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Brawlers Progression Guide
Jul 9, 2024
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Brawlers Progression Guide
Discussing the best Brawlers to choose at various stages of progression
Target audience: New players or those unfamiliar with all Brawlers
Commentary invited from experienced players for alternative views
Initial Unlocks (No Choices)
El Primo
Early Choices
Brock vs. Barley
: Recommend Brock but mention little impact due to early availability of both
Bow vs. M
: Recommend M (easier for new players)
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Post-Advertisement Choices
Barley vs. Colt
: Recommend Colt for higher damage and fun
Dynamike vs. 8bit
: Recommend Dynamike for ease of use
B vs. Bow
: Recommend Bow, but mentions B is easier to use
Barley vs. Bull
: Recommend Bull for ease against new players
8bit vs. Tick vs. Carl
: Recommend Carl for versatility and early investment in Power 7 and gadget
Epic Brawler Choices
B vs. Frank vs. Stu
: Recommend Frank for ease against new players
Mythic Brawler Choices
Mortis vs. Tera vs. Gene
: Recommend Mortis for fun and ease against new players
Continued Choices
Barley vs. Rosa
: Recommend Rosa for tankiness
8bit vs. Tick vs. Daryl
: Recommend Daryl for ease of play
Stu, B, and Frank
: Recommend Stu
Max, Tera, and Gene
: Recommend Max for its speed and fun factor
Leon (Legendary)
: Recommend Leon for fun over Spike and Crow
Barley (last rare Brawler)
: Automatically unlocked
8bit, Tick, or Penny
: Recommend Penny for fun and value of mortar
Griff, Pam, and B
: Recommend Griff for his toolkit
Further Mythic and Epic Choices
Tera, Gene, and Byron
: Recommend Tera for ease against new players
8bit, Tick, and Rico
: Recommend Rico
B, Pam, and Edgar
: Recommend Edgar for fun and perceived OP nature
Spike (Legendary)
: Recommend Spike for consistency
Brawler Progression Milestones
BB or Piper
: Recommend BB for ease of use
: Recommend Gus for ease of play
Squeak, Mr. P, and Gene
: Recommend Squeak
: Recommend B
Amber or Meg
: Recommend Amber for ease of use
Tick or 8bit
: Recommend 8bit
Nani or Piper
: Recommend Piper
Crow, Sandy, Meg, or Bell
: Recommend Crow for fun
: Automatically unlocked
: Recommend Bonnie for versatility
Sprout, Byron, or Gene
: Recommend Byron for skilled players, Sprout otherwise
Mortis or Tara
: Recommend Tara for fun
Expertise Recommendations and Unique Brawlers General Tips
Otis, Ash, or Mandy
: Recommend Otis for fun
Buster or Chester
: Recommend Chester for dealing with different Brawlers
RT or Janet
: Highly recommend RT for balance and usability
: Recommend Angelo for his current meta strength
: Recommend Charlie for balanced gameplay
Chester (Legendary)
: Automatically unlocked
Hank, Ash, or Mandy
: Recommend Ash for tankiness and aggressive playstyle
: Likely future nerfs, but recommend before inevitable nerfs
Final Mythic Brawler
: Recommend Byron for beginners, adjust based on experience
Progressing through choices will help players build a balanced roster.
Invite comments and thoughts for different strategies from experienced players.
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