Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men. I'm not sure I should say it. You're the best. If you don't know what I'm saying, please use the phone. I'm not sure I'm the best. I'm not sure I'm the best. I'm not sure I'm the best. Because I'm the best. You're the best. You're the best. You're the You're the best. You're the best. You're the best. It's a very interesting story. It's about a young woman who's living in a house without a finger in her mouth. And she's walking around the area and she's going to see a woman who's talking about her life. And one of the names of the woman is found on the wall of the house. And she's really trying to make a good scenario to tell her that she's going to be a good person. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. So, the main goal is to make sure that the students are not feeling the same way as they are. Shalom. I'm Eldon Nathaniel, to my right. Deacon Asa. Today we're going to deal with the Arab confusion, okay? Throughout Libya, Syria, Iran, and Egypt, okay? Now, before we get into detail, I'm going to talk about Egypt just for a moment. Egypt, many of you foolishly believe that the ancient Egyptians are the modern Arabs of today. No, the ancient Egyptians are not the Arabs of today, and I'm going to prove that statement. Let's go to Bible Dictionary. Zondervan Bible Dictionary. Let's look up Ham. Okay. The Zondervan Bible Dictionary. Ham. Perhaps hot. The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the flood, and one of eight persons to live through the flood. He became the progenitor. The word progenitor means father of, forefather. Read it again. He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negroes. So Ham became the father. of the dark races, but he did not become the father of the Negroes. That's you American blacks, you Estonian blacks, and you Haitian blacks. Read that again. He became the progenitor of the dark races, not the Negroes, but the Egyptians. But he became the father of the Egyptians. Ethiopians. Ethiopians. Libyans. Libyans. And Canaanites. And Canaanites. So now, meaning what? So the Libyans, what we see in Libya today, what we see in Egypt today. those are not the sons of Ham. Understand that. That's another race. The people over there today are Arabs, and we're going to prove who they descend from in a few moments. But now, how do we know who the ancient Egyptians are? Let's go to Isaiah 45. Isaiah chapter 45. Okay? The ancient Egyptians were dark-skinned. Okay? Not these light-skinned Arabs you see today. and they were people of size. Okay, Isaiah 45 verse 14, read that. Isaiah chapter 45 verse 14. Thus saith the Lord, the labor of Egypt and the merchandise of Ethiopia. The labor of Egypt and the merchandise of Ethiopia. And of the Sabians. And of the Sabians. Men of stature. Men of what? Men of stature. Meaning men of size, men of considerable height. Like who? Like the ancient Egyptians or who? Who of the Africans do you see of great stature? The Watussis, okay? The Sudanese, okay? Those were the ancient Egyptians. The real ancient Egyptians. Extremely dark-skinned people. Understand that. You should be asking, well, if the ancient Egyptians were very dark-skinned people, men of stature, such as the Sudanese, the Watussis, What happened to them? According to the Bible, we're going to read Ezekiel 29, verse 10 through 16. Ezekiel 29, verse 10. Behold, therefore I am against thee and against thy rivers, and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste. God said he would make the land of Egypt utterly waste. Remember, Egypt was one of the centers of civilization. It was one of the greatest empires ever upon the earth. Come on. And definitely. He will make it desolate, God said. From the Tower of Sinai, even unto the border of Ethiopia, no flight of man shall pass through it. God said there's going to come a time where man will not walk through Egypt. Nor will a beach pass through it. Neither shall it be inhabited for forty years. Neither shall it be inhabited for forty years. What was this forty-year time period talking about? When Nebuchadnezzar, the Ethiopian ruler, conquered Egypt. He conquered them and God said there would be no Egyptians there for 40 years. Read. And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate. And the cities among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate 40 years. And I will scatter the Egyptians. I would what? I will scatter the Egyptians. God said he would scatter the Egyptians. You want to know what happened to them? The Bible proves what happened to them. Come on. and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and I will disperse them through the countries. Yet thus saith the Lord God, at the end of 40 years will I gather the Egyptians from the people, whether they were scattered. God said after the 40 years, I'm going to gather them. All I want to gather is the 16. And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt, and will cause them to return into the land of Patros, and the land of their habitation, and they shall be there a base kingdom. God said after those 40 years, I'll bring the Egyptians back, but they shall be a base, base people. The Watuses and the Sudanese, a base people. Go ahead. it shall be the basis of the kingdoms. It shall be the lowest. Base means the bottom. You can't get no lower than that. Like the basement. So the Watusi, the Sudanese, God said he would make them the basis of the kingdoms. The Egyptians, come on. It shall be the basis of the kingdoms. Neither shall it exalt itself any more above nations. For I will diminish them, that they shall no more rule over nations. See that? God said I would make it so that the Egyptians would no more. rule over nations. Come on. And it shall be no more the confidence of the house of Israel. And you Israelites, God said, you would no longer have confidence in them. You know why that's important? Because many of you black men today, anytime you open your mouth, what you talking about? Egypt. Oh, King Tut, my brother. Oh, Queen Hatshepsut, my brother. Shut up about the Egyptians, okay? Clear pouch. Enough. The only black women got done. earrings of nefertiti right that was your slave mistress okay Come on. And it shall be no more the confidence of the house of Israel, which bringeth their iniquities to remembrance. Which bringeth their iniquities to remembrance. Come on. When they shall look after them, but they shall know that I am the Lord God. So God said to you