or later. Now, I don't start generating yet. I always start from this one here, where it says show only the fields, and I start always from this line. I go and add all of these, and then I go put my criteria in my query. So, and it says these have to be in the right order as well. so let's um jump into that straight away so create go to create i'm going to create a query design view and just close the things i don't want there close that property sheet as well and the next thing i'm going to do i'm going to right click here i'm going to say show table and i'm going to add my two tables because it says from both tables just make sure i can see all of those fields there now as I said the first thing I'm going to do I'm going to look at that that line there that second point I'm going to add all the ones it says so he says show only the records so only the fields rank game title release here so double click on rank game title release here then genre global sales and console name global sales and console name is on this side console name in this order with data and labels displayed in full do not group the data okay so i've done i've done this this part here which is the long highlight here uh the next part it says sort the data so on and so forth so since i've added everything i can now go to the first two points and add my criteria so game title includes the text sport so i'm going to go to game title Now guys, I always say before you do anything, run your report, make sure it works. And then if it doesn't work, you know exactly what's causing the problem. So before I add any criteria, I'm going to click on run. There you go. My query works. It shows everything. Perfect. Add the first criteria. Game title has to include the text sports. So I'm going to do like. and then I'm going to put star the asterisk the wild card and it should have the word sport and then the wild card now the wild card basically means it's looking for anything has to have the word sport and then anything after sport. So if I wanted something that begins with sport, then it will be sport asterisk. If I want something that ends with sport, then it will be asterisk sport. If I want sport anywhere in that text, then it's asterisk sport asterisk. So that will be contained. So I've made a change. I'm going to click run. And now I can see that all of these in my game title contain the word sport in there. Okay, so it contains the word sport. My results are now down to 90. I can see that down here. Okay, so that's 27 and 90. Go back. The next criteria is release year 2011 or later. So release year is going to be greater than or equal to 2011. Run the query. Now I've got 32 results. okay so now we're going to go back over here sort the data into ascending order of release here has a page orientation so all of these are part of the report the query section is just those two points so i can close my query so i'm just gonna click on save i'm gonna give the query name the question number so question 21 or query 21 and i'm going to click on ok Now I close the query because I have finished with it. Okay, next part is I'm going to start the report, create report wizard. I'm going to choose my query. I'm going to add everything in. and I'm going to go to next now it says we're not going to group now if I create my report based on this table we can see there's no grouping if I base it on this table we can see it's going to group my console name and then under the console name it's going to have all the other fields it said no grouping so I'm going to get rid of that I'm going to make sure I'm working based on this table here Next, if you want to add other grouping on other fields, no, I don't. But if you did say, for example, group with global sales, for example, you can click on that and it will add that at the top. But I don't want any grouping, so I'm going to get rid of it. Next. So here it wants sorts the data in ascending order of release here. So ascending order release here. Page orientation, what traits? I'll go to next. That's going to be portrait. fits on a single page so we're going to see that in a minute and includes only the title sports title so i'm just going to copy this uh that title there you'll see and displayed in the larger font size fully visible has your name center number candidate number on the report okay so i'm just going to go to next there's my title i'm going to add it up there let's get rid of all of that and i'm going to go to finish So here's my report. I can see it's only one page because down here it only has one doesn't have an arrow to go to the next page and what I need to make sure now I've got an either missing so I'm just going to close that preview and just get rid of that e okay so what I need to make sure now is that these things here in the right order that it said now Even if you do add them in the right order when you're creating the query if you then do your sorting it messes it up So I always say just make sure you double check from here at the end To make sure everything's in the right order. So the first thing that it wants is it said point number two rank then game title So what I do, I'm just gonna So I'm just gonna select to using the control button Make these a bit smaller to give me some space and now I can just draw over these and just move these out the way then i can select these two bring them over here and then it's just a matter of playing around with these and going backwards and forwards to make sure everything shows so i'm going to expand these i'm going to click on view make sure i can see some of that title is being chopped off so i need a bit more space so i'm just going to bring these out a bit a bit more like this ah if you get that sizing tab there let's just see if that's okay Nope, I still need a bit more. So I'm just going to drag everything over here. So make that generally a bit smaller. It's a matter of fiddling around with this and just making everything fit. And make sure everything is displayed. So there you go. I think that's enough that really