Transcript for:
Enhancing Coaching Through Learning Insights

Coaching is about learning. So a key aspect, another tip I would say to use this process would be to check in on learning. Now, a great place to check in on learning is once the process is completed. So when someone is upward laddering, we're aiming for their desired outcome. So once they get there and they say, actually, yeah, what I really want is that would be super meaningful to me, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever they get on about it.

And there should be some energy around that. And we ask, what do you learn? And that's about the whole process, how they go out there.

They'll answer in different ways. I thought that was more important. I didn't realize it was that simple or, wow, I really care about this more than I thought.

Whatever it is they're learning, very useful to check in. at the top, at the bottom, whatever. When there's a conclusion is a nice place to check in. The other place to check in might be in the process and flow.

So, you know, if it's hard for them and they're struggling, you might say, what are you learning? And very often clients will say something like, I thought I knew this. I thought I was clear. But now that you're asking me, I realize like, I don't know. And again, don't assume they want to stop at that point.

Then ask them, so then would it be helpful to continue? Yeah, yeah, it's hard, but it's helpful. So what are you learning can happen there. Another spot, and this is paying attention to momentum is really important as well.

So if they're moving up, you may not want to interrupt it with what are you learning. And at the same time, it might be really helpful. to pause and just go what are you learning and i'm like well this is really really hard but you want to keep going okay let's keep going you know and it's great if as a skillful coach you're able to listen in a way that you can remember where they were and say so where were we uh you were just talking about how you wanted to be courageous okay yeah and then we say okay so and if you were courageous what would that mean to you and now they're carrying on that's a bit of a pause sometimes the client's in flow so we don't want to interrupt it So that's another spot that it can be helpful and can be not helpful.

We have to be careful. The other place that can be really interesting is when people change direction. So I've had clients where they said, yeah, I think it would be useful if we go this way, say forward, and we start to move forward.

And then they start to go up. They start to talk about what's important and what's meaningful to them. So, again, we don't need to hold them to the process.

We can just. you know either make the observation of that and then ask them what they're learning or just ask them you know they've shifted um i i had a client that that we were going downwards and they only did like one answer downwards and then they started to go up right away and again i was just like what are you learning about yourself you're like actually i don't dwell on i don't like to i don't i don't have this dreaded outcome thing i don't Either I don't like to go there in some cases, or it just isn't useful for me. And I correct myself very quickly and, you know, reorientate to positive or to future desired outcomes.

So there's, again, it's more art than science. And a lot of the stuff in great coaching is that way. But this is a space where we can just, again, check in on learning.

Be learning. I'm learning I'm the kind of person that loves to do this. I'm learning that I'm the kind of person that needs to, I'm learning I need to spend a little bit more time on some stuff. I'm learning I might need counseling for that.

I'm learning I don't know what my values are. I'm learning that what I think is important to me isn't really important to me. It's important to other people. Again, these are powerful learnings in the process of coaching.

So again, check in with learning as much as possible. And we always emphasize that in the coaching process. It's absolutely key.

So here's a great opportunity and a great spot to check in on learning some clear spots and some spots where you need to use your judgment and the relationship and your sense of momentum. We won't always get it right. But in most cases, it's more beneficial for the client to explore their learning.

And it might be for us to keep things. going the way that we think they should.