Israelites, you blacks and Latinos, the Egyptians would no longer be your confidence. Because right now you got a new generation of blacks rising up. What's the name of that professor? Every year he would take people over to Egypt. Dr. Ben Yahakina, that's his name. God recently struck the dude down with a stroke. And I ain't making mockery, but I'm letting you know. Because he was trying to bring our people back to believing that they were Egyptians. And that was a falsehood, okay? From there, let's now deal with the Arabs. Because once, after the 40 years, the Egyptians came back. But God said they were the basis of all kingdoms. What happened? They were overthrown by the Arabs. How do I know that? Let's prove that. Let's prove who the Arabs are in the Holy Bible. Let's look up in the Bible dictionary. Look up Ishmaelites, because a lot of you brothers and sisters, it's high time. Now, get your Bibles. I should have said this at the beginning. But get your Bibles, your pens, your notebooks, pads, and paper. Take notes, because what we're showing you, you're not going to learn in Sunday school. You're not going to learn in theology school, okay? You should be able to read this Bible and identify the majority of the races you read. And if you identify with anybody, you should know that you're the Israelites, okay? Look up Ishmaelites, not Ishmael, but Ishmaelites. That's what I want. Ishmaelite, a descendant of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar. The word is apparently used in the Old Testament in a wider sense, referring to the nomadic tribes of northern Arabia. Genesis 37, 28, 36, Judges 8, 24. All Arabs following Muhammad, example, claim descent from Ishmael. Do you see that? All Arabs following Muhammad claim descent from Ishmael. Where is that found? The Zondervan Bible Dictionary. So you should no longer be confused who are the Ishmaelites in the Bible. Those are the Arabs. Understand that. That's what the scholars are saying. Right, that's what the scholars are saying. You black pork chop eating preachers don't know nothing. And you busy trying to gather all nations. Y'all foolish. From there, let's go to Genesis 16. We want verse 11 and 12 about Ishmael, what God said about Ishmael. Genesis chapter 16 verse 11. Listen good. And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son. This is what the angel of the Lord said to Hagar. Go ahead. And shalt call his name Ishmael. And he shall call his name Ishmael. Go ahead. Because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. Because that's what Ishmael means, affliction heard. Come on. And he will be a wild man. Ishmael would what? He will be a wild man. He would be a wild man. How wild? or the Arabs. Brother, they are so wild, they will strap C4 on their chest and blow everybody to kingdom come. This 23-year-old man is reading his will. His name is Tariq Hamid. He is a suicide bomber. On the 30th of April 2004, Tarak Hamid took a jeep packed with 250 kilograms of explosives. His mission is secretly filmed by a Palestinian militant group, Hamas. The target is a bus full of Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip. But as the bus accelerates to get away, Tariq misses it. He is determined to die and chooses the next available target. An Israeli army patrol. Incredibly, all four Israeli soldiers survived. Tarek died. It's exactly a year since Tariq Hamid killed himself. I have been invited to a commemoration ceremony in a mosque in Gaza. All of Tarek's family and friends, the entire male community, is here to celebrate his death. For them, Tarek's suicide bombing is not a crime. It is an act of martyrdom. Tareq Hamid is the latest in a long line of Palestinian suicide bombers. In 11 years, more than 200 have blown themselves up. On the 6th of April 1994, a 19-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber rammed a car full of explosives into a bus in the northern Israeli town of Afula. Eight people were killed and 44 injured. It was the first fatal suicide bomb attack in Israel, the start of a long and bloody campaign. Unlike in Iran and Lebanon, the targets were now bus passengers, diners, and teenagers going to a disco. Wow, Liam. They don't give a hoot about you, your mom, and your grandma. They will kill everybody. Again. He shall be a wild man. His hand will be against every man. His hand will be against every man. And every man's hand against him. And the prophecy says every man will be against him. Go ahead. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. All his brethren, all those tribes out there, those nomadic tribes throughout the Middle East. Was that it? Yeah. That was around the verse 12, right? Yep. So now, it says that Ishmael would be a wild. See, you listen to us. You're listening, and I don't want you to think for a second, oh, you guys are filled with hate and you're insulting. No, we're reading what the Bible says. God says that Ishmael would be wild, and I just gave you an example of how wild the Arabs are. They're so wild they will strap bombs on themselves and blow everybody up, okay? And say, we're going to get 70 virgins. That's right. that's how wild they are. Okay, if they have to kill themselves to carry out their mission, it's a success. Exactly. They're not looking to come back. Like you Americans who go to war, who say we want to come back and there's a parade. Okay, they're looking for the parade and death. That's a wild man. Right, and you know what? In law enforcement, they always ask these questions. How do you negotiate with a religious fanatic terrorist? There is no negotiating with him. He don't want pizza. He don't want a plane. He don't want a... what they be asking for? He don't want money! Right. He don't want your money! He want to go to heaven. He want a high body count. Right. Okay? That's a success for him, a high body count. A lot of black men foolishly believe that Islam... Islam is the black man's religion. Islam is not the black man's religion, okay? Islam is the religion of the Arabs, okay? And one of the largest slave ports in the earth, I'm going to say it again, I'm going to take my time. One of the largest slave ports in the earth was Mecca. Mecca. Before they brought the slaves over here, Mecca broke us in. Understand that, Mr. Black Man, who thinks he's an Arab, who want to be Islamic Muslim. Y'all are crazy. Okay? Watch this. Jeremiah chapter 3 and verse 2. That's all I want. Jeremiah chapter 3, verse 2. Lift up thine eyes unto the high, please. So this is God's message to you. Black man and black woman, read it again. Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been leaned with. And see where thou hast not been leaned with. When it says leaned, it means sex. It's talking about spiritual fornication, that's what it's talking about. Meaning, you've committed spiritual adultery with the nations. Read it again. Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been leaned with. In the ways hast thou sat. For them. In the ways hast thou sat for them. As the Arabian in the wilderness. Read that again. In the ways hast thou sat for them. When you sit down for someone, when you sit down, what are you doing? You're learning from them, okay? You're being instructed by them. Read it again. In the ways hast thou sat for them. So that's saying in the ways you have learned from them. As the Arabian. And it's telling you who you learned from, the Arabian. Who the Arabs, go ahead. Of the Arabian in the wilderness. In the wilderness. So what is that prophetic of? You black men and black women who want to be or desire to be Muslims, who desire to follow the religions of your ancient slave masters, the Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael. The success of Muhammad and Islam in deceiving, misinforming, deforming, and contorting both history and reality over a period of almost 1400 years has been astounding, that is, until now. The greatest strategy about this particular subject is that most of the descendants of African slavery, the black people in the Americas, around the world, as well as among the African blacks, are totally ignorant of the actual facts. Before we lose the concentration of our listeners, I would like to make the following statement and then prove it. That the worst, most inhumane and most diabolical institution of the black African slave trade was initiated, refined, perpetrated and implemented by the Muhammadan Arabs and later aided and abetted by the black converts to Muhammadan Islam. I predict that as usual, the two subcultures, those of denial of facts and of political correctness, will attack us without once disproving a single statement and or conclusion that we make. It is not common knowledge that the Arabic word abd is synonymous with the meaning of slave. For example, Abdullah means literally the slave of Allah, and that in the language of the Arabs, all black peoples are called Abid, plural, for slaves. While much has been written concerning the transatlantic slave trade, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. While the European involvement in the African transatlantic slave trade to the Americas lasted for just over three centuries, the Arab involvement in the African slave trade has lasted 14 centuries, and in some parts of the Mohammedan world is still continuing to this day. The birth of Muhammadan Islam and its conquests brought about the birth of institutionalized, systematized, and religiously sanctioned slave trade on a massive and global scale. In fact, the Quran allows the taking of slaves as booty or reward for wars of aggression against any and all unbelievers. Ibn Khaldun, 1332-1406, the preeminent Islamic medieval historian and social thinker wrote, The Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because they have attributes that are quite similar to dumb animals. It should also be noted that black slaves were castrated based on the assumption that the blacks had an ungovernable sexual appetite. When the Fatimid Caliphate came to power in Egypt, they slaughtered all the tens of thousands of black military slaves and raised an entirely new slave army. Some of these slaves were conscripted into the army at age 10. From Persia to Egypt to Morocco, slave armies from 30,000 to up to 250,000 became commonplace. The Trans-Sahara trade was conducted along six major slave routes. Just in the 19th century, for which we have more accurate records, 1.2 million slaves were brought across the Sahara into the Middle East, as well as a further 450,000 down the Red Sea and 442,000 from the East African coastal ports. That is a total of 2 million black slaves, just in the 1800s. At least 8 million more were calculated to have died before reaching the Muslim slave markets. A comparison of the Islamic slave trade to the American slave trade reveals some extremely interesting contrasts. While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Islamic slave trade. Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims. While the mortality rate of slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, The percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Trans-Sahara and East African slave market was a staggering 80 to 90 percent. While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines in harems and for military service. While many children were born to the slaves in the Americas, the millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the United States today, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East survived. While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated and most of the children born to the women were killed at birth. It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic, 95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only. 5% of the slaves ended up in what we call the United States today. However, a minimum of 28 million Africans were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since at least 80% of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave trade into Africa could have been as high as 112 millions. Your ancient slave masters, the Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael, who want to run around the earth screaming Allah Akbar. Allah is big. Allah is great. Allah is a rock. Allah is make-believe. Understand that, okay? There's one true God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob. From there, let's go to Deuteronomy 32. Now, you might take offense at what I just said. Allah came when? Between five and six hundred years after, after Jesus the Christ, the Black Messiah. I'm going to say it again. Muhammad, who followed Allah. That's how I'm going to word it that way. Muhammad, who followed Allah, came five to six hundred years after the Black Messiah, Jesus Christ. Islam is a new religion. Understand that. It's a new religion. Deuteronomy 32, verse 16 and 17. Let's listen to the prophecy. Deuteronomy 32, verse 16. They provoked him to jealousy. The Israelites, our forefathers, we provoked the