long one that is fully visible. You want to make sure everything's visible, otherwise you will lose marks. So now let's go adjust the rest of these make sure that release year is fully visible. The title. Now I made a change, I go back, yep that fits. Design, rank, does rank fit? Rank fits, that's fine, that's fully displayed so I can just drag that over a little bit there. Genre here is, I think that should fit, yes it does. It's been chopped off, good. And we go to design view, let's do the global sales, open that up. that should also fit yes it does and the console name also fits so that's fine so the last thing that i want to do is to put my name uh center number and candidate number on the report doesn't say where so you can put it where you like i'm going to put it in the page footer so down here where i've got this is the report this is the page footer here the report foot is actually underneath here don't need it now i'm going to get rid of these uh things in the page footer i'm going to either label I'm just going to put my details on the right hand side over here there you go so it doesn't say where so that's absolutely fine so if I now go in view I can see at the bottom is my name my details I think that's it some quick look so I've added my name as well so again if I have missed out something now you do call me out and I love the fact that you're really really paying attention guys when you're watching these videos and you're calling me out on my little mistakes you have to understand this is tutorial I'm working really quickly and I don't do these papers before so I'm working quite fast if I do make a small mistake good on you if you spotted it put it in the comment and call me out on it all right so I think this is okay I think I've got everything in the right order now have I I don't think I have to be honest rank game title you see I haven't I didn't put them in the right so it should be fields rank game title so let me just go fix that quickly So quickly go to design view and I've only got the first two mixed up. So what I'm going to do, I'm just going to make these just a little bit smaller here. That one and that one. Just drag these over. Take the rank. That should be the first one. That's a little bit off. And then put my game title in here. and just drag that over and then the rest I think should be correct so he's ranked game title release your genre global sales console name great so there you go all right and nothing is chopped off there you go so there you go I nearly made a mistake so you have to make sure that once you have printed everything off and you're happy with everything double check and make sure it's all correct so the last thing that I need to do is just to quickly print this so I'm going to go to file print and I'm just going to check the preview always make sure you preview your work make sure you haven't got something like 300 pages here or 50 pages that means you've done something wrong there's no point just clogging up that printer and once you've checked your preview I'm gonna just go to print I'm going to print on my PDF printer and I've already done a quick print out on this I think but let me just have a quick check there is so I'm just going to delete that one so I'm just going to go to print click OK and I was going to for that report 21 for question 21 click Save okay there you go So that one's done and I think this time I've done it correctly but again if I haven't make sure you call me out. So we have finished that report. I'm going to close it. Do you want to say changes? Yes. And now we can go back to our paper and we're going to the next one. And look at that. We've got another query and report. All right. So let's start with this one. OK, so we're going to start again just like we did before. We're going to see what we have to do as far as the. criteria is concerned so it selects the records where genre is action or adventure rank is 200 or less now in this one we're going to create a new field called discount price That's calculated runtime. The field will display the new price after a 5% discount has been applied. And this is going to be the price multiplied by 95 divided by 100. So they've been really nice to you. They're giving you the formula that you're going to use. Now, personally, I would multiply by 0.95, but that's fine. We're going to use the method they told us. Make sure to display as currency. and then point number three this is important one for me this is where I'm going to start off from so I'm going to start from this one here where it shows only the fields and this is telling me all the fields that I need to include in this query so that's what I'm going to start from so we're going to jump over to here I'm going to go to create query design query design view there i'm going to yeah just get rid of these from here for now i'm going to right click here show table i'm going to add tables here and just add these tables in and expand them so i can see all of the fields so i'm going to add these to my query now so that's game title rank genre game title rank genre console name release here console name release here and game publisher and price game publisher price and then I want to add the discount price which is the field that I need to generate so before I generate that it be anything new I'm just going to click on run make sure that works there we go everything looks good go back to our to the design view so now i'm going to generate the discount price that it told us here so i'm going to right click in here go to build and it says that the discount price is the price multiplied by 95 divided by 100. So I'm going to open my database, that one there, open the tables. I can see that price is inside the VGames. So if I click on VGames, I've got price. I'm going to double click on it. It's added in my expression builder. I'm going to multiply by 95 and divide by 100. Now, as I said, you can do multiply by 0.95, but since they've given you the formula, use what they've given you. Click OK and before I do anything