Dealing with Arab Confusion in Biblical History

Jun 13, 2024

Lecture Notes: Dealing with Arab Confusion in Biblical History

Key Points

  • Operation Kill Osama bin Laden: Mentioned briefly at the start but wasn't elaborated on.
    • U.S. conducted an operation that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda.

Misconceptions about Egyptians and Arabs

  • Ancient Egyptians vs. Modern Arabs: Many people incorrectly believe that the ancient Egyptians are the modern Arabs of today.
    • Ham's Descendants: According to the Zondervan Bible Dictionary, Ham became the progenitor of several dark races except the Negroes.
    • Ham's descendants: Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites.

Biblical Evidence on the Appearance and Fate of Ancient Egyptians

  • Refer to Isaiah 45:14: Ancient Egyptians were dark-skinned and of notable stature.
  • Ezekiel 29:10-16: God's prophecy on Egypt
    • Egypt will be made desolate and uninhabited for forty years due to Nebuchadnezzar's conquest.
    • Egyptians will be scattered among the nations and will return as a lower kingdom after forty years.

Arabs and Ishmaelites According to the Bible

  • Ishmaelites: Descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham and Hagar, identified as the nomadic tribes of northern Arabia.
    • Reference from Zondervan Bible Dictionary: Arabs claim descent from Ishmael.
  • Genesis 16:11-12: Prophetically describes Ishmael as a 'wild man' whose hand will be against every man and every man's hand against him.

Modern Context and Relevance

  • Suicide Bombers and Naivety: Examples of modern-day Arab extremism include suicide bombers who see martyrdom as success. Media portrays examples without negotiating leniency due to religious fanaticism.
  • Islam and Slavery: Islam historically was involved in slave trade much longer and more brutally than the transatlantic slave trade.
    • Many black Muslims are unaware of this history.
  • Modern Prophecies:
    • Jeremiah 3:2: Spiritual fornication with various nations = black community's fascination with Islam.
    • Societal influences from Islam through time and how it distorts the African history.
    • Many Africans were castrated to limit their fertility rates during Arab slave trade.

Implications and Warnings

  • Deuteronomy 32:16-17: Israelites provoked God by turning to new gods (e.g., Allah), deemed as devils.
  • Warnings to black communities: Islam upended their religious and cultural identity. Warns against following religions that were not originally part of their heritage.

Further Prophecies and Modern Nations

  • 2nd Ezra 16:1 - Prophesying about nations like America (Babylon), Asia, Egypt, and Syria.
    • Rise of Arab and Middle Eastern influences, predicting conflicts with America.
    • Dragons of Arabia: Referring to Arab nations with chariots (modern-day military equipment).
  • Craftiness and Predictive Nature
    • Job 5:12-14: Deception facilitated through innovations like social media (Facebook) exporting western values to traditionally non-western societies.
    • Habakkuk 2:5-8: Calls out the expansionist and exploitative nature of American policies.

Recommendations and Concluding Remarks

  • Jeremiah 51:6: Flee out of Babylon spiritually by delivering your soul, changing your ways, and repenting.
  • Luke 21:25-28: Signs of the end times including distress of nations, perplexity, natural calamities. Calls Israelites to look up as redemption draws near.
    • Focus on spiritual preparedness rather than physical fleeing.

Final Thoughts

  • Urging blacks and Latinos to return to their original heritage and keep Biblical commandments as Israelites.
  • Visit for more information and guidance.

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