Most High to jealousy. With strange gods. With strange gods. With abominations provoked him to anger. With abominations, our fathers provoked the Lord to anger. They sacrificed unto devils. Uh-oh. Our ancestors sacrificed unto devils. Now, remember this. This is the word of God. This is not our words, so don't be sending us no letters, all right? God says, prophetically, our ancestors did what? They sacrificed unto devils. Sacrificed unto devils. Not to God. Come on. To gods whom they knew not. To gods whom we knew not. To new gods. To who? To new gods. To new gods. New gods. New gods. That's right. Allah is a new god. Okay? Islam is a new religion. Was that it? To new gods that came newly up. That came newly up. Who you for? forefathers feared not. When our forefathers feared not, when we came out of Egypt, there was no such thing as Islam, no such thing as Muhammad, no such thing as Allah. That's all new in the earth. And you black men and you black women, you follow these new religions. God prophesied you would do these things. And you sat for the Arabians. Where did you sit for them at? Mecca, as you was getting castrated, feet cut off, hands cut off. Okay? molested, whipped, taunted, raped. Okay, and the ones of you that didn't get your hands and feet cut off, they sold you over here. From Mecca to the United States of America. Okay? Understand that. Understand and learn that history. From there, 2nd Ezra 16 and 1. 2nd Ezra's chapter 16, verse 1. Woe be unto thee, Babylon. Woe be unto thee, Babylon. That Babylon here is talking about America. Because by this time in Ezra's ancient Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar have been overthrown by the Persian and the Median Empire. So this Babylon here is prophetic for the United States of America. Read it again. Woe be unto thee, Babylon, and Asia. And who? And Asia. As Japan and China. Woe be unto thee, Egypt. Egypt? Okay. Who's in Egypt now? Not the Watussis and the Sudanese. Over in Egypt now, you got Hosni Mubarak and his people, the Arabs. And Syria. And who? And Syria. And Syria. So the Bible's prophesying about America, Asia, Egypt, and Syria. It's not a coincidence that today you see these same nations mentioned in the news media. In the shifting sands of north-central Libya, the confusion of conflict is sweeping through the rebellion, where it has reached and where it is going. The mass build-up of men and heavy weapons continues from the rebel side, and men of all ages and from all backgrounds have answered the call to arms. The new front line is near here, in the small town of Bin Jawad, where the momentum of the rebel advance has been halted by Gaddafi's forces. Chapter 15, and we want verse 28 down to 31. 2nd Ezra, chapter 15, verse 28. Behold, a horrible vision, and appearance thereof from the east. From where? From the east. From the east. Come on. Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what? Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia. See, this is not a personal campaign, brothers and sisters. Because if we talk about the white man, we'll talk about the Africans and Arabs. And you go, you don't realize, a lot of you are so ignorant that we're reading from the Bible. You go, they're just making things up. No, we're not. We're giving you thus saith the Lord. If it wasn't in here, we wouldn't say it. But it's in there. Read it again. Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia. God's calling the Arabians dragons because they are fierce. They are terrible. Read it again. Where the nations of the dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots. And the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon the earth. What are the chariots the Arabs coming out with? They ain't coming out with horses like in ancient days. Okay. They're coming out with tanks. Okay. They're coming out with planes. Okay. They're coming out with missiles. That's the chariots they're coming out. Come on. That all they which hear them may fear and tremble. Mm-hmm. Also the Carmanians. That's the Iranians. Raging in wrath shall go forth as the wild boars of the wood. Because the Iranians, oh, those are Arabs too. Come on. With great power shall they come and join battle with them and shall waste a portion of the land of the Assyrians. Now, Assyria, that's hip talk right there too. That's still talking about America. And it's waste a portion of the land. It's talking about... Terrorist activity! And then shall the dragons have the upper hand, remembering their nature. What? Remembering their nature. What does it mean that the dragons would have the upper hand remembering their nature? The nature. Hold that. Let's go right back to Genesis 16, because you might have forgotten. You might have forgotten because you're so bent. Oh, they're recent. No, we're not. Okay. We're for our own people, but we're going to show you what God says about all nations. Understand that And right now we're talking about the Arabs Okay Because the Arabs are mentioned throughout the Holy Bible You ain't gonna find no prophecies in the Quran brother You can Allah Akbar till your teeth fall out And your head falls off his neck You ain't finding no prophecies in good old Quran Okay you ain't finding it in there Genesis 16 verse 11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael. Ishmael, the father of the Arabs. Because the Lord hath heard thy affliction, and he will be a wild man. The Arabs would what? Be a wild man. Be a wild man. His hand will be against every man. His hand will be against every man. And every man's hand against him. And everybody's going to be against the Arabs. That's prophetic, brothers and sisters. Okay? Why didn't Allah, the Quran, reveal that to you, huh? Why doesn't Allah come out the sky and reveal these things to you? Brothers and sisters, black men and black women, you are, and some of you, I see Puerto Rican's becoming Muslims now. You are not Islamic. That's not for you. That's for the Arabs. You are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, brothers and sisters. Now, let's go back to 2nd Andrew 6th. Call that verse about remembering their nature. 