else I'm going to run this to see what it looks like. Great, no errors. i can see that i need to change the title here to discount underscore price and i also need to convert these to currency so let's do these one by one back to design view i'm going to right click on this one i'm going to go to properties that opens my properties and i'm going to change the format to currency now if it was let's say a number with decimal places they wanted three decimal places like before displayed like that then you will make the format to fixed and you would change the decimal places to three or whatever it tells you but this one is currency so I've made a change I'm going to run there you go currency is there go back and now going to change the expr one I'm not going to delete the colon be very careful I'm going to write the field name discount underscore price the capital D and a capital P correct so I've made a change I kick on run That looks good. Let's just expand that. Perfect. All great. So now I can go back to here. Now I need to now go do the criteria. So I've done point number three. I've done point number two, which is the new field. Let's go back up to number one, which is the criteria. So from here, we're going to go to design view and it says it wants the genre is action or adventure. So here in the criteria row, I'm going to write action. Then I'm going to put space or now axis is really small, adventure. So it's going to understand that this is a statement or it's not something I'm looking for. And the action adventure are the two strings that I'm looking for. So as soon as I click away, you can see action and adventure put in speech marks. And the all statement here is capitalized. So if I click on run, we should now see here in the genre only action and adventure. So that works. And my results are now down to 97. Good. The next one is the rank is 200 or less. So I'm going to go to rank, I'm going to put greater than or equal to 200. I'm going to click on Run here again, just to view it, and there we go. And now I've only got 56 results. Okay, that's great. Let's go to the question paper. So I've done points one, two, and three. It says do not group, well that's going to be part of the report. Sorts the data into ascending order of the genre and ascending order of rank, has a page orientation of landscape. So this is part of the report. So I can close my query. So I'm just going to click on over here, click on save. I'm going to call that Q22, because that's question 22 or query 22. Click okay, and I close my query. Now notice I keep nothing open in Access. I close everything. If I'm not using it, it has to be closed. So I'm going to go to Create Report Wizard. From here, I'm going to make sure I choose the correct query. And this is where giving the correct names of your questions for your queries really helps. So I know I'm not going to make a mistake. There we go. That's the one I'm going to create the report on on this query. Add everything. Next. Again, choose which table you're going to be basing your report on. So if I choose this one, it's going to be based on console name grouping. I don't want that because this is no grouping. So I'm going to choose this one. Next, I don't want any grouping on any other field. So just choose next. The sorting, it says sorts the data into a set of descending order or genre. So descending or genre like that. and ascending order of rank so second sorting is on rank ascending fits on has page orientation landscape there we go and the next one is going to be fits on a simple page why so I'm just going to go to next the title I'm gonna copy paste it from my PDF document here see just paste it there because I'm lazy and my typing is not that good So there it is. And I can close the print. So if I do go to this view here, I can first of all see that these are not in the right order. What else? We can see some of these are being chopped off. So we need to go and fix all of this. So next step, I'm going to go to design view. And I'm going to check the order. So the order should be game title, rank, genre. So I want to move this, make that a bit smaller. So I'm going to make that a bit smaller. Just make it small. Bring the game title over here. Just make that small first and drag it over. Now I can drag these two out the way. and make that game title it bigger and just have a look and see whether that is displaying everything that you need to go all the way down and oh look even though I made it so big can you see I've got a bit chopped off this so that will be a mark so I'm just going to expand that a little bit more that you want to try and only make it big enough just to fit everything but you want to conserve the space there you I'm still getting a little bit chopped off there you want to conserve the space because you want all of these fields to fit on one page wide so is that fit yet that looks good all of those so after that I won't rank the genre console name now usually I let's get out of the way rank first I fast forward this part but this time I thought I show you the whole process because you have to see how meticulous you really have to be when you're doing this rank genre this makes a bit bigger make that console name just a bit smaller and then i'll get back to it if i need to so let's go see what we've got here okay that fits nicely so then i want the console name console name needs to be a bit bigger so you can see it takes a bit of time now again i i i do these videos quite quickly and i haven't done them before so sometimes i make mistakes make sure you call me out um release here by the way you shouldn't be doing this this quickly guys you should be taking your time and and working through all this but i want to try and make this video as complete as possible But at the same time, as short as possible. Release here, Game Publisher. So I'm just going to bring that over and just double check to see if that fits. No, I need to expand that a little bit. So, go. Oh, a little bit more. just come over here a bit how much space do i have okay i've got a little bit of space only two prices to go so let's see does that fit yes it does go all the way down yes and then oh my god right to home design view and then i want the price and the price can be a bit smaller let's just get rid of that properties window there price is quite small so it doesn't need to be big and discount price i just need to fit that name and i think that should be okay as far as the right order is concerned yes it is oh look at this that price i've got some hashtags there which means um i need to make that just a little bit bigger that happens when there's not enough space to show the whole number there you go perfect okay so that I've done the order everything is displayed nothing's cut off now I need to double check the sorting so sorts of data into descending all those genre first so that's descending from a going so we've got a D to AC that's right so it's descending okay so going to DC and then going down and then within that I want ascending order of rank so the rank should be increasing between these ones here so 200 to 590 so that's correct so my sort is correct everything there is correct let's go and see what else I need to do as the page orientation landscape fits a single page wide I've done that includes that title perfect calculates the earliest released here and places this below the release year column at the end of the report has the label that label there fully visible to the left of this value so the release year is going to be the smallest year so i'm going to go to the design view of my report you design and here's my release here so this is the field i don't care about the title that's that's nothing those are just labels this one here is the the field name so i'm going to right click on that total and i'm going to choose minimum and that's going to add in my report footer now the smallest value now I'm going to obviously it's going to ask me to show me evidence of this I'm just going to expand that so I can make sure I can see the whole thing because I'm going to need all of that anyway let's have a quick view there it is there so that's the smallest year 1985 and it's directly underneath the release here Next to that on the left hand side, I want the earliest game release as a title. So I'm just going to copy that. Come up here. Now make sure you're adding a label, not a text box. So label. Draw that there and place that there. And I can make that just a bit smaller. So you can see it's put this in the report footer because it's only going to add this value at the end of the report, not at the end of every page. So I'm going to copy that. I'm gonna go to my report view and there we go earliest game released 1985 fine that's great so let's see what else or what has your name sent a number candidate number in the footer of the report so it appears in the same position on every page now this means I need to put this in the page footer so I'm gonna go to design view because it has to be on every page So my page footer is in this section here. I'm going to delete these things here again. I'm going to add a label. So for my report design, click on label. And does it say where it reports it appears in the same position on every page? It doesn't say where. So I'm just going to put this on the right hand side. go and if I just select that go to home and just move it over to the right let's make it a bit neater you don't have to but there we go so at the end of the report it will have my details okay save and print your report place in your evidence document a screenshot showing the database formula used to calculate the earliest release year make sure that the formula is fully visible. So that's why I need to show that evidence. So if I go to my design view, I need a copy of that. So I'm just going to take a screenshot. and I only need that but even if I take all of that that's fine go to my document so this is number 22 there you go evidence 22 so I haven't missed anything so that's great so the next time I'm going to take a screenshot is step 30 so click Save and I'm also going to print my report so I'm going to go to view make sure it's saved I'll print and I'm gonna do a quick preview I can see this is three pages long and you can see my my details at the bottom at the end the report everything's there just double check everything um i'm not going to go over it again it should i i really should double check that my title's in the right order make sure that my sorting is correct um descending it on genre and ascending on rank just double check everything and yeah you can give that print out in so i'm just going to print that off and click on print as a pdf and this is going to be report two okay don't close that go back to my question paper let's see what we have look at that that's 27 points that one report 27 points okay presentation so we're now on to the i think the last section task number four Yep, task number four, presentation. So let's get started with that one. Okay, so we can see here that it starts off by saying you are going to create a short presentation. All slides must have a consistent layout and formatting. Create a presentation of five slides using the file, that file there, N302 guide. Unless otherwise instructed, the slides must display a title and a bulleted list. So, okay. place in the header your name center number and candidate number right and line so let's do 23 and 24 first so first step we're going to create a new PowerPoint presentation so I'm going to right click new you create this any way you want PowerPoint presentation and I'm not going to change the name I'm just going to open this up go and now I want to import that file so I'm going to go to my new slide so from the home section new slide click on the arrow slides from outline and i'm going to go to my location which is the desktop and i want to import n2302 guide on there and there you go so everything is now in that format so i've got a title and a bulleted list i've got five slides perfect so it then said place in the header your