2 Ezra 15, verse 31. And now shall the dragons have the upper hand, remembering their nature. and if they shall turn themselves conspiring together in great power to persecute them. What does it mean, turn themselves conspiring together? For many years, the CIA, the Secret Service, the FBI, they've spent millions upon millions of dollars to keep the Arab nations divided, okay? The Bible says they're going to conspire together. All these Arab nations that you spend so much money buying their votes, buying their friendships, okay? The Bible prophesies. They're going to remember their nature. They're going to conspire together. That's what God says. You better bet your bottom dollar on this Bible. Okay? Forget what the Koran says. It ain't telling you nothing. Okay? Your churches ain't telling you nothing. You're the Israelites the Bible speaks of. And here's the, get me that, Isaiah 46. Isaiah 46 and 10. Declaring the end from the beginning. He does what? Declaring the end from the beginning. God declares the end of things from the beginning. For example, we read about the characteristics of Ishmael, the father of the Arabs, that they would be wiped. Their hand would be against every man, and every man's hand would be against them. That was in Genesis 16. That's the beginning. He declared the end. Then we read the end in 2nd Isaiah 16. 2nd Ezra 15 verse 31 read that again declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure you hear this God's counsel is this but his counsel shall stand not the Quran okay not the uh ISIS paper is not the Egyptian book of the dead, but the Bible, his counsel shall stand forever. Okay, now from there, let's go to Job chapter 5. Okay, Job chapter 5 and verse 12. He disappointed the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. I'm going to give you an example. When the internet, Microsoft, what's his name, Bill Gates? Billions, he's a billionaire, isn't he? Multi-billionaire. Multi-billionaire. They said the internet, the internet is the greatest thing. They figured, you know what? Yeah, and that's how with social media they're able to put their democracies in all these different countries. That's how come there was a civil war in Egypt, then Libya, now Syria. They said through Facebook. Through Facebook, exactly. Now with all that crafting, guess what? The Mosai, read that. What you got again? He take it the wives in their own crafting. Now, stop that. The Mosai said, you know what? They so crafty, I'm going to get my word talked through this thing. So you Israelites. We on the corners teaching, yes. But how many do we reach standing on the corner? We might reach 100, maybe 200, maybe three. But how many of you can we reach through the internet? We can reach thousands upon thousands. Okay? All over the world. All over the world. That's why a lot of Israelite websites are being shut down. Okay? The white man's realizing, we made a mistake. Right. You see what's happening with this thing here? The scholars know what's going to happen. Okay, Israel's returning. The 12 tribes of Israel are returning. Read that again. He take it the wives in their own craftiness. Because now, let me get back to that social media with Facebook and all that. They being so wise. They putting their democracy, their policies. They're rising up women and young people that want to be homosexuals, okay? Because that's what you see revolting. That's right. It's not the older men in these Arab nations revolting. It's women who want to be just like the American white woman. and young men who want to be homosexual and rappers. Right. That's what you see, okay? What's going to happen with all that? America think they got, oh, we got them. When we read in the Apocrypha in 2 Ezra, it says that Arabs shall conspire together, remembering their nature. remember that. So they're going to be caught up in their own extinence that America set up. It's a trick bag for them. Come on, read that again. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness, and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong. And the counsel of the froward, to be froward means you go against everything God says. Yes, that's America goes against the Bible. Read that part again. and the counsel of the froward is carried headlong. So the counsel of the froward is the Constitution, the United States of America. They're crafting it. It says carried headlong. What happens when you trip and fall and land on your head? You crack your head open and die. That's what God is saying here. Read that part again. And the counsel of the froward is carried headlong. Come on. They meet with darkness in the daytime. They meet with darkness in the daytime. What does that mean? Give me that scripture in Thessalonians. When they shall say peace and safety Right Okay 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 3 For when they shall say Peace and safety Then sudden destruction cometh upon them You see that When they shall say peace and safety Then sudden destruction cometh upon them Go back to Job now That part about they meet with darkness in the daytime Job chapter 5 verse 14 they meet with darkness in the daytime. Meaning what? When they shall say peace and safety, sudden destruction shall come. Come on. they meet with darkness in the daytime and growth in the noonday as in the night. Come on. But he saveth the poor from the sword. But he saveth the poor from the sword. Who is the poor? The 12 tribes of Israel, okay? He promised to save us from the sword, from the weapons of war, okay? That's what God promised to do. He promised to save us from all the things that you non-believers in the Bible are afraid of, such as Illuminati. That's why we don't care about them and we don't put no... fair in what they say or what writings they put out, because we know who's going to save us. Exactly. Amen to that. From there, right back to Job chapter 5, and I want to part with what you read about their own craftiness or something. He take it the wise in their own craftiness. That's what I want right there. Job chapter 5, verse 13. Read it again. He take it the wise in their own craftiness. Now let's go to Habakkuk. So you might ask yourself right now, well, what does that mean for America again? Let's get some more examples how God will take them in their own craftiness. America is very crafty. He brought all nations over here, right? It's a crafty man. He says, I'm for all nations, bringing all nations to the United States of America. We love everyone. Our hand is outstretched to you. I need y'all to think just for a moment. America is the one. Hold that. Isaiah 14 verse 6. This is what America does. Isaiah chapter 14 verse 6. He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger is persecuted. What happened yesterday at Fort Hood was the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9-11. It was committed by a Muslim fanatic who shouted, Allah is great, and gunned down 44 unarmed innocent soldiers and civilians. And our president tells us not to rush to judgment, to wait until all the facts are in. What facts are we waiting for? This was an Islamist terrorist act, and I'm sorry if it's inconvenient for Washington to face the facts, but there is no question about it. It was a terrorist act. It was committed by an Islamist. We knew he was an Islamist. The military did nothing about it out of political correctness. Isaiah chapter 14 verse 16. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble? Proving that Lucifer in the Bible is man. What man? The so-called white man. Read it again. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee, saying, Is this the man? that made the earth to tremble, that made the earth to tremble through war, through bombings, that did shape kingdoms. That did shape kingdoms. You see that in Libya. You see that in Syria. You see that in Egypt. Okay, now let's go right back to Habakkuk. Now, I said all that to say this. America has been influential, and they have decimated many nations. And then when it asked... what America did once she smoked those nations in wrath, she stepped back and made like she was innocent and said, if you want freedom, bring your poor, your tired, bring them to America. You need jobs, you need money, bring them to America. All the while you have forgotten that this is the same man that smoked and destroyed and shook the kingdoms. this man did that he's the one that he did it with japan remember japan hiroshima nagasaki okay smoke them drop atom bomb on them now they say to the japanese come to america we'll do trade and buying and commerce come you got all your cards here right and japan has forgotten all that is that that's right and become very rich and lucrative doing business with america okay so now i'm back at chapter two let's start at verse five Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 5 Yet also because he transgressed by wine This man, the white man transgresses by wine The wine here is lies He transgresses through lies What's the lies that he transgresses by? His lies of democracy His buying and selling His traffic like we read in Ezekiel 28 Yeah, also because he transgressed by Y. He is a proud man. Hold that. Give me that one in Micah. Micah chapter 2 verse 11. If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying I will prophesy unto thee of wine. Read that again. If a man walking in the spirit of falsehood. If a man walking in the spirit of falsehood do lie. Saying I will prophesy unto thee of wine. Saying I will prophesy unto thee of wine. So what is the wine? Falsehood and lies. Falsehood and lies. Read it again. If a man walking in the spirit of falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and a strong drink. That's all we want. Now let's go back to where we was at originally. Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 5 Yea also because he transgresseth by wine Now we understand how this man transgresses by wine He transgresses through lies What are the lies? Democracy, colonialism, capitalism, Christianity I'm gonna forget that Yea also because he transgresseth by wine He is a proud man Neither keepeth that bold Does America keep at home? Or are they in everyone's business? This is prophesying about America, how they don't stay home, they're in all people's lands. Go ahead. He is a proud man, neither keepeth that hope, who enlarges his desire as hell. He enlarges his desire as hell. Come on. And it's as death. And it's as death. Because once America stretches their hand to a nation to enlarge their empire, to enlarge their influence, that nation that they touch turns to hell, so to speak. It's a metaphor. It ain't talking about under the ground. It's talking about their state of mind is brought low. For example, in Kuwait, remember when they got Saddam Hussein out? The abs over there said we don't want America's policies over here. Because our women will become prostitutes and our men will become homosexuals. What happened? Women became prostitutes, men homosexuals, porno shops set up. They're celebrating Christmas and all kind of foolishness. Valentine's Day, Easter. Valentine's Day, Easter. Okay. The women wear whatever the hell they want. Great crime has risen. That's what America's policy does. Freedoms, freedoms. Read it again. Yea, also because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth that bone, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satisfied. This man cannot be satisfied, come on. But gathereth unto him all nations. and heap it unto him all people. This is talking about the United States of America heaping unto himself all nations, heaping unto himself all peoples, okay? They call his place the great melting pot. Come on. Shall not all these take up a parable against him? Shall not all these nations that have come to America's shores take up a parable against him? And a taunting proverb against him? And a taunting proverb, a mocking proverb. And say woe to him that increases that which is not his? Woe to him, destruction to him, that increases that which is not his. America has increased many things that does not belong to them. Come on. How long? and to him that ladeth himself with thick clay. Right, his people, come on. Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee? Shall not all his nations that have come to the shores of America and become... United States citizens, shall they what? Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee? Shall these nations not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee? And awake that shall vex thee? And awake, and awake that shall vex thee. Why do I stress the word awake? Because there's something called sleeper cells. Sleeper cells in the United States of America. Okay? That's why God says, shall they not awake that shall vex thee? Okay, come on. Shall there not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt beam forth booties unto them? Because thou hast spoiled many nations. Now God's going to explain why these nations that are here are going to awake. Those sleeper cells are going to awake. It says, for what? Because thou hast spoiled many nations. Because America has spoiled many nations. This white man has spoiled many, many nations. All the remnant of the people shall spoil thee. All the remnant of the people that are here already shall spoil America. Was that it? Because of men's blood. Because of what? Because of men's blood. Because America, the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service, they're military! Has spilled a lot of blood. And you know what they're recently putting on the news? How America's soldiers, many of them, are killing people at random. They're putting guns to their heads. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Shooting children, innocent women. That's what they're showing on the news. Okay, was that it? Because of men's blood and for the violence of the land. And because of the violence of the land, because America is a violent, violent nation. Oh, Hillary Clinton's speech about violence is not the way, if we can all just talk, that's a smokescreen. Did America talk to the tribe of Gad and Reuben and Issachar when they wanted this land? Did they talk to the American Indians when they wanted this land? or did they infest them with smallpox and murder them and rape the women? Open your spiritual mind. From there, let's go to Job now. Job 18, verse 10. We're almost done. Job 18, verse 10. Watch this. The snare is laying for him in the ground. The snare. Snare means trap. The snare is laid for him in the ground. What's the trap that's laid for this white man in the ground? Bombs. Please, if you are inside the World Trade Center towers, do not break window. reports of an explosion of some sort at the World Trade Center. It is February 1993. The attack on New York's World Trade Center kills six people, wounds a thousand, but fails to destroy the Twin Towers. The masterminds of this attack are all living among us. They are determined to get it right the next time. A Palestinian radical is on a fundraising tour detailing his dark vision of jihad. Blood must flow. There must be widows. There must be orphans. Detroit. This event is hosted by a group called the Islamic Charity Project International. One of its main speakers is a blind Egyptian cleric, calling for Islam to rule the world. We conquer the lands of infidels, and we spread Islam by calling the infidels to Allah. Chicago, Pittsburgh, Tucson and elsewhere, radical preachers insist that the Gilles will succeed. But at the time of the attack, it was only a few days before the attack. All brothers, after Afghanistan, nothing in the world is possible for us anymore. This Arab preacher is carrying his message of hate into the American heartland. All across America, extremist groups are busy recruiting followers and honing a message of hatred. I think that picture of the network of radical Islamic groups operating thoroughly below the radar screen in the United States tells the story of 9-11. It's a plan that grew from a casual conversation between childhood friends and was nurtured by Osama bin Laden. they will bring jihad to America. The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way. Terrors shall make him afraid on every side. Terrors shall make him afraid on every side. You hear what God says? Terrors shall make him afraid on every side. That's what the Bible prophesies, brothers and sisters. You ain't gonna learn this from T.D. Jakes. You ain't gonna learn this from Creflo Dollar, Juanita Bynum, none of these pork-chop backwards preachers. You ain't gonna learn what we're showing you in the Holy Bible. Was that it? Terror shall make him afraid on every side and shall drive him to his feet. It's gonna drive this white man to his feet. He's gonna try and get everything on lockdown. Okay? Was that it? His strength shall be hunger, Britain. His strength shall be hunger, Britain. That's why you want to have all, even they got terrorists in the military. Just waiting for that call. What was that movie with Don Cheadle? Trader They all here Brothers, sisters Their terrorists are already here Some of them may be your friends Some of them Some of you black women who like to Marry outside your nation You might be married Check it out Now let me tell you something About the difference between Now I'm not saying That all Arabs are terrorists So don't get misunderstood But Most terrorists go that way. Okay, according to the Bible. According to the Bible. That's their nature. Exactly. The environment. So now, watch this. There's a difference between the Arab and the new black man. See, you go to the stores and you brothers talk about, Shalom Aki, As-Salaam-Alaikum, Muhammad. As-Salaam-Alaikum, sir. Shut up. Trying to fit in so you can get a discount on your side. Let me show you how slick many of these Arabs are. Many of these Arabs, they train their children from young. Their children are different than our children, okay? They raise their children with a motive, with a duty, obligation. Thank you I was a child, but I built my place in your hands. At that time, I only knew that you were my love. The martyrs, the martyrs, the heroes who honestly sacrificed everything they had for their country and did not kill their families, they were their slaves until they sacrificed for the sake of God They sacrificed for the sake of God And we say to the occupier that we will continue to follow the path of the martyrs until we liberate our country from the tyrants Black men, what do your children do? What are you and your children about? PlayStation. You about smoking weed. You about gang banging. You ain't about nothing. Club. Okay, how many women you got sex with? Exactly. And pollute and defile. Your children can't hang with the Arab children. Not in the state of mind you're at now, okay? Although the Bible says we are the greatest nation on the earth, we're not acting like it. We gotta come back to the law, statutes and commandments of the Bible as the Israelites. Then the Most High will open our spiritual mind. Then will he begin to elevate us above all nations. But right now, right now Mr. Black Man and Black Woman, we're in a low state of mind. Our children are in a low state of mind, okay? Our children can't hang with the Arab children. What goals do our children have? I want to be a basketball player. I want to throw a ball through a hole and make a million dollars. And a black girl baby. I want to be a video vixen. I want to shake my booty. I want to shake my breasts. That's what our kids are about. But when you ask the Arab children, they have goals. And some of their goals, they're going to reveal to you. Like we're reading here in the Bible, they have been set up. A lot of these Arabs are set up to overthrow this country. Even the Japanese, yes, the Japanese child. Devil's children are in school learning, learning, learning. And they got agendas. So to buy up the, what is it? The Wall Street. The real estate. The real estate. The property. The property. The economics of this country. That's what them children are about. But not the black and Latino child. Okay. Oh, and now you're sitting home crying. Oh, he's talking down to us. Shut up. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Pull up, black man. Put on your boots. Put on your beautiful garments. Return as the Israelites. And return and do what this Bible says. Because time is short. Okay? Time is very short. From there, let's go to Jeremiah 51 and verse 6. Jeremiah 51 and verse 6. Okay? Let me know when you got it, okay? So brothers and sisters, we got to get our minds right. That's all I'm saying. That's what God is saying. He's letting you know the prophecies for all the nations, what's going to happen in America. So don't take it personal, okay? God's given us the program. He's laid it out for us. So you got a script right here, what's going to happen. How dumb are you if you learn this and read this and still go back to... Oh, I gotta play basketball. For the video vixen, shake my breasts and booty. You just stupid. You need to be put to death. If you that dumb, you gotta strip right here! Tell me what's gonna happen, and you asleep! You falling asleep while you ignore it! Jeremiah 51 and 6 Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 6 Baseball Flee out of the midst of Babylon The Bible says flee out of the midst of Babylon And no That don't mean go on a plane and go to Libya Because you had some Israelites get on the plane and go to Egypt Now there's civil war. Mama! Mama, they on the phone! Mama! I wanna come back to America! And then she on the phone, Baby, I thought you told me you was an Israelite, and God said flee and go to another country. Baby, didn't you tell me to? Mama! I'm sorry, Mama! I'll be on plane ticket! We know what's going on. Yet another group go to Libya. Same thing. Ring, ring. I'm an American citizen. And you dumb black women are getting hooked up with dumb black boy Israelites. Stop following them. Taking you to some civil war out there. Simple as hell. That's where you get some understanding out of this. Flee out of the midst. Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 6. Flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul. Stop. Did it say deliver your body and go to another country? Deliver what? Deliver every man his soul. When it says flee, it's to flee from Babylon. It's telling you deliver your soul. Deliver your soul. How can you deliver your soul? By repenting and keeping the commandments. okay not running to another country because guess what if you're an adulterer and you flee to another country you're still what an adulterer if you're a homosexual and flee to another country what are you you're still a homosexual the bible says deliver your soul To deliver your soul means to change your ways. That's what that means. Read the verse again. Flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man and soul. Be not cut off in her iniquity. Be not cut off in her iniquity. Don't die in America's sins. That's the message God has for our people. He does not want us to die following the sins of America. Was that it? Be not cut off in her iniquity, for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance. Hear that? For this is the time of the Lord's vengeance. He will render unto her a recompense. A judgment, payback. From there, let's close it out with Luke 21. Luke 21, 25 through 28. So now, let's sum it all up. You have, because of the social network, like Facebook, they have spread the America's agenda has been spread through Libya, Egypt, Syria is trying to get its way into Japan, into Iran and Iraq. many Arab world nations now, they're realizing the trap that America has laid for them and their people, okay? You see now what has happened with Japan, okay? You see the, what was it? The earthquake. Earthquake, tsunami. Right. A lot of radiation destroying that. Exactly, a lot of radiation over there, okay? So now, Luke 21, let's read 25 through 28. Luke 21, verse 25. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth, distress of nations. And on the earth, distress of nations. That's what you see in Egypt. That's what you see in Libya. That's what you see in Syria. Distress of nations. Come on. With perplexity, the sea and the... Perplexity means confusion. Go ahead. The sea and the waves roaring. The sea and the waves roaring. That's what happened in Japan with the tsunami. The sea and the waves were roaring. Come on. Men's hearts failing them for fear. Men's hearts failing them for fear. and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. Because these men on the earth, they're scared and dying for fear because they're afraid of what's going to happen next. Come on. For the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. For the powers of the heavens, meaning the powers of the nations, shall be shaken. That's what God says. Come on. And they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud. And they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud. Come on. With power and great glory. Come on. And when these things begin to come to pass And when these things begin to come to pass What things? The perplexity of nations, okay? The men's hearts felling them for fear The sea and the waves roaring Christ says when these things begin to come to pass Did he say fall out and cry for my Lord and leave the country? Then look up Then look up And lift up your head And lift up your head For your redemption draws near. For your redemption draws near. That's what thus saith the Lord. Did he say send a care package? Lift up. Lift up your hands for your redemption draweth nigh. He didn't say donate to the Red Cross or what is that other, not ASPCA. Red Cross, Salvation Army, he didn't say do none of that stuff because half them things you donate money to and no people never see that. That's right. Christ said lift up your head for your salvation draws near. That's his command to the Israelites. That's you blacks and Latinos. You make up. the 12 tribes of Israel. So brothers and sisters, we pray that you got some understanding from today's lesson, okay? And for more information, visit our website at, okay? And with that, we give all praise to the Most High and we say shalom. Shalom. Israel. For a copy of this show and all other shows, please visit our website at