name center number and candidate number right aligned so i'm going to go to the view master slide or slide master and i'm going to add now can you see as soon as i go to my slide master it puts me all the way down here now if i want this is for this particular layout i want to add on all the layouts i need to scroll all the way to the top and get that master slide up here and that's where i want to add my details so i'm just going to go to insert and i'm going to add the text box and i want this in the top right center number candidate place in the header in the header So I'm just going to put this in the top right corner, somewhere at the top here, and just add my details. And I can just move that over. And now if I go to view normal, I should have my details on every page. Okay, so I've done that part. Let's go over to the question paper. Make sure that the header appears in the same position on every slide. Well, I've done that. Change the layout of the slide with the title age rating system to a title and table. Create a table that contains three columns and six rows. format the table so that so let's do that first part now in fact let's just read through this first format the table so that a plain table style is applied with no sales shading all internal and external grid lines are displayed when printed copy the data from this file here and place it format that so basically from I can read from here and the really get more care I need to generate this from data in that CSV now personally If I was a student, I would just do this in in word because I know how to create tables in word It's part of the syllabus So that will be a piece of cake a walk in the park and then just copy paste it into PowerPoint But we're going to create the table directly from PowerPoint. So it's not that different So first step is if I go back to my presentation, I'm going to go to this slide here and Here it says on this slide I'm just going to change the layout of my slide so I've got slide layout here now mine might look a little bit different because my screen is zoomed in so everything becomes a bit smaller and i'm just going to use this one here title and content by clicking on this one i now choose what content i want and i'm going to choose this one here table and i want number of columns three and number of rows six and click ok so there's my table Now it's given me a blue theme, that's fine. It says format the table so that a plain table style is applied with no cell shading. So with this table selected, up here I can see my table design. I'm going to choose the variants. I'm just going to choose a plain table design. That one there, no style, because it didn't want any shading. All internal and external grid lines are displayed when printed. So I've got my external and my internal grid lines. Plain, that's perfect. Now I want to go to the file n2302-ratings.csv and place this in the table created in step 25. So I need to import that data. So let's open that up first. That's n2302, n2302-ratings, this one. Let's open that up. Okay, so this is a CSV file. Let's just expand that. okay so what I'm going to do I'm just going to copy so these are like we three columns six rows just that so I'm just going to copy that now if I make exactly the right selection three columns and six rows and copy that so I'm going to move ctrl C and now go to PowerPoint and select the same size of table three columns six rows and press ctrl V it should yay just enter it in there so that's perfect okay um adjust the column width so data in column three wraps over no more than three lines so this one here you can see it's got a few more lines i can just adjust this and just bring these over i'm not going to worry about this too much right now because i know i'm going to be doing some more formatting but um yeah no more than three so less than three is okay so i'm just going to leave that like that for now So we've done that. The wraps over no more than three lines. Format the table so the height of all six rows is set to two centimeters. Make sure the data in column three still wraps over no more than three lines. OK, so I'm going to select all of these. And now from here, I should have, if I go to my layout, I should have a layout. okay so this one here this is the table size so if I change this this is the size of the table so if I increase that it increases the size of the table but over here I have the cell size so I'm going to make all my cell sizes two and I'm going to put the units as well cm because if your units are different you're using inches or your regional settings at inches it will make it inches so just make sure you put the units as well and if I press enter oh look there you go so everything now is two centimeters high all of that great and now it says format the table so the first column of the table has a solid black background with white text columns one two and three look like this so this is like the excel exercises that they give us in paper three we need to basically copy that so i want to first of all merge i'll do that i change i want to merge these cells together So the first step is I'm going to go to merge cells. The next step is I want the text to be vertical and I want the text to be. It's difficult to explain, but I'm going to show you now. I'm going to choose that one. So you're reading from the bottom upwards. And I also want it aligned to the middle and the center. That one and that one. So if we have a look, you can see we've got the text in the right orientation and it's center aligned. We want shading to be black and the font to be white. And I'm also going to increase the size of the font. And that's the right kind of font. Maybe I just make that a little bit wider. Now, rating and the other two columns are all center aligned horizontally and vertically from what I can see. So I'm just going to do that there. and in my cells in my table design my layout i think layout is it yes i'm going to center align it vertically as well and i don't think there's anything else now what i can do is i can mess about with this just a little bit to make it look exactly the same so you can see here the two words which on the second line is be heard so i can just change the size of my table just a little bit so i get exactly the same you don't have to but you can you can't what it's exactly the same but it's more than it's definitely within what what the requirements are so I think I've actually got it exactly does not happen but it's less is three or less lines in in column three and I think unless you see something else guys I think that's it let's have a look all right now on the slide with the title content descriptors select the seven bulleted items bad language to suggestive themes and format them to look like this okay so let's go back and we want the content descriptors that one so the first two should be bullets and the rest of them should be a dash and it should be indented so from here I'm going to go to my bullets Bullets and numbering and I'm going to change it bulleted list I want customize I'm just going to use a dash click OK okay there you go and I'm going to indent that and the indent that dash line is between the E of age and R of rating so I'm just going to bring that just a little bit more why don't I just it from the tab at the top here do that there you go that's pretty much okay so if I undo one of those indents because it makes it a bit smaller then I'm just gonna take this tab and just drag that in there you go and then the next thing that I see is there's single line spacing for these ones whereas my one is a bit more so I just put paragraph and change the before and after let's do the before line spacing single report let's see what that looks like all right and let's just go do the before and after as well back to zero there you go that looks a lot better i think we're done so if i now go over here um on the slide with the title online gaming safety format the text age rating in the last bullet point so that when clicked it goes to the slide with the age rating system so let's go back so i want online gaming this one and I want to look for the text format the text age rating it says so age oh here it is down here age rate so I'm going to select that text now I want to make this a hyperlink and I want this to hyperlink to a slide in the presentation age rating system now guys i've got a tutorial for powerpoint which talks all about action buttons linking to urls linking to making action buttons and all that make sure you watch that because it's part of the syllabus so this is just one of those things which is included in that video so from here i'm just going to right click but i can right click why is it not popping up just age rating there you go and if I right click there you go I should get in here link now I can't do that from there or I could go to insert and I can click on link here so if I click on link you get the same thing and this time I'm not going to go to an email address I want to go to place in this document and the place I want to go to is age rating system and click ok and that should make a link like that Okay, it then says, oh, hold on. Take a screenshot evidence to show that the text links to the correct slide places in your evidence document. So I'm just going to right click on that and click on edit link. I'm going to take a screenshot of this page. And in fact, I'm also going to include at the bottom here so that they can see. that i've made that link their age rating there they can see that this text to display is age rating that's the page i'm going to so number three is selected um yeah looks good so i'm going to go to my evidence that's number 30. just make that a bit smaller it's a bit big everything looks a bit bigger because i've actually got my uh page zoomed in and just bring this evidence 30 down actually why don't i just make that bring it down Again, don't make your screenshots small. Okay. And then go back over here. Save the presentation. Save the presentation and print slides two, three, four and five only as handouts. Okay, so next step is I'm going to go to my presentation. I'm going to click on click OK here and click on save. And now I want to print slides. two, three, four, and five. So that's two to five. Only as handouts in portrait orientation with two slides to the page, each slide filling half the page. Okay, that's a basic setting in PowerPoint. So I'm going to go to file, print. I want to print from the slides. I don't want the slides. I can either put two, three, four, five. I'm just going to put two dash five. So from two to five. and I don't want the full page I want this one portrait and it's going to have each slide taking half the page so two to a page and that's four slides two three two three four five okay I'm going to print that as a PDF print and I'm just going to call that PP for PowerPoint again you will be printing on your printer okay last but not least i think yes finally what a big paper um printing the evidence all right so make sure that your name center number and candidate number appear on every page of your evidence document save your evidence document print your evidence document so all i have to do now is just click save i'll print and i'm going to print this as a pdf and i'm just going to call that evidence oh wow what a big paper wasn't that just a long paper that's just so much involved in that a lot of the new things coming in links in PowerPoint we've got tables in PowerPoint again these are things that we haven't really seen in previous papers the the chart it from that we use excel to create the chart and put bring that into word so there's a lot going on there you need to be very very careful now as always guys if i have missed something i have made a mistake please call me out on it keep in mind i am doing this pretty quickly because i want to keep this video tutorial short and on that note i am going to say if you've learned something you found this video useful make sure you like make sure you subscribe and i'll see you again in the next video take care bye